
Wohnungsbordell Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Wohnungsbordell n
Wohnungsbordelle pl
brothel flat Br.; cat flat Br. slang; apartment brothel Am.
brothel flats; cat flats; apartment brothels
Wohnungsbordell n
Wohnungsbordelle pl
brothel flat Br.; cat flat Br. slang; apartment brothel Am.
brothel flats; cat flats; apartment brothels
Wohnanschrift f; Privatadresse f; Wohnadresse f; Wohnsitzadresse f; Wohnungsadresse f
Wohnanschriften pl; Privatadressen pl; Wohnadressen pl; Wohnsitzadressen pl; Wohnungsadressen pl
home address
home addresses
Wohnanschrift f; Privatadresse f; Privatanschrift f; Wohnadresse f; Wohnsitzadresse f; Wohnungsadresse f
Wohnanschriften pl; Privatadressen pl; Wohnadressen pl; Wohnsitzadressen pl; Wohnungsadressen pl
home address
home addresses
Wohnbauamt n; Wohnungsamt n adm.
Wohnbauämter pl; Wohnungsämter pl
housing office; housing department
housing offices; housing departments
change of residence
Wohnungsagent m
Wohnungsagenten pl
housing agent
housing agents
Wohnungsagentur f
Wohnungsagenturen pl
housing agency
housing agencies
Wohnungsamt n
housing office, housing department
housing office
Wohnungsangebot n
housing supply
Wohnungsanzeige f
ad for a flat; advert for a flat; flat advert; flat ad
Wohnungsauflösung f
wegen Wohnungsauflösung abzugeben
flat clearance Br.; apartment clearance Am.
for sale due to flat clearance Br.; moving sale Am.
Hausrenovierung f; Wohnungsrenovierung f; Hausausbau m; Wohnungsausbau m; Hausumbau m; Wohnungsumbau m; Umgestaltung Neugestaltung Modernisierung f der (eigenen) Wohnung des (eigenen) Hauses des Eigenheims
home improvement; home enhancement
Wohnungsausstattung f
apartment decoration; housing amenities; furnishing equipment of an apartment
sozialer Wohnungsbau
subsidized housing
sozialer Wohnungsbau (Br.)
council housing
Wohnungsbau m
house building
house building
Wohnbauprogramm n; Wohnbau m adm.
sozialer Wohnungsbau
housing scheme Br.
public subsidized housing scheme
Wohnungsbau m arch. constr.
sozialer Wohnungsbau
residential construction; house building
social housing
Wohnbauprogramm n; Wohnbau m; Wohnungsbau m adm.
sozialer Wohnungsbau
housing scheme Br.; housing Br.
social housing Br.
Wohnungsbau m arch. constr.
residential construction; house building
Wohnungsbauabteilung f adm.
Wohnungsbauabteilungen pl
residential construction department
residential construction departments
Wohnungsbauaktivität f
Wohnungsbauaktivitäten pl
residential construction activity
residential construction activities
Wohnungsbauantrag m
Wohnungsbauanträge pl
residential building application; residential construction application
residential building applications; residential construction applications
Wohnungsbauarchitekt; Wohnungsbauarchitektin f
Wohnungsbauarchitekt; Wohnungsbauarchitektinnen pl
residential architect
residential architects
Wohnungsbauarchitektur f
residential architecture
Wohnungsbaufirma f; Wohnungsbauunternehmen n
Wohnungsbaufirmen pl; Wohnungsbauunternehmen pl
öffentliches Wohnungsbauunternehmen
residential construction company
residential construction companies
public housing corporation
Wohnungsbauförderung f fin.
homeowners allowance; home owners allowance
Wohnbaugebiet n; Wohnungsbaugebiet n
Wohnbaugebiete pl; Wohnungsbaugebiete pl
housing construction area; residential construction area
housing construction areas; residential construction areas
Wohnbaugenehmigung f; Wohnungsbaugenehmigung f
Wohnbaugenehmigungen pl; Wohnungsbaugenehmigungen pl
residential building permit
residential building permits
building society
Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft f; Wohnbaugenossenschaft f Ös.
