
Zellstoff Fabrik Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Zellstoff-Fabrik f
Zellstoff-Fabriken pl
wood pulp works
wood pulp workses
Zellstoffwerk n; Zellstoff-Fabrik f (fĂĽr die Papierherstellung)
Zellstoffwerke pl; Zellstoff-Fabriken pl
wood pulp works (for papermaking)
wood pulp works
ab Fabrik (INCOTERM)
ex factory
automatische Fabrik
push button factory
Fabrik, Fabrikanlage, Betrieb
Inhaber einer Fabrik, EigentĂĽmer einer Fabrik
owner of a factory
Maschinenausstattung einer Fabrik
equipment of a plant
MĂĽhle, Fabrik, Walzwerk
Pflanze, Fabrik (US)
Arbeitsleistung f (einer Fabrik)
Fabrik f
Fabriken pl
gläserne Fabrik
transparent factory
Fabrik f, Werk n, Werksanlage f
Fabriken pl, Werke pl, Werksanlagen pl
Fabrikationsnummer f, Fabrik-Nummer f
serial number
Fabrik-Schild n
manufacturer's plate
MĂĽhle f, Fabrik f
MĂĽhlen pl, Fabriken pl
Werk n, Fabrik f
ab Werk, ab Fabrik
ex works, ex factory
Zellstoff m biol.
Zellstoff m
chemical wood pulp
Zellulose f, Zellstoff m
abschalten, stilllegen, stillegen alt
abschaltend, stilllegend
abgeschaltet, stillgelegt
eine Fabrik stilllegen
to shut down
shutting down
shut down
to shut down a factory
shutting down
Fabrik, Muehle
Pflanze, Fabrik, errichten, gruenden
eine Fabrik stillegen
to shut down a factory
Werk, Betrieb, Fabrik
Abstrakte-Fabrik-Entwurfsmuster n
abstract factory pattern
Betriebsräume pl; Betriebsstätten pl (einer Fabrik)
shops and offices (of a factory)
Chemiezellstoff m; Zellstoff fĂĽr chemische Zwecke m
alpha dissolving pulp
Dunstkreis m (nähere Umgebung) (selten)
im Dunstkreis einer petrochemischen Fabrik
neighbourhood Br.; neighborhood Am.
in the neighbourhood of a petrochemical plant
Durchlaufzeit f; Laufzeit f (eines StĂĽckes durch eine Fabrik Spedition) transp. adm.
door-to-door time
Edelzellstoff m; Alpha-Zellstoff m (Papierherstellung)
noble cellulose; alpha pulp; idssolving pulp (papermaking)
Fabrik f; Werk n; Werksanlage f
Fabriken pl; Werke pl; Werksanlagen pl
Fabrikationsnummer f; Fabrik-Nummer f
serial number
Fällung f (Zellstoff)
regeneration (cellulose)
Fertigungsmenge f; Produktion f; AusstoĂź m (einer Fabrik)
amount produced; output (of a factory)
Fichtenholz-Zellstoff m
spruce (wood) pulp: pine pulp
jds. Hände pl (Verfügungsgewalt) übtr.
das Gesetz in die eigenen Hände nehmen
etw. ergattern; einer Sache habhaft werden geh.
die Macht in die Hände von jdm. legen in jds. Hände legen
jdm. noch mehr Macht verleihen geben
den kaiserlichen Truppen in die Hände fallen
Die Sache liegt in den Händen der Staatsanwaltschaft.; Der Fall liegt bei der Staatsanwaltschaft.
Die Fabrik bleibt in privaten Händen in privater Hand.
Die Patienten sind in diesem Krankenhaus in guten Händen.
Wir müssen vermeiden dass diese Bilder in falsche Hände geraten.
sb.'s hands (power of disposal) fig.
to take the law into your own hands
to get lay your hands on sth.
to put the power into the hands of sb.
to put even more power into the hands of sb.
to fall into the hands of the Emperor's troops
The matter is in the hands of the public prosecution service.
The factory remains in private hands.
