
Vermittlungsschicht Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Vermittlungsschicht f; Schicht 3 f (im OSI-Schichtenmodell) comp. telco.
network layer; layer 3 (in the OSI reference model)
Vermittlungsschicht f; Schicht 3 f (im OSI-Schichtenmodell) comp. telco.
network layer; layer 3 (in the OSI reference model)
Mittelsmann, Vermittler
Mittelsmann, Vermittler
Schlichter, Vermittler
Vermittler von Privatkrediten
personal loan broker
Vermittler, Arbeitsvermittler
placement officer
Vermittler, Schlichter
Vermittler, Unterhändler
Vermittler, vermittelnd, dazwischengeschaltet
Makler m, Maklerin f, Vermittler m, Vermittlerin f
Makler pl
Schiedsrichter m, Schlichter m, Schlichterin f, Vermittler m, Vermittlerin f
Schiedsrichter pl, Schlichter pl, Schlichterinnen pl, Vermittler pl, Vermittlerinnen pl
Rolle des Schiedsrichters, Rolle des Vermittlers
durch einen einzigen Schiedsrichter
task of arbitrator
by a sole arbitrator
Schlichter m, Vermittler m
Unterhändler m, Unterhändlerin f, Vermittler m, Vermittlerin f
Unterhändler pl, Unterhändlerinnen pl, Vermittler pl, Vermittlerinnen pl
Vermittler m
Vermittler pl
mediator, go-between
Vermittler m, Vermittlerin f
Vermittler pl, Vermittlerinnen pl
Vermittler m
Vermittler m, Vermittlerin f, Makler m, Maklerin f
Vermittler pl, Vermittlerinnen pl, Makler pl, Maklerinnen pl
Schlichterin, Vermittler
interne Beratung eines Verhandlungsteams; Einzelgespräch n (zwischen Vermittler und einem Verhandungspartner)
Vermittler m (zwischen zwei Streitparteien) soc.
Vermittler pl
mediator; go-between (between two disputing parties)
mediators; go-betweens
Vermittler m (Kommunikator von etw.)
Vermittler pl
Der Lehrer fungiert als Vermittler des Lernstoffs.
facilitator (of sth.)
The teacher acts as a facilitator of learning.
Vermittler m; Mittler m; Mittelsmann m (zwischen jdm.) (Kontaktstelle)
Vermittler pl; Mittler pl; Mittelsmänner pl
der Vermittler eines Geschäfts
Die Geldinstitute fungieren als Vermittler zwischen Kreditgebern und Kreditnehmern.
Ein Makler ist ein Vermittler zwischen zwei Parteien.
intermediary; go-between; middleman (between sb.)
intermediaries; go-betweens; middlemen
an intermediary to a deal to set up a deal
Financial institutions act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers.
A broker is a go-between between two parties.
Consolidator m (Vermittler zwischen Reisebüros und Fluglinien) econ. aviat.
consolidator (wholesaler agency company between retail travel agencies and airlines)
Agent m (Vermittler von Künstlerengagements) art
Agenten pl
Künstleragent m
Literaturagent m
Theateragent m
performing arts agent; artist management agent
literary agent
theatrical agent
Vermittler m; Mittler m; Mittelsperson f; Mittelsmann m (zwischen jdm.) (Kontaktstelle)
Vermittler pl; Mittler pl; Mittelspersonen pl; Mittelsmänner pl
der Vermittler eines Geschäfts
Die Geldinstitute fungieren als Vermittler zwischen Kreditgebern und Kreditnehmern.
Ein Makler ist ein Vermittler zwischen zwei Parteien.
intermediary; go-between; middleman (between sb.)
intermediaries; go-betweens; middlemen
an intermediary to a deal to set up a deal
Financial institutions act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers.
