
antibiotikaempfindlich Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

antibiotikaempfindlich adj med.
antibiotic-sensitive; sensitive to antibiotics
antibiotikaempfindlich adj med.
antibiotic-sensitive; sensitive to antibiotics
Antibiotikum n med. pharm.
Antibiotika pl
von etw. Gebrauch machen; zu etw. greifen; auf etw. zurückgreifen; zu etw. seine Zuflucht nehmen v; sich in etw. flüchten v
sich dem Alkohol zuwenden
auf das alternative Verfahren zurückgreifen
Die Ärzte greifen bei jedem Schnupfen zu Antibiotika.
Er musste wohl oder übel seine Eltern um Geld bitten.
Es blieb den Tierärzten nichts anderes übrig als die Tiere zu töten.
to resort to sth.
to resort to alcohol
to resort to the alternative procedure
Doctors resort to antibiotics whenever anyone gets a cold.
He had to resort to asking his parents for money.
Vets have had to resort to killing the animals.
lantioninhaltige Antibiotika pl; Lantibiotika pl biochem.
lantionine-containing antibiotics; lantibiotics
Antibiotikum-Resistenz f; Antibiotika-Resistenz f biol. med.
antibiotic resistance
von etw. Gebrauch machen; zu etw. greifen; auf etw. zurückgreifen; zu etw. seine Zuflucht nehmen v; sich in etw. flüchten v
sich dem Alkohol zuwenden
auf das alternative Verfahren zurückgreifen
Die Ärzte greifen bei jedem Schnupfen zu Antibiotika.
Er musste wohl oder übel seine Eltern um Geld bitten.
Es blieb den Tierärzten nichts anderes übrig, als die Tiere zu töten.
to resort to sth.
to resort to alcohol
to resort to the alternative procedure
Doctors resort to antibiotics whenever anyone gets a cold.
He had to resort to asking his parents for money.
Vets have had to resort to killing the animals.
Skandal m; (öffentliche) Aufregung f (um eine Gefahr für Leib und Leben)
Lebensmittelskandal m
Gesundheitsskandal m
Medikamentenskandal m
Angst (und Schrecken) verbreiten
die jüngsten Skandale um Antibiotika im Fleisch
public scare; scare (about over a danger for life and limb)
food scare
(public) health scare
drug scare
to create a scare
the recent scares over antibiotics in meat
Verschreiben n Verschreibung f von Medikamenten; Arzneimittelverordnung f med. pharm.
Verschreiben von Antibiotika; Antibiotikaverordnungen pl
medication prescribing
antibiotic prescribing
antibiotischer Wirkstoff m; Antibiotikum n pharm.
antibiotische Wirkstoffe pl; Antibiotika pl
bakterizides Antibiotikum
Breitbandantibiotikum n; Breitspektrumantibiotikum n
krebsvorbeugendes Antibiotikum; antineoplastisches Antibiotikum
Nukleosid-Antibiotikum n
Penizillinase-resistentes Antibiotikum
Reserveantibiotikum n
antibiotic agent; antibiotic substance; antibiotic drug; antibiotic; antibacterial
antibiotic agents; antibiotic substances; antibiotic drugs; antibiotics; antibacterials
batericidal antibiotic
broad-spectrum antibiotic; wide-spectrum antibiotic
antibiotic anticancer agent; antineoplastic antibiotic
nucleoside antibiotic
penicillinase-resistant antibiotic
reserve antibiotic
wahllos; undifferenziert; unspezifisch geh. adj
der undifferenzierte unspezifische Einsatz von Antibiotika
the indiscriminate use of antibiotics
Antibiotikabehandlung f; Antibiotikatherapie f med.
antibiotic therapy; treatment with antibiotics; antibiotherapy
Antibiotikabehandlung f; Antibiotikatherapie f med.
hochdosierte Antibiotikabehandlung
antibiotic treatment; antimicrobic treatment; antibiotic therapy; treatment with antibiotics; antibiotherapy
high-dose antibiotic treatment
Antibiotikadilutionstest m pharm.
Antibiotikadilutionstests pl
antibiotic dilution test
antibiotic dilution tests
antibiotikaempfindlich adj med.
antibiotic-sensitive; sensitive to antibiotics
Vorbeugung f; Prophylaxe f med.
Antibiotikaprophylaxe f
Expositionsvorbeugung f; Expositionsprophylaxe f
Infektionsvorbeugung f; Infektionsprophylaxe f
prevention; prophylaxis
antibiotic prophylasis
antiinfective measures
prevention of an infection; prohylaxis of an infection
antibiotikaresistent adj pharm.
antibiotikaunempfindlich; antibiotikaresistent adj med.
antibiotic-resistant; resistant to antibiotics
Antibiotikaunempfindlichkeit f; Antibiotikaresistenz f med.
antibiotic resistance
Antibiotikaresistenztest f; Antibiotikasensibilitätstest m pharm.
Antibiotikaresistenztests pl; Antibiotikasensibilitätstests pl
antibiotic sensitivity test
antibiotic sensitivity tests
antibioltische Testung f; Antibiotikaresistenztestung f; Antibiotikatestung f med. pharm.
antibiotic testing; antimicrobial susceptibility testing AST
Salbe f pharm.
Salben pl
Antibiotikasalbe f
Hautschutzsalbe f
Heilsalbe f
Iodsalbe f
Wachssalbe f
Wundsalbe f
Zugsalbe f
eine Salbe auftragen
ointment; salve
ointments; salves
antibiotic ointment
protective skin ointment
medicated ointment; medicated salve
iodine ointment
wound ointment; wound salve
drawing ointment; drawing salve
to apply an ointment
Antibiose f, Antibiotikatherapie f med.
antibiotherapy, treatment with antibiotics, antibiosis
Antibiotikum-Resistenz f; Antibioltika-Resistenz f med. pharm.
antibiotic resistance
Taurolidin n (Antibiotikum) pharm.
taurolidine (antibiotic)
Präparat n; Zubereitung f chem. pharm.
Präparate pl; Zubereitungen pl
Antibiotikumpräparat n
Depotpräparat n
Digitalispräparat n
antibiotic preparation
depot preparation
digitalis preparation
bakteriostatisch, keimhemmend, antibiotisch adj med.
bacteriostatic, antibiotic
bakteriostatisch; keimhemmend; antibiotisch adj med.
bacteriostatic; antibiotic
Antibiogramm n; Resistogramm n; antibiotisches Spektrum n med. pharm.
antibiogram; antibiotic sensitivity pattern; antibiotic spectrum; antibacterial spectrum