Patients are in good hands at this hospital.
We need to avoid that these pictures fall into the wrong hands.
MĂĽhle f; Fabrik f
MĂĽhlen pl; Fabriken pl
Werk n; Fabrik f
ab Werk; ab Fabrik
ex works; ex factory
Zellstoff-Filter m
Zellstoff-Filter pl
wood pulp filter
wood pulp filters
Zellstoff-Fabrik f
Zellstoff-Fabriken pl
wood pulp works
wood pulp workses
Zellulose f; Zellstoff m
abschalten; stilllegen; stillegen alt v
abschaltend; stilllegend
abgeschaltet; stillgelegt
eine Fabrik stilllegen
to shut down
shutting down
shut down
to shut down a factory
shutting down
ausgehend von; Ex-... econ. jur.
ab Fabrik Lagerhaus
geliefert ab Kai (verzollt)
geliefert ab Schiff
nach billigem Ermessen jur.
von maĂźgeblicher Seite
aus eigenem Antrieb von Amts wegen
fĂĽr die Zukunft
von Amts wegen; Amts-...
Mitglied kraft Amtes
ex factory warehouse
delivered ex quay DEQ delivered ex dock Am. (duty paid)
delivered ex ship DES
ex aequo et bono
ex cathedra
ex mero motu; ex proprio motu
ex nunc
ex officio
ex-officio member
chlorfrei adj chem.
chlorfrei gebleicht
chlorfrei gebleichter Zellstoff
chlorine-free; free from chlorine FFC
chlorine-free bleached
totally chlorine-free pulp; TCF pulp
schlechter werden; auf dem absteigenden Ast sein v
Sein Gesundheitszustand verschlechtert sich.
Mit den Verkaufszahlen geht es bergab.
Mit der Stadt ging es bergab nachdem die Fabrik zugesperrt wurde.
to be on the decline; to fall into decline; to be on the downgrade Am.
His health is on the decline.
Sales are on the decline.
The town fell went into decline after the factory closed down.
Chemiezellstoff m; Zellstoff fĂĽr chemische Zwecke m; Textilzellstoff m
chemical conversion pulp; dissolving pulp; rayon pulp
Dunstkreis m (nähere Umgebung) selten
im Dunstkreis einer petrochemischen Fabrik
neighbourhood Br.; neighborhood Am.
in the neighbourhood of a petrochemical plant
Durchlaufzeit f; Laufzeit f (eines StĂĽckes durch eine Fabrik Spedition) transp. adm.
Durchlaufzeiten pl; Laufzeiten pl
door-to-door time
door-to-door times
Durchsatzmenge f; Durchleistung f; Durchsatz m (einer Fabrik Förderanlage Rohrleitung usw.)
Gesamtdurchsatz m
process throughput; throughput (of a factory conveyor pipeline etc.)
overall throughput
Edelzellstoff m; Alpha-Zellstoff m
processed pulp; high alpha pulp; alpha dissolving pulp
Fabrik f
Fabriken pl
digitale Fabrik
gläserne Fabrik
Schuhfabrik f
digital factory
transparent factory
shoe factory
Fertigungsmenge f; Produktionsmenge f; Produktionsvolumen n; Fertigungsleistung f; Produktionsleistung f; Produktion f; AusstoĂź m (eines Wirtschaftssektors Betriebs) econ.
die Jahresproduktion eines Betriebs
die weltweite Fertigungsmenge
Gesamtproduktion f
Geamtproduktion der Landwirtschaft
Fertigungsleistung pro Arbeitsstunde
volkswirtschaftliche Produktionsleistung
die Tagesleistung; die Tagesproduktion der Fabrik
Industrieproduktion f
amount produced; volume of production; production volume; production; output; turnout; out-turn (of an economic sector business)
the annual output; the annual turnout of a business
automobile output; automobile production
the world output
total output; total production
agricultural output
output per man-hour
the country's output
the daily output; the daily production; the daily turnout of the factory
industrial output; industrial production
jds. Hände pl (Verfügungsgewalt) übtr.
das Gesetz in die eigenen Hände nehmen
etw. ergattern; einer Sache habhaft werden geh.
die Macht in die Hände von jdm. legen in jds. Hände legen
jdm. noch mehr Macht verleihen geben
den kaiserlichen Truppen in die Hände fallen
Die Sache liegt in den Händen der Staatsanwaltschaft.; Der Fall liegt bei der Staatsanwaltschaft.
