
Tausend Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

tausend Jahre
tausend Dollar
v.T. : vom Tausend
per thousand
Preis je tausend Stück
cost per thousand
Wir schweben in tausend Ängsten.
We are frantic.
Tausend f; Tausender m Ös. Schw.
(number) thousand
Pfund n (Sterling)
tausend Pfund
pound (Sterling); libra
quid slang Br.
a grand; a thousand pounds
Pfund n (Sterling)
tausend Pfund
pound (Sterling), libra
quid slang Br.
a grand, a thousand pounds
'Tausend Morgen' (von Smiley Werktitel) lit.
'A Thousand Acres' (by Smiley work title)
'Tausend Morgen' (von Smiley Werktitel) lit.
'A Thousand Acres' (by Smiley work title)
Tausend f
Tausende pl
Abertausende pl
thousands upon thousands
'Symphonie der Tausend' (von Mahler Werktitel) mus.
'Symphony of a Thousand' (by Mahler work title)
'Symphonie der Tausend' (von Mahler Werktitel) mus.
'Symphony of a Thousand' (by Mahler work title)
Fetzen pl; Stücke pl
etw. in tausend Stücke schlagen
to smash sth. to smithereens
Fetzen pl, Stücke pl
etw. in tausend Stücke schlagen
to smash sth. to smithereens
Tausender m ugs. (Banknote mit dem Nennwert tausend) fin.
thousand coll. (banknote of denomination thousand)
Milliarde f Mrd. (tausend Millionen) math.
Milliarden pl
billion; milliard Br. dated (one thousand million)
billions; milliards
Nach dem Essen sollst du ruh'n oder tausend Schritte tun! Sprw.
After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile! prov.
Nach dem Essen sollst du ruh'n oder tausend Schritte tun! Sprw.
After dinner rest a while after supper walk a mile! prov.
tausend num
a thousand times
thousandth part
Tausend f
Tausende pl
vom Tausend v. T.
Abertausende pl
per thousand
thousands upon thousands
Tausend f
Tausende pl
vom Tausend v.T.
Abertausende pl
per thousand
thousands upon thousands
Pfund Sterling n; Pfund n (Währung) fin.
tausend Pfund
pound Sterling; pound; libra
quid slang Br.
a grand; a thousand pounds
die Furien pl (griechische Mythologie)
wie von (tausend) Furien gehetzt gejagt getrieben
the Furies (Greek mythology)
as if pursued by the furies of hell
Klacks f; Kleinigkeit f (bes. Geld)
Tausend Pfund sind für ihn ein Klacks eine Kleinigkeit.
Das hat so gut wie nichts gekostet.
A thousand pounds is a mere bagatelle to him.
It cost a mere bagatelle.
Klacks m; Kleinigkeit f (bes. Geld)
Tausend Pfund sind für ihn ein Klacks eine Kleinigkeit.
Das hat so gut wie nichts gekostet.
A thousand pounds is a mere bagatelle to him.
It cost a mere bagatelle.
Bild n, Abbildung f, Darstellung f
Bilder pl, Abbildungen pl, Darstellungen pl
im Bilde sein
Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte.
to be in the picture
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Bild n; Abbildung f; Darstellung f
Bilder pl; Abbildungen pl; Darstellungen pl
Bildchen n
Gesamtbild n; Gesamtdarstellung f
… dann ergibt sich ein differenzierteres Bild.
Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte.
little picture; small picture
overall picture
… then a more varied picture emerges.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Bild n; Abbildung f; Darstellung f
Bilder pl; Abbildungen pl; Darstellungen pl
im Bilde sein
ein differenziertes Bild zeigen bieten ergeben übtr.
... dann ergibt sich ein differenzierteres Bild.
Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte.
to be in the picture
to show present reveal a varied picture fig.
... then a more varied picture emerges.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Qual f; Qualen pl; Quälerei f; Pein f
Qualen erleiden
Qualen verursachen; Schmerzen verursachen
Die Reise war für die alte Dame eine Qual.
