
Zustandsbestimmung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Zustandsbestimmung f
determination of states
Zustandsbestimmung f
determination of states
Status m; Zustand m
Status pl; Zustände pl
Ausgangszustand m; ursprünglicher Zustand m
Endzustand m
Zustand nach Z.n. med.
die Verschlechterung des Zustands eines Gewässers
state; status
initial state
end state
status post S P
the deterioration in the status of a body of water
Status m; Zustand m
Status pl; Zustände pl
Ausgangszustand m; ursprünglicher Zustand m
Endzustand m
Zustand nach Z. n. med.
die Verschlechterung des Zustands eines Gewässers
state; status
initial state
end state
status post S P
the deterioration in the status of a body of water
Wiederherstellen n; Wiederherstellung f; Rekonstruktion f (eines früheren Zustands)
Versionsrekonstruktion f comp.
Bereinigung einer (verfahrenen) Situation
Da war die Lage schon völlig verfahren.
retrieval (of a previous state)
version retrieval
retrieval of a situation
By then the situation was beyond retrieval.
zustandsorientiert, zustandsbehaftet, zustandsabhängig adj
zustandsorientiert; zustandsbehaftet; zustandsabhängig adj
Zustandsänderung f; Zustandsveränderung f
Zustandsänderungen pl; Zustandsveränderungen pl
change of state; status change
changes of state; status changes
Zustandsanalyse f
status analysis; state analysis
Zustandsanzeige f techn.
Zustandsanzeigen pl
status display; status indicator; state indicator
status displays; status indicators; state indicators
Zustandsautomat m
finite automaton
Automat m techn.
Automaten pl
endlicher Automat; Zustandsautomat comp.
automaton; automatic machine
automata; automatons; automatic machines
finite state automaton FSA ; finite automaton; finite machine
Automat m techn.
Automaten pl
endlicher Automat; Zustandsautomat comp.
automaton; automatic machine
automata; automatons; automatic machines
finite state automaton FSA ; finite automaton; finite machine
Zustandsbericht m
status report
Zustandsbestimmung f
determination of states
Merker m; Kennzeichnungsbit n; Zustandsbit n; Statusbit n comp.
Merker pl; Kennzeichnungsbits pl; Zustandsbits pl; Statusbits pl
flag; flag bit; condition bit; status bit
flags; flag bits; condition bits; status bits
Zustandsdiagramm n
Zustandsdiagramme pl
state diagram, phase diagram
state diagrams, phase diagrams
Zustandsdiagramm n
Zustandsdiagramme pl
state diagram; phase diagram
state diagrams; phase diagrams
Konnode f; Konode f (Isotherme im Zustandsdiagramm) chem. phys.
Konnoden pl; Konoden pl
tie line
tie lines
Zustandsschaubild f; Zustandsdiagramm n; Phasendiagramm n (Metallurgie) techn.
Zustandsschaubilder pl; Zustandsdiagramme pl; Phasendiagramme pl
constitutional diagram; phase equilibrium diagram; phase diagram; equilibrium diagram (metallurgy)
constitutional diagrams; phase equilibrium diagrams; phase diagrams; equilibrium diagrams
Zustandserkennung f
state detection
Zustandsgleichung f
constitutive equation
Gleichung f math.
Gleichungen pl
Gleichung zweiten Grades; quadratische Gleichung
Gleichung dritten Grades; kubische Gleichung
Gleichung xten Grades; Gleichung xter Ordnung
Arbeitsgleichung f
Bedingungsgleichung f
Elastizitätsgleichung f
Energiegleichung f; Energiesatz m
Geradengleichung f
Gleichgewichtsgleichung f
Mittelpunktsgleichung f
Ortsgleichung f
Periodengleichung f
Wärmegleichung f
Zeitgleichung f
Zustandsgleichung f
Zustandsgleichung phys.
equation of the second degree; quadratic equation
equation of the third degree; cubic equation
equation of the xth degree
equation of kinetics; equation of kinetic and potential energy
equation of condition
equation of elasticity
equation of energy
equation of a straight line
equation of equilibrium
equation of the centre; equation of a circle with the origin at the centre
equation of the locus
equation of periods
equation of thermal state
equation of time
equation of continuity
equation of state
Zustandsgleichung f
Zustandsgleichungen pl
constitutive equation
constitutive equations
Gleichung f math.
Gleichungen pl
Gleichung zweiten Grades; quadratische Gleichung
Gleichung dritten Grades; kubische Gleichung
Gleichung xten Grades; Gleichung xter Ordnung
Arbeitsgleichung f
Bedingungsgleichung f
Bestimmungsgleichung f
Elastizitätsgleichung f
Energiegleichung f; Energiesatz m
Geradengleichung f
Gleichgewichtsgleichung f
Mittelpunktsgleichung f
Ortsgleichung f
Periodengleichung f
