
Vertragsklausel Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

trade term
Vertragsklausel f
Vertragsklauseln pl
contract clause
contract clauses
Vertragsklausel f jur.
Vertragsklauseln pl
contract clause; contractual clause
contract clauses; contractual clauses
Wesentliche Vertragsbestimmungen (Ãœberschrift einer Vertragsklausel) jur.
Conditions (heading of a contractual clause)
Geschäftsbedingungen pl
allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen pl AGB
Im Übrigen gelten die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. (Vertragsklausel)
business conditions; terms of business
general conditions (of business; of sale); terms and conditions; general terms
In all other respects, the General Terms and Conditions shall apply govern. (contractual clause)
Geschäftsbedingungen pl
allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen pl AGB
Im Übrigen gelten die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. (Vertragsklausel)
business conditions; terms of business
general conditions (of business; of sale); terms and conditions; general terms
In all other respects the General Terms and Conditions shall apply govern. (contractual clause)
Abnahme f; Endabnahme f adm.
Vorabnahme f
Die Abnahme der Lieferungen erfolgt formell durch Unterzeichnung eines Abnahmeprotokolls. (Vertragsklausel)
Acceptance of the supplies shall be formally attested by signing an acceptance certificate. (contractual clause)
Abnahme f; Endabnahme f adm.
Vorabnahme f
Abnahmeprüfung f
Die Abnahme der Lieferungen erfolgt formell durch Unterzeichnung eines Abnahmeprotokolls. (Vertragsklausel)
acceptance test
Acceptance of the supplies shall be formally attested by signing an acceptance certificate. (contractual clause)
schadlos adj; ohne Nachteil jur.
jdn. schad- und klaglos halten
Der Auftraggeber hält den Auftragnehmer bei Inanspruchnahme von Dritten wegen der Verletzung von Rechten schad- und klaglos. (Vertragsklausel) jur.
to indemnify and hold sb. harmless
The Client shall indemnify and hold harmless the Supplier from and against any (and all) claims or legal proceedings brought by third parties arising out of the infringement of rights. (contractual clause)
etw. auslegen; etw. deuten v
auslegend; deutend
ausgelegt; gedeutet
etw. weit auslegen
Solche Bemerkungen könnten als sexistisch gedeutet werden.
Dieser Vertrag ist nach Schweizer Recht auszulegen. (Vertragsklausel)
to construe sth.
to construe sth. extensively
Such remarks could be construed as sexist.
This Contract shall be construed in accordance with Swiss law. (contractual clause)
zutreffen; gelten; Gültigkeit haben v (für)
zutreffend; geltend
zugetroffen; gegolten
sinngemäß für etw. gelten jur.
Es gilt deutsches Recht. (Vertragsklausel)
Diese Vorstellungen haben für meine Generation keine Gültigkeit mehr.
to apply (to)
to apply mutatis mutandis to sth.
German law shall apply. (Contractual clause)
These ideas no longer apply for my generation.
anwendbar; einschlägig adm. jur.; einsetzbar techn.; applikabel geh.; applizierbar geh. adj
anwendbares einschlägiges Recht
einfach anwendbar applizierbar
Anwendbares Recht und Gerichtsstand (Ãœberschrift einer Vertragsklausel)
applicable law
easy to apply
Law and Juristdiction (heading of a contractual clause)
für etw. bestimmend maßgebend sein v
einer Sache unterliegen; von etw. bestimmt werden
unter ein Gesetz fallen
Die vorliegende Vereinbarung unterliegt irischem Recht. (Vertragsklausel)
Sie ließen sich von Sicherheitsüberlegungen leiten.
to govern sth.
to be governed by sth.
to be governed by a law
This Agreement shall be governed by Irish law. (contractual clause)
They were governed by considerations of satefy.
anwendbar; entsprechend; einschlägig adm. jur.; einsetzbar techn.; applikabel geh.; applizierbar geh. adj
anwendbares einschlägiges Recht
einfach anwendbar applizierbar
Anwendbares Recht und Gerichtsstand (Ãœberschrift einer Vertragsklausel)
applicable law
easy to apply
Law and Juristdiction (heading of a contractual clause)
Rechtsweg m jur.
der ordentliche Rechtsweg
auf dem Rechtsweg
auf dem Rechtsweg durchsetzbare Rechte
den Rechtsweg beschreiten einschlagen
unter Ausschluss des Rechtswegs
Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.
