
Trachtenjacke Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Trachtenjacke f textil.
Trachtenjacken pl
traditional jacket; traditional jerkin
traditional jackets; traditional jerkins
Trachtenjacke f textil.
Trachtenjacken pl
traditional jacket; traditional jerkin
traditional jackets; traditional jerkins
Tracht f
Trachten pl
traditional costume, national costume, dress
traditional costumes, national costumes, dresses
Tracht f
Trachten pl
Tracht f
Trachten pl
Tracht tragend
liveried, wearing livery
aufstreben, streben, trachten v
aufstrebend, strebend, trachtend
aufgestrebt, gestrebt, getrachtet
strebt auf, strebt, trachtet
strebte auf, strebte, trachtete
to aspire
streben (nach), eifern, etw. anstreben, sich mühen (um), ringen (um), trachten (nach)
strebend, eifernd, anstrebend, sich mühend, ringend, trachtend
gestrebt, geeifert, angestrebt, sich gemüht, gerungen, getrachtet
sie strebt, er
sie eifert, er
sie müht sich
sie strebte, ich
sie eiferte, ich
sie mühte sich
sie hat
hatte gestrebt, er
sie hat
hatte geeifert, er
sie hat
hatte sich gemüht
to strive {strove, striven} (for, after)
she strives
she strove
she has
had striven
streben, trachten v (nach)
strebend, trachtend
gestrebt, getrachtet
strebt, trachtet
strebte, trachtete
jdm. nach dem Leben trachten
to seek {sought, sought} (for)
to seek to kill so.
zielen (auf), richten (auf), ausrichten (auf), anvisieren (von), trachten
zielend, richtend, ausrichtend, anvisierend, trachtend
gezielt, gerichtet, ausgerichtet, anvisiert, getrachtet
zielt, richtet, richtet aus, visiert an, trachtet
zielte, richtete, richtete aus, visierte an, trachtete
to aim (at)
Gewand n; Tracht f; Kleid n übtr.
Gewänder pl; Trachten pl
Tracht tragend
Tiere im Winterkleid
liveried; wearing livery
animals in their winter livery
Streben n; Trachten n (nach)
striving (for)
Tracht f
Trachten pl
traditional costume; national costume; dress
traditional costumes; national costumes; dresses
etw. anstreben; erstreben geh. v; nach etw. streben; trachten geh.; auf etw. aus sein ugs. v
anstrebend; erstrebend; strebend; trachtend
angestrebt; erstrebt; gestrebt; getrachtet
eine aktivere Rolle anstreben
eine Karriere im Finanzsektor anstreben
Leute die nach Wohnungseigentum streben
Ich war nie darauf aus berühmt zu werden.
Sie ist mein Vorbild und viele meiner Freundinnen wollen so sein wie sie.
to aspire to sth.; to aspire to achieve sth.
aspiring; aspiring to achieve
aspired; aspired to achieve
to aspire to a more active role
to aspire to a career in finance
people who aspire to home ownership
I never aspired to become famous.
She is my role model and lots of my friends aspire to be like her.
etw. anstreben v; sich um etw. bemühen v; etw. betreiben v
sich bemühen etw. zu tun
auf Rache sinnen
jdm. nach dem Leben trachten
Schadensersatz fordern
Der Gouverneur von Kalifornien strebt eine Wiederwahl an.
Ich habe meine derzeitige Stellung nicht angestrebt.
Diese Kontroverse geht nicht von mir aus.
Die Dissidenten suchten in der Botschaft Schutz vor Verfolgung.
Sie betreiben ganz offen seinen Rausschmiss.
Wasser strebt immer nach Ausgleich.
Sie bemühten sich die Öffentlichkeit zu beruhigen.
Die Schulen bemühen sich die Abbruchrate zu verringern.
to seek sth. {sought; sought} (try to obtain or achieve)
to seek to do sth.
to seek revenge
to seek sb.'s life
to seek damages
The governor of California seeks re-election.
My present position is not of my seeking.
This controversy is not of my seeking.
The dissidents were seeking refuge from persecution in the embassy.
They are openly seeking his being sacked.
Water seeks its own level.
They sought to reassure the public.
