
Zigarettenmaschine Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Zigarettenmaschine f; Zigarettenrollmaschine f; Zigarettenfüllmaschine f
Zigarettenmaschinen pl; Zigarettenrollmaschinen pl; Zigarettenfüllmaschinen pl
cigarette (making) machine
cigarette machines
Zigarettenmaschine f; Zigarettenrollmaschine f; Zigarettenfüllmaschine f
Zigarettenmaschinen pl; Zigarettenrollmaschinen pl; Zigarettenfüllmaschinen pl
cigarette (making) machine
cigarette machines
Kippe f, Zigarettenkippe f, Zigarettenstummel m
Kippen pl, Zigarettenkippen pl, Zigarettenstummel pl
eine Zigarette ausdrücken
(cigarette) stub, end, butt, fag end
stubs, ends, butts, fag ends
to butt out
Mundstück n (Zigarette)
Mundstücke pl
Stäbchen n (Zigarette)
Zigarette f
Zigaretten pl
sich seine eigenen Zigaretten drehen
to roll one's own cigarettes
anzünden, entzünden, anmachen, anbrennen
anzündend, entzündend, anmachend, anbrennend
angezündet, entzündet, angemacht, angebrannt
ein Streichholz anzünden
eine Zigarette anzünden
nicht gezündet
to light {lit, lighted, lit, lighted}
lit, lighted
to light a match
to light a cigarette
ausdrücken v (Zigarette)
to stub out
stubbing out
stubbed out
eine Zigarette anzünden
light a cigarette
eine Zigarette anzuenden
to light a cigarette
Mundstückpapier n (Zigarette)
cigarette tipping paper
Sargnagel m iron. (Zigarette)
Sargnägel pl
cancer stick iron.
cancer sticks
Zigarette f
Zigaretten pl
filterlose Zigarette
elektrische Zigarette; E-Zigarette
Rauchen von E-Zigaretten
eine Schachtel Zigaretten
eine Stange Zigaretten
sich seine eigenen Zigaretten drehen
eine Zigarette ausdrücken; eine Zigarette austreten
Bitte nehmen Sie eine Zigarette!
unfiltered cigarette; filterless cigarette; no-filter cigarette
electronic cigarette; e-cigarette; electronic vaping device
a package Br. pack Am. of cigarettes
a carton of cigarettes
to roll one's own cigarettes
to gind out () a cigarette
A cigarette please?; Won't you try one of mine?
Zigarettenstummel m; Zigarettenkippe f Dt.; Kippe f Dt.; Tschick m Ös.
Zigarettenstummel pl; Zigarettenkippen pl; Kippen pl; Tschicken pl
eine Zigarette ausdrücken
(cigarette) stub; end; butt; butt end; fag end
stubs; ends; butts; butt ends; fag ends
to butt out
anzünden; entzünden; anmachen; anbrennen v
anzündend; entzündend; anmachend; anbrennend
angezündet; entzündet; angemacht; angebrannt
eine Zigarette anzünden
nicht gezündet
Machst du das Feuer im Ofen an?
to light {lit lighted; lit lighted}
lit; lighted
to light a cigarette
Are you going to light the stove?
ausgehen (Licht Feuer Kerze; Zigarette); verlöschen (Feuer; Kerze) poet. v
ausgehend; verlöschend
ausgegangen; verlöscht
to go out
going out
gone out
etw. auslösen; etw. hervorrufen v
auslösend; hervorrufend
ausgelöst; hergevorrufen
eine Panik auslösen
eine Krise auslösen
Der Vorfall löste eine Debatte aus.
Eine Zigarette löst normalerweise keinen Rauchalarm aus.
to set off () sth.
setting off
set off
to set off (a) panic
to set off a crisis
The incident set off a debate
A cigarette will not normally set off a smoke alarm.
Rauchdauer f (Zigarette usw.)
smoking duration (cigarette etc.)
jds. Sache; jds. Angelegenheit
Wieviel ich verdiene geht niemanden etwas an.
