
Zeitungsmeldung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Zeitungsmeldung f
Zeitungsmeldungen pl
newspaper report
newspaper reports
Zeitungsmeldung f
Zeitungsmeldungen pl
newspaper report
newspaper reports
Zeitungs-Streifband n
newspapers shares
press announcement
Anzeige f; Annonce f; Inserat n
Anzeigen pl; Annoncen pl; Inserate pl
Suchanzeige f; Suchannonce f
Zeitungsanzeige f; Zeitungsannonce f; Zeitungsinserat n
Anzeige, die neugierig macht
großformatige Anzeige
mehrfarbige Anzeige
eine Anzeige schalten; eine Anzeige aufgeben
jdn. etw. per durch Inserat suchen
sich auf eine Anzeige (hin) melden
advertisement advt. ; ad coll.; advert Br. coll.
advertisements; ads; adverts
wanted ad Br.; want ads Am.
newspaper advertisement; newspaper ad
teaser advertisement
colored advertisement
to place an ad
to advertise for sb. sth.
to answer an advertisement
Werbung, Zeitungsanzeige
Zeitungsanzeige f
advert, ad
hinweisen, Zeitungsanzeige
Zeitungsanzeige f
Zeitungsanzeigen pl
advert; ad
adverts; ads
Zeitungsinserat n; Zeitungsanzeige f
Zeitungsinserate pl; Zeitungsanzeigen pl
newspaper advertisement; newspaper advert Br.; newspaper ad coll.
newspaper advertisements; newspaper adverts; newspaper ads
Zeitungsarchiv n für zukünftige Nachrufe
clip morgue; clippings morgue; morgue
Zeitungsartikel m, Zeitungsaufsatz m
Zeitungsartikel pl, Zeitungsaufsätze pl
newspaper article
newspaper articles
newspaper article
Zeitungsartikel m; Zeitungsaufsatz m
Zeitungsartikel pl; Zeitungsaufsätze pl
newspaper article
newspaper articles
aufmerksam werden v
aufmerksam werdend
aufmerksam geworden
Ich wurde durch einen Zeitungsartikel auf das Buch aufmerksam.
Ich wurde durch Ihre Annonce auf Sie aufmerksam.
Die Sache wurde polizeilich bekannt als ...
to come to attention; to catch attention
coming to attention; catching attention
come to attention; caught attention
The book came to caught my attention when I read a newspaper article.
Your ad caught my attention.
The matter came to the attention of the police when ...
ganzseitig adj (Zeitungsartikel etc.)
full-page {adj}
(einem Zeitungsartikel) eine Ãœberschrift geben
Himmel m auto
Dachinnenverkleidung f auto
aufmerksam werden v
aufmerksam werdend
aufmerksam geworden
Ich wurde durch einen Zeitungsartikel auf das Buch aufmerksam.
Ich wurde durch Ihre Annonce auf Sie aufmerksam.
Die Sache wurde polizeilich bekannt, als …
to come to attention; to catch attention
coming to attention; catching attention
come to attention; caught attention
The book came to caught my attention when I read a newspaper article.
Your ad caught my attention.
The matter came to the attention of the police when …
Korrektor m; Korrektorin f (von Zeitungsartikeln)
Korrektoren pl; Korrektorinnen pl
sub editor; sub-editor; copy editor Am.
sub editors; sub-editors; copy editors
etw. aus etw. heraussuchen; zusammensuchen v
heraussuchend; zusammensuchend
hergeaussucht; zusammengesucht
Anekdoten aus der amerikanischen Geschichte
gezielte Informationen aus dem Internet
Ich habe die Einzelheiten aus Zeitungsartikeln herausgesucht.
Die Daten stammen aus verschiedensten Quellen.
to cull sth. from sth.(formal)
anecdotes culled from American history
targeted intelligence culled from the Internet
I culled the details from newspaper articles.
The data have been culled from a variety of sources.
etw. aus etw. heraussuchen; zusammensuchen v
heraussuchend; zusammensuchend
herausgesucht; zusammengesucht
Anekdoten aus der amerikanischen Geschichte
gezielte Informationen aus dem Internet
Ich habe die Einzelheiten aus Zeitungsartikeln herausgesucht.
Die Daten stammen aus verschiedensten Quellen.
to cull sth. from sth. formal
anecdotes culled from American history
targeted intelligence culled from the Internet
I culled the details from newspaper articles.
The data have been culled from a variety of sources.
Verfasserzeile f; Zeile mit dem Namen des Autors (eines Zeitungsartikels)
byline (line naming the writer of a newspaper article)
Zeitungsausschnitt m
Zeitungsausschnitte pl
newspaper cutting, news clipping
newspaper cuttings, news clippings
Zeitungsausschnitt m
Zeitungsausschnitte pl
newspaper cutting; press cutting; newspaper news press clipping Am.
newspaper cuttings; press cuttings; newspaper news press clippings
Zeitungsausschnitt m
Zeitungsausschnitte pl
eine Sammlung von historischen Zeitungsausschnitten
newspaper cutting; press cutting; newspaper news press clipping Am.
newspaper cuttings; press cuttings; newspaper news press clippings
a collection of historical newspaper clippings
Zeitungsausträger m
Zeitungsausträger pl
einen Job als Zeitungsausträger haben
Zeitungen austragen
paper boy
paper boys
to have a paper route
to do a paper route
Zeitungsausträger m; Zeitungsbote m
Zeitungsausträger pl; Zeitungsboten pl
(junge) Zeitungsausträgerin f; Zeitungsbotin f
