
Volle Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

volle Tage
clear days
volle Haftung
absolute liability
volle Haftung
full liability
der volle Name
name in full
volle Geschwindigkeit
full speed
Volle Deckung! mil.
Fire in the hole!
eine volle Wagenladung
a wagonload lot
mit Karacho; volle Pulle
at full pelt
mit Karacho, volle Pulle
at full pelt
unsere volle Wertschätzung
our perfect appreciation
Volle Kraft voraus! naut.
Full speed ahead!
unsere volle Zufriedenheit mit
our perfect satisfaction with
die volle Zahl; die volle Stärke
a full complement
volles Rohr; volle Granate ugs.
like gangbusters slang
volle technische Einzelheiten von
full specifications of
die volle Zahl, die volle Stärke
a full complement
detaillieren, volle Angaben machen
give full particulars
das volle Programm durchziehen ugs.
to go all the way
volle Deckung, voller Versicherungsschutz
full cover
volle Deckung, voller Versicherungsschutz
full coverage
das volle Programm durchziehen v ugs.
to go all the way
uneingeschränkt adj
volle rückhaltlose Unterstützung f
unreserved support
uneingeschränkt adj
volle rückhaltlose Unterstützung f
unreserved support
Besatzung f
vollständige Besatzung
die volle Schiffsbesatzung
complement; complements
the ship's complement
Besatzung f
vollständige Besatzung
die volle Schiffsbesatzung
complement, complements
the ship's complement
Verrohrung f
volle Verrohrung
vorläufige Verrohrung
eine Verrohrung absetzen
casing; tubing
full string of casing
temporary casing
to land a casing
Woche f
Wochen pl
zweimal die Woche
in der Woche; unter der Woche
fünf volle Wochen
twice a week
during the week
5 whole weeks
Woche f
Wochen pl
zweimal die Woche
in der Woche, unter der Woche
fünf volle Wochen
twice a week
during the week
5 whole weeks
Zustimmung f (zu etw.); Einverständnis n (mit etw.)
Dieser Vorschlag hat meine volle Zustimmung.
concurrence (with sth.)
This suggestion has my full concurrence.
Stöhnen n; Ächzen n
Der Bauer Das Sofa ächzte, als das volle Gewicht des Hundes auf ihn darauf fiel.
moan; groan
The farmer the sofa let out a groan as the full weight of the dog dropped on him it.
volle Anzahl f; Gesamtbestand m
Genbestand m
vollständige Besatzung
die volle Schiffsbesatzung
genetic complement
complement; complements
the ship's complement
Funktionsfähigkeit f; das Funktionieren (von etw.)
die volle Funktionsfähigkeit; das reibungslose Funktionieren
the functioning (of sth.)
the proper functioning
Woche f
Wochen pl
Vorwoche f
Pfingstwoche f
zweimal die Woche
in der Woche; unter der Woche
fünf volle Wochen
previous week; week before; preceding week
week of Pentecost; Pentecost week; Whitsuntide week Br.
twice a week
during the week
5 whole weeks
Deckung f (Schutz)
in Deckung gehen
Volle Deckung! mil.
jdm. Deckung geben
jdm. Deckung geben mil.
in Deckung gehen, Schutz suchen
to take cover
Take cover!
to cover sb.
to give sb. cover
to run for cover
Immunität f
diplomatische Immunität
parlamentarische Immunität
Aufhebung der Immunität
die Immunität aufheben
Er genießt volle diplomatische Immunität.
diplomatic immunity
parliamentary immunity
waiver of immunity
to waive immunity
He enjoys full diplomatic immunity.
Gesetzeskraft f; Rechtskraft f jur.
Gesetzeskraft haben; Rechtskraft haben
einem Staatsvertrag Rechtskraft verleihen
die volle Härte des Gesetzes zu spüren bekommen
force of (the) law; legal force
to have the force of (the) law; to have legal force
to give a treaty the force of law
to face the full force of the law
Belegung f (Unterbringung von Personen Tieren)
der alleinige Bewohner Mieter Gast sein
volle Belegung eines Appartements
Auslastung f
Die Hotels sind zu 80% ausgelastet.
occupancy (accommodation of persons animals)
to be in sole occupancy
full occupancy of an apartment
occupancy rate ratio
Hotels enjoy 80% occupancy.
