
Vulkanisierpresse Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Vulkanisierpresse f
vulcanising press
Vulkanisierpresse f
vulcanising press
Vulkanisation f
Vulkanisierung f; Vulkanisation f (Gummi)
curing; vulcanisation Br.; vulcanization Am. (rubber)
Vulkanisierung f; Vulkanisation f (von Kautschuk) chem. techn.
curing; vulcanization; vulcanisation Br. (of caoutchouc)
Vulkanisationsbeschleuniger m
Vulkanisationsbeschleuniger pl
vulcanization accelerator
vulcanization accelerators
Vulkanisationsbeschleuniger m
Vulkanisationsbeschleuniger pl
vulcanization accelerator eAm.; vulcanisation accelerator Br.
vulcanization accelerators; vulcanisation accelerators
Vulkanisationsgrad m
state of cure
Vulkanisationsmittel n
Vulkanisationsmittel pl
vulcanising agent
vulcanising agents
vulkanisch adv
eruptiv; vulkanisch adj
eruptive; extrusive
vulkanisch adj
vulkanischer Boden
volcanic soil
Schlacke f
Schlacken pl
vulkanische Schlacke f
slag, cinder, cinders, scoria
volcanic cinder, volcanic slag
Asche f
Oxidasche f
eingebrachte Asche
resurgente Asche
vulkanische Asche
Asche zu Asche
in Asche legen
Asche auf über mein Haupt!
in Sack und Asche gehen (Buße tun) übtr.
oxidized ash
ash in fuel
accessory ash
volcanic ash
ashes to ashes
to reduce to ashes
Mea culpa!
to put on wear sackcloth and ashes fig.
Schlacke f geol.
Schlacken pl
vulkanische Schlacke f
scoria; slag; cinder
scoriae; slags; cinders
volcanic cinder; volcanic slag
vulkanische Bombe f geol.
vulkanische Bomben pl
volcanic bomb
volcanic bombs
Ausbruch m geol.
Ausbrüche pl
phreatischer Ausbruch
plötzlicher Ausbruch
subaerischer Ausbruch
subglazialer Ausbruch
subrezenter Ausbruch
übermeerischer Ausbruch
vulkanische Ausbruch
eruption; breaking-forth; outburst (of a volcano); blow out (of a well); backbreak (quarrying mining); explosion
eruptions; breaking-forths; outbursts; blow outs; backbreaks; explosions
phreatic eruption
sudden excavation
subaerial eruption
subglacial eruption
subrecent eruption
supramarine eruption
Auswurfmaterial n; Auswürflinge pl; Ejekta pl geh. astron. geol.
allotigenes Auswurfmaterial; allotigene Auswürflinge
glühendes Auswurfmaterial
vulkanisches Auswurfmaterial; Kraterauswurf m; Vulkanauswürflinge pl; Kraterauswürflinge pl; vulkanische Lockermasse f; vulkanisches Lockerprodukt n; Pyroklastika f; Tephra f
ejected material; fragmental ejecta; ejecta; fragmental products
allothigenic ejecta; allothigenic products
incandescent ejecta
volcanic ejecta; erupted blocks; pyroclastic materials; pyroclastics; tephra
Lavabombe f; vulkanische Bombe f (Vulkanismus) geol.
Lavabomben pl; vulkanische Bomben pl
Brotkrustenbombe f
lava ball; volcanic ball; lava bomb; volcanic bomb; lava shell; volcanic shell (volcanism)
lava balls; volcanic balls; lava bombs; volcanic bombs; lava shells; volcanic shells
breadcrust bomb
Vulkanausbruch m; vulkanischer Ausbruch m; vulkanische Eruption f
Vulkanausbrüche pl; vulkanische Ausbrüche pl; vulkanische Eruptionen pl
vesuvianische Eruptionen
strombolianische Eruptionen
plinianische Eruptionen
sich langsam aufbauende Vulkanausbrüche; paroxysmale Vulkanausbrüche; Paroxysmus des Vulkans
volcanic outbreak; volcanic outburst; volcanic eruption
volcanic outbreaks; volcanic outbursts; volcanic eruptions
Vesuvian eruptions
Strombolian eruptions
Plinian eruptions
paroxysmal eruptions; paroxysmal eruptive episode; paroxysmal explosive volcanic activity
Gestein n
abyssisches Gestein
anstehendes Gestein
bröckeliges Gestein
eruptives Gestein; Ergussgestein n vulkanischen Ursprungs
klüftiges Gestein
lockeres Gestein
massiges Gestein
sandiges Gestein
sprödes Gestein
Bearbeitung des Gesteins
rock; rocks; stone
abysmal rock; intrusion rock
solid rock; native rock; exposed rock; living rock; bedrock; rock in situ
friable rock
eruptive rock; extrusive rock
seamy rock
loose rock; scall
bulky rock; massive rock
arenaceous rock
brittle rock
sculpturing of rock
ein Luftfahrzeug am Boden festhalten aviat.
