
Unterhaltungsindustrien Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

show businesses
show businesses
unten, unterhalb adv
hier unten
da unten
weiter unten, weiter unterhalb
nach unten
unten liegen, unten sein
unten stehend
von unten
wie unten
wie unten angeführt
wie unten erwähnt
down, below
down here
down there
below, further on, further down
to lie underneath, to be down below
given below, following
from below
as below
as stated below
as mentioned below, undermentioned Br.
unten, darunter, tiefer, unterhalb adv
unter, unterhalb (von) prp, wo? +Dativ, wohin? +Akkusativ
unter aller Kritik
beneath contempt
unterhalb prp, +Genitiv
unterhalb des Grenzwertes
below the limit
unterhalb, unten, darunter adv
underneath, neath
unten, unterhalb
Baumgrenze f geogr.
Baumgrenzen pl
an entlang oberhalb unterhalb der Baumgrenze
tree line; timber line Am.
tree lines; timber lines
at along above below the tree line
Frontlenkerfahrzeug n; Frontlenker m (Motor unterhalb des Führerhauses) auto
forward control-type lorry Br. truck Am.; cab-over-engine lorry Br. truck Am.; COE lorry Br. truck Am.
Fußpferd n (unterhalb der Rah aufgehängtes Seil) naut.
footrope (suspended beneath the yard)
im Gange
im Gange sein v
Es ist geplant das Gebäude zu verkaufen.
Es kommt Bewegung in die Sache.
In Belgien sind Bestrebungen im Gange Ladendiebstahl unterhalb einer Bagatellgrenze straffrei zu stellen.
afoot; underway {adv}
to be afoot
There are plans afoot to sell the building.
Change is afoot.
Moves are afoot in Belgium to decriminalize shoplifting if a certain de minimis limit is not exceeded.
Nachweisgrenze f
Nachweisgrenzen pl
unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze liegen
detection limit; limit of detection
detection limits; limits of detection
to be below the detection limit
Schotterbett n; Kiesbett n; Kiesbettung f; Gleisbettung f; Bettung f (unterhalb der Schienen) (Bahn) constr.
erstes Schotterbett
zweites Schotterbett
Bettungsfuß m
Bettungshöhe f
track bed; road bed; ballast of the track; track ballast; gravel ballast (railway)
bottom ballast
top ballast
toe of the ballast
depth of ballast
Straßenbett n; Straßenkoffer m; Koffer m; Auskofferung f (Schicht unterhalb des Asphaltbelags) (Straßenbau) constr.
road bed roadbed excavation road bed roadbed construction; road bed; road bed (road building)
Wahrnehmungsschwelle f; Wahrnehmungsgrenze f
Wahrnehmungsschwellen pl; Wahrnehmungsgrenzen pl
unterhalb der Wahrnehmungsschwelle (von jdm.) bleiben
sich unterhalb der öffentlichen Wahrnehmungsschwelle abspielen übtr. pol.
perception threshold
perception thresholds
to remain below the perception threshold (of sb.)
to take place below public perception
infranukleär; unterhalb eines Nervenkerns (liegend gelegen) adj anat.
unten; unterhalb adv
hier unten
da unten; drunten poet.
weiter unten; weiter unterhalb
nach unten
unten liegen; unten sein
unten stehend
von unten
wie unten
wie unten angeführt
wie unten erwähnt
unten herum
down; below
down here
down there
below; further on; further down
to lie underneath; to be down below
given below; following
from below
as below
as stated below
as mentioned below; undermentioned Br.
round below
unten; darunter; tiefer; unterhalb adv
Er stand auf der Brücke und blickte auf den Fluss darunter.
beneath formal
He was standing on the bridge looking at the river beneath.
unter prp; wo? +Dat.; wohin? +Akk.
unter einem Baum liegen
sich unter einen Baum legen
unter Druck
unter null sinken
unter anderem u.a.
einer unter vielen
unter uns gesagt
den Eindruck haben dass ...
Ich hörte Stimmen unter meinem Fenster.
Sie wohnt ein Stockwerk unter mir.
Der Name des Verfassers stand unterhalb des Titels.
Den Platz unterhalb dieser Linie bitte freilassen.
Er hat sieben Leute unter sich. (Untergebene) econ.
Die Temperaturen blieben den ganzen Tag über unter null unter dem Gefrierpunkt. meteo.
