
Zitronenbrausebonbon Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Zitronenbrausebonbon n
sherbet lemon Br.
Zitronenbrausebonbon n
sherbet lemon Br.
Zitrone f
Zitronen pl
Zitrone f
Zitronen pl
Zitronen-Segelflossen-Doktorfisch m, Gelber Seebader m (Zebrasoma flavescens) zool.
yellow tang
Zitronen-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Zitronen-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge flavissima) zool.
lemon peel (dwarf) angel
Zitronen-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Zitronen-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge flavissima) zool.
Zitronen-Zwergkaiserfische pl; Zitronen-Herzogfische pl
lemon peel (dwarf) angel
lemon peel angels
Zitronen-Segelflossen-Doktorfisch m; Gelber Seebader m (Zebrasoma flavescens) zool.
Zitronen-Segelflossen-Doktorfische pl; Gelbe Seebader pl
yellow tang
yellow tangs
Zitrone (Frucht) f cook.
Zitronen pl
lemon (fruit)
Zitronenbaum m bot.
Zitronenbäume pl
lemon tree
lemon trees
Zitruspflanzen pl (Citrus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bergamottenbaum m; Bergamotte f (Citrus × bergamia)
Bitterorangenbaum m; Pomeranzenbaum m; Bitterorange f; Sauerorange f; Sevilla-Orange f; Pomeranze f (Citrus × aurantium)
Echter Limettenbaum m; Saurer Limettenbaum m; Mexikanischer Limettenbaum m (Citrus aurantiifolia)
Gewöhnlicher Limettenbaum m; Persischer Limettenbaum m; Tahiti-Limette f (Citrus latifolia)
Süßer Limettenbaum m (Citrus limetta)
Calamondinorangenbaum m; Calamondinorange f (Citrus fortunella Citrus mitis)
Grapefruitbaum m; Pampelmusenbaum m Norddt. Westdt. Mitteldt. ugs. selten (Citrus × paradisi)
Kaffernlimette f; Kaffir-Limette f (Citrus hystrix)
Klementinenbaum m; Clementinenbaum m; Clementine f (Citrus × clementina)
Mandarinenbaum m (Citrus reticulata)
Orangenbaum m; Süßorangenbaum m; Apfelsinenbaum m Norddt. Westdt. Mitteldt. (Citrus × sinensis)
Pampelmusenbaum m (Citrus maxima Citrus grandis)
Tangerinenbaum m (Citrus tangerina)
Zitronenbaum m (Citrus × limon)
Zwergorangenbaum m; Zwergpomeranzenbaum m; Kumquatbaum m; Zwergorange f; Zwergpomeranze f; Kumquat f (Citrus japonica)
citrus plants (botanical genus)
bergamot tree; bergamot
bitter orange tree; bitter orange; sour orange; Seville orange; bigarade orange
key lime tree; Mexican lime tree; West Indian lime tree, bartender's lime
Persian lime tree; Tahiti lime; Bearss lime
sweet lime tree; sweet lemon tree; sweet limetta
calamondin orange tree; calamondin orange
grapefruit tree
kaffir lime; makrut lime
clementine tree; clementine
mandarin orange tree; mandarine tree
orange tree
pomelo tree; pummelo tree; shaddock tree
tangerine tree
lemon tree
kumquat tree; kumquat; cumquat Austr.
Zitronenbrausebonbon n
sherbet lemon Br.
Zitronenbrillenvogel m ornith.
Ashy-bellied White-eye
Zitronenduft m
lemon fragrance
Zitronenstrauch m; Zitronenduftstrauch m; Zitronenverbene f (Aloysia citrodora triphylla) bot.
lemon beebrush; lemon verbena
Zitronenfalter m (Schmetterling) zool.
Zitronenfalter pl
brimstone butterfly
brimstone butterflies
Weißlinge pl (Pieridae) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Zitronenfalter m (Gonepteryx rhamni)
pieridae butterflies (zoological genus)
brimstone butterfly; common brimstone
Zitronenflankenvireo m ornith.