Mein Privatleben geht Sie nichts an.
Was geht dich das an?
Ich rauchte draußen ganz unbeteiligt eine Zigarette, als plötzlich …
Kümmere dich um deine eigenen Sachen!; Kümmern Sie sich um Ihre eigenen Angelegenheiten!
sb.'s business
How much money I make is nobody's business.
My private life is none of your business.
How is this any of your business?
I was outside smoking a cigarette, minding my own business, when all of a sudden …
Mind your own business! MYOB
Zigarette f
Zigaretten pl
filterlose Zigarette
elektrische Zigarette; E-Zigarette
Rauchen von E-Zigaretten; elektrisches Dampfen; E-Dampfen; Dampfen
eine Schachtel ein Päckchen Ös. Zigaretten
eine Stange Zigaretten
sich eine Zigarette anzünden
sich seine eigenen Zigaretten drehen
eine Zigarette im Aschenbecher ausdrücken ausdämpfen Ös.
eine Zigarette ausmachen
eine Zigarette (am Boden) austreten
Bitte, nehmen Sie eine Zigarette!
unfiltered cigarette; filterless cigarette; no-filter cigarette
electronic cigarette; e-cigarette; electronic vaping device
vaping of e-cigarettes; vaping (vape)
a packet Br. pack Am. of cigarettes
a carton of cigarettes
to light a cigarette; to light up a cigarette
to roll your own cigarettes
to stub out a cigarette in the ashtray
to put out () a cigarette
to crush a cigarette with your foot
A cigarette, please?; Won't you try one of mine?
Zug m (beim Rauchen)
Züge pl
einen (kurzen langen) Zug aus an einer Zigarette machen tun geh.
pull; puff; draw; toke coll. (in smoking)
pulls; puffs; draws; tokes
to have take a (short long) pull on at a cigarette
jdn. etw. antippen; antipsen ugs.; auf etw. drauftippen; auf etw. leicht draufklopfen v (kurz berühren)
antippend; antipsend; drauftippend; leicht draufklopfend
angetippt; angetipst; draufgetippt; leicht draufgekopft
etw. leicht antippen; leicht draufklopfen
jdn. mit einer Zeitung antippen
jdn. auf die Schulter tippen
mit den Fingern ungeduldig auf den Tisch klopfen
die Schaltfläche „Absenden“ antippen; auf die Schaltfläche „Absenden“ tippen
die Asche von seiner Zigarette abklopfen klopfen schnippen
hohl klingen, wenn man leicht draufklopft
to tap sb. sth. (strike lightly)
to tap gently lightly
to tap sb. with a newspaper
to tap sb.'s shoulder; to tap sb. on the shoulder
to tap your fingers on the tabletop impatiently
to tap the 'send' button
to tap the ash from your cigarette
to sound hollow when tapped
etw. anzünden; entzünden; anmachen; anbrennen v
anzündend; entzündend; anmachend; anbrennend
angezündet; entzündet; angemacht; angebrannt
eine Zigarette anzünden
nicht gezündet
Machst du das Feuer im Ofen an?
Es ist besser, eine Kerze anzuzünden, als die Finsternis zu verfluchen.
to light sth. {lit, lighted; lit, lighted}
lit; lighted
to light a cigarette
Are you going to light the stove?
It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
ausgehen (Licht, Feuer, Kerze; Zigarette); verlöschen (Feuer; Kerze) poet. v
ausgehend; verlöschend
ausgegangen; verlöscht
Das Licht ging plötzlich von alleine selbst aus.
to go out
going out
gone out
The light suddenly went out by itself.
etw. auslösen; etw. hervorrufen v
auslösend; hervorrufend
ausgelöst; hergevorrufen
eine Panik auslösen
eine Krise auslösen
Der Vorfall löste eine Debatte aus.
Eine Zigarette löst normalerweise keinen Rauchalarm aus.
to set off () sth.
setting off
set off
to set off (a) panic
to set off a crisis
The incident set off a debate.