Gestern Nacht hatte waren es acht Grad minus. meteo.
In England ist ein Sergeant bei der Polizei rangniedriger als ein Inspektor.
under; below; underneath; among; amongst
to lie under a tree
to lay oneself under a tree
under pressure
to drop below zero
among others; among other things; inter alia
one of many; one among many
between you and me; between ourselves
to be under the impression that ...
I could hear voices below my window.
She lives one floor below me.
The author's name was printed below the title.
Please do not write below this line.
He has seven people working below him.
The temperatures remained below freezing all day.
Last night it was eight degrees below.
In England a police sergeant is below an inspector.
unter; unterhalb (von) prp; wo? +Dat.; wohin? +Akk.
unter aller Kritik
Der Körper war unter einem Blätterhaufen begraben.
Einige Dächer brachen unter dem Gewicht der großen Schneemenge ein.
Ich genoss das Gefühl des warmen Sandes unter meinen Füßen.
Ihre Knie gaben unter ihr nach.
beneath formal; underneath
beneath contempt
The body was buried beneath a pile of leaves.
Some roofs collapsed beneath the weight of so much snow.
I enjoyed feeling the warm sand beneath my feet.
Her knees were beginning to give way beneath her.
unterhalb prp; +Gen.
unterhalb des Grenzwertes
below the limit
unterhalb; unten; darunter adv
Der Tunnel verläuft direkt unterhalb der Stadt.
Ihre blonden Haare waren unter einer Schirmmütze versteckt.
Unter seinem Hemd trug er ein auffälliges T-Shirt.
Unter ihrer äußeren Gelassenheit verbarg sie große Angst.
underneath; neath (hidden covered)
The tunnel goes right underneath the city.
Her blonde hair was hidden underneath a peaked cap.
He was wearing a garish T-shirt underneath his shirt.
Underneath her cool exterior she was very frightened.
Beruhigungsbecken n; Tosbecken n (unterhalb eines Querbauwerks in einem Fließgewässer) (Wasserbau)
stilling basin; stilling pool; stilling pond (downstream of a transverse structure in a stream) (water engineering)
Bodennullpunkt m (Standort unmittelbar oberhalb unterhalb des Detonationspunkts einer Atombombe) mil.
ground zero; hypocentre rare (site directly above beneath the detonation point of a nuclear bomb)
Düker m (Rohrleitung unterhalb eines Bauwerks oder Gewässers)
pipeline underneath a structure or water body
im Gange adv
im Gange sein v
Es ist geplant, das Gebäude zu verkaufen.
Es kommt Bewegung in die Sache.
In Belgien sind Bestrebungen im Gange, Ladendiebstahl unterhalb einer Bagatellgrenze straffrei zu stellen.
afoot; under way; toward archaic
to be afoot
There are plans afoot to sell the building.
Change is afoot.
Moves are afoot in Belgium to decriminalize shoplifting if a certain de minimis limit is not exceeded.
Gleisbett n; Gleisbettung f; Bettung f (unterhalb der Schienen) (Bahn) constr.
geschottertes Gleisbett; geschottertes Gleis; beschottertes Gleisbett; Schotterbett n; Schotterbettung f; Kiesbett n; Kiesbettung f; Schotteroberbau m
Sandbettung f; Sandbett n
Schlackenbett n; Schlackenbettung f
Absetzen auf Bettung
Abnutzung der Bettung; Schotterbettabnutzung
Auflockerung der Bettung; Bettungsauflockerung
Dicke der Bettung; Bettungsdicke; Höhe der Bettung; Bettungshöhe
Elastizität der Bettung; Elastizität des Schotterbetts
Erneuerung der Bettung
Fuß der Bettung; Bettungsfuß m
Krone der Bettung; Bettungskrone; Schotterkrone; Bettungsschulter
Querschnitt der Bettung; Bettungsquerschnitt
Reinigung der Bettung; Bettungsreinigung; Schottersiebung; Bettungsumbau
Sohle der Bettung; Bettungssohle
Verkrustung der Bettung; Verschlammung der Bettung
Tiefe der Schotterbettreinigung; Tiefe der Schotterreinigung
erstes Schotterbett
zweites Schotterbett
die Bettung verdichten
track bed; road bed (railway)
ballasted track bed; ballasted road bed; ballast bed; gravelled track bed; crushed-stone bed
asbestos residue ballast
sand ballast
slag ballast
placing on the ballast
weakening of the ballast
scarification of ballast
depth of ballast
elasticity of the ballast; resilience of the ballast
renewal of the ballast
toe of ballast
crown of ballast; top of ballast; ballast shoulder
ballast profile; ballast section
cleaning of the ballast; ballast cleaning; screening of the ballast; ballast screening; sifting of the ballast; ballast sifting
base of ballast; bed of ballast
incrustation of the ballast; choking of the ballast; fouling of the ballast
depth of screening
bottom ballast
top ballast
to tamp the ballast
Kolkwanne f; Kolkbecken n (starke Vertiefung in der Gewässersohle, die durch niederstürzendes Wasser entsteht, z. B. unterhalb eines Wehrs oder unter einem Wasserfall) (Gewässerkunde) geol.