Deutsche antibiotikaempfindlich Synonyme

Englische antibiotic-sensitive; sensitive to antibiotics Synonyme

antibiotikaempfindlich Definition

(a.) Having sense of feeling
(a.) Having quick and acute sensibility, either to the action of external objects, or to impressions upon the mind and feelings
(a.) Having a capacity of being easily affected or moved
(a.) Readily affected or changed by certain appropriate agents
(a.) Serving to affect the sense
(a.) Of or pertaining to sensation

antibiotic-sensitive; sensitive to antibiotics Bedeutung

antibiotic drug
a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that can kill microorganisms and cure bacterial infections, when antibiotics were first discovered they were called wonder drugs
antineoplastic antibiotic an antibiotic drug used as an antineoplastic in chemotherapy
penicillinaseesistant antibiotic a form of penicillin that is not rendered inactive by penicillinase
someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead, he consulted several mediums
sensitive plant Mimosa sensitiva semilimbing prickly evergreen shrub of tropical America having compound leaves sensitive to light and touch
sensitive plant touch-me-not shame plant
humble plant
action plant
Mimosa pudica
prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America, and Australia, heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft grey-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled
partridge pea
sensitive pea
wild sensitive plant
Chamaecrista fasciculata
Cassia fasciculata
tropical American plant having leaflets somewhat sensitive to the touch, sometimes placed in genus Cassia
sensitive fern
bead fern
Onoclea sensibilis
beautiful spreading fern of eastern North America and eastern Asia naturalized in western Europe, pinnately divided fronds show a slight tendency to fold when touched, pinnules enclose groups of sori in beadlike lobes
sensitive of or pertaining to classified information or matters affecting national security
hurting, the tender spot on his jaw
able to feel or perceive, even amoeba are sensible creatures, the more sensible parts of the skin
sensitive responsive to physical stimuli, a mimosa's leaves are sensitive to touch, a sensitive voltmeter, sensitive skin, sensitive to light
highly sensitive readily affected by various agents, a highly sensitive explosive is easily exploded by a shock, a sensitive colloid is readily coagulated
sensitive to visible light, photographic film is light-sensitive
sensitive being susceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others, sensitive to the local community and its needs
antibiotic of or relating to antibiotic drugs
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