
aktive Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

aktive Seite
active page
aktive Datei
active file
aktive Leitung
active line
aktive Schaltung
active circuit
aktive Seite f
active page
nicht aktive Posten
idle balances
aktive Leitung f
active line
aktive Handelsbilanz
active trade balance
aktive Handelsbilanz
favourable balance of trade
aktive Schaltung f
active circuit
Aktive m,f; Aktiver
active participant
Aktive m f; Aktiver
active participant
Aktive m f , Aktiver
active participant
aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik
active employment policy
(aktive) Wertsteigerung f
value add
(aktive) Gefährdung f +Gen.
endangering (of sb. sth.)
aktive Prüfung f (Kerntechnik) techn.
hot testing (nuclear engineering)
Aktivsaldo n; aktive Handelsbilanz fin.
active trade balance
Aktivsaldo n, aktive Handelsbilanz fin.
active trade balance
Aktive m,f; Aktiver (in einer Organisation)
full member (of an organization)
Aktive m f; Aktiver (in einer Organisation)
full member (of an organization)
Aktive m f , Aktiver (in einer Organisation)
full member (of an organization)
Arbeitsmarktpolitik f
aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik
labour market policy Br.; labor market policy Am.
active employment policy
Arbeitsmarktpolitik f
aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik
labour market policy
active employment policy
Datei f, File n comp.
Dateien pl
aktive Datei
file, data file
files, data files
active file
Mitgestalter m
Mitgestalter pl
aktive Mitgestalter
co-creator; co-designer; contributor
co-creators; co-designers; contributors
active contributors
aktive Fahrsicherheit f auto
passive Fahrsicherheit f
active driving safety
passive driving safety
Eigeninitiative f; aktive Bemühungen pl; aktive Impulse pl
Streitkräfte pl mil.
aktive Streitkräfte
reguläre Streitkräfte
armed forces
active armed forces
regular armed forces
(aktive, passive) Sterbehilfe f, Euthanasie f
aktive Sterbehilfe f
(active, passive) euthanasia
mercy killing
medizinische Geräte pl med.
aktive implantierbare medizinische Geräte
medical devices
active implantable medical devices
Schot f; Segelleine f naut.
Schoten pl
aktive Schot
lose Schot
sheet; sheet rope
sheet ropes
working sheet
lazy sheet
Schot f, Segelleine f naut.
Schoten pl
aktive Schot
lose Schot
sheet, sheet rope
sheet ropes
working sheet
lazy sheet
Rechnungsabgrenzung f fin.
aktive Rechnungsabgrenzung
passive Rechnungsabgrenzung
accrual and deferral
accrued income
deferred income
(aktive; passive) Sterbehilfe f; Euthanasie f
aktive Sterbehilfe f
freiwillige Euthanasie
(active; passive) euthanasia
mercy killing
voluntary euthanasia
Kopfstütze f, Nackenstütze f auto
Kopfstützen pl, Nackenstützen pl
aktive Kopfstützen
headrest, head restraint
headrests, head restraints
active head restraints
aktiv; tätig adj
am aktivsten
aktive Leitung f
aktive Schaltung f
aktive Seite f
more active
most active
active line
active circuit
active page
Zielsuchlenkung f; automatische Zielansteuerung f mil.
aktive Zielsuchlenkung
halbaktive Zielsuchlenkung
homing guidance
active homing guidance
semi-active homing guidance
(aktive; passive) Sterbehilfe f; Euthanasie f
aktive Sterbehilfe f
freiwillige Euthanasie
jdm. Sterbehilfe geben
(active; passive) euthanasia
mercy killing
voluntary euthanasia
to help sb. (to) die
(chemische) Verbindung f
Verbindungen pl
metallorganische Verbindung
niedermolekulare Verbindung
optisch aktive Verbindung
organometallic compound
low-molecular compound
optically active compound
Abschreckung f
abgestufte Abschreckung
aktive Abschreckung
atomare Abschreckung
begrenzte Abschreckung
erweiterte Abschreckung
graduated deterrence
active deterrence
nuclear deterrence
finite deterrence
extended deterrence
Streitkräfte pl mil.
aktive Streitkräfte
interalliierte Streitkräfte
reguläre Streitkräfte
Reservestreitkräfte pl; die Reserve
armed forces
active armed forces
combined forces
regular armed forces
reserve forces; reserve components Am.; the reserves
Kopfstütze f; Nackenstütze f auto
Kopfstützen pl; Nackenstützen pl
aktive Kopfstützen
Moderne Autos verfügen über Kopfstützen.
headrest; head restraint
headrests; head restraints
active head restraints
Modern Today's cars have are equipped with headrests.
Immunisierung f med.
adoptive Immunisierung
aktive Immunisierung
passive Immunisierung
stille Immunisierung
Impfungsimmunität f
immunization; immunisation Br.; immunifaction
adoptive immunization
active immunization
passive immunization
occult immunization; natural immunifaction
postvaccinal immunity
Kopfstütze f; Nackenstütze f auto transp.