Kolkwannen pl; Kolkbecken pl
vergößertes Kolkbecken; Kolksee m; Gumpe f
plunge pool; plunge basin (deep cavity scoured in a stream bed by falling water; e.g. downstream of a weir or at the base of a waterfall) (hydrology)
plunge pools; plunge basins
large plunge pool
Mörser m; Granatwerfer m mil.
Mörser pl; Granatwerfer pl
Gewehrgranatwerfer m
Unterlauf-Granatwerfer m (Anbau unterhalb eines Sturmgewehrlaufs)
Mörser mit gezogenem Rohr
trench mortar; mortar; grenade-thrower; grenade-launcher; bomb-thrower
trench mortars; mortars; grenade-throwers; grenade-launchers; bomb-throwers
rifle grenade launcher
underbarrel grenade launcher
rifled mortar
Nachweisgrenze f; Bestimmungsgrenze f (Labor, Messtechnik) chem. med. techn.
Nachweisgrenzen pl; Bestimmungsgrenzen pl
unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze liegen
detection limit; limit of detection; determination limit; limit of determination (laboratory, metrology)
detection limits; limits of detection; deterimination limits; limits of determination
to be below the detection limit
Planierpflug m; Planiermaschine f (für die Bettung unterhalb der Schienen) (Bahn)
ballast plough Br.; ballast plow Am. (railway)
Rechte an einer Immobilie unterhalb des Eigentumsrechts
chattels real
Steingut n; Tongut n; Irdengut n; Irdenware f (Keramik, die unterhalb der Sintergrenze gebrannt wird)
earthenware (ceramics that is not fired to the point of vitrification)
Steuergutschrift f; Negativsteuer f (bei niedrigem Einkommen unterhalb der Steuerpflicht) fin.
Steuergutschriften pl; Negativsteuern pl
refundable tax credit
refundable tax credits
Straßenbett n; Straßenkoffer m; Koffer m (Schicht unterhalb des Asphaltbelags) (Straßenbau) constr.
road bed; road bed (road building)
Unterschicht f (unterhalb der Deckschicht der Gewässersohle)
Unterschichten pl
subpavement layer; subpavement; subarmour layer Br.; subarmour Br.; subarmour Br.; subarmor layer Am.; subarmor Am. (below the armour layer of a stream bottom)
subpavement layers; subpavements; subarmour layers; subarmours; subarmours; subarmor layers; subarmors
Unterwasser n (Gewässerabschnitt unterhalb eines Wasserbauwerks) (Wasserbau)
tailwater (section of a waterbody downstream of a hydraulic structure) (water engineering)
hadaler Bereich m; Hadal n (mariner Lebensraum unterhalb von 7000 m Tiefe) envir.
hadal zone; hadal region
suburethral; unterhalb der Harnröhre des Harnleiters (liegend gelegen) adj anat.
unter prp; wo? +Dat.; wohin? +Akk.
unter einem Baum liegen
sich unter einen Baum legen
unter Druck
unter null sinken
unter anderem u. a.
einer unter vielen
unter uns gesagt
den Eindruck haben, dass …
Ich hörte Stimmen unter meinem Fenster.
Sie wohnt ein Stockwerk unter mir.
Der Name des Verfassers stand unterhalb des Titels.
Den Platz unterhalb dieser Linie bitte freilassen.
Er hat sieben Leute unter sich. (Untergebene) econ.
Die Temperaturen blieben den ganzen Tag über unter null unter dem Gefrierpunkt. meteo.
Gestern Nacht hatte waren es acht Grad minus. meteo.
