
Zug Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Teilgeständnis n
Teilgeständnisse pl
Er legte ein Teilgeständnis ab indem er die Körperverletzung zugab aber den Raubvorwurf bestritt.
partial confession
partial confessions
He made Br. gave Am. a partial confession admitting to the bodily injury but denying the robbery charge.
Teilgeständnis n
Teilgeständnisse pl
Er legte ein Teilgeständnis ab, indem er die Körperverletzung zugab, aber den Raubvorwurf bestritt.
partial confession
partial confessions
He made Br. gave Am. a partial confession, admitting to the bodily injury, but denying the robbery charge.
Aufschlag, Zugabe, Beigabe
Dreingabe, Zugabe
Zugabe für persönliche Bedürfnisse
allowance for personal needs
Zugabe für Ruhezeit
rest allowance
Zugabe zur Erholung
allowance for recovery
Zugabe zur Erholung
relaxation allowance
Aufmaß n, Zuschlag m, Toleranz f, Zugabe f, Materialzugabe f
Zugabe f (Konzert, Theater)
Zugaben pl
Zugabe f, Extra n
Zugaben pl, Extras pl
Extras auf Wunsch
optional extras
als Zugabe geben
to throw in
als Zugabe gegeben
threw in
als Zugabe geben
throw in
Aufmaß n; Zuschlag m; Toleranz f; Zugabe f; Materialzugabe f
Bruchstein m (als Zugabe zu Massenbeton) constr.
pudding stone
Gratisbeigabe f; Dreingabe f; Zugabe f
Gratisbeigaben pl; Dreingaben pl; Zugaben pl
Zugabe f; Dreingabe f Süddt. Schw.; Draufgabe f Ös. art
Zugaben pl; Dreingaben pl; Draufgaben pl
Zugabe f; Zuschlag m; Extra n; Zuwaage f Mitteldt Ostdt. Ös.; Dreingabe f Bayr. Schw.; Draufgabe f Ös. übtr.
Zugaben pl; Zuschläge pl; Extras pl; Zuwaagen pl; Dreingaben pl; Draufgaben pl
Extras auf Wunsch
added extra; extra; bonus fig.
added extras; extras; bonuses
optional extras
Zusatz m; Zugabe f; Zutat f
Zusätze pl; Zugaben pl; Zutaten pl
etw. als Zugabe geben
to throw in () sth.
obendrein adv; zusätzlich adv
als Zugabe
noch dazu
for good measure
for good measure
for good measure
Zugabe f; Beigabe f; Beimischung f (bei Flüssigkeiten); Beifügen n; Hinzufügen n; Hinzugeben n; Hinzukommen n; Zugeben n; Zusetzen n; Ergänzen n (von etw.) (Vorgang)
ohne Zusatz von
unter Zusatz von
das Ergänzen des Grabsteins mit einem zusätzlichen Namen
die Ausstattung der Schule mit neuen Computern
das Hinzukommen weiterer Wegebenutzer
die Suppe durch Hinzufügen von Rahm binden
Der Geschmack von Karamell und Apfel wird durch (die) Zugabe von Zimt noch weiter verfeinert.
Ein Wakeboard hat eine ähnliche Form wie ein Snowboard, aber zusätzlich noch zwei schmale Rippen an der Unterseite.
Das Fischgericht kann mit einem gut gewählten Wein noch aufgewertet werden.
addition (of sth.) (process)
without the addition of; without adding
while adding of
the addition of an extra name to the headstone
the addition of new computers to the school
the addition of further users to the right of way
to thicken the soup by the addition of cream
The flavours of caramel and apple are further enhanced with the addition of cinnamon.
A wakeboard is similar in shape to a snowboard, with the addition of two small fins on the underside.
The fish dish can be improved with the addition of a well chosen wine accompaniment.
Zugabe f; Zuschlag m; Extra n; Zuwaage f Mitteldt. Ostdt. Ös.; Dreingabe f Bayr. Schw.; Draufgabe f Ös. übtr.