Kopfstützen pl; Nackenstützen pl
aktive Kopfstützen
Moderne Autos verfügen über Kopfstützen.
headrest; head restraint
headrests; head restraints
active head restraints
Modern Today's cars have are equipped with headrests.
Datei f; File n; Computerdatei f comp.
Dateien pl; Files pl
aktive Datei
gemeinsame Datei
eine Datei speichern
in eine Datei speichern
file; data file; computer file
files; data files
active file
shared file
to save a file
to save in a file
Barguthaben n; Kassensaldo m; Kassenbestand m; Kassasaldo m Ös. Schw.; Kassabestand m Ös. Schw. (Bilanz) econ. adm.
aktive Kasse
inaktive Kasse
cash balance; balance in cash; balance in hand; cash assets (balance sheet)
active balances
idle balances; idle money
allergische Sofortreaktion f; Sofortallergie f; Anaphylaxie f med.
aktive Anaphylaxie
invers-passive kutane Anaphylaxie
lokale Anaphylaxie
passive Anaphylaxie
immediate hypersensitivity reaction; immediate hypersensitivity; hypersensitivity reaction type; immediate allergy; anaphylaxis
active anaphylaxis
reversed passive cutaneous anaphylaxis
local anaphylaxis
passive anaphylaxis
Beteiligung f; Mitwirkung f (von jdm. an etw.) soc.
die aktive Mitwirkung der Bürger am Planungsprozess
die Mitwirkung an der Schaffung Gestaltung Organisation von etw.
involvement (of sb. in sth.)
the active involvement of the citizens in the planning process
the involvement in the creation design organisation of sth.
Abschreckung f
abgestufte Abschreckung
aktive Abschreckung
atomare Abschreckung
begrenzte Abschreckung
erweiterte Abschreckung
konventionelle Abschreckung pol. mil.
graduated deterrence
active deterrence
nuclear deterrence
finite deterrence
extended deterrence
conventional deterrence
Festplattenpartition f; Partition f; logisches Laufwerk n comp.
Festplattenpartitionen pl; Partitionen pl; logische Laufwerke pl
primäre Partition; aktive Partition; Startpartition f
partition of a hard disc Br. hard disk Am.; logical drive
partitions of a hard disc hard disk; logical drives
primary partition; active partition, boot partition
akute Allergie f; immunologische Überempfindlichkeit f; Schutzlosigkeit f gegenüber Antigenen; Anaphylaxie f med.
aktive Anaphylaxie
invers-passive kutane Anaphylaxie
lokale Anaphylaxie
passive Anaphylaxie
immediate allergy; immediate hypersensitivity (reaction); hypersensivity; hypersensitiveness; anaphylaxis
active anaphylaxis
reversed passive cutaneous anaphylaxis
local anaphylaxis
passive anaphylaxis
chemische Verbindung f; Verbindung f chem.
chemische Verbindungen pl; Verbindungen pl
Clusterverbindung f
konjugierte Verbindung; Konjugation
metallorganische Verbindung
niedermolekulare Verbindung
optisch aktive Verbindung
chemical compound; compound
chemical compounds; compounds
cluster compound
conjugated compound
organometallic compound
low-molecular compound
optically active compound
(aktive) Beweglichkeit f (Veränderbarkeit der Stellung bei einem Körperteil) med.
eingeschränkte Beweglichkeit; Minderbeweglichkeit f
elektrophoretische Beweglichkeit
gesteigerte Beweglichkeit; übermäßige Beweglichkeit
horizontale Beweglichkeit
verringerte Beweglichkeit
mobility (of a body part)
limited mobility; restricted mobility; reduced mobility
electrophoretic mobility
horizontal mobility
Lohnveredelung f (Bearbeitung einer Ware für einen Auftraggeber) econ.
aktive Lohnveredelung; aktiver Veredelungsverkehr (Lohnveredelung im Inland und anschließende Wiederausfuhr)
passive Lohnveredelung; passiver Veredelungsverkehr (Lohnveredelung im Ausland und anschließende Wiedereinfuhr)
contract processing; making up work from materials supplied (on behalf of a client)
inward processing (import for processing and re-export)
outward processing (export for processing and re-import)
Tuberkulose f TBC ; Schwindsucht f med.
aktive offene Tuberkulose
inaktive geschlossene Tuberkulose
chronische Tuberkulose
generalisierte disseminierte miliare Tuberkulose
extrapulmonale Tuberkulose
galoppierende Tuberkulose Schwindsucht
käsige Tuberkulose
kavernöse Tuberkulose
tuberculosis TB ; pulmonary tuberculosis; consumption; phthisis
active open tuberculosis
inactive closed tuberculosis; latent tuberculous disease
chronic tuberculosis; adult-type tuberculosis
disseminated tuberculosis; miliary tuberculosis
extrapulmonary tuberculosis
galloping consumption; florid phthisis
caseous tuberculosis
cavitary tuberculosis
Tuberkulose f Tbc Tb ; Schwindsucht f med.