Deckung f (Schutz)
in Deckung gehen
aus der Deckung kommen
Volle Deckung!
aus der Deckung heraus
jdm. Deckung geben
jdm. Deckung geben
in Deckung gehen; Schutz suchen
to take cover
to break cover
Take cover!
from cover
to cover sb.
to give sb. cover
to run for cover
Verantwortlichkeit f, Verantwortung f
Verantwortlichkeiten pl
die volle Verantwortung für etw. übernehmen
zur Verantwortung ziehen
jdm. die Verantwortung für etw. übertragen
to take full responsibility for sth.
to call to account
to put the responsibility for sth. on sb.
Immunität f (Schutz vor Strafverfolgung) pol.
diplomatische Immunität
parlamentarische Immunität
Aufhebung der Immunität
die Immunität aufheben
Er genießt volle diplomatische Immunität.
immunity (exemption from legal liability)
diplomatic immunity
parliamentary immunity; parliamentary privilege Br.
waiver of immunity
to waive immunity
He enjoys full diplomatic immunity.
knapp (eine Menge); ein(e) knappe r s; ein(e) schwache r s (etw. weniger als das volle Maß)
knapp drei Kilo
knapp zwei Stunden
ein knapper schwacher Liter
ein knapper schwacher Teelöffel Honig
a scant (amount) (a little less than the full amount of a measurement)
a scant three kilos
a scant two hours
a scant litre
a scant teaspoon of honey
das ungeheure Ausmaß n; das überwältigende Ausmaß n; die ungeheure Dimension f (einer Sache)
das überwältigende Ausmaß der Aufgabe
das volle Ausmaß der Tragödie
die ungeheure Dimension des Verbrechens
the enormity (of a thing)
the enormity of the task
the full enormity of the tragedy
the enormity of the crime
Arbeitsjahr n; Mannjahr n
Arbeitsjahre pl; Mannjahre pl; Berufsjahre pl
Kosten pro Mannjahr
Wie viele Berufsjahre hast du noch bis zur Rente?
Wie viele Berufsjahre braucht man, um die volle Rente zu erhalten?
person-year; man-year
person-years; man-years
cost per man-year
How many person-years are there ahead of you until retirement?
How many person-years are there required to get the full old-age pension?
Stimme f
Stimmen pl
mit gesenkter Stimme
volle Stimme
gegen etw. seine Stimme erheben
mit belegter Stimme
mit lauter Stimme
mit lauter Stimme
mit leiser Stimme
mit ehrfurchtsvoller Stimme
einschmeichelnde Stimme
with lowered voice
full-toned voice; orotund voice
to raise one's voice against sth.
in a husky voice
in a loud voice
at the top of voice
in a low voice
in an awed voice
silky voice
Stunde f
Stunden pl
eine geschlagene Stunde
alle paar Stunden
zu früher Stunde
Stunde Null
zur vollen Stunde
Standuhr mit Schlagwerk für die volle halbe und Viertelstunde
Die Führung beginnt jeweils zur vollen halben Stunde.
a solid hour
every few hours
at an early hour
zero hour
on the hour
quarter half and full hour striking clock
The tour starts on the hour on the half-hour.
volle Pulle ugs.; mit Volldampf; mit Hochdruck
volle Pulle fahren
mit Hochdruck arbeiten; mit vollem Einsatz arbeiten; sich voll reinhängen ugs.
sich (ordentlich) ins Zeug legen sich ordentlich angestrengen, um die Konkurrenz zu überbieten
flat out coll.
to drive flat out
to work flat out
to work flat out to beat the completion
Stunde f
Stunden pl
eine Dreiviertelstunde
eine geschlagene Stunde
alle paar Stunden
zu früher Stunde
Stunde Null
zur vollen Stunde
Standuhr mit Schlagwerk für die volle, halbe und Viertelstunde
Die Führung beginnt jeweils zur vollen halben Stunde.
three quarters of an hour
a solid hour
every few hours
at an early hour
zero hour
on the hour
quarter, half and full hour striking clock
The tour starts on the hour on the half-hour.
Rückerstattung f; Erstattung f; Rückvergütung f; Vergütung f (einer bereits bezahlten Summe) fin.
Rückerstattungen pl; Erstattungen pl; Rückvergütungen pl; Vergütungen pl
die Rückerstattung der Mwst.
die volle Rückvergütung des Kaufpreises
die Erstattung aller entstandenen Spesen
refund; refunding; reimbursement (of a sum already paid)
refunds; refundings; reimbursements
a refund of the VAT
a full refund of the purchase price
the reimbursement of any expenses incurred
Verantwortlichkeit f; Verantwortung f
Verantwortlichkeiten pl
die volle Verantwortung für etw. übernehmen
zur Verantwortung ziehen
jdm. die Verantwortung für etw. übertragen
Teilung der Verantwortlichkeit
soziale Verantwortung eines Unternehmens; unternehmerische Gesellschaftsverantwortung
Die Verantwortung liegt bei Ihnen.