Der Rechtsweg bleibt vorbehalten. (Vertragsklausel)
legal recourse; recourse to the courts
legal action in the ordinary courts
by legal procedure; by legal means; through legal proceedings
legally enforceable rights
to have recourse to law; to have recourse to judicial review
ousting the jurisdiction of the courts
Recourse to legal action is excluded.
The parties reserve the right to have recourse to the courts. (contractual clause)
für etw. bestimmend maßgebend sein v
einer Sache unterliegen; von etw. bestimmt werden
unter ein Gesetz fallen
Rechtsgrundsätze für die Nutzung des Weltraums in Friedenszeiten
Die vorliegende Vereinbarung unterliegt irischem Recht. (Vertragsklausel)
Sie ließen sich von Sicherheitsüberlegungen leiten.
to govern sth.
to be governed by sth.
to be governed by a law
legal principles governing the use of outer space in times of peace
This Agreement shall be governed by Irish law. (contractual clause)
They were governed by considerations of satefy.
wirksam sein v; sich auswirken v jur.
zugunsten von jdm. wirksam sein bleiben; sich zum Vorteil von jdm. auswirken; jdm. zugute kommen
eine Politik, die den Konsumenten zugute kommt
Die vorliegende Vereinbarung ist für jede der Vertragsparteien und ihre etwaigen Rechtsnachfolger bindend und zu ihren Gunsten wirksam. (Vertragsklausel)
to enure Br.; inure Am.
to inure to the benefit of sb.
a policy that inures to the benefit of consumers
This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each party hereto and its or any successors. (contractual clause)
wirksam sein v; sich auswirken v jur.
zugunsten von jdm. wirksam sein bleiben; sich zum Vorteil von jdm. auswirken; jdm. zugute kommen
eine Politik die den Konsumenten zugute kommt
Die vorliegende Vereinbarung ist für jede der Vertragsparteien und ihre etwaigen Rechtsnachfolger bindend und zu ihren Gunsten wirksam. (Vertragsklausel)
to enure Br.; inure Am.
to inure to the benefit of sb.
a policy that inures to the benefit of consumers
This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each party hereto and its or any successors. (contractual clause)
ausschließen, dass jd. etw. tut; jds. Recht ausschließen, etw. zu tun v (Sache) jur.
Diese Vereinbarung schließt nicht aus, dass eine Vertragspartei mit einer dritten Partei gesonderte vertragliche Regelungen trifft.; Keine Bestimmung dieser Vereinbarung schließt das Recht der Vertragsparteien aus, mit Dritten gesonderte vertragliche Regelungen zu treffen. (Vertragsklausel)
to preclude sb. from doing sth. (of a thing)
Nothing in this agreement shall preclude any Party from entering into separate contractual arrangements with any third party. (contractual clause)
Beeinträchtigung f (von etw.); Nachteil m; Schaden m (für etw.) adm. jur.
zu jds. Schaden
ohne Beeinträchtigung von etw.; unbeschadet +Gen. übtr.
unsere Interessen abträglich sein
Der Kläger hat dadurch keinen Nachteil erlitten.
Ohne den Ergebnissen der abschließenden Bewertung vorgreifen zu wollen kann man sagen dass das Projekt eine Erfolgsgeschichte war.
ohne Beeinträchtigung unbeschadet irgendwelcher Ansprüche jur.
Artikel 5 bleibt davon unberührt. (Vertragsklausel) jur.
prejudice (to sth.)
to the prejudice of sb.
without prejudice to sth.
to be of prejudice to our interests
The plaintiff has suffered no prejudice.
Without prejudice to the results of the final evaluation it can be argued that the project has been a success story.
without prejudice to any claim
This shall be without prejudice to Article 5. (contractual clause)
Beeinträchtigung f (von etw.); Nachteil m; Schaden m (für etw.) adm. jur.
zu jds. Schaden
ohne Beeinträchtigung von etw.; unbeschadet +Gen. übtr.
unsere Interessen abträglich sein
Der Kläger hat dadurch keinen Nachteil erlitten.
Ohne den Ergebnissen der abschließenden Bewertung vorgreifen zu wollen, kann man sagen, dass das Projekt eine Erfolgsgeschichte war.
ohne Beeinträchtigung unbeschadet irgendwelcher Ansprüche jur.
Artikel 5 bleibt davon unberührt.; Artikel 5 bleibt vorbehalten. Schw. (Vertragsklausel) jur.
prejudice (to sth.)
to the prejudice of sb.
without prejudice to sth.
to be of prejudice to our interests
The plaintiff has suffered no prejudice.