In England ist ein Sergeant bei der Polizei rangniedriger als ein Inspektor.
under; below; underneath; among; amongst
to lie under a tree
to lay oneself under a tree
under pressure
to drop below zero
among other things; inter alia formal
one of many; one among many
between you and me; between ourselves
to be under the impression that …
I could hear voices below my window.
She lives one floor below me.
The author's name was printed below the title.
Please do not write below this line.
He has seven people working below him.
The temperatures remained below freezing all day.
Last night it was eight degrees below.
In England, a police sergeant is below an inspector.
unterhalb; unten; darunter adv
Der Tunnel verläuft direkt unterhalb der Stadt.
Ihre blonden Haare waren unter einer Schirmmütze versteckt.
Unter seinem Hemd trug er ein knalliges T-Shirt.
Unter ihrer äußeren Gelassenheit verbarg sie große Angst.
underneath; neath (hidden covered)
The tunnel goes right underneath the city.
Her blonde hair was hidden underneath a peaked cap.
He was wearing a garish T-shirt underneath his shirt.
Underneath her cool exterior she was very frightened.
Unterhalt, Lebensunterhalt
Unterhalt, Lebensunterhalt, Versorgung
Unterhalt, Unterhaltsgeld
verantwortlich für den Unterhalt
responsible for maintenance
Apanage f, Jahreszahlung f, Zahlung zum Unterhalt an Adelige
apanage, appanage
Instandhaltung f, Unterhalt m, Unterhaltung f
Lebensunterhalt m, Unterhalt m
seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen
sein Auskommen haben
seinen Lebensunterhalt mühsam verdienen
to earn one's living
to make a living
to eke out a living
Unterhalt m
Unterhalt m
Unterhalt m
Unterhalte pl
Unterhalt m, Unterhaltskosten pl
den Lebensunterhalt verdienen
to earn one's keep
Unterhalt m, Pflege f
Dieses Auto ist billig im Unterhalt.
This car is cheap to run.
Apanage f; Jahreszahlung f; Zahlung zum Unterhalt an Adelige
apanage; appanage
Instandhaltung f; Unterhalt m; Unterhaltung f
Lebensunterhalt m; Unterhalt m
seinen Lebensunterhalt als Lektor Kellner etc. verdienen
seinen Lebensunterhalt mit etw. verdienen
sein Auskommen haben
seinen Lebensunterhalt mühsam verdienen
to earn your living as a lecturer waiter etc.
to earn your living from through sth.
to make a living
to eke out a living
Unterhalt m; Kost und Logis (einer Person)
sich seinen Lebensunterhalt selbst verdienen
Es wird wirklich Zeit dass du arbeiten gehst und dir deine Brötchen selbst verdienst.
Ich bekomme 300 EUR pro Woche bei freier Kost und Logis.
Diese Aufsätze sind sehr kurz da muss jedes Wort etwas aussagen.
keep (of a person)
to earn one's keep
It's about time you got a job to earn your keep.
I get 300 EUR a week and my keep.
These essays are very short so every word must earn its keep.
Unterhalt m; Pflege f
aushalten v (Unterhalt bezahlen)
Er lässt sich von seiner Freundin aushalten.
to keep
He gets his girlfriend to keep him.
gemeinsam; gemeinschaftlich adj
ein gemeinsames Vorgehen
gemeinsam vorgehen; zusammenwirken
für das gemeinsame Kind Unterhalt zahlen
joint action
to take joint action
to pay maintenance Br. support Am. for the joint child
Apanage f; Jahreszahlung f; Zahlung zum Unterhalt an Adlige
apanage; appanage
Gleisinstandhaltung f; Oberbauinstandhaltung f; Gleisunterhaltung f Dt.; Geleiseunterhalt m Schw. (Bahn)
laufende Gleisinstandhaltung; laufende Oberbauinstandhaltung; laufender Unterhalt des Geleises Schw.
mechanisierte Gleisinstandhaltung; mechanisierte Oberbauinstandhaltung; machanisierter Geleiseunterhalt Schw.
Durcharbeiten des Oberbaus; planmäßiger Unterhalt des Oberbaus Schw.
kleine Instandhaltung des Oberbaus; Kleinunterhalt m des Oberbaus Schw.
maintenance of track; track maintenance (railway)
current track maintenance
mechanical track maintenance; mechanised track maintenance
scheduled full track maintenance
day-to-day track maintenance
Instandhaltung f; Erhaltung f; Unterhaltung f Dt.; Unterhalt m Schw. (von großen Anlagen) constr. envir.