Yellow-green Vireo
zitronengelb adj
lemon-yellow, lemon-colored
Bariumchromat n; Zitronengelb n (Farbe)
lemmon-yellow Br.; lemon chrome Am. (colour)
zitronengelb adj
lemon-yellow; lemon-colored
Bariumchromat n; Zitronengelb n (Farbe)
lemon-yellow Br.; lemon chrome Am. (colour)
Zitronengilbammer f ornith.
Stripe-tailed Yellow Finch
Zitronengirlitz m, Zitronenzeisig m ornith.
Citril Finch (Serinus citrinella)
Zitronengirlitz m; Zitronenzeisig m (Serinus citrinella) ornith.
citril finch
Zitronengräser pl (Cymbopogon) (botanische Gattung) bot.
lemon grass; lemongrass; barbed wire grass; citronella grass; silky heads (botanical genus)
Zitronengras m bot.
lemongrass, lemon grass
Zitronengrasöl n
lemongrass oil
Zitrushain m, Zitronenhain m
Zitrushaine pl, Zitronenhaine pl
lemon grove
lemon groves
Zitrushain m; Zitronenhain m
Zitrushaine pl; Zitronenhaine pl
lemon grove
lemon groves
Hain m geh.; Wäldchen n bot.
Haine pl; Wäldchen n
Olivenhain m
Zitrushain m; Zitronenhain m
geweihte Haine relig. hist.
grove (literary)
olive grove
lemon grove
sacred groves
Zitronenholzbäume pl (Chloroxylon) (botanische Gattung) bot.
satinwood trees (botanical genus)
Zitronenhonigfresser m ornith.
Yellow Honeyeater
Zitronenkuchen m cook.
Zitronenkuchen pl
lemon cake
lemon cakes
Zitronenkuchen m cook.
Zitronenkuchen pl
lemon pie; lemon cake
lemon pies; lemon cakes
Zitronenlimonade f cook.
Zitronenmarmelade n cook.
lemon marmalade
Marmelade f Dt. Ös.; Konfitüre f Dt. Schw.; Gonfi f Schw. cook.
Orangenmarmelade f
Zitronenmarmelade f
Marmelade kochen
lemon marmalade
to cook jam
Zitronenmelisse f bot.
lemon balm
Melissen pl (Melissa) (botanische Gattung)
Zitronenmelisse f; Melisse f (Melissa officinalis) bot.
melissa (botanical genus)
lemon balm; common balm; balm
Zitronenöl n
lemon oil
Zitronenpieper m ornith.
Sharpe's Longclaw
Zitronenpresse f
Zitronenpressen pl
lemon squeezer
lemon squeezers
lemon squeezer
Zitruspresse f; Zitronenpresse f cook
Zitruspressen pl; Zitronenpressen pl
citrus squeezer; lemon squeezer
citrus squeezers; lemon squeezers
Zitruspresse f; Zitronenpresse f cook.
Zitruspressen pl; Zitronenpressen pl
citrus squeezer; lemon squeezer
citrus squeezers; lemon squeezers
Zitronensäure f
citric acid, citric
citric acid
Zitronensäure f
citric acid; citric
Zitratzyklus m; Citratzyklus m; Zitronensäurehyklus m; Tricarbonsäurezyklus m; Krebs-Zyklus m biochem.
tricarboxylic acid cycle
Zitratzyklus m; Citratzyklus m; Zitronensäurezyklus m; Tricarbonsäurezyklus m; Krebs-Zyklus m biochem.
tricarboxylic acid cycle
Zitronensaft m
lemon juice, lemon-juice
lemon juice
Zitronensaft m cook.
lemon juice; lemon-juice
etw. (mit etw.) beträufeln v
Fisch mit Zitronensaft beträufeln
to sprinkle sth.; to drizzle sth.; to dribble sth. (with sth.)
sprinkling; drizzling; dribbling
sprinkled; drizzled; dribbled
to sprinkle drizzle dribble fish with lemon juice
Saft m cook.
