
Zulassungsrichtlinie Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Zulassungsrichtlinie f
Zulassungsrichtlinien pl
admission rule
admission rules
Zulassungsrichtlinie f
Zulassungsrichtlinien pl
admission rule
admission rules
durch die Zulassung der Negoziierung
by allowing for negotiation
eine Zulassung verweigern
refuse a permit
Einlass, Eintritt, Zulassung, Zulass
erlauben, Erlaubnis, Zulassung
Konzession, Erlaubnis, Zulassung
Zulassung von Aktien
admission of shares
Zulassung von Obligationen
admission of bonds
Zulassung von Wertpapieren
admission of securities
Homologation f, Zulassung f, Freigabe f, Beglaubigung f
Homologationen pl, Zulassungen pl, Freigaben pl, Beglaubigungen pl
acceptance, homologation, qualification, type approval
acceptances, homologations, qualifications, type approvals
Zulassung f, Genehmigung f, Abnahme f
Zulassungen pl, Genehmigungen pl, Abnahmen pl
Zustimmung f der Eltern
Genehmigung des Angebots
parental approval
proposal approval
Zulassung f
(Zulassung, Lizenz) entziehen
to strike off
Zulassung, Genehmigung
Zulassung, Erlaubnis
Aufhebung f; Außerkraftsetzung f; Rückgängigmachung f; Annulierung f
Aufhebungen pl; Außerkraftsetzungen pl; Rückgängigmachungen pl; Annulierungen pl
Aufhebung einer Ehe
Aufhebung einer Zulassung
annulment of a marriage
annulment of a registration
Bewerbung f (um; für etw.)
Bewerbungen pl
Wiederbewerbung f
eine aussagekräftige Bewerbung
Bewerbung um Zulassung
application (for sth.)
an application detailing (sb.'s) qualifications and experience
application for admission
Homologation f; Zulassung f; Freigabe f; Beglaubigung f
Homologationen pl; Zulassungen pl; Freigaben pl; Beglaubigungen pl
acceptance; homologation; qualification; type approval
acceptances; homologations; qualifications; type approvals
Kfz-Zulassung f; Kraftfahrzeugzulassung f; Autozulassung f auto adm.
motor vehicle registration licensing; car registration Br.; automobile registration Am.
Kraftfahrzeug n Kfz. auto
Kraftfahrzeuge pl
ein Kfz (zur Zulassung) anmelden
ein Kfz neu anmelden
ein Kfz abmelden
ein Kfz auf einen neuen Halter ummelden
ein Kfz nach Adresswechsel ummelden
ein Kfz (zum Verkehr) zulassen
ein Kfz führen lenken Ös.
Führen Lenken Ös. von Kfzs
motor vehicle; motor car Br.; automobile Am.
motor vehicles; motor cars; automobiles
to register a motor vehicle; to have a motor vehicle licenced
to re-register a motor vehicle
to de-register a motor vehicle
to register a motor vehicle in the name of a new keeper
to register a new address for a motor vehicle
to license a motor vehicle (for road use)
to operate a motor vehicle
operation of motor vehicles
Land der Zulassung Eintragung; Zulassungsland n adm.
country of registration; country of registry aviat. naut.
(Zulassung Lizenz) entziehen v
to strike off
striking off
struck off
etw. ergeben (als Ergebnis hervorbringen) v
Was ergeben die Zahlen?
Die Analyse ergab Folgendes:
Die Sichtung des Nachlasses hat ergeben dass das Manuskript fehlt.
Die Prüfung des Antrags hat ergeben dass die Voraussetzungen für die Zulassung der Methode erfüllt sind.
Wenn die Ermittlungen ergeben dass Betrug vorliegt müssen neue Kontrollen eingeführt werden.
Wissenschaftliche Tests haben ergeben dass die meisten Liverpooler einen chronischen Katarrh haben.
Die durchgeführten Kontrollen haben nichts ergeben was die Ordnungsmäßigkeit der gemeldeten Ausgaben in Frage stellen würde.
to show; to reveal; to establish; to prove sth.
What are the figures showing?
The analysis yielded the following result(s):
An examination of the deceased's estate shows has shown that the manuscript is missing.
The assessment of the application reveals has revealed that the conditions for authorizing the method are fulfilled satisfied.
If the investigations establish that fraud has taken place new controls need to be implemented.