A broker is a go-between between two parties.
schlichtend eingreifen; vermittelnd eingreifen; vermitteln, als Vermittler fungieren v (zwischen jdm. bei einem Konflikt)
schlichtend eingreifend; vermittelnd eingreifend; vermittelnd; als Vermittler fungierend
schlichtend eingegriffen; vermittelnd eingegriffen; vermittelt; als Vermittler fungiert
einen Ausgleich zwischen verschiedenen Interessen herbeiführen
zwischen den Interessensgruppen vermitteln
Er wurde gebeten, zwischen den gegnerischen Parteien zu vermitteln.
to arbitrate (between among sb. in a conflict)
to arbitrate between different interests
to arbitrate among the interest groups
He has been asked to arbitrate between the opposing sides.
vermitteln; als Vermittler fungieren v (zwischen jdm. bei etw.)
vermittelnd; als Vermittler fungierend
vermittelt; als Vermittler fungiert
in einem Streit vermitteln
zwischen den Konfliktparteien vermitteln
to mediate; to intermediate; to conciliate; to act as a mediator; to act as an intermediary (between sb. in sth.)
mediating; intermediating; conciliating; acting as a mediator; acting as an intermediary
mediated; intermediated; conciliated; acted as a mediator; acted as an intermediary
to mediate in a dispute
to conciliate between the warring parties
Vermittlerrolle f
mediating role; intermediary role role of (a) mediator
Mittlerrolle f; Vermittlerrolle f; vermittelnde Rolle f
intermediary role
Vermittlerrolle f
mediating role; intermediary role, role of (a) mediator
Rolle des Schiedsrichters, des Vermittlers
task of arbitrator
Disintermediation f econ. fin.
Abschaffung einer Vermittlerstelle f
Platzierung, Vermittlung
Vermittlung für möblierte Zimmer
lodgings agency
Vermittlung von Arbeitskräften, Platzierung
Vermittlung, Schlichtung
Einstellung f (eines Arbeitssuchenden), Stellenvermittlung f, Vermittlung f
Einstellung von Personal
engagement of new staff, engagement of personnel
Mittel n, Vermittlung f, Hilfe f
Vermittlung f
relaying, switching
Vermittlung f
durch jds. Vermittlung
durch die Vermittlung von Freunden
instrumentality, agency
through instrumentality of sb., by the instrumentality of sb.
through the agency of friends
Vermittlung f
Vermittlungen pl
mediation, intermediation
Vermittlung f, Zentrale f, Amt n (Telefon)
Vermittlung f, Zuhälterei f
Vermittlung, Zuhaelterei
Adoptivkind n; Adoptierte m f; Adoptierter soc.
Adoptivkinder pl; Adoptierten pl; Adoptierte
Vermittlung eines Adoptivkindes
adoptive child; adopted child; adoptee
adoptive children; adopted children; adoptees
placement of a child for adoption
Einstellung f (eines Arbeitssuchenden); Stellenvermittlung f; Vermittlung f
Einstellung von Personal
engagement of new staff; engagement of personnel
Instrument n; Mittel n; Vermittlung
durch (Vermittlung von) jdm.; durch etw.; über etw.; mittels etw.
durch jds. Vermittlung
durch die Vermittlung von Freunden
instrumentality; agency (formal)
by the agency of sb. sth.; through the agency of sb. sth.
through instrumentality of sb.; by the instrumentality of sb.
through the agency of friends
Vermittlung f; Telefonvermittlung f; Telefonvermittler m; Telefonvermittlerin f; Fräulein vom Amt (veraltet) telco.
Telefonvermittler pl; Telefonvermittlerinnen pl
Telefonvermittlung (auf einem Militärstützpunkt; in einer Garnison) mil.
operator Am.
base operator Am.
Vermittlung f; Vermitteln n telco.
relaying; switching
Vermittlung f (von Eindrücken Werten etc.)
conveyance (of impressions values etc.)
Vermittlung f
Vermittlungen pl
mediation; intermediation
Vermittlung f; Zentrale f; Amt n telco.
Vermittlungen pl; Zentralen pl; Ämter pl
Vermittlung f
Vermittlung f (bspw. von Wissen)
Vermittlung f (bspw. von Wissen)
conveyance geh.; impartment geh.
Adoptivkind n; Wahlkind n; Adoptierter m ugs.; Adoptierte f ugs. soc.
