
Vollmacht Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

full power of attorney
letter of attorney
certificate of authority
power of attorney
warrant of attorney
power of procuration
full power
ohne Vollmacht
Prokura, Vollmacht
Vollmacht erteilen
give authority to sb
Vollmacht zu zahlen
authority to pay
Vollmacht zu handeln
authority to act
Fehlen der Vollmacht
absence of authority
Umfang der Vollmacht
scope of authority
schriftliche Vollmacht
instrument of proxy
schriftliche Vollmacht
written authority
ausdrückliche Vollmacht
express authority
Vollmacht zu bestätigen
authority to confirm
Vollmacht zu akzeptieren
authority to accept
Ãœbertragung einer Vollmacht
eine Vollmacht zurückziehen
withdraw an authority
Zurücknahme einer Vollmacht
withdrawal of an authority
Vollmacht zu unterschreiben
authority to sign
einer Person Vollmacht geben
give a person full powers
Befugnis f, Vollmacht f
Vollmacht f (Völkerrecht) jur.
full power; full powers
die Vollmacht wurde zurückgenommen
the authority has been cancelled
i.V. : in Vertretung, in Vollmacht
p.p., p. pro. : per procurationem, by proxy, on behalf of
ohne Vollmacht, nicht bevollmächtigt
Vollmacht f
allgemeine Vollmacht
full power, legal power, legal authority
general authorisation
Vollmacht f zum Verkauf von Aktien
stock power
stillschweigende Vollmacht, implizierte
implied authority
derjenige, dem eine Vollmacht gegeben wird
Vollmacht f jur.
Scheinvollmacht f
authority (to act for another)
apparent authority
Vollmacht, Ermaechtigung, Befugnis, Vollziehungsbefehl
Abhören n
Abhören von Telefonen
Abhören ohne Vollmacht
phone tapping
warrantless wiretapping
Auftrag m, Vollmacht f
Aufträge pl, Kommissionen pl
Vollmachterteilung f; Erteilen n einer Vollmacht adm. jur.
granting of a power of attorney
Kaperbrief m (staatliche Vollmacht für Kaperfahrten) pol. hist.
letter of marque; letters of marque
privates Kaperschiff n; Kaper m (mit staatlicher Vollmacht) hist.
privateer ship; letter of marque
Verleihung f (von etw. an jdm.)
Erteilung f einer Vollmacht; Bevollmächtigung f
conferment (of sth. upon sb.)
conferment of authority
Vollmacht f, Urkunde f, Vollmachtsurkunde f jur.
jdm. eine Vollmacht erteilen
letter of attorney, power of attorney
to give sb. power of attorney, to grant sb. power of attorney
(schriftliche) Vollmacht f; Vollmachtsurkunde f jur.
jdm. eine Vollmacht erteilen
letter of attorney; power of attorney
to give sb. power of attorney; to grant sb. power of attorney
Vollmacht f, Ermächtigung f, Befugnis f, Vollziehungsbefehl m
anwaltliche Vollmacht
warrant of attorney
Stellvertretung f; Vertretung f (von jdm. in einer Funktion) adm.
in Vertretung; in Vollmacht i. V.
substitution (of sb. in a function)
per procurationem p.p. p. pro. ; by proxy
Ermächtigung f; besondere Prozessvollmacht f jur.
Diese Urkunde ermächtigt zur Vornahme der Handlung.
ohne Vollmacht
This shall be sufficient warrant for doing.
Vollmachtinhaber m adm. jur.
Vollmachtinhaber pl
über eine Vollmacht von jdm. verfügen; von jdm. bevollmächtigt sein
holder of a power of attorney
holders of a power of attorney
to be the holder of a power of attorney from sb.; to hold a power of attorney for sb.
schriftliche Vollmacht f; Vollmachtsurkunde f jur.
schriftliche Vollmachten pl; Vollmachtsurkunden pl
notarielle Vollmacht
laut Vollmacht
letter of attorney; proxy
letters of attorney
letter of attorney drawn up before a notary
as per letter of attorney
Delegierung f; Ãœbertragung f (von etw. an jdn.) adm.
Delegierungen pl; Ãœbertragungen pl
Delegierung von Befugnissen
Übertragung der Vollmacht; Unterbevollmächtigung f
delegation (of sth. to sb.)
delegation of powers
delegation of authority
jdm. etw. übertragen; etw. an jdn. delegieren v adm.
übertragend; an delegierend
übertragen; delegiert
seine Befugnisse an jdn. delegieren
jdm. eine Vollmacht übertragen; jdn. unterbevollmächtigen
to delegate sth. to sb.
to delegate one's powers to sb.
to delegate one's authority to sb.
jdm. etw. übertragen; an jdn. etw. delegieren v adm.