Die Fabrik bleibt in privaten Händen in privater Hand.
Die Patienten sind in diesem Krankenhaus in guten Händen.
Wir müssen vermeiden, dass diese Bilder in falsche Hände geraten.
sb.'s hands (power of disposal) fig.
to take the law into your own hands
to get lay your hands on sth.
to put the power into the hands of sb.
to put even more power into the hands of sb.
to fall into the hands of the Emperor's troops
The matter is in the hands of the public prosecution service.
The factory remains in private hands.
Patients are in good hands at this hospital.
We need to avoid that these pictures fall into the wrong hands.
MĂĽhle f; Fabrik f
MĂĽhlen pl; Fabriken pl
WalkmĂĽhle f textil.
fulling mill
Munitionsfabrik f
Munitionsfabriken pl
Fabrik fĂĽr Gewehrmunition
ammunition factory
ammunition factories
rifle ammunition factory
Papierzellstoff m; Zellstoff m (Fasermaterial zur Papierherstellung)
eingedickter Zellstoff
Fichtenholz-Zellstoff m
Zellstoff aus Lederabfällen
Zellstoff aus Holzabfällen
Zellstoff nach dem Chlorverfahren
papermaking pulp; paper pulp; pulp
slushed pulp; slush stock
spruce (wood) pulp; pine pulp
leather pulp
wood pulp
chlorine pulp
Signalhorn n; Sirene f (Schiff, Fabrik)
Signalhörner pl; Sirenen pl
alarm horn; hooter Br. (rather dated); siren (ship, factory)
alarm horns; hooters; sirens
Werk n (Produktionsstätte)
ab Werk; ab Fabrik
Er hat in einem Zementwerk Arbeit gefunden.
plant; works Br.
ex works; ex factory
He got a job at a cement works.
Wiesengelände n; Wiesenfläche f außerhalb des Siedlungsgebiets im Außenbereich Dt. (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
auf der grĂĽnen Wiese
Fabrik auf der grĂĽnen Wiese
greenfield site Br. (patial planning)
on a greenfield site
greenfield factory
Zellstoff m; Zellulose f biol. chem.
regenerierte Zellulose; Hydratzellulose f
hydrated cellulose; hydrate cellulose
Zellstoff m (Verbandsmaterial) med.
cellulose wadding (bandaging material)
Zellstoff…; Zellulose…; Cellulose… chem.
Zellstoffderivat n; Zellulosederivat n; Cellulosederivat n
Zellstoffpapier n; Zellulosepapier n
Zellulosekunststoff m
cellulosic {adj}
cellulosic derivative
cellulosic paper; cellulose paper
cellulosic plastic
Zellstoffwerk n; Zellstoff-Fabrik f (fĂĽr die Papierherstellung)
Zellstoffwerke pl; Zellstoff-Fabriken pl
wood pulp works (for papermaking)
wood pulp works
ausgehend von; Ex-… econ. jur.
ab Fabrik Lagerhaus
geliefert ab Kai (verzollt)
geliefert ab Schiff
nach billigem Ermessen jur.
ex cathedra relig.
aus eigenem Antrieb, von Amts wegen
fĂĽr die Zukunft
von Amts wegen; Amts-…
Mitglied kraft Amtes
ex factory warehouse
delivered ex quay DEQ , delivered ex dock Am. (duty paid)
delivered ex ship DES
ex aequo et bono
ex cathedra
ex mero motu; ex proprio motu
ex nunc
ex officio
ex-officio member
chlorfrei adj chem.
chlorfrei gebleicht
chlorfrei gebleichter Zellstoff
chlorine-free; free from chlorine FFC
chlorine-free bleached
totally chlorine-free pulp; TCF pulp
schlechter werden; auf dem absteigenden Ast sein v
Sein Gesundheitszustand verschlechtert sich.