aktive offene Tuberkulose
inaktive geschlossene Tuberkulose
chronische Tuberkulose
generalisierte disseminierte miliare Tuberkulose
extrapulmonale Tuberkulose
galoppierende Tuberkulose Schwindsucht
käsige Tuberkulose
kavernöse Tuberkulose
tuberculosis TB ; pulmonary tuberculosis; consumption; phthisis
active open tuberculosis
inactive closed tuberculosis; latent tuberculous disease
chronic tuberculosis; adult-type tuberculosis
disseminated tuberculosis; miliary tuberculosis
extrapulmonary tuberculosis
galloping consumption; florid phthisis
caseous tuberculosis
cavitary tuberculosis
Rechnungsabgrenzung f (Abgrenzung von Rechnungsposten gegenüber der nächsten Periode) econ. adm.
aktive Rechnungsabgrenzung; antizipative Rechnungsabgrenzung (Verbuchung von Geschäftsfällen in der laufenden Periode bei späterem Zahlungszeitpunkt)
passive Rechnungsabgrenzung; transitorische Rechnungsabgrenzung
accounting apportionment; accrual and deferral accounting; accrual accounting coll.
accrual accounting method; accrual accounting; accrual-basis accounting; accrual-based accounting; accounting on (an) accrual basis (recording of transactions in the current period with money being exchanged at a later time)
deferral accounting method; deferral accounting; deferral-basis accounting; deferral-based accounting; accounting on (an) deferral basis
Sprachgebrauch m ling.
im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch
im modernen Sprachgebrauch
in der Alltagssprache
ein Beispiel für den Sprachgebrauch
Wenn es richtig gebraucht wird, verlangt das Verb „kollidieren“ zwei aktive Beteiligte.
Im normalen Sprachgebrauch bedeutet es Pause, aber es kann auch anders gebraucht werden.
language use; language usage; linguistic usage; usage
in common use; in common usage
in current use; in current usage
in everyday usage
a usage example
In proper usage, the verb "to collide" requires two active partners.
In usual usage it means break, but other uses are possible.
Computerdatei f; Datei f comp.
Computerdateien pl; Dateien pl
Audiodatei f
Datendatei f
Musikdatei f
Programmdatei f
Ursprungsdatei f
Zieldatei f
aktive Datei
gemeinsame Datei
eine Datei anlegen
eine Datei bearbeiten
eine Datei öffnen
eine Datei löschen
eine Datei speichern
auf eine Datei zugreifen
computer file; file
computer files; files
audio file; sound file
data file
music file
program file
source file
target file
active file
shared file
to create a file
to edit a file
to open a file
to erase a file; to delete a file
to save a file
to access a file
Schutzimpfung f; Impfung f; Vakzination f med.
aktive Impfung
aktive Impfung und Serumbehandlung
Auffrischungsimpfung f; Wiederholungsimpfung f; Nachimpfung f
Basisimpfung f
bakterielle Impfung; Bakterienvakzination f
enterale Impfung; perorale Impfung
epikutane Impfung
konjunktivale Impfung
passive Impfung
Impfung im Kindesalter
Impfung mit Rotzbakterienextrakt
vaccination; vaccinization; inoculation; vaccine therapy; vaccinotherapy; immunization with a vaccine; immunization shot Am. coll.; jab Br. coll.
active vaccination
active serovaccination
booster inoculation; booster
primary vaccination
bacterial vaccination; bacterination
enteric inoculation; peroral inoculation
epicutaneous vaccination
conjunctival inoculation
passive vaccination
childhood vaccination
Radar m,n
Flugzeugträger-Anflugradarsystem n; Flugzeugträger-Anflugradar m,n
Höhenmessradar m,n
monotonfrequenzmodulierter Radar
Nahbereichsradar m,n
Navigationsradar m,n
Ortungs- und Verfolgungsradar n,m
Präzisionsanflugradar m,n
Sekundärradar m,n; Aktivradar m,n; aktive Ortung und Abstandsmessung
Wetterbeobachtungsradar m,n
Zielerfassungsradar großer Reichweite; PAR-Radar
Zielverfolgungsradar m,n; Verfolgungsradar n; Feuerleitradar m,n FLR
radar; radio detection and ranging
carrier-controlled approach radar; CCA radar; radar for a carrier-controlled approach system
height-finder radar
chirp radar
short-range radar
navigation radar
acquisition and tracking radar
precision approach radar
secondary radar
weather observation radar
perimeter acquisition radar PAR
target tracking radar; targeting radar; tracking radar; missile tracking radar MTR ; fire-control radar FCR
Rückversicherung f; Gegenversicherung f; Reassekuranz f (Versicherungswesen) fin.
aktive Rückversicherung
proportionale Rückversicherung
nicht proportionale Rückversicherung
Gesamtschaden-Exzedentenrückversicherung; Jahresüberschadenrückversicherung
Summenexzedentenrückversicherung; Exzedentenrückversicherung
Deckung durch Rückversicherung
eine Rückversicherung abschließen
reinsurance; reassurance Br. (insurance business)
active reinsurance
proportional reinsurance
non-proportional reinsurance
gross-excess reinsurance policy
single-risk reinsurance
stop-loss insurance
flat-line reinsurance
portfolio reinsurance
quota share reinsurance
surplus reinsurance; excess-of-line reinsurance
reinsurance cover
to enter into a reinsurance agreement
Sternensystem n; Galaxie f; Galaxis f selten astron.