Zugaben pl; Zuschläge pl; Extras pl; Zuwaagen pl; Dreingaben pl; Draufgaben pl
Extras auf Wunsch
added extra; extra; bonus fig.
added extras; extras; bonuses
optional extras
etw. als Zugabe geben v
to throw in () sth.
obendrein adv; zusätzlich; noch dazu; als Zugabe adv
for good measure
Angabe der Zugaben
indication of ingredients
Zugabfahrtstafel f; Abfahrtstafel f (Bahn)
train departure indicator (railway)
Zugabfertigung f; Zugsabfertigung f; Abfertigung f eines Zuges (Bahn)
dispatch of a train; vehicle readiness control (railway)
Fahrdienstleiter m; Zugabfertigungsbeamter m Schw. (Bahn)
Fahrdienstleiter pl; Zugabfertigungsbeamte pl
Fahrdienstleiter eines Zugleitbahnhofs
traffic controller; rail controller; controller (railway)
traffic controllers; rail controller; controllers
single-track line traffic controller
Zugabteil n
Zugabteile pl
train compartment
train compartments
Eisenbahnabteil n; Zugabteil n; Abteil n
train compartment; compartment (of a train)
Eisenbahnabteil n; Zugabteil n; Zugsabteil n Ös.; Coupé n Ös.; Wagenabteil n adm.; Abteil n (Bahn)
Eisenbahnabteile pl; Zugabteile pl; Zugsabteile pl; Wagenabteile pl; Abteile pl
train compartment (railway)
train compartments
Zugang m, Zutritt m (zu)
Zugänge pl
gemeinsamer Zugang
Zugang verboten
Zugang zu einem Beruf
access (to)
shared access
access denied
access to a profession
Zugang m
Zugänge pl
Denkansatz m; Ansatz m (für etw.); Zugang m (zu etw.)
Denkansätze pl; Ansätze pl; Zugänge pl
Therapieansatz m
richtiger Denkansatz
falscher Denkansatz
pragmatischer Zugang
wissenschaftlicher Ansatz
basic approach; approach (to sth.)
basic approaches; approaches
therapeutic approach
right approach
wrong approach
pragmatic approach
scientific approach
Online-Zugang m
Online-Zugänge pl
online computer access
online computer accesses
Zugang m; Zutritt m (zu)
Zugänge pl
gemeinsamer Zugang
Zugang verboten
Zugang zu einem Beruf
access (to)
shared access
access denied
access to a profession
Zugangsweg m; Zugang m (zu einem Ort)
Zugangswege pl; Zugänge pl
approach (to a place)
Denkansatz m; Ansatz m (für etw.); Zugang m (zu etw.)
Denkansätze pl; Ansätze pl; Zugänge pl
Gesamtansatz zur Migrationsfrage
Therapieansatz m
richtiger Denkansatz
falscher Denkansatz
pragmatischer Zugang
wissenschaftlicher Ansatz
basic approach; approach (to sth.)
basic approaches; approaches
global approach to the migration issue
therapeutic approach
right approach
wrong approach
pragmatic approach
scientific approach
Online-Zugang m (zu einer Datenbank usw.) comp.
Online-Zugänge pl
online computer access (to a database etc.)