Mit den Verkaufszahlen geht es bergab.
Mit der Stadt ging es bergab, nachdem die Fabrik zugesperrt wurde.
to be on the decline; to fall into decline; to be on the downgrade Am.
His health is on the decline.
Sales are on the decline.
The town fell went into decline after the factory closed down.

Deutsche Zellstoff Fabrik Synonyme

Zellstoff  ÂZellulose  
Fabrik  ÂFertigungsanlage  ÂWerk  
Fabrik  Fertigungsanlage  Werk  
Zellstoff  Zellulose  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Zellstoff Synonym nachschlagen

Englische wood pulp works Synonyme

wood  acacia  afforestation  alder  arboretum  ash  backlog  balsa  balsam  banyan  bass  basswood  bavin  beam  beech  beechwood  billet  birch  board  boarding  boondocks  brush  brushwood  burl  bush  bushveld  buttonwood  chase  cherry  chestnut  clapboard  climax forest  cloud forest  cord  cordwood  cork  cypress  deal  dendrology  dogwood  driftwood  ebony  elm  eucalyptus  fagot  fir  firewood  forest  forest land  forest preserve  forestry  fringing forest  gallery forest  greenwood  gum  gumwood  hanger  hardwood  hazel  hemlock  hickory  index forest  ironwood  jungle  jungles  juniper  kindling  kindlings  lancewood  larch  lath  lathing  lathwork  linden  locust  log  logwood  lumber  magnolia  mahogany  maple  national forest  oak  olive  palmetto barrens  panelboard  paneling  panelwork  park  park forest  pecan  pine  pine barrens  plank  planking  plyboard  plywood  pole  poplar  post  primeval forest  protection forest  puncheon  rain forest  redwood  reforestation  sandalwood  scrub  scrubland  selection forest  shake  sheathing  sheathing board  sheeting  shingle  shrubland  sideboard  siding  silviculture  slab  slat  softwood  splat  sprout forest  spruce  stand of timber  state forest  stave  stick  stick of wood  stovewood  sumac  sycamore  teak  three-by-four  timber  timbering  timberland  timberwork  tree veld  two-by-four  virgin forest  walnut  weatherboard  wildwood  woodland  woods  yew  yule clog  yule log  
wood carving  CYSP sculpture  anaglyptics  anaglyptography  architectural sculpture  bone-carving  bust  carving  casting  ceroplastics  chasing  clay sculpture  decorative sculpture  doll  dolly  dummy  earth art  embossing  engraving  fantoccini  figure  figurehead  figurine  founding  garden sculpture  gem-cutting  gingerbread man  glass sculpture  glyptic  ivory-carving  lay figure  lost-wax process  man of straw  manikin  mannequin  marionette  metal sculpture  model  modeling  molding  monument  monumental sculpture  paper sculpture  plaster casting  plastic art  portrait bust  portrait sculpture  puppet  relief  relief-carving  relievo  scarecrow  sculptor  sculpture  sculpturing  shell-carving  snowman  statuary  statue  statuette  stone sculpture  stonecutting  wax figure  waxwork  whittling  wire sculpture  xyloglyphy  
wood pulp  butter  cataplasm  crush  dental pulp  mash  mush  paper pulp  paste  pith  plaster  porridge  poultice  pudding  pulp  pulp lead  pulpwood  rag pulp  sauce  smash  sponge  squash  sulfate pulp  sulfite pulp  white lead  
woodblock  aquatint  autolithograph  block  block print  chromolithograph  color print  copperplate  copperplate print  crayon engraving  cut  engravement  engraving  etching  graphotype  impress  impression  imprint  linoleum-block print  lithograph  mezzotint  negative  print  rubber-block print  vignette  wood engraving  woodcut  woodprint  xylograph  
woodcraft  Christmas tree farming  afforestation  arboriculture  artisan work  artisanship  craft  craftwork  forest management  forestation  forestry  handicraft  industrial art  industrial design  logging  lumbering  manual art  metalcraft  reforestation  silviculture  stonecraft  tree farming  
