
Weichenspitzenverschluss Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Weichenspitzenverschluss m; Weichenriegel m; Weichenverriegelung f; Zungenriegel f; Zungenverschluss m (Bahn)
facing point (railways)
Weichenspitzenverschluss m; Weichenriegel m; Weichenverriegelung f; Zungenriegel f; Zungenverschluss m (Bahn)
facing point (railways)
Weichenverriegelung f; Weichenriegel m; Weichenverschluss m; Weichenschloss n; Zungenverriegelung f; Zungenriegel f; Zungenverschluss m (Bahn)
elektromechanischer Weichenriegel; elektrische Hebelsperre
normaler Weichenverschluss; abhängiger Weichenverschluss; abhängiger Weichenriegel; abhängige Verriegelung
unabhängiger Weichenverschluss; unabhängiger Weichenriegel; unabhängige Verriegelung
Schlüssel für das Weichenschloss
point lock; facing point lock; switch lock Am. (railway)
electric point lock; electric lock
dependent point lock; dependent lock
independent point lock; independent lock
key for point lock Br.; key for switch lock Am.
Weichenschneeräumer m; Weichenräumer m (Bahn)
mud-clearer; flanger plow attachment Am. (railway)
Eisenbahnschwelle f; Bahnschwelle f; Gleisschwelle f; Schwelle f (Bahn)
Eisenbahnschwellen pl; Bahnschwellen pl; Gleisschwellen pl; Schwellen pl
Betonschwelle f
Betonstützenschwelle f; Stützenschwelle f; Zweiblockschwelle f
Doppelschwelle f; Breitschwelle f; Kuppelstoßschwelle f; Kuppelschwelle f
Einblockbetonschwelle f; Einblockschwelle f; Monoblockbetonschwelle f; Monoblockschwelle f
Einblock-Spannbetonschwelle f
gummiummantelte Schwelle
Holzschwelle f
Langschwelle f
lose Schwelle
Querschwelle f
Rahmenschwelle f
Stahlbetonschwelle f
Weichenholzschwelle f; Weichenschwelle f
railway sleeper Br.; railroad tie Am.; cross-tie Am. (railway)
railway sleepers; railroad ties; cross-ties
concrete sleeper Br.; concrete tie Am.
double-block concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.; twin-block concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.; twin-block sleeper Br. tie Am.; duo-block sleeper Br. tie Am.
twin sleeper Br.; twin tie Am.
monobloc concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.; monobloc sleeper Br. tie Am.
monobloc prestressed-concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.
rubber-coated sleeper Br. tie Am.
wooden sleeper Br.; timber sleeper Br.; wooden tie Am.; timber tie Am. rare
dancing sleeper Br. tie Am.; pumping sleeper Br. tie Am.
cross sleeper Br.; tie-bar Am.
frame sleeper Br.; frame tie Am.
reinforced-concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.
crossing timber; switch timber Am.
Weichenselbstlauf m; Weichenautomatik f (Bahn)
automatic points control (railway)
Weichenspannwerk n
turnout tension lever
Weichenspitzenverschluss m; Weichenriegel m; Weichenverriegelung f; Zungenriegel f; Zungenverschluss m (Bahn)
facing point (railways)
Weichenantriebstange f; Antriebsstange f; Weichenstellstange f; Stellstange f; Weichenzugstange f; Weichenstange f; Weichenstellschieber m; Zungenverbindungsstange f (einer Weiche) (Bahn)
Weichenantriebstangen pl; Antriebsstangen pl; Weichenstellstangen pl; Stellstangen pl; Weichenzugstangen pl; Weichenstangen pl; Weichenstellschieber pl; Zungenverbindungsstangen pl
stretcher rod; point-operating stretcher; throw rod; drive rod; point rod Br.; switch rod Am. (of a point switch) (railway)
stretcher rods; point-operating stretchers; throw rods; drive rods; point rods; switch rods
Weichensteller m
Weichensteller m
Weichensteller pl
Rangierer m; Weichensteller m min.
Rangierer pl; Weichensteller pl
Weichenwärter m; Weichensteller m (Bahn)
Weichenwärter pl; Weichensteller pl
pointsman Br. (railway)
Weichenstellstangenriegel m; Zungenverbindungsstangenriegel m (Bahn)
Weichenstellstangenriegel pl; Zungenverbindungsstangenriegel pl
stretcher bar lock (railway)
stretcher bar locks
Weichenstelltafel f (Bahn)
Weichenstelltafeln pl
turnout control panel; turnout panel (railway)
turnout control panels; turnout panels
Weichenstellung f
position of points
Weichenstellung f übtr.
