
Wohnungsagentur Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Wohnungsagentur f
Wohnungsagenturen pl
housing agency
housing agencies
Wohnungsagentur f
Wohnungsagenturen pl
housing agency
housing agencies
Wohnanschrift f; Privatadresse f; Wohnadresse f; Wohnsitzadresse f; Wohnungsadresse f
Wohnanschriften pl; Privatadressen pl; Wohnadressen pl; Wohnsitzadressen pl; Wohnungsadressen pl
home address
home addresses
Wohnanschrift f; Privatadresse f; Privatanschrift f; Wohnadresse f; Wohnsitzadresse f; Wohnungsadresse f
Wohnanschriften pl; Privatadressen pl; Wohnadressen pl; Wohnsitzadressen pl; Wohnungsadressen pl
home address
home addresses
Wohnbauamt n; Wohnungsamt n adm.
Wohnbauämter pl; Wohnungsämter pl
housing office; housing department
housing offices; housing departments
change of residence
Wohnungsagent m
Wohnungsagenten pl
housing agent
housing agents
Wohnungsagentur f
Wohnungsagenturen pl
housing agency
housing agencies
Wohnungsamt n
housing office, housing department
housing office
Wohnungsangebot n
housing supply
Wohnungsanzeige f
ad for a flat; advert for a flat; flat advert; flat ad
Wohnungsauflösung f
wegen Wohnungsauflösung abzugeben
flat clearance Br.; apartment clearance Am.
for sale due to flat clearance Br.; moving sale Am.
Hausrenovierung f; Wohnungsrenovierung f; Hausausbau m; Wohnungsausbau m; Hausumbau m; Wohnungsumbau m; Umgestaltung Neugestaltung Modernisierung f der (eigenen) Wohnung des (eigenen) Hauses des Eigenheims
home improvement; home enhancement
Wohnungsausstattung f
apartment decoration; housing amenities; furnishing equipment of an apartment
sozialer Wohnungsbau
subsidized housing
sozialer Wohnungsbau (Br.)
council housing
Wohnungsbau m
house building
house building
Wohnbauprogramm n; Wohnbau m adm.
sozialer Wohnungsbau
housing scheme Br.
public subsidized housing scheme
Wohnungsbau m arch. constr.
sozialer Wohnungsbau
residential construction; house building
social housing
Wohnbauprogramm n; Wohnbau m; Wohnungsbau m adm.
sozialer Wohnungsbau
housing scheme Br.; housing Br.
social housing Br.
Wohnungsbau m arch. constr.
residential construction; house building
Wohnungsbauabteilung f adm.
Wohnungsbauabteilungen pl
residential construction department
residential construction departments
Wohnungsbauaktivität f
Wohnungsbauaktivitäten pl
residential construction activity
residential construction activities
Wohnungsbauantrag m
Wohnungsbauanträge pl
residential building application; residential construction application
residential building applications; residential construction applications
Wohnungsbauarchitekt; Wohnungsbauarchitektin f
Wohnungsbauarchitekt; Wohnungsbauarchitektinnen pl
residential architect
residential architects
Wohnungsbauarchitektur f
residential architecture
Wohnungsbaufirma f; Wohnungsbauunternehmen n
Wohnungsbaufirmen pl; Wohnungsbauunternehmen pl
öffentliches Wohnungsbauunternehmen
residential construction company
residential construction companies
public housing corporation
Wohnungsbauförderung f fin.
homeowners allowance; home owners allowance
Wohnbaugebiet n; Wohnungsbaugebiet n
Wohnbaugebiete pl; Wohnungsbaugebiete pl
housing construction area; residential construction area
housing construction areas; residential construction areas
Wohnbaugenehmigung f; Wohnungsbaugenehmigung f
Wohnbaugenehmigungen pl; Wohnungsbaugenehmigungen pl
residential building permit
residential building permits
building society
Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft f; Wohnbaugenossenschaft f Ös.