woodcut  act drop  aquatint  asbestos  asbestos board  autolithograph  backdrop  batten  block  block print  border  cerography  chalcography  chromolithograph  cloth  color print  copperplate  copperplate print  coulisse  counterweight  crayon engraving  cribbling  curtain  curtain board  cut  cyclorama  decor  drop  drop curtain  drypoint  engravement  engraving  etching  fire curtain  flat  flipper  graphotype  hanging  impress  impression  imprint  intaglio  linoleum-block print  lithograph  metal cut  mezzotint  negative  photoengraving  plate engraving  print  pyrogravure  rag  relief method  rubber-block print  scene  scenery  screen  side scene  stage screw  steel engraving  tab  tableau  teaser  tormentor  transformation  transformation scene  vignette  wing  wingcut  wood engraving  woodblock  woodburning  woodprint  xylograph  zincography  
wooded  afforestational  arboreous  bosky  braky  bushy  copsy  dendrologic  forest  forestal  forested  reforestational  scrubby  shrubby  silvicultural  sylvan  timbered  woodland  woodsy  woody  
wooden  arid  awkward  barren  blah  blank  bloodless  blunt  blunt-witted  buckram  bumbling  cardboard  characterless  clumsy  cold  colorless  dead  deadpan  dim  dim-witted  dismal  dopey  draggy  drearisome  dreary  dry  dryasdust  dull  dull of mind  dull-headed  dull-pated  dull-witted  dusty  effete  elephantine  empty  etiolated  expressionless  fade  fat-witted  fishy  flat  gauche  glassy  gross-headed  halting  ham-handed  heavy  heavy-handed  hebetudinous  ho-hum  hollow  impassive  inane  inept  inexcitable  inexpressive  insipid  jejune  leaden  lifeless  low-spirited  maladroit  muscle-bound  obtuse  pale  pallid  pedestrian  plodding  pointless  poker-faced  poky  ponderous  slow  slow-witted  sluggish  solemn  spiritless  sterile  stiff  stilted  stodgy  stuffy  superficial  tasteless  tedious  thick-brained  thick-headed  thick-pated  thick-witted  thickskulled  unexpressive  unhandy  unhappy  unlively  vacant  vapid  weighty  
woodland  acres  afforestation  afforestational  agricultural region  alluvion  alluvium  arable land  arboreous  arboretum  back  back of beyond  back-country  backwood  backwoods  backwoodsy  black belt  boondocks  bosky  braky  bush  bushveld  bushy  chase  citrus belt  clay  climax forest  clod  cloud forest  copsy  corn belt  cotton belt  countryside  crust  dendrologic  dendrology  dirt  dry land  dust  dust bowl  earth  farm belt  farm country  farmland  forest  forest land  forest preserve  forestal  forested  forestry  freehold  fringing forest  fruit belt  gallery forest  glebe  grass roots  grassland  grazing region  greenwood  ground  hanger  highlands  hinterland  index forest  jungle  jungles  land  landholdings  lithosphere  lowlands  marginal land  marl  meadows and pastures  mold  moors  national forest  outback  palmetto barrens  park  park forest  pine barrens  plains  prairies  primeval forest  protection forest  province  provinces  rain forest  real estate  real property  reforestation  reforestational  region  regolith  rural district  rustic region  scrub  scrubby  scrubland  selection forest  shrubby  shrubland  silvicultural  silviculture  sod  soil  sprout forest  stand of timber  state forest  steppes  subaerial deposit  subsoil  sylvan  terra  terra firma  terrain  territory  the country  the soil  the sticks  timber  timbered  timberland  tobacco belt  topsoil  tree veld  up-country  uplands  veld  virgin  virgin forest  waste  weald  wheat belt  wide-open spaces  wild  wilderness  wildwood  wood  wooded  woods  woods and fields  woodsy  woody  yokeldom  
