
alles Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

the whole picture
alles Gute
all the best
Nimm alles
take the lot
Alles Gute!
All the best!; Good luck!
alles; alle
Alles Gute!
All the best!
Alles Gute!
Good luck!
Nimm alles!
Take the lot!
etwas, alles
alles andere
everything else
alles mögliche
foo bar ... foobar
alles mögliche
foo bar ... foobar
alles in allem
all in all
alles in allem
all told
alles fressend
alles fressend
alles in allem
on balance
alles mögliche
foobar : foo bar ...
alles moegliche
all sorts of things
alles fressende
alles beliebige
alles umfassend
alles andere als
anything but; far from
alles einsteigen
all aboard
alles eingestehen
to make a clean breast of
alles inbegriffen
alles durchdringend
all-pervasive {adj}
Alles oder nichts.
To win the mare or lose the halter.
wenn alles gut geht
if everything goes well
jdm. alles bedeuten
to mean everything to sb.
Wenn alles gut geht.
If everything goes well …
Ende gut, alles gut
All's well that ends well
Ihm ist alles gleich
all things are alike to him
Alles zu seiner Zeit
everything at the proper time
alles eingeschlossen
all included
alles ist in Ordnung
everything is in order
um alles in der Welt
for the world
Alles ist in Butter.
All is gas and gaiters. obs.
Jetzt ist alles aus!
That's torn it!
Wenn alles gut geht.
If everything goes well ...
alles Veröffentlichte
all published
alles-verzehrend adj
all-consuming {adj}
Alles hat seine Zeit.
There is a time for everything.
Alles zu seiner Zeit.
Everything at the proper time.
Ihm ist alles gleich.
All things are alike to him.
Da hört sich alles auf
that beats everything
das schliesst alles ein
that covers everything
Das ist vorläufig alles.
That's the lot for now.
Da hört sich alles auf!
That beats everything!
Das schließt alles ein.
That covers everything.
alles ist schiefgegangen
everything went wrong
alles in allem, zusammen
Es ist alles eitel Wonne.
All is gas and gaiters. obs.
Das ist noch nicht alles.
That's not the half of it.
Alles hat seine Grenzen.
There is a limit to everything.
Das ist vorläufig alles.
That will be all for the present.
Nähere n
alles Nähere
all details
grundsätzlich gegen alles
anti everything
alles startklar machen v
to clear the decks for action fig.
Alles ist schiefgegangen.
Everything went wrong.
Das ist noch nicht alles.
There's more to it than that.
Nicht um alles in der Welt
not for the life of me
alles auf den Kopf stellen
to turn everything topsyturvy
warum um alles in der Welt
why on earth
Toi, toi, toi!; Alles Gute!
Good luck!
Alles klar bei dir? ugs.
Everything ok with you? coll.
Er kann sich alles erlauben
he gets away with everything
Ende gut alles gut. Sprw.
All's well that ends well. prov.
alles durcheinander bringen
to muck things about
Das wird sich alles finden.
Everything will turn out all right.
Nicht um alles in der Welt!
Not for the life of me!
Sie ist sein ein und alles.
She's all the world to him.
Das ist alles nur Angeberei.
That is nothing but hot air.
Ende gut, alles gut. Sprw.
All's well that ends well. prov.
Er kann sich alles erlauben.
He gets away with everything.
Heute geht mir alles schief.
This is an off-day for me.
Heute geht mir alles schief.
Everything's going wrong.
Jetzt wird einem alles klar.
It all makes sense now.
alles durcheinanderbringen v
to muck things about
alles schleifen lassen ugs.
to slacken the reins fig.
Alles Liebe, …, Liebe Grüße, …
Love, …
Alles spricht dafür, dass ...
There is every indication that ...
Er lässt sich alles gefallen.
He puts up with everything.
Mir dreht sich alles im Kopf.
My head is spinning.
Ich setze alles auf eine Karte
i put all my eggs in one basket
alles um sich herum beobachten
watch the world go by
das ist alles was mir einfällt
this is all I can think of
alles löschen; alles vernichten
to nuke
alles stehen und liegen lassen
to drop everything
Von jetzt an geht alles glatt.