Straßeninstandhaltung f; Straßenerhaltung f; Straßenunterhaltung f Dt.; Straßenunterhalt m Schw.
Instandhaltung von Wasserstraßen
maintenance; upkeep (of large facilities)
road maintenance; upkeep of roads
maintenance of waterways
Lebensunterhalt m; Unterhalt m
seinen Lebensunterhalt als Lektor Kellner usw. verdienen
seinen Lebensunterhalt mit etw. verdienen
sein Auskommen haben
seinen Lebensunterhalt gerade (mal) so bestreiten können; nur mühsam über die Runden kommen
to earn your living as a lecturer waiter etc.
to earn your living from through sth.
to make a living
to eke out a living

Deutsche Unterhaltungsindustrien Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Unterhaltungsindustrien Synonym nachschlagen

Englische show businesses Synonyme

show  Grand Guignol  Passion play  Prospero  Tom show  accompany  accord  account for  acting  advertise  affect  affectation  affectedness  afford  afford proof of  air  airiness  airs  airs and graces  alibi  allege  allegorize  antimasque  apology  apparent character  appear  appearance  appearances  approve  argue  arise  array  arrive  artificiality  ascertain  attest  attitudinizing  audience success  authenticate  auto show  ballet  bare  bazaar  be conspicuous  be evident  be indicative of  be noticeable  be revealed  be seen  be significant of  be symptomatic of  be visible  bear out  become manifest  become visible  benefit  bespeak  bestow  betoken  betray  bill  blazon  blind  blow in  bluff  bluffing  boast  boat show  bomb  brag  brandish  bravura  break  break the seal  breathe  brilliancy  bring forth  bring forward  bring home to  bring into view  bring out  bring to light  bring to notice  broadcast drama  broaden the mind  burlesque show  catechize  certify  chance  characterization  characterize  charade  cheating  cinch  cine  cinema  civilize  clarify  clear up  cliff hanger  clinch  cloak  closet drama  color  coloring  come  come forth  come forward  come in sight  come out  come to hand  come to light  comedy drama  commercial complex  conduct  conduct to  confirm  connote  contrast  corroborate  cosmorama  cover  cover story  cover-up  crack  critical success  crop out  cyclorama  dangle  daring  dash  daytime serial  deal in  debut  deception  decipher  delusion  delusiveness  demonstrate  demonstration  demythologize  denominate  denomination  denotation  denote  depict  designation  determine  develop  device  dialogue  differentiate  differentiation  diorama  direct  direct to  disclose  disclosure  discover  disguise  dismask  display  disport  dissemblance  dissembling  dissimulation  divulge  documentary drama  drama  dramalogue  dramatic play  dramatic series  dramatics  dramatize  draw the veil  duodrama  duologue  eclat  eclipse    
show business  amusement park  ballroom  cabaret  cafe chantant  cafe dansant  casino  dance floor  dance hall  dancing pavilion  entertainment industry  fun-fair  juke joint  night spot  nightclub  nitery  resort  roadhouse  show biz  tavern  theater  
show girl  artist  artiste  belly dancer  burlesque queen  chorine  chorus boy  chorus girl  conjurer  coryphee  dancer  dancing girl  ecdysiast  entertainer  exotic dancer  female impersonator  geisha  geisha girl  guisard  guiser  hoofer  impersonator  magician  mountebank  mummer  musician  nautch girl  peeler  performer  prestidigitator  public entertainer  singer  stripper  stripteaser  stripteuse  vaudevillian  vaudevillist  
show off  boast  brag  brandish  display  disport  exhibit  exhibitionist  expose  flash  flaunt  flaunter  grandstand  grandstand player  grandstander  hot dog  parade  please the crowd  showboat  swagger  trot out  
show up  accomplish  achieve  appear  approach  arise  arrive  arrive at  arrive in  assister  attain  attain to  attend  awaken  bare  be at  be evident  be found  be noticeable  be present at  be received  be revealed  be seen  be visible  become manifest  become visible  belie  betray itself  blow in  blow sky-high  blow up  bob up  break the seal  break the spell  bring to light  burst the bubble  catch  chance  check in  clock in  come  come along  come forth  come forward  come in  come in sight  come into being  come into existence  come on  come out  come to  come to hand  come to light  correct  crop out  crop up  debunk  deflate  develop  disabuse  disappoint  disclose  disconfirm  discover  discover itself  discredit  disenchant  disillude  