woods  English horn  Pandean pipe  afforestation  arboretum  aulos  back country  backwoods  basset horn  basset oboe  bassoon  bombard  boondock  boondocks  borderland  brush  bush  bush country  bushveld  chase  clarinet  climax forest  cloud forest  contrabassoon  contrafagotto  cromorne  dendrology  double bassoon  double reed  fife  fipple flute  flageolet  flute  forest  forest land  forest preserve  forestry  forests  fringing forest  frontier  gallery forest  greenwood  hanger  hautboy  heckelphone  hinterland  hornpipe  index forest  jungle  jungles  licorice stick  musette  national forest  oaten reed  oboe  oboe da caccia  ocarina  outback  outpost  palmetto barrens  panpipe  park  park forest  penny-whistle  piccolo  pine barrens  pipe  pommer  primeval forest  protection forest  rain forest  recorder  reed  reed instrument  reforestation  sax  saxophone  scrub  scrubland  selection forest  shawm  shrubland  silviculture  single reed  single-reed instrument  sonorophone  sprout forest  stand of timber  state forest  sweet potato  syrinx  tabor pipe  tenoroon  the bush  timber  timberland  timbers  tin-whistle  tree veld  uninhabited region  up-country  virgin forest  virgin land  virgin territory  wasteland  weald  whistle  wild West  wilderness  wilds  wildwood  wood  woodland  woodlands  woodwind  woodwind choir  woodwind instrument  
woodsman  arboriculturist  backwoodsman  briar-hopper  brush ape  bushman  clam digger  conservationist  cracker  desert rat  forest ranger  forester  frontiersman  hillbilly  hinterlander  logger  lumberjack  lumberman  mountain man  mountaineer  piny  ranger  redneck  ridge runner  silviculturist  timberman  tree farmer  wood chopper  woodcraftsman  woodcutter  woodlander  woodman  
woodsy  afforestational  arboreous  backwoodsman  bosky  braky  bumpkin  bushy  clodhopper  copsy  dendrologic  forest  forestal  forested  hayseed  hick  hillbilly  reforestational  rube  scrubby  shrubby  silvicultural  sylvan  timbered  wooded  woodland  woody  
woodwind  English horn  German band  Pandean pipe  Philharmonic  aulos  band  basset horn  basset oboe  bassoon  big band  bombard  brass  brass band  brass choir  brass quintet  brass section  brasses  callithumpian band  chamber orchestra  clarinet  combo  concert band  contrabassoon  contrafagotto  cromorne  desks  dixieland band  double bassoon  double reed  ensemble  fife  fipple flute  flageolet  flute  gamelan orchestra  group  hautboy  heckelphone  hornpipe  jazz band  jug band  licorice stick  military band  musette  oaten reed  oboe  oboe da caccia  ocarina  orchestra  panpipe  penny-whistle  piccolo  pipe  pommer  quartet  quintet  ragtime band  recorder  reed  reed instrument  rock-and-roll group  sax  saxophone  sextet  shawm  single reed  single-reed instrument  skiffle band  sonorophone  steel band  street band  string band  string choir  string orchestra  string quartet  strings  sweet potato  swing band  symphony  symphony orchestra  syrinx  tabor pipe  tenoroon  tin-whistle  trio  waits  whistle  woods  woodwind choir  woodwind instrument  woodwind quartet  woodwinds  
woody  afforestational  arboreous  bosky  braky  bushy  copsy  dendrologic  forest  forestal  forested  reforestational  scrubby  shrubby  silvicultural  sylvan  timbered  wooded  woodland  woodsy  

Zellstoff Fabrik Definition

Aloes wood
() See Agalloch.
Amboyna wood
() A beautiful mottled and curled wood, used in cabinetwork. It is obtained from the Pterocarpus Indicus of Amboyna, Borneo, etc.
