
Verfassungsgerichtsurteil Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Verfassungsgerichtsurteil n jur.
Verfassungsgerichtsurteile pl
constitutional court ruling
constitutional court rulings
Verfassungsgerichtsurteil n jur.
Verfassungsgerichtsurteile pl
constitutional court ruling
constitutional court rulings
geistige Verfassung
frame of mind
psychische Verfassung
mental health
Form f, Zustand m, Verfassung f
in gutem Zustand, gut in Form
in good trim
Kondition f, körperliche Verfassung f
eine gute Kondition haben
keine Kondition haben
to be in good condition, to be in good shape
to be out of condition
Rechtsstaat m (mit Verfassung)
Rechtsstaaten pl
constitutional state
constitutional states
Satzung f, Verfassung f
Struktur f, Verfassung f
Verfassung f
Verfassung f, Zustand m, Beschaffenheit f
Verfassung f
Zusatzartikel m zur Verfassung
Er ist in schlechter Verfassung.
He's in bad shape.
er ist in schlechter Verfassung
he's in bad shape
in schlechter Verfassung
in bad shape
österreichische Verfassung
Austrian constitution
in guter Verfassung
in good shape
in kläglicher Verfassung
in a deplorable condition
Form f; Zustand m; Verfassung f
in gutem Zustand; gut in Form
in good trim
Kondition f; körperliche Verfassung f med.
eine gute Kondition haben
keine Kondition haben
to be in good condition; to be in good shape
to be out of condition
Struktur f; Verfassung f
Verbesserung f; Korrektur f; Berichtigung f; Anhang m; Zusatz m
Verbesserungen pl; Korrekturen pl; Berichtigungen pl; Anhänge pl; Zusätze pl
1. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten
erste zehn Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten (Grundrechte)
First Amendment to the United States Constitution
Bill of Rights
Verfassung f (eines Staates); Staatsverfassung f pol.
Verfassungen pl; Staatsverfassungen pl
constitution (of a State)
Verfassung f; Zustand m; Beschaffenheit f
Verfassung f; Zustand m
in guter Verfassung sein; in gutem Zustand sein
in schlechter Verfassung sein; in schlechtem Zustand sein
to be in good fettle; to be in fine fettle
to be in bad fettle
Zusatzartikel m zur Verfassung
Zusatzartikel pl zur Verfassung
gut in Schuss sein übtr.
in guter Verfassung Form sein
gut in Form sein
to be in good nick fig.
to be in good nick fig.
to be in good nick fig.
Konstitution f; körperliche Verfassung f
Durchhänger m (vorübergehend schlechte Verfassung Leistung)
gute Form f; Fitness f (gute körperliche Verfassung) med. sport
(physical) fitness
in guter Form sein; in guter Verfassung sein; gut in Form sein; gut in Schuss sein ugs. v
to be in good nick
bei bester Gesundheit; in bester Verfassung; kerngesund; fit wie ein Turnschuh ugs.; pumperlg'sund Bayr. Ös. ugs. med.
(as) fit as a fiddle
die verfassungsmäßig garantierten Grundrechte pl; die ersten zehn Zusatzartikel pl zur Verfassung der USA pol. jur.
the Bill of Rights (USA)
Struktur f; Verfassung f
Bevölkerungszusammensetzung f
makeup (make-up) (make up)
makeup of the population
Verfassung f (eines Staates); Staatsverfassung f pol.
Verfassungen pl; Staatsverfassungen pl
das Grundgesetz Dt.
constitution (of a State)
the German Constitution
Verfassung f; Zustand m; Beschaffenheit f
der Zustand des Patienten
the state of the patient
Zusatzartikel m zur Verfassung (der USA) pol. jur.
Zusatzartikel pl zur Verfassung
Erster Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten
Amendment Am. (article added to the US Constitution)
First Amendment
konfus adj (psychische Verfassung einer Person)
dithery (a person's mental state)
jds. psychische Verfassung f; jds. Geisteszustand m psych.
sb.'s mental state
verfassungsgebend; verfassunggebend adj pol.
verfassungsgebende Versammlung
constituent assembly
Gesetz n Ges. (allgemein umschriebenes Einzelgesetz) jur.
Gesetze pl
Bundesgesetz n
Ergänzungsgesetz n
Jagdgesetze pl
strenge Waffengesetze
ein grundlegendes Gesetz zur Ausbildungsqualität
ungeschriebenes Gesetz
verfassungsändernde Gesetze
der enggefasste Pflegebegriff des Gesetzes
die gesetzlichen Vorgaben erfüllen; die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen einhalten
ein neues Gesetz verabschieden
ein Gesetz erlassen
einem Gesetz Geltung verschaffen
Die Regierung hat mehrere Gesetze zur Lebensmittelhygiene eingebracht.
Mit Gesetzen sollte man den Normalfall und nicht den Ausnahmefall regeln.
law; statute (written rule passed by Parliament and referred to in general terms)
education law
Federal law
suplementary law; amending law