Weichenstellungen pl
strategische Weichenstellung
setting of the course, setting of the agenda
settings of the course, settings of the agenda
setting of a new strategic direction
Weichenstellung f übtr.
Weichenstellungen pl
strategische Weichenstellung
eine Weichenstellung vornehmen
setting of the course; setting of the agenda
settings of the course; settings of the agenda
setting of a new strategic direction
to set the course for the future
Weichenstellung f (Bahn)
Weiche in Grundstellung; Weiche in Normalstellung; Weiche in gerader Stellung; Weiche auf Geradeausfahrt gestellt
Weiche in umgelegter Stellung; Weiche auf Ablenkung gestellt
Abbiegestellung einer Weiche
Weichenzwischenstellung f; Weichenstellung nicht in Endlage
position of points Br.; position of switches Am. (railway)
points in straight position Br.; points set to the normal position Br.; points set to the straight-through track Br.; switch in normal position Am.; switch in straight position Am.; switch lined for main track Am.
points in reversed position Br.; points in diverging position Br.; points set to the reverse position Br.; points set for diverging route Br.; switch in reversed position Am.; switch lined for diverging route Am.
turnout position of points switches
intermediate points position Br.; intermediate switch position Am.
Signalstellwerk n; Weichenstellwerk n; Stellwerk n (Bahn)
Signalstellwerke pl; Weichenstellwerke pl; Stellwerke pl
Ablaufstellwerk n
Ablaufstellwerk n mit Ablaufspeicherung
Befehlsstellwerk n
Drucktastenstellwerk n; Dr-Stellwerk n
Einzelbedienungshebelstellwerk n; Einzelhebelstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienung (von Weichen und Signalen)
Einzeltastenrangierstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienungstasten
elektrisches Stellwerk
elektrisches Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienungshebeln; elektrisches Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienung (der Weichen und Signale)
elektrohydraulisches Stellwerk
elektromechanisches Stellwerk
elektronisches Stellwerk ESTW
elektropneumatisches Stellwerk; Elektrodruckluftstellwerk n
Fahrstraßenstellwerk n mit Teilabschnittsbedienung
Kraftstellwerk n
mechanisches Stellwerk
rechnergesteuertes Relaisstellwerk n; rechnergestütztes Relaisstellwerk n; Hybridstellwerk n
Rechnerstellwerk n
Reiterstellwerk n
Relaisstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit elektrischen Verschlüssen
Relaisstellwerk n mit abschnittsweiser Fahrstraßenauflösung
Relaisstellwerk n mit Einzelbedienungshebeln
Spurplan-Drucktasten-Stellwerk n; Sp-Dr-Stellwerk
Stahlkugelrangierstellwerk n; Rangierstellwerk n mit Weichenumstellung über Stahlkugeln
Stellwerk mit Fahrstraßenhebeln
Stellwerk mit frei beweglichen Bedienungshebeln; Stellwerk mit freien Ein- und Ausfahrhebeln
Stellwerk mit Gleisbedienungshebeln
Stellwerk mit statischen Bauteilen
Zentralstellwerk n; Streckenstellwerk n; Fernstellwerk n Schw.
signal box Br.; signal cabin Br.; interlocking cabin Br.; signal tower Am.; switch tower Am.; interlocking tower Am. (railway)
signal boxes; signal cabins; interlocking cabins; signal towers; switch towers; interlocking towers
yard signal box Br.; hump control cabin Br.; hump control tower Am.
programmable route-setting box
master signal box Br.; master signal tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with push-button route-setting
signal box with individual levers Br.; signal tower with individual switch control Am.
push-button signal box Br.; signal cabin with individual push-button control Br.; push-button signal tower Am.; switch tower with individual push-button control Am.
all-electric interlocking cabin Br.; all-electric interlocking signal tower Am.
signal box with individual electric levers Br.; signal tower with individual electric switches Am.
hydroelectric signal box Br.; hydroelectric signal tower Am.
electromechanical signal box Br.; electromechanical signal tower Am.
electronic signal box Br.; electronic signal tower Am.