Without prejudice to the results of the final evaluation, it can be argued that the project has been a success story.
without prejudice to any claim
This shall be without prejudice to Article 5. (contractual clause)
verstehen; begreifen v
verstehend; begreifend
verstanden; begriffen
er sie versteht; er sie begreift
ich er sie verstand; ich er sie begriff
er sie hat hatte verstanden; er sie hat hatte begriffen
ich er sie verstünde; ich er sie begriffe
Ich habe verstanden.
Darunter verstehe ich …
So, wie ich das verstehe …
Verstehen Sie mich?
Ich verstehe nicht …
Er war schlecht zu verstehen.
Verstehen Sie, was ich meine?
Ich verstehe die Frage nicht.
Er hat in Aussicht gestellt, dass er uns helfen wird.
Versteh mich richtig, …
Es gilt als vereinbart, dass … (Vertragsklausel); Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass … (allgemein)
Unter „angemessene Abgeltung“ ist … zu verstehen
wobei davon auszugehen ist, dass …
Du musst verstehen, dass ich keine andere Wahl hatte.
Was verstehen Sie unter 'langfristigen Folgen'?
Verstanden, Ende. (Funkjargon) telco.
to understand {understood; understood}
I he she understood
he she has had understood
I he she would understand
I understood.; (I) copy that. coll.
I take that to mean …; I understand that as meaning …
As I understand it AIUI
Do you understand me?
I don't understand …
He was hard to understand.
Do you understand what I mean?
I don't understand the question.
He gave us to understand that he would help us.
Read me right …
It is understood that …
'Adequate compensation' is understood to mean …
it being understood that …
You have to understand that I had no other choice.
What do you understand by 'long-term consequences'?
Acknowledged, out. (radio jargon)
verstehen; begreifen v
verstehend; begreifend
verstanden; begriffen
er sie versteht; er sie begreift
ich er sie verstand; ich er sie begriff
er sie hat hatte verstanden; er sie hat hatte begriffen
ich er sie verstünde; ich er sie begriffe
Ich habe verstanden.
Darunter verstehe ich ...
So wie ich das verstehe ...
Verstehen Sie mich?
Ich verstehe nicht ...
Er war schlecht zu verstehen.
Verstehen Sie was ich meine?
Ich verstehe die Frage nicht.
Er hat in Aussicht gestellt dass er uns helfen wird.
Versteh mich richtig ...
Es gilt als vereinbart dass ... (Vertragsklausel); Es wird davon ausgegangen dass ... (allgemein)
Unter 'angemessene Abgeltung' ist .... zu verstehen
wobei davon auszugehen ist dass ...
Du musst verstehen dass ich keine andere Wahl hatte.
Was verstehen Sie unter 'langfristigen Folgen'?
Verstanden Ende. (Funkjargon) telco.
to understand {understood; understood}
I he she understood
he she has had understood
I he she would understand
I understood.; (I) copy that. coll.
I take that to mean ...; I understand that as meaning ...
As I understand it AIUI
Do you understand me?
I don't understand ...
He was hard to understand.
Do you understand what I mean?
I don't understand the question.
He gave us to understand that he would help us.
Read me right ...
It is understood that ...
'Adequate compensation' is understood to mean ...
it being understood that ...
You have to understand that I had no other choice.
What do you understand by 'long-term consequences'?
