
Tonfall Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Tonfall m
intonation; tone of voice
Tonfall m
intonation, tone of voice
Tonfall m
Rhythmus, Tonfall
singender Tonfall m
Tonfall m; Tonart f
mit zorniger Stimme
in an angry tone
Tonfall m, Tonart f
mit zorniger Stimme
in an angry tone
eindringlich adj
in eindringlichem Tonfall
in an urgent tone
fragend; forschend adj (Gesichtsausdruck, Tonfall)
questioning; enquiring; inquisitive; interrogative formal; interrogatory formal (of an expression on your face or tone of voice)
Rhythmus m; Tonfall m
Rhythmen pl; Tonfälle pl
Rhythmus m, Tonfall m
Rhythmen pl, Tonfälle pl
versöhnlich; konziliant geh. adj
Versöhnungsgeste f
Er bemühte sich um einen versöhnlichen Tonfall.
conciliatory gesture
He tried to sound conciliatory.
Höflichkeit f; Rücksicht f; Verbindlichkeit f
Höflichkeiten pl
aus Höflichkeit; aus Gefälligkeit
Nehmen Sie bitte Rücksicht auf die anderen Gäste und sprechen Sie in gedämpften Tonfall.
by courtesy
Please show courtesy to the other guests and speak in hushed tones.
Tonfall m; Ton m (Sprech- Schreibweise)
den richtigen Ton(fall) treffen
einen anderen Ton anschlagen
Sie hat einen unmöglichen Ton (an sich).
in gedämpftem Ton; mit gedämpfter Stimme
scharfer Ton
to pitch it right; to find the right approach
to take a different tone approach
She has an appalling way of putting things.
in hushed tones
abrasive tone
tief; leidenschaftlich; energisch; nachdrücklich; hitzig adj (gefühlsstark)
leidenschaftliche Liebe
eine tiefe Loyalität
ein glühender Anhänger einer Sache
tiefer Hass
tiefe Konzentration
ein leidenschaftlicher feuriger Kuss
ein unbändiger Stolz
wilde Entschlossenheit
eine hitzige heiße Debatte
mit energischem Tonfall; nachdrücklich
fierce; fervent (emotive)
fierce love
a fierce loyality; a fervent loyality
a fierce fervent supporter of a cause
fierce hate
fierce concentration; fervent concentration
a fierce kiss; a fervent kiss
a fierce pride; a fervent pride
fierce determination; fervent determination
a fierce debate; a fervent debate
with a fierce tone
etw. sagen können; etw. sehen; etw. erkennen v (an etw.)
sagen könnend; ersehend; erkennend
sagen gekonnt; ersehen; erkannt
Sag's mir doch!
Wie erkenne ich ob ...?
Vielleicht hatte er auch gelogen. Ich konnte es nicht sagen.
Man kann nie sagen wie er als nächstes reagiert.
Es ist schwer zu sagen wie lange das Ganze dauern wird.
Vielleicht mag sie es vielleicht auch nicht. Das kann man bei Frauen nie sagen wissen.
Soweit ich das überblicke ist er mit seiner neuen Stelle zufrieden.
Als meine Eltern hereinkamen sah ich sofort dass die Sache nicht gut stand.
An ihrem Tonfall erkannte ich dass Kim enttäuscht war.
Sie sehen ganz gleich aus. Woran erkennst du was was ist?
Welches Auto jemand fährt verrät viel über seine Persönlichkeit.
Ich hoffe man sieht es mir nicht an.
Man sieht es niemandem an ob er eine Infektion hat.
Man sieht ihm den Engländer auf einen Kilometer Entfernung an.
Die Anstrengung steht ihnen ins Gesicht geschrieben.
Man hört ihm an dass er nicht von hier ist.
Man hört ihr an dass sie erkältet ist.
Ich schmecke eindeutig einen Unterschied zwischen den beiden Saucen (heraus).
to be able to tell sth. (by from sth.)
Do tell me!
How do I tell if ...?
He might have been lying. I couldn't tell.
You can never tell what his next reaction will be.
It's hard to tell how long things will take.
She might like it or not. You never can tell with females.
As far near as I can tell he is happy at his new job.
The moment my parents walked in I could tell that things were not going well.
I could tell from her tone of voice that Kim was disappointed.
They look exactly the same. How can you tell which is which?