hunting laws; game laws
strict gun laws
a basic fundamental law on the quality of education
unwritten law
laws amending the constitution; laws that amend the constitution; laws containing a constitutional amendment
the narrow interpretation of long-term care in the law
to satisfy laws and regulations
to pass a new law statute; to adopt a new law statute
to enact a law
to put the teeth into a law
The government has introduced several laws on food hygiene.
Hard cases make bad law.
Mehrheit f; Mehrzahl f
Mehrheiten pl
absolute Mehrheit
einfache Mehrheit
moralische Mehrheit
relative Mehrheit
schweigende Mehrheit
tragfähige Mehrheit
überwiegende Mehrheit
mit knapper Mehrheit
qualifizierte Mehrheit
verfassungsändernde Mehrheit
in der Mehrzahl sein
eine Mehrheit besitzen
Zweidrittelmehrheit f
Mehrheit der abgegebenen Stimmen
die überwiegende Mehrheit von jdm.; der weitaus größte Teil von etw.
absolute majority
simple majority
moral Majority
relative majority
silent majority
workable majority
overwhelming majority
with a narrow majority
qualified majority
majority for a constitutional amendment
to be in a majority
to have a majority
two-thirds majority
majority of the votes cast
the vast majority of sb. sth.
Verfassungsänderung f
Verfassungsänderungen pl
constitutional amendment
constitutional amendments
constitutional amendment
Verfassungsbeschwerde f jur. pol.
Verfassungsbeschwerde f
constitutional complaint
appeal on an institutional issue
etw. fest etablieren v jur. soc.
festgefahrene ideologische Positionen
die starren Verhältnisse auf dem Arbeitsmarkt
Verfassungsbestimmungen; Bestimmungen die nur mit besonderer Mehrheit geändert werden können
Computer sind mittlerweile ein unverrückbarer Eckpfeiler des modernen Lebens.
to entrench sth.
entrenched ideological positions
the entrenched labour market
entrenched provisions
Computers are now an entrenched part of modern life.
etw. fest etablieren v jur. soc.
festgefahrene ideologische Positionen
die starren Verhältnisse auf dem Arbeitsmarkt
Verfassungsbestimmungen; Bestimmungen, die nur mit besonderer Mehrheit geändert werden können
Computer sind mittlerweile ein unverrückbarer Eckpfeiler des modernen Lebens.
to entrench sth.
entrenched ideological positions
the entrenched labour market
entrenched provisions
Computers are now an entrenched part of modern life.
Verfassungsentwurf m
draft constitution
Verfassungsfeind m
Verfassungsfeinde pl
enemy of the constitution
enemies of the constitution
verfassungsfeindlich adj
verfassungswidrig, nicht verfassungsgemäß adj
am verfassungswidrigsten
more unconstitutional
most unconstitutional
verfassungswidrig; nicht verfassungsgemäß adj
am verfassungswidrigsten
more unconstitutional
most unconstitutional
verfassungswidrig; nicht verfassungsgemäß; nicht verfassungskonform adj
Verfassungsgericht n jur.
constitutional court
Verfassungsgerichtshof m VfGH ; Verfassungsgericht n jur.
Verfassungsgerichtshöfe pl; Verfassungsgerichte pl
Bundesverfassungsgericht n Dt. BVerfG
constitutional court
constitutional courts
Federal Constitutional Court in Germany
Verfassungsgerichtshof m jur.
supreme constitutional court
Verfassungsgerichtsurteil n jur.
Verfassungsgerichtsurteile pl
constitutional court ruling
constitutional court rulings
Rechtsexperte m; Experte m für Rechtsfragen; Jurist m (als Fachausbildung) jur.
Rechtsexperten pl; Experten pl für Rechtsfragen; Juristen pl
Kirchenrechtler m; Kanonist m geh.
Verfassungsjurist m
legal expert; expert in law; jurist
legal experts; expert in laws; jurists
church jurist; canon jurist; canonist; expert in canon law
constitutional expert; constitutional jurist
verfassungskonform adj jur.
constitutional; in conformity with the constitution
Verfassungskreislauf m; Anakyklosis f (Theorie der zyklischen Entwicklung politischer Systeme) pol.
Verfassungskrise f pol.
constitutional crisis
gesetzmäßig, verfassungsmäßig adj
gesetzmaessig, verfassungsmaessig
verfassungsmäßig; konstitutionell adj jur.
verfassungsmäßig; konstitutionell adj jur.
die verfassungsmäßigen Einrichtungen
the constitutional institutions
Rahmen m; Grenzen pl übtr.
innerhalb des kirchlichen Rahmens
innerhalb der verfassungsmäßigen Grenzen
außerhalb der Grenzen des Islam
pale fig. (limits)
within the pale of the Church
within the pale limits of the constitution
outside the pale of Islam
Schutz m der verfassungsmäßigen Ordnung; Verfassungsschutz m pol.
constitutional protections for fundamental rights and freedoms