Bethabara wood
() A highly elastic wood, used for fishing rods, etc. The tree is unknown, but it is thought to be East Indian.
Brazil wood
() The wood of the oriental Caesalpinia Sapan
Brazil wood
() A very heavy wood of a reddish color, imported from Brazil and other tropical countries, for cabinet-work, and for dyeing. The best is the heartwood of Caesalpinia echinata, a leguminous tree
Calamander wood
() A valuable furniture wood from India and Ceylon, of a hazel-brown color, with black stripes, very hard in texture. It is a species of ebony, and is obtained from the Diospyros quaesita. Called also Coromandel wood.
Campeachy Wood
() Logwood.
Coal works
() A place where coal is dug, including the machinery for raising the coal.
Cocus wood
() A West Indian wood, used for making flutes and other musical instruments.
Copper works
() A place where copper is wrought or manufactured.
Gopher wood
() A species of wood used in the construction of Noah's ark.
Iron works
() See under Iron, a.
Kiabooca wood
() See Kyaboca wood.
Kyaboca wood
() Amboyna wood.
Kyaboca wood
() Sandalwood (Santalum album).
Lingoa wood
() Amboyna wood.
Myall wood
() A durable, fragrant, and dark-colored Australian wood, used by the natives for spears. It is obtained from the small tree Acacia homolophylla.
Nicaragua wood
() Brazil wood.
Omander wood
() The wood of Diospyros ebenaster, a kind of ebony found in Ceylon.
(n.) A moist, slightly cohering mass, consisting of soft, undissolved animal or vegetable matter.
(n.) A tissue or part resembling pulp
(n.) The soft, succulent part of fruit
(n.) The exterior part of a coffee berry.
(n.) The material of which paper is made when ground up and suspended in water.
(v. t.) To reduce to pulp.
(v. t.) To deprive of the pulp, or integument.
Rosetta wood
() An east Indian wood of a reddish orange color, handsomely veined with darker marks. It is occasionally used for cabinetwork.
Sapan wood
() A dyewood yielded by Caesalpinia Sappan, a thorny leguminous tree of Southern Asia and the neighboring islands. It is the original Brazil wood.
Sappan wood
() Sapan wood.
Sea wood louse
() A sea slater.
Shittim wood
(n.) The wood of the shittah tree.
Thyine wood
() The fragrant and beautiful wood of a North African tree (Callitris quadrivalvis), formerly called Thuja articulata. The tree is of the Cedar family, and furnishes a balsamic resin called sandarach.
(a.) Mad
(v. i.) To grow mad
(n.) A large and thick collection of trees
(n.) The substance of trees and the like
(n.) The fibrous material which makes up the greater part of the stems and branches of trees and shrubby plants, and is found to a less extent in herbaceous stems. It consists of elongated tubular or needle-shaped cells of various kinds, usually interwoven with the shinning bands called silver grain.
(n.) Trees cut or sawed for the fire or other uses.
(v. t.) To supply with wood, or get supplies of wood for
(v. i.) To take or get a supply of wood.
(a.) Incumbered with tall, woody hedgerows.
(n.) A young oak, or other timber plant, laid down in a hedge among the whitethorn or other plants used in hedges.
(n.) A wild or natural note, as of a forest bird.
(n.) A kind of froth seen on herbs.
(n.) The time when there no sap in the trees
Wood's metal
() A fusible alloy consisting of one or two parts of cadmium, two parts of tin, four of lead, with seven or eight part of bismuth. It melts at from 66¡
Wood tick
() Any one of several species of ticks of the genus Ixodes whose young cling to bushes, but quickly fasten themselves upon the bodies of any animal with which they come in contact. When they attach themselves to the human body they often produce troublesome sores. The common species of the Northern United States is Ixodes unipunctata.
(n.) Alt. of Wood-waxen
(n.) Alt. of Wood-waxen
(n.) Same as Woadwaxen.