Sternensysteme pl; Galaxien pl
aktive Galaxie
Antennengalaxien pl
Balkenspiralgalaxien pl
elliptische Galaxie
Infrarotgalaxien pl
linsenförmige Galaxien; lentikuläre Galaxien
Mäusegalaxien pl
pekuliare Galaxie
Ringgalaxien pl
Seyfert-Galaxien pl
Spiralgalaxien pl
Starburst-Galaxien pl
Whirlpool-Galaxien pl
unregelmäßige Galaxien
wechselwirkende Galaxien
Galaxienzusammenstoß m; Galaxienkollision f
Spiralarm einer Galaxie
lokale Galaxiengruppe
stellar system; galaxy
stellar systems; galaxies
active galaxy
antennae galaxies
barred spiral galaxies
elliptical galaxy; E galaxy; spheroidal galaxy
infrared galaxies
lenticular galaxies; armless spiral galaxies
mice galaxies
peculiar galaxy
polar-ring galaxy
ring galaxies
Seyfert galaxies
spiral galaxies
starburst galaxies
whirlpool galaxies
irregular galaxies
interacting galaxies
crash of galaxies
spiral arm of a galaxy
local galaxy group
Immunität f; Unempfindlichkeit f gegenüber Krankheitserregern med.
aktive Immunität
angeborene Immunität
antibakterielle Immunität
antitoxische Immunität
antivirale Immunität
bleibende Immunität
Blutimmunität f
erhöhte Immunität
erworbene Immunität
Giftimmunität f
herabgesetzte Immunität
Herdenimmunität f
humorale Immunität
konstitutionelle Immunität
lokale Immunität
partielle Immunität
passive Immunität
typenspezifische Immunität
unspezifische Immunität
zellständige Immunität; zellübertragene Immunität
Zellimmunität f; zelluläre Immunität
immunity; resistance to pathogens
active immunity
innate immunity; native immunity; congenital resistance
antibacterial immunity
antitoxic immunity
antiviral immunity
permanent immunity
blood immunity
acquired immunity
immunity to poison; immunity against toxin
herd immunity
humoral immunity
constitutional immunity
local immunity
partial immunity
passive immunity; sero-immunity; orrho-immunity
type-specific immunity
non-specific immunity
cell-mediated immunity
cell immunity; cellular immunity
direkte Investition f; Direktinvestition f (zwecks Einflussnahme) econ.
direkte Investitionen pl; Direktinvestitionen pl
aktive Direktinvestitionen; direkte Investitionen Direktinvestionen im Ausland; inländische Direktinvestitionen im Ausland; Direktinvestitionsexporte; Direktinvestitionsabflüsse; Abflüsse von direkten Auslandsinvestitionen
passive Direktinvestitionen; direkte Investitionen Direktinvestionen aus dem Ausland; ausländische Direktinvestitionen im Inland; Direktinvestitionsimporte; Direktinvestitionszuflüsse; Zuflüsse von direkten Auslandsinvestitionen (oft ungenau: Auslandsdirektinvestitionen; Direktauslandsinvestitionen)
direct investment
direct investments
direct outward investments; foreign direct investment outflows
inward direct investments; direct inward investments; foreign direct investment inflows; foreign direct investments FDI
Antenne f telco.
Antennen pl
abgeschirmte Antenne
aktive Antenne
Ballonantenne f
fußpunktgespeiste Antenne
geräuscharme Antenne; störfreie Antenne
Holmantenne f
Kugelantenne f; sphärische Antenne
Schwenkantenne f
Wurfantenne f
parallel gespeiste Antenne
im Tragflügel verlegte Antenne aviat.
in Oberwellen erregte Antenne
Antenne der Raumstation (Raumfahrt)
Antenne in Spulenform; Antennenspule
Antenne mit einem Strahlenbündel mit zwei Strahlungsbündeln
Antenne mit eng gebündeltem Strahl (Satellitentechnik)
Antenne mit fortschreitenden Wellen; Wanderwellenantenne
Antenne mit geformter Strahlungskeule; Antenne mit besonderer Richtcharakteristik
Antenne mit schwenkbarer Strahlungskeule Richtcharakteristik
Antenne mit Sperrtopf
Antenne mit stehenden Wellen
antenna techn. Am.; aerial Br.
antennae; antennas; aerials
screened aerial
active antenna; active aerial
aperture antenna; aperture aerial
balloon antenna
series-fed antenna; series-fed aerial
antistatic antenna; anti-interference antenna
cantilever antenna
isotropic antenna
swivel antenna
dipole antenna; dipole aerial Br.
shunt-fed antenna
wing antenna
harmonic antenna
space antenna (astronautics)
antenna coil
single-beam double-beam antenna
spot-beam antenna (satellite engineering)
travelling wave antenna; TW antenna
shaped-beam antenna
steerable-beam antenna; steerable antenna
sleeve antenna
stationary wave antenna
Antenne f telco.