übertragend; an delegierend
übertragen; delegiert
seine Befugnisse an jdn. delegieren
jdm. eine Vollmacht übertragen; jdn. unterbevollmächtigen
to delegate sth. to sb.
to delegate one's powers to sb.
to delegate one's authority to sb.
Vertretung f; Repräsentation f (von jdm. etw.)
Vertretungen pl; Repräsentationen pl
in Vertretung von
in Vertretung; in Vollmacht i.V.
zur Vertretung berufen
ständige Vertretung
Ausschuss der ständigen Vertreter
representation (of sb. sth.)
as representative of
per procurationem p.p.; p. pro. ; by proxy; on behalf of
appointed to act for
permanent representation
permanent representatives committee
Ermächtigung f; Genehmigung f; Berechtigung f; Befugnis f; Vollmacht f; Autorisierung f geh.; Autorisation f geh.
allgemeine Ermächtigung
gerichtliche Ermächtigung jur.
Sondergenehmigung f
die Genehmigung einholen
authorization eAm.; authorisation Br.
general authorization
authorization by court
special authorization
to obtain authorization
erloschen adj jur.
erloschene Konzession
erloschene Vollmacht
erloschene Gesellschaft Firma
Der Anspruch ist erloschen.
Das Patent ist erloschen.
Die Versicherung ist erloschen.
Die Firma ist erloschen.
Der Wechsel ist erloschen.
expired; extinct; extinguished
expired licence license
expired terminated power of attorney
defunct company
The claim has lapsed ceased become extinct.
The patent has expired lapsed.
The insurance policy has expired.
The company has ceased to exist.
The bill has been discharged.
Ermächtigung f; Genehmigung f; Zulassung f; Berechtigung f; Befugnis f; Vollmacht f; Autorisierung f geh.; Autorisation f geh.
Allgemeingenehmigung f; allgemeine Ermächtigung
gerichtliche Ermächtigung jur.
Sondergenehmigung f
die Genehmigung einholen
authorization eAm.; authorisation Br.
general authorization; general authorisation
authorization by court
special authorization
to obtain authorization
Umfang m; Ausmaß n; Reichweite f
die inhaltliche Breite
der Haftungsumfang
der Schutzumfang; Schutzbereich
der Umfang einer Versicherung; der Versicherungsumfang
der Umfang einer Vertretungsbefugnis
der Umfang einer Vollmacht; der Vollmachtsbereich
im Rahmen seiner Vollmacht Amtsbefugnis handeln
the comprehensive scope (of the content)
the scope of liability
the scope of protection
the scope of an insurance
the scope of an agent's authority
the scope of power (of attorney)
to act within the scope of one's authority
Ankündigung f; Vorankündigung f; Anzeige f; Bekanntgabe f; Benachrichtigung f (von etw.) adm.
nach angemessener vorheriger Ankündigung
Verlobungsanzeige f
Mitteilung des Widerrufs einer Vollmacht
jdm. etw. bekanntgeben; jdm. von etw. benachrichtigen
Sie müssen das mindestens 2 Wochen im Voraus bekanntgeben ankündigen.
Hiermit wird bekanntgegeben dass ...
notice (of sth.)
on reasonable notice
notice of engagement
notice of revocation of a power of attorney
to give sb. notice of sth.
They must give not less than 2 weeks' notice.
This is to give notice that ...
Ankündigung f; Vorankündigung f; Anzeige f; Bekanntgabe f; Benachrichtigung f (von etw.) adm.
nach angemessener vorheriger Ankündigung
Verlobungsanzeige f
Mitteilung des Widerrufs einer Vollmacht
von etw. Kenntnis erlangen
Nachricht erhalten, dass …
von etw. Kenntnis haben
ankündigen, dass …
einen Streik ankündigen
Mir wurde schriftlich angekündigt, dass …
notice (of sth.)
on reasonable notice
notice of engagement
notice of revocation of a power of attorney
to be given notice of sth.
to receive notice that …
to have notice of sth.
to serve notice that …
to serve strike notice
I received written notice that …
erlöschen v jur.
nicht erloschen
eine Garantie erlischt
eine Hypothek erlischt
eine Vollmacht erlischt
die Mitgliedschaft erlischt
Die vorliegende Vereinbarung erlischt, wenn …
Das Patent erlischt, wenn …
Das Schuldverhältnis erlischt, wenn …
Ihr Anspruch erlischt nicht.
Der Anspruch erlischt durch Verjährung.
Die Versicherung ist erloschen.
Die Mitgliedschaft des Staates erlischt.
to expire; to become extinct; to lapse; to terminate; to be terminated
expiring; becoming extinct; lapsing; terminating; being terminated
expired; become extinct; lapsed; terminated; been terminated
expires; becomes extinct; lapses; terminates; is terminated
expired; became extinct; lapsed terminated; was terminated
a guarantee expires is extinguished
a mortgage is extinguished
an authorisation expires terminates
membership expires terminates
This agreement shall expire lapse if …
The patent shall lapse if …
The obligation shall terminate expire if …
Your claim does not expire. You do not forfeit your claim.
