
Verbrauchssteuernummer Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Verbrauchssteuernummer f fin.
excise number
Verbrauchssteuernummer f fin.
excise number
privater Verbrauch
private consumption
Verbrauch, Konsum
Abnutzung f, Verbrauch m
Genuss m, Verbrauch m
Verbrauch m, Konsum m, Konsumtion f
persönlicher Verbrauch
privater Verbrauch
personal consumption
private consumption
per capita consumption
Genuss, Verbrauch
Abnutzung, Verbrauch
Abnutzung f; Verschleiß m; Schwund m; Verbrauch m
Genuss m; Verbrauch m
Grenzhang m zum Verbrauch econ.
marginal propensity to consume
Verbrauch m; Konsum m; Konsumtion f
persönlicher Verbrauch
privater Verbrauch
Erhöhung des Verbrauchs
consumption; expenditure
personal consumption
private consumption
per capita consumption
increase of consumption
sich beim Verbrauch von etw. zurückhalten v; mit etw. sparsam sein umgehen v
sich beim Trinken zurückhalten
mit Ressourcen sparsam schonend umgehen
Sei sparsam mit der Sahne damit jeder etwas (davon) bekommt.
to go easy on with sth.
to go easy on the drink
to go easy on resources
Go easy with the cream so that everyone can have some.
der Verbrauch m; der Konsum m; die Konsumtion f geh. selten econ.
Verbräuche pl (Fachsprache)
persönlicher Verbrauch
privater Verbrauch
Jahresverbrauch m
der jährliche Bierkonsum
Erhöhung des Verbrauchs
consumption (purchase of goods and services by the public)
personal consumption
private consumption
annual consumption; yearly consumption
per capita consumption
the yearly beer consumption
increase of consumption
Verbrauchswert m; Verbrauch m (eines Fahrzeugs auf einer bestimmten Strecke) auto
mileage; milage (of a vehicle)
sparsamer Umgang m (mit etw.); sparsamer Einsatz m (von etw.); Sparen n (bei etw.)
sparsamer Treibstoffverbrauch; sparsamer Verbrauch
Wassersparen n
economic use; sparing use; economy; husbanding (of sth.)
fuel economy
water economy
sich beim Verbrauch von etw. zurückhalten v; mit etw. sparsam sein umgehen v
sich beim Trinken zurückhalten
mit Ressourcen sparsam schonend umgehen
Sei sparsam mit der Sahne, damit jeder etwas (davon) bekommt.
to go easy on with sth.
to go easy on the drink
to go easy on resources
Go easy with the cream, so that everyone can have some.
zu großer hoher starker Verbrauch m
Grenzneigung zu verbrauchen
marginal propensity to consume
Neigung zu verbrauchen
propensity to consume
verbrauchen, konsumieren
im Voraus bezahlen, im Voraus verbrauchen
im Voraus bezahlend, im Voraus verbrauchend
im Voraus bezahlt, im Voraus verbraucht
to anticipate
aufbrauchen, verbrauchen v
aufbrauchend, verbrauchend
aufgebraucht, verbraucht
aufgebraucht werden, verbraucht werden
sich ausgelaugt fühlen
to use up, to use
using up, using
used up, used
to be used up
to feel used up
aufbrauchen, verbrauchen v
aufbrauchend, verbrauchend
aufgebraucht, verbraucht
braucht auf, verbraucht
brauchte auf, verbrauchte
to consume
to dissipate
verbrauchen, verzehren, schwächen v
verbrauchend, verzehrend, schwächend
verbraucht, verzehrt, geschwächt
verbraucht, verzehrt, schwächt
verbrauchte, verzehrte, schwächte
to waste
aufbrauchen, verbrauchen
to consume
to waste
Abfall, Verschwendung, verbrauchen, ueberfluessig, wuest
Verbrauchsdatum n (Lebensmittelkennzeichnung) cook.
Zu verbrauchen bis:
use-by date; eat drink-by date (food labelling)
Use by:
im Voraus bezahlen; im Voraus verbrauchen v
im Voraus bezahlend; im Voraus verbrauchend
im Voraus bezahlt; im Voraus verbraucht
to anticipate
etw. aufbrauchen; etw. verbrauchen v
aufbrauchend; verbrauchend
aufgebraucht; verbraucht
aufgebraucht werden; verbraucht werden
sich ausgelaugt fühlen
to use up sth.; to use sth.
using up; using
used up; used
to be used up
to feel used up
etw. aufbrauchen; etw. verbrauchen v
aufbrauchend; verbrauchend
aufgebraucht; verbraucht
braucht auf; verbraucht
brauchte auf; verbrauchte
to consume sth.
etw. aufbrauchen; etw. verbrauchen v
aufbrauchend; verbrauchend
aufgebraucht; verbraucht
Gelder für etw. verbrauchen
Die Probe wurde bei der Untersuchung aufgebraucht.
Man nimmt ab wenn man mehr Kalorien verbraucht als man zu sich nimmt.
to expend sth.
to expend funds on sth.
The sample was expended during the examination.
You will only lose weight by expending more calories than you take in.
meckern; maulen; mäkeln; nörgeln; mosern Dt.; matschkern Ös.; schnorren Schw. v (über etw.)