Wohnungsbaugenossenschaften pl; Wohnbaugenossenschaften pl
housing cooperative; residential building cooperative
housing cooperatives; residential building cooperatives
Wohnbaugesellschaft f; Wohnungsbaugesellschaft f
Wohnbaugesellschaften pl; Wohnungsbaugesellschaften pl
gemeinnützige Wohnbaugesellschaft; gemeinnützige Wohnungsbaugesellschaft
housing society; property company; residential property developer; residential housing company
housing societies; property companies; residential property developers; residential housing companies
non-profit housing company; non-profit housing society
Wohnbaugesellschaft f; Wohnungsbaugesellschaft f; Wohnungsgesellschaft f
Wohnbaugesellschaften pl; Wohnungsbaugesellschaften pl; Wohnungsgesellschaften pl
gemeinnützige Wohnbaugesellschaft; gemeinnützige Wohnungsbaugesellschaft
housing society; property company; residential property developer; residential housing company
housing societies; property companies; residential property developers; residential housing companies
non-profit housing company; non-profit housing society; housing association Br.
Wohnungsbauinvestition f
Wohnungsbauinvestitionen pl
housing investment
housing investments
Wohnungsbauinvestitionsprogramm n
housing investment program Am. programme Br.
Wohnungsbauinvestitionsprogramm n
housing investment program Am. programme Br.
Wohnungsbaukombinat n veraltet
Wohnungsbaukombinate pl
housing construction combine
housing construction combines
Wohnungsbaumodernisierung f; Wohnbaumodernisierung f adm.
modernization of dwellings
Wohnungsbaupolitik f
housing policy
Wohnungsbauprogramm n
Wohnungsbauprogramme pl
housing program Am.; housing programme Br.
housing programs; housing programmes
Wohnprojekt n; Wohnungsbauprojekt n
Wohnprojekte pl; Wohnungsbauprojekte pl
housing project; residential project
housing projects; residential projects
Wohnungsbaustrategie f
housing strategy
Wohnungsbauunternehmung f
Wohnungsbauunternehmungen pl
residential construction enterprise
residential construction enterprises
Wohnbauvertrag m; Wohnungsbauvertrag m
Wohnbauverträge pl; Wohnungsbauverträge pl
residential construction contract
residential construction contracts
Wohnbauzone f; Wohnungsbauzone f
Wohnbauzonen pl; Wohnungsbauzonen pl
residential construction zone
residential construction zones
Wohnungsbedarf m adm.
housing requirements; housing need
Wohnungsbegehung f
Wohnungsbegehungen pl
flat inspection Br.; apartment inspection Am.
flat inspections; apartment inspections
Wohnungsbeschaffung f
(provision of) housing
Wohnungsbeschreibung f
flat description; description of a flat Br.; apartment description Am.
Wohnungsbesichtigung f
Wohnungsbesichtigungen pl
flat viewing Br.; apartment viewing Am.
flat viewings; apartment viewings
Wohnungsbesitzer m; Wohnungsbesitzerin f; Wohnungseigentümer m; Wohnungseigentümerin f
Wohnungsbesitzer pl; Wohnungsbesitzerinnen pl; Wohnungseigentümer pl; Wohnungseigentümerinnen pl
flat owner Br.; apartment owner Am.
flat owners; apartment owners
Wohnungsbestand m
housing stock
Wohnungsbestand m; Wohnsubstanz f
housing stock
Wohnungsbestand m; bestehende Wohnsubstanz f (Raumplanung)
dwelling stock; housing stock; housing inventory Am. (spatial planning)
Wohnungsinteressent m; Wohnungsbewerber m; Wohnungswerber m Ös. (Ankauf)
Wohnungsinteressenten pl; Wohnungsbewerber pl; Wohnungswerber pl
prospective home buyer
prospective home buyers
Wohnungsinteressent m; Wohnungsbewerber m; Wohnungswerber m Ös. (Miete)
Wohnungsinteressenten pl; Wohnungsbewerber pl; Wohnungswerber pl
prospective tenant
prospective tenants
Wohnungsbordell n
Wohnungsbordelle pl
brothel flat Br.; cat flat Br. slang; apartment brothel Am.
brothel flats; cat flats; apartment brothels
Wohnungsbrand m
Wohnungsbrände pl
flat fire Br.; apartment fire Am.
flat fires; apartment fires
Wohnungsdienstleistungen pl
haushaltsnahe Dienstleistungen
dwelling services; housing services
housing-related services
Haussuchung f; Hausdurchsuchung f Ös.; Wohnungsdurchsuchung f
Haussuchungen pl; Hausdurchsuchungen pl; Wohnungsdurchsuchungen pl
bei jdm. eine Haussuchung durchführen
house search; home search; search of the house home
house searches; home searches; searches of the house home
to carry out a search of sb.'s home
Wohnungsdurchsuchung f
flat search; apartment search
Hausbewohner m; Bewohner m (eines Gebäudes); dort aufhältige Person f adm.