Kannst du dir meine inneren Qualen vorstellen?
Er lag die ganze Nacht wach und litt tausend Qualen.
Sie leben in Angst und Pein.
anguish; torment
to be in anguish
to cause anguish
The journey was a torment for the old lady.
Can you imagine my inner torment?
He lay awake all night in torment.
They live in anguish torment.
Qual f; Qualen pl; Quälerei f; Pein f
Seelenqual f; Seelenqualen pl
Qualen erleiden
Qualen verursachen; Schmerzen verursachen
Die Reise war für die alte Dame eine Qual.
Kannst du dir meine inneren Qualen vorstellen?
Er lag die ganze Nacht wach und litt tausend Qualen.
Sie leben in Angst und Pein.
anguish; torment
mental anguish; mental torment
to be in anguish
to cause anguish
The journey was a torment for the old lady.
Can you imagine my inner torment?
He lay awake all night in torment.
They live in anguish torment.
sterben v biol. med.
du stirbst
er sie stirbt
ich er sie starb
er sie ist war gestorben
ich er sie stürbe
jung sterben
eines natürlichen Todes sterben
eines gewaltsamen Todes sterben
an einer feinstaubbedingten Krankheit wie der Staublunge sterben
an einer Verletzung Wunde sterben
vor Hunger (Durst) sterben
ohne direkte Nachkommen sterben
tausend Tode sterben
im Elend sterben
to die {died; died}
you die
he she dies
I he she died
he she has had died
I he she would die
to die young
to die a natural death
to die a violent death
to die from of a PM-related disease like the dust disease
to die from an injury a wound
to die of hunger (thirst)
to die without issue
to die a thousand deaths
to die like a dog
sterben v (an)
du stirbst
er sie stirbt
ich er sie starb
er sie ist war gestorben
ich er sie stürbe
jung sterben
eines natürlichen Todes sterben
eines gewaltsamen Todes sterben
an einer Krankheit sterben
an einer Verletzung Wunde sterben
vor Hunger (Durst) sterben
ins Gras beißen; daran glauben müssen ugs.; sterben
ohne direkte Nachkommen sterben
tausend Tode sterben
im Elend sterben
to die {died; died} (of; from)
you die
he she dies
I he she died
he she has had died
I he she would die
to die young
to die a natural death
to die a violent death
to die of an illness
to die from an injury a wound
to die of hunger (thirst)
to bite the dust coll.
to die without issue
to die a thousand deaths
to die like a dog
sterben v (an)
du stirbst
sie stirbt
sie starb
sie ist
war gestorben
sie stürbe
jung sterben
eines natürlichen Todes sterben
eines gewaltsamen Todes sterben
an einer Krankheit sterben
an einer einer Wunde sterben
an einer Verletzung sterben
vor Hunger (Durst) sterben
ins Gras beißen, daran glauben müssen ugs., sterben
ohne direkte Nachkommen sterben
tausend Tode sterben
im Elend sterben
to die {died, died} (of, from)
you die
she dies
she died
she has
had died
she would die
to die young
to die a natural death
to die a violent death
die of an illness
die from a wound
to die from an injury
to die of hunger (thirst)
to bite the dust coll.