Acknowledged out. (radio jargon)

Deutsche Vertragsklausel Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Vertragsklausel Synonym nachschlagen

Englische trade term Synonyme

trade  abalienate  agency  alien  alienate  alternate  amortize  argue  art  assign  backscratching  balance of trade  bandy  bargain  barter  bartering  be quits with  bequeath  big business  blind bargain  brokerage  business  business dealings  buy  buy and sell  buying and selling  calling  career  career building  careerism  carriage trade  cede  chaffer  change  clientage  clientele  commerce  commercial  commercial affairs  commercial relations  commute  compensate  confer  consign  convey  cooperate  counterchange  craft  custom  deal  deal with  dealing  dealings  deed  deed over  deliver  demise  devolve upon  dicker  do business  do business with  doing business  employment  enfeoff  even trade  exchange  fair trade  following  free trade  game  get back at  get even with  give  give and take  give in exchange  give title to  give-and-take  good name  goodwill  haggle  hand  hand down  hand on  hand over  handicraft  hard bargain  have dealings with  have truck with  horse trade  horse trading  horse-trade  industrial  industry  interchange  intercourse  job  jobbing  lifework  line  line of business  line of work  logroll  logrolling  make a bargain  make a deal  make over  market  marketing  mercantile  mercantile business  mercantilism  merchandise  merchandising  merchant  merchantry  metier  mission  multilateral trade  mystery  negotiate  number  occupation  pass  pass on  pass over  patronage  patronize  pay back  permute  pork barrel  practice  profession  public  purchasing public  pursuit  racket  reciprocal trade  reciprocate  repute  requite  respond  restraint of trade  retail  retailing  retaliate  return  return the compliment  rural market  sell  settle  settle on  shop at  sign away  sign over  small business  specialization  specialty  substitute  suburban market  surrender  swap  swap horses  swapping  switch  take in exchange  the business world  the marketplace  trade at  trade in  trade off  trade sight unseen  trade with  trade-in    
trade book  back number  best seller  book  bound book  classic  collection  coloring book  copy  definitive work  edition  folio  great work  hardback  impression  issue  juvenile  juvenile book  library  library edition  limp-cover book  magnum opus  nonbook  notebook  novel  number  opus  opuscule  opusculum  paperback  picture book  playbook  pocket book  prayer book  printing  production  psalmbook  psalter  publication  school edition  serial  series  set  sketchbook  soft-cover  songbook  standard work  storybook  title  tome  trade edition  volume  work  writing  
trade in  bargain  barter  be in  blind bargain  buy and sell  carry  change  deal  deal in  dicker  do business  exchange  give in exchange  handle  hard bargain  horse trade  horse-trade  interchange  job  market  merchandise  retail  sell  swap  swap horses  switch  take in exchange  trade  trade off  trade sight unseen  traffic  traffic in  truck  wholesale  
trade route  air lane  beat  circuit  course  flight path  itinerary  line  orbit  path  primrose path  road  round  route  run  sea lane  shortcut  tour  track  traject  trajectory  trajet  walk  
trademark  acknowledgment  billhead  book stamp  bookplate  brand  broad arrow  by-line  cachet  certificate of invention  check  citation  colophon  confession  copyright  counterfoil  countermark  credit line  docket  government mark  government stamp  habit  hallmark  idiosyncrasy  imprint  label  letterhead  logo  logotype  mannerism  masthead  minauderie  patent  peculiar trait  peculiarity  plate  price tag  quirk  reference  registered trademark  running head  running title  seal  service mark  sigil  signature  signet  stamp  sticker  stub  tag  tally  ticket  title page  token  trade name  trademark name  tribute  trick  trick of behavior  
trader  broker  businessman  buyer  chandler  dealer  distributor  importer  jobber  marketer  merchandiser  merchant  middleman  monger  purchaser  regrater  retail dealer  retail merchant  retailer  salesman  salesperson  saleswoman  seller  shopkeeper  storekeeper  tradesman  tradeswoman  trafficker  vendor  wholesaler  

Vertragsklausel Definition

(n.) A tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind.
Hilary term
() Formerly, one of the four terms of the courts of common law in England, beginning on the eleventh of January and ending on the thirty-first of the same month, in each year
Sea term
() A term used specifically by seamen
(n.) That which limits the extent of anything
(n.) The time for which anything lasts
(n.) In universities, schools, etc., a definite continuous period during which instruction is regularly given to students
(n.) A point, line, or superficies, that limits
(n.) A fixed period of time
(n.) The limitation of an estate
(n.) A space of time granted to a debtor for discharging his obligation.
(n.) The time in which a court is held or is open for the trial of causes.
(n.) The subject or the predicate of a proposition
(n.) A word or expression
(n.) A quadrangular pillar, adorned on the top with the figure of a head, as of a man, woman, or satyr
(n.) A member of a compound quantity
(n.) The menses.
(n.) Propositions or promises, as in contracts, which, when assented to or accepted by another, settle the contract and bind the parties
(n.) In Scotland, the time fixed for the payment of rents.
(n.) A piece of carved work placed under each end of the taffrail.
(n.) To apply a term to
(v.) A track
(v.) Course
(v.) Business of any kind
(v.) Specifically: The act or business of exchanging commodities by barter, or by buying and selling for money
(v.) The business which a person has learned, and which he engages in, for procuring subsistence, or for profit
(v.) Instruments of any occupation.
(v.) A company of men engaged in the same occupation
(v.) The trade winds.
(v.) Refuse or rubbish from a mine.
