
Tomatenschwarzringflecken Virus Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Tomatenschwarzringflecken-Virus n bot.
tomato black ring virus TBRV
Tomatenschwarzringflecken-Virus n bot.
tomato black ring virus TBRV
Virus m, n
Viren pl
Virus..., viral adj
HIV : Virus der Immunschwächekrankheit
HIV : Human Immuno-deficiency Virus
Arabismosaik-Virus n AMV bot.
arabis mosaic virus AMV
Erdbeerringflecken-Virus n bot.
strawberry latent ringspot virus SLRV
Himbeerringflecken-Virus n bot.
raspberry ringspot virus RRSV
Immunschwäche f med.
eine Immunschwäche haben
Virus der Immunschwächekrankheit HIV
immunodeficiency; immune deficiency
to be immunodeficient
Human Immuno-deficiency Virus HIV
jdn. vor ein Rätsel stellen; jdn. ratlos machen v
vor ein Rätsel stellend; ratlos machend
vor ein Rätsel gestellt; ratlos gemacht
mit seinem Latein seiner Weisheit am Ende sein
um etw. verlegen sein
Dieses Phänomen stellte uns vor ein Rätsel.
Die Ermittler stehen vor einem Rätsel
Sein seltsames Benehmen war ihr ein Rätsel.
Die Wissenschaftler sind angesichts dieses mysteriösen Virus ratlos.
Das Mädchen fand keine Worte.
to stump sb.; to baffle sb.; to mystify sb.; to puzzle sb.
stumping; baffling; mystifying; puzzling
stumped; baffled; mystified; puzzled
to be stumped baffled mystified puzzled
to be stumped for sth.
This phenomenon had us stumped baffled mystified puzzled.
The investigators are stumped baffled mystified.
She was stumped baffled mystified by his strange behaviour.
Scientists are stumped by this mystery virus.
The girl was stumped for words.
Tomatenschwarzringflecken-Virus n bot.
tomato black ring virus TBRV
Verursacher m; Verursacherin f; Täter m; Täterin f; Übeltäter m; Übeltäterin f; Schuldige m
Verursacher pl; Verursacherinnen pl; Täter pl; Täterinnen pl; Übeltäter pl; Übeltäterinnen pl; Schuldigen pl
jdn. als Täter überführen
Ein Virus konnte als Verursacher der Pflanzenkrankheit ermittelt werden.
to identify sb. as the culprit
A virus has been identified as the culprit behind the plant disease
iVirus n; Virus m ugs. med.
Viren pl
humanpathogene Viren
humane Papillomviren Papillomaviren HPV
Respiratorisches-Synzytial-Virus; RS-Virus med.
DNA viruses
human pathogenic viruses
human papillomaviruses HPV
respiratory syncitial virus
anfällig; empfänglich; empfindlich adj (gegenüber etw.)
alterungsempfindlich; nicht alterungsbeständig adj
frostempfindlich adj
kälteempfindlich adj
oxidationsanfällig adj
schmerzempfindlich sein
störanfällig adj
stoßunempfindlich adj
wasserempfindlich adj
nicht anfällig; unempfänglich adj
Diese Oberflächte ist sehr anfällig für Kratzer.
Das Virus kann empfindliche Personen infizieren.
Kinder sind für Schmeicheleien sehr empfänglich.
susceptible; susceptive obs. (to sth.)
susceptible to aging
susceptible to freezing
susceptible to oxidation
to be susceptible to pain
susceptible to faults
not susceptible to shocks
susceptible to water
This surface is highly susceptible to scratches.
The virus can infect susceptible individuals.
Children are very susceptible to flattery.
(Daten) beschädigen v comp.
Ein Virus hat die Systemdateien auf meiner Festplatte beschädigt.
to corrupt (data)
A virus has corrupted the system files on my hard-drive.
etwas dafürkönnen v
Was kann ich denn dafür dass ...