disillusion  disillusionize  dismask  disprove  do  draw on  draw the veil  eclipse  emerge  enlighten  enter  explode  expose  extinguish  fade in  fake out  fetch  fetch up at  find  gain  get  get in  get there  get to  glare  go to  hang out  heave in sight  hit  hit town  impart  invalidate  issue  issue forth  lay bare  lay open  let daylight in  let down easy  let in on  let out  look forth  look on  loom  loom large  make  make it  manifest  materialize  meet the gaze  negate  negative  open  open up  outcrop  overshadow  peep out  pop up  present itself  prick the bubble  prove the contrary  pull in  punch in  puncture  put down  put straight  put to shame  raise the curtain  reach  rear its head  reveal  ring in  rise  roll in  see  see the light  set right  set straight  shine out  shine through  show  show through  sign in  sit in  spring up  stand forth  stand out  stream forth  strike the eye  strip bare  take in  tell the truth  time in  turn up  unblindfold  uncharm  uncloak  uncover  undeceive  undercut  undrape  undress  unfold  unfurl  unkennel  unmask  unpack  unroll  unscreen  unsheathe  unshroud  unspell  unveil  unwrap  visit  wake up  watch  witness  
showboat  Elizabethan theater  Globe Theatre  Greek theater  amphitheater  arena theater  auditorium  cabaret  circle theater  club  concert hall  exhibitionist  flaunter  grandstand player  grandstander  hall  hot dog  house  little theater  music hall  night spot  nightclub  opera  opera house  outdoor theater  playhouse  show-off  theater  theater-in-the-round  theatron  
showcase  counter  diaphane  display case  glass  glassware  light  notions counter  pane  pushcart  shopboard  shopwindow  stemware  transparent substance  vitrics  vitrine  watch crystal  watch glass  windowlight  windowpane  
showdown  antagonism  antipathy  antithesis  clashing  climax  collision  conflict  confrontation  contradiction  contradistinction  contraindication  contraposition  contrariety  contrast  counterposition  cross-purposes  disagreement  discrepancy  hostility  inconsistency  inimicalness  moment of truth  oppositeness  opposition  opposure  oppugnance  oppugnancy  perversity  polarity  repugnance  
shower  Finnish bath  Japanese bath  Kaffeeklatsch  Russian bath  Scotch mist  Swedish bath  Turkish bath  abound  abundance  accord  administer  aerosol  affluence  afford  allot  allow  ample sufficiency  ampleness  amplitude  aquamanile  aspergil  aspergillum  atomizer  automatic dishwasher  avalanche  award  ball  baptize  barrage  basin  bath  bathe  bathtub  bestow  bestow on  bidet  blood rain  blowout  bombard  bombardment  bonanza  bountifulness  bountiousness  bristle with  broadside  bumper crop  burst  cannonade  clyster  cocktail party  coffee klatch  cold shower  communicate  concentrate sprayer  confer  copiousness  costume party  crawl with  creep with  deal  deal out  deluge  descend  dinner  dinner party  dish out  dishpan  dishwasher  dispense  dole  dole out  donate  donation party  douche  drizzle  drop  drum  drumfire  enema  entertainment  evening mist  ewer  extend  extravagance  exuberance  exuberate  fall  fertility  festivity  finger bowl  flood  flow  flurry  flush  flush out  foam  foison  fork out  fountain syringe  froth  full measure  fullness  fusillade  garden party  gargle  generosity  generousness  gift  gift with  give  give freely  give out  gout of rain  grant  great abundance  great plenty  gush  hail  hand out  heap  help to  hen party  hip bath  holystone  house party  house-raising  housewarming  hummum  impart  inundate  irrigate  issue  kitchen sink  landslide  lather  launder  lavabo  lavatory  lave  lavish  lavishness  lawn party  let have  liberality  liberalness  lots  luxuriance  mask  masque  masquerade  masquerade party  maximum  mete  mete out  mist  mist concentrate sprayer  misty rain  mizzle  moisture  mop  mop up  more than enough  much  myriad  myriads  needle bath  nozzle  numerousness  offer  opulence  opulency  outpouring  overflow  overwhelm  party  patter  pelt  piscina  pitter-patter  plash  plenitude  plenteousness  plentifulness  plenty  plunge bath  pour  pour with rain  precipitate  precipitation  p  
