
Zuschlagsstoff Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Zuschlagsstoff m; Zuschlagstoff m
Zuschlagsstoffe pl; Zuschlagstoffe pl
feiner Zuschlagsstoff
grober Zuschlagsstoff
ungesiebter Zuschlagsstoff
aggregate; additament; amendment
aggregates; additaments; amendments
fine aggregate
coarse aggregate
all-in aggregate
Zuschlagsstoff m; Zuschlagstoff m
Zuschlagsstoffe pl; Zuschlagstoffe pl
feiner Zuschlagsstoff
grober Zuschlagsstoff
ungesiebter Zuschlagsstoff
aggregate; additament; amendment
aggregates; additaments; amendments
fine aggregate
coarse aggregate
all-in aggregate
acceptance of a tender
additional charge
Zuschlag an Meistbietenden
sale to the highest bidder
Zuschlag bei der Zeitvorgabe
Zuschlag für Mehrplatzarbeit
synchronization allowance
Zuschlag für zusätzlich erforderliche Arbeit
excess work allowance
Zuschlag, Erteilung des Auftrags
acceptance of a bid
Aufmaß n, Zuschlag m, Toleranz f, Zugabe f, Materialzugabe f
Aufpreis m, Zuschlag m, Mehrpreis m
Aufpreise pl, Zuschläge pl
gegen Aufpreis
for an additional charge
einen Auftrag vergeben, den Zuschlag erteilen
to accept a bid
Budgetanforderungen nach den Vorjahresansätzen plus taktisch begründetem Zuschlag
adding machine approach
Fertigungsgemeinkosten pl, Zuschlag m
allocated production overhead
Zuschlag m, Auftragsvergabe f
acceptance of bid
Zuschlag m, Auftragsvergabe f
award of contract
Zuschlag m (Versicherung)
Zuschläge pl
Auftrag vergeben, Zuschlag erteilen
accept a bid
Zuschlag, Auftragsvergabe
acceptance of bid
Fertigungsgemeinkosten Zuschlag
allocated production overhead
Zuschlag, Auftragsvergabe
award of contract
supplementary ticket
Aufpreis, Zuschlag
Zuschlag, Nachgebühr, Strafgebühr, Nachporto
Aufmaß n; Zuschlag m; Toleranz f; Zugabe f; Materialzugabe f
Aufpreis m; Zuschlag m; Aufschlag m; Mehrpreis m
Aufpreise pl; Zuschläge pl; Aufschläge pl
gegen Aufpreis
für etw. einen Zuschlag bezahlen müssen
surcharge; extra
for an additional charge
to be surcharged on for sth.
einen Auftrag vergeben; den Zuschlag erteilen
to accept a bid
Fertigungsgemeinkosten pl; Zuschlag m
allocated production overhead
Zugabe f; Zuschlag m; Extra n; Zuwaage f Mitteldt Ostdt. Ös.; Dreingabe f Bayr. Schw.; Draufgabe f Ös. übtr.
Zugaben pl; Zuschläge pl; Extras pl; Zuwaagen pl; Dreingaben pl; Draufgaben pl
Extras auf Wunsch
added extra; extra; bonus fig.
added extras; extras; bonuses
optional extras
Zusatzgebühr f; Zuschlag m fin.
Zusatzgebühren pl; Zuschläge pl
additional charge; extra charge
additional charges; extra charges
Zuschlag m; Auftragsvergabe f econ.
acceptance of bid; acceptance of tender
Zuschlag m; Auftragsvergabe f
award of contract
etw. mit einem Zuschlag belegen; einen Zuschlag auf etw. erheben einheben Ös. fin.
to surcharge sth.
bei jdm. einen Zuschlag auf etw. einheben fin.
einen Einzelzimmerzuschlag bezahlen müssen
to surcharge sb. for sth.
to be surcharged for a single room
(schriftlich aufgeschlüsseltes) Angebot n; Anbot n Ös.; Anerbietung f Dt.; Offerte f; Offert n Ös. (über für etw.) (Kauf, Warenlieferung, Dienstleistung) econ.