Antennen pl
abgeschirmte Antenne
aktive Antenne
Ballonantenne f
fußpunktgespeiste Antenne
geräuscharme Antenne; störfreie Antenne
Holmantenne f
Käseschachtelantenne f
Kugelantenne f; sphärische Antenne
Rutenantenne f; Peitschenantenne f
Schwenkantenne f
Stabantenne f
Wendelantenne f; Helixantenne f
Wurfantenne f
parallel gespeiste Antenne
im Tragflügel verlegte Antenne aviat.
in Oberwellen erregte Antenne
Antenne der Raumstation (Raumfahrt)
Antenne in Spulenform; Antennenspule
Antenne mit einem Strahlenbündel mit zwei Strahlungsbündeln
Antenne mit eng gebündeltem Strahl (Satellitentechnik)
Langdrahtantenne f; Wanderwellenantenne f; Antenne f mit fortschreitenden Wellen
Antenne mit geformter Strahlungskeule; Antenne mit besonderer Richtcharakteristik
Antenne mit schwenkbarer Strahlungskeule Richtcharakteristik
Antenne mit Sperrtopf
Antenne mit stehenden Wellen
antenna techn. Am.; aerial Br.
antennae; antennas; aerials
screened aerial
active antenna; active aerial
aperture antenna; aperture aerial
balloon antenna
series-fed antenna; series-fed aerial
antistatic antenna; anti-interference antenna
cantilever antenna
pillbox antenna; cheese antenna; cheese aerial
isotropic antenna
whip antenna; whip aerial
swivel antenna
rod aerial
helix antenna
dipole antenna; dipole aerial Br.
shunt-fed antenna
wing antenna
harmonic antenna
space antenna (astronautics)
antenna coil
single-beam double-beam antenna
spot-beam antenna (satellite engineering)
long-wire antenna; travelling-wave antenna; TW antenna
shaped-beam antenna
steerable-beam antenna; steerable antenna
sleeve antenna
stationary wave antenna

Deutsche aktive Synonyme


Englische live Synonyme

live  Be  abide  ablaze  aboveground  active  activist  activistic  actual  afire  aflame  aflicker  aglow  alight  alive  alive and kicking  among the living  animate  animated  ardent  be  be alive  be animate  be extant  be found  be in existence  be met with  be present  be somebody  be something  be the case  be there  berth  bide  blazing  bouncing  bouncy  breathe  breathing  breezy  brisk  bubbly  bunk  burning  busy  candent  candescent  capable of life  carry on  charged  chipper  cohabit  comburent  combustible  complete  conclude  conflagrant  conscious  contemporary  continue  continue to be  current  cut a dash  cut a figure  defeat time  defy time  dig  domicile  domiciliate  doss down  draw breath  dwell  dynamic  ebullient  effective  effectual  effervescent  efficacious  efficient  electrified  end  endowed with life  endure  energetic  enlivened  exist  existent  explosive  extend  fare  fetch breath  figure  finish  flagrant  flaming  flaring  flickering  flourish  frisky  full of go  full of life  full of pep  fuming  function  functioning  get along  gleam  glitter  glow  glowing  go on  guttering  hang out  happen to be  have being  have life  have place  high-tension  hold  hold on  hold out  hot  ignescent  ignited  in a blaze  in a glow  in flames  in the flesh  incandescent  inflamed  inhabit  inspirited  instinct with life  keep  keep on  kindled  last  last long  last out  live and breathe  live on  live through  lively  living  loaded  lodge  long-lived  maintain  make a figure  make a splash  material  mercurial  militant  move  nest  obtain  occupy  occur  on fire  operative  palpable  peppy  perch  perdure  perennate  perky  persevere  persist  pert  physical  prevail  quick  quicksilver  real  red-hot  reeking  remain  reside  respire  room  roost  run  run on  running  scintillant  scintillating  shine  smacking  smoking  smoldering  snappy  spanking  sparking  spend  spirited  sprightly  spry  squat  stand  stay  stay on  subsist  
live and let live  abide with  accept  be big  be content with  be easy with  blink at  brook  butt out  condone  disregard  hold aloof  ignore  judge not  keep hands off  lean over backwards  leave  leave alone  leave be  let alone  let be  listen to reason  live with  not butt in  not get involved  not interfere  not make waves  not meddle  not tamper  not write off  overlook  see both sides  stand aloof  suspend judgment  tolerate  view with indulgence  wink at  
live down  atone  atone for  compensate  expiate  give satisfaction  make amends  make compensation  make good  make matters up  make reparation  make right  make up for  pay the forfeit  pay the penalty  propitiate  recompense  redeem  redress  repair  satisfy  square it  square things  
live on  abide  batten upon  bide  browse  carry on  continue  continue to be  continue to exist  crop  defeat time  defy time  dwell  endure  exist  extend  fatten on  fatten upon  feast on  feast upon  feed on  go on  graze  hold  hold on  hold out  keep  keep on  last  last long  last out  live  live through  maintain  pasture on  perdure  perennate  persist  prevail  prey on  remain  run  run on  stand  stay  stay on  subsist  survive  sustain  tarry  tide over  wear  wear well  