Schools are seeking to reduce the dropout rate.
streben v (nach); eifern v; etw. anstreben v; sich mühen v (um); ringen v (um); trachten v (nach)
strebend; eifernd; anstrebend; sich mühend; ringend; trachtend
gestrebt; geeifert; angestrebt; sich gemüht; gerungen; getrachtet
er sie strebt; er sie eifert; er sie müht sich
ich er sie strebte; ich er sie eiferte; ich er sie mühte sich
er sie hat hatte gestrebt; er sie hat hatte geeifert; er sie hat hatte sich gemüht
to strive {strove; striven} (for; after)
he she strives
I he she strove
he she has had striven
zielen (auf); richten (auf); ausrichten (auf); anvisieren (von); trachten
zielend; richtend; ausrichtend; anvisierend; trachtend
gezielt; gerichtet; ausgerichtet; anvisiert; getrachtet
zielt; richtet; richtet aus; visiert an; trachtet
zielte; richtete; richtete aus; visierte an; trachtete
Das ist nicht gegen Sie gerichtet.
to aim (at)
That's isn't aimed against you.
Gewand n; Tracht f; Kleid n übtr.
Gewänder pl; Trachten pl
firmenspezifisches Farbschema und Logo (auf Transportmitteln) transp.
Tiere im Winterkleid
livery (of conveyance)
animals in their winter livery
jds. Sinn m; Denkungsart f; Grundeinstellung f; Grundhaltung f; Sinnen und Trachten poet.
in diesem Sinne; in diesem Sinn
im Sinn haben; im Auge haben übtr.
Was mir vorschwebt, ist …; Was ich mir vorstelle, ist …
ganz in meinem Sinn
meiner Meinung nach; für mein Gefühl
dieselbe Auffassung haben (bezüglich hinsichtlich)
es sich anders überlegen; sich anders besinnen geh.; sich umbesinnen selten; seine Meinung ändern
jdm. in den Sinn kommen
Ist das in Ihrem Sinn?
sb.'s mind
with this in mind; with all this in mind; having this in mind
to have in mind; to bear in mind
What I have in mind is …
that suits me fine
to my mind
to be of one mind the same mind of like mind (on about)
to change your mind
to cross sb.'s mind
Is that what you had in mind?; Does that work for you?
Streben n; Trachten n (nach etw.)
Autonomiestreben n pol.
Freiheitsstreben n
Machtstreben n
Profitstreben n
striving (for sth.)
striving for autonomy; desire for autonomy
striving for freedom
striving for power
striving for profit; profit-seeking
Tracht f; Gewand n (einer bestimmten sozialen Gruppe) textil.
Trachten pl; Gewänder pl
Büßergewand n
Gefängnistracht f
Klostertracht f
Stammestracht f
penitential garb
prison garb
conventual garb
tribal garb
etw. anstreben; erstreben geh. v; nach etw. streben; trachten geh.; auf etw. aus sein ugs. v
anstrebend; erstrebend; strebend; trachtend
angestrebt; erstrebt; gestrebt; getrachtet
eine aktivere Rolle anstreben
eine Karriere im Finanzsektor anstreben
Leute, die nach Wohnungseigentum streben
Ich war nie darauf aus, berühmt zu werden.
Sie ist mein Vorbild und viele meiner Freundinnen wollen so sein wie sie.
to aspire to sth.; to aspire to achieve sth.
aspiring; aspiring to achieve
aspired; aspired to achieve
to aspire to a more active role
to aspire to a career in finance
people who aspire to home ownership
I never aspired to become famous.
She is my role model and lots of my friends aspire to be like her.
etw. anstreben v; sich um etw. bemühen v; etw. betreiben v
sich bemühen, etw. zu tun
auf Rache sinnen
jdm. nach dem Leben trachten
Schadensersatz fordern
Der Gouverneur von Kalifornien strebt eine Wiederwahl an.
Ich habe meine derzeitige Stellung nicht angestrebt.
Diese Kontroverse geht nicht von mir aus.
Die Dissidenten suchten in der Botschaft Schutz vor Verfolgung.
Sie betreiben ganz offen seinen Rausschmiss.
Wasser strebt immer nach Ausgleich.
Sie bemühten sich, die Öffentlichkeit zu beruhigen.
Die Schulen bemühen sich, die Abbruchrate zu verringern.
