
Verschuldungsrate Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

rate of indebtedness
rate of indebtedness
encumber with debts
eigenes Verschulden
actual fault
Fehler, Verschulden
Kollisionsklausel beidseitiges Verschulden
both-to-blame collision clause
Schuld f, Verpflichtung f, Belastung f
Schulden pl
uneinbringliche Forderung, uneinbringliche Schuld
Schulden haben, verschuldet sein
in jds. Schuld stehen
in Schulden geraten, sich verschulden
Schulden machen
aus den Schulden herauskommen
bad debt
to be in debt
to be in sb.'s debt
to get into debt, to run into debt
to incur debts
to get out of debt
Verschulden n
eigenes Verschulden, das eigene Verschulden
mein eigenes Verschulden
beiderseitiges Verschulden
ohne mein Verschulden
own fault
my own fault
mutual fault
through no fault of my own
(sich) verschulden v v, Schulden machen
sich heillos verschulden, sich bis zum Gehtnichtmehr verschulden ugs.
to get into debt, to encumber with debts
getting into debt, encumbering with debts
got into debt, encumbered with debts
gets into debt, encumbers with debts
got into debt, encumbered with debts
to get up to one's ears in debt coll.
verschulden v
to be to blame for
being to blame for
been to blame for
Schuld f (finanzielle Verpflichtung) fin.
Schulden pl
uneinbringliche Forderung; uneinbringliche Schuld
vorrangige Schulden
Schulden haben; verschuldet sein
in jds. Schuld stehen
in Schulden geraten; sich verschulden
Schulden machen
aus den Schulden herauskommen
frei von Schulden bleiben
Einziehung von Schulden
bad debt
senior debts
to be in debt
to be in sb.'s debt
to get into debt; to run into debt
to incur debts
to get out of debt
to keep out of debt
collection of debts
Verschulden n jur.
jds. Verschulden
durch eigenes Verschulden
beiderseitiges Verschulden
Verschulden bei Vertragsabschluss
Haftung für eigenes Verschulden
Haftung für fremdes Verschulden
Haftung ohne Verschulden
Klausel über Schiffskollisionen bei beiderseitigem Verschulden
Ihn trifft kein Verschulden.
Den Verkäufer trifft ein Verschulden.
fault; negligence
fault attributable to sb.
through one's own fault
mutual fault
culpa in contrahendo
liability for fault
vicarious liability for an employee's negligence; imputed negligence Am.
liability without regardless of fault
both-to-blame-collision clause contributory fault; contributory negligence; comparative negligence Am.
No fault can be attributed to him.
The fault is on the side of lies with the seller.
sich etw. einhandeln; etw. hinnehmen müssen
sich einhandelnd; hinnehmen müssend
sich eingehandelt; hinnehmen müssen
er sie handelt sich ein; er sie muss hinnehmen
ich er sie handelte sich ein; ich er sie musste hinnehmen
Verpflichtungen eingehen müssen
sich einem Risiko aussetzen
auf Kritik stoßen
Strafe zahlen müssen; bestraft werden (Person); eine Strafe nach sich ziehen (Vorgang)
einen Schaden Verlust erleiden
Kosten tragen müssen; Ausgaben übernehmen müssen
sich verschulden müssen; Schulden machen müssen
Schadenersatz zahlen müssen; schadenersatzpflichtig werden
to incur sth.
he she incurs
I he she incurred
to incur liabilities
to incur a risk
to incur censure
to incur a penalty
to incur a loss
to incur expenses
to incur debts
to incur damages
unverschuldet; schuldlos; ohne eigenes Verschulden; nicht schuldhaft adm. adv
unverschuldet in Not geraten sein
Ich bin ohne eigenes Verschulden arbeitslos.
through no fault of your own
to suffer want through no fault of your own
I have lost my job through no fault of my own of mine.
(sich) verschulden v v; Schulden machen
sich heillos verschulden; sich bis zum Gehtnichtmehr verschulden ugs.
to get into debt; to encumber with debts
getting into debt; encumbering with debts
got into debt; encumbered with debts
gets into debt; encumbers with debts
got into debt; encumbered with debts
to get up to one's ears in debt coll.
Schuld f (finanzielle Verpflichtung) fin.
Schulden pl; Verschuldung f
Altschulden pl
Stillhalteschulden pl
uneinbringliche Forderung; uneinbringliche Schuld
vorrangige Schulden
Schulden haben; verschuldet sein
bei jdm. Schulden haben; bei jdm. in der Kreide stehen
in jds. Schuld stehen
eine Schuld begleichen tilgen
in Schulden geraten; sich verschulden
bis über beide Ohren in Schulden stecken
Schulden machen
aus den Schulden herauskommen
jdm. eine Schuld erlassen; jdn. von einer Schuld befreien
frei von Schulden bleiben
seine Schulden nicht zahlen; Zahlungsverpflichtungen nicht nachkommen
Einziehung von Schulden
long-standing debts
frozen debts
bad debt
senior debts
to be in debt
to be in debt to sb.; to be in hock to sb.
to be in sb.'s debt
to clear a debt
to get into debt; to run into debt
to be up to your ears in debt; to be in debt up to your ears
to incur debts
to get out of debt
to forgive sb. a debt
to keep out of debt
to default on one's debts
collection of debts
Schuld haben; die Schuld tragen; schuld sein v
Ein Verschulden des Kunden liegt vor, wenn er fahrlässig handelt.
to be at fault
The customer is deemed to be at fault if his actions are negligent.
Verschulden n jur.
jds. Verschulden
fahrlässiges Verschulden; fahrlässiges Handeln
durch eigenes Verschulden
beiderseitiges Verschulden
Verschulden bei Vertragsabschluss
Haftung für eigenes Verschulden
Haftung für fremdes Verschulden
Haftung ohne Verschulden
Klausel über Schiffskollisionen bei beiderseitigem Verschulden