electropneumatic signal box Br.; electropneumatic signal tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with route-setting
power-operated signal box Br.; power-operated signal tower Am.
mechanical interlocking cabin Br.; mechanical interlocking tower Am.
computer-controlled relay interlocking; computer-controlled all-relay interlocking
computerized signal box Br.; computerized signal tower Am.
bridge signal box Br.; gantry-style signal box Br.; bridge switch tower Am.
all-relay interlocking box Br.; all-relay interlocking tower Am.; all-relay interlocking
all-relay interlocking with sectional route release
all-relay interlocking box with individual control switches Br.; all-relay interlocking tower with individual control switches Am.
push-button and track-diagram signal box Br.; push-button and track-diagram signal tower Am.
marshalling yard cabin using steel-ball humping machine Br.; marshalling yard tower using steel-ball humping machine
route-lever signal box Br.; route-lever signal tower Am.
free switch signal box Br. signal tower Am.; entrance-exit free-lever signal cabin Br. switch tower Am.; N-X type free lever signal cabin Br. switch tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with individual track switches
solid state interlocking signal box Br.; solid state interlocking signal tower Am.; solid state interlocking SSI
traffic control office; CTC office
Fahrstraße f; Weichenstraße f (Bahn)
Fahrstraße für Durchgangsbetrieb
eine Fahrstraße festlegen
eine Fahrstraße auflösen
route; set of points (railway)
non-stick route
to set up a route
to cancel release a route
Weichenstraße f; Kreuzungsstraße f (Bahn)
group of scissor crossings (railway)

Weichenspitzenverschluss Definition

(n.) The fielder in the games of cricket and lacrosse who supports "point."
(n.) The temperature at which dew begins to form. It varies with the humidity and temperature of the atmosphere.
(n.) An old rural game.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Face
(n.) A covering in front, for ornament or other purpose
(n.) A lining placed near the edge of a garment for ornament or protection.
(n.) The finishing of any face of a wall with material different from that of which it is chiefly composed, or the coating or material so used.
(n.) A powdered substance, as charcoal, bituminous coal, ect., applied to the face of a mold, or mixed with the sand that forms it, to give a fine smooth surface to the casting.
(n.) The collar and cuffs of a military coat
(n.) The movement of soldiers by turning on their heels to the right, left, or about
Libration point
(n.) any one of five points in the plane of a system of two large astronomical bodies orbiting each other, as the Earth-moon system, where the gravitational pull of the two bodies on an object are approximately equal, and in opposite directions. A solid object moving in the same velocity and direction as such a libration point will remain in gravitational equilibrium with the two bodies of the system and not fall toward either body.
(v. t. & i.) To appoint.
(n.) That which pricks or pierces
(n.) An instrument which pricks or pierces, as a sort of needle used by engravers, etchers, lace workers, and others
(n.) Anything which tapers to a sharp, well-defined termination. Specifically: A small promontory or cape
(n.) The mark made by the end of a sharp, piercing instrument, as a needle
(n.) An indefinitely small space
(n.) An indivisible portion of time
(n.) A mark of punctuation
(n.) Whatever serves to mark progress, rank, or relative position, or to indicate a transition from one state or position to another, degree
(n.) That which arrests attention, or indicates qualities or character
(n.) Hence, the most prominent or important feature, as of an argument, discourse, etc.
(n.) A small matter
(n.) A dot or mark used to designate certain tones or time
(n.) A dot or mark distinguishing or characterizing certain tones or styles
(n.) A dot placed at the right hand of a note, to raise its value, or prolong its time, by one half, as to make a whole note equal to three half notes, a half note equal to three quarter notes.
(n.) A fixed conventional place for reference, or zero of reckoning, in the heavens, usually the intersection of two or more great circles of the sphere, and named specifically in each case according to the position intended
(n.) One of the several different parts of the escutcheon. See Escutcheon.
(n.) One of the points of the compass (see Points of the compass, below)
(n.) A short piece of cordage used in reefing sails. See Reef point, under Reef.
(n.) A a string or lace used to tie together certain parts of the dress.
(n.) Lace wrought the needle
(n.) A switch.
(n.) An item of private information
(n.) A fielder who is stationed on the off side, about twelve or fifteen yards from, and a little in advance of, the batsman.
(n.) The attitude assumed by a pointer dog when he finds game
(n.) A standard unit of measure for the size of type bodies, being one twelfth of the thickness of pica type. See Point system of type, under Type.