online computer accesses
Zugang m; Zutritt m (zu)
Zugänge pl
gemeinsamer Zugang
Zugang verboten
Zugang zu einem Beruf
Zugang zu den Wohnungen gewährleisten
access (to)
shared access
access denied
access to a profession
to provide access to the flats
durchlässig, zugänglich, durchdringlich adj
erhältlich sein, zugänglich sein
to be available
erschließen (Bauland, Gebiet), nutzbar machen, zugänglich machen
erschließend, nutzbar machend, zugänglich machend
erschlossen, nutzbar gemacht, zugänglich gemacht
sie erschließt, er
sie macht nutzbar, er
sie macht zugänglich
sie erschloss (erschloß alt), ich
sie machte nutzbar, ich
sie machte zugänglich
sie hat
hatte erschlossen, er
sie hat
hatte nutzbar gemacht, er
sie hat
hatte machte zugänglich
to develop
she developes
she developed
she has
had developed
geöffnet, offen adj
geöffnet, öffentlich, der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich
opened, open, unclosed
open to the public
schwer, schwierig, diffizil adj
schwerer, schwieriger, diffiziler
am schwersten, am schwierigsten, am diffizilsten
viel schwerer, viel schwieriger
schwer zugänglich
schwer vermittelbar
schwer zu erklären
jdm. fällt etw. schwer
jdm. etw. schwer machen
difficult, difficile, hard
more difficult, more difficile, harder
most difficult, most difficile, hardest
much more difficult
difficult to access
difficult to place
difficult of explanation, difficult to explain
sb. finds sth. difficult
to make sth. difficult for oneself
zugänglich, erreichbar, einsehbar, erschlossen adj
am zugänglichsten
einfach zugänglich
züganglich werden, sich erschließen
more accessible
most accessible
easily accessible
to become accessible
zugänglich adv
zugänglich adj
zugänglich, willig adj
zugänglich adj
zugänglich machen
to customize
zugaenglich machen
schwer zugaenglich
difficult of access
der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich
open to the public
geöffnet, zugänglich
open to the public
Geheimhaltung f
unter größter Geheimhaltung
aus Gründen der Geheimhaltung
Geheimhaltung einer Erfindung
Aufhebung der Geheimhaltung
zur Geheimhaltung verpflichtet werden
Die Mitglieder des Beirats sind hinsichtlich der ihnen zugänglich gemachten Unterlagen zur Geheimhaltung verpflichtet.
in the greatest secrecy
on grounds of secrecy
secrecy of an invention
to be sworn to secrecy
The members of the Advisory Committee are bound to secrecy in respect of the documents to which they are given access.
etw. der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich machen
to make sth. available to the public; to make sth. publicly available
allgemein; generell adv
allgemein bekannt; allbekannt
allgemein anerkannt
allgemein gültig
allgemein zugänglich
universally; generally
universally generally known
universally accepted acknowledged recognized
universally valid
universally generally accessible
aufgeschlossen; offen; zugänglich adj (gegenüber etw.) psych. soc.
ein aufgeschlossenes Publikum
neuen Ideen gegenüber aufgeschlossen offen sein
Ich habe versucht ihn zum Reden zu bringen aber er war nicht sehr zugänglich.
receptive; responsive (to sth.)
a receptive responsive audience
to be receptive responsive to new ideas
I tried to get him talking but he wasn't very responsive.

Deutsche Zug Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Zug Synonym nachschlagen

Englische partial confession Synonyme

partial  AF  adulterated  antiblack  arrested  audio frequency  biased  blemished  callow  chauvinistic  colored  damaged  defective  deficient  denominational  discriminatory  doctrinaire  dogmatic  embryonic  erroneous  factional  failing  fallible  faulty  fond of  found wanting  fractional  fragmentary  frequency  fundamental  fundamental tone  half  halfway  harmonic  hypoplastic  immature  impaired  imperfect  imprecise  impure  in arrear  in arrears  in default  in favor of  in short supply  inaccurate  inadequate  inclined  incomplete  inexact  infant  influenced  interested  intonation  involved  jaundiced  know-nothing  lacking  makeshift  mediocre  missing  mixed  monotone  monotony  needing  nonobjective  not perfect  off  one-and-a-half  one-sided  opinionated  overtone  part  partial to  partial tone  partisan  partly  party  patchy  pitch  predisposed to  prejudiced  prepossessed  racist  scant  scanty  scrappy  sectarian  sectary  sectional  segmental  segmentary  sexist  short  shy  sketchy  superpatriotic  swayed  tendentious  tone  tonelessness  twisted  ultranationalist  underdeveloped  undetached  undeveloped  undispassionate  uneven  unfair  unfinished  unneutral  unperfected  unsound  unthorough  wanting  warped  xenophobic  
