
Zukunftsglaube Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Zukunftsglaube m
faith in the future
Zukunftsglaube m
faith in the future
Zukunftsangst f, Angst vor der Zukunft
fear of the future
Zukunftsangst f; Angst vor der Zukunft
fear of the future
Zukunftsaussichten pl, Zukunftsperspektiven pl
future prospects
Wermutstropfen m ĂŒbtr.
Die Zukunftsaussichten fĂŒr die Mannschaft werden nur durch das hohe Alter der Spielmacher getrĂŒbt.
drop of bitterness; a bitter pill; cloud on the horizon; fly in the ointment fig.
The only cloud on the horizon for the team is the advanced age of its playmakers.
Zukunftsaussichten pl; Zukunftsperspektiven pl
future prospects
dĂŒstere Zukunftsaussichten pl; dĂŒstere Zukunft f
Untergangsstimmung f
Es ist nicht alles verloren (fĂŒr jdn.).; Die Lage ist nicht hoffnungslos.
doom and gloom; gloom and doom
general feeling of doom and gloom
It's not all doom and gloom (for sb.).
zukunftsbezogen adj
nach vorne gerichtet; nach vorne schauend; vorwÀrtsschauend; vorwÀrtsgewandt; fortschrittlich; zukunftsgerichtet; zukunftsorientiert; zukunftsbezogen adj
forward-looking; future-oriented; future-orientated Br.
Zukunftsvision f; Zukunftsbild n
Zukunftsvisionen pl; Zukunftsbilder pl
vision of the future
visions of the future
Zukunftsbranche f
sunrise industry
Zukunftsbranche f; Zukunftssektor m econ.
Zukunftsbranchen pl; Zukunftssektoren pl
sunrise industry; future-oriented sector
sunrise industries; future-oriented sectors; sectors with future potential
Zukunftschancen pl
chances for the future, future chances
Zukunftschancen pl
chances for the future; future chances
Zukunftsdenken m
progressive thinking
fortschrittlich; zukunftsgerichtet; progressiv adj pol.
Zukunftsdenken m
progressive thinking
Zukunftserwartung f; Zukunftserwartungen pl
expectations for of the future
zukunftsfĂ€hig, tragfĂ€hig ĂŒbtr. adj
future-oriented, sustainable
zukunftsfĂ€hig; tragfĂ€hig ĂŒbtr. adj
future-oriented; sustainable
dauerhaft; nachhaltig; tragfÀhig; zukunftsfÀhig adj econ. envir. pol. soc.
nachhaltige Entwicklung
nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung
Ziele fĂŒr nachhaltige Entwicklung
sustainable; sustained
sustainable development
sustainable management
sustainable development goals SDG
ZukunftsfÀhigkeit f
rĂŒckwĂ€rtsgerichtet; rĂŒckwĂ€rtsgewandt; rĂŒckschrittlich; fortschrittsfeindlich; zukunftsfeindlich; vergangenheitsbezogen adj pej.
backward-looking; hidebound
Zukunftsforscher m
Zukunftsforscher m; Zukunftsforscherin f
Zukunftsforscher pl; Zukunftsforscherinnen pl
Zukunftsforschung f
Zukunftsforschungen pl
zukunftsglÀubig adj
believing in the future
Zukunftsglaube m
faith in the future
Zukunftshypothek f ĂŒbtr. pol.
burden for future generations
demgemĂ€ĂŸ; dementsprechend; entsprechend; danach adv
Wird die Abnahmemenge verringert reduziert sich der Beitrag des Förderungsgebers entsprechend.
Es ist ein Zukunftsmarkt entsprechend groß ist die Konkurrenz.
If the purchase volume is reduced the contribution of the contracting party is decreased accordingly.
It is an emerging market and as a result competition is fierce.
entsprechend; danach adv
entsprechend handeln
Wird die Abnahmemenge verringert, reduziert sich der Beitrag des Förderungsgebers entsprechend.
Es ist ein Zukunftsmarkt, entsprechend groß ist die Konkurrenz.
Angesichts der neuen Sachlage werde ich den Bericht entsprechend abÀndern.
to act accordingly
If the purchase volume is reduced, the contribution of the contracting party is decreased accordingly.
It is an emerging market and, as a result, competition is fierce.