Das nehme ich auf meine Kappe.
to take full responsibility for sth.
to call to account
to put the responsibility for sth. on sb.
division of responsibility
corporate social responsibility CSR
The responsibility lies with you.
I'll take the responsibility for that.
Rückerstattung f; Erstattung f; Rückvergütung f; Vergütung f (einer bereits bezahlten Summe) fin.
Rückerstattungen pl; Erstattungen pl; Rückvergütungen pl; Vergütungen pl
Auslagenerstattung f; Kostenerstattung f; Auslagenersatz m; Kostenersatz m
Erstattungsklausel f
die Rückerstattung der Mwst.
die volle Rückvergütung des Kaufpreises
die Erstattung aller entstandenen Spesen
refund; refunding; reimbursement (of a sum already paid)
refunds; refundings; reimbursements
reimbursement of expenses; refund of costs; cost reimbursement
refund provision; reimbursement provision
a refund of the VAT
a full refund of the purchase price
the reimbursement of any expenses incurred
Verantwortlichkeit f; Verantwortung f (für etw.)
Verantwortlichkeiten pl
Verantwortung übernehmen
die volle Verantwortung für etw. übernehmen
jdn. zur Verantwortung ziehen
jdm. die Verantwortung für etw. übertragen
Teilung der Verantwortlichkeit
soziale Verantwortung eines Unternehmens; unternehmerische Gesellschaftsverantwortung
Die Verantwortung liegt bei Ihnen.
Das nehme ich auf meine Kappe.
responsibility; responsibleness (for sth.)
to assume responsibility
to take full responsibility for sth.
to call sb. to account; to hold sb. to account
to put the responsibility for sth. on sb.
division of responsibility
corporate social responsibility CSR
The responsibility lies with you.
I'll take the responsibility for that.
Belegung f (von Räumlichkeiten) (Zahl der untergebrachten Personen Tiere)
Bettenbelegung; Bettenauslastung (Krankenhaus)
Einfachbelegung eines Doppelzimmers
Doppelbelegung eines Einzelzimmers
Dreierbelegung eines Zimmers einer Suite
Viererbelegung eines Zimmers einer Suite
Mehrfachbelegung eines Appartements
volle Belegung eines Appartements
Mindestbelegung f
Belegungsgrad m; Auslastung f
der alleinige Bewohner Mieter Gast sein
Die Hotels sind zu 80% ausgelastet.
occupancy (of rooms) (number of persons animals accommodated)
bed occupancy (hospital)
single occupancy of a double room
double twin occupancy of a single room
triple occupancy of a room suite
quadruple occupancy of a room suite
multiple occupancy of an apartment
full occupancy of an apartment
minimum occupancy
occupancy rate; occupancy ratio
to be in sole occupancy
Hotels enjoy 80% occupancy.
Frachtgut n; Fracht f; Ladung f (eines Transportmittels) transp.
Containerfracht f; Containerladung f
Fehlfracht f; Ausfallfracht f; zu zahlende aber nicht genutzte Fracht
volle LKW-Ladung; LKW-Komplettladung; Komplettladung f
Massenfrachtgut n; Massenfracht f; Massengutladung f; Schüttladung f; sperrige Ladung
Sammelgut n; Sammelladung f
Schiffsfracht f; Schiffsladung f; Cargo m
Stückgutfracht f; Stückgutladung f
Teilladung f
Wagenladung f (Bahn)
Zugladung f
gefährliche Ladung
freight; freightage (lorry, train, ship, aircraft); cargo (lorry, ship, aircraft); lading; load (of a means of transport)
containerized freight; containerized cargo
dead freight
full lorry load Br.; full truck load FTL Am.
bulk cargo
grouped goods; groupage freight; consolidated cargo
shipload; ship's freight
general mixed cargo (ship); part-load (railway); mixed carload Am. (railway); less-than-carload lot LCL Am. (railway); package freight Am.
partial load; part load; less-than-lorry-load Br. LLL ; less-than-truckload Am. LTL ; less-than-wagon-load Br. (railway); less-than-carload Am. LTC (railway)
wagon load Br.; carload Am. (railway)
dangerous cargo
Yogastellung f; Yogahaltung f (Asana) phil.