Hunderte Flüge wurden wegen einer sich ausbreitenden vulkanischen Aschenwolke eingestellt.
Der Ballon konnte wegen starken Winds nicht starten.
Von Norwich abgehende Flüge können wegen eines Streiks nicht starten.
Sämliche Flugzeuge haben Startverbot bis sich der Nebel lichtet.
to ground an aircraft
Hundreds of flights were grounded due to a plume of volcanic ash spreading.
The balloon was grounded by strong winds.
All planes out of Norwich have been grounded by a strike.
All planes are grounded until the fog clears.
etw. implizieren; besagen; bedeuten v; auf etw. schließen lassen v
implizierend; besagend; bedeutend; schließen lassend
impliziert; besagt; bedeutet; schließen lassen
impliziert; besagt; bedeutet; lässt schließen
implizierte; besagte; bedeutete; ließ schließen
Daraus ergibt sich dass ...
Hohe Gewinne bedeuten nicht unbedingt hohe Qualität.
Die Beschaffenheit des Felsens lässt auf einen vulkanischen Ursprung schließen.
Daraus kann kein Verzicht meinerseits abgeleitet werden.
to imply sth.
This implies that ...
High profits do not necessarily imply high quality.
The nature of the rock implies suggests that it is volcanic in origin.
No waiver by me can be implied from this.
Gestein n geol.
aufgeschlossenes Gestein
bröckeliges Gestein
Erdölspeichergestein n
eruptives Gestein; Ergussgestein n vulkanischen Ursprungs
gewachsenes Gestein; gewachsener Fels; anstehendes Gestein; Anstehendes
klüftiges Gestein; schiefriges Gestein
lockeres Gestein
massiges Gestein
rissiges Gestein
sandiges Gestein
sprödes Gestein
an der Erdoberfläche gebildetes Gestein; superkrustales Gestein
nicht standfestes Gestein; nicht druckfestes Gestein
Bearbeitung des Gesteins
exposed rock
friable rock
oil reservoir rock
eruptive rock; extrusive rock
native rock
cleft rock
loose rock; scall
bulky rock; massive rock
seamy rock
arenaceous rock
brittle rock
supercrustal rock
incompetent rock
sculpturing of rock
Herkunft f; Ursprung m; Provenienz f geh. (von etw.)
vulkanischen Ursprungs sein geol.
der Ursprung des Lebens biol.
Kunstwerke zweifelhafter Herkunft Provenienz
Der Weihnachtskaktus hat im südamerikanischen Urwald seinen Ursprung.
origin; provenance; provenience Am. (of sth.)
to be volcanic in origin
the origin of life
artworks of suspicious provenance
Christmas cactus has its origin originates in the jungles of South America.
ein Luftfahrzeug am Boden festhalten v aviat.
Hunderte Flüge wurden wegen einer sich ausbreitenden vulkanischen Aschenwolke eingestellt.
Der Ballon konnte wegen starken Winds nicht starten.
Von Norwich abgehende Flüge können wegen eines Streiks nicht starten.
Sämtliche Flugzeuge haben Startverbot bis sich der Nebel lichtet.
to ground an aircraft
Hundreds of flights were grounded due to a plume of volcanic ash spreading.
The balloon was grounded by strong winds.
All planes out of Norwich have been grounded by a strike.
All planes are grounded until the fog clears.
etw. implizieren; besagen; bedeuten v; auf etw. schließen lassen v
implizierend; besagend; bedeutend; schließen lassend
impliziert; besagt; bedeutet; schließen lassen
impliziert; besagt; bedeutet; lässt schließen
implizierte; besagte; bedeutete; ließ schließen
Daraus ergibt sich, dass …
Hohe Gewinne bedeuten nicht unbedingt hohe Qualität.
Die Beschaffenheit des Felsens lässt auf einen vulkanischen Ursprung schließen.
Daraus kann kein Verzicht meinerseits abgeleitet werden.
to imply sth.
This implies that …
High profits do not necessarily imply high quality.
The nature of the rock implies suggests that it is volcanic in origin.
No waiver by me can be implied from this.
Schlamm m; Schmutz m
mit Schlamm bedeckt
mit nassem Schmutz bedeckt
feiner Schlamm
organogener Schlamm
vulkanischer Schlamm
weicher Schlamm
plastered with mud
caked with mud and wet
mud lava
(vulkanischer) Tuffstein m; Tuff m geol.