Wärmegleichung f
Zeitgleichung f
Zustandsgleichung f
Zustandsgleichung phys.
allgemeingültige Gleichung; identische Gleichung
eine Gleichung nach x freistellen
equation of the second degree; quadratic equation
equation of the third degree; cubic equation
equation of the xth degree
equation of kinetics; equation of kinetic and potential energy
equation of condition; condition equation; conditional equation; constraints equation
conditional equation
equation of elasticity
equation of energy
equation of a straight line
equation of equilibrium
equation of the centre; equation of a circle with the origin at the centre
equation of the locus
equation of periods
equation of thermal state
equation of time
equation of continuity
equation of state
identical equation
to solve an equation for x
Zustandsgraph m math.
Zustandsgraphen pl
state graph
state graphs
Funktionsgraph m; Graph m math.
Funktionsgraphen pl; Graphen pl
ebener Graph; planarer Graph
gerichteter, azyklischer Graph
säulenförmiger Graph
Zustandsgraph m
graph of a function; graph
graphs of a function; graphs
planar graph
directed acyclic graph (dag)
columnar graph
state graph
Zustandsgröße f, Zustandsvariable f
Zustandsgrößen pl, Zustandsvariablen pl
state variable
state variables
Variable f; Veränderliche f comp. math. phys.
Variablen pl
Zustandsgröße f
abhängige Variable
Scheinvariable f
seriell korrelierte Variable
state variable
dependent variable
dummy variable
serially correlated variable; lag variable; lagged variable
Zustandsgröße f; Zustandsvariable f
Zustandsgrößen pl; Zustandsvariablen pl
state variable
state variables
Schwingung f; Oszillation f (wiederkehrende Schwankung einer Zustandsgröße) phys.
Schwingungen pl
Pendelschwingung f
Schwingungen anregen
oscillation (repetitive variation of a state quantity)
pendulum oscillation; pendulum swinging; pendulum swing
to incite stimulate oscillations
Zustandsgröße f; Zustandsvariable f
Zustandsgrößen pl; Zustandsvariablen pl
state variable; state quantity; variable quantity
state variables; state quantities; variable quantities
Zustandsgröße f astron.
Zustandsgrößen pl
physical parameter
physical parameters
Wechselschrift f; NRZ-Schreibverfahren n; NRZ-Aufzeichnung f; NRZ-Verfahren n (Magnetbandaufzeichnung) comp.
zustandskodierte Wechselschrift
non-return-to-zero recording; NRZ recording; non-return-to-reference recording (magnetic tape recording)
NRZ change recording; NRZ C recording
zustandslos adj
Zustandslosigkeit f
Phasenraum m; Zustandsraum m math.
phase space
Sättigungslinie f; Löslichkeitskurve f für den festen Zustand (Zustandsschaubild) chem.
Sättigungslinien pl; Löslichkeitskurven pl für den festen Zustand
solvus line; solid solubility curve (constitutional diagram)
solvus lines; solid solubility curves
Zustandsüberwachung f techn.
condition monitoring
Zustandsverb n ling.
Zustandsverben pl
stative verb
stative verbs
Ökosystem n envir.
Ökosysteme pl
abhängiges Ökosystem
anthropogenes Ökosystem
aquatisches hydrisches Ökosystem
arides Ökosystem; Ökosystem der ariden Zone
empfindliches Ökosystem
forstliches Ökosystem
Ökosystem der gemäßigten Zone
globales Ökosystem
labiles Ökosystem
Ökosystem des Meeres; marines Ökosystem
natürliches Ökosystem
naturnahes Ökosystem
Ökosystem des offenen Ozeans
ozeanisches Ökosystem
städtisches urbanes Ökosystem; Ökosystem Stadt
terrestrisches Ökosystem
Ökosystem der stehenden Gewässer
Ökosystem der Tropenzone
Zustandswechsel eines Ökosystems
dependent ecosystem
anthropogenic ecosystem
aquatic ecosystem
arid-zone ecosystem
fragile ecosystem
woodland forest ecosystem
temperate-zone ecosystem
global world ecosystem
non-equilibrium ecosystem
marine ecosystem
natural wild ecosystem
semi-natural ecosystem
open-ocean ecosystem
oceanic ecosystem
city urban ecosystem
terrestrial land ecosystem
standing-water ecosystem
tropical-zone ecosystem
regime shift of an ecosystem
Bezugsmagnetisierungsschrift f; Restmagnetisierungsaufzeichnung f; RZ-Schreibverfahren n; RZ-Aufzeichnung f; RZ-Verfahren n (Magnetbandaufzeichnung) comp.
zustandswechselkodierte Schrift
return-to-zero recording; RZ recording; return-to-reference recording; return-to-bias recording; dipole recording (magnetic tape recording)
return-to-zero change-on-ones recording; NRZ change-on-ones coding
Eingabe Ausgabe-Zustandswort n; Ein- Ausgabe-Zustandswort n; E A-Zustandswort n comp.
input output status word; I O status word