Adlerstellung f (Yoga)
Baumstellung f (Yoga)
Bogenstellung f (Yoga)
Drehsitz f (Yoga)
Dreieckstellung f (Yoga)
Fischstellung f (Yoga)
gebundene Winkelstellung f (Yoga)
gedrehte, seitliche Winkelstellung f (Yoga)
Girlandenstellung f; tiefe Hockstellung f (Yoga)
Halbmondstellung f (Yoga)
Heldenstellung f (Yoga)
Heuschreckenstellung f (Yoga)
Kobrastellung f (Yoga)
Kopf-Fuß-Stellung f (Yoga)
Kuhmaulstellung f (Yoga)
Lotussitz m (Yoga)
Nach-unten-schauender-Hund-Stellung f; Dachstellung f (Yoga)
Pflugstellung f (Yoga)
Schulterstand m; Kerze f (Yoga)
Seitstützstellung f; seitliche Brettstellung f (Yoga)
sitzende stehende Vorwärtsbeuge f (Yoga)
Stocksitz m (Yoga)
Stockstellung f; Stabstellung f; Plankenstellung f (Yoga)
Tänzerstellung f (Yoga)
Totenstellung f; Entspannungslage f (Yoga)
volle Bootsstellung f (Yoga)
yoga pose; yoga posture; yoga position (asana)
eagle pose (yoga)
tree pose (yoga)
bow pose (yoga)
spinal twist (yoga)
triangle pose (yoga)
fish pose (yoga)
bound angle pose (yoga)
revolved side angle pose (yoga)
garland pose (yoga)
crescent moon pose (yoga)
hero pose; warrior pose (yoga)
locust pose (yoga)
cobra pose (yoga)
standing forward bend (yoga)
cow face pose (yoga)
lotus pose (yoga)
downward facing dog pose (yoga)
plough pose Br.; plow pose Am. (yoga)
shoulder stand (yoga)
side plank pose (yoga)
seated standing forward bend (yoga)
staff pose (yoga)
four limbed staff pose (yoga)
lord of dance pose (yoga)
corpse pose; relaxation pose (yoga)
full boat pose (yoga)
Jogastellung f; Jogahaltung f (Asana) phil.
Adlerstellung f (Joga)
Baumstellung f (Joga)
Bogenstellung f (Joga)
Drehsitz f (Joga)
Dreieckstellung f (Joga)
Fischstellung f (Joga)
gebundene Winkelstellung f (Joga)
gedrehte seitliche Winkelstellung f (Joga)
Girlandenstellung f; tiefe Hockstellung f (Joga)
Halbmondstellung f (Joga)
Heldenstellung f (Joga)
Heuschreckenstellung f (Joga)
Kobrastellung f (Joga)
Kopf-Fuß-Stellung f (Joga)
Kuhmaulstellung f (Joga)
Lotussitz m (Joga)
Nach-unten-schauender-Hund-Stellung f; Dachstellung f (Joga)
Pflugstellung f (Joga)
Schulterstand m; Kerze f (Joga)
Seitstützstellung f; seitliche Brettstellung f (Joga)
sitzende stehende Vorwärtsbeuge f (Joga)
Stocksitz m (Joga)
Stockstellung f; Stabstellung f; Plankenstellung f (Joga)
Tänzerstellung f (Joga)
Totenstellung f; Entspannungslage f (Joga)
volle Bootsstellung f (Joga)
yoga pose; yoga posture; yoga position (asana)
eagle pose (yoga)
tree pose (yoga)
bow pose (yoga)
spinal twist (yoga)
triangle pose (yoga)
fish pose (yoga)
bound angle pose (yoga)
revolved side angle pose (yoga)
garland pose (yoga)
crescent moon pose (yoga)
hero pose; warrior pose (yoga)
locust pose (yoga)
cobra pose (yoga)
standing forward bend (yoga)
cow face pose (yoga)
lotus pose (yoga)
downward facing dog pose (yoga)
plough pose Br.; plow pose Am. (yoga)
shoulder stand (yoga)
side plank pose (yoga)
seated standing forward bend (yoga)
staff pose (yoga)
four limbed staff pose (yoga)
lord of dance pose (yoga)
corpse pose; relaxation pose (yoga)
full boat pose (yoga)

Deutsche Volle Synonyme


Englische clear days Synonyme

clear  Attic  Ciceronian  Mickey Mouse  above water  abroad  absolute  absolve  absolved  abstract  account for  accumulate  acquire  acquit  acute  admitting no exception  adrift  afield  afloat  afoot and lighthearted  all abroad  all clear  all straight  all-embracing  all-encompassing  all-out  all-pervading  altogether  ameliorate  amnesty  amortize  angelic  apodictic  apparent  appreciable  apprehensible  articulate  assured  astray  at large  at liberty  audible  bald  balmy  bare  barren  beat it  become airborne  bell-like  bestraddle  bestride  better  blameless  bland  blank  bleached  blooming  blossoming  blow  blow out  bolt  booming  born  bounce  bound  break  break loose  break out  bright  brightly  broad-based  buck  buckjump  burn off  capitalize on  capriole  cash in on  cast off  cast out  casual  categorical  certain  characterless  chaste  childlike  chuck  clarified  clarify  clarion  classic  clean  clean out  clean up  clean-cut  cleanly  cleanse  clear  clear and distinct  clear as crystal  clear as day  clear away  clear of  clear off  clear out  clear the decks  clear the hurdle  clear up  clear-cut  cleared  clearly  close  cloudless  coherent  coin money  come along  come on  command  