Wohnungsbaugenossenschaften pl; Wohnbaugenossenschaften pl
housing cooperative; residential building cooperative
housing cooperatives; residential building cooperatives
Wohnbaugesellschaft f; Wohnungsbaugesellschaft f
Wohnbaugesellschaften pl; Wohnungsbaugesellschaften pl
gemeinnützige Wohnbaugesellschaft; gemeinnützige Wohnungsbaugesellschaft
housing society; property company; residential property developer; residential housing company
housing societies; property companies; residential property developers; residential housing companies
non-profit housing company; non-profit housing society
Wohnbaugesellschaft f; Wohnungsbaugesellschaft f; Wohnungsgesellschaft f
Wohnbaugesellschaften pl; Wohnungsbaugesellschaften pl; Wohnungsgesellschaften pl
gemeinnützige Wohnbaugesellschaft; gemeinnützige Wohnungsbaugesellschaft
housing society; property company; residential property developer; residential housing company
housing societies; property companies; residential property developers; residential housing companies
non-profit housing company; non-profit housing society; housing association Br.
Wohnungsbauinvestition f
Wohnungsbauinvestitionen pl
housing investment
housing investments
Wohnungsbauinvestitionsprogramm n
housing investment program Am. programme Br.
Wohnungsbauinvestitionsprogramm n
housing investment program Am. programme Br.
Wohnungsbaukombinat n veraltet
Wohnungsbaukombinate pl
housing construction combine
housing construction combines
Wohnungsbaumodernisierung f; Wohnbaumodernisierung f adm.
modernization of dwellings
Wohnungsbaupolitik f
housing policy
Wohnungsbauprogramm n
Wohnungsbauprogramme pl
housing program Am.; housing programme Br.
housing programs; housing programmes
Wohnprojekt n; Wohnungsbauprojekt n
Wohnprojekte pl; Wohnungsbauprojekte pl
housing project; residential project
housing projects; residential projects
Wohnungsbaustrategie f
housing strategy
Wohnungsbauunternehmung f
Wohnungsbauunternehmungen pl
residential construction enterprise
residential construction enterprises
Wohnbauvertrag m; Wohnungsbauvertrag m
Wohnbauverträge pl; Wohnungsbauverträge pl
residential construction contract
residential construction contracts
Wohnbauzone f; Wohnungsbauzone f
Wohnbauzonen pl; Wohnungsbauzonen pl
residential construction zone
residential construction zones
Wohnungsbedarf m adm.
housing requirements; housing need
Wohnungsbegehung f
Wohnungsbegehungen pl
flat inspection Br.; apartment inspection Am.
flat inspections; apartment inspections
Wohnungsbeschaffung f
(provision of) housing
Wohnungsbeschreibung f
flat description; description of a flat Br.; apartment description Am.
Wohnungsbesichtigung f
Wohnungsbesichtigungen pl
flat viewing Br.; apartment viewing Am.
flat viewings; apartment viewings
Wohnungsbesitzer m; Wohnungsbesitzerin f; Wohnungseigentümer m; Wohnungseigentümerin f
Wohnungsbesitzer pl; Wohnungsbesitzerinnen pl; Wohnungseigentümer pl; Wohnungseigentümerinnen pl
flat owner Br.; apartment owner Am.
flat owners; apartment owners
Wohnungsbestand m
housing stock
Wohnungsbestand m; Wohnsubstanz f
housing stock
Wohnungsbestand m; bestehende Wohnsubstanz f (Raumplanung)
dwelling stock; housing stock; housing inventory Am. (spatial planning)
Wohnungsinteressent m; Wohnungsbewerber m; Wohnungswerber m Ös. (Ankauf)
Wohnungsinteressenten pl; Wohnungsbewerber pl; Wohnungswerber pl
prospective home buyer
prospective home buyers
Wohnungsinteressent m; Wohnungsbewerber m; Wohnungswerber m Ös. (Miete)
Wohnungsinteressenten pl; Wohnungsbewerber pl; Wohnungswerber pl
prospective tenant
prospective tenants
Wohnungsbordell n
Wohnungsbordelle pl
brothel flat Br.; cat flat Br. slang; apartment brothel Am.