Trapp-Tuff m
Lapilli-Tuff m
volcanic tuff; tuffstone; tuff
basaltic tuff
lapilli tuff
Vulkankessel m; vulkanischer Einsturzkrater m; Caldera f geol.
volcanic inbreak crater; caldera
Atoll m geol.
Atoll mit vulkanischer Laguneninsel
Atoll zweiter Ordnung
atoll; lagoon island; circular reef; reef ring
almost atoll
Magnetit m min.
vulkanischer Magnetit
magnetite; magnetic iron ore; black iron ore; natural magnet; load stone; lodestone
Pisolith m min.
vulkanischer Pisolith
volcanic pisolite; mud pellet; fossil raindrop
Schlamm m; Schmutz m
mit Schlamm bedeckt; voller Schlamm
mit nassem Schmutz bedeckt
feiner Schlamm
organogener Schlamm
vulkanischer Schlamm
weicher Schlamm
plastered with mud
caked with mud and wet
mud lava
Gesteinsglas n; vulkanisches Glas n
volcanic glass
Vulkangestein n; vulkanisches Gestein n geol.
volcanic rock
Erdbeben n; Beben n geogr. phys.
Erdbeben pl; Beben pl
Ausbruchsbeben n; vulkanisches Beben
Auslösungsbeben n
Dislokationsbeben n; tektonisches Beben
Einsturzbeben n
Fernbeben n
Flachherdbeben n; Flachbeben n; Erdbeben mit einer Herdtiefe bis 65 km
Mikrobeben n
Relaisbeben n
Tiefherdbeben n; Tiefbeben n; Erdbeben mit einem Epizentrum über 300 km
Zwischenbeben n; mitteltiefes Erdbeben (mit einer Herdtiefe von 70 bis 300 km)
Erdbeben mit einem Epizentrum von 65 bis 300 km
vom Menschen verursachtes Erdbeben
ein vom Erdbeben zerstörtes Gebiet
vom Erdbeben betroffen heimgesucht sein
earthquake; quake; seism rare; shake Am.; temblor Am.
earthquakes; quakes; seisms; shakes; temblors
volcanic earthquake
induced earthquake; secondary earthquake
dislocation earthquake; tectonic earthquake
earthquake due to collapse; subsidence earthquake
distant earthquake
shallow-focus earthquake; shallow earthquake
relay earthquake
deep-focus earthquake; deep earthquake
mid-focus earthquake; intermediate-depth earthquake
intermediate focus earthquake
man-made earthquake
an area devastated by the earthquake
to be affected impacted by the earthquake
Vulkaniseur m
Vulkaniseuren pl
Vulkaniseur und Reifenmechaniker m
tyre vulcaniser Br.; tire vulcanizer Am.
tyre vulcanisers; tire vulcanizers
mechanic for tyres and vulcanisation
härten, aushärten, vulkanisieren v
härtend, aushärtend, vulkanisierend
gehärtet, ausgehärtet, vulkanisiert
to cure
to vulcanize
Gummi vulkanisieren v
to cure; to vulcanize; to vulcanise Br. rubber
curing; vulcanizing; vulcanising
cured; vulcanized; vulcanised
cures; vulcanizes; vulcanises
cured; vulcanized; vulcanised
Vulkanisierlösung f
patching cement
Vulkanisierpresse f
vulcanising press
Elastomer n; elastischer Kunststoff (vernetzter vulkanisierter Kautschuk) chem.
thermoplastisches Elastomer
stark vernetztes Elastomer
gummielastisch vernetztes Elastomer
thermo plastics
duro plastics
thermoplastic elastomer
Vulkanisierung f
cure, curing
Aktivator m (bei der Vulkanisierung) chem. techn.
activator (in vulcanization)
Vulkanismus m
volcanism, volcanic activity
Vulkanismus m geol.
initialer Vulkanismus
subsequenter Vulkanismus
volcanism; volcanic activity; volcanicity
initial volcanism
late-orogenic phase

Deutsche Vulkanisierpresse Synonyme

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Englische vulcanising press Synonyme

Vulkanisierpresse Definition

Bramah press
() A hydrostatic press of immense power, invented by Joseph Bramah of London. See under Hydrostatic.
Drill press
() A machine for drilling holes in metal, the drill being pressed to the metal by the action of a screw.
(n.) An East Indian insectivore (Tupaia ferruginea). It is arboreal in its habits, and has a bushy tail. The fur is soft, and varies from rusty red to maroon and to brownish black.