Lieferangebot n
Offerte über die Lieferung von 150 Flaschen Wein
eine Offerte für das Renovierungsvorhaben
ein Angebot über für etw. legen; machen; unterbreiten; etw. anbieten
den Auftrag an jdn. vergeben; jdm. (bei einer öffentlichen Ausschreibung) den Zuschlag erteilen v
etw. (öffentlich) ausschreiben; etw. zur Ausschreibung bringen adm.
den Auftrag bekommen; (bei einer Ausschreibung) den Zuschlag erhalten
(written) offer; tender Br.; bid Am. (for sth. to do sth.) (purchase, supply of goods; service)
offer to supply
offer to supply 150 bottles of wine
a tender for the renovation project; a bid for the renovation project
to make; put in; send in; submit a tender bid for sth.
to accept sb.'s tender; to accept sb.'s bid; to award the contract to sb.
to invite tenders bids for sth.; to call for tenders bids for sth.; to put sth. out to tender bid
to have a tender bid accepted
Annahme f; Akzeptanz f; Anerkennung f; Entgegennahme f geh.
bedingte Annahme
unbedingte Annahme
Annahme eines Angebots
Annahme von Bedingungen
Zuschlag m (bei einer Auktion)
Anerkennung der Haftung
Annahme der Zustellung
bei Annahme
Hereinnahme von Einlagen
Ãœbernahme einer Garantie
Annahme einer Abfindung
qualified acceptance
absolute acceptance
acceptance of an offer
acceptance of conditions
acceptance of a the bid (at an auction)
acceptance of liability
acceptance of service
(up)on acceptance
acceptance of deposits; deposit taking
acceptance of a guarantee
acceptance of a lump sum settlement
Aufpreis m; Mehrpreis m; Preisaufschlag m; Preiszuschlag m econ.
Aufpreise pl; Mehrpreise pl; Preisaufschläge pl; Preiszuschläge pl
Spitzenzeitaufschlag m; Spitzenzeitzuschlag m
Teuerungszuschlag m
gegen Aufpreis
für etw. einen Zuschlag bezahlen müssen
congestion surcharge
raw material price increase surcharge
for an additional charge
to be surcharged on for sth.
Aufschlag m; Zuschlag m; Zusatzgebühr f fin.
Aufschläge pl; Zuschläge pl; Zusatzgebühren pl
(für etw.) einen Aufschlag zahlen müssen
additional charge; extra charge
additional charges; extra charges
to be charged extra (for sth.)
Auftragsvergabe f; (bei einer öffentlichen Ausschreibung:) Zuschlag m econ.
acceptance of tender Br.; acceptance of bid Am.; award of contract; awarding of contract; letting of contract Br.
Zugabe f; Zuschlag m; Extra n; Zuwaage f Mitteldt. Ostdt. Ös.; Dreingabe f Bayr. Schw.; Draufgabe f Ös. übtr.
Zugaben pl; Zuschläge pl; Extras pl; Zuwaagen pl; Dreingaben pl; Draufgaben pl
Extras auf Wunsch
added extra; extra; bonus fig.
added extras; extras; bonuses
optional extras
etw. mit einem Zuschlag belegen; einen Zuschlag auf etw. erheben einheben Ös. v fin.
to surcharge sth.
bei jdm. einen Zuschlag auf etw. einheben v fin.
einen Einzelzimmerzuschlag bezahlen müssen
to surcharge sb. for sth.
to be surcharged for a single room
den Zuschlag einem Bieter erteilen (bei einer Auktion) v
Der Zuschlag ging an …; Den Zuschlag erhielt …
to sell a the lot to a bidder (at an auction)
The lot was knocked down to …; The lot was sold to …
zuschlagen (bei Versteigerung)
knock down
Zuschlagen n, Zuknallen n, Aufschlagen n
schlagen, losschlagen, zuschlagen
wild um sich schlagen
to strike out
to strike out wildly
schlagen, zuschlagen
to lash
(kräftig) schlagen, fest zuschlagen
schlagend, fest zuschlagend
geschlagen, fest zugeschlagen
schlägt, schlägt fest zu
schlug, schlug fest zu
to smite {smote, smitten}
sie schlägt zu
sie schlug zu
sie hat
hatte zugeschlagen
to slam
she slams
she slammed
she has
had slammed
fest zuschlagen
to hit hard
zuschlagen, zuknallen
to bang
zuschlagen, einschlagen (auf)
to hew {hewed, hewed, hewn} (at)
Zuschlagen n; Zuknallen n; Aufschlagen n
schlagen; losschlagen; zuschlagen; zuhauen ugs. v
schlagend; losschlagend; zuschlagend; zuhauend
geschlagen; losgeschlagen; zugeschlagen; zugehauen
wild um sich schlagen
to strike out
striking out
striked out
to strike out wildly
schlagen; zuschlagen
to lash
zuschlagen v
er sie schlägt zu
ich er sie schlug zu
er sie hat hatte zugeschlagen
to slam
he she slams
I he she slammed
he she has had slammed
zuschlagen; zuknallen v
zuschlagend; zuknallend
zugeschlagen; zugeknallt
to bang
Tür f; Türe f (zu etw.)