From now on it's all plain sailing.
dieser Preis macht alles kaputt
the price you charge will spoil it
dieser Preis macht alles kaputt
the price you charge will ruin everything
dieser Preis macht alles kaputt
the price you charge will kill everything
das ist alles was sich tun läßt
this is all that can be done
Alles neu macht der Mai! Sprw.
April showers bring May flowers! prov.
alles löschen, alles vernichten
to nuke
Das ist alles Schall und Rauch!
It's all hollow words!
Ich setze alles auf eine Karte.
I put all my eggs in one basket.
Setze nie alles auf eine Karte.
Never venture all in one bottom.
übertrifft alles andere am Markt
surpasses everything else on the market
jdm. alles vorgeben; jdn. gängeln
to spoon-feed sb. fig.
großzügig, alles erlaubend adj
alles schleifen lassen v ugs.
to slacken the reins fig.
(alles) auf jdn. etw. setzen v
to put your shirt on sb. sth.; to put your money on sb. sth. fig.
Sie ist alles andere als hübsch.
She is anything but pretty.
Wohin soll das alles nur führen?
Where is it all leading?
alles stehen und liegen lassen v
to drop everything
Das ist alles noch Zukunftsmusik.
That's all still up in the air.
Setze nicht alles auf eine Karte.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Wenn man nicht alles selbst macht …
If one doesn't do everything oneself …
allumfassend adj; alles umfassend
alles nur noch routinemäßig machen
to be stale
alles löschen; alles vernichten v
to nuke
Es war alles für die Katz. übtr.
It was all a waste-of-time.
Im Preis ist alles eingeschlossen.
The price is all-inclusive.
alles auf eine Karte setzen übtr.
to put all one's eggs into one basket fig.
allumfassend adj, alles umfassend
Er hat alles nur Erdenkliche getan.
He went through enormous trouble.
das ist alles was wir liefern können
this is all we can supply
das ist alles was wir am Lager haben
this is all we have on stock
alles inbegriffen; alles eingerechnet
all-inclusive; all-up
Ich werde alles Weitere veranlassen.
I will take care of everything else.
(alles) vergebens; vergeblich; umsonst
(all) in vain
alles inbegriffen, alles eingerechnet
all-inclusive, all-up
jdm. alles vorgeben; jdn. gängeln v
to spoon-feed sb. fig.
Er steckt seine Nase in alles hinein.
He sticks his nose into everything.
Wenn man nicht alles selbst macht ...
If one doesn't do everything oneself ...
alles ausplaudern; das Geheimnis lüften
to spill the beans fig.
alles auf eine Karte setzen v übtr.
to put all one's eggs into one basket fig.; to go for broke fig.
(alles) vergebens, vergeblich, umsonst
(all) in vain
Es läuft alles darauf hinaus, dass ...
It boils all down to the fact that ...
pauschal; umfassend; alles einschließend
Alles ist möglich. Alles kann passieren.
All bets are off.
alles daransetzen, etw. zu erreichen v
to do one's utmost to achieve sth.; to do everything to achieve sth.; to spare no effort to achieve sth.; to use all available resources to achieve sth.
Es hängt alles von Ihrer Entscheidung ab
everything hangs on your decision
alles fressend; allfressend adj biol.
pauschal, umfassend, alles einschließend
Es hängt alles von Ihrer Entscheidung ab.
Everything hangs on your decision.
jemand der anderen alles recht machen will
An Gottes Segen ist alles gelegen. Sprw.
God's blessing gained, all is obtained. prov.
alles locker lassen; alle Muskeln entspannen
to let the body go limp
Es ist nicht alles Gold was glänzt. Sprw.
All that glitters is not gold. prov.
alles inbegriffen; alles enthalten; pauschal
all inclusive
jemand, der anderen alles recht machen will
alles, was mit Leder und Fesseln zu tun hat.
Es ist nicht alles Gold, was glänzt. Sprw.
All that glitters is not gold. prov.
In der Liebe und im Krieg ist alles erlaubt.
All is fair in love and war.