meckernd; maulend; mäkelnd; nörgelnd; mosernd; matschkernd; schnorrend
gemeckert; gemault; gemäkelt; genörgelt; gemosert; gematschkert; geschnorrt
über das Wetter meckern
immer etwas zu nörgeln haben; immer ein Haar in der Suppe finden
Er mault immer dass wir zu viel Strom verbrauchen.
to grumble; to grouse; to grouch; to gripe; to moan; to nag; to bitch Am.; to crab Am.; to kvetch Am. (about sth.)
grumbling; grousing; grouching; griping; moaning; nagging; bitching; crabbing; kvetching
grumbled; groused; grouched; griped; moaned; nagged; bitched; crabbed; kvetched
to grumble about the weather
to always find something to gripe about
He's always moaning that we use too much electricity.
verbrauchen; verzehren; schwächen v
verbrauchend; verzehrend; schwächend
verbraucht; verzehrt; geschwächt
verbraucht; verzehrt; schwächt
verbrauchte; verzehrte; schwächte
to waste
viel von etw. verwenden (Person) verbrauchen beinhalten (Sache) v
Nimm nicht so viel Knoblauch.
Der Koch ist recht großzügig mit dem Salz.
In seinen Filmen gibt es wenig Dialog und viel Action.
Ältere Autos brauchen viel Benzin.
to be go heavy on sth.
Don't go so heavy on the garlic.
The cook. is heavy on the salt has a heavy hand with the salt.
His films are low light on talk and heavy on action.
Older cars are heavy on petrol.
schlucken v ugs.; viel verbrauchen v (Treibstoff Öl Energie etc.)
fressen v ugs.; verschlingen v (Treibstoff Öl Energie etc.)
to guzzle coll.
to guzzle coll.
Batteriestrom m electr.
Batteriestrom verbrauchen
battery power
to take up battery power; to use up battery power
etw. aufbrauchen; etw. verbrauchen v
aufbrauchend; verbrauchend
aufgebraucht; verbraucht
Gelder für etw. verbrauchen
Die Probe wurde bei der Untersuchung aufgebraucht.
Man nimmt ab, wenn man mehr Kalorien verbraucht als man zu sich nimmt.
to expend sth.
to expend funds on sth.
The sample was expended during the examination.
You will only lose weight by expending more calories than you take in.
meckern; maulen; mäkeln; motzen; nörgeln; mosern Dt.; matschkern Ös.; schnorren Schw. v (über etw.)
meckernd; maulend; mäkelnd; motzend; nörgelnd; mosernd; matschkernd; schnorrend
gemeckert; gemault; gemäkelt; gemotzt; genörgelt; gemosert; gematschkert; geschnorrt
über das Wetter meckern
immer etwas zu nörgeln haben; immer ein Haar in der Suppe finden
Er mault immer, dass wir zu viel Strom verbrauchen.
to grumble; to grouse; to grouch; to gripe; to moan; to nag; to bitch Am.; to crab Am.; to kvetch Am. (about sth.)
grumbling; grousing; grouching; gripping; moaning; nagging; bitching; crabbing; kvetching
grumbled; groused; grouched; gripped; moaned; nagged; bitched; crabbed; kvetched
to grumble about the weather
to always find something to gripe about
He's always moaning that we use too much electricity.
etw. verbrauchen; verzehren; schwächen v
verbrauchend; verzehrend; schwächend
verbraucht; verzehrt; geschwächt
verbraucht; verzehrt; schwächt
verbrauchte; verzehrte; schwächte
to waste sth.
viel von etw. verwenden (Person) verbrauchen, beinhalten (Sache) v
Nimm nicht so viel Knoblauch.
Der Koch ist recht großzügig mit dem Salz.
In seinen Filmen gibt es wenig Dialog und viel Action.
Ältere Autos brauchen viel Benzin.
to be go heavy on sth.
Don't go so heavy on the garlic.
The cook. is heavy on the salt has a heavy hand with the salt.
His films are low light on talk and heavy on action.
Older cars are heavy on petrol.
schlucken v ugs.; viel verbrauchen v (Treibstoff, Öl, Energie, etc.)
fressen v ugs.; verschlingen v (Treibstoff, Öl, Energie, etc.)
to guzzle coll.
to guzzle coll.
etw. verschlingen v (schnell verbrauchen)
etw. schlucken übtr. (Firma übernehmen)
to gobble up () sth. coll.
to gobble up () sth. coll.
sich verbrauchend
verbrauchend, verschwendend
verbrauchend adv
aufbrauchend, verbrauchend
anwendend, verbrauchend
verbrauchend; verschwendend adj
Schwindsuechtig, verbrauchende
an den Verbraucher gerichtete Werbung
consumer advertising
Bedürfnisse der Verbraucher
consumer needs
Bevorzugung durch den Verbraucher
consumer preference
das wird den Verbraucher schützen
this will protect the consumer
Dienstleistungen an den Verbraucher
services to the consumer
Einstellung der Verbraucher
consumer attitude
einzelner Verbraucher
individual consumer
Gewohnheiten der Verbraucher
consumer habits
Kaufgewohnheit der Verbraucher
consumer buying habit