In view of the new situation, I shall alter the report accordingly.
Zukunftsmusik f
dreams of the future
Das ist alles noch Zukunftsmusik.
That's all still up in the air.
dreams of the future
in der Schwebe sein; offen sein v
Das ist in der Schwebe.
Das ist alles noch Zukunftsmusik.
to be up in the air
That's up in the air (pending).
That's all still up in the air.
Zukunftsmusik f ugs.
noch Zukunftsmusik sein
dreams of the future; pie in the sky coll.
to be still a long way off
wir mußten zukunftsorientiert vorgehen
we had to look at the future
zukunftsorientiert, zukunftsweisend adj
future-oriented, future-orientated
zukunftsorientiert; zukunftsweisend adj
future-oriented; future-orientated
GeschÀftsbereich m; GeschÀftsfeld n; GeschÀftssegment n econ.
GeschÀftsbereiche pl; GeschÀftsfelder pl; GeschÀftssegmente pl
strategische Ausrichtung in zukunftsorientierten GeschÀftsfeldern
business area; business sector; business segment
business areas; business sectors; business segments
strategic alignment with forward-looking areas of business
Zukunftsorientierung f
orientation towards the future
Zukunftsperspektive f
future prospects
Zukunftsperspektive f
future prospects; future outlook; outlook for the future
zukunftspessimistisch; dystopisch adj lit.
Zukunftsplan m
ZukunftsplÀne pl
plan for the future
plans for the future
plans for the future
zuletzt; letztens adv (bei AufzÀhlungen)
drittens und letztens
Zuletzt möchte ich Sie nach Ihren ZukunftsplÀnen fragen.
lastly (when listing things)
thirdly and lastly
Lastly I'd like to ask you about your future plans.
zuletzt; letztens adv (bei AufzÀhlungen)
drittens und letztens
Zuletzt möchte ich Sie nach Ihren ZukunftsplÀnen fragen.
lastly (when listing things)
thirdly and lastly
Lastly, I'd like to ask you about your future plans.
Zukunftsplanung f
planning for the future
Prognose f, Zukunftsprognose f
Prognosen pl, Zukunftsprognosen pl
forecast, prognosis
Prognose f; Zukunftsprognose f
Prognosen pl; Zukunftsprognosen pl
forecast; prognosis
Zukunftsprognose f
Zukunftsprognosen pl
zukunftstrÀchtig; zukunftsreich adj
zukunftstrÀchtige Entwicklung f
with a promising future; seminal
seminal development
zukunftstrÀchtig; zukunftsreich; mit Zukunft (nachgestellt) adj
zukunftstrÀchtige Entwicklung
promising; full of promise; with a promising future
promising development
Zukunftsroman m
science fiction novel
science fiction novel
zukunftssicher adj
future-proof, assured of a good future
zukunftssicher adj
future-proof; assured of a good future
Zukunftssicherung f
safeguarding the future
Zukunftsstrategie f
Zukunftsstrategien pl
future strategy
future strategies
Szenario n (Beschreibung von möglichen Ereignissen)
Szenarien pl
Angriffsszenario n
Bedrohungsszenarien pl
Zukunftsszenario n
schlimmstes Szenario
im schlimmsten Fall
scenario (description of what could possibly happen)
attack scenario
threat scenarios; threatening scenarios
future scenario
worst-case scenario
in the worst-case scenario
pessimistisches Zukunftsszenario n; Dystopie f lit.
pessimistic future scenario; dystopia; cacotopia; kakotopia
zukunftstrÀchtig adj
zukunftstrÀchtige Entwicklung f
with a promising future, seminal
seminal development
fruchtbar; zukunftstrÀchtig; richtungsweisend adj
Utopie f; Utopia n (fiktive Zukunftsvision; fiktive positive Gesellschaftsordnung)
Zukunftsvorsorge f
provision(s) for the future; safeguarding the interests of future generations
richtunggebend, richtungsgebend, richtungsweisend, zukunftsweisend adj
richtungsweisendes Produkt, richtungsweisendes Unternehmen, Trendsetter m
trend-setting, guiding
zukunftsweisend, fortschrittlich adj