Deutsche alles Synonyme

alles  erlaubend  Âgroßzügig  Âweitherzig  
alles  Âdie  Gesamtheit  Âwas  auch  immer  
alles  einschließend  Âallgemein  Âallumfassend  Âüberhaupt  Âgeneralisierend  Âglobal  Âpauschal  Âschlechthin  Âundifferenziert  Âverallgemeinernd  
alles  in  allem  Âgenerell  Âgrundsätzlich  Âim  Allgemeinen  Âim  Großen  und  Ganzen  Âin  der  Gesamtheit  Âin  der  Regel  Âinsgesamt  Âsumma  summarum  Âweitgehend  Âzusammenfassend  
alles  verlieren  Âsein  letztes  Hemd  verlieren  (umgangssprachlich)  
alles  klar!  (umgangssprachlich)  Âd'accord  (umgangssprachlich)  Âeinverstanden  Âgut  (umgangssprachlich)  Âin  Ordnung  ÂO.  K.  (umgangssprachlich)  Âo.  k.  (umgangssprachlich)  Âokay  (umgangssprachlich)  
alles einschließend  allgemein  allumfassend  Ã¼berhaupt  generalisierend  global  pauschal  schlechthin  undifferenziert  verallgemeinernd  
alles erlaubend  großzügig  weitherzig  
alles in allem  generell  grundsätzlich  im Allgemeinen  im Großen und Ganzen  in der Gesamtheit  in der Regel  insgesamt  summa summarum  weitgehend  
alles klar! (umgangssprachlich)  d'accord (umgangssprachlich)  einverstanden  gut (umgangssprachlich)  in Ordnung  O. K. (umgangssprachlich)  o. k. (umgangssprachlich)  okay (umgangssprachlich)  
alles verlieren  sein letztes Hemd verlieren (umgangssprachlich)  
alles  was auch immer  
Weitere Ergebnisse für alles Synonym nachschlagen

Englische the whole picture Synonyme

theater  Broadway  DMZ  Elizabethan theater  Globe Theatre  Greek theater  aceldama  agora  amphitheater  amusement park  arena  arena theater  assembly hall  athletic field  audience  auditorium  auditory  back  backdrop  background  ballroom  battle line  battle site  battlefield  battleground  bear garden  boards  bowl  boxing ring  bull ring  burlesque  cabaret  cafe chantant  cafe dansant  campus  canvas  carnival  casino  chapel  cincture  circle theater  circus  classroom  close  club  cockpit  coliseum  colosseum  combat area  combat zone  concert hall  confine  congregation  container  convention hall  coop  course  court  courtyard  curtilage  dance floor  dance hall  dancing pavilion  delimited field  distance  drama  enclave  enclosure  enemy line  entertainment industry  exhibition hall  field  field of battle  field of blood  firing line  floor  fold  footlights  forum  front line  fun-fair  gallery  ground  groundling  gym  gymnasium  hall  hinterland  hippodrome  house  juke joint  killing ground  landing beach  lecture hall  lecture room  legit  legitimate stage  line  line of battle  list  lists  little theater  locale  marketplace  mat  meetinghouse  milieu  mise-en-scene  music hall  night spot  nightclub  nitery  off Broadway  off-off-Broadway  open forum  opera  opera house  orchestra  outdoor theater  palaestra  pale  paling  parade ground  park  pen  pit  place  platform  playhouse  playland  precinct  prize ring  public square  purlieu  quad  quadrangle  range  rear  recitation room  repertory drama  resort  ring  roadhouse  scene  scene of action  scenery  schoolroom  seat of war  setting  shambles  show biz  show business  showboat  site  spectator  sphere  square  squared circle  stadium  stage  stage set  stage setting  stage world  stagedom  stageland  stock  strawhat  strawhat circuit  summer stock  tavern  terrain  the boards  the footlights  the front  the scenes  the stage  the theater  theater of operations  theater of war  theater  
theatergoer  aficionado  attender  audience  buff  claqueur  deadhead  fan  frequenter  groundling  habitue  haunter  hired applauder  moviegoer  pass holder  patron  playgoer  spectator  standee  visitor  
theatre  acting  area  arena  auditorium  coliseum  drama  dramaturgy  hippodrome  histrionics  melodrama  opera house  performance  performing  playhouse  scene  setting  show business  stagecraft  staginess  the boards  the stage  theatrics  