commercialize  complete  completely  comprehensible  comprehensive  conclusive  confident  congenital  connected  consistent  conspicuous  consummate  contrastive  contrive  convinced  crisp  cry sour grapes  crystal  crystal-clear  crystalline  curvet  cushy  cut away  cut down  cut loose  cut out  cut the mustard  decamp  decided  decisive  decontaminate  decrassify  deep-dyed  defecate  defined  definite  definitive  defray  deobstruct  depart  deplete  deport  depurate  destigmatize  detached  determinate  determined  devoid  diaphane  diaphanous  direct  disappear  disburden  discernible  discernibly  discerning  discharge  disclose  disclosed  disembarrass  disembarrassed  disembroil  disencumber  disengage  disengaged  disentangle  disinvolve  di  
clear away  abstract  attenuate  blow  blow off  blow out  cast forth  cast off  cast out  chuck  clean out  clear  clear off  clear out  clear the decks  cut out  defecate  deplete  deport  dilute  disembarrass  disembroil  disencumber  disentangle  dispel  dispose of  dissipate  dissolve  drain  drive away  eject  elide  eliminate  empty  empty out  eradicate  evacuate  evaporate  exhaust  exile  expatriate  expel  get quit of  get rid of  get shut of  liquidate  outlaw  pick out  purge  remove  root out  root up  scour out  strike off  strike out  sweep out  take out  thin  thin out  throw over  throw overboard  unclog  unfoul  untangle  vent  void  volatilize  weed out  
clear out  abscond  absquatulate  abstract  be off  beat a retreat  beat it  begone  bleach  blow  blow out  bolt  bowdlerize  cast off  cast out  chuck  clean  clean out  clean up  cleanse  clear  clear away  clear off  clear the decks  cut and run  cut out  decamp  defecate  delouse  depart  deplete  deport  depurate  desert  deterge  dispose of  drain  dry-clean  dust  dust off  eject  elide  eliminate  elope  empty  empty out  eradicate  evacuate  exhaust  exile  expatriate  expel  expurgate  flake off  flee  fly  freshen  fugitate  get  get going  get lost  get out  get quit of  get rid of  get shut of  git  go AWOL  hightail  hit the road  jump  jump bail  kite  levant  liquidate  lustrate  make off  make yourself scarce  outlaw  pick out  purge  purify  reform  remove  root out  root up  run  run away  run away from  run away with  run for it  run off  scavenge  scour out  scram  shove off  show the heels  skedaddle  skip  skip out  slip the cable  spruce  steam-clean  strike off  strike out  sweep out  sweeten  take French leave  take flight  take off  take to flight  take wing  throw over  throw overboard  tidy  turn tail  unclog  unfoul  vamoose  vent  void  weed out  whiten  wipe  wipe off  wipe out  wipe up  
clear sighted  Argus-eyed  alert  alive  awake  cat-eyed  clear-eyed  clear-witted  clearheaded  eagle-eyed  eye-minded  farseeing  farsighted  ferret-eyed  hawk-eyed  on the ball  sharp-eyed  sharp-sighted  telescopic  wide-awake  
clear the decks  abstract  arrange  ballast  blow  blow out  break bulk  break out ballast  cast off  cast out  chuck  clean out  clean up  clear  clear away  clear for action  clear off  clear out  clear up  consider every angle  cure  cut out  defecate  deplete  deploy  deport  dispose of  drain  dress  eject  elide  eliminate  empty  empty out  eradicate  evacuate  exhaust  exile  expatriate  expel  fix  fix up  forearm  get quit of  get ready  get rid of  get shut of  groom  guard against  hedge  leave out nothing  liquidate  make arrangements  make preparations  make ready  make sure  make sure against  marshal  mobilize  neaten  outlaw  overlook no possibility  pick out  plan  play safe  police  police up  prearrange  prep  prepare  prepare for  pretreat  process  provide  provide a hedge  provide against  provide for  purge  put in shape  put in trim  ready  ready up  reef down  remove  root out  root up  scour out  settle preliminaries  shift ballast  shoot ballast  shorten sail  spruce  spruce up  straighten up  strike off  strike out  sweep out  take measures  take precautions  take steps  tan  throw over  throw overboard  tidy  tidy up  treat  trig up  trim  trim ship  trim up  try out  unclog  unfoul  vent  void  weed out  wing out ballast  