Kann ich was dafür wenn ich ein Virus krieg? ugs.
Ich kann ja nichts dafür dass ich großgewachsen bin.
to be sb.'s fault
Is it my fault that ...
How is it my fault if I get a virus?
It's really not my fault that nature made me tall.
hauptspeicherresident; arbeitsspeicherresident; speicherresident; resident adj comp.
hauptspeicherresidente Daten
speicherresidente Datei
residentes Virus
speicherresidentes Programm; TSR-Programm
residentes Kommando
nicht residentes Kommando
main-memory-resident; memory-resident; resident
main-memory-resident data
memory-resident file
resident virus
memory-resident program; terminate-and-stay-resident program; TSR program
resident command; build-in command
transient command
Virus...; viral adj
Abwehrkörper m; Antikörper m; Abwehrstoff m; Immunkörper m; Schutzkörper m biol.
Abwehrkörper pl; Antikörper pl; Abwehrstoffe pl; Immunkörper pl; Schutzkörper pl
Anaphylaxieantikörper m
antithrombozytärer Immunkörper
Antizellkern-Antikörper m
artfemder Antikörper
autoaggressiver Antikörper
autologer Antikörper
blockierender Antikörper
blutgruppenspezifischer Antikörper
isologer Antikörper
Kälte-reaktiver Antikörper
komplementbindender Antikörper
kreuzreagierende Antikörper
monoklonale Antikörper
nichtkonjugierter monoklonaler Antikörper
thermolabiler Antikörper
Treponema-immobilisierender Immunkörper
zellständiger Antikörper
Antikörper gegen Bruzellen
Antikörper gegen das eigene Gewebe
Antikörper gegen steroidbildende Zellen
gegen etw. Antikörper Schutzkörper entwickeln
antibody; immune body
antibodies; immune bodies
anaphylactic antibody
antiplatelet immune body
anti-nuclear antibody
xeno-antibody; xenogenic immune body
autoaggresive antibody
autologous antibody
blocking antibody
blood-group specific antibody
Epstein-Barr virus antibody
isologue antibody
cold-reactive antibody
complement-fixing antibody
cross-reacting antibody
monoclonal antibodies
unconjugated monoclonal antibody
heat-labile antibody
treponema-immobilizing immune body
cell-bound antibody
antibrucella immune body
steroid cell antibody
to develop antibodies against sth.
Arabismosaik-Virus n AMV bot.
arabis mosaic virus AMV
Erdbeerringflecken-Virus n bot.
strawberry latent ringspot virus SLRV
Himbeerringflecken-Virus n bot.
raspberry ringspot virus RRSV
Immunschwäche f; Immunitätsdefekt m med.
eine Immunschwäche haben
Virus der Immunschwächekrankheit HIV
immunodeficiency; immune deficiency
to be immunodeficient
Human Immuno-deficiency Virus HIV
Opfer fordern v (Krankheit) med.
Das Virus fordert viele Todesopfer und kann wirklich jeden treffen.
to be a killer (disease)
The virus is a serious killer and it truly does affect everyone.
Tomatenschwarzringflecken-Virus n bot.
tomato black ring virus TBRV
Verursacher m; Verursacherin f; Täter m; Täterin f; Übeltäter m; Übeltäterin f; Schuldige m
Verursacher pl; Verursacherinnen pl; Täter pl; Täterinnen pl; Übeltäter pl; Übeltäterinnen pl; Schuldigen pl
jdn. als Täter überführen
Ein Virus konnte als Verursacher der Pflanzenkrankheit ermittelt werden.
to identify sb. as the culprit
A virus has been identified as the culprit behind the plant disease.
Virus n; Virus m ugs. med.
