
Veilchenmusketier Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Veilchenmusketier n ornith.
Violet-throated Starfrontlet
Veilchenmusketier n ornith.
Violet-throated Starfrontlet
Veilchen n biol.
Veilchen pl
Auge n anat.
Augen pl
ein Auge zudrücken übtr.
mit aufgerissenen Augen
mit bloßem Auge
mit freiem Auge nicht erkennbar
unter vier Augen
jdn. aus dem Auge verlieren übtr.
mit einem blauen Auge davonkommen übtr.; glimpflich davonkommen
sich sehenden Auges auf ein Risiko einlassen
mit offenen Augen durch's Leben gehen übtr.
blaues Auge; Veilchen n ugs. med.
schrägstehende Augen
stechende Augen
wässrige Augen
große Augen machen
direkt vor den Augen von
Augen mit schweren Lidern
mit aufgerissenen Augen; großäugig adj
mit zusammengekniffenen Augen
vor meinem geistigen Auge
seine Augen überall haben; alles sehen; hellseherische Fähigkeiten haben
jdn. etw. vor Augen haben
jdm. die Augen öffnen
nicht nur ein sondern beide Augen zudrücken (bei etw.) übtr.
Er hat ein blaues Auge.
to turn a blind eye fig.
saucer eyed
with the naked eye; for the naked eye
cannot be seen with the naked eye
in private
to lose sight of sb.
to get off cheaply; to get off lightly
to go into a risk with one's eyes open fig.
to go through life with one's eyes open fig.
black eye; shiner coll.
slanted eyes
ferrety eyes
liquid eyes
to be all eyes
in full view of
hooded eyes
wide-eyed; round-eyed
with narrowed eyes
in my mind's eye
to have eyes at the back of your head
to see sb. sth. in one's mind's eye; to keep sb. sth. in mind; to keep sb. sth. in sight
to give sb. a reality check
to turn not just a blind eye but an entire blind sense-set (to sth.) fig.
He has a black eye.
Veilchen pl; Violen pl (Viola) (botanische Gattung) bot.
violets; violas (botanical genus)
mordsmäßig; gewaltig; heftig; einmalig
ein verrücktes Jahr
ein heftiger Temperamentsausbruch
Das gibt ein mordmäßiges Veilchen.
Der Schneesturm heute Nacht wird ganz schön heftig sein.
Seine Kommentare waren wirklich einmalig.
a doozy (of a sth.) Am. coll.
a doozy of a year
a doozy of a temper tantrum
It's gonna be a doozy of a black eye.
The snowstorm tonight is going to be a doozy.
His comments have been real doozies.
Auge n anat.
Augen pl
geistiges Auge übtr.
ein Auge zudrücken übtr.
mit aufgerissenen Augen
mit bloßem Auge
mit freiem Auge nicht erkennbar
unter vier Augen
jdn. aus dem Auge verlieren übtr.
sich sehenden Auges auf ein Risiko einlassen
mit offenen Augen durch's Leben gehen übtr.
blaues Auge; Veilchen n ugs. med.
schrägstehende Augen
stechende Augen
wässrige Augen
große Augen machen
direkt vor den Augen von
Augen mit schweren Lidern
mit aufgerissenen Augen; großäugig adj
mit zusammengekniffenen Augen
vor meinem geistigen Auge
seine Augen überall haben; alles sehen; hellseherische Fähigkeiten haben
jdn. etw. vor Augen haben
jdm. die Augen öffnen
nicht nur ein, sondern beide Augen zudrücken (bei etw.) übtr.
Er hat ein blaues Auge.
mind's eye
to turn a blind eye fig.
saucer eyed
with the naked eye; for the naked eye
cannot be seen with the naked eye
in private
to lose sight of sb.
to go into a risk with one's eyes open fig.
to go through life with one's eyes open fig.
black eye; shiner coll.
slanted eyes
ferrety eyes
liquid eyes
to be all eyes
in full view of
hooded eyes
wide-eyed; round-eyed
with narrowed eyes
in my mind's eye
to have eyes at the back of your head
to see sb. sth. in one's mind's eye; to keep sb. sth. in mind; to keep sb. sth. in sight