Deutsche Verfassungsgerichtsurteil Synonyme

Englische constitutional court ruling Synonyme

constitutional  absolute  actionable  affective  airing  amble  ambulation  applicable  aristocratic  atavistic  athletics  authoritarian  authorized  autocratic  autonomous  beneficial  benign  bodily  born  bracing  breather  bureaucratic  calisthenics  characteristic  civic  civil  coeval  competent  congenital  connatal  connate  connatural  daily dozen  deep-seated  democratic  despotic  dictatorial  dispositional  drill  emotional  essential  exercise  exercising  fascist  federal  federalist  federalistic  footwork  forced march  genetic  good  good for  governmental  gubernatorial  gymnastic exercises  gymnastics  health-enhancing  health-preserving  healthful  healthy  hereditary  heteronomous  hike  hygeian  hygienic  in the blood  inborn  inbred  incarnate  indigenous  ingrained  inherited  innate  instinctive  instinctual  intellectual  intrinsic  invigorating  isometrics  jaunt  judicial  juridical  just  justiciable  kosher  lawful  lawmaking  legal  legislative  legit  legitimate  legwork  licit  march  matriarchal  matriarchic  mental  monarchal  monarchial  monarchic  monocratic  mush  native  native to  natural  natural to  official  oligarchal  oligarchic  organic  parade  parliamentarian  parliamentary  patriarchal  patriarchic  perambulation  peripatetic journey  peripateticism  physical  physical education  physical jerks  pluralistic  political  practice  primal  promenade  ramble  refreshing  republican  rightful  salubrious  salutary  sanctioned  sanitary  saunter  schlep  self-governing  setting-up exercises  spiritual  statutory  stretch  stroll  temperamental  theocratic  tonic  totalitarian  traipse  tramp  trudge  turn  valid  walk  walking tour  wholesome  within the law  workout  yoga  

Verfassungsgerichtsurteil Definition

(n.) The secondary, inferior, or rear courtyard of a large house
(n.) An inferior court of law, not of record.
(a.) Belonging to, or inherent in, the constitution, or in the structure of body or mind
(a.) In accordance with, or authorized by, the constitution of a state or a society
(a.) Regulated by, dependent on, or secured by, a constitution
(a.) Relating to a constitution, or establishment form of government
(a.) For the benefit or one's constitution or health
(n.) A walk or other exercise taken for one's health or constitution.
(n.) An inclosed space
(n.) The residence of a sovereign, prince, nobleman, or ether dignitary
(n.) The collective body of persons composing the retinue of a sovereign or person high in authority
(n.) Any formal assembling of the retinue of a sovereign
(n.) Attention directed to a person in power
(n.) The hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered.
(n.) The persons officially assembled under authority of law, at the appropriate time and place, for the administration of justice
(n.) A tribunal established for the administration of justice.
(n.) The judge or judges
(n.) The session of a judicial assembly.
(n.) Any jurisdiction, civil, military, or ecclesiastical.
(n.) A place arranged for playing the game of tennis
(v. t.) To endeavor to gain the favor of by attention or flattery
(v. t.) To endeavor to gain the affections of
(v. t.) To attempt to gain
(v. t.) To invite by attractions
(v. i.) To play the lover
(n.) An inferior court of civil jurisdiction, attached to a manor, and held by the steward
(n.) The artifices, intrigues, and plottings, at courts.
(n.) A movable sideboard or buffet, on which plate and other articles of luxury were displayed on special ocasions.
(n.) A court of record held once a year, in a particular hundred, lordship, or manor, before the steward of the leet.
(n.) A court consisting of military or naval officers, for the trial of one belonging to the army or navy, or of offenses against military or naval law.
(imp. & p. p.) of Court-martial
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Court-martial
(v. t.) To subject to trial by a court-martial.
(n.) Sticking plaster made by coating taffeta or silk on one side with some adhesive substance, commonly a mixture of isinglass and glycerin.
Court tennis
() See under Tennis.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Rule
(a.) Predominant
(a.) Used in marking or engraving lines
(n.) The act of one who rules
(n.) A decision or rule of a judge or a court, especially an oral decision, as in excluding evidence.