A cigarette will not normally set off a smoke alarm.
selbstgedrehte Zigarette f
roll-up cigarette; roll-up; rolly rollie coll.
Packung f
eine Packung Zigaretten
Packung Kekse
packet, pack Am.
a packet of cigarettes, a pack of cigarettes Am.
packet of biscuits
Packung f (Verpackung einer Ware)
Packungen pl
Großpackung f
eine Packung Zigaretten
Packung Kekse
packet Br.; package Am.; pack Am.
packets; packages; packs
jumbo packet Br.; jumbo package Am.
a packet of cigarettes; a pack of cigarettes Am.
packet of biscuits
Tabakwarengeschäft n; Tabakwarenladen m; Tabakladen m; Tabaktrafik f Ös.; Trafik f Ös.
Tabakwarengeschäfte pl; Tabakwarenläden pl; Tabakläden pl; Tabaktrafiken pl; Trafiken pl
im Tabakladen beim Tabakhändler in der Trafik Zigaretten kaufen
tobacconist; tobacconist's shop Br.; tobacconist's Br.
tobacconists; tobacconist's shops
to buy some cigarettes at the tobacconist tobacconist's Br.
E-Zigaretten rauchen; elektrisch dampfen; e-dampfen; dampfen v
to vape e-cigarettes; to vape
kleine Schachtel f; Päckchen n (als Verpackung) econ.
Zigarettenschachtel f; Zigarettenpackung f
eine Schachtel Nadeln Malstifte
ein Päckchen Kaugummi
Zigaretten werden üblicherweise in Schachteln zu 20 Stück in 20er Schachteln verpackt.
packet Br.; pack Am.
cigarette packet Br.; cigarette pack Am.
a packet of needles crayons; a pack of needles crayons
a packet of gum; a pack of gum
Cigarettes typically come in packets packs of 20.
etw. auf etw. ausweiten; ausdehnen v
ausweitend; ausdehnend
ausgeweitet; ausgedehnt
das Verbot auf E-Zigaretten ausdehnen
das kommunale Wahlrecht auf Ausländer ausweiten
to extend sth. (to sb. sth.)
to extend the ban to e-cigarettes
to extend local voting rights to non-nationals
etw. sicherstellen v (bei jdm.)
Bei der Razzia wurden mehr als 1.000 CDs mit Raubkopien sichergestellt.
34% der Waren, die der Zoll im vergangenen Jahr beschlagnahmte, waren Zigaretten.
to seize sth. (from sb.)
Over 1,000 pirate discs were seized during the raid.
34% of the goods which customs seized in the last year were cigarettes.
einzelne Zigaretten, die auf der Straße verkauft werden
loosies {pl} coll. Am.
Zigarettenanzünder m
Zigarettenanzünder pl
cigarette lighter
cigarette lighters
Zigarettenautomat m
Zigarettenautomaten pl
cigarette automat, cigarette machine
cigarette automats, cigarette machines
cigarette automat
cigarette machine
Zigarettenautomat m
Zigarettenautomaten pl
cigarette vending machine; cigarette automat; cigarette machine
cigarette vending machines; cigarette automats; cigarette machines
Köcherblümchen pl (Cuphea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Zigarettenblümchen n; Zigarettenfuchsie f (Cuphea ignea)
cupheas; cigar plants (botanical genus)
cigar plant; cigar flower; Mexican cigar; firecracker plant
Zigarettenetui n
Zigarettenetuis pl
cigarette case
cigarette cases
cigarette case
Zigarettenmaschine f; Zigarettenrollmaschine f; Zigarettenfüllmaschine f
Zigarettenmaschinen pl; Zigarettenrollmaschinen pl; Zigarettenfüllmaschinen pl
cigarette (making) machine
cigarette machines
Zigarettenstummel m; Zigarettenkippe f Dt.; Kippe f Dt.; Tschick m Ös.