Viren pl
abgeschwächtes Virus
adeno-assoziiertes Virus
amphotropes Virus
bakterienpathogenes Virus
Croup-assoziiertes Virus
dermatotropes Virus; dermotropes Virus
humanpathogene Viren
humanes Cytomegalie-Virus
humane Papillomviren Papillomaviren HPV
karyotropes Virus
krebsauslösendes Virus; onkogenes Virus
langsames Virus
mesogenes Virus
neurotropes Virus
nicht filtrierbares Virus
respiratorisches Synzytial-Virus; RS-Virus
synzytiales Virus
tierisches Virus
Varizella-Zoster-Virus n
attenuated virus
adeno-associated virus
amphotropic virus
bacterial virus
croup-associated virus
dermotropic virus
DNA viruses
Epstein-Barr virus; EB virus EBV
human pathogenic viruses
human cytomegaly virus HCMV
human papillomaviruses HPV
karyotropic virus
cancer-producing virus; oncogenic virus
slow virus
mesogenic virus
neurotropic virus
filter-passing virus; non-filterable virus; non-filtrable virus
respiratory syncitial virus
syncytial virus
animal virus
varicella zoster virus
durch ein Virus verursacht; durch Viren verursacht med.
caused by a virus virusses; virogenetic
anfällig; empfänglich; empfindlich adj (gegenüber etw.)
alterungsempfindlich; nicht alterungsbeständig adj
frostempfindlich adj
kälteempfindlich adj
oxidationsanfällig adj
schmerzempfindlich sein
störungsanfällig; störanfällig; fehleranfällig adj comp. mach. techn.
stoßunempfindlich adj
wasserempfindlich adj
nicht anfällig; unempfänglich adj
Diese Oberflächte ist sehr anfällig für Kratzer.
Das Virus kann empfindliche Personen infizieren.
Kinder sind für Schmeicheleien sehr empfänglich.
susceptible; susceptive obs. (to sth.)
susceptible to aging
susceptible to freezing
susceptible to oxidation
to be susceptible to pain
susceptible to faults failure malfunction; fault-prone; trouble-prone; prone to trouble
not susceptible to shocks
susceptible to water
This surface is highly susceptible to scratches.
The virus can infect susceptible individuals.
Children are very susceptible to flattery.
basenfreundlich; basophil adj biol.
basenfreundliche Zelle
basophiler Normoblast
Basophilenleukämie f
basophiles Hypophysenadenom n
basophiles Virus
basophilic cell
basophilic erythroblast; basophilic normoblast
basophilic leukaemia Br.; basophilic leukemia Am.
basophilic tumour Br. tumor Am. of the pituitary
basophilic virus
etwas dafürkönnen v
Was kann ich denn dafür, dass …
Kann ich was dafür, wenn ich ein Virus krieg? ugs.
Ich kann ja nichts dafür, dass ich großgewachsen bin.
to be sb.'s fault
Is it my fault that …
How is it my fault if I get a virus?
It's really not my fault that nature made me tall.
filtrierbar; filterbar adj
filtrierbares Virus
filterable; filtrable
filterable virus
hauptspeicherresident; arbeitsspeicherresident; speicherresident; resident adj comp.
hauptspeicherresidente Daten
speicherresidente Datei
residentes Virus
speicherresidentes Programm; TSR-Programm
residentes Kommando
nicht residentes Kommando
main-memory-resident; memory-resident; resident
main-memory-resident data
memory-resident file
resident virus
memory-resident program; terminate-and-stay-resident program; TSR program
resident command; built-in command
transient command
neu kombiniert; rekombinant adj biochem.
rekombinante DNS
rekombinante DNS-Technik
rekombinantes Protein
neu kombiniertes Virus
recombinant DNA; rDNA
recombinant DNA technology
recombinant protein
recombinant virus
(potenziell) tödlich adj
am tödlichsten
eine tödliche Waffe
ein tödliches Virus
ein tödlicher Terroranschlag
eine tödliche Umklammerung
a deadly weapon
a deadly virus
a deadly terrorist attack
a deadly deathly poet. embrace
Virus…; viral adj

Tomatenschwarzringflecken Virus Definition

(a.) Destitute of light, or incapable of reflecting it
(a.) In a less literal sense: Enveloped or shrouded in darkness
(a.) Fig.: Dismal, gloomy, or forbidding, like darkness
(a.) Expressing menace, or discontent
(adv.) Sullenly
(n.) That which is destitute of light or whiteness
(n.) A black pigment or dye.