Hausbewohner pl; Bewohner pl; dort aufhältige Personen pl
Hauseigentümer Wohnungseigentümer, der selbst dort wohnt; Eigennutzer m
occupant; occupier Br. (of a building)
occupants; occupiers
owner-occupier Br.
Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaft f; Eigentümergemeinschaft f; Hausgemeinschaft f ugs.
Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaften pl; Eigentümergemeinschaften pl; Hausgemeinschaften pl
commonhold association Br.; condominium association Am.
commonhold associations; condominium associations
Wohnungseigentum n jur.
flat property Br.; (cooperative) apartment ownership Am.
etw. anstreben; erstreben geh. v; nach etw. streben; trachten geh.; auf etw. aus sein ugs. v
anstrebend; erstrebend; strebend; trachtend
angestrebt; erstrebt; gestrebt; getrachtet
eine aktivere Rolle anstreben
eine Karriere im Finanzsektor anstreben
Leute die nach Wohnungseigentum streben
Ich war nie darauf aus berühmt zu werden.
Sie ist mein Vorbild und viele meiner Freundinnen wollen so sein wie sie.
to aspire to sth.; to aspire to achieve sth.
aspiring; aspiring to achieve
aspired; aspired to achieve
to aspire to a more active role
to aspire to a career in finance
people who aspire to home ownership
I never aspired to become famous.
She is my role model and lots of my friends aspire to be like her.
Wohnungseigentum n jur.
flat property Br.; (cooperative) apartment ownership Am.; condominium Am.
Wohnungseigentum n (Phänomen)
home ownership (phenomenon)
etw. anstreben; erstreben geh. v; nach etw. streben; trachten geh.; auf etw. aus sein ugs. v
anstrebend; erstrebend; strebend; trachtend
angestrebt; erstrebt; gestrebt; getrachtet
eine aktivere Rolle anstreben
eine Karriere im Finanzsektor anstreben
Leute, die nach Wohnungseigentum streben
Ich war nie darauf aus, berühmt zu werden.
Sie ist mein Vorbild und viele meiner Freundinnen wollen so sein wie sie.
to aspire to sth.; to aspire to achieve sth.
aspiring; aspiring to achieve
aspired; aspired to achieve
to aspire to a more active role
to aspire to a career in finance
people who aspire to home ownership
I never aspired to become famous.
She is my role model and lots of my friends aspire to be like her.

Wohnungsbordell Definition

(n.) A room in a building
(n.) A set or suite of rooms.
(n.) A compartment.
(n.) A house of lewdness or ill fame
(superl.) Having an even and horizontal surface, or nearly so, without prominences or depressions
(superl.) Lying at full length, or spread out, upon the ground
(superl.) Wanting relief
(superl.) Tasteless
(superl.) Unanimated
(superl.) Lacking liveliness of commercial exchange and dealings
(superl.) Clear
(superl.) Below the true pitch
(superl.) Not sharp or shrill
(superl.) Sonant
(adv.) In a flat manner
(adv.) Without allowance for accrued interest.
(n.) A level surface, without elevation, relief, or prominences
(n.) A level tract lying at little depth below the surface of water, or alternately covered and left bare by the tide
(n.) Something broad and flat in form
(n.) A flat-bottomed boat, without keel, and of small draught.
(n.) A straw hat, broad-brimmed and low-crowned.
(n.) A car without a roof, the body of which is a platform without sides
(n.) A platform on wheel, upon which emblematic designs, etc., are carried in processions.
(n.) The flat part, or side, of anything
(n.) A floor, loft, or story in a building
(n.) A horizontal vein or ore deposit auxiliary to a main vein
(n.) A dull fellow
(n.) A character [/] before a note, indicating a tone which is a half step or semitone lower.
(n.) A homaloid space or extension.
(v. t.) To make flat
(v. t.) To render dull, insipid, or spiritless
(v. t.) To depress in tone, as a musical note
(v. i.) To become flat, or flattened
(v. i.) To fall form the pitch.