(n.) To force into service, particularly into naval service
(n.) A commission to force men into public service, particularly into the navy.
(v.) To urge, or act upon, with force, as weight
(v.) To squeeze, in order to extract the juice or contents of
(v.) To squeeze in or with suitable instruments or apparatus, in order to compact, make dense, or smooth
(v.) To embrace closely
(v.) To oppress
(v.) To straiten
(v.) To exercise very powerful or irresistible influence upon or over
(v.) To try to force (something upon some one)
(v.) To drive with violence
(v. i.) To exert pressure
(v. i.) To move on with urging and crowding
(v. i.) To urge with vehemence or importunity
(n.) An apparatus or machine by which any substance or body is pressed, squeezed, stamped, or shaped, or by which an impression of a body is taken
(n.) Specifically, a printing press.
(n.) The art or business of printing and publishing
(n.) An upright case or closet for the safe keeping of articles
(n.) The act of pressing or thronging forward.
(n.) Urgent demands of business or affairs
(n.) A multitude of individuals crowded together

vulcanising press Bedeutung

the act of pressing, the exertion of pressure, he gave the button a press, he used pressure to stop the bleeding, at the pressing of a button
bench press a weightlift in which you lie on your back on a bench and press weights upward
incline bench press a bench press performed on an inclined bench
press military press a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then smoothly lifted overhead
an arm exercise performed lying face to the floor and pushing the body up and down with the arms
field press censorship security review of news (including all information or material intended for dissemination to the public) subject to the jurisdiction of the armed forces
bench press a small punch press mounted on a workbench
cheese press a press for shaping cheese curd
drill press a machine tool with a separate, upright stand, an electric drill is pressed into the work automatically or with a hand lever
drop forge
drop hammer
drop press
device for making large forgings
flatbed press
cylinder press
a printing press where the type is carried on a flat bed under a cylinder that holds paper and rolls over the type
garlic press a press for extracting juice from garlic
hydraulic press press in which a force applied by a piston to a small area is transmitted through water to another piston having a large area
permanent press
durable press
a fabric that has been chemically processed to resist wrinkles and hold its shape
mechanical press
any machine that exerts pressure to form or shape or cut materials or extract liquids or compress solids
press printing press a machine used for printing
press clamp to prevent wooden rackets from warping when not in use
press box box reserved for reporters (as at a sports event)
press gallery an area (sometimes in a balcony) set aside for reporters (especially in a legislative hall)
press of sail
press of canvas
the greatest amount of sail that a ship can carry safely
punch press a power driven press used to shape metal parts
rotary press a printing press for printing from a revolving cylinder
snap fastener
press stud
a fastener used on clothing, fastens with a snapping sound, children can manage snaps better than buttons
standing press a large printing press that exerts pressure vertically
trouser press
pants presser
a home appliance in which trousers can be hung and the wrinkles pressed out
closet press
a tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes, has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes
freedom of the press a right guaranteed by the First Amendment to the US Constitution
gutter press press that engages in sensational journalism (especially concerning the private lives of public figures)
free press a press not restricted or controlled by government censorship regarding politics or ideology
public press
the print media responsible for gathering and publishing news in the form of newspapers or magazines
underground press
a system of clandestine printing and distribution of dissident or banned literature
newspaper clipping
press clipping
press cutting
an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine, he searched through piles of letters and clippings
stop press late news that is inserted into the newspaper at the last minute
press release
an announcement distributed to members of the press in order to supplement or replace an oral presentation
press conference
news conference
a conference at which press and tv reporters ask questions of a politician or other celebrity
a dense crowd of people
press gang a detachment empowered to force civilians to serve in the army or navy
news agency
press agency
wire service
press association
news organization
news organisation
an agency to collects news reports for newspapers and distributes it electronically
press corps a group of journalists representing different publications who all cover the same topics, the White House press corps
press agent
publicity man
public relations man
PR man
someone employed to arrange publicity (for a firm or a public figure)
press lord a powerful newspaper proprietor
press photographer a photographer who works for a newspaper
the state of demanding notice or attention, the insistence of their hunger, the press of business matters
print run
press run
the period that presses run to produce an issue of a newspaper
stub out
crush out
extinguish press out
extinguish by crushing, stub out your cigar
bid beseech
adjure press conjure
ask for or request earnestly, The prophet bid all people to become good persons
urge on
force or impel in an indicated direction, I urged him to finish his studies
drive home
ram home
press home
make clear by special emphasis and try to convince somebody of something, drive home a point or an argument, I'm trying to drive home these basic ideas
lift weights, This guy can presspounds
press out express b extract obtain from a substance, as by mechanical action, Italians express coffee rather than filter it
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