(n.) A negro
(n.) A black garment or dress
(n.) Mourning garments of a black color
(n.) The part of a thing which is distinguished from the rest by being black.
(n.) A stain
(a.) To make black
(a.) To make black and shining, as boots or a stove, by applying blacking and then polishing with a brush.
Black art
() The art practiced by conjurers and witches
(a.) Dark-visaged
Black bass
() An edible, fresh-water fish of the United States, of the genus Micropterus. the small-mouthed kind is M. dolomiei
Black bass
() The sea bass. See Blackfish, 3.
Black book
() One of several books of a political character, published at different times and for different purposes
Black book
() A book compiled in the twelfth century, containing a description of the court of exchequer of England, an official statement of the revenues of the crown, etc.
Black book
() A book containing details of the enormities practiced in the English monasteries and religious houses, compiled by order of their visitors under Henry VIII., to hasten their dissolution.
Black book
() A book of admiralty law, of the highest authority, compiled in the reign of Edw. III.
Black book
() A book kept for the purpose of registering the names of persons liable to censure or punishment, as in the English universities, or the English armies.
Black book
() Any book which treats of necromancy.
(a.) Having black eyebrows. Hence: Gloomy
Black death
() A pestilence which ravaged Europe and Asia in the fourteenth century.
(a.) Having black eyes.
(a.) Having a black, dark, or gloomy face or aspect.
Black friar
() A friar of the Dominican order
(a.) Having a wicked, malignant disposition
Black hole
() A dungeon or dark cell in a prison
(n.) A name given by English miners to sphalerite, or zinc blende
(n.) Caramel or burnt sugar, used to color wines, spirits, ground coffee, etc.
(n.) A large leather vessel for beer, etc.
(n.) The Quercus nigra, or barren oak.
(n.) The ensign of a pirate.
Black lead
() Plumbago
Black letter
() The old English or Gothic letter, in which the Early English manuscripts were written, and the first English books were printed. It was conspicuous for its blackness. See Type.
(a.) Written or printed in black letter
(a.) Given to the study of books in black letter
(a.) Of or pertaining to the days in the calendar not marked with red letters as saints' days. Hence: Unlucky
Black Monday
() Easter Monday, so called from the severity of that day in 1360, which was so unusual that many of Edward III.'s soldiers, then before Paris, died from the cold.
Black Monday
() The first Monday after the holidays
Black monk
() A Benedictine monk.
(a.) Using foul or scurrilous language
Black pudding
() A kind of sausage made of blood, suet, etc., thickened with meal.
Black Rod
() the usher to the Chapter of the Garter, so called from the black rod which he carries. He is of the king's chamber, and also usher to the House of Lords.
Black Rod
() An usher in the legislature of British colonies.
Black salts
() Crude potash.