einen Job als Zeitungsausträger haben
Zeitungen austragen
paper man; paper boy; newspaper boy
paper men; paper boys; newspaper boys
paper girl
to have a paper route
to do a paper route
Zeitungsständer m; Zeitungsautomat m (auf der Straße)
Zeitungsständer pl; Zeitungsautomaten pl
newspaper vending machine
newspaper vending machines
Zeitungsbeilage f
newspaper supplement
Zeitungsbericht m
Zeitungsberichte pl
report, newsletter report
reports, newsletter reports
Zeitungsbericht m
Zeitungsberichte pl
report; newsletter report
reports; newsletter reports
Tintenfarbstoff m; Druckerfarbe m print
Rollenoffset-Zeitungsdruckfarbe f
Farbe auftragen; Farbe ausstreichen
cold-set ink
to rub out ink
Zeitungsdruckpapier n
newsprint paper
Ente f, Zeitungsente f
Enten pl
hoax, canard
hoaxes, canards
Zeitungsente f
Zeitungsenten pl
newspaper hoax
newspaper hoaxes
newspaper hoax
Ente f; Zeitungsente f
Enten pl; Zeitungsenten pl
hoax; canard; false report
hoaxes; canards; false reports
Ente f; Zeitungsente f
Enten pl; Zeitungsenten pl
Zeitungsenten pl
hoax; canard; false report
hoaxes; canards; false reports
newspaper hoaxes
Falschmeldung f; Zeitungsente f ugs.; Ente f ugs.
Falschmeldungen pl; Zeitungsenten pl; Enten pl
bewusste, frei erfundene Falschmeldung
false report; newspaper hoax; hoax; canard
false reports; newspaper hoaxes; hoaxes; canards
fake news; hoax news; fraudulent news
Zeitungsente f
newspaper hoax
Zeitungshalter m; Zeitungsentnahmebox f
Zeitungshalter pl; Zeitungsentnahmeboxen pl
newspaper dispenser
newspaper dispensers
vielleicht (auch); ja auch; auch (Ausdruck einer möglichen Denkvariante für einen unbekannten Sachverhalt)
Ich weiß nicht, wo er ist. Vielleicht ist er gekidnappt worden.
Es hat Millionen gekostet, vielleicht (waren es) auch Milliarden.
Ich habe das in Indien, Thailand und Vietnam gesehen, und im restlichen Südostasien wird es auch nicht viel anders sein.
Vielleicht hat sie ja auch schon eine andere Arbeit angenommen.
Niemand stellte ihm Fragen, niemand durchsuchte ihn. Er hätte auch ein Schmuggler oder Selbstmordattentäter sein können.
Da muss ich nachfragen. Sie könnten ja auch ein Zeitungsfritze sein. Weiß ich, ob Sie nicht vielleicht ein Zeitungsfritze sind? ugs.
Das kann natürlich auch sein.
for all you know; for ought aught you know archaic (usually + could may might)
I don't know where he is. He could have been kidnapped for all I know.
It cost millions. It could be billions for all I know.
I've seen this in India, Thailand and Vietnam, and for all I know, it's the same in the rest of Southeast Asia.
She may have already accepted another job, for all we know.
Nobody asked him any questions, nobody searched him. He could have been a smuggler or a suicide attacker for all anyone knew.
I'll have to check. You might be from the newspapers, for all I know.
It could be, for all I know.
Zeitungshändler m
Zeitungshändler pl
Zeitungshalter m (für das Lesen in einem Lokal)
Zeitungshalter pl
newspaper holder
newspaper holders
Zeitungsinserat n, Anzeige f
Zeitungsinseraten pl, Anzeigen pl
advertisement (ad)
advertisements, ads
Zeitungsinserat, Anzeige
Zeitungsinserat n; Anzeige f
Zeitungsinseraten pl; Anzeigen pl
advertisement (ad)
advertisements; ads
Zeitungsjunge m
Zeitungsjungen pl
Zeitungskiosk (US)
Zeitungskiosk m
Zeitungskioske pl
Kiosk m; Verkaufsstand m; Stand m (Verkaufshäuschen)
Kioske pl; Verkaufsstände pl; Stände pl
Zeitungskiosk m; Zeitungsstand m; Zeitschriftenkiosk m; Zeitschriftenstand m
Zeitungskiosk Zeitschriftenstand am Bahnhof
newspaper kiosk; newsstand; bookstall Br.
station newsstand; station bookstall Br.
Zeitungsverkäufer m; Zeitungsverkäuferin f; Zeitungskolporteur Ös. m
Zeitungsverkäufer pl; Zeitungsverkäuferinnen pl; Zeitungskolporteure pl
newspaper peddler; newpaper hawker
newspaper peddlers; newpaper hawkers
Zeitungsverkäufer m; Zeitungsverkäuferin f; Zeitungskolporteur m Ös. (auf der Straße)
Zeitungsverkäufer pl; Zeitungsverkäuferinnen pl; Zeitungskolporteure pl
newspaper peddler; newspaper hawker
newspaper peddlers; newspaper hawkers
Rubrik f; Kolumne f; Spalte f (regelmäßig erscheinender Artikel eines Journalisten)
Rubriken pl; Kolumnen pl; Spalten pl
Zeitungskolumne f
newspaper column
Zeitungskopf m
masthead Br.
Korrespondent f; Korrespondentin f
Korrespondenten pl; Korrespondentinnen pl
Zeitungskorrespondent m
newspaper correspondent; stringer coll.
Durchsehen n; Durchsicht f; Lektüre f (von etw.)
Hier ist der Wartungsplan zum Durchsehen zur Durchsicht.
Dieses Buch verdient eine sorgfältige Lektüre.
Er fuhr mit seiner Zeitungslektüre fort.
Ein kurzer Blick in das Stichwortverzeichnis offenbart Interessantes:
perusal (of sth.)
Here is the maintenance plan for your perusal.
This book deserves careful perusal.
He continued his perusal of the newspaper.
A quick perusal of the index to the book reveals an interesting fact:
Zeitungsmann m