theatrical  Roscius  Thespian art  actor  actor-proof  actress  affected  all-star  amateur theatricals  antagonist  artificial  bad guy  ballet  balletic  barnstormer  camp  campy  character  character actor  character man  character woman  child actor  cinematic  cinematographic  diseur  diseuse  dramatic  dramatic art  dramatic form  dramatic irony  dramatic stroke  dramatic structure  dramatical  dramaticism  dramatics  dramatism  dramatizer  dramaturgic  dramaturgy  emotionalistic  emotive  exaggerated  extravagant  fake  false  feeder  film  filmic  foil  forced  grandstand  ham  hammy  heavy  histrio  histrion  histrionic  histrionics  histrionism  hysteric  ingenue  insincere  juvenile  la-di-da  legitimate  maniere  mannered  matinee idol  melodramatic  melodramatics  milked  mime  mimer  mimic  monodramatic  monologist  movie  mummer  nonrational  operatic  ostentatious  overacted  overacting  overdone  overemotional  overplayed  overwrought  pantomime  pantomimist  play construction  playactor  player  pretentious  protean actor  reciter  repertory  scenic  sensational  sensationalism  sensationalistic  showy  soubrette  spectacular  stage  stage performer  stage player  stagelike  stageworthy  staginess  stagy  starstruck  stellar  stooge  straight man  stroller  strolling player  theaterlike  theatric  theatricalism  theatricality  theatricals  theatricism  theatrics  thespian  thrown away  trouper  underacted  underplayed  unnatural  unreasoning  utility man  vaudevillian  villain  
theatrics  Thespian art  amateur theatricals  blazon  blood and thunder  bravura  brilliancy  daring  dash  demonstration  demonstrativeness  display  dramatic art  dramatic form  dramatic irony  dramatic stroke  dramatic structure  dramaticism  dramatics  dramatism  dramaturgy  eclat  emotional appeal  emotionalism  emotionality  emotionalization  emotionalizing  emotiveness  emotivity  etalage  exhibition  exhibitionism  false front  fanfaronade  figure  flair  flaunt  flaunting  flourish  histrionics  histrionism  human interest  love interest  making scenes  manifestation  melodrama  melodramatics  nonrationalness  pageant  pageantry  parade  play construction  sensationalism  sham  show  showing-off  spectacle  splash  splurge  staginess  theatricalism  theatricality  theatricals  theatricism  unreasoningness  vaunt  visceralness  yellow journalism  
theft  acquisition  appropriation  boosting  burglary  caper  claiming  embezzlement  filch  filching  grab  heist  hijacking  job  larceny  lift  lifting  pilferage  pilfering  pinch  pinching  possession  purloining  reception  rip-off  robbery  robbing  score  shoplifting  snitching  steal  stealage  stealing  swiping  taking  taking away  taking possession  thievery  thieving  touch  
theism  acosmism  adoration  allotheism  anthropolatry  anthropomorphism  anthropotheism  autotheism  churchgoing  conformity  cosmotheism  cultism  deism  devotedness  devotion  devoutness  ditheism  dualism  dutifulness  dyotheism  faith  faithfulness  henotheism  hylotheism  love of God  monolatry  monotheism  multitheism  myriotheism  observance  pantheism  physicomorphism  physitheism  pietism  piety  piousness  polytheism  psychotheism  religion  religionism  religiousness  reverence  tetratheism  theopantism  theriotheism  tritheism  veneration  worship  worshipfulness  zootheism  
theist  Christian  God-fearing man  accepter  allotheist  anthropolater  anthropotheist  autotheist  believer  catechumen  churchgoer  churchite  churchman  communicant  convert  cosmotheist  daily communicant  deist  devotee  devotionalist  disciple  ditheist  dualist  fanatic  follower  good Christian  henotheist  hylotheist  monotheist  multitheist  myriotheist  neophyte  pantheist  physitheist  pietist  polytheist  proselyte  psychotheist  receiver  religionist  saint  tetratheist  theriotheist  tritheist  truster  votary  zealot  zootheist  
theistic  Christian  Christianlike  Christianly  Cyrenaic  Eleatic  Epicurean  Megarian  Stoic  adoring  animist  animistic  anthropomorphic  anthropotheistic  atomistic  believing  cosmotheistic  cultish  cultist  cultistic  deistic  devoted  devout  ditheistic  dutiful  eclectic  empirical  eudaemonistic  existential  faithful  hedonic  hedonist  hedonistic  humanist  humanistic  idealistic  instrumentalist  materialistic  mechanistic  metaphysical  monistic  monotheistic  naturalistic  nominalist  panlogistical  pantheistic  physicomorphic  pietistic  pious  polytheistic  positivist  positivistic  pragmatic  pragmatist  prayerful  rationalistic  realist  realistic  religious  reverent  reverential  scholastic  sensationalistic  solemn  syncretistic  transcendentalist  transcendentalistic  tritheistic  utilitarian  venerational  venerative  vitalistic  voluntarist  voluntaristic  worshipful  