Scientific tests prove that most Liverpudlians have chronic catarrh.
The inspections carried out have not disclosed any factor capable of casting doubt on the regularity of the expenditure declared.
null und nichtig; ungültig und wirkungslos; nicht gewertet
eine Zulassung aufheben jur.
eine Ehe aufheben jur.
null and void
to declare a registration invalid null and void
to declare a marriage invalid null and void
Lizenz f; Erlaubnis f; Zulassung f
bedingte Zulassung f; mit Auflagen verbundene Zulassung f
conditional admission
Aufhebung f; Annullierung f; Außerkraftsetzung f (von etw.) adm.
Aufhebungen pl; Annullierungen pl; Außerkraftsetzungen pl
Annullierung eines Patents
Aufhebung einer Ehe
Aufhebung einer Zulassung
annulment; nullification; invalidation; voiding Am. (of sth.)
annulments; nullifications; invalidations; voidings
invalidation of a patent
annulment of a marriage
annulment of a registration
Ermächtigung f; Genehmigung f; Zulassung f; Berechtigung f; Befugnis f; Vollmacht f; Autorisierung f geh.; Autorisation f geh.
Allgemeingenehmigung f; allgemeine Ermächtigung
gerichtliche Ermächtigung jur.
Sondergenehmigung f
die Genehmigung einholen
authorization eAm.; authorisation Br.
general authorization; general authorisation
authorization by court
special authorization
to obtain authorization
Kfz-Anmeldung f; Anmeldung f zur Zulassung; Autoanmeldung f ugs.; Kfz-Einlösung f Schw. auto adm.
Kfz-Erstanmeldung f; Kfz-Neuanmeldung f; Neuanmeldung f; Neueinlösung f Schw.
motor vehicle registration; car registration Br.; automobile registration Am.
initial motor vehicle registration
Kfz-Zulassung f; Kraftfahrzeugzulassung f; Autozulassung f auto adm.
motor vehicle licencing; car licencing Br.; automobile licensing Am.
Kraftfahrzeug n Kfz. auto
Kraftfahrzeuge pl
ein Kfz (zur Zulassung) anmelden; einlösen Schw.
ein Kfz neu anmelden; neu einlösen Schw.
ein Kfz abmelden
ein Kfz auf einen neuen Halter ummelden
ein Kfz nach Adresswechsel ummelden
ein Kfz (zum Verkehr) zulassen
ein Kfz führen lenken Ös.
Führen Lenken Ös. von Kfzs
motor vehicle; motor car Br.; automobile Am.
motor vehicles; motor cars; automobiles
to register a motor vehicle; to have a motor vehicle licenced
to re-register a motor vehicle
to de-register a motor vehicle
to register a motor vehicle in the name of a new keeper
to register a new address for a motor vehicle
to license a motor vehicle (for road use)
to operate a motor vehicle
operation of motor vehicles
Zulassung f (zu einem Tätigkeitsbereich Veranstaltungsangebot) adm.
bedingte Zulassung; mit Auflagen verbundene Zulassung
Zulassung als Rechtsanwalt; Anwaltszulassung f
Zulassung zu einem Fortbildungskurs
zu einem Forschungsprogramm für Hochschulabsolventen zugelassen werden
admission (to an activity area a programme)
conditional admission
admission as sollicitor Br.; admission as attorney Am.; admission to the Bar Am.
admission to an advanced training course
to gain admission to a research degree programme
Zulassungsprüfung f; Freigabeprüfung f; Typisierungsprüfung f; Abnahmeprüfung f für die amtliche Zulassung adm.
Zulassungsprüfungen pl; Freigabeprüfungen pl; Typisierungsprüfungen pl; Abnahmeprüfungen pl für die amtliche Zulassung
approval test
approval tests
Zusatzstoff m; Zusatz m; Additiv n; Hilfsstoff m chem. auto
Zusatzstoffe pl; Zusätze pl; Additive pl; Hilfsstoffe pl
Fressschutzadditiv n
Papierhilfsstoff m
vorläufiger Zulassung eines Zusatzstoffs
additive; dope
additives; dopes
additive against scoring and scuffing
paper additive
provisional authorisation of an additive
(Zulassung, Lizenz) entziehen v
to strike off
striking off
struck off
etw. ergeben (als Ergebnis hervorbringen) v
Was ergeben die Zahlen?