Deutsche Zeitungsmeldung Synonyme

Englische newspaper report Synonyme

newspaper  advice  broadcast journalism  daily  daily newspaper  extra  extra edition  gazette  information  intelligence  journalism  magazine  national newspaper  neighborhood newspaper  news  news agency  news medium  news service  newsiness  newsletter  newsmagazine  newspaper of record  newsworthiness  organ  paper  periodical  press association  radio  rag  reportage  review  sheet  special  special edition  tabloid  telegraph agency  television  the fourth estate  the press  tidings  weekly  weekly newspaper  wire service  word  
newspaperman  a tale-bearing animal  advertising writer  annalist  art critic  author  authoress  belletrist  bibliographer  busybody  city editor  coauthor  collaborator  columnist  compiler  composer  copy chief  copy editor  copyman  copyreader  copywriter  correspondent  creative writer  critic  cub reporter  dance critic  diarist  diaskeuast  drama critic  dramatist  editor  editorial writer  encyclopedist  essayist  feature editor  foreign correspondent  free lance  free-lance writer  gazetteer  ghost  ghostwriter  gossip  gossip columnist  gossiper  gossipmonger  humorist  inditer  interviewer  journalist  leader writer  leg man  literary artist  literary craftsman  literary critic  literary man  litterateur  logographer  magazine writer  man of letters  managing editor  monographer  music critic  news editor  newsman  newsmonger  newspaperwoman  newswriter  novelettist  novelist  own correspondent  pamphleteer  paragrapher  paragraphist  penwoman  poet  pressman  prose writer  publicist  quidnunc  reader  reporter  reviewer  reviser  rewrite man  rewriter  rumormonger  scandalmonger  scenario writer  scenarist  scribe  scriptwriter  short-story writer  slotman  sob sister  special correspondent  sports editor  storyteller  subeditor  tabby  talebearer  taleteller  tattler  tattletale  technical writer  telltale  tittle-tattler  war correspondent  word painter  wordsmith  writer  yenta  