showing  Christophanic  Satanophanic  angelophanic  apocalyptic  apparent  apparition  appearance  appearing  arising  avatar  bared  beholdable  betraying  characterization  coming  coming into being  coming-forth  demonstrating  demonstration  demonstrative  denomination  denotation  denudated  denuded  designation  detectable  differentiation  discernible  disclosed  disclosing  disclosive  disclosure  display  displaying  divested  emergence  enactment  epiphanic  epiphany  evident  evidential  evincive  exhibit  exhibition  exhibitive  exposed  exposed to view  exposing  exposition  expositional  expository  exposure  expression  expressive  eye-opening  face  fingering  forthcoming  guise  hanging out  hint  identification  in evidence  in full view  in plain sight  in view  incarnating  incarnation  incarnational  indication  indicative  indicativeness  indicatory  insight  issuance  laid bare  manifest  manifestation  manifestative  materialization  materializing  meaning  naked  naming  noticeable  observable  occurrence  open  open to view  opening  ostentation  out  outcropping  perceivable  perceptible  performance  picking out  pneumatophanic  pointing  pointing out  pointing to  presentation  presentational  presentment  production  projection  promulgatory  realization  recognizable  record  representation  retrospective  revealed  revealing  revelation  revelational  revelatory  rise  rising  seeable  seeming  selection  semblance  show  showing forth  signification  simulacrum  specification  stripped  suggestion  symptomaticness  talkative  theophanic  theophany  to be seen  unclouded  unconcealed  uncovered  undisguised  unfolding  unfoldment  unhidden  unveiled  unveiling  varnishing day  vernissage  viewable  visible  visual  witnessable  
showing off  blazon  bravura  brilliancy  daring  dash  demonstration  display  dramatics  eclat  etalage  exhibition  exhibitionism  false front  fanfaronade  figure  flair  flaunt  flaunting  flourish  histrionics  manifestation  pageant  pageantry  parade  sham  show  spectacle  splash  splurge  staginess  theatrics  vaunt  
showman  MC  auteur  ballyhoo man  barker  callboy  costume designer  costumer  costumier  director  emcee  equestrian director  exhibitor  impresario  makeup man  master of ceremonies  playreader  producer  prompter  ringmaster  scenewright  set designer  spieler  stage director  stage manager  theater man  theatrician  ticket collector  usher  usherer  usherette  
shown  ascertained  attested  authenticated  borne out  certified  circumstantiated  confirmed  corroborated  demonstrable  demonstrated  determined  displayable  displayed  established  exhibitable  exhibited  fixed  proved  proven  settled  substantiated  validated  verified  
shown up  belied  confounded  confuted  deflated  denied  discarded  discredited  dismissed  disproved  disputed  exploded  exposed  impugned  invalidated  negated  negatived  overthrown  overturned  punctured  refuted  rejected  upset  
showy  Byzantine  Gongoresque  Johnsonian  affected  arabesque  baroque  bedizened  big-sounding  brave  bravura  braw  chichi  conspicuous  convoluted  daring  dashing  declamatory  dressy  elaborate  elevated  euphuistic  exhibitionistic  fancy  flamboyant  flaming  flashing  flashy  flaunting  florid  frilly  frothy  fulsome  fussy  gallant  garish  gaudy  gay  glittering  gorgeous  grandiloquent  grandiose  grandisonant  high-flowing  high-flown  high-flying  high-sounding  highfalutin  inkhorn  intricate  jaunty  jazzy  labyrinthine  lexiphanic  lofty  lurid  luxurious  magniloquent  meretricious  opulent  ornate  orotund  ostentatious  overdone  overelaborate  overinvolved  overwrought  peacockish  peacocky  pedantic  pompous  pretentious  rakish  resplendent  rhetorical  rococo  sensational  sensationalistic  sententious  show-off  snazzy  sonorous  splashy  splurgy  sporty  stilted  sumptuous  swank  tall  tawdry  tortuous  

Unterhaltungsindustrien Definition

(pl. ) of Business
(n.) A show carried about in a box
(v. t.) To exhibit or present to view
(v. t.) To exhibit to the mental view
(v. t.) Specifically, to make known the way to (a person)
(v. t.) To make apparent or clear, as by evidence, testimony, or reasoning
(v. t.) To bestow
(v. i.) To exhibit or manifest one's self or itself
(v. i.) To have a certain appearance, as well or ill, fit or unfit
(n.) The act of showing, or bringing to view
(n.) That which os shown, or brought to view
(n.) Proud or ostentatious display
(n.) Semblance
(n.) False semblance
(n.) A discharge, from the vagina, of mucus streaked with blood, occuring a short time before labor.
