
Trainingskurs Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Trainingskurs m sport
Trainingskurse pl
training course
training courses
Trainingskurs m sport
Trainingskurse pl
training course
training courses
Selbstbehauptungs-Training n
assertiveness training
Training n
aus dem Training
freies Training
out of training
free practice
Training n
workout, exercises
autogenes Training
autogenic training, autogenics
autogenes Training
Durch Training wird man stark.
Practice makes perfect.
Selbstbehauptungs Training
assertiveness training
aus dem Training
out of training
Durch Training wird man stark
practice makes perfect
Training, Ausbildung
Existenzgründer-Training n
training for people starting up their own business
Training n sport
aus dem Training
freies Training
hartes Training
exzentrisches Training
konzentrisches Training
ein hartes Training absolvieren
out of training
free practice
eccentric training
concentric training
to do a hard course of training
Training n
workout; exercises
Training n mit dem eigenen Körpergewicht sport
bodyweight training
autogenes Training
autogenic training; autogenics
etw. durchmachen; über sich ergehen lassen v
durchmachend; über sich ergehen lassend
durchgemacht; über sich ergehen lassen
Ich kann gut verstehen was du gerade durchmachst.
Er musste ein mehrmonatiges Training über sich ergehen lassen.
to go through sth.
going through
gone through
I can understand what you're going through.
He had to go through several months of training.
soweit sein (erwarteter Zeitpunkt)
Bald ist es soweit und ...
Wenn es dann soweit ist ...
Ich melde mich wieder wenn es soweit ist.
Gestern war es soweit.
Nach monatelangem Training ist es jetzt endlich soweit.
Wann wird es soweit sein?
to have arrived (expected moment)
The time is coming soon when ...
At that point stage ...
I'll get back to you nearer the time.
Yesterday was the big day.
After months of training the moment has finally arrived.
When will that point arrive be (reached)?
Trainingsbereich m ohne Geräte; Bereich m für freies Training (im Fitnessstudio) sport
streching area (in the fitness gym)
autogenes Training n
autogenic training; autogenics
etw. durchmachen; über sich ergehen lassen v
durchmachend; über sich ergehen lassend
durchgemacht; über sich ergehen lassen
Ich kann gut verstehen, was du gerade durchmachst.
Er musste ein mehrmonatiges Training über sich ergehen lassen.
to go through sth.
going through
gone through
I can understand what you're going through.
He had to go through several months of training.
intensiv adj (aufwendig; mit großem Einsatz)
intensives Studium
intensives Training
intensive Viehwirtschaft
intensive Ermittlungen in der Drogenszene
intensive study
intensive training
intensive livestock farming
intensive investigation into the drug scene
soweit sein (erwarteter Zeitpunkt)
Bald ist es soweit und …
Wenn es dann soweit ist, …
Ich melde mich wieder wenn es soweit ist.
Gestern war es soweit.
Nach monatelangem Training ist es jetzt endlich soweit.
Wann wird es soweit sein?
to have arrived (expected moment)
The time is coming soon when …
At that point stage, …
I'll get back to you nearer the time.
Yesterday was the big day.
After months of training the moment has finally arrived.
When will that point arrive be (reached)?
jdm. ganz schön zusetzen; jdn. ganz schön mitnehmen; jdn. ganz schön hernehmen Ös.; jdn. schaffen; jdn. schlauchen ugs. v (Sache)
ganz schön zusetzend; ganz schön mitnehmend; ganz schön hernehmend; schaffend; schlauchend
ganz schön zugesetzt; ganz schön mitgenommen; ganz schön hergenommen; geschafft; geschlaucht
Das Training schlaucht ganz schön.
Die lange Fahrt hat mich geschafft.
to wear out () sb. {wore; worn}; to tire out () sb.; to drain sb.; to poop out () sb. Am. coll. (of a thing)
wearing out; tiring out; draining; pooping out
worn out; tired out; drained; pooped out
The workouts wear you out tire you out.
The driving trip wore me out.
etw. überschätzen; zu hoch ansetzen v
überschätzend; zu hoch ansetzend
überschätzt; zu hoch angesetzt
sich überschätzen
zu hoch gegriffen angesetzt sein
Die Bedeutung kontinuierlichen Trainings kann nicht hoch genug eingeschätzt werden.
to overestimate sth.
to overestimate yourself your abilities
to be overestimated
The importance of continuous training cannot be overestimated.
Trainingsanzug m
Trainingsanzüge pl
tracksuit, track suit, sweat suit
track suits
Trainingsanzug m; Sportanzug m textil.
Trainingsanzüge pl; Sportanzüge pl
tracksuit; sweatsuit Am.; sports suit
tracksuits; sweatsuits; sports suits
Trainingsanzug m; Trainer m Ös. Schw. ugs.; Sportanzug m textil.
Trainingsanzüge pl; Trainer pl; Sportanzüge pl
tracksuit; sports suit; sweatsuit Am.; warm-up suit Am.; warm-up Am.
tracksuits; sports suits; sweatsuits; warm-up suits; warm-ups
track suit
Trainingsbedarf m sport
training need
Trainingseinheit f sport
Trainingseinheiten pl