wood pulp works / wood pulp workses Bedeutung

performance of moral or religious acts, salvation by deeds, the reward for good works
Battle of the Marne
Belleau Wood
Marne River
a World War I battle in northwestern France where the Allies defeated the Germans in
peewit pewit wood pewee
Contopus virens
small oliveolored woodland flycatchers of eastern North America
western wood pewee
Contopus sordidulus
small flycatcher of western North America
wood thrush
Hylocichla mustelina
large thrush common in eastern American woodlands, noted for its melodious song
wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix European woodland warbler with dull yellow plumage
New World warbler
wood warbler
small brightolored American songbird with a weak unmusical song
wood swallow
swallow shrike
Australasian and Asiatic bird related to the shrikes and resembling a swallow
wood frog
Rana sylvatica
wideanging light-brown frog of moist North American woodlands especially spruce
wood tick
American dog tick
Dermacentor variabilis
common tick that can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia
horse of the wood
Tetrao urogallus
large black Old World grouse
wood pigeon
ringdove cushat
Columba palumbus
Eurasian pigeon with white patches on wings and neck
wood hoopoe tropical African bird having metallic blackish plumage but no crest
wood duck
summer duck
wood widgeon
Aix sponsa
showy North American duck that nests in hollow trees
wood drake male wood duck
wood ibis wood stork flinthead
Mycteria americana
an American stork that resembles the true ibises in having a downwardurved bill, inhabits wooded swamps of New World tropics
wood ibis wood stork Ibis ibis any of several Old World birds of the genus Ibis
maori hen
wood hen
flightless New Zealand rail of thievish disposition having short wings each with a spur used in fighting
wood ant
Formica rufa
reddish-brown European ant typically living in anthills in woodlands
dry-wood termite any of various termites that live in and feed on dry wood that is not connected with the soil
wood rabbit
cottontail rabbit
common small rabbit of North America having greyish or brownish fur and a tail with a white underside, a host for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks)
European wood mouse
Apodemus sylvaticus
nocturnal yellowish-brown mouse inhabiting woods and fields and gardens
wood mouse any of various New World woodland mice
wood rat
any of various small short-tailed rodents of the northern hemisphere having soft fur grey above and white below with furred tails and large ears, some are hosts for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks)
dusky-footed wood rat a wood rat with dusky feet
polecat wood pussy
American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled, in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae
number one wood
a golf club (a wood) with a near vertical face that is used for hitting long shots from the tee
dye-works a workshop where dyeing is done
metal wood golf wood with a metal head instead of the traditional wooden head
plant works industrial plant buildings for carrying on industrial labor, they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles
public works structures (such as highways or schools or bridges or docks) constructed at government expense for public use
wood file
a coarse file with sharp pointed projections
sewage system
sewer system
sewage works
facility consisting of a system of sewers for carrying off liquid and solid sewage
wood a golf club with a long shaft used to hit long shots, originally made with a wooden head, metal woods are now standard
wood chisel a chisel for working wood, it is either struck with a mallet or pushed by hand
wood block
wood engraving
engraving consisting of a block of wood with a design cut into it, used to make prints
woodcut wood engraving a print made from a woodcut
wood vise
woodworking vise
shoulder vise
a vise with jaws that are padded in order to hold lumber without denting it
woodwind instrument
any wind instrument other than the brass instruments
the internal mechanism of a device
wood grain
texture produced by the fibers in wood
pulp cavity the central cavity of a tooth containing the pulp (including the root canal)
pulp the soft inner part of a tooth
works program a program to provide jobs on public works paid for by government funds
pulp magazine
an inexpensive magazine printed on poor quality paper
works council (chiefly Brit) a council representing employer and employees of a plant or business to discuss working conditions etc, also: a committee representing the workers elected to negotiate with management about grievances and wages etc
the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area
any soft or soggy mass, he pounded it to a pulp
wood nymph
a deity or nymph of the woods
Grant Wood
United States painter noted for works based on life in the Midwest (-)
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Als Zellstoff bezeichnet man die beim chemischen Aufschluss von Pflanzenfasern entstehende faserige Masse, die vorwiegend aus Cellulose besteht.