Ihn trifft kein Verschulden.
Den Verkäufer trifft ein Verschulden.
fault attributable to sb.
through one's own fault
mutual fault
culpa in contrahendo
liability for fault
vicarious liability for an employee's negligence; imputed negligence Am.
liability without regardless of fault
both-to-blame-collision clause contributory fault; contributory negligence; comparative negligence Am.
No fault can be attributed to him.
The fault is on the side of lies with the seller.
sich etw. einhandeln v; etw. hinnehmen müssen v
sich einhandelnd; hinnehmen müssend
sich eingehandelt; hinnehmen müssen
er sie handelt sich ein; er sie muss hinnehmen
ich er sie handelte sich ein; ich er sie musste hinnehmen
Verpflichtungen eingehen müssen
sich einem Risiko aussetzen
auf Kritik stoßen
Strafe zahlen müssen; bestraft werden (Person); eine Strafe nach sich ziehen (Vorgang)
einen Schaden Verlust erleiden
Kosten tragen müssen; Ausgaben übernehmen müssen
sich verschulden müssen; Schulden machen müssen
Schadenersatz zahlen müssen; schadenersatzpflichtig werden
to incur sth.
he she incurs
I he she incurred
to incur liabilities
to incur a risk
to incur censure
to incur a penalty
to incur a loss
to incur expenses
to incur debts
to incur damages
verschuldensabhängig adj jur.
verschuldensabhängige Haftung f
fault-based; with fault
fault-based liability; liability with fault
die Verschuldensfrage f; die Schuldfrage f (Unfall, Scheidung; Beschädigung)
the question of fault (accident, divorce, damage)
verschuldensunabhängig adj jur.
verschuldensunabhängige Haftung f
no-fault; without fault
no-fault liability; liability without fault; strict absolute liability
etw. ansammeln, aufstauen; den Grundstein für etw. (Zukünftiges) legen v übtr.
ansammeln, aufstauend; den Grundstein legend
ansammeln, aufgestaut; den Grundstein gelegt
Sie hatte viel Wut aufgestaut.
Wenn du dich verschuldest, legst du damit den Grundstein für zukünftige Probleme.
to store up () sth. fig. Br.
storing up
stored up
She had stored up a lot of anger.
If you get yourself into debt, you're storing up problems trouble for the future.
behindert, belastet, verschuldet
selbstverschuldet, selbst verschuldet adj
selbstverschuldete Krise
self-caused, self-inflicted
crisis of one's own making
hoch verschuldet, tief verschuldet, schuldengeplagt adj
deeply in debt, deep in debt, debt-ridden
encumbers with debts
selbstverschuldet; selbst verschuldet; hausgemacht adj
selbstverschuldete Krise
Diese Probleme sind hausgemacht.
self-caused; self-inflicted
crisis of one's own making
These problems are of his her our their own making.
etw. verschuldet haben v
to be to blame for sth.
verschuldet adj
hoch verschuldet sein
to be deeply heavily indebted
hoch verschuldet; tief verschuldet; schuldenbelastet; schuldengeplagt adj; von einem Schuldenberg erdrückt
deeply in debt; deep in debt; debt-ridden; debt-laden
bei jdm. Schulden haben; bei jdm. verschuldet sein
bei jdm. in der Kreide stehen ugs.
to be in hock to so. coll.
to be in hock to so. coll.
sich zu etw. bekennen; sich etw. eingestehen v
sich zu bekennend; sich eingestehend
sich zu bekannt; sich eingegestanden
sich dazu bekennen, ein Skeptiker zu sein
sich eingestehen, im Unrecht zu sein
Er wollte sich nicht eingestehen, dass er verschuldet war.
to own to sth. formal
owning to
owned to
to own that you are a sceptic
to own that you are in the wrong
He was reluctant to own that he was indebted.
encumbered with debts
Hinterlassenschaft f; Verlassenschaft Ös.; Nachlass m (eines Verstorbenen) jur.
beweglicher Nachlass
unbeweglicher Nachlass
Anteil an der Hinterlassenschaft
Einrede der Dürftigkeit des Nachlasses
den Nachlass abwickeln
den Nachlass sichern
eine verschuldete Hinterlassenschaft; ein verschuldeter Nachlass
Der Nachlass fällt an die gesetzlichen Erben.
property left (by a deceased Br. decedent Am.); estate (of a deceased Br. decedent Am.)
personal estate (of a deceased decedent)
immovable part of a deceased person's estate
share in the (deceased person's) estate; portion of the (decedent's) estate Am.
plea of insufficienty of the deceased's decedent's estate
to wind up the deceased's estate Br.; to settle the decedent's estate Am.
to preserve the deceased's decedent's estate
a deceased's decedent's estate encumbered with debts
The deceased's decedent's estate goes to the statutory heirs.
Verschuldung f; Verschuldetsein n fin.
Nettoverschuldung f
net indebtedness
kurzfristige Verschuldung
short-term debt
kurzfristige Verschuldung
short-term indebtedness
langfristige Verschuldung
long-term debt
langfristige Verschuldung
long-term indebtedness
öffentliche Verschuldung
public debt
Schuldenlast, Verschuldung
Verschuldung des Staates, Staatsschuld
national debt
Belastung f, Verschuldung f
Belastungen pl
Verschuldung f
Belastung, Verschuldung
Verschuldung f
Nettoverschuldung f
Nettoneuverschuldung f
Pro-Kopf-Verschuldung f
debt; debts
net debt
(new) net borrowings
per-capita debt
Verschuldungsgrad m fin.
debt equity ratio
Verschuldungsgrad m fin.
leverage Am.
Verringerung f des Fremdkapitalanteils Verschuldungsgrads durch Schuldenabbau fin.
Verschuldungsquote f (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) econ.
leverage ratio (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
rate of indebtedness
verschult sein v (Sache) school
to have a school-like structure; to be regimented (of a thing)