training session
training sessions
Trainingseinheit f sport
Trainingseinheiten pl
training unit; exercise session
training unit; exercise sessions
Trainingsgerät n
Trainingsgeräte pl
Trainingsgerät n; Fitnessgerät n
Trainingsgeräte pl; Fitnessgeräte pl
exercise machine; exerciser
exercise machines; exercisers
Fitnessgerät n; Trainingsgerät n sport
Fitnessgeräte pl; Trainingsgeräte pl
piece of exercise equipment; exercise machine; exerciser
exercise equipment; exercise machines; exercisers
Trainingsgruppe f
Trainingsgruppen pl
encounter group
encounter groups
Trainingsgruppensitzung f (Psychologie)
Trainingshose f
track-suit bottoms, sweatpants
Trainingshose f; Jogginghose textil.
jogging bottoms Br.; tracksuit bottoms Br.; sweatpants Am.
lange Hose f; Hose f textil.
Hosen pl
Baumwollhose f
Bundfaltenhose f
Caprihose f
Cargohose f; Kampfhose f
Dreiviertelhose f
Freizeithose f; Chinohose f; Chino f
Hochwasserhose f humor.
Hüfthose f; tiefgeschnittene Hose f
Keilhose f
(enganliegende) Kniebundhose f; Kniehose f
(lockere) Kniebundhose f; Kniehose f; Knickerbocker pl
Kordhose f; Cordhose f; Manchester-Hose f Nordwestdt.; Schnürlsamthose f Ös.
kurze Trachtenlederhose f; kurze Lederhose f; Lederne f Bayr. Ös. ugs.; Seppelhose f Norddt. ugs. (mit H-Trägern)
(modische) Lederhose f
Pantalons pl hist.
Pluderhose f; Pumphose f; Flatterhose f
Pluderhose f für Damen
Radlerhose f
Regenhose f; Matschhose f (bei Kindern)
Reithose f; Stiefelhose f
lange Reithose f; Jodhpur-Reithose f
Satinhose f
Schlabberhose f; schlotternde Hose f
Schlaghose f; Glockenhose f Ös.; ausgestellte Hose f
Skihose f
Skihose Schihose mit Hosenträgern; Schneehose mit Hosenträgern
Steghose f sport
Trainingshose f; Trainerhose f Schw.; Jogginghose f
wetterfeste Hose
Hose für jede Jahreszeit
eine Hose finden, die wie angegossen sitzt
die ideale Hose für Golfer
(pair of) trousers Br.; (pair of) pants Am.; trews Br. coll.; strides Br. coll.; kecks Br. coll.; daks Austr. coll.; rammies Austr. coll.; reach-me-downs dated; britches Am. coll. dated
trousers; pants
cotton trousers Br.; cotton pants Am.
pleat-front trousers Br.; pleated trousers Br. pants Am.; trousers Br. pants Am. with front pleats
Capri trousers Br.; Capri pants Am.
cargo trousers Br.; cargo pants Am.; cargoes coll.; combat trousers Br.; combat pants Am.; combats coll.
3 4 length trousers Br.; 3 4 length pants Am.
slacks; chinos; chino trousers Br.; chino pants Am.
high-water trousers Br.; high-water pants Am.; floods Am.
low-rise trousers Br.; low-rise pants Am.; hip-huggers; hipsters Br.
wedge-shaped trousers Br.; wedge pants Am.
knee breeches; breeches; britches Am. coll.
knickerbockers; knickers
corduroy trousers Br.; corduroy pants Am.
leather shorts (with H-shaped braces); lederhosen
leather trousers Br.; leather pants Am.
harem pants; yoga pants; pantaloons
cycling shorts; cycle shorts
splash trousers Br.; splash pants Am.
horse riding breeches; riding breeches; riding britches Am. coll.
jodhpur trousers Br.; jodhpur pants Am.; jodhpurs
satin trousers; satin pants
baggy trousers Br.; baggy pants Am.
bell-bottom trousers Br.; bell-bottomed trousers Br.; bell-bottomed plants Am.; bell-bottoms; flares
ski trousers Br.; ski pants Am.
ski salopettes
stirrup trousers Br.; stirrup pants Am.
tracksuit bottoms Br.; jogging bottoms Br.; sweatpants Am.; tracksuit pants Am.; jogging pants Am.
all-weather trousers; all-weather pants
all-season trousers; all-season pants
to find a pair of trousers that fit perfectly Br.
the ideal pair of pants for golfers Am.
Trainingsinhalte pl
firmenspezifische Trainingsinhalte
training topics
corporate training topics
Trainingsjacke f
Trainingsjacken pl
track-suit top
track-suit tops
Trainingskurs m sport
Trainingskurse pl
training course
training courses
Trainingslager n (für Sportler)
Trainingslager pl
training camp; training base (for athletes)
training camps; training bases
Trainingsplan m
training schedule
Trainingsplatz m
Trainingsplatz m
training ground
training field
(einem bestimmten Zweck dienender) Platz m; Stätte f
Abladeplatz m
Fußballplatz m
Trainingsplatz m
ground (area of land used for a particular purpose)
dumping ground
football ground
training ground
Trainingsprogramm n
training programme
Trainingsschuh m
Trainingsschuhe pl
training shoe
training shoes {pl}
Trainingsseminar n sport
Trainingsseminare pl
training session
training sessions
Trainingsspiel n; Testspiel n (American Football) sport
Trainingsspiele pl; Testspiele pl
scrimmage Am.
ein Trainingsspiel bestreiten; ein Testspiel bestreiten v (American Football) sport
to scrimmage Am.
Trainingstagebuch n
Trainingstagebücher pl
training log
training logs
medizinische Trainingstherapie f MTT ; physikalische Trainingstherapie f; Trainingstherapie f med.
medical exercise therapy MET ; physical exercise therapy; exercise therapy
Trainingsziel n
Trainingsziele pl
training goal
training goals