Türen pl; Tore pl
Tür f zur hofseitigen Terrasse oder Veranda
Anschlagtür f
Balkontür f
Futtertür f
Haustür f
Scheintür f; Scheintüre f
Stahltür f
Verandatür f
an der Tür
an die Tür klopfen
die Tür öffnen
mit der Tür ins Haus fallen
offene Tür
offene Türen einrennen
die Tür fest schließen
von Tür zu Tür
zwischen Tür und Angel übtr. (auf die Schnelle)
die Tür einen Spalt öffnen
jdm. die Türe vor der Nase zuschlagen
Jemand klopft, öffnest du die Tür?
Schließ die Tür bitte!
Die Tür zum Turnsaal lässt sich nur von innen öffnen.
door (to sth.)
patio door
single-action door; single-acting door; single-swing door
balcony door
split jamb door
front door
false door
steel door
veranda door; patio door
at the door
to knock at the door
to answer the door
to go like a bull at a gate
open door
to preach to the converted; to kick at an open door
to shut the door tight
door-to-door; door to door
in passing
to open the door slightly
to slam the door in sb.'s face
Somebody is knocking, will you answer the door?
Please, close the door!
You can only open the door to the gym from the inside.
fest zuschlagen v
to hit hard
zuschlagen; einen Schlag gegen jdn. führen v
zuschlagend; einen Schlag führend
zugeschlagen; einen Schlag geführt
Mit Karate kann man viel schneller zuschlagen als man es mit einem Schwert könnte.
to strike; to strike sb. a blow
striking; striking a blow
struck stricken Am.; struck stricken Am. a blow
Karate allows you to strike much more quickly than you could with a sword.
kräftig zuschlagen; austeilen ugs. v
Austeilen kann er, aber einstecken nicht.
to dish it out
He can dish it out but can't take it.
So, hier hast du (eine)! Und noch eine! Und noch eine! (beim Zuschlagen)
Take that! And that! And that! (when hitting)
zuschlagen v ugs. (eine günstige Gelegenheit nutzen)
to grab a chance
zuschlagen; einen (plötzlichen) Angriff starten; (plötzlich) angreifen v
to strike
blitzartig (zuschlagend) adj
Blitzüberfall m
hit-and-run raid
Zuschlaggehalt m
content of aggregates
zuschlagspflichtig, zuschlagpflichtig adj
subject to a supplement
einer Sache unterliegen; unterworfen ausgesetzt sein; Gegenstand von etw. sein; ...pflichtig sein v adm.
unterliegend; unterworfen seiend
unterlegen; unterworfen gewesen
du unterliegst
es unterliegt
es unterlag
Schwankungen unterworfen sein
ausfuhrgenehmigungspflichtig sein; exportgenehmigungspflichtig sein
genehmigungspflichtig sein
kontrollpflichtig sein
kündbar sein
meldepflichtig sein (Sache) adm.
preisgebunden sein (Buch etc.)
provisionspflichtig sein
registrierpflichtig sein
steuerpflichtig sein
versicherungspflichtig sein
zensurpflichtig sein
zuschlagspflichtig sein; zuschlagpflichtig adj
zustimmungspflichtig sein; zustimmungsbedürftig sein
der Ratifizierung bedürfen
angefochten werden können jur.
Änderung vorbehalten!
Änderungen vorbehalten.
Die Bestimmungen des neuen Gesetzes finden auf diese Gruppe Anwendung.
to be subject to sth.
being subject to
been subject to
you are subject to
it is subject to
it was subject to
to be subject to fluctuations
to be subject to the issue of an export permit
to be subject to approval authorization authorisation Br. licence
to be subject to control
to be subject to notice termination
to be subject to registration (matter)
to be subject to price maintenance (book etc.)
to be subject to (a) commission
to be subject to compulsory recording
to be subject to taxation
to be subject to compulsory insurance
to be subject to censorship
to be subject to a supplement
to be subject approval; to require approval
to be subject to ratification
to be subject to appeal
Subject to modification!