(n.) A tyne or snag of an antler.
(n.) One of the spaces on a backgammon board.
(n.) A movement executed with the saber or foil
(n.) To give a point to
(n.) To direct toward an abject
(n.) Hence, to direct the attention or notice of.
(n.) To supply with punctuation marks
(n.) To mark (as Hebrew) with vowel points.
(n.) To give particular prominence to
(n.) To indicate or discover by a fixed look, as game.
(n.) To fill up and finish the joints of (a wall), by introducing additional cement or mortar, and bringing it to a smooth surface.
(n.) To cut, as a surface, with a pointed tool.
(v. i.) To direct the point of something, as of a finger, for the purpose of designating an object, and attracting attention to it

facing point (railways) Bedeutung

point after
point after touchdown
extra point
in American football a point awarded for a successful place kick following a touchdown
jumping-off point
point of departure
a beginning from which an enterprise is launched, he uses other people's ideas as a springboard for his own, reality provides the jumping-off point for his illusions, the point of departure of international comparison cannot be an institution but must be the function it carries out
three-point landing a landing in which all three wheels of the aircraft touch the ground at the same time
lining facing providing something with a surface of a different material
point duty the control of traffic by a policeman stationed at an intersection
three-point turn the act of turning a vehicle around in a limited space by moving in a series of back and forward arcs
blue point
small edible oyster typically from the southern shore of Long Island
blue point Siamese Siamese cat having a bluish creamolored body and dark grey points
basic point defense missile system a shipboard missile system
street corner
turning point
the intersection of two streets, standing on the corner watching all the girls go by
diamond point a very hard small point made from a diamond
distributor point
breaker point
a contact in the distributor, as the rotor turns its projecting arm contacts them and current flows to the spark plugs
dry point a steel needle for engraving without acid on a bare copper plate
dry point a print produced by dry point engraving
a protective covering that protects the outside of a building
facing a lining applied to the edge of a garment for ornamentation or strengthening
facing veneer an ornamental coating to a building
gros point needlepoint embroidery done with large stitches
gros point a needlepoint stitch covering two horizontal and two vertical threads
petit point needlepoint done with small stitches
petit point tent stitch a small diagonal needlepoint stitch
point sharp end, he stuck the point of the knife into a tree, he broke the point of his pencil
point power point a wall socket
point gunpoint the gun muzzle's direction, he held me up at the point of a gun
point-and-shoot camera a lightweight photographic camera with an autofocus
point lace
lace worked with a needle in a buttonhole stitch on a paper pattern
stone facing
a facing (usually masonry) that supports an embankment
the head and sharpened point of a spear
three-way switch
three-point switch
an electric switch that has three terminals, used to control a circuit from two different locations
well point
a perforated tube driven into the ground to collect water from the surrounding area
boiling point being highly angry or excited, ready to boil over, after an hour of waiting I was at the boiling point
vanishing point the appearance of a point on the horizon at which parallel lines converge
point spot an outstanding characteristic, his acting was one of the high points of the movie
point a distinguishing or individuating characteristic, he knows my bad points as well as my good points
selling point a characteristic of something that is up for sale that makes it attractive to potential customers
Curie temperature
Curie point
the temperature above which a ferromagnetic substance loses its ferromagnetism and becomes paramagnetic
dew point the temperature at which the water vapor in the air becomes saturated and condensation begins
flash point
the lowest temperature at which the vapor of a combustible liquid can be ignited in air
freezing point
melting point
the temperature below which a liquid turns into a solid
boiling point boil the temperature at which a liquid boils at sea level, they brought the water to a boil
the property of a shape that tapers to a sharp tip
point of view the spatial property of the position from which something is observed
forte strong suit
long suit
specialty speciality strong point
an asset of special worth or utility, cooking is his forte
weak point an attribute that is inadequate or deficient
craniometric point a landmark on the skull from which craniometric measurements can be taken
auricular point
the craniometric point at the center of the opening of the external acoustic meatus
jugal point
the craniometric point at the union of the frontal and temporal processes of the zygomatic bone
orbital point
the craniometric point at the lowest point on the lower edge of the orbit
alveolar point
craniometric point that is the most anterior point in the midline on the alveolar process of the maxilla
pressure point an area on the skin that is highly sensitive to pressure, you must know the pressure points in order to administer shiatsu
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