Die Analyse ergab Folgendes:
Die Sichtung des Nachlasses hat ergeben, dass das Manuskript fehlt.
Die Prüfung des Antrags hat ergeben, dass die Voraussetzungen für die Zulassung der Methode erfüllt sind.
Wenn die Ermittlungen ergeben, dass Betrug vorliegt, müssen neue Kontrollen eingeführt werden.
Wissenschaftliche Tests haben ergeben, dass die meisten Liverpooler einen chronischen Katarrh haben.
Die durchgeführten Kontrollen haben nichts ergeben, was die Ordnungsmäßigkeit der gemeldeten Ausgaben in Frage stellen würde.
to show; to reveal; to establish; to prove sth.
What are the figures showing?
The analysis yielded the following result(s):
An examination of the deceased's estate shows has shown that the manuscript is missing.
The assessment of the application reveals has revealed that the conditions for authorizing the method are fulfilled satisfied.
If the investigations establish that fraud has taken place, new controls need to be implemented.
Scientific tests prove that most Liverpudlians have chronic catarrh.
The inspections carried out have not disclosed any factor capable of casting doubt on the regularity of the expenditure declared.
Zulassungsantrag m
Zulassungsanträge pl
application for approval
applications for approvals
application for admission
application for approval
condition of admission
Zulassungsbedingung, Zulassungsvoraussetzung
admission requirement
Zulassungsbedingung f
Zulassungsbedingungen pl
admission requirement, condition for admission
admission requirements, conditions for admission
Zulassungsbedingung f
Zulassungsbedingungen pl
admission requirement; condition for admission
admission requirements; conditions for admission
Zulassungsbedingung f; Zulassungsvoraussetzung f
Zulassungsbedingungen pl; Zulassungsvoraussetzungen pl
admission requirement; condition for admission
admission requirements; conditions for admission
admission standards
Zulassungsbehörde f
admission board
Zulassungsbehörde f
licensing authority; regulatory authority; approval authority
Zulassungsbescheid m stud.
Zulassungsbescheide pl
letter of admission
letters of admission
nationale Zulassungsbescheinigung
national car licence
Zulassungsbescheinigung f für Alkoholausschank
RSA certificate (Responsible Service of Alcohol) Austr.
Zulassungsbescheinigung f; Kraftfahrzeugschein m; Kfz-Schein m; Fahrzeugschein m Dt.; Zulassungsschein m Ös.; Fahrzeugausweis m Schw.; Autobüchlein n Südtirol auto adm.
Zulassungsbescheinigungen pl; Kraftfahrzeugscheine pl; Kfz-Scheine pl; Fahrzeugscheine pl; Zulassungsscheine pl; Fahrzeugausweise pl; Autobüchlein pl
car registration document Br.; motor vehicle license Am.
car registration documents; motor vehicle licenses
Zugangsbeschränkung, Zulassungsbeschränkung
entrance limitation
Zulassungsbeschränkung, Zugangsbeschränkung
admission restriction
Zulassungsbeschränkung, Zugangsbeschränkung
restriction on admission
Zulassungsbeschränkung, Zugangsbeschränkung
restriction on entry
Zulassungsbeschränkung f stud.
Zulassungsbeschränkungen pl
restriction on admission
restrictions on admissions
Fahrzeughalter m; Fahrzeughalterin f; Zulassungsbesitzer m Ös. Schw. auto
Fahrzeughalter pl; Fahrzeughalterinnen pl; Zulassungsbesitzer pl
registered keeper (of a vehicle)
registered keepers
zulassungsfähig; genehmigungsfähig; zu billigen adj
zulassungsfrei adj
not requiring a licence license
Studiengang m; Studium n stud.
Bakkalaureatsstudiengang m; Bachelorstudiengang m; Bakkalaureatsstudium n; Bachelorstudium n
Masterstudiengang m; Masterstudium n; Magisterstudium n
Doktoratsstudiengang m; Doktoratsstudium n
eigenständiger Studiengang
duale Studiengänge pl
zulassungsfreie Studiengänge
course of study; course of studies; studies; study course; study path; degree programme Br.; degree program Am.