The claim is extinguished by prescription.
The insurance has expired.
The country ceases to be a member.
Erlöschen n jur.
Erlöschen n eines Patents
Zeitpunkt des Erlöschens eines Patents
Erlöschen einer Konzession
Erlöschen eines Anspruchs
Erlöschen der Zahlungsverpflichtung
Erlöschen einer Grunddienstbarkeit
Erlöschen von Schuldverhältnissen
Erlöschen einer Vollmacht
Erlöschen einer Schutzmarke
Erlöschen einer Hypothek
Erlöschen der Mitgliedschaft
nach Erlöschen der Mitgliedschaft eines Staates
mit dem Erlöschen der Ermächtigung
expiry Br.; expiration Am.; extinction; extinguishment; termination (of sth.)
expiration of a patent
expiration date of a patent
expiry expiration of a licence license
extinction lapse of a claim
extinction of the duty to pay the purchase price
extinguishment of an easement
extinction of obligations
termination of a power of attorney
lapse of a protected trademark
discharge of a mortgage
cessation termination of membership
after a country ceases to be a member
on the eypiry at the date of expiration of the authorization
erlöschen v jur.
nicht erloschen
eine Garantie erlischt
eine Hypothek erlischt
eine Vollmacht erlischt
die Mitgliedschaft erlischt
Die vorliegende Vereinbarung erlischt wenn ...
Das Patent erlischt wenn ...
Das Schuldverhältnis erlischt wenn ...
Ihr Anspruch erlischt nicht.
Der Anspruch erlischt durch Verjährung.
Die Versicherung ist erloschen.
Die Mitgliedschaft des Staates erlischt.
to expire; to become extinct; to lapse; to terminate; to be terminated
expiring; becoming extinct; lapsing; terminating; being terminated
expired; become extinct; lapsed; terminated; been terminated
expires; becomes extinct; lapses; terminates; is terminated
expired; became extinct; lapsed terminated; was terminated
a guarantee expires is extinguished
a mortgage is extinguished
an authorisation expires terminates
membership expires terminates
This agreement shall expire lapse if ...
The patent shall lapse if ...
The obligation shall terminate expire if ...
Your claim does not expire. You do not forfeit your claim.
The claim is extinguished by prescription.
The insurance has expired.
The country ceases to be a member.
Erlöschen n jur.
Erlöschen n eines Patents
Zeitpunkt des Erlöschens eines Patents
Erlöschen einer Konzession
Erlöschen eines Anspruchs
Erlöschen der Zahlungsverpflichtung
Erlöschen einer Grunddienstbarkeit
Erlöschen von Schuldverhältnissen
Erlöschen einer Vollmacht
Erlöschen eines Warenzeichens
Erlöschen einer Hypothek
Erlöschen der Mitgliedschaft
nach Erlöschen der Mitgliedschaft eines Staates
mit dem Erlöschen der Ermächtigung
expiry Br.; expiration Am.; extinction; extinguishment; termination (of sth.)
expiration of a patent
expiration date of a patent
expiry expiration of a licence license
extinction lapse of a claim
extinction of the duty to pay the purchase price
extinguishment of an easement
extinction of obligations
termination of a power of attorney
lapse of a trademark
discharge of a mortgage
cessation termination of membership
after a country ceases to be a member
on the eypiry at the date of expiration of the authorization
Vollmacht f jur.
befristete Vollmacht
beschränkte Vollmacht
Dauervollmacht f
Einzelvollmacht f; Sondervollmacht f
Gattungsvollmacht f; Artvollmacht f
Generalvollmacht f
Gesamtvollmacht f
Sammelvollmacht f
Vollmacht, die auch bei Entscheidungsunfähigkeit des Vollmachtgebers gilt
Sondervollmacht für den Fall der Entscheidungsunfähigkeit des Vollmachtgebers
widerrufliche unwiderrufliche Vollmacht
nach Erlöschen der Vollmacht
Umfang einer Vollmacht
Vorlegen einer Vollmacht
Widerruf der Vollmacht
Zurückziehen der Vollmacht
eine Vollmacht ausstellen
jdm. eine Vollmacht erteilen
eine Vollmacht haben; über eine Vollmacht verfügen
eine Vollmacht vorlegen
die Vollmacht widerrufen
die Vollmacht zurückziehen
Die Vollmacht erlischt mit dem Tode des Vollmachtgebers.
power of attorney
temporary power of attorney
limited power of attorney
permanent power of attorney
special power of attorney
power of attorney limited to a specific class of transactions
general power of attorney; full power of attorney
joint power of attorney
collective power of attorney
enduring power of attorney; durable power of attorney Am.; power of attorney with durable provisions Am.
springing power of attorney Am.
substitute power of attorney
revocable irrevocable power of attorney
after the expiration of the power of attorney
extent scope of a power of attorney
presentation of a power of attorney
revocation of the power of attorney
withdrawal of the power of attorney
to execute a power of attorney
to give sb. power of attorney; to grant sb. power of attorney
to hold a power of attorney
to present a power of attorney
to revoke the power of attorney
to cancel withdraw the power of attorney
The power of attorney shall become extinct at the moment of death of the empowering person.