(a.) Having an even lower surface or bottom
(n.) A kind of low-crowned cap formerly worn by all classes in England, and continued in London after disuse elsewhere
Flat foot
() A foot in which the arch of the instep is flattened so that the entire sole of the foot rests upon the ground
(a.) Having a flat foot, with little or no arch of the instep.
(a.) Firm-footed
(a.) Having a head with a flattened top
() imp. of Sling. Slung.
(n.) Any long, narrow piece of land
(n.) A fetter worn on the leg by a convict.
(n.) Low, vulgar, unauthorized language
(v. t.) To address with slang or ribaldry
(n.) One who uses abusive slang
() of Sling

brothel flat [Br.]; cat flat [Br.] [slang]; apartment brothel [Am.] / brothel flats; cat flats; apartment brothels Bedeutung

a suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house
apartment building
apartment house
a building that is divided into apartments
B-flat clarinet
licorice stick
the ordinary clarinet with a middle range
cloth cap
flat cap
a flat woolen cap with a stiff peak
cold-water flat an apartment without modern conveniences
coulisse wing flat a flat situated in the wings
duplex apartment
an apartment having rooms on two floors that are connected by a staircase
efficiency apartment a furnished apartment with a kitchenette and bathroom
flat scenery consisting of a wooden frame covered with painted canvas, part of a stage setting
flat flat tire a deflated pneumatic tire
flat a shallow box in which seedlings are started
flat arch
straight arch
an arch with mutually supporting voussoirs that has a straight horizontal extrados and intrados
flat bench a bench on which a weightlifter lies to do exercises
flatbed flat
freight car without permanent sides or roof
flat coat
primer priming primer coat
priming coat
the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface
flat file a file with two flat surfaces
flat panel display
a type of video display that is thin and flat, commonly used in laptop computers
flats footwear (shoes or slippers) with no heel (or a very low heel)
flat tip screwdriver a screwdriver with a flat wedge-shaped tip that fits into a slot in the head of a screw
flat wash
ironing that can be done mechanically
railroad flat an apartment whose rooms are all in a line with doors between them
reef knot
flat knot
a square knot used in a reef line
sheet flat solid a flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width
studio apartment
an apartment with a living space and a bathroom and a small kitchen
walk-up apartment
an apartment in a building without an elevator
house of prostitution
house of ill repute
sporting house
a building where prostitutes are available
flat a musical notation indicating one half step lower than the note named
double flat a musical notation of two flats in front of a note indicating that it is to be lowered by two semitones
patois vernacular
a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves), they don't speak our lingo
rhyming slang slang that replaces words with rhyming words or expressions and then typically omits the rhyming component, Cockney rhyming slang
slang slang expression
slang term
informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions, often vituperative or vulgar, their speech was full of slang expressions
flat bone part of the sirloin next to the wedge bone
mud flat a tract of low muddy land near an estuary, covered at high tide and exposed at low tide
alluvial flat
alluvial plain
a flat resulting from repeated deposits of alluvial material by running water
flat a level tract of land, the salt flats of Utah
salt flat
salt plain
a flat expanse of salt left by the evaporation of a body of salt water
madam brothel keeper a woman who runs a house of prostitution
flat-topped white aster a variety of aster
flat pea narrow-leaved everlasting pea
Lathyrus sylvestris
European perennial with mottled flowers of purple and pink, sometimes cultivated for fodder or as green manure
flat pea Platylobium formosum evergreen shrub having almost heart-shaped foliage and bright yellow pea-like flowers followed by flat pods with flat wings, Australia and Tasmania
common flat pea
native holly
Playlobium obtusangulum
low spreading evergreen shrub of southern Australia having triangular to somewhat heart-shaped foliage and orange-yellow flowers followed by flat winged pods
Italian parsley
flat-leaf parsley
Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum
a variety of parsley having flat leaves
die pall become flat lose sparkle or bouquet, wine and beer can pall
slang abuse with coarse language
a gull
slang befool
cod fool put on
take in
put one over put one across
fool or hoax, The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone, You can't fool me!
slang use slang or vulgar language
fly very close to the ground
fall through
fall flat
fail utterly, collapse, The project foundered
flat commercially inactive, flat sales for the month, prices remained flat, a flat market
lacking a prominent belly
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