to give sb. a reality check
to turn not just a blind eye but an entire blind sense-set (to sth.) fig.
He has a black eye.
mordsmäßig; gewaltig; heftig; einmalig adj
ein verrücktes Jahr
ein heftiger Temperamentsausbruch
Das gibt ein mordmäßiges Veilchen.
Der Schneesturm heute Nacht wird ganz schön heftig sein.
Seine Kommentare waren wirklich einmalig.
a doozy (of a sth.) Am. coll.
a doozy of a year
a doozy of a temper tantrum
It's gonna be a doozy of a black eye.
The snowstorm tonight is going to be a doozy.
His comments have been real doozies.
Veilchenamazone f; Guadalupe-Amazone f (Amazona violacea) zool.
Guadeloupe parrot
Veilchenamazone f; Guadalupe-Amazone f (Amazona violacea) ornith.
Guadeloupe parrot
Veilchenastrild m ornith.
Purple Grenadier
Blauastrilde pl (Uraeginthus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Blaukopfastrild m; Blaukopf-Schmetterlingsfink m (Uraeginthus cyanocephalus)
Blauastrild m; blauohriger Schmetterlingsfink m; Angola-Schmetterlingsfink m (Uraeginthus angolensis)
Schmetterlingsastrild m; rotohriger Schmetterlingsfink m; Schmetterlingsfink m (Uraeginthus bengalus)
Granatastrild m (Uraeginthus granatinus)
Veilchenastrild m; Veilchenbauchastrild m; Purpurgranatastrild m; blaubäuchiger Granatastrild m (Uraeginthus ianthinogaster)
cordon-bleus (zoological genus)
blue-capped cordon-bleu
blue-breasted cordon-bleu; blue waxbill
red-cheeked cordon-bleu
common grenadier; violet-eared waxbill
purple grenadier
veilchenblau adj
violett; veilchenblau adj
erikaviolett adj
heather violet
Veilchenbrust-Nektarvogel m ornith.
Violet-breasted Sunbird
Veilchenbrustkolibri m ornith.
Violet-chested Hummingbird
Faschingsdienstag m Dt. Ös.; Fastnachtsdienstag m Dt.; Karnevalsdienstag m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Veilchendienstag m Westdt.; Fasnachtsdienstag BW Schw.; Güdeldienstag m Schw.
Shrove Tuesday; Pancake Tuesday; Pancake Day; Mardi Gras Am.
Palisanderhölzer pl (Dalbergia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Afrikanisches Schwarzholz n; Afrikanisches Grenadillholz n; Zebraholz n (Dalbergia melanoxylon)
Königsholz n; Veilchenholz n (Dalbergia cearensis)
Ostindischer Palisander m (Dalbergia latifolia)
Rio-Palisander m; Brasilianisches Rosenholz n; Bahia-Rosenholz n; Rosenholz n (Dalbergia decipularis)
rosewoods (botanical genus)
African blackwood; African grenadilla; zebrawood
Brasilian kingwood; kingwood
East Indian rosewood; Indian rosewood; Bombay blackwood
Rio rosewood; Bahia rosewood; Brasilian tulipwood; tulipwood
Veilchenkappen-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Lilac-capped Fruit Dove
Veilchenkehlkotinga ornith.
Plum-throated Cotinga
Veilchenkehlkotinga f ornith.
plum-throated cotinga
Veilchenkopfnymphe f ornith.
Violet-capped Woodnymph
Veilchenlori m ornith.
Goldie's Lorikeet
Veilchenmusketier n ornith.
Violet-throated Starfrontlet
Veilchenohr n ornith.
Sparkling Violetear
Veilchenorganist m ornith.
Violaceous Euphonia
Veilchenpapagei m ornith.
Dusky Parrot
Veilchenscheitelamazilie f ornith.
Violet-crowned Hummingbird
Veilchenschnecken pl (Janthina) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
purple snails; violet shells (zoological genus)
Veilchenschultertangare f ornith.
Orange-throated Tanager
Veilchenschwalbe f ornith.
Violet-green Swallow
Veilchensträucher pl (Iochroma) (botanische Gattung) bot.
violet tubeflowers (botanical genus)
Veilchentaube f ornith.
Black Wood Pigeon
Veilchentrogon m ornith.
Violaceous Trogon