clear the way  aid  blaze the trail  break the ice  cultivate the soil  ease  expedite  explain  facilitate  go in advance  grease  grease the ways  grease the wheels  hasten  help along  lay the foundation  lay the groundwork  loose  lubricate  make clear  make way for  oil  open the way  open up  pave the way  prepare the way  quicken  remove friction  run interference for  simplify  smooth  smooth the way  soap the ways  sow the seed  speed  unbar  unblock  unclog  unjam  
clear up  account for  allegorize  answer  ascertain  assure  bottom  certify  cinch  cipher  clarify  clean up  clear  clear the decks  clinch  crack  debug  decide  decipher  decode  demonstrate  demythologize  determine  disembroil  disentangle  disintricate  disinvolve  dismiss all doubt  dissolve  divine  do  dope  dope out  elucidate  enlighten  ensure  establish  euhemerize  exemplify  explain  explain away  explicate  exposit  expound  fathom  figure out  find out  find the answer  find the solution  fix  fix up  get  get at  get right  give reason for  give the meaning  groom  guess  guess right  have it  hit it  illuminate  illustrate  insure  interpret  make certain  make clear  make no doubt  make no mistake  make out  make plain  make sure  make sure of  nail down  neaten  open the lock  plumb  police  police up  popularize  psych  psych out  put in trim  puzzle out  rationalize  ravel  ravel out  reassure  remove all doubt  resolve  riddle  see that  see to it  set at rest  settle  shed light upon  show  show how  show the way  simplify  solve  sort out  spell out  spruce  spruce up  straighten up  throw light upon  tidy  tidy up  trig up  trim  trim up  unbraid  unclutter  uncoil  undo  unfold  unknot  unlock  unmix  unravel  unriddle  unscramble  unsnarl  untangle  unthread  untwine  untwist  unweave  unwind  work  work out  
clear-cut  assured  biting  categorical  chiseled  clean-cut  clear  clear as crystal  clear as day  coherent  connected  consistent  conspicuous  crisp  crystal  crystal-clear  crystalline  cutting  defined  definite  definitive  direct  distinct  evident  exact  explicit  express  glaring  in focus  indubitable  ingoing  limpid  loud and clear  lucent  lucid  luminous  manifest  nice  obvious  past dispute  patent  pellucid  penetrating  perspicuous  plain  positive  precise  prominent  pronounced  simple  specific  staring  straightforward  translucent  transparent  transpicuous  trenchant  unambiguous  unconfused  undisputed  undoubted  unequivocal  univocal  unmistakable  unquestioned  well-defined  well-marked  well-pronounced  well-resolved  
clearance  Lebensraum  absolution  acquitment  acquittal  acquittance  aesthetic distance  air space  allowance  amortization  amortizement  ample scope  approval  authority  authorization  back country  bill of health  binder  blank check  caesura  carte blanche  cash  cash payment  certification  cleaning out  clear space  clearing  compass  compurgation  consent  countenance  debt service  deep space  defecation  defrayal  defrayment  depletion  deportation  deposit  depths of space  desert  destigmatization  destigmatizing  detachment  disbursal  discard  discharge  discharging cargo  discontinuity  disculpation  disjunction  dismissal  disposal  disposition  distance  distance between  distant prospect  divergence  doling out  double space  down payment  drainage  draining  earnest  earnest money  egress  ejection  elbowroom  elimination  em space  empowerment  empty view  emptying  en space  enabling  endorsement  enfranchisement  entitlement  eradication  evacuation  excretion  exculpation  excuse  exhausting  exhaustion  exile  exoneration  expatriation  explanation  expulsion  extent  farness  fiat  field  forgiveness  free course  free hand  free play  free scope  freeboard  full pratique  full scope  full swing  gap  glade  headroom  hiatus  hire purchase  hire purchase plan  hole  infinity  installment  installment plan  interest payment  interim  intermediate space  interruption  interspace  interstice  interval  jump  justification  lacuna  latitude  leap  leave  leeway  length  light-years  liquidation  living space  long rope  maneuvering space  margin  mileage  monthly payments  never-never  no holds barred  off-loading  open country  open space  ostracism  outback  outlawing  outlawry  pardon  parsecs  pass  passport  paying  paying off  paying out  paying up  payment  payment in kind  payoff  permission  perspective  piece  plain  play  prairie  pratique  prepayment  protection  purgation  purge  purging  quarterly payments  quietus  quittance  ra  