to die without issue
to die a thousand deaths
to die like a dog

Deutsche Tausend Synonyme

Promille  ÂTausendstel  Âvon  Tausend  
Jahrtausend  ÂMillennium  Âtausend  Jahre  
Milliarde  ÂMilliarden  ÂMrd.  Âtausend  Millionen  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Tausend Synonym nachschlagen

Englische mil Synonyme

milady  Eminence  Eve  Frau  Grace  Her Excellency  Her Highness  Her Ladyship  Her Majesty  Highness  His Lordship  His Majesty  Honor  Imperial Highness  Imperial Majesty  Lady  Ladyship  Lord  Lordship  Majesty  My Lady  My Lord  Reverence  Royal Highness  Royal Majesty  Serene Highness  Worship  Your Lordship  dame  daughter of Eve  distaff  domina  donna  dowager  femme  frow  gentlewoman  girl  lady  lass  matron  milord  squaw  vrouw  wahine  weaker vessel  woman  
milcher  Brahman  Indian buffalo  aurochs  beef  beef cattle  beeves  bison  bossy  bovine  bovine animal  buffalo  bull  carabao  cattle  cow  critter  dairy cattle  dairy cow  dogie  heifer  hornless cow  kine  leppy  maverick  milch cow  milk cow  milker  muley cow  muley head  musk-ox  neat  ox  oxen  steer  stirk  stot  wisent  yak  yearling  zebu  
mild  Saturnian  accepting  aestival  affable  agreeable  amiable  balmy  benign  benignant  bland  blood-hot  blood-warm  bonhomous  bright  broken  calid  calm  calming  chastened  choice  clement  compassionate  complaisant  conciliatory  cordial  dainty  dead  deferential  delicate  demulcent  dilute  diluted  docile  domesticated  dovelike  easy  easy-natured  easygoing  emollient  equable  equatorial  exquisite  fade  faint  fair  flat  flavorless  forbearant  forbearing  forgiving  genial  gentle  good-humored  good-natured  good-tempered  gruelly  halcyon  housebroken  humane  humble  inane  indifferent  indulgent  inoffensive  insipid  jejune  judicious  kind  kindly  lamblike  lax  lenient  lenitive  luke  lukewarm  meek  mellow  mellowy  merciful  mild as milk  milk-and-water  moderate  modest  mollified  mollifying  nonresistive  nonrigid  nonviolent  obeisant  obliging  pacific  pacifistic  pappy  passive  patient  peaceable  peaceful  placid  pleasant  prudent  pulpy  quiet  room-temperature  sapless  savorless  serene  smooth  sober  soft  soft as putty  softened  softening  soothing  spiceless  stale  subdued  submissive  subservient  subtropical  summery  sunny  sunshiny  sweet  sweet-tempered  tame  tamed  tasteless  temperate  tender  tepid  thermal  thermic  thin  toasty  tolerant  tractable  tranquil  tropical  unassuming  unflavored  unfrozen  unsavory  vapid  warm  warm as toast  warmish  washy  watered  watered-down  watery  weak  well-natured  whisper-soft  wishy-washy  yielding  
mildew  biodegradability  biodegradation  blast  blight  break up  breakup  cancer  canker  corrosion  corrupt  corruption  crumble  crumble into dust  decay  decompose  decomposition  degradability  degradation  dilapidation  disintegrate  disintegration  disorganization  dissolution  dry rot  fall into decay  fall to pieces  fester  fetidity  fetidness  foulness  frowst  frowstiness  frowziness  fungus  funkiness  fustiness  gangrene  go bad  go to pieces  malodorousness  mold  molder  moldiness  mortify  moth  moth and rust  must  mustiness  necrose  noisomeness  odorousness  offensiveness  oxidation  oxidization  pest  putrefy  putresce  putridness  rancidity  rancidness  rankle  rankness  reastiness  repulsiveness  resolution  rot  rottenness  rust  smelliness  smut  sphacelate  spoil  spoilage  stinkingness  stuffiness  suppurate  worm  
mildewed  bad  bad-smelling  blasted  blighted  blown  crumbling  despoiled  dilapidated  dusty  fecal  fetid  flyblown  foul  frowsty  frowsy  frowy  frowzy  fulsome  funky  fusty  gamy  gone to seed  graveolent  high  ill-smelling  maggoty  malodorous  mephitic  miasmal  miasmic  mildewy  moldering  moldy  moss-grown  moth-eaten  musty  nidorous  noisome  noxious  odorous  offensive  olid  putrid  rancid  rank  ravaged  reasty  reasy  reechy  reeking  reeky  repulsive  rotten  ruined  ruinous  rusty  smellful  smelling  smelly  smutted  smutty  stale  stenchy  stinking  strong  stuffy  sulfurous  time-scarred  timeworn  vile  weevily  worm-eaten  wormy  worn  