brothel flats; cat flats; apartment brothels
Wohnungsbrand m
Wohnungsbrände pl
flat fire Br.; apartment fire Am.
flat fires; apartment fires
Wohnungsdienstleistungen pl
haushaltsnahe Dienstleistungen
dwelling services; housing services
housing-related services
Haussuchung f; Hausdurchsuchung f Ös.; Wohnungsdurchsuchung f
Haussuchungen pl; Hausdurchsuchungen pl; Wohnungsdurchsuchungen pl
bei jdm. eine Haussuchung durchführen
house search; home search; search of the house home
house searches; home searches; searches of the house home
to carry out a search of sb.'s home
Wohnungsdurchsuchung f
flat search; apartment search
Hausbewohner m; Bewohner m (eines Gebäudes); dort aufhältige Person f adm.
Hausbewohner pl; Bewohner pl; dort aufhältige Personen pl
Hauseigentümer Wohnungseigentümer, der selbst dort wohnt; Eigennutzer m
occupant; occupier Br. (of a building)
occupants; occupiers
owner-occupier Br.
Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaft f; Eigentümergemeinschaft f; Hausgemeinschaft f ugs.
Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaften pl; Eigentümergemeinschaften pl; Hausgemeinschaften pl
commonhold association Br.; condominium association Am.
commonhold associations; condominium associations
Wohnungseigentum n jur.
flat property Br.; (cooperative) apartment ownership Am.
etw. anstreben; erstreben geh. v; nach etw. streben; trachten geh.; auf etw. aus sein ugs. v
anstrebend; erstrebend; strebend; trachtend
angestrebt; erstrebt; gestrebt; getrachtet
eine aktivere Rolle anstreben
eine Karriere im Finanzsektor anstreben
Leute die nach Wohnungseigentum streben
Ich war nie darauf aus berühmt zu werden.
Sie ist mein Vorbild und viele meiner Freundinnen wollen so sein wie sie.
to aspire to sth.; to aspire to achieve sth.
aspiring; aspiring to achieve
aspired; aspired to achieve
to aspire to a more active role
to aspire to a career in finance
people who aspire to home ownership
I never aspired to become famous.
She is my role model and lots of my friends aspire to be like her.
Wohnungseigentum n jur.
flat property Br.; (cooperative) apartment ownership Am.; condominium Am.
Wohnungseigentum n (Phänomen)
home ownership (phenomenon)
etw. anstreben; erstreben geh. v; nach etw. streben; trachten geh.; auf etw. aus sein ugs. v
anstrebend; erstrebend; strebend; trachtend
angestrebt; erstrebt; gestrebt; getrachtet
eine aktivere Rolle anstreben
eine Karriere im Finanzsektor anstreben
Leute, die nach Wohnungseigentum streben
Ich war nie darauf aus, berühmt zu werden.
Sie ist mein Vorbild und viele meiner Freundinnen wollen so sein wie sie.
to aspire to sth.; to aspire to achieve sth.
aspiring; aspiring to achieve
aspired; aspired to achieve
to aspire to a more active role
to aspire to a career in finance
people who aspire to home ownership
I never aspired to become famous.
She is my role model and lots of my friends aspire to be like her.

Wohnungsagentur Definition

(pl. ) of Agency
(n.) The faculty of acting or of exerting power
(n.) The office of an agent, or factor
(n.) The place of business of am agent.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of House
(n.) The act of putting or receiving under shelter
(n.) That which shelters or covers
(n.) The space taken out of one solid, to admit the insertion of part of another, as the end of one timber in the side of another.
(n.) A niche for a statue.
(n.) A frame or support for holding something in place, as journal boxes, etc.
(n.) That portion of a mast or bowsprit which is beneath the deck or within the vessel.
(n.) A covering or protection, as an awning over the deck of a ship when laid up.
(n.) A houseline. See Houseline.
(n.) A cover or cloth for a horse's saddle, as an ornamental or military appendage
(n.) An appendage to the hames or collar of a harness.