Adoptivkinder pl; Wahlkinder pl; Adoptierte pl
Vermittlung eines Adoptivkindes
adoptive child; adopted child; adoptee
adoptive children; adopted children; adoptees
placement of a child for adoption
Instrument n; Mittel n; Vermittlung
durch (Vermittlung von) jdm.; durch etw.; über etw.; mittels etw.
durch jds. Vermittlung
durch die Vermittlung von Freunden
instrumentality; agency formal
by the agency of sb. sth.; through the agency of sb. sth.
through instrumentality of sb.; by the instrumentality of sb.
through the agency of friends
Mitlaufwähler m; Mitlaufwerk n (bei der elektromagnetischen Vermittlung) telco.
Mitlaufwähler pl; Mitlaufwerke pl
selector repeater
selector repeaters
Präsentation f; (Vermittlung einer) Botschaft f; Statement n econ. pol.
Kurzpräsentation f; Schnellpräsentation f; Blitzpräsentation f
Podiumspräsentation f
Verkaufsmonolog m; Verkaufsbotschaft f; Marketingtext m; Marketingbotschaft f
Werbepräsentation f; Werbebotschaft f; Werbestatement n
sein Anliegen sich 45 Minuten lang präsentieren
Der Verkäufer begann, seinen Monolog seinen Text abzuspulen.
Seine Botschaft ist einfach: eine Stimme für die Partei und eine Vorzugsstimme für ihn.
advocacy pitch; pitch; advocacy spiel coll.; spiel coll.
lift pitch Br.; elevator pitch Am.
podium pitch
sales pitch; marketing pitch; pitch; sales spiel
advertising pitch; advertising spiel
to make a 45 minute pitch
The salesman started making delivering his pitch.
His pitch is straightforward: one vote for the party and a preference vote for him.
Vermittlung f; Telefonvermittlung f; Telefonvermittler m; Telefonvermittlerin f; Fräulein vom Amt veraltet telco.
Telefonvermittler pl; Telefonvermittlerinnen pl
Telefonvermittlung (auf einem Militärstützpunkt; in einer Garnison) mil.
operator Am.
base operator Am.
Vermittlung f (von Eindrücken, Werten usw.)
conveyance (of impressions values etc.)
Vermittlung f; Weitergabe f (von etw.) übtr.
die Vermittlung von Werten
die Weitergabe von Fertigkeiten
inculcation (of sth.)
the inculcation of values
the inculcation of skills
Vermittlung f; Zentrale f; Amt n telco.
Vermittlungen pl; Zentralen pl; Ämter pl
Bestimmungsamt n
called exchange

Vermittlungsschicht Definition

(n.) One who, or that which, lays.
(n.) That which is laid
(n.) A shoot or twig of a plant, not detached from the stock, laid under ground for growth or propagation.
(n.) An artificial oyster bed.
(n.) A miniature representation of a thing, with the several parts in due proportion
(n.) Something intended to serve, or that may serve, as a pattern of something to be made
(n.) Anything which serves, or may serve, as an example for imitation
(n.) That by which a thing is to be measured
(n.) Any copy, or resemblance, more or less exact.
(n.) A person who poses as a pattern to an artist.
(a.) Suitable to be taken as a model or pattern
(v. t.) To plan or form after a pattern
(v. i.) To make a copy or a pattern
(n.) A fabric of threads, cords, or wires crossing each other at certain intervals, and knotted or secured at the crossings, thus leaving spaces or meshes between them.
(n.) Any system of lines or channels interlacing or crossing like the fabric of a net
(v. t.) To remodel.
Pipe layer
() One who lays conducting pipes in the ground, as for water, gas, etc.
Pipe layer
() A politician who works in secret
(n.) The act of referring, or the state of being referred
(n.) That which refers to something
(n.) Relation
(n.) One who, or that which, is referred to.
(n.) One of whom inquires can be made as to the integrity, capacity, and the like, of another.
(n.) A work, or a passage in a work, to which one is referred.
(n.) The act of submitting a matter in dispute to the judgment of one or more persons for decision.
(n.) The process of sending any matter, for inquiry in a cause, to a master or other officer, in order that he may ascertain facts and report to the court.
(n.) Appeal.
(n.) A young oak, or other timber plant, laid down in a hedge among the whitethorn or other plants used in hedges.