them  I  I myself  alter  alter ego  alterum  better self  bureaucracy  directorate  ego  ethical self  he  her  herself  hierarchy  higher echelons  higher-ups  him  himself  inner man  inner self  it  management  me  ministry  my humble self  myself  number one  officialdom  oneself  other self  ourselves  prelacy  ruling class  ruling classes  self  she  subconscious self  subliminal self  superego  the Establishment  the administration  the authorities  the ingroup  the interests  the people upstairs  the power elite  the power structure  the top  themselves  they  top brass  you  yours truly  yourself  yourselves  
theme  IC analysis  accidence  action  affix  affixation  allomorph  anagnorisis  angle  architectonics  architecture  argument  article  atmosphere  background  background detail  basis  bound morpheme  burden  case  catastrophe  causerie  chapter  characterization  color  complication  composition  concept  concern  conjugation  continuity  contrivance  core  cutting  declension  decorative composition  decorative style  denouement  derivation  descant  design  detail  development  device  difference of form  discourse  discussion  disquisition  dissertation  enclitic  episode  essay  essence  etude  examination  excursus  exercise  exposition  fable  falling action  feature  figure  first approach  focus of attention  focus of interest  foil  foreground detail  form  formative  free form  gimmick  gist  head  heading  homily  idea  immediate constituent analysis  incident  infix  infixation  inflection  introductory study  issue  keynote  leitmotiv  line  living issue  local color  lucubration  main point  matter  matter in hand  meat  memoir  monograph  mood  morceau  morph  morpheme  morphemic analysis  morphemics  morphology  morphophonemics  motif  motive  movement  mythos  national style  note  notion  ornamental motif  outline  pandect  paper  paradigm  paragraph  pattern  period style  peripeteia  phrase  piece  plan  plot  point  point at issue  point in question  prefix  prefixation  preliminary study  problem  proclitic  prolegomenon  question  radical  recognition  repeated figure  research paper  review  rising action  root  rubric  scheme  screed  secondary plot  setting  sketch  slant  special article  stem  story  structure  study  style  subject  subject matter  subject of thought  subplot  substance  suffix  suffixation  survey  switch  term paper  text  thematic development  thesis  thread  tone  topic  touch  tract  tractate  treatise  treatment  twist  word-formation  
theme and variations  Nachtmusik  absolute music  adaptation  air varie  aleatory  aleatory music  arrangement  chamber music  chamber orchestra  composition  descant  electronic music  etude  exercise  harmonization  incidental music  instrumental music  invention  nocturne  opus  orchestration  piece  production  program music  ricercar  score  sonata  sonatina  string orchestra  string quartet  study  trio  variation  work  
theme song  Brautlied  Christmas carol  Kunstlied  Liebeslied  Volkslied  alba  anthem  art song  aubade  ballad  ballade  ballata  barcarole  blues  blues song  boat song  bridal hymn  brindisi  calypso  canso  canticle  canzone  canzonet  canzonetta  carol  cavatina  chanson  chant  chantey  croon  croon song  dirge  ditty  drinking song  epithalamium  folk song  hymeneal  lay  lied  lilt  love song  love-lilt  matin  minstrel song  minstrelsy  national anthem  prothalamium  serena  serenade  serenata  signature  song  torch song  war song  wedding song  
themselves  I  I myself  alter  alter ego  alterum  better self  ego  ethical self  he  her  herself  him  himself  inner man  inner self  it  me  my humble self  myself  number one  oneself  other self  ourselves  self  she  subconscious self  subliminal self  superego  them  they  you  yours truly  yourself  yourselves  
then  above  accordingly  additionally  aforetime  after  after all  after that  afterwards  again  all included  also  altogether  among other things  ancient  and all  and also  and so  anon  as well  at another time  at that moment  at that time  au reste  because of that  because of this  before  before now  beforetime  beside  besides  beyond  consequently  contemporaneously  earlier  early  else  en plus  erenow  erewhile  ergo  erst  erstwhile  ex post facto  extra  farther  for lagniappe  for that  for that cause  for that reason  for this cause  for this reason  for which reason  fore  former  formerly  further  furthermore  hence  hereat  heretofore  historically  hitherto  immemorial  in  in addition  in that case  in the aftermath  in the past  in the sequel  in times past  inter alia  into the bargain  item  late  later  likewise  more  moreover  next  old  olden  on that account  on that ground  on that occasion  on the side  on this account  on top of  once  onetime  only yesterday  over  past  plus  prehistoric  prehistorically  previous  previously  primeval  primitive  prior  priorly  propter hoc  quondam  recent  recently  similarly  simultaneously  since  sometime  subsequently  thence  thereafter  thereat  therefor  therefore  thereon  thereupon  therewith  thus  thusly  thuswise  to boot  too  when  whence  wherefore  wherefrom  whilom  yesterday  yet  