Bachelor's course; Bachelor's studies (often wrongly: bachelor course, bachelor studies)
Master's course; Master's studies (often wrongly: master course, master studies)
doctoral course; doctoral studies; Ph.D. studies; DPhil studies
autonomous course of study
dual study programmes programs; dual courses
free-admission courses of studies; free-admission degree programmes programs; degree programmes programs with unrestricted admission
Zulassungsfrist pl
Zulassungsfristen pl
admission deadline
admission deadlines
Zulassungsgebühr f
Zulassungsgebühren pl
admission fee
admission fees
Zulassungsinhaber m pharm.
Zulassungsinhaber pl
product licence holder; product license holder Am.
product licence holders; product license holders
Zulassungsinhaber m econ.
holder of approval
Zulassungskriterium n
Zulassungskriterien pl
admission criterion
admission criteria
Zulassungsnummer f
Zulassungsnummern pl
licence number
licence numbers
licence number
Zulassungspapiere pl
registration papers

Deutsche Zulassungsrichtlinie Synonyme

Englische admission rule Synonyme

admission  Americanization  OK  acceptance  access  acculturation  acknowledging  acknowledgment  acquisition  adit  admissibility  admission fee  admittance  admitting  adoption  affidavit  affiliation  affirmation  allegation  allowance  allowing  anchorage  appointment  appreciation  assertion  asseveration  assimilation  assumption  attest  attestation  averment  avouchment  avowal  baptism  brokerage  carfare  cellarage  charge  charges  charter  citizenship by naturalization  citizenship papers  completeness  comprehension  comprehensiveness  comprisal  compurgation  conceding  concession  confession  consent  cover charge  coverage  culture shock  declaration  demand  deposition  derivation  disclosure  dispensation  divulgement  divulgence  dockage  dues  eligibility  embodiment  embracement  encompassment  enlistment  enrollment  entrance  entrance fee  entree  entry  envisagement  exaction  exactment  exhaustiveness  fare  fee  getting  hire  immission  import  importation  importing  inauguration  inclusion  inclusiveness  income  incoming  incorporation  induction  infiltration  ingoing  ingress  ingression  initiation  input  insertion  insinuation  installation  instatement  institution  instrument in proof  intake  interpenetration  introduction  introgression  intromission  intrusion  investiture  leakage  leave  legal evidence  liberty  license  license fee  membership  nationalization  naturalization  naturalized citizenship  okay  openness  ordination  owning  owning up  papers  participation  patent  penetration  percolation  permission  permission to enter  pilotage  portage  profession  receipt  receival  receiving  reception  recognition  release  revelation  rite of confession  salvage  scot  scot and lot  seepage  shot  shrift  special permission  statement  storage  sworn evidence  sworn statement  sworn testimony  taking  tariff  testimonial  testimonium  testimony  ticket  ticket of admission  tolerance  toleration  toll  towage  unbosomi  

Zulassungsrichtlinie Definition

(n.) The act or practice of admitting.
(n.) Power or permission to enter
(n.) The granting of an argument or position not fully proved
(n.) Acquiescence or concurrence in a statement made by another, and distinguishable from a confession in that an admission presupposes prior inquiry by another, but a confession may be made without such inquiry.
(n.) A fact, point, or statement admitted
(n.) Declaration of the bishop that he approves of the presentee as a fit person to serve the cure of the church to which he is presented.
(a.) That which is prescribed or laid down as a guide for conduct or action
(a.) Uniform or established course of things.
(a.) Systematic method or practice
(a.) Ordibary course of procedure
(a.) Conduct in general
(a.) The act of ruling
(a.) An order regulating the practice of the courts, or an order made between parties to an action or a suit.
(a.) A determinate method prescribed for performing any operation and producing a certain result
(a.) A general principle concerning the formation or use of words, or a concise statement thereof
(a.) A straight strip of wood, metal, or the like, which serves as a guide in drawing a straight line
(a.) A measuring instrument consisting of a graduated bar of wood, ivory, metal, or the like, which is usually marked so as to show inches and fractions of an inch, and jointed so that it may be folded compactly.
(a.) A thin plate of metal (usually brass) of the same height as the type, and used for printing lines, as between columns on the same page, or in tabular work.
(a.) A composing rule. See under Conposing.