live through  abide  bear up  beat the game  beat the system  bide  carry on  come through  come up fighting  come up smiling  continue  continue to be  defeat time  defy time  dwell  endure  exist  extend  go on  hang in  hang in there  hang on  hang tough  hold  hold fast  hold on  hold out  hold up  keep  keep on  last  last long  last out  live  live on  live through it  live with it  maintain  never say die  not give up  perdure  perennate  persevere  persist  prevail  remain  run  run on  stand  stand up  stay  stay it out  stay on  stay the distance  stay with it  stick  stick it  stick it out  stick out  stick to it  stick with it  subsist  survive  sustain  tarry  tide over  tough it out  triumph  wear  wear well  weather out  weather the storm  win out  win through  
live up to  abide by  act up to  adhere to  attend to  be faithful to  comply with  conform to  do justice to  fill  follow  fulfill  heed  hold by  keep  keep faith with  make good  meet  observe  regard  respect  satisfy  
live wire  activist  ball of fire  beaver  big-time operator  bustler  busy bee  charge  doer  dynamo  eager beaver  electric charge  enthusiast  go-getter  human dynamo  hustler  man of action  man of deeds  militant  new broom  operator  peeler  political activist  powerhouse  rustler  self-starter  take-charge guy  unit quantity  wheeler-dealer  winner  
live with  abide with  accede  accept  acquiesce  assent  be agreeable  be big  be content with  be easy with  bear up  blink at  brook  come up fighting  comply  condone  consent  disregard  face the music  go along with  hang in  hang in there  hang on  hang tough  hold fast  hold on  hold out  hold up  ignore  judge not  knock under  knuckle down  knuckle under  lean over backwards  listen to reason  live through it  live with it  never say die  not give up  not resist  not write off  obey  overlook  relent  resign  see both sides  stand up  stay it out  stay the distance  stay with it  stick  stick it  stick it out  stick out  stick to it  stick with it  submit  succumb  suspend judgment  swallow it  swallow the pill  take  take it  tolerate  tough it out  view with indulgence  wink at  
lived in  comfortable  comfy  commodious  contented  convenient  cozy  cushioned  cushiony  cushy  easeful  easy  friendly  homelike  homely  homey  luxurious  peaceful  relaxing  reposeful  restful  roomy  snug  soft  warm  
livelihood  TLC  alimentation  alimony  art  bread  bread and butter  care  craft  daily bread  economic support  emolument  endowment  fee  handicraft  keep  living  maintenance  manna  meat  mothering  nourishment  nurture  pay  price support  profession  provision  salary  stipend  subsidization  subsidy  subsistence  subvention  support  sustainment  sustenance  sustentation  tender loving care  trade  upkeep  wage  
liveliness  activity  adaptability  alacrity  animal spirits  animate existence  animation  anxiety  anxiousness  appetite  ardency  ardor  avidity  avidness  being alive  birth  bite  bounce  bounciness  breathless impatience  breeziness  brio  briskness  bubbliness  buoyance  buoyancy  capersomeness  cheerful readiness  coltishness  dash  eagerness  ebullience  ecstasy  effervescence  elan  elasticity  energy  enthusiasm  esprit  excitement  existence  extensibility  exuberance  fervency  fervidness  fervor  fire  flexibility  forwardness  friskiness  frolicsomeness  furor  fury  gaiety  gamesomeness  gayness  ginger  give  glow  gust  gusto  guts  having life  heart  heartiness  heat  hotness  immortality  impassionedness  impatience  impetuosity  impetus  joie de vivre  keen desire  keenness  kick  life  lifetime  living  long life  longevity  lustiness  mettle  moxie  nip  nippiness  passion  passionateness  pep  pepperiness  peppiness  perkiness  pertness  piquancy  piss and vinegar  pizzazz  playfulness  poignancy  promptness  punch  pungency  quickness  raciness  readiness  rebound  relish  resilience  resiliency  responsiveness  robustness  rollicksomeness  rompishness  savor  skittishness  snap  snappiness  soul  sparkle  spice  spiciness  spirit  spiritedness  spirits  sportiveness  sprightliness  spring  springiness  spriteliness  stretch  stretchability  stretchiness  tang  tanginess  tone  tonicity  tonus  vehemence  verve  viability  vigor  vim  vitality  vivaciousness  vivacity  vividness  warmth  warmth of feeling  zeal  zest  zestfulness  zip  