You can tell a lot about a person by the kind of car they drive.
I hope you cannot tell this by looking at me.
You can't tell by looking at someone if they have an infection.
You can tell he's English from a mile away.
You can tell by their face how straining it is.
You can tell by his accent that he doesn't come from around here.
You can tell by her voice that she's got a cold.
I can definitely tell a difference between the two sauces.
etw. sagen können; etw. sehen; etw. erkennen v (an etw.)
sagen könnend; ersehend; erkennend
sagen gekonnt; ersehen; erkannt
Sag's mir doch!
Wie erkenne ich, ob …?
Vielleicht hatte er auch gelogen. Ich konnte es nicht sagen.
Man kann nie sagen, wie er als nächstes reagiert.
Es ist schwer zu sagen, wie lange das Ganze dauern wird.
Vielleicht mag sie es, vielleicht auch nicht. Das kann man bei Frauen nie sagen wissen.
Soweit ich das überblicke, ist er mit seiner neuen Stelle zufrieden.
Als meine Eltern hereinkamen, sah ich sofort, dass die Sache nicht gut stand.
An ihrem Tonfall erkannte ich, dass Kim enttäuscht war.
Sie sehen ganz gleich aus. Woran erkennst du, was was ist? v
Welches Auto jemand fährt, verrät viel über seine Persönlichkeit.
Ich hoffe, man sieht es mir nicht an.
Man sieht es niemandem an, ob er eine Infektion hat.
Man sieht ihm den Engländer auf einen Kilometer Entfernung an.
Die Anstrengung steht ihnen ins Gesicht geschrieben.
Man hört ihm an, dass er nicht von hier ist.
Man hört ihr an, dass sie erkältet ist.
Ich schmecke eindeutig einen Unterschied zwischen den beiden Saucen (heraus).
to be able to tell sth. (by from sth.)
Do tell me!
How do I tell if …?
He might have been lying. I couldn't tell.
You can never tell what his next reaction will be.
It's hard to tell how long things will take.
She might like it or not. You never can tell with females.
As far near as I can tell, he is happy at his new job.
The moment my parents walked in, I could tell that things were not going well.
I could tell from her tone of voice that Kim was disappointed.
They look exactly the same. How can you tell which is which?
You can tell a lot about a person by the kind of car they drive.
I hope you cannot tell this by looking at me.
You can't tell by looking at someone if they have an infection.
You can tell he's English from a mile away.
You can tell by their face how straining it is.
You can tell by his accent that he doesn't come from around here.
You can tell by her voice that she's got a cold.
I can definitely tell a difference between the two sauces.

Tonfall Definition

(n.) A thundering
(n.) The act of sounding the tones of the musical scale.
(n.) Singing or playing in good tune or otherwise
(n.) Reciting in a musical prolonged tone
Key tone
() See Keynote.
(n.) Sound, or the character of a sound, or a sound considered as of this or that character
(n.) Accent, or inflection or modulation of the voice, as adapted to express emotion or passion.
(n.) A whining style of speaking
(n.) A sound considered as to pitch
(n.) The larger kind of interval between contiguous sounds in the diatonic scale, the smaller being called a semitone as, a whole tone too flat
(n.) The peculiar quality of sound in any voice or instrument
(n.) A mode or tune or plain chant
(n.) That state of a body, or of any of its organs or parts, in which the animal functions are healthy and performed with due vigor.
(n.) Tonicity
(n.) State of mind
(n.) Tenor
(n.) General or prevailing character or style, as of morals, manners, or sentiment, in reference to a scale of high and low
(n.) The general effect of a picture produced by the combination of light and shade, together with color in the case of a painting
(v. t.) To utter with an affected tone.
(v. t.) To give tone, or a particular tone, to
(v. t.) To bring, as a print, to a certain required shade of color, as by chemical treatment.
(n.) Sound uttered by the mouth, especially that uttered by human beings in speech or song
(n.) Sound of the kind or quality heard in speech or song in the consonants b, v, d, etc., and in the vowels
(n.) The tone or sound emitted by anything.
(n.) The faculty or power of utterance
(n.) Language
(n.) Opinion or choice expressed
(n.) Command
(n.) One who speaks
(n.) A particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbs, or a particular form of a verb, by means of which is indicated the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses.