(v. i.) To barter, or to buy and sell
(v. i.) To buy and sell or exchange property in a single instance.
(v. i.) To have dealings
(v. t.) To sell or exchange in commerce
() imp. of Tread.
(n.) A peculiar distinguishing mark or device affixed by a manufacturer or a merchant to his goods, the exclusive right of using which is recognized by law.
Trade union
() An organized combination among workmen for the purpose of maintaining their rights, privileges, and interests with respect to wages, hours of labor, customs, etc.
(n.) A member of a trades union, or a supporter of trades unions.

trade term Bedeutung

the skilled practice of a practical occupation, he learned his trade as an apprentice
trade the commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services, Venice was an important center of trade with the East, they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade
fair trade trade that is conducted legally
fair trade trade that satisfies certain criteria on the supply chain of the goods involved, usually including fair payment for producers, often with other social and environmental considerations
free trade international trade free of government interference
North American Free Trade Agreement
an agreement for free trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico, became effective in for ten years
trade patronage the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers, even before noon there was a considerable patronage
carriage trade trade from upperlass customers
an equal exchange, we had no money so we had to live by barter
horse trade
horse trading
the swapping of horses (accompanied by much bargaining)
deal trade business deal a particular instance of buying or selling, it was a package deal, I had no further trade with him, he's a master of the business deal
slave trade
slave traffic
traffic in slaves, especially in Black Africans transported to America in the th to th centuries
protection trade protection the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition, he made trade protection a plank in the party platform
restraint of trade any act that tends to prevent free competition in business
an exchange that occurs as a compromise, I faced a tradeoff between eating and buying my medicine
pack rat
trade rat
bushytail woodrat
Neotoma cinerea
any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North America, hoards food and other objects
trade good
articles of commerce
sea lane
ship route
trade route
a lane at sea that is a regularly used route for vessels
stock-in-trade any equipment constantly used as part of a profession or occupation, friendliness is the salesman's stock in trade
terminus terminal figure
(architecture) a statue or a human bust or an animal carved out of the top of a square pillar, originally used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome
World Trade Center
twin towers
twin skyscrapersstories high in New York City, built feet tall into , destroyed by a terrorist attack on September ,
short-term memory
immediate memory
what you can repeat immediately after perceiving it
long-term memory
your general store of remembered information
term any distinct quantity contained in a polynomial, the general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree
degree of a term the sum of the exponents of the variables in the term
term a word or expression used for some particular thing, he learned many medical terms
term paper a composition intended to indicate a student's progress during a school term
trade book
trade edition
a book intended for general readership
fair-trade agreement an agreement (illegal in the United States) between the manufacturer of a trademarked item of merchandise and its retail distributors to sell the item at a price at or above the price set by the manufacturer
trade bill a statute that would regulate foreign trade
fair-trade act formerly a state law that protected manufacturers from priceutting by allowing them to set minimum retail prices for their merchandise, eliminated by the United States Congress in
trade magazine a magazine published for and read by members of a particular trade group
trade barrier
import barrier
any regulation or policy that restricts international trade
trade embargo
trade stoppage
a government order imposing a trade barrier
trade policy
national trading policy
a government's policy controlling foreign trade
trade secret a secret (method or device or formula) that gives a manufacturer an advantage over the competition
trade-last a compliment that I heard about you that I offer to trade for a compliment you have heard about me
term one of the substantive phrases in a logical proposition, the major term of a syllogism must occur twice
major term the term in a syllogism that is the predicate of the conclusion
minor term the term in a syllogism that is the subject of the conclusion
middle term the term in a syllogism that is common to both premises and excluded from the conclusion
condition term (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement, the contract set out the conditions of the lease, the terms of the treaty were generous
trade name
brand name
a name given to a product or service
slang slang expression
slang term
informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions, often vituperative or vulgar, their speech was full of slang expressions
business cycle
trade cycle
recurring fluctuations in economic activity consisting of recession and recovery and growth and decline
combination in restraint of trade (law) any monopoly or contract or combination or conspiracy intended to restrain commerce (which are illegal according to antitrust laws of the United States)
apparel industry
garment industry
fashion industry
fashion business
rag trade
makers and sellers of fashionable clothing
United States Trade Representative
US Trade Representative
the executive agency that administers the President's policies on international trade
union labor union
trade union
trades union
an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer, you have to join the union in order to get a job
trade school
vocational school
a secondary school teaching the skilled trades
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