clearing  Lebensraum  absolution  acquittal  acquittance  air space  aperture  back country  breaking out  broaching  cavity  chasm  check  cleaning out  clear space  clearance  cleft  compurgation  corn field  crack  cultivated land  defecation  depletion  desert  destigmatization  destigmatizing  disburdening  discharge  discharging cargo  disclosure  disculpation  disembarrassment  disembroilment  disencumbrance  disengagement  disentanglement  disinvolvement  dislodgment  dismissal  distant prospect  drainage  draining  egress  elimination  empty view  emptying  evacuation  excretion  exculpation  excuse  exhausting  exhaustion  exoneration  explanation  extrication  fenestra  field  fistula  fontanel  foramen  forgiveness  freeing  gap  gape  gat  glade  gulf  hayfield  hiatus  hole  hollow  inlet  interval  justification  lacuna  laying open  leak  living space  off-loading  open country  open space  opening  opening up  orifice  outback  outlet  paddy  parcel of land  pardon  passageway  patch  piece of land  plain  plat  plot  pore  prairie  purgation  purging  quietus  quittance  rationalization  rehabilitation  reinstatement  release  releasing  remission  removal  restoration  rice paddy  slot  space  split  steppe  stoma  terrain  territory  throwing open  tract  uncluttering  uncorking  unhampering  unknotting  unloading  unraveling  unscrambling  unsnarling  unstopping  untangling  venting  verdict of acquittal  vindication  voidance  voiding  wheat field  wide-open spaces  wilderness  yawn  
clearing house  Bank of England  Bank of France  Federal Reserve bank  International Monetary Fund  Lombard Street bank  Swiss bank  World Bank  bank  branch bank  central bank  commercial bank  farm loan bank  federal land bank  investment bank  member bank  moneyed corporation  mutual savings bank  national bank  nonmember bank  reserve bank  savings bank  state bank  trust company  
clearly  absolutely  actually  aloud  and no mistake  apparently  apprehensibly  articulately  assuredly  at all events  at any rate  audibly  by all means  certainly  coherently  comprehensibly  conspicuously  decidedly  decisively  definitely  demonstrably  discernibly  distinctly  evidently  explicitly  expressly  for a certainty  for a fact  for certain  for real  for sure  forsooth  glaringly  in all conscience  in plain English  in plain terms  in plain words  in truth  incontestably  indeed  indeedy  indubitably  intelligibly  limpidly  lucidly  manifestly  markedly  most assuredly  most certainly  nothing else but  noticeably  observably  obviously  of course  out  out loud  palpably  patently  pellucidly  perceivably  perceptibly  perspicuously  plainly  positively  prominently  pronouncedly  quite  really  recognizably  seeably  sensibly  seriously  simply  staringly  starkly  surely  to a certainty  truly  unambiguously  unconcealedly  undeniably  understandably  undisguisedly  undoubtedly  unequivocally  unmistakably  unquestionably  utterly  verily  visibly  with clarity  without doubt  

Volle Definition

(superl.) Free from opaqueness
(superl.) Free from ambiguity or indistinctness
(superl.) Able to perceive clearly
(superl.) Not clouded with passion
(superl.) Easily or distinctly heard
(superl.) Without mixture
(superl.) Without defect or blemish, such as freckles or knots
(superl.) Free from guilt or stain
(superl.) Without diminution
(superl.) Free from impediment or obstruction
(superl.) Free from embarrassment
(n.) Full extent
(adv.) In a clear manner
(adv.) Without limitation
(v. t.) To render bright, transparent, or undimmed
(v. t.) To free from impurities
(v. t.) To free from obscurity or ambiguity
(v. t.) To render more quick or acute, as the understanding
(v. t.) To free from impediment or incumbrance, from defilement, or from anything injurious, useless, or offensive
(v. t.) To free from the imputation of guilt
(v. t.) To leap or pass by, or over, without touching or failure
(v. t.) To gain without deduction
(v. i.) To become free from clouds or fog
(v. i.) To disengage one's self from incumbrances, distress, or entanglements
(v. i.) To make exchanges of checks and bills, and settle balances, as is done in a clearing house.