Subject to change without notice.
This group is subject to the provisions of the new Act.

Deutsche Zuschlagsstoff Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Zuschlagsstoff Synonym nachschlagen

Englische aggregate; additament; amendment Synonyme

aggregate  A to Z  A to izzard  account  accumulate  accumulated  accumulation  acervation  add up  add up to  agglomerate  agglomeration  aggregate to  aggregation  aggroup  all  all and sundry  all-embracing  all-inclusive  alpha and omega  amass  amassed  amassment  amount  amount to  assemblage  assemble  assembled  batch  be-all  be-all and end-all  beginning and end  box score  bring together  budget  bulk  bunch  bunch together  bunch up  bunched  bundled  cast  chunk  clump  clumped  cluster  clustered  collect  collected  colligate  collocate  combine  combined  come  come to  compare  compile  complement  comprehensive  comprise  congeries  conglobation  conglomerate  conglomeration  congregate  congregated  contain  corral  count  cumulate  cumulation  difference  dig up  draw together  dredge up  drive together  each and every  entire  entirety  everything  exhaustive  fascicled  fasciculated  gather  gather in  gather together  gathered  gathering  get in  get together  glomerate  glomeration  gob  gross  group  heaped  holistic  hunk  in session  inclusive  integral  integrated  join  joined  joint  juxtapose  knotted  leagued  length and breadth  lump  lump together  lumped  make up  mass  massed  match  meeting  mobilize  mount up to  muster  number  omnibus  one  one and all  one and indivisible  package  package deal  packaged  pair  partner  piled  product  put together  quantity  quantum  raise  rake up  rally  reckon up to  reckoning  round up  run into  run to  score  scrape together  set  snowball  stacked  stockpile  sum  sum total  summation  take up  tale  tally  the bottom line  the corpus  the ensemble  the entirety  the lot  the story  the whole  the whole range  the whole story  tot up to  total  totality  tote  tote up to  unitize  universal  wad  whip in  whole  wrapped up  x number  

Zuschlagsstoff Definition

(n.) An addition, or a thing added.
(v. t.) To bring together
(v. t.) To add or unite, as, a person, to an association.
(v. t.) To amount in the aggregate to
(a.) Formed by a collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum
(a.) Formed into clusters or groups of lobules
(a.) Composed of several florets within a common involucre, as in the daisy
(a.) Having the several component parts adherent to each other only to such a degree as to be separable by mechanical means.
(a.) United into a common organized mass
(n.) A mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars
(n.) A mass formed by the union of homogeneous particles
(n.) An alteration or change for the better
(n.) In public bodies
(n.) Correction of an error in a writ or process.
(superl.) Large in bulk, or composed of large parts or particles
(superl.) Not refined
(a.) Having a coarse grain or texture, as wood
(superl.) Finished
(superl.) Aiming at show or effect
(superl.) Nice
(superl.) Not coarse, gross, or heavy
(superl.) Not gross
(superl.) Not coarse
(superl.) Not thick or heavy
(superl.) Thin
(superl.) Made of fine materials
(superl.) Having (such) a proportion of pure metal in its composition
(superl.) (Used ironically.)
(a.) To make fine
(a.) To make finer, or less coarse, as in bulk, texture, etc.
(a.) To change by fine gradations
(n.) End
(n.) A sum of money paid as the settlement of a claim, or by way of terminating a matter in dispute
(n.) A final agreement concerning lands or rents between persons, as the lord and his vassal.
(n.) A sum of money or price paid for obtaining a benefit, favor, or privilege, as for admission to a copyhold, or for obtaining or renewing a lease.
(n.) To impose a pecuniary penalty upon for an offense or breach of law
(v. i.) To pay a fine. See Fine, n., 3 (b).
(v. t.) To finish
(n.) A duty paid to the king by the cognizee in a fine of lands, when the same was fully passed

aggregate; additament; amendment / aggregates; additaments; amendments / fine aggregate / coarse aggregate / all-in aggregate Bedeutung

fine-tooth comb
fine-toothed comb
a method of examining in minute detail, he went over the contract with a fine-tooth comb looking for loopholes
amendment the act of amending or correcting
fine art
the products of human creativity, works of art collectively, an art exhibition, a fine collection of art
fine-tooth comb
fine-toothed comb
a comb with teeth set close together
the whole amount
fine arts
beaux arts
the study and creation of visual works of art
small print
fine print
material printed in small type, he needed his glasses in order to read the fine print
Master of Fine Arts
a master's degree in fine arts
Doctor of Fine Arts an honorary degree in fine arts
amendment a statement that is added to or revises or improves a proposal or document (a bill or constitution etc.)