then and there  all at once  all together  at a blow  at a stroke  at once  at one blow  at one jump  at one stroke  at one swoop  at one time  forthwith  in a hurry  now  per saltum  pronto  right away  right now  right off  simultaneously  straightaway  straightway  subito  this minute  this very minute  uno saltu  without delay  
thence  accordingly  away  because of that  because of this  consequently  ergo  for that  for that cause  for that reason  for this cause  for this reason  for which reason  forth  from here in  from now on  from then on  from this point  hence  henceforth  henceforward  henceforwards  hereafter  hereat  hereinafter  off  on that account  on that ground  on this account  out  propter hoc  then  thenceforth  thenceforward  thenceforwards  thereafter  thereat  therefor  therefore  therefrom  thereof  thus  thusly  thuswise  whence  wherefore  wherefrom  
theocracy  absolute monarchy  aristocracy  autarchy  autocracy  autonomy  coalition government  colonialism  commonwealth  constitutional government  constitutional monarchy  democracy  dictatorship  dominion rule  duarchy  duumvirate  dyarchy  federal government  federation  feudal system  garrison state  gerontocracy  heteronomy  hierarchy  hierocracy  home rule  limited monarchy  martial law  meritocracy  militarism  military government  mob rule  mobocracy  monarchy  neocolonialism  ochlocracy  oligarchy  pantisocracy  patriarchate  patriarchy  police state  pure democracy  regency  representative democracy  representative government  republic  self-determination  self-government  social democracy  stratocracy  technocracy  thearchy  totalitarian government  totalitarian regime  triarchy  triumvirate  tyranny  welfare state  
theophany  Christophany  Masan  Satanophany  afflatus  angelophany  apocalypse  apparition  appearance  appearing  arising  astral  astral spirit  avatar  banshee  coming  coming into being  coming-forth  control  departed spirit  direct communication  disclosure  disembodied spirit  dissemination  divine inspiration  divine revelation  duppy  dybbuk  eidolon  embodiment  emergence  epiphany  evidence  evincement  exposure  expression  form  forthcoming  ghost  grateful dead  guide  hant  haunt  idolum  immateriality  incarnation  incorporeal  incorporeal being  incorporeity  indication  inspiration  issuance  larva  lemures  manes  manifestation  materialization  materializing  mystical experience  mysticism  occurrence  oni  opening  phantasm  phantasma  phantom  pneumatophany  poltergeist  presence  presentation  proof  prophecy  publication  realization  revelation  revenant  rise  rising  shade  shadow  shape  showing  showing forth  shrouded spirit  specter  spectral ghost  spirit  spook  sprite  theophania  theopneustia  theopneusty  unfolding  unfoldment  unsubstantiality  vision  walking dead man  wandering soul  wraith  zombie  
theorem  a priori principle  a priori truth  affirmation  apriorism  assertion  assumed position  assumption  axiom  basis  brocard  categorical proposition  conjecture  data  deduction  dictate  dictum  first principles  formula  foundation  fundamental  golden rule  ground  hypothesis  hypothesis ad hoc  law  lemma  major premise  minor premise  philosopheme  philosophical proposition  position  postulate  postulation  postulatum  premise  presupposition  principium  principle  proposition  propositional function  rule  self-evident truth  settled principle  statement  sumption  supposal  thesis  truism  truth  truth table  truth-function  truth-value  universal truth  

alles Definition

(n.) The art of painting
(n.) A representation of anything (as a person, a landscape, a building) upon canvas, paper, or other surface, produced by means of painting, drawing, engraving, photography, etc.