Deutsche Verschuldungsrate Synonyme

Englische rate of indebtedness Synonyme

rate  VAT  abuse  account  ad valorem duty  admonish  alcohol tax  alphabetize  amount  amusement tax  analyze  antecede  anyhow  anyway  apportion  appraise  appreciate  arithmetical proportion  arrange  assay  assess  assessment on default  assort  at all events  at any rate  bank rate  bark at  bawl out  be deserving  be entitled to  be regarded  be thought of  be worthy of  berate  betongue  blacken  break down  bring to book  calculate  calibrate  caliper  call  call to account  capital gains tax  capitation  capitation tax  career  caste  catalog  categorize  censure  charge  chastise  check a parameter  chew out  chide  class  classification  classify  clip  codify  come before  come first  compensatory interest  compound interest  compute  condition  continued fraction  conversion factor  corporation tax  correct  cost  count  customs  customs duty  damage  death duty  death tax  decrease  deserve  dial  digest  discount rate  divide  doomage  dress down  duty  earn  echelon  estate duty  estate tax  estimate  evaluate  evaluation  excess profits tax  excise  excise tax  execrate  exorbitant interest  expenditure  expense  export tax  face  face value  fair-trade  fathom  federal tax  fee  figure  file  fix  footing  form an estimate  fraction  front  fulminate against  gabelle  gait  gauge  geometric ratio  gift tax  give an appreciation  go ahead of  go before  go in advance  grade  graduate  gross interest  group  guess  harmonic proportion  have priority  have words with  head  head tax  head the table  head up  hierarchy  import tax  improper fraction  in any case  in any event  income tax  increase  index  inheritance tax  interest  interest rate  internal revenue tax  jaw  judge  kick off  kind  land tax  lead  lead off  lecture  lick  liquor tax  list  load with reproaches  local tax  lucrative interest  luxury tax  make an estimation  mark  market value  measure  mensurate  merit  mete  meter  mortgage points  net interest  net worth  notwithstandin  
rated  ad valorem  appraised  assessed  assorted  cataloged  classified  evaluated  filed  good for  graded  grouped  hierarchic  indexed  on file  pigeonholed  placed  priced  prized  pro rata  pyramidal  ranked  sorted  stratified  tabular  valued  valued at  worth  