network layer; layer 3 (in the OSI reference model) Bedeutung

the act of representing something (usually on a smaller scale)
the act of referring or consulting, reference to an encyclopedia produced the answer
layer thin structure composed of a single thickness of cells
germ layer (embryology) any of the layers of cells differentiated in embryos following gastrulation
layer a hen that lays eggs
computer network (computer science) a network of computers
cutaway cutaway drawing
cutaway model
a representation (drawing or model) of something in which the outside is omitted to reveal the inner parts
reference grid a pattern of horizontal and vertical lines that provide coordinates for locating points on an image or a map
single thickness of usually some homogeneous substance, slices of hard-boiled egg on a bed of spinach
local area network
a local computer network for communication between computers, especially a network connecting computers and word processors and other electronic office equipment to create a communication system between offices
representation of something (sometimes on a smaller scale)
Model T the first widely available automobile powered by a gasoline engine, mass-produced by Henry Ford fromto
meshing meshwork
an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals
network (broadcasting) a communication system consisting of a group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same programs, the networks compete to broadcast important sports events
network electronic network (electronics) a system of interconnected electronic components or circuits
network a system of intersecting lines or channels, a railroad network, a network of canals
T-network a circuit formed by two equal series circuits with a shunt between them
wide area network
a computer network that spans a wider area than does a local area network
wireless local area network
wireless fidelity
a local area network that uses high frequency radio signals to transmit and receive data over distances of a few hundred feet, uses ethernet protocol
stratum corneum
horny layer
the outermost layer of the epidermis consisting of dead cells that slough off
stratum germinativum
stratum basale
malpighian layer
rete Malpighii
the innermost layer of the epidermis
bulbar conjunctiva
conjunctival layer of bulb
tunica conjunctiva bulbi
the part of the conjunctiva covering the anterior face of the sclera and the surface epithelium of the cornea
palpebra conjunctiva
conjunctival layer of eyelids
tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum
the part of the conjunctiva lining the posterior surface of the eyelids, continuous with the bulbar conjunctiva
Purkinje network
Purkinje's tissue
Purkinje's system
a network of Purkinje fibers that carry the cardiac impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles of the heart and causes them to contract
tissue layer
a pliable sheet of tissue that covers or lines or connects the organs or cells of animals or plants
neural network
neural net
any network of neurons or nuclei that function together to perform some function in the body
frame of reference frame a system of assumptions and standards that sanction behavior and give it meaning
coordinate system
frame of reference
reference system
reference frame
a system that uses coordinates to establish position
topology network topology the configuration of a communication network
model a type of product, his car was an old model
theoretical account
a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process, the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems
the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression, the class of objects that an expression refers to, the extension of `satellite of Mars' is the set containing only Demos and Phobos
reference the relation between a word or phrase and the object or idea it refers to, he argued that reference is a consequence of conditioned reflexes
example model good example
something to be imitated, an exemplar of success, a model of clarity, he is the very model of a modern major general
model example a representative form or pattern, I profited from his example
inertial reference frame
inertial frame
a coordinate system in which Newton's first law of motion is valid
an abstract place usually conceived as having depth, a good actor communicates on several levels, a simile has at least two layers of meaning, the mind functions on many strata simultaneously
address computer address
(computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored
reference book
reference reference work
book of facts
a book to which you can refer for authoritative facts, he contributed articles to the basic reference work on that topic
reference manual a manual containing information organized in a summary manner
network programming the schedule of programs to be broadcast on a network
character reference character reference a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person's qualifications and dependability, requests for character references are all too often answered evasively
neural network
neural net
computer architecture in which processors are connected in a manner suggestive of connections between neurons, can learn by trial and error
network architecture specification of design principles (including data formats and procedures) for creating a network configuration of data processors
citation cite
acknowledgment credit reference mention quotation
a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage, the student's essay failed to list several important citations, the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book, the article includes mention of similar clinical cases
mention reference a remark that calls attention to something or someone, she made frequent mention of her promotion, there was no mention of it, the speaker made several references to his wife
anatomical reference
an expression that relates to anatomy
reference point
point of reference
an indicator that orients you generally, it is used as a reference for comparing the heating and the electrical energy involved
reference source a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to, he carried an armful of references back to his desk, he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation
layer cake cake having layers held together by a sweet filling and usually covered with frosting
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