(n.) An image or resemblance
(v. t.) To draw or paint a resemblance of

the whole picture Bedeutung

picture taking
the act of taking and printing photographs
motion-picture photography
the act of making a film
movie theater
movie theatre
movie house
picture palace
a theater where films are shown
face card
picture card
court card
one of the twelve cards in a deck bearing a picture of a face
gallery art gallery
picture gallery
a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited
Identikit picture
a likeness of a person's face constructed from descriptions given to police, uses a set of transparencies of various facial features that can be combined to build up a picture of the person sought
picture tube
television tube
a cathodeay tube in a television receiver, translates the received signal into a picture on a luminescent screen
motion-picture camera
movie camera
a camera that takes a sequence of photographs that can give the illusion of motion when viewed in rapid succession
motion-picture film
movie film
photographic film several hundred feet long and wound on a spool, to be used in a movie camera
graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface, a small painting by Picasso, he bought the painting as an investment, his pictures hang in the Louvre
picture pic
a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide, recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material
a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface, they showed us the pictures of their wedding, a movie is a series of images projected so rapidly that the eye integrates them
picture book a book consisting chiefly of pictures
picture frame a framework in which a picture is mounted
picture hat a woman's dressy hat with a wide brim
picture rail rail fixed to a wall for hanging pictures
picture window a large window with a single pane (usually overlooking a view)
picture element
(computer science) the smallest discrete component of an image or picture on a CRT screen (usually a colored dot), the greater the number of pixels per inch the greater the resolution
X ray
Xay picture
Xay photograph
a radiogram made by exposing photographic film to X rays, used in medical diagnosis
stereo stereoscopic picture
stereoscopic photograph
two photographs taken from slightly different angles that appear three-dimensional when viewed together
wedding picture photographs of bride and groom and their friends taken at their wedding
picture a typical example of some state or quality, the very picture of a modern general, she was the picture of despair
memory picture a memory image that is similar to a visual perception
mental picture
a clear and telling mental image, he described his mental picture of his assailant, he had no clear picture of himself or his world, the events left a permanent impression in his mind
the visible part of a television transmission, they could still receive the sound but the picture was gone
picture writing a writing system using pictographs
a movie
film picture moving picture
moving-picture show
motion picture
motion-picture show
picture show
a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement, they went to a movie every Saturday night, the film was shot on location
silent movie
silent picture
a movie without a soundtrack
talking picture
a movie with synchronized speech and singing
picture postcard a postcard with a picture on one side
pictorial matter
illustrations used to decorate or explain a text, the dictionary had many pictures
word picture
delineation depiction picture characterization
a graphic or vivid verbal description, too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures, the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland, the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences an academy that gives annual awards for achievements in motion picture production and performance
motion-picture fan
someone who goes to see movies
picture plane the plane that is in the foreground of a drawing or painting, coextensive with but different from the objective surface of the work
a situation treated as an observable object, the political picture is favorable, the religious scene in England has changed in the last century
get the picture
get the meaning of something, Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
suggest evoke paint a picture call to mind, this remark evoked sadness
picture image
imagine, conceive of, see in one's mind, I can't see him on horseback!, I can see what will happen, I can see a risk in this strategy
render show
show in, or as in, a picture, This scene depicts country life, the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting
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