housing agency / housing agencies Bedeutung

causal agent
causal agency
any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results
how a result is obtained or an end is achieved, a means of control, an example is the best agency of instruction, the true way to success
housing start the act of starting to construct a house
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development the position of the head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the position of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was created in
trapping housing
stable gear consisting of a decorated covering for a horse, especially (formerly) for a warhorse
distributor housing the housing that supports the distributor cam
living accommodations
structures collectively in which people are housed
housing a protective cover designed to contain or support a mechanical component
lamp house
lamp housing
housing that holds a lamp (as in a movie projector)
tract housing housing consisting of similar houses constructed together on a tract of land
agency a business that serves other businesses
construction industry
housing industry
an industry that builds housing
Environmental Protection Agency
an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment
executive agency an agency of the executive branch of government
Federal Emergency Management Agency
an independent agency of the United States government that provides a single point of accountability for all federal emergency preparedness and mitigation and response activities
Central Intelligence Agency
an independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest, headed by the Director of Central Intelligence under the supervision of the President and National Security Council
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
the central research and development organization for the United States Department of Defense, responsible for developing new surveillance technologies since
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Housing and Urban Development
the United States federal department that administers federal programs dealing with better housing and urban renewal, created in
Drug Enforcement Administration
Drug Enforcement Agency
federal agency responsible for enforcing laws and regulations governing narcotics and controlled substances, goal is to immobilize drug trafficking organizations
Federal Aviation Agency
an agency in the Department of Transportation that is responsible for the safety of civilian aviation
United Nations agency
UN agency
an agency of the United Nations
International Atomic Energy Agency
the United Nations agency concerned with atomic energy
federal agency
government agency
office authority
an administrative unit of government, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Census Bureau, Office of Management and Budget, Tennessee Valley Authority
independent agency an agency of the United States government that is created by an act of Congress and is independent of the executive departments
intelligence service
intelligence agency
a unit responsible for gathering and interpreting information about an enemy
military intelligence
military intelligence agency
an agency of the armed forces that obtains and analyzes and uses information of strategic or tactical military value
United States intelligence agency an intelligence service in the United States
Defense Intelligence Agency
an intelligence agency of the United States in the Department of Defense, is responsible for providing intelligence in support of military planning and operations and weapons acquisition
Defense Logistics Agency a logistics combat support agency in the Department of Defense, provides worldwide support for military missions
international intelligence agency an intelligence agency outside the United States
international law enforcement agency an international administrative unit responsible for law enforcement
National Security Agency
the United States cryptologic organization that coordinates and directs highly specialized activities to protect United States information systems and to produce foreign intelligence information
law enforcement agency an agency responsible for insuring obedience to the laws
regulatory agency
regulatory authority
a governmental agency that regulates businesses in the public interest
advertising agency
ad agency
an agency that designs advertisement to call public attention to its clients
detective agency an agency that makes inquiries for its clients
employment agency
employment office
an agency that finds people to fill particular jobs or finds jobs for unemployed people
mercantile agency
commercial agency
an organization that provides businesses with credit ratings of other firms, Dun & Bradstreet is the largest mercantile agency in the United States
news agency
press agency
wire service
press association
news organization
news organisation
an agency to collects news reports for newspapers and distributes it electronically
service agency
service bureau
service firm
a business that makes its facilities available to others for a fee, achieves economy of scale
travel agency an agency that arranges personal travel
Defense Information Systems Agency
a combat support agency in the Department of Defense responsible for developing and operating and supporting information systems to serve the needs of the President and the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
a combat support agency that provides geographic intelligence in support of national security
Federal Housing Administration
the federal agency in the Department of Housing and Urban Development that insures residential mortgages
child welfare agency
child welfare service
an administrative unit responsible for social work concerned with the welfare and vocational training of children
Russian agency an administrative agency of the Russian government
housing development a residential area of similar dwellings built by property developers and usually under a single management, they live in the new housing development
housing estate a residential area where the houses were all planned and built at the same time
housing project
public housing
a housing development that is publicly funded and administered for low-income families
housing commissioner a commissioner in charge of public housing
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