Deutsche Zustandsbestimmung Synonyme

Englische determination of states Synonyme

determination  absolute indication  accomplishment  acid test  action  aim  allocation  ambition  animus  answer  appetence  appetency  appetite  appraisal  appraisement  approximation  ascertaining  ascertainment  aspiration  assay  assessment  assignment  assize  assizement  assurance  attribution  award  balkiness  bigotry  blank determination  bounding  bringing to light  brouillon  bullheadedness  burden of proof  calculation  casual discovery  catching  certification  chance discovery  check  checking  choice  circling-in  circumscribing  circumscription  clearing up  collation  command  commitment  computation  conation  conatus  conclusion  conclusive evidence  condemnation  confirmation  consideration  constancy  correction  counsel  cracking  criterion  crucial test  crucible  damning evidence  decidedness  decipherment  decision  decisiveness  decoding  decree  dedication  definiteness  definition  delimitation  deliverance  demarcation  demonstration  denomination  denouement  desideration  desideratum  design  designation  desire  detection  determinateness  determinedness  determining  devotion  diagnosis  dictum  disclosure  discovery  discretion  disentanglement  disposition  distinguishment  docimasy  doggedness  dogmatism  doom  earnestness  effect  effort  encincture  end  end result  endeavor  ensuring  espial  essay  establishment  estimate  estimation  evaluation  excavation  exertion  exhumation  explanation  exposure  fanaticism  fancy  feeling out  find  finding  finding out  finding-out  firmness  first draft  fixed mind  fixed purpose  fixing  fortitude  free choice  free will  function  gauging  grit  guts  hardheadedness  headstrongness  idea  inclination  inclusion-exclusion  incontrovertible evidence  indisputable evidence  inflexible will  instrumentation  intendment  intent  intention  interpretation  intolerance  invention  ironclad proof  issue  judgement  kiteflying  liking  locating  location  lucky strike  lust  meaning  measure  

Zustandsbestimmung Definition

(n.) The act of determining, or the state of being determined.
(n.) Bringing to an end
(n.) Direction or tendency to a certain end
(n.) The quality of mind which reaches definite conclusions
(n.) The state of decision
(n.) That which is determined upon
(n.) A flow, rush, or tendency to a particular part
(n.) The act, process, or result of any accurate measurement, as of length, volume, weight, intensity, etc.
(n.) The act of defining a concept or notion by giving its essential constituents.
(n.) The addition of a differentia to a concept or notion, thus limiting its extent
(n.) The act of determining the relations of an object, as regards genus and species
(n.) Determination by one's self
(n.) In France, before the Revolution, the assembly of the three orders of the kingdom, namely, the clergy, the nobility, and the third estate, or commonalty.
(n.) In the Netherlands, the legislative body, composed of two chambers.