Säfte pl
Apfelsaft m
Gemüsesaft m
Grapefruitsaft m; Pampelmusensaft m Norddt. Westdt. Mitteldt. selten
Heidelbeersaft m; Blaubeerensaft m Nordwestdt. Mitteldt.; Bickbeerensaft m Norddt.; Waldbeerensaft m Mittelwestdt.; Taubeerensaft m Bayr.; Schwarzbeerensaft m Mittelös. Westös.; Moosbeerensaft m Westös.; Heubeerensaft m Schw.
Himbeersaft m
Karottensaft m; Möhrensaft m Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübensaft m BW; Rüeblisaft m Schw.
Kirschsaft m
Maracujasaft m
Orangensaft m; Apfelsinensaft m selten
Pflaumensaft m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Zwetschgensaft m Dt. Schw.; Zwetschensaft m Norddt.; Quetschensaft m Süddt.; Zwetschkensaft m Ös.
Tomatensaft m
Traubensaft m
Zitronensaft m
den Saft auspressen
apple juice
vegetable juice
grapefruit juice
blueberry juice; bilberry juice; whortleberry juice
raspberry juice
carrot juice
cherry juice
passion fruit nectar
orange juice
plum juice
tomato juice
grape juice
lemon juice; lemon-juice
to press out the juice
(äußere) Zitronenschale f, Orangenschale f cook.
Zitronenschale f cook.
lemon peel
lemon peel
(äußere) Zitronenschale f; Orangenschale f cook.
Zitronenscheibe f
Zitronenscheiben pl
twist of lemon
twists of lemon
etw. mit etw. verzieren; schmücken; garnieren cook.; dekorieren; aufputzen ugs. v
verzierend; schmückend; garnierend; dekorierend; aufputzend
verziert; geschmückt; garniert; dekoriert; aufgeputzt
mit einer frischen Zitronenscheibe garniert
die Cocktails mit kleinen Papierschirmchen schmücken
eine erfundene Geschichte mit einigen Fakten aufputzen
to garnish sth. with sth.
garnished with a fresh lemon slice
to garnish the cocktails with tiny paper umbrellas
to garnish fiction with some facts
Zitronenschnabel-Ruderammer f ornith.
Saffron-billed Sparrow
Zitronensittich m ornith.
Mountain Parakeet
Zitronenstelze f ornith.
Citrine Wagtail (Motacilla citreola)
Zitronenstelze f (Motacilla citreola) ornith.
citrine wagtail
Stelzen pl (Motacilla) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Bachstelze f (Motacilla alba)
Trauerbachstelze f (Motacilla alba yarrellii)
Japanische Bachstelze f (Motacilla alba lugens)
Bergstelze f; Gebirgsstelze f (Motacilla cinerea)
Japanstelze f (Motacilla grandis)
Kapstelze f (Motacilla capensis)
Madagaskarstelze f (Motacilla flaviventris)
Mamulastelze f (Motacilla maderaspatensis)
Mekongstelze f (Motacilla samveasnae)
Langschwanzstelze f (Motacilla clara)
Schafstelze f (Motacilla flava)
Wiesenschafstelze f (Motacilla flava flava)
Witwenstelze f (Motacilla aguimp)
Zitronenstelze f (Motacilla citreola)
wagtails (zoological genus)
white wagtail
pied wagtail
black-backed wagtail; Japanese pied wagtail
grey wagtail
Japanese wagtail
Cape wagtail
Madagascan wagtail
white-browed wagtail; large-pied wagtail
Mekong wagtail
mountain wagtail; long-tailed wagtail
Western yellow wagtail
blue-headed wagtail
African pied wagtail
citrine wagtail; yellow-headed wagtail
Zitronentangare f ornith.
Black & Yellow Tanager

Deutsche Zitronenbrausebonbon Synonyme

Englische sherbet lemon Synonyme

Zitronenbrausebonbon Definition

(n.) An oval or roundish fruit resembling the orange, and containing a pulp usually intensely acid. It is produced by a tropical tree of the genus Citrus, the common fruit known in commerce being that of the species C. Limonum or C. Medica (var. Limonum). There are many varieties of the fruit, some of which are sweet.
(n.) The tree which bears lemons
Sea lemon
() Any one of several species of nudibranchiate mollusks of the genus Doris and allied genera, having a smooth, thick, convex yellow body.