Verschuldungsrate Definition

(a.) Of the highest excellence
(n.) A war vessel of the highest grade or the most powerful class.
(n.) The state of being indebted.
(n.) The sum owed
(v. t. & i.) To chide with vehemence
(n.) Established portion or measure
(n.) That which is established as a measure or criterion
(n.) Valuation
(n.) A tax or sum assessed by authority on property for public use, according to its income or value
(n.) Order
(n.) Ratification
(n.) The gain or loss of a timepiece in a unit of time
(n.) The order or class to which a war vessel belongs, determined according to its size, armament, etc.
(n.) The class of a merchant vessel for marine insurance, determined by its relative safety as a risk, as A1, A2, etc.
(v. t.) To set a certain estimate on
(v. t.) To assess for the payment of a rate or tax.
(v. t.) To settle the relative scale, rank, position, amount, value, or quality of
(v. t.) To ratify.
(v. i.) To be set or considered in a class
(v. i.) To make an estimate.
(a.) Of the second size, rank, quality, or value
Water rate
() A rate or tax for a supply of water.

rate of indebtedness Bedeutung

pace rate the relative speed of progress or change, he lived at a fast pace, he works at a great rate, the pace of events accelerated
bargain rate
cut rate
cut price
a price below the standard price
Postal Rate Commission an independent federal agency that recommends changes in postal rates
pay rate
rate of pay
amount of money received per unit time, women's pay rate is lower than men's
payment rate
rate of payment
repayment rate
installment rate
the amount of money paid out per unit time
tax rate rate used to calculate tax liability
interest rate
rate of interest
the percentage of a sum of money charged for its use
discount rate
discount bank discount
interest on an annual basis deducted in advance on a loan
bank rate the discount rate fixed by a central bank
discount rate the rate of interest set by the Federal Reserve that member banks are charged when they borrow money through the Federal Reserve System
base rate the interest rate set by the Bank of England for lending to other banks
prime interest rate the interest rate on short-term loans that banks charge their commercial customers with high credit ratings
charge per unit
amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis, a -minute phone call at that rate would cost $
freight rate
the charge for transporting something by common carrier, we pay the freight, the freight rate is usually cheaper
rate of depreciation
depreciation rate
the rate at which the value of property is reduced, used to calculate tax deduction
rate of exchange
exchange rate
the charge for exchanging currency of one country for currency of another
excursion rate a reduced rate for a round-trip ticket
room rate the rate charged daily for a hotel room
debt instrument
certificate of indebtedness
a written promise to repay a debt
basal metabolic rate
the rate at which heat is produced by an individual in a resting state
baud rate
(computer science) a data transmission rate (bits
for modems
a personal relation in which one is indebted for a service or favor
rate a quantity or amount or measure considered as a proportion of another quantity or amount or measure, the literacy rate, the retention rate, the dropout rate
absentee rate the percentage of workers who do not report to work
occupancy rate the percentage of all rental units (as in hotels) are occupied or rented at a given time
vacancy rate the percentage of all rental units (as in hotels) that are unoccupied or not rented at a given time
unemployment rate the percentage of the work force that is unemployed at any given date
fuel consumption rate
gasoline mileage
gas mileage
the ratio of the number of miles traveled to the number of gallons of gasoline burned
employee turnover
turnover rate
the ratio of the number of workers that had to be replaced in a given time period to the average number of workers
financial obligation
an obligation to pay money to another party
attrition rate
rate of attrition
the rate of shrinkage in size or number
birth rate
fertility rate
the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area, expressed per population per year
crime rate the ratio of crimes in an area to the population of that area, expressed per population per year
data rate the rate at which circuits or other devices operate when handling digital information
death rate
mortality rate
fatality rate
the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area, expressed per per year
dose rate the quantity of radiation absorbed per unit time
erythrocyte sedimentation rate
sedimentation rate
sed rate
the rate at which red blood cells settle out in a tube of blood under standardized conditions, a high rate usually indicates the presence of inflammation
flow rate
rate of flow
the amount of fluid that flows in a given time
growth rate
rate of growth
the rate of increase in size per unit time
inflation rate
rate of inflation
the rate of change of prices (as indicated by a price index) calculated on a monthly or annual basis
metabolic rate rate of metabolism, the amount of energy expended in a give period
pulse rate
heart rate
the rate at which the heart beats, usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
rate of return the amount returned per unit of time expressed as a percentage of the cost
respiratory rate
rate of respiration
the rate at which a person inhales and exhales, usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
sampling rate (telecommunication) the frequency of sampling per unit time
Nyquist rate (telecommunication) the lowest sampling rate that will permit accurate reconstruction of a sampled analog signal
infant deathrate
infant mortality
infant mortality rate
the death rate during the first year of life
neonatal mortality
neonatal mortality rate
the death rate during the first days of life
rate a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit, they traveled at a rate of miles per hour, the rate of change was faster than expected
grade place
assign a rank or rating to, how would you rank these students?, The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide
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