determination of states Bedeutung

the act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation, the determination of molecular structures
determination conclusion
the act of making up your mind about something, the burden of decision was his, he drew his conclusions quickly
President of the United States
President Chief Executive
the office of the United States head of state, a President is elected every four years
Attorney General
Attorney General of the United States
the position of the head of the Justice Department and the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, the post of Attorney General was created in
American Civil War
United States Civil War
War between the States
civil war in the United States between the North and the South, -
Great Seal of the United States the seal of the United States government
National Library of Medicine
United States National Library of Medicine
U.S. National Library of Medicine
the world's largest medical library
United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
US Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
a defense laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Command, the United States Army's primary forensic laboratory in support of criminal intelligence
United States Mint
U.S. Mint
US Mint
the mint that manufactures and distributes United States coins for circulation through Federal Reserve Banks, processes gold and silver bullion
the quality of being determined to do or achieve something, firmness of purpose, his determination showed in his every movement, he is a man of purpose
states' rights the rights conceded to the states by the United States constitution
self-determination determination of one's own fate or course of action without compulsion
determination deciding or controlling something's outcome or nature, the determination of grammatical inflections
a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration, a decision unfavorable to the opposition, his conclusion took the evidence into account, satisfied with the panel's determination
states' rights a doctrine that federal powers should be curtailed and returned to the individual states
United States Constitution
U.S. Constitution
US Constitution
Constitution Constitution of the United States
the constitution written at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in and subsequently ratified by the original thirteen states
United States Code
U. S. Code
a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States, is prepared and published by a unit of the United States House of Representatives
United States Postal Service
US Postal Service
an independent federal agency that provides mail processing and delivery service for individuals and businesses in the United States
United States Postal Inspection Service
US Postal Inspection Service
the primary law enforcement arm of the United States Postal Service
United States Trade Representative
US Trade Representative
the executive agency that administers the President's policies on international trade
Department of Defense
Defense Department
United States Department of Defense
Defense DoD
the federal department responsible for safeguarding national security of the United States, created in
United States Public Health Service
an agency that serves as the office of Surgeon General, includes agencies whose mission is to improve the public health
United States Border Patrol
US Border Patrol
the mobile law enforcement arm of the Immigration and Naturalization Service that detects and prevents illegal entry of aliens into the United States
Department of State
United States Department of State
State Department
State DoS
the federal department in the United States that sets and maintains foreign policies, the Department of State was created in
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
US Fish and Wildlife Service
an agency in the Department of the Interior that conserves and protects fish and wildlife and their habitats, assesses the environmental impact of pesticides and nuclear power site and hydroelectric dams and thermal pollution
Department of the Treasury
Treasury Department
Treasury United States Treasury
the federal department that collects revenue and administers federal finances, the Treasury Department was created in
United States Marshals Service
US Marshals Service
the United States' oldest federal law enforcement agency is responsible today for protecting the Federal Judiciary and transporting federal prisoners and protecting federal witnesses and managing assets seized from criminals and generally ensuring the effective operation of the federal judicial system
United States Post Office
US Post Office
Post Office
an independent agency of the federal government responsible for mail delivery (and sometimes telecommunications) between individuals and businesses in the United States
United States Senate
U.S. Senate
US Senate
the upper house of the United States Congress
Congress United States Congress
U.S. Congress
US Congress
the legislature of the United States government
United States House of Representatives
U.S. House of Representatives
US House of Representatives
House of Representatives
U.S. House
US House
the lower legislative house of the United States Congress
Government Accounting Office
United States Government Accounting Office
an independent nonpartisan federal agency that acts as the investigative arm of Congress making the executive branch accountable to Congress and the government accountable to citizens of the United States
States General assembly of the estates of an entire country especially the sovereign body of the Dutch republic from th to th centuries
Organization of American States
an association including most countries in the western hemisphere, created in to promote military and economic and social and cultural cooperation
United States Navy
US Navy
the navy of the United States of America, the agency that maintains and trains and equips combateady naval forces
United States Coast Guard
U. S. Coast Guard
US Coast Guard
an agency of the Department of Transportation responsible for patrolling shores and facilitating nautical commerce
United States Marine Corps
United States Marines
Marine Corps
US Marine Corps
an amphibious division of the United States Navy
United States Naval Academy
US Naval Academy
a school for training men and women to become officers in the United States Navy
United States Air Force Academy
US Air Force Academy
a school for training men and women to become officers in the United States Air Force
United States Air Force
U. S. Air Force
US Air Force
Air Force USAF
the airforce of the United States of America, the agency that defends the United States through control and exploitation of air and space
Special Forces
U. S. Army Special Forces
United States Army Special Forces
a division of the United States Army that is specially trained for guerilla fighting
States' Rights Democratic Party
a former political party in the United States, formed in by Democrats from southern states in order to oppose to the candidacy of Harry S Truman
Commonwealth of Independent States
an alliance made up of states that had been Soviet Socialist Republics in the Soviet Union prior to its dissolution in Dec
Supreme Court
Supreme Court of the United States
United States Supreme Court
the highest federal court in the United States, has final appellate jurisdiction and has jurisdiction over all other courts in the nation
United States intelligence agency an intelligence service in the United States
Intelligence Community
National Intelligence Community
United States Intelligence Community
a group of government agencies and organizations that carry out intelligence activities for the United States government, headed by the Director of Central Intelligence
United States Secret Service
US Secret Service
Secret Service
the United States intelligence agency that protects current and former presidents and vice presidents and their immediate families and protects distinguished foreign visitors, detects and apprehends counterfeiters, suppresses forgery of government securities and documents
United States government
United States
U.S. government
US Government
the executive and legislative and judicial branches of the federal government of the United States
United States Government Printing Office
US Government Printing Office
Government Printing Office
an agency of the legislative branch that provides printing and binding services for Congress and the departments and establishments of the federal government
United States Cabinet
US Cabinet
a board to advise the President, members are the secretaries of executive departments, the United States constitution does not provide for the cabinet
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