Deutsche Verbrauchssteuernummer Synonyme

Englische excise number Synonyme

excise  VAT  abscind  ad valorem duty  alcohol tax  amputate  amusement tax  annihilate  assessment on default  avulse  ax  ban  bar  bisect  bob  butcher  capital gains tax  capitation  capitation tax  carve  chop  cleave  clip  corporation tax  crop  cull  customs  customs duty  cut  cut away  cut in two  cut off  cut out  death duty  death tax  delete  deracinate  dichotomize  dig out  dig up  disentangle  dissever  dock  doomage  draw  draw out  dredge  dredge up  duty  elide  eliminate  enucleate  eradicate  estate duty  estate tax  evolve  evulse  excavate  except  excess profits tax  excise tax  exclude  export tax  expurgate  exsect  extinguish  extirpate  extract  extricate  federal tax  fissure  gabelle  gash  get out  gift tax  gouge out  grub up  hack  halve  head tax  hew  import tax  incise  income tax  inheritance tax  internal revenue tax  isolate  jigsaw  knock off  lance  land tax  liquor tax  local tax  lop  luxury tax  mine  mutilate  nip  nuisance tax  pare  peel  personal property tax  pick out  pluck out  pluck up  poll  poll tax  property tax  property-increment tax  protective tariff  provincial tax  prune  pull  pull out  pull up  quarry  rake out  rates  remove  rend  revenue tariff  rip out  rive  root out  root up  rule out  sales tax  salt tax  saw  school tax  scissor  set apart  set aside  sever  severance tax  shave  shear  slash  slice  slit  snip  specific duty  split  stamp out  state tax  strike off  strike out  strip  strip off  sunder  take off  take out  tariff  tariff duty  tear  tear out  telephone tax  truncate  unearth  unravel  uproot  use tax  value added tax  weed out  whittle  window tax  wipe out  withdraw  wrest out  

Verbrauchssteuernummer Definition

(n.) In inland duty or impost operating as an indirect tax on the consumer, levied upon certain specified articles, as, tobacco, ale, spirits, etc., grown or manufactured in the country. It is also levied to pursue certain trades and deal in certain commodities. Certain direct taxes (as, in England, those on carriages, servants, plate, armorial bearings, etc.), are included in the excise. Often used adjectively
(n.) That department or bureau of the public service charged with the collection of the excise taxes.
(v. t.) To lay or impose an excise upon.
(v. t.) To impose upon
(v. t.) To cut out or off
(n.) That which admits of being counted or reckoned
(n.) A collection of many individuals
(n.) A numeral
(n.) Numerousness
(n.) The state or quality of being numerable or countable.
(n.) Quantity, regarded as made up of an aggregate of separate things.
(n.) That which is regulated by count
(n.) The distinction of objects, as one, or more than one (in some languages, as one, or two, or more than two), expressed (usually) by a difference in the form of a word
(n.) The measure of the relation between quantities or things of the same kind
(n.) To count
(n.) To reckon as one of a collection or multitude.
(n.) To give or apply a number or numbers to
(n.) To amount