partial to  aching for  attached to  bent on  crazy about  crazy to  desirous of  devoted to  dying for  dying to  enamored of  fain of  far gone on  fond of  gone on  hipped on  in love with  inclined toward  itching for  keen on  leaning toward  mad about  mad on  nuts about  set on  smitten with  spoiling for  struck with  stuck on  sweet on  taken with  wedded to  wild about  wild to  wrapped up in  
partiality  affinity  appreciation  bag  bent  bias  chosen kind  clannishness  clanship  cliqueyness  cliquishness  cliquism  cup of tea  denominationalism  discrimination  druthers  esprit de corps  ethnocentricity  exclusiveness  eye  faction  factionalism  fancy  fascination  favor  favoritism  fetish  fondness  forejudgment  inclination  inclining  inequality  interest  involvement  jaundice  jaundiced eye  leaning  liking  love  mutual affinity  mutual attraction  nepotism  one-sidedness  parti pris  partialism  particular choice  partisanism  partisanship  party spirit  penchant  personal choice  preconception  predilection  predisposition  preference  preferential treatment  prejudgment  prejudice  prepossession  proclivity  propensity  relish  sectarianism  sectionalism  soft spot  style  sympathy  taste  tendency  thing  turn  twist  type  undetachment  undispassionateness  unneutrality  weakness  
partially  after a fashion  appreciably  at any rate  at best  at least  at most  at the least  at the most  at the outside  at worst  by halves  comparatively  defectively  deficiently  detectably  fairly  faultily  imperfectly  in a manner  in a way  in half measures  in installments  in part  in some measure  inadequately  incompletely  indefensibly  inexcusably  inexpiably  iniquitously  interestedly  irremissibly  leastwise  merely  mildly  moderately  modestly  not comprehensively  not exhaustively  one-sidedly  only  part  partly  pro tanto  purely  relatively  simply  so far  somewhat  thus far  to a degree  to some degree  to some extent  tolerably  unallowably  unconscionably  undeservedly  undispassionately  unequally  unevenly  unfairly  unforgivably  unjustifiably  unjustly  unpardonably  unreasonably  unwarrantably  visibly  wrongfully  wrongly  

Zug Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Admit
(a.) Having a body or material form
(a.) Of or pertaining to the body, in distinction from the mind.
(a.) Real
(adv.) Corporeally
(adv.) In respect to, or so as to affect, the entire body or mass
(v. t.) To lay on or impose, as a load, tax, or burden
(v. t.) To lay on or impose, as a task, duty, or trust
(v. t.) To lay on, impose, or make subject to or liable for.
(v. t.) To fix or demand as a price
(v. t.) To place something to the account of as a debt
(v. t.) To impute or ascribe
(v. t.) To accuse
(v. t.) To place within or upon any firearm, piece of apparatus or machinery, the quantity it is intended and fitted to hold or bear
(v. t.) To ornament with or cause to bear
(v. t.) To assume as a bearing
(v. t.) To call to account
(v. t.) To bear down upon
(v. i.) To make an onset or rush
(v. i.) To demand a price
(v. i.) To debit on an account
(v. i.) To squat on its belly and be still
(v. t.) A load or burder laid upon a person or thing.
(v. t.) A person or thing commited or intrusted to the care, custody, or management of another
(v. t.) Custody or care of any person, thing, or place
(v. t.) Heed
(v. t.) Harm.
(v. t.) An order
(v. t.) An address (esp. an earnest or impressive address) containing instruction or exhortation
(v. t.) An accusation of a wrong of offense
(v. t.) Whatever constitutes a burden on property, as rents, taxes, lines, etc.
(v. t.) The price demanded for a thing or service.
(v. t.) An entry or a account of that which is due from one party to another
(v. t.) That quantity, as of ammunition, electricity, ore, fuel, etc., which any apparatus, as a gun, battery, furnace, machine, etc., is intended to receive and fitted to hold, or which is actually in it at one time
(v. t.) The act of rushing upon, or towards, an enemy
(v. t.) A position (of a weapon) fitted for attack
(v. t.) A soft of plaster or ointment.
(v. t.) A bearing. See Bearing, n., 8.
(n.) Thirty-six pigs of lead, each pig weighing about seventy pounds
(n.) Weight
Charge d'affaires
(n.) A diplomatic representative, or minister of an inferior grade, accredited by the government of one state to the minister of foreign affairs of another
(n.) Acknowledgment
(n.) Acknowledgment of belief
(n.) The act of disclosing sins or faults to a priest in order to obtain sacramental absolution.
(n.) A formulary in which the articles of faith are comprised
(n.) An admission by a party to whom an act is imputed, in relation to such act. A judicial confession settles the issue to which it applies
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Deny
(v. t.) To load with a double charge, as of gunpowder.