Unzulässigkeit eines rechtlichen Vorbringens aufgrund eines sachlichen Widerspruchs zu früheren Rechtshandlungen jur.
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu früherem Verhalten
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu urkundlich verkörperten Erklärungen
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einschlägigen Gerichtsakten
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu früher gemachten Angaben
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einem abgeschlossenen (völkerrechtlichen) Vertrag
Unzulässigkeit eines Rechtsstreits wenn er schon einmal rechtskräftig entschieden wurde wegen innerer Rechtskraft eines früheren Urteils
De-facto-Personengesellschaft Kaptialgesellschaft f; Personengesellschaft Kapitalgesellschaft f aufgrund Rechtsscheins schlüssigen Verhaltens
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einer früheren Zusage
Unzulässigkeit wegen einer falschen Aussage im Vorfeld
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einer früheren Garantiezusage
Unzulässigkeit wegen versäumter Rechtshandlungen im Vorfeld
Unzulässigkeit wegen stillschweigender Duldung im Vorfeld
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einem früheren Verzicht auf ein Rechtsmittel (Berufung im Strafverfahren)
Gesellschafter aufgrund Rechtsscheins schlüssigen Verhaltens
einen Widerspruch zu früheren Rechtshandlungen geltend machen
Vollmacht aufgrund Rechtsscheins schlüssigen Verhaltens; Duldungsvollmacht f
Hier liegt der Fall vor dass das Vorbringen unzulässig ist weil es zu früheren Rechtshandlungen in Widerspruch steht.
equitable estoppel; estoppel by conduct Br.; estoppel in pais Am.
estoppel by deed
estoppel by matter of record; estoppel by record; judicial estoppel
estoppel by representation
estoppel by treaty
estoppel by judgement: estoppel by verdict; collateral estoppel; issue estoppel
partnership corporation by estoppel
promissory estoppel
estoppel by misrepresentation
estoppel by warranty
estoppel by laches
estoppel by acquiescence; estoppel by silence
estoppel by election; estoppel by waiver
partner by estoppel
to raise an estoppel; to plead estoppel
agency by estoppel; authority by estoppel
The case is one of estoppel.
Unzulässigkeit f eines rechtlichen Vorbringens aufgrund eines sachlichen Widerspruchs zu früheren Rechtshandlungen jur.
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu früherem Verhalten
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu urkundlich verkörperten Erklärungen
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einschlägigen Gerichtsakten
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu früher gemachten Angaben
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einem abgeschlossenen (völkerrechtlichen) Vertrag
Unzulässigkeit eines Rechtsstreits, wenn er schon einmal rechtskräftig entschieden wurde wegen innerer Rechtskraft eines früheren Urteils
De-facto-Personengesellschaft Kapitalgesellschaft f; Personengesellschaft Kapitalgesellschaft f aufgrund Rechtsscheins schlüssigen Verhaltens
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einer früheren Zusage
Unzulässigkeit wegen einer falschen Aussage im Vorfeld
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einer früheren Garantiezusage
Unzulässigkeit wegen versäumter Rechtshandlungen im Vorfeld
Unzulässigkeit wegen stillschweigender Duldung im Vorfeld
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einem früheren Verzicht auf ein Rechtsmittel (Berufung im Strafverfahren)
Gesellschafter aufgrund Rechtsscheins schlüssigen Verhaltens
einen Widerspruch zu früheren Rechtshandlungen geltend machen
Vollmacht aufgrund Rechtsscheins schlüssigen Verhaltens; Duldungsvollmacht f
Hier liegt der Fall vor, dass das Vorbringen unzulässig ist, weil es zu früheren Rechtshandlungen in Widerspruch steht.
equitable estoppel; estoppel by conduct Br.; estoppel in pais Am.
estoppel by deed
estoppel by matter of record; estoppel by record; judicial estoppel
estoppel by representation
estoppel by treaty
estoppel by judgement: estoppel by verdict; collateral estoppel; issue estoppel
partnership corporation by estoppel
promissory estoppel
estoppel by misrepresentation
estoppel by warranty
estoppel by laches
estoppel by acquiescence; estoppel by silence
estoppel by election; estoppel by waiver
partner by estoppel
to raise an estoppel; to plead estoppel
agency by estoppel; authority by estoppel
The case is one of estoppel.