(n.) A pale blue flame, at the top of a candle flame, indicating the presence of fire damp.

show businesses Bedeutung

dog show a competitive exhibition of dogs
raree-show a street show
show the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining, a remarkable show of skill
floor show
a series of acts at a night club
ice show any entertainment performed by ice skaters
light show a display of colored lights moving in shifting patterns
road show a show on tour
Wild West Show
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
a spectacular show organized in by William F. Cody that featured horseback riding and marksmanship on a large scale, toured the United States and Europe
strip show
a form of erotic entertainment in which a dancer gradually undresses to music, she did a strip right in front of everyone
dumb show
a performance using gestures and body movements without words
appearance show pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression, they try to keep up appearances, that ceremony is just for show
show trial a trial held for show, the guilt of the accused person has been decided in advance
display window
shop window
show window
a window of a store facing onto the street, used to display merchandise for sale in the store
something that is strikingly attractive or has great popular appeal, she has a show-stopper of a smile, the brilliant orange flowers against the green foliage were a showstopper
a movie
film picture moving picture
moving-picture show
motion picture
motion-picture show
picture show
a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement, they went to a movie every Saturday night, the film was shot on location
show a social event involving a public performance or entertainment, they wanted to see some of the shows on Broadway
news program
news show
a program devoted to current events, often using interviews and commentary, we watch the o'clock news every night
talk show
chat show
a program during which well-known people discuss a topic or answer questions telephoned in by the audience, in England they call a talk show a chat show
television program
TV program
television show
TV show
a program broadcast by television
game show
a television or radio program in which contestants compete for awards
show bill
show card
theatrical poster
a poster advertising a show or play
display show something intended to communicate a particular impression, made a display of strength, a show of impatience, a good show of looking interested
an act so striking or impressive that the show must be delayed until the audience quiets down
galanty show
shadow show
shadow play
a drama executed by throwing shadows on a wall
puppet show
puppet play
a show in which the actors are puppets
minstrel show a variety show in which the performers are made up in blackface
variety show
a show consisting of a series of short unrelated performances
entertainment industry
show business
show biz
those involved in providing entertainment: radio and television and films and theater
minstrel show a troupe of performers in blackface typically giving a comic program of negro songs and jokes
an exhibition of pictures or objects viewed through a small hole or magnifying glass
Show Me State
a midwestern state in central United States, a border state during the American Civil War, Missouri was admitted to the Confederacy without actually seceding from the Union
someone who deliberately behaves in such a way as to attract attention
someone who shirks duty
no-show a guest who fails to notify a hotel or restaurant when canceling a reservation
show window
a setting in which something can be displayed to best effect, it was a showcase for democracy in Africa
show time the point in time at which an entertainment (a movie or television show etc.) is scheduled to begin
come on come out
turn up
show up
appear or become visible, make a showing, She turned up at the funeral, I hope the list key is going to surface again
establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment, The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound, The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture
read register
show record
indicate a certain reading, of gauges and instruments, The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero, The gauge read `empty'
show give evidence of, as of records, The diary shows his distress that evening
indicate point
designate show
indicate a place, direction, person, or thing, either spatially or figuratively, I showed the customer the glove section, He pointed to the empty parking space, he indicated his opponents
express show evince give expression to, She showed her disappointment
testify bear witness prove
evidence show
provide evidence for, The blood test showed that he was the father, Her behavior testified to her incompetence
show finish third or better in a horse or dog race, he bet on number six to show
show the door ask to leave, I was shown the door when I asked for a raise
render show
show in, or as in, a picture, This scene depicts country life, the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting
take (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums, The usher showed us to our seats
make visible or noticeable, She showed her talent for cooking, Show me your etchings, please
show show up be or become visible or noticeable, His good upbringing really shows, The dirty side will show
flash show off
display proudly, act ostentatiously or pretentiously, he showed off his new sports car
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