mildly  after a fashion  appreciably  at any rate  at best  at least  at most  at the least  at the most  at the outside  at worst  comparatively  detectably  fairly  gently  in a manner  in a way  in part  in some measure  incompletely  leastwise  like a lamb  meekly  merely  moderately  modestly  not comprehensively  not exhaustively  only  pacifically  part  partially  partly  peaceably  pro tanto  purely  quietly  relatively  simply  so far  somewhat  tamely  thus far  to a degree  to some degree  tolerably  visibly  
mildness  abnegation  abstinence  acceptance  affability  amiability  bonhomie  calm  calmness  clemency  clementness  compassion  conservatism  constraint  continence  control  cool  cordiality  deadness  dispassion  dovelikeness  easiness  easygoingness  evenness  flatness  flavorlessness  forbearance  forbearing  geniality  gentleness  golden mean  good disposition  good humor  good nature  good temper  goodnaturedness  goodtemperedness  happy medium  humaneness  humanity  humility  impartiality  inanity  insipidity  insipidness  jejuneness  jejunity  judiciousness  juste-milieu  lamblikeness  laxness  lenience  leniency  lenientness  lenity  lifelessness  meden agan  meekness  mercifulness  mercy  middle way  moderateness  moderation  moderationism  neutrality  nonviolence  nothing in excess  pacifism  patience  peaceableness  pity  prudence  quietness  repose  restraint  saplessness  savorlessness  self-abnegation  self-control  self-denial  self-restraint  serenity  sobriety  softness  stability  staleness  steadiness  sweetness  tameness  tastelessness  temperance  temperateness  tenderness  thinness  tolerance  tranquillity  unexcessiveness  unextravagance  unextremeness  unsavoriness  vapidity  via media  weakness  wishy-washiness  
mileage  account  aesthetic distance  allowance  assessment  bill  blackmail  blood money  clearance  compass  deep space  depths of space  distance  divergence  emolument  extension  extent  farness  fee  footing  hush money  infinity  initiation fee  leeway  length  lengthiness  light-years  linear measures  long time  longitude  longness  margin  measure  overall length  parsecs  perpetuity  perspective  piece  range  reach  reckoning  remoteness  retainer  retaining fee  scot  separation  space  span  stipend  stretch  stride  tribute  way  ways  yardage  
milepost  Samson post  arrow  baluster  balustrade  banister  bench mark  blaze  bookmark  cairn  catstone  compass needle  direction  direction post  doorjamb  doorpost  finger post  fist  gatepost  guide  guideboard  guidepost  hand  hitching post  hour hand  index  index finger  jamb  king post  landmark  lead  lighthouse  lightship  lubber line  mark  marker  menhir  milestone  minute hand  monument  mullion  needle  occasion  pharos  platform  pointer  post  seamark  signboard  signpost  snubbing post  stanchion  standard  stile  tower  upright  watchtower  
miles per hour  air speed  celerity  dispatch  expedition  fastness  flight  flit  flurry  ground speed  haste  hurry  instantaneousness  knots  lightning speed  precipitation  promptitude  promptness  quickness  rapidity  round pace  rpm  rush  snappiness  speed  speediness  swift rate  swiftness  velocity  
milestone  bench mark  bookmark  cairn  cardinal point  catstone  chief thing  climax  core  cornerstone  crisis  critical point  crux  essence  essential  essential matter  fundamental  gist  gravamen  great point  heart  high point  important thing  issue  kernel  keystone  landmark  lighthouse  lightship  main point  main thing  mark  marker  material point  meat  menhir  milepost  monument  nub  occasion  pharos  pith  pivot  platform  real issue  salient point  seamark  sine qua non  substance  substantive point  the bottom line  the point  tower  turning point  watchtower  