Deutsche Vollmacht Synonyme

Befugnis  ÂBevollmächtigung  ÂErmächtigung  ÂFreibrief  ÂHandlungsvollmacht  ÂProkura  ÂVollmacht  ÂVollziehungsbefehl  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Vollmacht Synonym nachschlagen

Englische full power of attorney Synonyme

full  SRO  a great deal  abounding  absolute  absorbed  abundant  addled  adipose  affluent  all-encompassing  all-inclusive  all-sufficing  allayed  altogether  ample  amplitude  aplenty  awash  bang  beefy  beery  bemused  besotted  big  big-bellied  blazing  blind drunk  blinding  bloated  blocked  blow-by-blow  blowzy  booming  bosomy  bottomless  bound  bounteous  bountiful  brawny  bright  brilliant  brimful  brimming  bristling  broad  broad-bodied  built  bulging  bulky  bullnecked  burly  bursting  busty  buxom  capacity  chock-full  choked  choked up  chubby  chuck-full  chunky  clogged  clogged up  close  cloyed  coarse  colored  compact  complete  completely  comprehensive  concerned  congested  congestion  consequential  considerable  constipated  consumed  copious  corpulent  costive  cram-full  crammed  crapulent  crapulous  crass  crawling  crowded  curvaceous  damned  dazzling  deafening  deep  deep-colored  dense  detailed  developed  diffuse  directly  disgusted  distended  dizzy  drenched  drunk  drunken  dumpy  dyed  ear-piercing  ear-rending  ear-splitting  earthshaking  effuse  emotional  engaged  engorged  engrossed  enormously  entire  entirely  epidemic  exact  exactly  exceedingly  exhaustive  exhaustless  expansive  extensive  extravagant  extreme  exuberant  far-gone  farci  fat  fattish  fed-up  fertile  filled  filled out  finicky  firm  fleshy  flood tide  flush  flustered  forte  fortissimo  fou  foul  fouled  full of  full to bursting  full-bodied  full-colored  full-fledged  full-grown  full-scale  fullness  fully  fussy  galore  gay  generous  giddy  glaring  global  glorious  glutted  gorged  grand  grave  great  greatest  greatly  gross  happy  harsh  heavy  heavyset  hefty  high tide  high water  highest  hippy  hued  hugely  illimitable  imbued  immersed  impletion  imposing  in Technicolor  in color  in full  in its entirety  in liquor  in plenty  in quantity  in toto  inebriate  inebriated  inebrious  inexhaustible  infarcte  
full blast  amperage  armipotence  authority  beef  black power  brute force  charge  charisma  clout  cogence  cogency  compulsion  dint  drive  duress  effect  effectiveness  effectuality  energy  flower power  force  force majeure  forcefulness  full force  influence  main force  main strength  mana  might  might and main  mightiness  moxie  muscle power  pizzazz  poop  potence  potency  potentiality  power  power pack  power structure  power struggle  powerfulness  prepotency  productiveness  productivity  puissance  pull  punch  push  sinew  steam  strength  strong arm  superiority  superpower  validity  vehemence  vigor  vim  virility  virtue  virulence  vitality  wattage  weight  
full blooded  beefy  blooming  blowzed  blowzy  blue-blooded  bouncing  burnt  doughty  florid  flush  flushed  forceful  forcible  forcy  full-strength  glowing  gutsy  gutty  hale  hard  hard as nails  hardy  hearty  hectic  hefty  highborn  highbred  husky  iron-hard  lusty  mighty  nervy  obstinate  of good breed  pedigree  pedigreed  potent  powerful  puissant  pur sang  pure-blooded  purebred  red-blooded  red-complexioned  red-faced  red-fleshed  robust  robustious  rosy  rosy-cheeked  rubicund  ruddy  ruddy-complexioned  ruddy-faced  rugged  sanguine  stalwart  steely  stout  strapping  strong  strong as brandy  strong as strong  strong-willed  sturdy  sunburned  thoroughbred  vigorous  well-bred  wellborn  
full bloom  adulthood  adultness  age of consent  anthesis  bloom  blooming  blossom  blossoming  blow  blowing  driving age  efflorescence  florescence  flower of age  flowerage  flowering  full age  full growth  fullgrownness  grown-upness  legal age  legalis homo  majority  manhood  manlihood  mature age  maturity  prime  prime of life  ripe age  riper years  toga virilis  unfolding  unfoldment  virility  womanhood  womanlihood  years of discretion  
full bodied  broad-bodied  bulky  bullnecked  coarse  corpulent  crass  dense  fat  flavorful  flavorous  flavorsome  flavory  fruity  full  full-flavored  gross  heavy  heavyset  massive  nutty  rich  rich-flavored  thick  thick-bodied  thickset  three-dimensional  viscous  
full circle  ambit  angular momentum  angular motion  angular velocity  axial motion  beat  bowling  centrifugation  circle  circuit  circulation  circumgyration  circumrotation  cycle  gyration  lap  loop  orbit  pivoting  reeling  revolution  roll  rolling  rotation  rotational motion  round  round trip  rounds  spin  spinning  swinging  swirling  swiveling  tour  trolling  trundling  turbination  turn  turning  volutation  volution  walk  wheeling  whir  whirling  