Die vorliegende Studie will einen umfassenden Vergleich der Ursachen, Auswirkungen und Nachwirkungen der vergangenen Hochwasserereignisse anstellen.
to seek sth. {sought; sought} (try to obtain or achieve)
to seek to do sth.
to seek revenge
to seek sb.'s life
to seek damages
The governor of California seeks re-election.
My present position is not of my seeking.
This controversy is not of my seeking.
The dissidents were seeking refuge from persecution in the embassy.
They are openly seeking his being sacked.
Water seeks its own level.
They sought to reassure the public.
Schools are seeking to reduce the dropout rate.
The present review seeks to provide a comprehensive comparison of the causes, effects and aftermaths of past flooding events.
Trachtenanzug m
suit in the style of a traditional costume
Trachtenanzug m
Steireranzug m
suit in the style of a traditional costume
traditional Styrian suit
trachtend; verlangend; begierend adj psych. biol.
local costume group
national costume group
Trachtenjacke f textil.
Trachtenjacken pl
traditional jacket; traditional jerkin
traditional jackets; traditional jerkins
lange Hose f; Hose f textil.
Hosen pl
Baumwollhose f
Bundfaltenhose f
Caprihose f
Cargohose f; Kampfhose f
Dreiviertelhose f
Freizeithose f; Chinohose f; Chino f
Hochwasserhose f humor.
Hüfthose f; tiefgeschnittene Hose f
Keilhose f
(enganliegende) Kniebundhose f; Kniehose f
(lockere) Kniebundhose f; Kniehose f; Knickerbocker pl
Kordhose f; Cordhose f; Manchester-Hose f Nordwestdt.; Schnürlsamthose f Ös.
kurze Trachtenlederhose f; kurze Lederhose f; Lederne f Bayr. Ös. ugs.; Seppelhose f Norddt. ugs. (mit H-Trägern)
(modische) Lederhose f
Pantalons pl hist.
Pluderhose f; Pumphose f; Flatterhose f
Pluderhose f für Damen
Radlerhose f
Regenhose f; Matschhose f (bei Kindern)
Reithose f; Stiefelhose f
lange Reithose f; Jodhpur-Reithose f
Satinhose f
Schlabberhose f; schlotternde Hose f
Schlaghose f; Glockenhose f Ös.; ausgestellte Hose f
Skihose f
Skihose Schihose mit Hosenträgern; Schneehose mit Hosenträgern
Steghose f sport
Trainingshose f; Trainerhose f Schw.; Jogginghose f
wetterfeste Hose
Hose für jede Jahreszeit
eine Hose finden, die wie angegossen sitzt
die ideale Hose für Golfer
(pair of) trousers Br.; (pair of) pants Am.; trews Br. coll.; strides Br. coll.; kecks Br. coll.; daks Austr. coll.; rammies Austr. coll.; reach-me-downs dated; britches Am. coll. dated
trousers; pants
cotton trousers Br.; cotton pants Am.
pleat-front trousers Br.; pleated trousers Br. pants Am.; trousers Br. pants Am. with front pleats
Capri trousers Br.; Capri pants Am.
cargo trousers Br.; cargo pants Am.; cargoes coll.; combat trousers Br.; combat pants Am.; combats coll.
3 4 length trousers Br.; 3 4 length pants Am.
slacks; chinos; chino trousers Br.; chino pants Am.
high-water trousers Br.; high-water pants Am.; floods Am.
low-rise trousers Br.; low-rise pants Am.; hip-huggers; hipsters Br.
wedge-shaped trousers Br.; wedge pants Am.
knee breeches; breeches; britches Am. coll.
knickerbockers; knickers
corduroy trousers Br.; corduroy pants Am.
leather shorts (with H-shaped braces); lederhosen
leather trousers Br.; leather pants Am.
harem pants; yoga pants; pantaloons
cycling shorts; cycle shorts
splash trousers Br.; splash pants Am.
horse riding breeches; riding breeches; riding britches Am. coll.
jodhpur trousers Br.; jodhpur pants Am.; jodhpurs
satin trousers; satin pants
baggy trousers Br.; baggy pants Am.
bell-bottom trousers Br.; bell-bottomed trousers Br.; bell-bottomed plants Am.; bell-bottoms; flares
ski trousers Br.; ski pants Am.
ski salopettes
stirrup trousers Br.; stirrup pants Am.
tracksuit bottoms Br.; jogging bottoms Br.; sweatpants Am.; tracksuit pants Am.; jogging pants Am.
all-weather trousers; all-weather pants
all-season trousers; all-season pants
to find a pair of trousers that fit perfectly Br.
the ideal pair of pants for golfers Am.