Zeitungsmeldung Definition

(n.) A sheet of paper printed and distributed, at stated intervals, for conveying intelligence of passing events, advocating opinions, etc.
(v. t.) To refer.
(v. t.) To bring back, as an answer
(v. t.) To give an account of
(v. t.) To give an official account or statement of
(v. t.) To return or repeat, as sound
(v. t.) To return or present as the result of an examination or consideration of any matter officially referred
(v. t.) To make minutes of, as a speech, or the doings of a public body
(v. t.) To write an account of for publication, as in a newspaper
(v. t.) To make a statement of the conduct of, especially in an unfavorable sense
(v. i.) To make a report, or response, in respect of a matter inquired of, a duty enjoined, or information expected
(v. i.) To furnish in writing an account of a speech, the proceedings at a meeting, the particulars of an occurrence, etc., for publication.
(v. i.) To present one's self, as to a superior officer, or to one to whom service is due, and to be in readiness for orders or to do service
(v. t.) That which is reported.
(v. t.) An account or statement of the results of examination or inquiry made by request or direction
(v. t.) A story or statement circulating by common talk
(v. t.) Sound
(v. t.) An official statement of facts, verbal or written
(v. t.) An account or statement of a judicial opinion or decision, or of case argued and determined in a court of law, chancery, etc.
(v. t.) A sketch, or a fully written account, of a speech, debate, or the proceedings of a public meeting, legislative body, etc.
(v. t.) Rapport

newspaper report / newspaper reports Bedeutung

attestation service
attestation report
a consulting service in which a CPA expresses a conclusion about the reliability of a written statement that is the responsibility of someone else
the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher, when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper
the general estimation that the public has for a person, he acquired a reputation as an actor before he started writing, he was a person of bad report
a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets, contains news and articles and advertisements, he read his newspaper at breakfast
school newspaper
school paper
a newspaper written and published by students in a school
newspaper column
an article giving opinions or perspectives
news article
news story
newspaper article
an article reporting news
newspaper headline
the heading or caption of a newspaper article
paper report theme
an essay (especially one written as an assignment), he got an A on his composition
newspaper clipping
press clipping
press cutting
an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine, he searched through piles of letters and clippings
news report
story account write up
a short account of the news, the report of his speech, the story was on the o'clock news, the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious
report account the act of informing by verbal report, he heard reports that they were causing trouble, by all accounts they were a happy couple
report study
written report
a written document describing the findings of some individual or group, this accords with the recent study by Hill and Dale
progress report a report of work accomplished during a specified time period
medical report a report of the results of a medical examination of a patient
report card
a written evaluation of a student's scholarship and deportment, his father signed his report card
newspaper ad
newspaper advertisement
a printed advertisement that is published in a newspaper
report a sharp explosive sound (especially the sound of a gun firing), they heard a violent report followed by silence
newspaper publisher
a business firm that publishes newspapers, Murdoch owns many newspapers
newspaper editor the editor of a newspaper
newspaper columnist a columnist who writes for newspapers
newspaper critic a critic who writes a column for the newspapers
publisher newspaper publisher the proprietor of a newspaper
income statement
earnings report
operating statement
profit-and-loss statement
a financial statement that gives operating results for a specific period
cheap paper made from wood pulp and used for printing newspapers, they used bales of newspaper every day
report out return a bill after consideration and revision to a legislative body
describe account
to give an account or representation of in words, Discreet Italian police described it in a manner typically continental
report make known to the authorities, One student reported the other to the principal
report complain about, make a charge against, I reported her to the supervisor
report announce one's presence, I report to work every day at o'clock
report announce as the result of an investigation or experience or finding, Dozens of incidents of wife beatings are reported daily in this city, The team reported significant advances in their research
report d cover be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism, Snow reported on China in the's, The cub reporter covered New York City
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