full fledged  aged  blooming  blossoming  budding  burgeoning  complete  crescent  developed  entire  florescent  flourishing  flowering  full  full-blown  full-formed  full-grown  full-scale  fully developed  global  growing  grown  grown-up  hypertrophied  in full bloom  intact  mature  matured  mellow  mellowed  overdeveloped  overgrown  ripe  seasoned  solid  sprouting  tempered  thriving  total  unabbreviated  uncut  undiminished  unexpurgated  whole  
full grown  aged  blooming  blossoming  budding  burgeoning  complete  crescent  developed  entire  florescent  flourishing  flowering  full  full-blown  full-fledged  full-formed  full-scale  fully developed  global  growing  grown  grown-up  hypertrophied  in full bloom  intact  maturated  mature  matured  mellow  mellowed  overdeveloped  overgrown  ripe  seasoned  solid  sprouting  tempered  thriving  total  unabbreviated  uncut  undiminished  unexpurgated  whole  
full house  ace  bellyful  best bower  bower  bumper  capacity  cards  charge  clubs  complement  cram  crush  deck  deuce  diamonds  dummy  face cards  fill  flush  full measure  hand  hearts  jack  jam up  joker  king  knave  lading  left bower  load  mouthful  pack  pair  picture cards  playing cards  queen  round  royal flush  rubber  ruff  singleton  skinful  snootful  spades  straight  trey  trick  trump  
full measure  abundance  affluence  ample sufficiency  ampleness  amplitude  avalanche  bellyful  bonanza  bountifulness  bountiousness  bumper  bumper crop  capacity  charge  complement  copiousness  cram  crush  extravagance  exuberance  fertility  fill  flood  flow  foison  full house  fullness  generosity  generousness  great abundance  great plenty  gush  jam up  lading  landslide  lavishness  liberality  liberalness  load  lots  luxuriance  maximum  more than enough  mouthful  much  myriad  myriads  numerousness  opulence  opulency  outpouring  overflow  plenitude  plenteousness  plentifulness  plenty  prevalence  prodigality  productiveness  profuseness  profusion  quantities  repleteness  repletion  rich harvest  rich vein  richness  riot  riotousness  scads  shower  skinful  snootful  spate  stream  substantiality  substantialness  superabundance  teemingness  wealth  
full of beans  alive and kicking  animated  antic  bright-eyed and bushy-tailed  capersome  chipper  coltish  enjoying health  eupeptic  exuberant  fine  fit  fit and fine  frisky  frolicsome  gamesome  gay  healthful  healthy  hearty  in condition  in fine fettle  in fine whack  in good case  in good health  in good shape  in health  in high feather  in mint condition  in shape  in the pink  lively  playful  rollicking  rollicksome  rompish  skittish  spirited  sportive  sprightly  vital  vivacious  zestful  zippy  
full scale  all-out  complete  developed  entire  full  full-blown  full-fledged  full-formed  full-grown  global  intact  mature  matured  ripe  solid  total  totalitarian  unabbreviated  uncut  undiminished  unexpurgated  unlimited  whole  
full scope  ample scope  blank check  carte blanche  clearance  elbowroom  field  free course  free hand  free play  free scope  full swing  latitude  leeway  long rope  maneuvering space  margin  no holds barred  open space  play  range  room  rope  scope  sea room  space  swing  tolerance  way  wide berth  
full stop  arrest  bell  cessation  check  checkmate  cutoff  dead set  dead stand  dead stop  deadlock  dying down  ebb  ebbing  end  endgame  ending  final whistle  grinding halt  gun  halt  lock  lockout  sit-down strike  stalemate  stand  standoff  standstill  stay  stillstand  stop  stoppage  strike  subsidence  walkout  wane  waning  work stoppage  
full swing  ample scope  blank check  carte blanche  clearance  elbowroom  field  free course  free hand  free play  free scope  full scope  latitude  leeway  long rope  maneuvering space  margin  no holds barred  open space  play  range  room  rope  scope  sea room  space  swing  tolerance  way  wide berth  
full tilt  actively  all out  allegretto  allegro  animatedly  breezily  briskly  energetically  expeditiously  flat-out  hastily  in full swing  lickety-split  lively  posthaste  quickly  rapidly  speedily  spiritedly  sprightly  swiftly  vivaciously  
full time  anchor watch  bit  day shift  dogwatch  graveyard shift  half time  lobster trick  night shift  overtime  part time  relay  shift  split schedule  split shift  stint  sunrise watch  swing shift  time  tour  tour of duty  trick  turn  turn of work  watch  work shift  