lively  ablaze  active  actively  activist  activistic  acute  adaptable  adaptive  afire  aggressive  agile  agog  alacritous  alert  alive  all agog  all out  allegretto  allegro  animate  animated  animatedly  antic  anxious  ardent  astir  avid  blithe  boiling over  bouncing  bouncy  breakneck  breathless  breezily  breezy  bright  brilliant  brisk  briskly  bubbly  buoyant  burning  bursting to  bustling  busy  cant  capersome  catty  cheerful  cheery  chipper  chirk  chirping  chirpy  chirrupy  cock-a-hoop  coltish  cordial  curried  dashing  delirious  desirous  double-quick  drunk  dynamic  eager  eagle-winged  ebullient  effervescent  elastic  energetic  energetically  enterprising  enthusiastic  eventful  excited  exciting  expansive  expeditious  express  extensile  exuberant  fast  febrile  fervent  fervid  fevered  feverish  fiery  flaming  fleet  flexible  flexile  flushed  flying  forceful  forcible  forward  frisky  frolicsome  full of beans  full of go  full of life  full of pep  full tilt  galloping  gamesome  gay  gleeful  glowing  go-go  gorgeous  hair-trigger  hasty  headlong  hearty  heated  high-seasoned  hilarious  hot  hot as pepper  hustling  impassioned  impatient  impetuous  in full swing  incisive  intense  interesting  intoxicated  inviting  jocund  jolly  juicy  keen  kinetic  light of heel  light-footed  live  living  lusty  mercurial  merry  mettlesome  militant  mirthful  nimble  nimble-footed  nippy  on fire  panting  passionate  peart  peppery  peppy  perky  pert  piquant  playful  poignant  pointed  popping  precipitate  prompt  provocative  provoking  pungent  quick  quick as lightning  quick as thought  quicksilver  racy  rapid  raring to  readable  ready  ready and willing  reckless  red-hot  resilient  responsive  rich  robust  rollicking  rollicksome  rompish  rousing  running  seasoned  skittish  smacking  snappy  spanking  sparkling  speedy  spiced  spicy  spirited  spiritedly  sportive  sprightly  springy  spry  steaming  
liven  activate  animate  arouse  boost  brighten  buoy up  cheer  dynamize  electrify  encourage  energize  enliven  exhilarate  fire  galvanize  give a lift  gladden  hearten  inflame  inspire  inspirit  invigorate  jazz up  kindle  pep up  perk up  pick up  quicken  rejoice  rejoice the heart  rouse  snap up  stimulate  stir up  vitalize  vivify  warm  zip up  
liver  abatis  abdomen  absorption  anus  appendix  assimilation  bile  blind gut  bowels  brain  brains  cecum  chitterlings  cholangitis  cholecystitis  cirrhosis  cockscomb  colon  denizen  digestion  digestive system  duodenum  dweller  endocardium  entrails  foregut  gastric juice  gastrointestinal tract  giblets  gizzard  guts  haslet  heart  hepatitis  hepatoma  hindgut  icterus  infectious hepatitis  ingestion  innards  inner mechanism  insides  internals  intestinal juice  intestine  inwards  jaundice  jejunum  kidney  kidneys  kishkes  large intestine  liver and lights  lung  marrow  midgut  occupant  pancreas  pancreatic digestion  pancreatic juice  perineum  predigestion  pump  pylorus  rectum  resident  resider  saliva  salivary digestion  salivary glands  secondary digestion  serum hepatitis  small intestine  spleen  stomach  sweetbread  ticker  tongue  tripe  tripes  vermiform appendix  viscera  vitals  works  
liveried  appareled  arrayed  attired  bedecked  breeched  capped  chausse  clad  cloaked  clothed  coifed  costumed  decked  dight  disguised  dressed  endued  garbed  garmented  gowned  habilimented  habited  hooded  invested  mantled  pantalooned  raimented  rigged out  robed  shod  shoed  tired  togged  tricked out  trousered  vested  vestmented  
livery  accouterments  armory  badge  badge of office  badges  baton  blazonry  brassard  button  cap and gown  caparison  chain  chain of office  class ring  cockade  collar  cross  decoration  dress  eagle  emblems  ensigns  fasces  figurehead  fleur-de-lis  furnishings  getup  hammer and sickle  harness  heraldry  insignia  lapel pin  mace  mantle  markings  medal  mortarboard  old school tie  outfit  pin  regalia  rig  ring  rose  school ring  shamrock  sigillography  skull and crossbones  sphragistics  staff  swastika  tartan  things  thistle  tie  trappings  trousseau  turnout  uniform  verge  wand  wardrobe  
livestock  Animalia  and fish  animal kingdom  animal life  animality  beasts  beasts of field  beasts of prey  big game  birds  brute creation  cattle  domestic animals  fauna  furry creatures  game  small game  stock  wild animals  wildlife  

aktive Definition

(v. i.) To be alive
(v. i.) To pass one's time
(v. i.) To make one's abiding place or home
(v. i.) To be or continue in existence
(v. i.) To enjoy or make the most of life
(v. i.) To feed
(v. i.) To have a spiritual existence
(v. i.) To be maintained in life
(v. i.) To outlast danger
(v. t.) To spend, as one's life
(v. t.) To act habitually in conformity with
(a.) Having life
(a.) Being in a state of ignition
(a.) Full of earnestness
(a.) Vivid
(a.) Imparting power
(n.) Life.