(v. t.) To overcharge.
() imp. of Give.

partial confession / partial confessions / He made [Br.] gave [Am.] a partial confession admitting to the bodily injury but denying the robbery charge. Bedeutung

partial breach a breach that does not destroy the value of the contract but can give rise to a claim for damages
incomplete abortion
partial abortion
termination of pregnancy without expulsion of all of the products of conception
charge commission
a special assignment that is given to a person or group, a confidential mission to London, his charge was deliver a message
legal injury
any harm or injury resulting from a violation of a legal right
injury wrongdoing that violates another's rights and is unjustly inflicted
injury an act that causes someone or something to receive physical damage
robbery larceny by threat of violence
armed robbery
heist holdup
robbery at gunpoint
highway robbery robbery of travellers on or near a public road
care charge
tutelage guardianship
attention and management implying responsibility for safety, he is in the care of a bodyguard
plundering during riots or in wartime
charge an impetuous rush toward someone or something, the wrestler's charge carried him past his adversary, the battle began with a cavalry charge
banzai attack
banzai charge
a mass attack of troops without concern for casualties, originated by Japanese who accompanied it with yells of `banzai'
confession (Roman Catholic Church) the act of a penitent disclosing his sinfulness before a priest in the sacrament of penance in the hope of absolution
confession of judgment
confession of judgement
cognovit judgment
cognovit judgement
a judgment entered after a written confession by the debtor without the expense of ordinary legal proceedings
partial verdict (criminal law) a finding that the defendant is guilty of some charges but innocent of others
robbery conviction conviction for robbery
bursting charge
explosive charge
a quantity of explosive to be set off at one time, this cartridge has a powder charge ofgrains
charge bearing heraldic bearing
armorial bearing
heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield
charge-exchange accelerator an accelerator in which high-energy ions escape from plasma following charge exchange
an item made to the customer's specifications
depth charge
depth bomb
a bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water, antisubmarine device
partial denture a denture replacing one or more teeth in a dental arch
ready-made a manufactured artifact (as a garment or piece of furniture) that is made in advance and available for purchase, their apartment was furnished with ready-mades
reservoir artificial lake
man-made lake
lake used to store water for community use
soap scoop max
liquid ecstasy
grievous bodily harm
Georgia home boy
easy lay
street names for gamma hydroxybutyrate
tailor-made custom-made clothing
bodily property an attribute of the body
anatomical structure
complex body part
bodily structure
body structure
a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing, he has good bone structure
bodily cavity
(anatomy) a natural hollow or sinus within the body
liquid body substance
bodily fluid
body fluid
the liquid parts of the body
partial partial tone
a harmonic with a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency
Dalton's law
Dalton's law of partial pressures
law of partial pressures
(chemistry and physics) law stating that the pressure exerted by a mixture of gases equals the sum of the partial pressures of the gases in the mixture, the pressure of a gas in a mixture equals the pressure it would exert if it occupied the same volume alone at the same temperature
partial derivative
the derivative of a function of two or more variables with respect to a single variable while the other variables are considered to be constant
partial correlation a correlation between two variables when the effects of one or more related variables are removed
Kendall partial rank correlation a nonparametric measure of partial correlation
conservation of charge
conservation of electricity
the principle that the total electric charge of a system remains constant despite changes inside the system
confession a written document acknowledging an offense and signed by the guilty party
confession the document that spells out the belief system of a given church (especially the Reformation churches of the th century)
Augsburg Confession the document drawn up in to defend the catholicity of Lutheran doctrine and to justify innovations in Lutheran practice, is still in effect today
day book
police blotter
rap sheet
charge sheet
the daily written record of events (as arrests) in a police station
(criminal law) a pleading describing some wrong or offense, he was arrested on a charge of larceny
partial differential equation a differential equation involving a functions of more than one variable
confession a public declaration of your faith
accusation charge an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence, the newspaper published charges that Jones was guilty of drunken driving
commission charge direction a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something, the judge's charge to the jury
charge billing request for payment of a debt, they submitted their charges at the end of each month
confession an admission of misdeeds or faults
murder charge
murder indictment
an indictment charging someone with murder
accidental injury
an accident that results in physical damage or hurt
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