First Amendment an amendment to the Constitution of the United States guaranteeing the right of free expression, includes freedom of assembly and freedom of the press and freedom of religion and freedom of speech
Fifth Amendment an amendment to the Constitution of the United States that imposes restrictions on the government's prosecution of persons accused of crimes, mandates due process of law and prohibits self-incrimination and double jeopardy, requires just compensation if private property is taken for public use
Fourteenth Amendment an amendment to the Constitution of the United States adopted in , extends the guarantees of the Bill of Rights to the states as well as to the federal government
Eighteenth Amendment an amendment to the Constitution of the United States adopted in , prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages, repealed in
Nineteenth Amendment an amendment to the Constitution of the United States adopted in , guarantees that no state can deny the right to vote on the basis of sex
fine print small print the part of a contract that contains reservations and qualifications that are often printed in small type, don't sign a contract without reading the fine print
a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together
fine spray precipitation in very small drops
fine structure the presence of groups of closely spaced spectrum lines observed in the atomic spectrum of certain elements, the fine structure results from slightly different energy levels
leather flower vase-fine
vase vine
Clematis viorna
scandent subshrub of southeastern United States having large red-purple bell-shaped flowers with leathery recurved sepals
bell heather heather bell
fine-leaved heath
Erica cinerea
common low European shrub with purpleed flowers
aggregate fruit
multiple fruit
fruit consisting of many individual small fruits or drupes derived from separate ovaries within a common receptacle: e.g. blackberry, raspberry, pineapple
money extracted as a penalty
library fine fine imposed by a library on books that overdue when returned
aggregate material such as sand or gravel used with cement and water to make concrete, mortar, or plaster
make fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for optimal measuring, calibrate an instrument, graduate a cylinder
adjust finely, fine-tune the engine
polish refine fine-tune down improve or perfect by pruning or polishing, refine one's style of writing
take the Fifth
take the Fifth Amendment
refuse to testify by invoking the Fifth Amendment, which states that nobody may be forced to testify as a witness against himself or herself
gather in a mass, sum, or whole
issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty, I was fined for parking on the wrong side of the street, Move your car or else you will be ticketed!
aggregate amount in the aggregate to
having coarse hair or fur
pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion, a fine-looking woman, a good-looking man, better-looking than her sister, very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome- Thackeray, our southern women are well-favored- Lillian Hellman
aggregate aggregated
formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole, aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year, the aggregated amount of indebtedness
fine characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment, fine wine, looking fine in her Easter suit, a fine gentleman, fine china and crystal, a fine violinist, the fine hand of a master
having fine leaves
fine minutely precise especially in differences in meaning, a fine distinction
fine free from impurities, having a high or specified degree of purity, gold carats fine
lacking refinement or cultivation or taste, he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind, behavior that branded him as common, an untutored and uncouth human being, an uncouth soldier--a real tough guy, appealing to the vulgar taste for violence, the vulgar display of the newly rich
all right
being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition, an all-right movie, the passengers were shaken up but are all right, is everything all right?, everything's fine, things are okay, dinner and the movies had been fine, another minute I'd have been fine
aggregate composed of a dense cluster of separate units such as carpels or florets or drupelets, raspberries are aggregate fruits
of textures that are rough to the touch or substances consisting of relatively large particles, coarse meal, coarse sand, a coarse weave
coarse-grained large-grained not having a fine texture, coarse-grained wood, large-grained sand
coarse-grained grainy
composed of or covered with particles resembling meal in texture or consistency, granular sugar, the photographs were grainy and indistinct, it left a mealy residue
fine of textures that are smooth to the touch or substances consisting of relatively small particles, wood with a fine grain, fine powdery snow, fine rain, batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave, covered with a fine film of dust
dense or compact in structure or texture, as a wood composed of small-diameter cells, close-grained birch, fine-grained rock
consisting of fine particles, powdered cellulose, powdery snow, pulverized sugar is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding
having a smooth, fine-grained structure
having surface roughness, a textured wall of stucco, a rough-textured tweed
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