Bauschärmel m (Trachtenmode) textil.
Bauschärmel pl
bag sleeve; bishop sleeve (traditional custumes)
bag sleeves; bishop sleeves
Trachtenmode f textil.
traditional wear
Trachtenmodegeschäft n
Trachtenmodegeschäfte pl
traditional costume shop
traditional costume shops
Schmuck m
kostbarer Schmuck m; Juwelen pl; Geschmeide n geh.
Brautschmuck m
Trachtenschmuck m
goldgefüllter Schmuck
vergoldeter Schmuck
jewellery Br.; jewelry Am.
precious jewellery
wedding jewellery jewelry
folk jewellery; jewellery worn with a folk national costume
gold-filled jewellery
gold-plated jewellery
Kleidungsvorschrift f; Kleidungsempfehlung f; Anzugsordnung f (Uniformträger Trachtenträger); Kleiderordnung f soc.
dress code
die Jungs vom Trachtenverein Dt.; die Herrn in Grün Dt. veraltet; die Spinatwachter pl Ös. veraltend (die uniformierte Polizei) ugs.
die uniformierten Polizisten und die Kriminalbeamten in Zivil
Dann kamen zwei Dutzend Ordnungshüter in voller Montur.
the boys in blue; the brass buttons; the plod Br. slang (the uniformed police)
the boys in blue and the plainclothes detectives
Two dozen boys in blue arrived in full gear.
Verein m; Klub m
Vereine pl; Klubs pl
Trachtenverein m
Alpine folklore club

Deutsche Trachtenjacke Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Trachtenjacke Synonym nachschlagen

Englische traditional jacket; traditional jerkin Synonyme

traditional  Christian  accepted  accustomed  acknowledged  admitted  ancestral  approved  authentic  authoritative  autobiographical  being done  biographical  canonical  chronologic  comme il faut  common  conformable  consuetudinary  conventional  correct  current  customary  de rigueur  decent  decorous  established  evangelical  everyday  faithful  familiar  firm  fixed  folk  formal  generally accepted  habitual  hagiographic  hallowed  handed down  heroic  historic  historied  historiographic  hoary  household  immemorial  inveterate  legendary  literal  long-established  long-standing  martyrologic  meet  mouth  mythological  normal  obtaining  of long standing  of the faith  of the folk  old  oral  ordinary  orthodox  orthodoxical  popular  prescribed  prescriptive  prevalent  proper  received  recognized  regular  regulation  right  ritual  rooted  routine  scriptural  seemly  set  sound  spoken  standard  stock  textual  time-honored  traditionalistic  tried and true  true  true-blue  understood  unwritten  usual  venerable  verbal  well-known  widespread  wonted  worshipful  
traditionalism  Mishnah  Spiritus Mundi  Sunna  Talmud  accommodation  accord  accordance  acquiescence  adaptation  adaption  adjustment  agreement  ancient wisdom  archetypal myth  archetypal pattern  authenticity  authoritativeness  canonicalness  canonicity  common law  compliance  conformance  conformation other-direction  conformity  congruity  consistency  conventionality  correspondence  custom  flexibility  folk motif  folklore  folktale  gospel truth  harmony  immemorial usage  keeping  legend  line  lore  malleability  myth  mythology  obedience  observance  orthodoxicalness  orthodoxism  orthodoxness  orthodoxy  pliancy  racial memory  reconcilement  reconciliation  religious truth  right belief  rightness  soundness  strictness  the truth  tradition  traditionality  uniformity  
traditionalist  Methuselah  antediluvian  antique  back number  conservative  dad  dodo  elder  fogy  fossil  fud  fuddy-duddy  granny  has-been  longhair  matriarch  mid-Victorian  mossback  old believer  old crock  old dodo  old fogy  old liner  old man  old poop  old woman  old-timer  patriarch  pop  pops  precisian  precisionist  reactionary  regular old fogy  relic  square  starets  
traditionally  according to use  anally  as is proper  comme il faut  complaisantly  compliantly  compulsively  conformably  conformingly  conventionally  correctly  customarily  decorously  flexibly  malleably  obediently  orthodoxly  pedantically  pliantly  properly  submissively  yieldingly  

Trachtenjacke Definition

Air jacket
() A jacket having air-tight cells, or cavities which can be filled with air, to render persons buoyant in swimming.