Deutsche Zukunftsglaube Synonyme

Englische faith in the future Synonyme

faith  Weltanschauung  abandon  acceptation  acception  acquiescence  activity  adherence  adherents  adhesion  adoration  allegiance  apostolic faith  ardency  ardor  arrogance  articles of religion  aspiration  assumption  assurance  assured faith  assuredness  attachment  avouch  avouchment  belief  bona fides  bond  bonne foi  campaign  cardinal virtues  catechism  cause  certainty  certitude  charity  cheerful expectation  church  churchgoing  class  cocksureness  commitment  committedness  communion  compliance  confession  confidence  confidentness  conformity  connection  consecration  constancy  conviction  courage  credence  credenda  credit  credo  credulity  creed  crusade  cult  cultism  dedication  denomination  dependence  desire  devotedness  devotion  devoutness  disciples  doctrinal statement  doctrine  dogma  doomed hope  drive  duteousness  dutifulness  duty  earnestness  expectation  fair prospect  faithfulness  fealty  fervency  fervent hope  fervidness  fervor  fidelity  fire  firmness  followers  formulated belief  fortitude  good cheer  good faith  good hope  gospel  great cause  great expectations  guarantee  heartiness  heat  heatedness  high hopes  homage  hope  hopeful prognosis  hopefulness  hopes  hoping  hoping against hope  hubris  ideology  impassionedness  intensity  intentness  interest  ism  issue  justice  lifework  love  love of God  loyalty  mass movement  movement  natural virtues  oath  obedience  obediency  obligation  observance  old-time religion  order  orthodoxy  overconfidence  oversureness  overweening  overweeningness  parole  passion  passionateness  persuasion  pietism  piety  piousness  pledge  plight  poise  political faith  political philosophy  pomposity  positiveness  prayerful hope  presumption  pride  primitive faith  principle  promise  prospect  prospects  prudence  reason for being  reception  reliance  reliance on  religion  religionism  religious belief  religious faith  religiousness  resolution  rever  
faithful  Christian  Christianlike  Christianly  abandoned  accepted  accurate  acquiescent  active  adoring  affectionate  afire  approved  ardent  assiduous  assured  at one with  attached  authentic  authoritative  believing  breathing  burning  calculable  canonical  careful  certain  close  committed  compliant  complying  confident  conforming  conjugal  conscientious  consistent  constant  continuing  conventional  convinced  convincing  correct  credible  cultish  cultist  cultistic  customary  dedicated  delicate  delineative  demonstrative  dependable  depictive  descriptive  detailed  devoted  devout  diligent  direct  dogged  dogmatic  doubtless  duteous  dutiful  dyed-in-the-wool  earnest  enduring  evangelical  even  exact  expositive  express  expressive  faithworthy  fast  fastidious  fervent  fervid  fideistic  fiery  filial  fine  finical  finicky  firm  flaming  fond  graphic  hearty  heated  honest  hot  hot-blooded  husbandly  immutable  impassioned  impressed with  in earnest  inalterable  indefatigable  indomitable  industrious  inerrable  inerrant  infallible  insistent  intense  intent  intent on  invincible  just  languishing  lasting  law-abiding  liege  lifelike  literal  living  lovelorn  lovesick  lovesome  loving  loyal  marble-constant  maternal  mathematical  melting  meticulous  micrometrically precise  microscopic  mindful  moral  natural  naturalistic  never-tiring  nice  obedient  observant  obstinate  of the faith  on fire  orthodox  orthodoxical  parental  particular  passionate  paternal  patient  patient as Job  perfect  perfervid  permanent  perseverant  persevering  persistent  persisting  persuaded  pertinacious  pietistic  pinpoint  pious  pistic  plodding  plugging  positive  practicing  prayerful  precise  predictable  preoccupied  proper  punctilious  punctual  rapt  realistic  received  red-hot  refined  regardful  relentless  reliable  religious  religiously exact  representative  resolute  reverent  reverential  rig  
faithful servant  apple-polisher  ass-licker  backscratcher  backslapper  bootlick  bootlicker  brown-nose  brownie  clawback  courtier  creature  cringer  dupe  fawner  flatterer  flunky  footlicker  groveler  handshaker  helot  instrument  jackal  kowtower  lackey  led captain  lickspit  lickspittle  mealymouth  minion  peon  puppet  serf  slave  spaniel  stooge  suck  sycophant  timeserver  toad  toady  tool  truckler  tufthunter  yes-man  
faithfully  absolutely  acquiescently  assiduously  bona fide  compliantly  consistently  constantly  dead  definitely  descriptively  devotedly  diligently  directly  doggedly  duteously  dutifully  even  exactly  expressively  expressly  firmly  graphically  in all respects  in compliance with  in conformity with  in every respect  in good faith  in obedience to  indefatigably  industriously  insistently  ipsissimis verbis  just  literally  literatim  loyally  naturalistically  obediently  patiently  perseveringly  persistently  persistingly  pertinaciously  ploddingly  plumb  point-blank  positively  precisely  realistically  relentlessly  representatively  resolutely  responsibly  right  rigidly  rigorously  sedulously  sloggingly  square  squarely  staunchly  steadfastly  steadily  straight  strictly  submissively  tenaciously  tirelessly  to the letter  unabatingly  undeviatingly  unerringly  unfalteringly  unflaggingly  unflinchingly  unintermittingly  uninterruptedly  unrelentingly  unremittingly  unrestingly  unsleepingly  unswervingly  untiringly  unwaveringly  unwearyingly  verbally  verbatim  verbatim et litteratim  vividly  wearilessly  willingly  with good faith  word by word  word for word  
faithless  Machiavellian  agnostic  ambidextrous  apostate  artful  atheist  atheistic  capricious  changeable  changeful  collaborative  conscienceless  crafty  creedless  crooked  cunning  deceitful  derelict  disaffected  disbelieving  dishonest  disloyal  double  double-dealing  double-faced  double-minded  double-tongued  doublehearted  doubting  duplicitous  false  false-principled  falsehearted  fickle  fluctuating  freethinking  heathen  heretical  hypocritical  inconstant  incredulous  infidel  infidelic  insincere  irreligious  minimifidian  nonbelieving  not true to  nullifidian  of bad faith  pagan  perfidious  recreant  renegade  repudiative  sceptical  shifting  shifty  tergiversant  tergiversating  traitorous  treacherous  treasonable  treasonous  trothless  two-faced  unbelieving  unchristian  unconfident  unconverted  unconvinced  unfaithful  unloyal  unreliable  unscrupulous  unstable  unsteadfast  untrue  untrustworthy  wavering  without faith  
faithworthy  calculable  dependable  faithful  fast  firm  incorruptible  invincible  inviolable  predictable  proven  reliable  responsible  secure  solid  sound  stable  staunch  steadfast  steady  straight  substantial  sure  surefire  tested  to be trusted  tried  tried and true  true  trustable  trustworthy  trusty  unfailing  unfalse  unperfidious  untreacherous  well-founded  well-grounded  