(v. i.) To obtain a clearance
(a.) Having a sharp, distinct outline, like that of a cameo.
(a.) Concisely and distinctly expressed.
(a.) Having a clear understanding
(a.) Having a clear physical or mental vision
(a.) Shining brightly.
(a.) Seeing with clearness
(n.) Acute discernment.
(n. pl.) The three days preceding the Feast of the Ascension.
Dog days
() A period of from four to six weeks, in the summer, variously placed by almanac makers between the early part of July and the early part of September

clear days Bedeutung

plain sailing
clear sailing
easy going
easy unobstructed progress, after we solved that problem the rest was plain sailing
all clear permission to proceed because obstacles have been removed
all clear a signal (usually a siren) that danger is over
clear liquid diet a diet of fluids with minimal residues (fat-free broth or strained fruit juices or gelatin), cannot be used for more than one day postoperative
open clear a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water, finally broke out of the forest into the open
clear the state of being free of suspicion, investigation showed that he was in the clear
clear-air turbulence strong turbulence in an otherwise cloudless region that subjects aircraft to violent updrafts or downdrafts
clear and present danger a standard for judging when freedom of speech can be abridged, no one has a right to shout `fire' in a crowded theater when there is no fire because such an action would pose a clear and present danger to public safety
the time during which someone's life continues, the monarch's last days, in his final years
bloom of youth
salad days
the best time of youth
common year
a year that is not a leap year
leap year
intercalary year
bissextile year
in the Gregorian calendar: any year divisible by except centenary years divisible by
dog days
canicular days
the hot period between early July and early September, a period of inactivity
auld langsyne
old times
good old days
past times remembered with nostalgia
youth early days an early period of development, during the youth of the project
clear the throat
clear mucus or food from one's throat, he cleared his throat before he started to speak
clear clear up free (the throat) by making a rasping sound, Clear the throat
clear off
clear away
remove from sight
rid of obstructions, Clear your desk
clear-cut remove all the trees at one time, clear-cut an acre of forest
clear remove, clear the leaves from the lawn, Clear snow from the road
clear make a way or path by removing objects, Clear a path through the dense forest
clean out
clear out
empty completely, We cleaned out all the drawers
clear remove the occupants of, Clear the building
clear b remove (people) from a building, clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat
clear c rid of instructions or data, clear a memory buffer
get through
wrap up finish off
mop up
polish off
clear up finish up
finish a task completely, I finally got through this homework assignment
clear make clear, bright, light, or translucent, The water had to be cleared through filtering
expectorate clear out drive out clear out the chest and lungs, This drug expectorates quickly
c clear
clear up
shed light on
straighten out
sort out enlighten
make free from confusion or ambiguity, make clear, Could you clarify these remarks?, Clear up the question of who is at fault
clear solve settle, as of a debt, clear a debt, solve an old debt
grant authorization or clearance for, Clear the manuscript for publication, The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography
assoil clear
pronounce not guilty of criminal charges, The suspect was cleared of the murder charges
clear up
make clear and (more) comprehensible, clarify the mystery surrounding her death
clear out move out and leave nothing behind
clear the air dispel differences or negative emotions, The group called a meeting to finally clear the air
clear pass an inspection or receive authorization, clear customs
pass by, over, or under without making contact, the balloon cleared the tree tops
clear go away or disappear, The fog cleared in the afternoon
clear sell, We cleared a lot of the old model cars
clear be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts, The check will clear within business days
take in
make earn realize realise pull in
bring in
earn on some commercial or business transaction, earn as salary or wages, How much do you make a month in your new job?, She earns a lot in her new job, this merger brought in lots of money, He clears $,each month
sack sack up
make as a net profit, The company cleared million
net clear yield as a net profit, This sale netted me million
clear c clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc., clear the water before it can be drunk
clear free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment, Clear the ship and let it dock
pass clear go unchallenged, be approved, The bill cleared the House
clear up
light up
become clear, The sky cleared after the storm
clear readily apparent to the mind, a clear and present danger, a clear explanation, a clear case of murder, a clear indication that she was angry, gave us a clear idea of human nature
clearly or sharply defined to the mind, clear-cut evidence of tampering, Claudius was the first to invade Britain with distinct...intentions of conquest, trenchant distinctions between right and wrong
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