Cardigan jacket
() A warm jacket of knit worsted with or without sleeves.
(n.) A short upper garment, extending downward to the hips
(n.) An outer covering for anything, esp. a covering of some nonconducting material such as wood or felt, used to prevent radiation of heat, as from a steam boiler, cylinder, pipe, etc.
(n.) In ordnance, a strengthening band surrounding and reenforcing the tube in which the charge is fired.
(n.) A garment resembling a waistcoat lined with cork, to serve as a life preserver
(v. t.) To put a jacket on
(v. t.) To thrash
(n.) A jacket or short coat
(n.) A male gyrfalcon.
(n.) A thick loose woolen jacket, or coat, much worn by sailors in cold weather.
(n.) A dress of strong materials for restraining maniacs or those who are violently delirious. It has long sleeves, which are closed at the ends, confining the hands, and may be tied behind the back.
(a.) Of or pertaining to tradition
(a.) Observant of tradition

traditional jacket; traditional jerkin / traditional jackets; traditional jerkins Bedeutung

yellow jacket
yellow hornet
Vespula maculifrons
small yellow-marked social wasp commonly nesting in the ground
bed jacket a lightweight jacket worn over bedclothes (as when sitting in bed)
sport jacket
sport coat
sports jacket
sports coat
lightweight single-breasted jacket, often striped in the colors of a club or school
bomber jacket a jacket gathered into a band at the waist
bush jacket a loose fitting jacket, resembles a shirt with four patch pockets and a belt
crown crownwork
jacket jacket crown
(dentistry) dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth, tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown
dinner jacket
black tie
semiformal evening dress for men
dolman dolman jacket a hussar's jacket worn over the shoulders
donkey jacket a short thick jacket, often worn by workmen
double-breasted jacket a jacket having fronts that overlap enough for two separate rows of buttons
Eton jacket a jacket hanging to the waist and cut square at the bottom
full metal jacket a lead bullet that is covered with a jacket of a harder metal (usually copper)
jacket a short coat
jacket an outer wrapping or casing, phonograph records were sold in cardboard jackets
jacket the tough metal shell casing for certain kinds of ammunition
jerkin a tight sleeveless and collarless jacket (often made of leather) worn by men in former times
life jacket
life vest
cork jacket
life preserver consisting of a sleeveless jacket of buoyant or inflatable design
lounging jacket
smoking jacket
a man's soft jacket usually with a tie belt, worn at home
lumber jacket
a short warm outer jacket
Mae West
air jacket
an inflatable life jacket
Mao jacket a light weight jacket with a high collar, worn by Mao Zedong and the Chinese people during his regime
mess jacket
monkey jacket
shell jacket
waist-length jacket tapering to a point at the back, worn by officers in the mess for formal dinners
Norfolk jacket loose-fitting single-breasted jacket
pea jacket
a sailor's heavy woolen double-breasted jacket
pentobarbital sodium
yellow jacket
a barbiturate (trade name Nembutal) used as a sedative and hypnotic and antispasmodic
record jacket the jacket for a phonograph record
single-breasted jacket a jacket having fronts that overlap only enough for a single row of buttons
ski parka
ski jacket
a parka to be worn while skiing
water jacket a container filled with water that surrounds a machine to cool it, especially that surrounding the cylinder block of an engine
traditional knowledge
knowledge gained through tradition or anecdote, early peoples passed on plant and animal lore through legend
book jacket
dust cover
dust jacket
dust wrapper
a paper jacket for a book, a jacket on which promotional information is usually printed
jacket potato a baked potato served with the jacket on
jacket the outer skin of a potato
jacket put a jacket on, The men were jacketed
jacket provide with a thermally non-conducting cover, The tubing needs to be jacketed
traditional consisting of or derived from tradition, traditional history, traditional morality
traditional pertaining to time-honored orthodox doctrines, the simple security of traditional assumptions has vanished
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