(n.) A plant (Sedum Telephium) with fleshy leaves, which has extreme powers of resisting drought

live Bedeutung

topminnow poeciliid fish
small usually brightlyolored viviparous surface-feeding fishes of fresh or brackish warm waters, often used in mosquito control
live axle
driving axle
the axle of a self-propelled vehicle that provides the driving power
live load
a variable load on a structure (e.g. a bridge) such as moving traffic
Sabin vaccine
oral poliovirus vaccine
trivalent live oral poliomyelitis vaccine
an oral vaccine (containing live but weakened poliovirus) that is given to provide immunity to poliomyelitis
live body the body of a living animal or person
live birth the birth of a living fetus (regardless of the length of gestation)
eager beaver
busy bee
live wire
sharpie sharpy
an alert and energetic person
sensitive plant touch-me-not shame plant
humble plant
action plant
Mimosa pudica
prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America, and Australia, heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft grey-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled
live oak any of several American evergreen oaks
coast live oak
California live oak
Quercus agrifolia
highly variable often shrubby evergreen oak of coastal zone of western North America having small thick usually spiny-toothed dark-green leaves
canyon oak
canyon live oak
maul oak
iron oak Quercus chrysolepis
medium-sized evergreen of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico with oblong leathery often spiny-edged leaves
southern live oak
Quercus virginiana
medium-sized evergreen native to eastern North America to the east coast of Mexico, often cultivated as shade tree for it wide-spreading crown, extremely hard tough durable wood once used in shipbuilding
interior live oak
Quercus wislizenii
Quercus wizlizenii
a small shrubby evergreen tree of western North America similar to the coast live oak but occurring chiefly in foothills of mountain ranges removed from the coast, an important part of the chaparral
Sedum telephium
perennial northern temperate plant with toothed leaves and heads of small purplish-white flowers
live steam steam coming from a boiler at full pressure
know experience
have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations, I know the feeling!, have you ever known hunger?, I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict, The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare, I lived through two divorces
live over
experience again, often in the imagination, He relived the horrors of war
accept live with
tolerate or accommodate oneself to, I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions, I swallowed the insult, She has learned to live with her husband's little idiosyncrasies
live in
sleep in
live in the house where one works, our babysitter lives in, as it is too far to commute for her
live out
sleep out
work in a house where one does not live, our cook lives out, he can easily commute from his home
live it up enjoy oneself, it's your birthday, so let's live it up!
be live have life, be alive, Our great leader is no more, My grandfather lived until the end of war
live lead a certain kind of life, live in a certain style, we had to live frugally after the war
live pursue a positive and satisfying existence, You must accept yourself and others if you really want to live
live down
live so as to annul some previous behavior, You can never live this down!
exist survive
live subsist
support oneself, he could barely exist on such a low wage, Can you live on $a month in New York City?, Many people in the world have to subsist on a day
survive last live live on
go e endure
hold up
hold out
continue to live through hardship or adversity, We went without water and food for days, These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America, The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents, how long can a person last without food and water?
live out live out one's life, live to the end
live inhabit
inhabit or live in, be an inhabitant of, People lived in Africa millions of years ago, The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted, this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean, deer are populating the woods
live together
shack up
share living quarters, usually said of people who are not married and live together as a couple
live up to
meet the requirements or expectations of
capable of erupting, a live volcano, the volcano is very much alive
alive(p) live possessing life, the happiest person alive, the nerve is alive, doctors are working hard to keep him alive, burned alive, a live canary
live exerting force or containing energy, live coals, tossed a live cigarette out the window, got a shock from a live wire, live ore is unmined ore, a live bomb, a live ball is one in play
charged or energized with electricity, a hot wire, a live wire
live of current relevance, a live issue, still a live option
live in current use or ready for use, live copy is ready to be set in type or already set but not yet proofread
live abounding with life and energy, the club members are a really live bunch
elastic, rebounds readily, clean bouncy hair, a lively tennis ball, as resilient as seasoned hickory, springy turf
live unrecorded actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing, a live television program, brought to you live from Lincoln Center, live entertainment involves performers actually in the physical presence of a live audience
live charged with an explosive, live ammunition, a live bomb
live(a) highly reverberant, a live concert hall
producing living young (not eggs)
live not recorded, the opera was broadcast live
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