(n.) To control the will and actions of
(n.) To control or direct by influence, counsel, or persuasion
(n.) To establish or settle by, or as by, a rule
(n.) To require or command by rule
(n.) To mark with lines made with a pen, pencil, etc., guided by a rule or ruler
(v. i.) To have power or command
(v. i.) To lay down and settle a rule or order of court
(v. i.) To keep within a (certain) range for a time
(n.) A stickler for rules

admission rule / admission rules Bedeutung

work to rule a job action in which workers cause a slowdown by doing only the minimum amount required by the rules of the workplace
the act of admitting someone to enter, the surgery was performed on his second admission to the clinic
board rule a measure used in computing board feet
carpenter's rule a rule used by a carpenter
foot rule a ruler one foot long
plumb rule a plumb line attached to a narrow board
measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths
slide rule
analog computer consisting of a handheld instrument used for rapid calculations, have been replaced by pocket calculators
the right to enter
system of rules
a complex of methods or rules governing behavior, they have to operate under a system they oppose, that language has a complex system for indicating gender
pattern rule formula
something regarded as a normative example, the convention of not naming the main character, violence is the rule not the exception, his formula for impressing visitors
a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior, it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast, short haircuts were the regulation
rule formula (mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems, he determined the upper bound with Descartes' rule of signs, he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials
algorithmic rule
algorithmic program
a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem
heuristic rule
heuristic program
a commonsense rule (or set of rules) intended to increase the probability of solving some problem
rule of thumb
a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior
cy pres
rule of cy pres
cy pres doctrine
a rule that when literal compliance is impossible the intention of a donor or testator should be carried out as nearly as possible
working principle
working rule
a rule that is adequate to permit work to be done
principle rule a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system, the principle of the conservation of mass, the principle of jet propulsion, the right-hand rule for inductive fields
Naegele's rule rule for calculating an expected delivery date, subtract three months from the first day of the last menstrual period and add seven days to that date
principle rule a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct, their principles of composition characterized all their works
Golden Rule a command based on Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount, Whatsoever ye would that men do unto you, do you even so unto them (Matthew :)
majority rule
the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group
rule any one of a systematic body of regulations defining the way of life of members of a religious order, the rule of St. Dominic
prescribed guide for conduct or action
order rules of order
parliamentary law
parliamentary procedure
a body of rules followed by an assembly
rule of evidence (law) a rule of law whereby any alleged matter of fact that is submitted for investigation at a judicial trial is established or disproved
best evidence rule a rule of evidence requiring that to prove the content of a writing or recording or photograph the original is required
exclusionary rule a rule that provides that otherwise admissible evidence cannot be used in a criminal trial if it was the result of illegal police conduct
hearsay rule a rule that declares not admissible as evidence any statement other than that by a witness
parol evidence rule a rule that oral evidence cannot be used to contradict the terms of a written contract
Miranda rule the rule that police (when interrogating you after an arrest) are obliged to warn you that anything you say may be used as evidence and to read you your constitutional rights (the right to a lawyer and the right to remain silent until advised by a lawyer)
golden rule any important rule, the golden rule of teaching is to be clear
gag rule
gag law
a rule for limiting or ending debate in a deliberative body
rule directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted, he knew the rules of chess
admission an acknowledgment of the truth of something
stipulation judicial admission (law) an agreement or concession made by parties in a judicial proceeding (or by their attorneys) relating to the business before the court, must be in writing unless they are part of the court record, a stipulation of fact was made in order to avoid delay
rule linguistic rule (linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice
grammatical rule
rule of grammar
a linguistic rule for the syntax of grammatical utterances
morphological rule
rule of morphology
a linguistic rule for the formation of words
procrustean standard
procrustean rule
procrustean bed
a standard that is enforced uniformly without regard to individuality
ground rule (baseball) a special rule (as in baseball) dealing with situations that arise due to the nature of the playing grounds
rule book
a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made, they run things by the book around here
b dictatorship
one-man rule
a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)
Robert's Rules of Order a book of rules for presiding over a meeting, written by Henry M. Martin in and subsequently updated through many editions
entrance fee
admission charge
admission fee
admission price
price of admission
entrance money
the fee charged for admission
rule of law a state of order in which events conform to the law
home rule self-government in local matters by a city or county that is part of a national government
dominance or power through legal authority, France held undisputed dominion over vast areas of Africa, the rule of Caesar
Admission Day in some states of the United States: a legal holiday commemorating the day the state was admitted to the Union
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