(n.) A refreshing drink, common in the East, made of the juice of some fruit, diluted, sweetened, and flavored in various ways
(n.) A flavored water ice.
(n.) A preparation of bicarbonate of soda, tartaric acid, sugar, etc., variously flavored, for making an effervescing drink
Water lemon
() The edible fruit of two species of passion flower (Passiflora laurifolia, and P. maliformis)

sherbet lemon [Br.] Bedeutung

lemon shark
Negaprion brevirostris
common shallow-water schooling shark of the Atlantic from North Carolina to Brazil and off west Africa, dangerous
winter flounder
blackback flounder
lemon sole Pseudopleuronectes americanus
important American food fish in the winter
lemon sole Microstomus kitt European flatfish highly valued as food
lemon sole
Solea lascaris
small European sole
English sole
lemon sole Parophrys vitulus
popular pale brown food flatfish of the Pacific coast of North America
an artifact (especially an automobile) that is defective or unsatisfactory
lemon grove a grove of lemon trees
lemon yellow
a strong yellow color
lemon a distinctive tart flavor characteristic of lemons
lemon drop a hard candy with lemon flavor and a yellow color and (usually) the shape of a lemon
lemon peel strips of lemon peel cooked in sugar and coated with sugar
a frozen dessert made primarily of fruit juice and sugar, but also containing milk or egg-white or gelatin
lemon meringue pie pie containing lemon custard and topped with meringue
lemon curd
lemon cheese
a conserve with a thick consistency, made with lemons and butter and eggs and sugar
lemon peel
lemon rind
the rind of a lemon
lemon yellow oval fruit with juicy acidic flesh
bell apple
sweet cup
water lemon
yellow granadilla
the edible yellow fruit of the Jamaica honeysuckle
lemon sole English sole highly valued almost pure white flesh
lemon sole winter flounder flesh of American flounder, important in the winter
lemon zest tiny bits of lemon peel
lemon oil fragrant yellow oil obtained from the lemon peel
lemon balm lemony leaves used for a tisane or in soups or fruit punches
lemon extract a flavoring made from (or imitating) lemons
Meuniere butter
lemon butter
clarified butter browned slowly and seasoned with lemon juice and parsley
lemon juice usually freshly squeezed juice of lemons
bitter lemon tart lemon-flavored carbonated drink
lemon grass
a tropical grass native to India and Sri Lanka
lemon-scented gum
Eucalyptus citriodora
Eucalyptus maculata citriodora
similar to but smaller than the spotted gum and having lemon-scented leaves
love-in-a-mist running pop
wild water lemon
Passiflora foetida
tropical American passion flower with finely dissected bracts, stems malodorous when crushed
lemon lily
Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus
Hemerocallis flava
a day lily with yellow flowers
lemonwood tree
lemon-wood tree
Psychotria capensis
South African evergreen having hard tough wood
lemon geranium Pelargonium limoneum a common garden geranium with lemon-scented foliage
lemon tree
Citrus limon
a small evergreen tree that originated in Asia but is widely cultivated for its fruit
sweet lemon
sweet lime
Citrus limetta
lemon tree having fruit with a somewhat insipid sweetish pulp
fragrant sumac
lemon sumac
Rhus aromatica
sweet-scented sumac of eastern America having ternate leaves and yellowish-green flowers in spikes resembling catkins followed by red hairy fruits
lemon balm
garden balm
sweet balm
bee balm beebalm Melissa officinalis
bushy perennial Old World mint having small white or yellowish flowers and fragrant lemon-flavored leaves, a garden escapee in northern Europe and North America
bergamot mint lemon mint eau de cologne mint
Mentha citrata
mint with leaves having perfume like that of the bergamot orange
lemon mint horsemint Monarda citriodora an annual horsemint of central and western United States and northern Mexico
plains lemon monarda
Monarda pectinata
annual of southern United States
lemon grass
lemongrass oil
an aromatic oil that smells like lemon and is widely used in Asian cooking and in perfumes and medicines
lemon-scented smelling of lemons
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