Deutsche Veilchenmusketier Synonyme

Englische Violet-throated Starfrontlet Synonyme

Veilchenmusketier Definition

(n.) Any plant or flower of the genus Viola, of many species. The violets are generally low, herbaceous plants, and the flowers of many of the species are blue, while others are white or yellow, or of several colors, as the pansy (Viola tricolor).
(n.) The color of a violet, or that part of the spectrum farthest from red. It is the most refrangible part of the spectrum.
(n.) In art, a color produced by a combination of red and blue in equal proportions
(n.) Any one of numerous species of small violet-colored butterflies belonging to Lycaena, or Rusticus, and allied genera.
(n.) Dark blue, inclining to red
(n.) A very handsome American butterfly (Polygonia interrogationis). Its wings are mottled with various shades of red and brown and have violet tips.
Water violet
() See under Violet.

Violet-throated Starfrontlet Bedeutung

white-throated sparrow
Zonotrichia albicollis
common North American finch with a white patch on the throat and black-and-white striped crown
yellow-throated marten
Charronia flavigula
large yellow and black marten of southern China and Burma
reddish blue
a variable color that lies beyond blue in the spectrum
shy person
shrinking violet
someone who shrinks from familiarity with others
damask violet
Dame's violet
sweet rocket
Hesperis matronalis
long cultivated herb having flowers whose scent is more pronounced in the evening, naturalized throughout Europe to Siberia and into North America
water violet
Hottonia palustris
featherfoil of Europe and western Asia having submerged and floating leaves and violet flowers
Persian violet
Exacum affine
perennial cultivated especially as a houseplant for its fragrant bluish to dark lavender flowers
marsh gentian
calathian violet
Gentiana pneumonanthe
perennial Eurasian gentian with sky-blue funnel-shaped flowers of damp open heaths
family Violaceae
violet family
a family of order Parietales including the genera Viola, Hybanthus, Hymenanthera, Melicytus
violet any of numerous low-growing violas with small flowers
American dog violet
Viola conspersa
violet of eastern North America having pale violet to white flowers
sweet white violet
white violet
woodland white violet
Viola blanda
short-stemmed violet of eastern North America having fragrant purple-veined white flowers
Canada violet
tall white violet
white violet Viola canadensis
tall North American perennial with heart-shaped leaves and white flowers with purple streaks
dog violet
heath violet
Viola canina
Old World leafy-stemmed blue-flowered violet
horned violet
tufted pansy
Viola cornuta
European viola with an unusually long corolla spur
two-eyed violet
heartsease Viola ocellata
violet of Pacific coast of North America having white petals tinged with yellow and deep violet
sweet violet
garden violet
English violet
Viola odorata
European violet typically having purple to white flowers, widely naturalized
bird's-foot violet
pansy violet
Johnny-jump-up wood violet Viola pedata
common violet of the eastern United States with large pale blue or purple flowers resembling pansies
downy yellow violet
Viola pubescens
violet of eastern North America having softly pubescent leaves and stems and clear yellow flowers with brown-purple veins
long-spurred violet
Viola rostrata
violet of eastern North America having lilac-purple flowers with a long slender spur
pale violet
striped violet
cream violet
Viola striata
leafy-stemmed violet of eastern North America having large white or creamy flowers faintly marked with purple
hedge violet
wood violet Viola sylvatica
Viola reichenbachiana
common European violet that grows in woods and hedgerows
dogtooth violet
dog's-tooth violet
perennial woodland spring-flowering plant, widely cultivated
white dogtooth violet
white dog's-tooth violet
blonde lilian
Erythronium albidum
North American dogtooth having solitary white flowers with yellow centers and blue or pink exteriors
violet wood sorrel
Oxalis violacea
perennial herb of eastern North America with palmately compound leaves and usually rose-purple flowers
violet suksdorfia
Suksdorfia violaceae
slender delicate plant with wide roundish deeply lobed leaves and deep pink to violet funnel-shaped flowers, British Columbia to northern Oregon and west to Idaho and Montana
African violet
Saintpaulia ionantha
tropical African plant cultivated as a houseplant for its violet or white or pink flowers
bush violet
any of several herbs of the genus Browallia cultivated for their blue or violet or white flowers
violet-flowered petunia
Petunia integrifolia
herb or small shrublet having solitary violet to roseed flowers
gentian violet
crystal violet
a green crystal (violet in water) used as a dye or stain or bactericide or fungicide or anthelmintic or burn treatment
of violet tinted with blue
of blue tinged with lavender
of pink tinged with lavender
of a color intermediate between red and blue
of violet tinged with red
of something that is tinged with violet
violet-black of black tinged with violet
having a violet color
violet-purple light violet and dark purple
violet-scented smelling of violets
throated having a throat as specified, deep-throated, white-throated
violet-streaked having streaks of violet color
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