milieu  agora  air  airspace  alentours  ambiance  ambience  ambient  ambit  amphitheater  area  arena  athletic field  atmosphere  auditorium  aura  background  bear garden  belt  borderlands  bowl  boxing ring  bull ring  campus  canvas  circle  circuit  circumambiencies  circumjacencies  circumstances  circus  climate  cockpit  coliseum  colosseum  compass  confines  context  continental shelf  corridor  country  course  department  district  division  element  entourage  environing circumstances  environment  environs  feel  feeling  field  floor  forum  gestalt  ground  gym  gymnasium  habitat  hall  heartland  hinterland  hippodrome  land  lists  locale  marketplace  mat  medium  mise-en-scene  neighborhood  note  offshore rights  open forum  outposts  outskirts  overtone  palaestra  parade ground  part  parts  perimeter  periphery  pit  place  platform  precinct  precincts  premises  prize ring  public square  purlieu  purlieus  quality  quarter  range  region  ring  salient  scene  scene of action  scenery  section  sense  setting  site  situation  soil  space  sphere  spirit  squared circle  stadium  stage  stage set  stage setting  suburbs  surroundings  terrain  territory  theater  three-mile limit  tilting ground  tiltyard  tone  total environment  twelve-mile limit  undertone  vicinage  vicinity  walk  wrestling ring  zone  
militancy  action  activeness  activism  activity  aggression  aggressiveness  antagonism  bellicism  bellicosity  belligerence  belligerency  business  chauvinism  combativeness  contentiousness  doings  fight  goings-on  hostility  jingoism  martialism  militarism  motion  movement  political activism  proceedings  pugnaciousness  pugnacity  quarrelsomeness  saber rattling  stir  truculence  unfriendliness  unpeacefulness  warmongering  warpath  
militant  active  activist  activistic  aggressive  aggressor  alive  animated  antagonistic  assertive  at war  ball of fire  battler  battling  beaver  bellicose  belligerent  belted knight  bickerer  big-time operator  blade  bloodthirsty  bloody  bloody-minded  bouncing  bouncy  bravo  brawler  breezy  brisk  bubbly  bully  bullyboy  bustler  busy bee  chauvinist  chauvinistic  chipper  combatant  combative  competitor  contender  contentious  contestant  disputant  doer  duelist  eager beaver  ebullient  effervescent  embattled  enemy  energetic  enforcer  enthusiast  fencer  ferocious  feuder  fierce  fighter  fighting  fighting cock  foilsman  frisky  full of fight  full of go  full of life  full of pep  gamecock  gladiator  go-getter  goon  gorilla  hatchet man  hawkish  hood  hoodlum  hooligan  hostile  human dynamo  hustler  inimical  jingo  jingoish  jingoist  jingoistic  jouster  knight  live  live wire  lively  man of action  man of deeds  martial  mercurial  militaristic  military  new broom  offensive  operator  peppy  perky  pert  plug-ugly  political activist  powerhouse  pugnacious  pushful  pushing  pushy  quarreler  quarrelsome  quicksilver  rioter  rival  rough  rowdy  ruffian  saber-rattling  sabreur  sanguinary  sanguineous  savage  scrapper  scrappy  scuffler  self-assertive  smacking  snappy  soldier  soldierlike  soldierly  spanking  spirited  sprightly  spry  squabbler  strong arm  strong-arm man  strong-armer  struggler  swashbuckler  sword  swordplayer  swordsman  take-charge guy  thug  tilter  tough  trigger-happy  truculent  tussler  unfriendly  unpacific  unpeaceable  unpeaceful  up in arms  vivacious  warlike  warmongering  warring  warrior  wheeler-dealer  winner  wrangler  zingy  
militarism  Eisenhower Doctrine  Monroe Doctrine  Nixon Doctrine  Truman Doctrine  absolute monarchy  aggression  aggressiveness  antagonism  appeasement  aristocracy  autarchy  autocracy  autonomy  balance of power  bellicism  bellicosity  belligerence  belligerency  brinkmanship  chauvinism  coalition government  coexistence  colonialism  combativeness  commonwealth  compromise  constitutional government  constitutional monarchy  containment  contentiousness  democracy  detente  deterrence  dictatorship  diplomacy  diplomatic  diplomatics  dollar diplomacy  dollar imperialism  dominion rule  duarchy  duumvirate  dyarchy  