fullback  amateur athlete  archer  athlete  ballplayer  baseballer  baseman  batter  battery  blocking back  bowman  catcher  center  coach  competitor  cricketer  defensive lineman  end  footballer  games-player  gamester  guard  infielder  jock  jumper  lineman  offensive lineman  outfield  outfielder  player  poloist  professional athlete  pugilist  quarterback  racer  skater  sport  sportsman  tackle  tailback  toxophilite  wingback  wrestler  
fullness  abundance  affluence  ample sufficiency  ampleness  amplitude  avalanche  bassness  beam  bellyful  bonanza  boundlessness  bountifulness  bountiousness  breadth  broadness  bulk  bumper crop  ceaselessness  completeness  comprehensiveness  congestion  consecutiveness  constancy  constant flow  continualness  continuity  continuousness  copiousness  crescendo  deepness  distance across  endlessness  engorgement  enormity  enormousness  entireness  equilibrium  exhaustiveness  expanse  extent  extravagance  exuberance  featurelessness  fertility  fill  flood  flood tide  flow  foison  formidableness  full  full measure  gaplessness  generosity  generousness  gigantism  glut  grandeur  grandness  great abundance  great plenty  great scope  greatness  gush  high tide  high water  holism  hollowness  hugeness  immensity  impletion  incessancy  inclusiveness  infinity  intactness  integrity  intensity  jointlessness  landslide  largeness  latitude  lavishness  liberality  liberalness  lots  loudishness  loudness  lowness  luxuriance  magnitude  maximum  mellowness  might  mightiness  monotony  more than enough  much  muchness  myriad  myriads  numerousness  opulence  opulency  outpouring  overflow  overfullness  plangency  plenitude  plenteousness  plentifulness  plenty  plethora  power  prevalence  prodigality  prodigiousness  productiveness  profuseness  profusion  quantities  repleteness  repletion  resonance  rich harvest  rich vein  richness  riot  riotousness  satiation  satiety  satisfaction  saturatedness  saturation  saturation point  scads  scope  seamlessness  shower  skinful  smoothness  snootful  sonority  sonorousness  soundness  span  spate  spread  spring tide  stability  steadiness  steady state  stream  strength  stupendousness  substantiality  substantialness  successiveness  superabundance  supersaturation  surfeit  surge  surge of sound  swell  swelling  teemingness  total approach  totality  tremendousness  unbrokenness  undifferentiation  
fully  absolutely  abundantly  affluently  altogether  aplenty  at length  bottomlessly  bounteously  bountifully  completely  comprehensively  copiously  diffusely  effusely  entirely  exhaustively  extravagantly  exuberantly  faultlessly  flawlessly  generously  globally  hundred per cent  ideally  immaculately  impeccably  in abundance  in detail  in extenso  in full  in full measure  in good supply  in particular  in plenty  in quantity  in toto  inclusively  inexhaustibly  infallibly  inside out  integrally  just right  largely  lavishly  liberally  maximally  minutely  no end  one and all  opulently  outright  overflowingly  particularly  perfectly  plenteously  plentifully  plumb  prodigally  profusely  purely  quite  richly  riotously  roundly  specifically  spotlessly  superabundantly  thoroughly  through-and-through  to the full  to the hilt  totally  tout a fait  unconditionally  unreservedly  utterly  wholly  

Vollmacht Definition

(n.) A substitute
(n.) One who is legally appointed by another to transact any business for him
(n.) A legal agent qualified to act for suitors and defendants in legal proceedings
(v. t.) To perform by proxy
(n.) The chief law officer of the state, empowered to act in all litigation in which the law-executing power is a party, and to advise this supreme executive whenever required.
(a.) Quite full
(a.) Full to the brim
(Compar.) Filled up, having within its limits all that it can contain
(Compar.) Abundantly furnished or provided
(Compar.) Not wanting in any essential quality
(Compar.) Sated
(Compar.) Having the mind filled with ideas
(Compar.) Having the attention, thoughts, etc., absorbed in any matter, and the feelings more or less excited by it, as, to be full of some project.
(Compar.) Filled with emotions.
(Compar.) Impregnated
(n.) Complete measure
(adv.) Quite
(v. i.) To become full or wholly illuminated
(n.) To thicken by moistening, heating, and pressing, as cloth
(v. i.) To become fulled or thickened
(a.) Having a full supply of blood.
(a.) Of pure blood
(a.) Like a perfect blossom.
(a.) Fully expanded, as a blossom
(a.) Fully distended with wind, as a sail.