Deutsche Trainingskurs Synonyme

Englische training course Synonyme

training  acclimation  acclimatization  accommodation  accustoming  adaption  adjustment  apprenticeship  arrangement  basic training  breaking  breaking-in  breeding  briefing  case hardening  clearing the decks  conditioning  cultivation  development  discipline  domestication  drill  drilling  equipment  exercise  familiarization  fetching-up  fixing  fostering  foundation  grooming  groundwork  habituation  hardening  housebreaking  improvement  in-service training  instruction  inurement  makeready  making ready  manual training  manufacture  military training  mobilization  naturalization  nurture  nurturing  on-the-job training  orientation  planning  practice  prearrangement  preliminaries  preliminary  preliminary act  preliminary step  prep  preparation  preparatory study  preparing  prepping  prerequisite  pretreatment  processing  propaedeutic  provision  raising  readying  rearing  rehearsal  schooling  seasoning  sloyd  spadework  taming  teaching  treatment  trial  tryout  tuition  tutelage  upbringing  vocational education  vocational training  warm-up  
training school  POW camp  bastille  black hole  borstal  borstal institution  borstal school  bridewell  brig  cell  concentration camp  condemned cell  death cell  death house  death row  detention camp  federal prison  forced-labor camp  gaol  guardhouse  house of correction  house of detention  industrial school  internment camp  jail  jailhouse  keep  labor camp  lockup  maximum-security prison  minimum-security prison  oubliette  pen  penal colony  penal institution  penal settlement  penitentiary  prison  prison camp  prisonhouse  reform school  reformatory  remand school  sponging house  state prison  stockade  the hole  tollbooth  

Trainingskurs Definition

Quenouille training
() A method of training trees or shrubs in the shape of a cone or distaff by tying down the branches and pruning.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Train
(n.) The act of one who trains

training course / training courses Bedeutung

assertiveness training a method of psychotherapy that reinforces you for stating negative and positive feelings directly
autogenic therapy
autogenic training
training patients in self-induced relaxation
athletic training the course of practice and exercise and diet undertaken by an athlete
activity leading to skilled behavior
military training training soldiers in military procedures
basic training the initial period of training for new military personnel, involves intense physical activity and behavioral discipline
toilet training training a young child to use the toilet
reform school
training school
correctional institution for the detention and discipline and training of young or first offenders
school ship
training ship
a ship used to train students as sailors
education training
the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior), a woman of breeding and refinement
transfer transfer of training
application of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation
vocational training
vocational education
training for a specific vocation in industry or agriculture or trade
training program a program designed for training in specific skills
preemployment training program a training program to prepare you for employment
training table planned meals for athletes in training (usually served in a mess hall)
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
a center in the Department of that trains law enforcement professionals for more than seventy federal agencies
Reserve Officers Training Corps
a training program to prepare college students to be commissioned officers
training college a school providing training for a special field or profession
training school a school providing practical vocational and technical training
spring training preseason training during the spring
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