expansionism  federal government  federation  ferocity  feudal system  fierceness  fight  foreign affairs  foreign policy  garrison state  gerontocracy  good-neighbor policy  heteronomy  hierarchy  hierocracy  home rule  hostility  imperialism  internationalism  isolationism  jingoism  limited monarchy  manifest destiny  martial law  martialism  meritocracy  militancy  military government  mob rule  mobocracy  monarchy  nationalism  neocolonialism  neutralism  nonresistance  ochlocracy  oligarchy  open door  open-door policy  pantisocracy  patriarchate  patriarchy  peace offensive  peaceful coexistence  police state  preparedness  pugnaciousness  pugnacity  pure democracy  quarrelsomeness  regency  representative democracy  representative government  republic  saber rattling  self-determination  self-government  shirt-sleeve diplomacy  shuttle diplomacy  social democracy  spheres of influence  stratocracy  technocracy  the big stick  thearchy  theocracy  totalitarian government  totalitarian regime  tough policy  triarchy  triumvirate  truculence  tyranny  unfriendliness  unpeacefulness  warmongering  warpath  welfare state  world politics  
military  aggressive  air force  antagonistic  armed force  armed forces  armed service  army  array  battling  bellicose  belligerent  bloodthirsty  bloody  bloody-minded  career soldiers  chauvinist  chauvinistic  combative  contentious  enemy  ferocious  fierce  fighting  fighting machine  forces  full of fight  ground forces  ground troops  hawkish  host  hostile  inimical  jingo  jingoish  jingoist  jingoistic  legions  martial  militant  militaristic  military establishment  naval  navy  occupation force  offensive  paratroops  pugnacious  quarrelsome  rank and file  ranks  regular army  regulars  saber-rattling  sanguinary  sanguineous  savage  scrappy  service  ski troops  soldierlike  soldierly  soldiery  standing army  storm troops  the line  the military  trigger-happy  troops  truculent  unfriendly  unpacific  unpeaceable  unpeaceful  warlike  warmongering  warring  
military operations  action  all-out war  amphibious operations  appeal to arms  armed combat  armed conflict  attack  battle  belligerence  belligerency  bloodshed  combat  combined operations  dry run  fighting  fluid operations  hostilities  hot war  la guerre  logistics  maneuver  maneuvers  might of arms  minor operations  mission  movement  open hostilities  open war  operation  operations  overseas operations  resort to arms  shooting war  staff work  state of war  the sword  total war  war  war game  war plans  warfare  warmaking  warring  wartime  
military police  Cheka  FBI  Gestapo  Interpol  MP  MVD  Mounties  NKVD  OGPU  RCMP  SP  Scotland Yard  constabulary  county police  highway patrol  law enforcement agency  police  police force  political police  posse  provincial police  riot police  secret police  security force  shore patrol  special police  state police  tactical police  troopers  vigilance committee  vigilantes  
militate  act  aid  be effective  be in action  cancel out  count  counter  countervail  discourage  favor  foil  function  further  go  have effect  have free play  have play  help  hinder  militate against  operate  oppose  percolate  perform  perk  play  prevent  promote  resist  run  take effect  tell  tick  work  
militate against  antagonize  battle  be antipathetic  be inimical  beat against  beat up against  breast the wave  buck  buffet  buffet the waves  clash  close with  collide  combat  compete with  conflict  conflict with  confute  contend against  contest  contradict  contrapose  contravene  counter  counteract  counterattack  counterpose  countervail  counterwork  cross  fight  fight against  go against  go counter to  grapple with  interfere with  join battle with  labor against  lock horns  meet head-on  offer resistance  oppose  oppugn  reluct  reluctate  resist  rival  run against  run counter to  stem the tide  strive against  struggle against  swim upstream  take on  vie with  work against  

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