(a.) Full and large at the bottom, as wigs worn by certain civil officers in Great Britain.
(a.) Of great capacity below the water line.
(adv.) With direct and violentop position
(adv.) With full speed.
(a.) Full in form or shape
(a.) Having reached the limits of growth
(a.) Full of courage or confidence.
(a.) Very fiery.
(a.) Completely furnished wiith men, as a ship.
(a.) Having the orb or disk complete or fully illuminated
(a.) Having all its sails set,
(a.) Having large and strong or complete wings.
(a.) Beady for flight
Horse power
() The power which a horse exerts.
Horse power
() A unit of power, used in stating the power required to drive machinery, and in estimating the capabilities of animals or steam engines and other prime movers for doing work. It is the power required for the performance of work at the rate of 33,000 English units of work per minute
Horse power
() A machine worked by a horse, for driving other machinery
(n.) Same as Poor, the fish.
(n.) Ability to act, regarded as latent or inherent
(n.) Ability, regarded as put forth or exerted
(n.) Capacity of undergoing or suffering
(n.) The exercise of a faculty
(n.) The agent exercising an ability to act
(n.) A military or naval force
(n.) A large quantity
(n.) The rate at which mechanical energy is exerted or mechanical work performed, as by an engine or other machine, or an animal, working continuously

full power of attorney Bedeutung

accession rise to power the act of attaining or gaining access to a new office or right or position (especially the throne), Elizabeth's accession in
power dive a dive of an airplane that is accelerated both by gravity and by the power of the engine
full gainer
a dive in which the diver throws the feet forward to complete a full backward somersault and enters the water feet first and facing away from the diving board
power play (ice hockey) a play in which one team has a numerical advantage over the other as a result of penalties, the team was unable to capitalize on the power play
power play a play in which there is a concentration of players in one location on the field of play, they used a power play to return the kickoff
Attorney General
Attorney General of the United States
the position of the head of the Justice Department and the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, the post of Attorney General was created in
power walking a form of cardiopulmonary exercise consisting of rapid walking accompanied by vigorous swinging of the arms
power play
squeeze play squeeze
an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power, she laughed at this sexual power play and walked away
power trip (slang) a self-aggrandizing action undertaken simply for the pleasure of exercising control over other people
full nelson a wrestling hold in which the holder puts both arms under the opponent's arms and exerts pressure on the back of the neck (illegal in amateur wrestling)
dress suit
full dress
tail coat
tails white tie white tie and tails
formalwear consisting of full evening dress for men
electric meter
power meter
a meter for measuring the amount of electric power used
full-dress uniform the naval or military uniform that is specified by regulations to be worn on ceremonial occasions
full metal jacket a lead bullet that is covered with a jacket of a harder metal (usually copper)
full skirt a long skirt gathered at the waist
full-wave rectifier rectifier that converts the negative half wave of an alternating current into a positive half wave
gear geartrain
power train
wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed, the fool got his tie caught in the geartrain
hammer power hammer a power tool for drilling rocks
point power point a wall socket
power brake a brake on an automobile that magnifies a small force applied to the brake pedal into a proportionately larger force applied to slow or stop the vehicle
power cord a cord to conduct power to an electrical appliance
power drill a power tool for drilling holes into hard materials
power line
power cable
cable used to distribute electricity
power loom a loom operated mechanically
power module module that provides power to operate other modules
power mower
motor mower
a lawn mower powered by a gasoline motor
power pack a device for converting a power supply to a voltage required by particular equipment
power saw
saw sawing machine
a power tool for cutting wood
power shovel
a machine for excavating
power station
power plant
an electrical generating station
power steering
power-assisted steering
automotive steering where engineer power amplifies the torque applied to the steering wheel
power system
power grid
a system of high tension cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a region
power takeoff
a device that transfers power from an engine (as in a tractor or other motor vehicle) to another piece of equipment (as to a pump or jackhammer)
power tool a tool driven by a motor
power pylon
a large vertical steel tower supporting high-tension power lines, power pylons are a favorite target for terrorists
drawing power the capacity for attracting people (customers or supporters)
motive power
the power or ability to move
power hunger
status seeking
a drive to acquire power
will power
the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior
full blood descent from parents both of one pure breed
physical strength
staying power
enduring strength and energy
power of appointment authority given (in a will or deed) by a donor to a donee to appoint the beneficiaries of the donor's property
sea power naval strength
acoustic power
sound pressure level
the physical intensity of sound
right to an attorney a civil right guaranteed by the th amendment to the US Constitution
possession of controlling influence, the deterrent power of nuclear weapons, the power of his love saved her, his powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade
legal power
(law) the right and power to interpret and apply the law, courts having jurisdiction in this district
magical ability
magical power
an ability to perform magic
lung-power the ability to speak loudly
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