excise number Bedeutung

number crunching performing complex and lengthy numerical calculations
number one wood
a golf club (a wood) with a near vertical face that is used for hitting long shots from the tee
number an item of merchandise offered for sale, she preferred the black nylon number, this sweater is an all-wool number
number cruncher a computer capable of performing a large number of mathematical operations per second
number a clothing measurement, a number shoe
the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals, he had a number of chores to do, the number of parameters is small, the figure was about a thousand
opposite number
a person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another
folio page number
the system of numbering pages
number the grammatical category for the forms of nouns and pronouns and verbs that are used depending on the number of entities involved (singular or dual or plural), in English the subject and the verb must agree in number
number identification number a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification, she refused to give them her Social Security number
bank identification number
ABA transit number
an identification number consisting of a two-part code assigned to banks and savings associations, the first part shows the location and the second identifies the bank itself
license number
registration number
the number on the license plate that identifies the car that bears it
Social Security number the number of a particular individual's Social Security account
phone number
telephone number
the number is used in calling a particular telephone, he has an unlisted number
random number generator a routine designed to yield a random number
one of a series published periodically, she found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist's waiting room
index index number
a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts, can reveal relative changes as a function of time
a symbol used to represent a number, he learned to write the numerals before he went to school
numeration system
number system
number representation system
system of numeration
any notation for the representation of numbers
binary numeration system
pure binary numeration system
binary number system
binary system
a positional system of numeration that uses binary digits and a radix of two
octal numeration system
octal number system
a positional system of numeration that uses octal digits and a radix of eight
decimal numeration system
decimal number system
decimal system
a positional system of numeration that uses decimal digits and a base of ten
duodecimal number system
duodecimal system
a positional system of numeration that uses duodecimal digits and a radix of twelve
hexadecimal number system
sexadecimal number system
hexadecimal system
a positional system of numeration that uses hexadecimal digits and a radix of sixteen
call mark
call number
a mark consisting of characters written on a book, used to indicate shelf location
personal identification number
PIN number
a number you choose and use to gain access to various accounts
act routine number turn
a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program, he did his act three times every evening, she had a catchy little routine, it was one of the best numbers he ever did
number a select company of people, I hope to become one of their number before I die
box number a mailing address to which answers to a newspaper ad can be sent
post-office box number
PO box number
PO Box No
box number
the number of a letter box at the post office where mail is collected
number one a reference to yourself or myself etc., `take care of number one' means to put your own interests first
number cruncher someone able to perform complex and lengthy calculations
someone who is no longer popular
number theorist a mathematician specializing in number theory
excise tax
a tax that is measured by the amount of business done (not on property or income from real estate)
octane number
octane rating
a measure of the antiknock properties of gasoline
number a concept of quantity involving zero and units, every number has a unique position in the sequence
Avogadro's number
Avogadro number
the number of molecules in a mole of a substance (approximately ,,,,,,,)
oxidation number
oxidation state
the degree of oxidation of an atom or ion or molecule, for simple atoms or ions the oxidation number is equal to the ionic charge, the oxidation number of hydrogen isand of oxygen is -
Fibonacci number a number in the Fibonacci sequence
prime number an integer that has no integral factors but itself and
composite number an integer that is divisible without remainder by at least one positive integer other than itself and one
compound number a quantity expressed in two different units, one hour and ten minutes
ordinal number
the number designating place in an ordered sequence
number one
the first element in a countable series, the first of the month
cardinal number
the number of elements in a mathematical set, denotes a quantity but not the order
floating-point number a number represented in floating-point notation
fixed-point number a number represented in fixed-point notation
atomic number the order of an element in Mendeleyev's table of the elements, equal to the number of protons in the nucleus or electrons in the neutral state of an atom of an element
magic number the atomic number of an extra stable strongly bound atomic nucleus: , , , , , or
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