Zigarettenstummel pl; Zigarettenkippen pl; Kippen pl; Tschicken pl
(cigarette) stub; end; butt; butt end; fag end
stubs; ends; butts; butt ends; fag ends
Fabrikat n; Marke f (einer Ware)
Fabrikate pl; Marken pl
beliebtes Fabrikat
ein LKW (der) Marke DAF
eine Schweizer Uhrenmarke
Armbanduhren diverser Marken
ausländische Zigarettenmarken
eine Maschine französischen Fabrikats
Haben Sie das (selbst) gemacht?
make (of a product)
popular make
a lorry (of the) make DAF
a Swiss make of watch
wristwatches of various makes
foreign make cigarettes
a machine of French make
Is this your own make?
Fabrikat n; Marke f (einer Ware) econ.
Fabrikate pl; Marken pl
Automarke f
beliebtes Fabrikat
ein LKW (der) Marke DAF
eine Schweizer Uhrenmarke
Armbanduhren diverser Marken
ausländische Zigarettenmarken
eine Maschine französischen Fabrikats
Welche Automarke fährst du?
Haben Sie das (selbst) gemacht?
make (of a product)
make of car; marque
popular make
a lorry (of the) make DAF
a Swiss make of watch
wristwatches of various makes
foreign make cigarettes
a machine of French make
What make of car do you drive?
Is this your own make?
Zigarettenpapier n
cigarette paper; smoking paper
Zigarettenrauch m
kalter Zigarettenrauch
cigarette smoke
stale cigarette smoke
etw. verfärben v
Zigarettenrauch hatte den Teppich gelb verfärbt.
Zähne verfärben sich mit den Jahren.
to discolour sth. Br.; to discolor sth. Am.; to stain sth.
discolouring; discoloring; staining
discoloured; discolored; stained
Cigarette smoke had stained the carpet yellow.
Teeth become discoloured over the years.
Zigarettenschachtel f
Zigarettenschachteln pl
cigarette packet
cigarette packets
cigarette packet
Zigarettenspitze f
Zigarettenspitzen pl
cigarette holder
cigarette holders
cigarette holder
Zigarettenstummel m
Zigarettenstummel pl
Scheibenstand, Zigarettenstummel
Zigarettentabak m
cigarette tobacco
Zigarettenwerbung f
cigarette ad; cigarette advert

Deutsche Zigarettenmaschine Synonyme

Englische cigarette machine Synonyme

Zigarettenmaschine Definition

Burring machine
() A machine for cleansing wool of burs, seeds, and other substances.
(n.) A little cigar
Gramme machine
() A kind of dynamo-electric machine
(n.) Courtship.
(n.) In general, any combination of bodies so connected that their relative motions are constrained, and by means of which force and motion may be transmitted and modified, as a screw and its nut, or a lever arranged to turn about a fulcrum or a pulley about its pivot, etc.
(n.) Any mechanical contrivance, as the wooden horse with which the Greeks entered Troy
(n.) A person who acts mechanically or at will of another.
(n.) A combination of persons acting together for a common purpose, with the agencies which they use
(n.) A political organization arranged and controlled by one or more leaders for selfish, private or partisan ends.
(n.) Supernatural agency in a poem, or a superhuman being introduced to perform some exploit.
(v. t.) To subject to the action of machinery
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Make
(n.) The act of one who makes
(n.) Composition, or structure.
(n.) a poem.
(n.) That which establishes or places in a desirable state or condition
(n.) External appearance
(n.) A tool somewhat like a chisel with a groove in it, used by calkers of ships to finish the seams after the oakum has been driven in.
(n.) The act of bringing spirits to a certain degree of strength, called proof.
(n.) The act of becoming reconciled or friendly.
(a.) Causing harm
(n.) The act or practice of making mischief, inciting quarrels, etc.