Black snake
(n.) Alt. of Blacksnake

tomato black ring virus TBRV Bedeutung

a children's game in which the players dance around in a circle and at a given signal all squat
Black Maria
a form of whist in which players avoid winning tricks containing hearts or the queen of spades
round dance
ring dance
a folk dance, dancers form a circle
ring vaccination administering vaccine only to people in close contact with an isolated infected patient, prevents the spread of a highly infectious disease by surrounding the patient with a ring of immunization
black operation a covert operation not attributable to the organization carrying it out
black market an illegal market in which goods or currencies are bought and sold in violation of rationing or controls
ring containment a strategy of defense in cases of bioterrorism, vaccination only of people exposed and others who are in contact with them, ring containment is a proven method of halting a smallpox epidemic
virus (virology) ultramicroscopic infectious agent that replicates itself only within cells of living hosts, many are pathogenic, a piece of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) wrapped in a thin coat of protein
parainfluenza virus a virus that causes upper respiratory infection (including the common cold and bronchiolitis), most often in children
Junin virus the RNA virus that causes Argentine hemorrhagic fever, carried by rats and mice
Lassa virus the RNA virus that causes Lassa fever
lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus the RNA virus that causes lymphocytic choriomeningitis, infects mice and monkeys and dogs and guinea pigs and human beings
Machupo virus the RNA virus that causes Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, carried by rats and mice
Ebola virus a filovirus that causes Ebola hemorrhagic fever, carried by animals, can be used as a bioweapon
Marburg virus a filovirus that causes Marburg disease, carried by animals, can be used as a bioweapon
West Nile virus
West Nile encephalitis virus
the flavivirus that causes West Nile encephalitis
myxoma virus a poxvirus closely related to smallpox virus, causes benign gelatinous tumors in humans
variola virus
smallpox virus
the virus that causes smallpox in humans, can be used as a bioweapon
variola major
variola major virus
a type of smallpox virus that has a fatality rate of up to percent
variola minor
variola minor virus
a type of smallpox virus that has a fatality rate of about percent
tobacco mosaic virus
the widely studied plant virus that causes tobacco mosaic, it was the first virus discovered ()
plant virus a plant pathogen that is a virus consisting of a single strand of RNA
animal virus an animal pathogen that is a virus
human Tell leukemia virus-
retrovirus causing Tell leukemia
human immunodeficiency virus
the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), it replicates in and kills the helper T cells
respiratory syncytial virus a paramyxovirus that forms syncytia in tissue culture and that is responsible for severe respiratory diseases such as bronchiolitis and bronchial pneumonia (especially in children)
hepatitis A virus the virus causing hepatitis A
Coxsackie virus
enterovirus causing a disease resembling poliomyelitis but without paralysis
herpes virus
any of the animal viruses that cause painful blisters on the skin
herpes simplex
herpes simplex virus
a herpes virus that affects the skin and nervous system
herpes zoster
herpes zoster virus
a herpes virus that causes shingles
herpes varicella zoster
herpes varicella zoster virus
a herpes virus that causes chickenpox and shingles
Epstein-Barr virus
the herpes virus that causes infectious mononucleosis, associated with specific cancers in Africa and China
varicella zoster virus the member of the herpes virus family that is responsible for chickenpox
human papilloma virus any of a group of papovaviruses associated with genital or oral carcinomas or a group associated with benign genital tumors
polyoma virus
a virus the can initiate various kinds of tumors in mice
slow virus a virus that remains dormant in the body for a long time before symptoms appear, kuru is caused by a slow virus
onion yellow-dwarf virus the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of onion plants
potato yellow-dwarf virus the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of potato plants
ring rot bacteria
Pseudomonas solanacearum
causes brown rot in tomatoes and potatoes and tobacco etc
tumor virus a cell-free filtrate held to be a virus responsible for a specific neoplasm
wound tumor virus
a tumor virus transmitted by leafhoppers
bladderwrack black rockweed
bladder fucus
tang Fucus vesiculosus
a common rockweed used in preparing kelp and as manure
black buffalo
Ictiobus niger
fish of the lower Mississippi
ring ouzel
ring blackbird
ring thrush
Turdus torquatus
European thrush common in rocky areas, the male has blackish plumage with a white band around the neck
black-fronted bush shrike
Chlorophoneus nigrifrons
a kind of bush shrike
black kite
Milvus migrans
dark Old World kite feeding chiefly on carrion
black vulture Aegypius monachus of southern Eurasia and northern Africa
black vulture carrion crow
Coragyps atratus
American vulture smaller than the turkey buzzard
ringneck snake
ring-necked snake
ring snake
any of numerous small nonvenomous North American snakes with a yellow or orange ring around the neck
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