(v. t.) To give utterance or expression to
(v. t.) To utter with sonant or vocal tone
(v. t.) To fit for producing the proper sounds
(v. t.) To vote
(v. i.) To clamor

intonation; tone of voice Bedeutung

voice a means or agency by which something is expressed or communicated, the voice of the law, the Times is not the voice of New York, conservatism has many voices
release tone ending (music) the act or manner of terminating a musical phrase or tone
attack tone-beginning a decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase
intonation the production of musical tones (by voice or instrument), especially the exactitude of the pitch relations
the act of singing in a monotonous tone
intonation singing by a soloist of the opening piece of plainsong
fixed intonation the intonation of keyboard instruments where the pitch of each note is fixed and cannot be varied by the performer
tone arm
pickup pickup arm
mechanical device consisting of a light balanced arm that carries the cartridge
a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color, after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted
voice the distinctive quality or pitch or condition of a person's speech, A shrill voice sounded behind us
tone (linguistics) a pitch or change in pitch of the voice that serves to distinguish words in tonal languages, the Beijing dialect uses four tones
quality tone
(music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound), the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely, the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet
head register
head voice
head tone
the higher ranges of the voice in speaking or singing, the vibrations of sung notes are felt in the head
chest register
chest voice
chest tone
the lower ranges of the voice in speaking or singing
voice the ability to speak, he lost his voice
tone the quality of something (an act or a piece of writing) that reveals the attitudes and presuppositions of the author, the general tone of articles appearing in the newspapers is that the government should withdraw, from the tone of her behavior I gathered that I had outstayed my welcome
voice box
a cartilaginous structure at the top of the trachea, contains elastic vocal cords that are the source of the vocal tone in speech
pure tone
a steady sound without overtones, they tested his hearing with pure tones of different frequencies
partial partial tone
a harmonic with a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency
voice mail
a computerized system for answering and routing telephone calls, telephone messages can be recorded and stored and relayed
leading tone
(music) the seventh note of the diatonic scale
whole tone
whole step
a musical interval of two semitones
quarter tone
half of a semitone
note musical note
a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound, the singer held the note too long
passing note
passing tone
a nonharmonic note inserted for transition between harmonic notes
singing voice the musical quality of the voice while singing
bass voice
the lowest adult male singing voice
baritone voice
the second lowest adult male singing voice
tenor voice
the adult male singing voice above baritone
tone language
tonal language
a language in which different tones distinguish different meanings
the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music, he tried to sing the tenor part
voice part a part written for a singer
symphonic poem
tone poem
an orchestral composition based on literature or folk tales
twelve-tone music
-tone music
twelve-tone system
-tone system
a type of serial music introduced by Arnold Schoenberg, uses a tone row formed by the twelve semitones of the chromatic scale (and inverted or backward versions of the row)
articulation voice expressing in coherent verbal form, the articulation of my feelings, I gave voice to my feelings
tone tone of voice the quality of a person's voice, he began in a conversational tone, he spoke in a nervous tone of voice
modulation pitch contour
rise and fall of the voice pitch
intonation pattern intonations characteristic of questions and requests and statements
speech communication
spoken communication
spoken language
language voice communication
oral communication
(language) communication by word of mouth, his speech was garbled, he uttered harsh language, he recorded the spoken language of the streets
the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract, a singer takes good care of his voice, the giraffe cannot make any vocalizations
tone system
tonal system
the system of tones used in a particular language or dialect of a tone language
voice something suggestive of speech in being a medium of expression, the wee small voice of conscience, the voice of experience, he said his voices told him to do it
voice over the voice on an unseen commentator in a film of television program
voice a sound suggestive of a vocal utterance, the noisy voice of the waterfall, the incessant voices of the artillery
wee small voice
small voice
voice of conscience
an inner voice that judges your behavior
representative voice
an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose, the meeting was attended by spokespersons for all the major organs of government
voice (metonymy) a singer, he wanted to hear trained voices sing it
voice (linguistics) the grammatical relation (active or passive) of the grammatical subject of a verb to the action that the verb denotes
active voice
the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb, `The boy threw the ball' uses the active voice
passive voice
the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the source) of the action denoted by the verb, `The ball was thrown by the boy' uses the passive voice, `The ball was thrown' is an abbreviated passive
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