Zukunftsglaube Definition

(n.) Belief
(n.) The assent of the mind to the statement or proposition of another, on the ground of the manifest truth of what he utters
(n.) The belief in the historic truthfulness of the Scripture narrative, and the supernatural origin of its teachings, sometimes called historical and speculative faith.
(n.) The belief in the facts and truth of the Scriptures, with a practical love of them
(n.) That which is believed on any subject, whether in science, politics, or religion
(n.) Fidelity to one's promises, or allegiance to duty, or to a person honored and beloved
(n.) Word or honor pledged
(n.) Credibility or truth.
(interj.) By my faith
(v. i.) That is to be or come hereafter
(a.) Time to come
(a.) The possibilities of the future
(a.) A future tense.
I' faith
() In faith

faith in the future Bedeutung

faith healing
faith cure
care provided through prayer and faith in God
faith loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person, keep the faith, they broke faith with their investors
future bulk commodities bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date
oil future
petroleum future
petroleum bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date
soybean future soybeans bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date
wheat future wheat bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date
good faith
having honest intentions, he acted in good faith, doubt was expressed as to the good faith of the immigrants
strong belief
article of faith
an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence
faith trust complete confidence in a person or plan etc, he cherished the faith of a good woman, the doctor-patient relationship is based on trust
religious belief
a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny, he lost his faith but not his morality
article of faith
(Christianity) any of the sections into which a creed or other statement of doctrine is divided
future tense
a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the future
Defender of the Faith a title that Leo X bestowed on Henry VIII and later withdrew, parliament restored the title and it has been used by English sovereigns ever since
full faith and credit a guarantee to pay interest and principal on debt, usually issued by the United States Treasury
organized religion
an institution to express belief in a divine power, he was raised in the Baptist religion, a member of his own faith contradicted him
future perfect
future perfect tense
a perfective tense used to describe action that will be completed in the future, `I will have finished' is an example of the future perfect
future progressive
future progressive tense
a progressive tense used to express action that will be on-going in the future, `I will be running' is an example of the future progressive
time to come
the time yet to come
future date a particular day in the future that is specified as the time something will happen
(of elected officers) elected but not yet serving, our next president
future yet to be or coming, some future historian will evaluate him
future day yet to come, a future-day Gibbon of Macaulay
future effective in or looking toward the future, he was preparing for future employment opportunities
future a verb tense or other formation referring to events or states that have not yet happened, future auxiliary
on faith with trust and confidence, we accepted him on faith
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