constitutional court ruling / constitutional court rulings Bedeutung

constitutional a regular walk taken as a form of exercise
court game an athletic game played on a court
royal tennis
real tennis
court tennis
an ancient form of tennis played in a four-walled court
contempt of court disrespect for the rules of a court of law
opinion ruling the reason for a court's judgment (as opposed to the decision itself)
court-martial a trial that is conducted by a military court
respectful deference, pay court to the emperor
appearance appearing
coming into court
formal attendance (in court or at a hearing) of a party in an action
Monmouth Court House
Battle of Monmouth Court House
Battle of Monmouth
a pitched battle in New Jersey during the American Revolution () that ended with the withdrawal of British forces
badminton court the court on which badminton is played
basketball court the court on which basketball is played
an area wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings, the house was built around an inner court
court a specially marked horizontal area within which a game is played, players had to reserve a court in advance
court courtroom a room in which a lawcourt sits, television cameras were admitted in the courtroom
court the residence of a sovereign or nobleman, the king will visit the duke's court
court plaster a plaster composed of isinglass on silk, formerly used to dress superficial wounds
face card
picture card
court card
one of the twelve cards in a deck bearing a picture of a face
food court an area (as in a shopping mall) where fast food is sold (usually around a common eating area)
handball court the court on which handball is played
home court (basketball) the court where the host team plays its home games
court lawcourt
court of law
court of justice
a tribunal that is presided over by a magistrate or by one or more judges who administer justice according to the laws
motor hotel
motor inn
motor lodge
tourist court
a hotel for motorists, provides direct access from rooms to parking area
squash court the indoor court in which squash is played
tennis court the court on which tennis is played
volleyball court the court on which volleyball is played
court order a writ issued by a court of law requiring a person to do something or to refrain from doing something
court royal court the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state
Court of Saint James's the British royal court
Constitutional Union Party a former political party in the United States, formed in by former Whigs who hoped to preserve the Union
International Court of Justice
World Court
a court established to settle disputes between members of the United Nations
Constitutional Convention the convention of United States statesmen who drafted the United States Constitution in
court royal court the family and retinue of a sovereign or prince
an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
appellate court
appeals court
court of appeals
a court whose jurisdiction is to review decisions of lower courts or agencies
circuit court of appeals one of the twelve federal United States courts of appeals that cover a group of states known as a `circuit'
court of assize
court of assize and nisi prius
the county courts of England (replaced in by Crown courts)
court of chancery
a court with jurisdiction in equity
criminal court a court having jurisdiction over criminal cases
drumhead court-martial a military court convened to hear urgent charges of offenses committed in action
court-martial a military court to try members of the armed services who are accused of serious breaches of martial law
special court-martial a court-martial to try soldiers for offenses less serious that than those committed in action, consists of at least three officers
divorce court a court having jurisdiction over the termination of marriage contracts
family court
domestic relations court
court of domestic relations
a court in some states in the United States that has jurisdiction over family disputes (especially those involving children)
federal court a court establish by the authority of a federal government
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
a secret federal court created in by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, responsible for authorizing wiretaps and other forms of electronic surveillance and for authorizing searches of suspected spies and terrorists by the Department of Justice or United States intelligence agencies
inferior court
lower court
any court whose decisions can be appealed to a higher court
juvenile court a court having jurisdiction over dependent and delinquent children
kangaroo court an irregular unauthorized court
military court a judicial court of commissioned officers for the discipline and punishment of military personnel
moot court a mock court where law students argue hypothetical cases
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