(n.) The act or process of making money
(a.) Affording profitable returns
(a.) Sussessful in gaining money, and devoted to that aim

cigarette (making) machine / cigarette machines Bedeutung

a mischief
deviltry devilry devilment
shenanigan ddd
reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others
sexual love
making love
love life
sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people, his lovemaking disgusted her, he hadn't had any love in months, he has a very complicated love life
lace making
the act or art of making handmade lace
the act that results in something coming to be, the devising of plans, the fashioning of pots and pans, the making of measurements, it was already in the making
movie making
film making
the production of movies
wine making
the craft and science of growing grapes and making wine
slave-making ant
an ant that attacks colonies of other ant species and carries off the young to be reared as slave ants
adding machine
a calculator that performs simple arithmetic functions
addressing machine
a printer that automatically prints addresses on letters for mailing
answering machine an electronic device that answers the telephone and records messages
automatic rifle
automatic machine rifle
light machine gun
bathhouse bathing machine a building containing dressing rooms for bathers
breathing device
breathing apparatus
breathing machine
a device that facilitates breathing in cases of respiratory failure
Browning machine gun
a belt-fed machine gun capable of firing more than rounds per minute, used by United States troops in World War II and the Korean War
burp gun
machine pistol
a fully automatic pistol, a small submachine gun
calculating machine
a small machine that is used for mathematical calculations
machine motorcar
a motor vehicle with four wheels, usually propelled by an internal combustion engine, he needs a car to get to work
cash machine
cash dispenser
automated teller machine
automatic teller machine
automated teller
automatic teller
an unattended machine (outside some banks) that dispenses money when a personal coded card is used
coffin nail
butt fag
finely ground tobacco wrapped in paper, for smoking
cigarette butt small part of a cigarette that is left after smoking
cigarette case a small flat case for holding cigarettes, can be carried in a purse or a pocket
cigarette holder a tube that holds a cigarette while it is being smoked
cigar lighter
cigarette lighter
pocket lighter
a lighter for cigars or cigarettes
computing machine
computing device
data processor
electronic computer
information processing system
a machine for performing calculations automatically
cubeb cigarette
a cigarette containing cubeb
dialysis machine
a medical instrument for separating substances in solution by unequal diffusion through semipermeable membranes
diathermy machine a medical instrument for local heating of bodily tissues for medical purposes
dish washer
dishwashing machine
a machine for washing dishes
electrostatic generator
electrostatic machine
Wimshurst machine
Van de Graaff generator
electrical device that produces a high voltage by building up a charge of static electricity
facsimile machine
duplicator that transmits the copy by wire or radio
farm machine a machine used in farming
filter-tipped cigarette a cigarette with a filter tip
franking machine a machine that automatically stamps letters or packages passing through it and computes the total charge
fruit machine a coin-operated gambling machine that produces random combinations of symbols (usually pictures of different fruits) on rotating dials, certain combinations win money for the player
heart-lung machine a pump to maintain circulation during heart surgery, diverts blood from the heart and oxygenates it and then pumps it through the body
ground-effect machine
a craft capable of moving over water or land on a cushion of air created by jet engines
ice machine an electric refrigerator to supply ice cubes
marijuana cigarette
stick spliff
marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking
knitting machine a textile machine that makes knitted fabrics
light machine gun a submachine gun not greater than . millimeter
Linotype machine
a typesetting machine operated from a keyboard that casts an entire line as a single slug of metal
lithograph machine
duplicator that prints by lithography, a flat surface (of stone or metal) is treated to absorb or repel ink in the desired pattern
machine any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks
machine simple machine a device for overcoming resistance at one point by applying force at some other point
machine bolt a bolt with a square or hexagonal head on one end and a threaded shaft on the other end, tightened with a wrench, used to connect metal parts
machine gun a rapidly firing automatic gun (often mounted)
machine screw a screw used either with a nut or with a tapped hole, slotted head can be driven by a screwdriver
machine shop workshop where metal is cut and shaped etc., by machine tools
machine stitch
sewing-machine stitch
a sewing stitch made by a sewing machine, sometimes using more than one thread
machine tool a powered machine for cutting or shaping or finishing metals or other materials
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Eine Zigarettenmaschine, auch Strangmaschine genannt, ist eine Maschine zur Herstellung von Zigaretten.

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