
aufbringen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

bring up
Geld aufbringen
to raise money
Geld aufbringen
raise money
Gelder aufbringen
raise funds
Mittel aufbringen
raise of funds
aufbringen, Zahlen
ante up
eine Frage aufbringen
raise a question
einen Geldbetrag aufbringen
raise a sum
Geld aufnehmen, Geld aufbringen
raise money
den Mut aufbringen etw. zu tun
to summon up the courage to do sth.
den Mut aufbringen, etw. zu tun v
to summon up the courage to do sth.
Aufbringen n von MolekĂŒlen chem.
molecule grafting
Kapital aufbringen, Kapital aufnehmen
raise capital
Aufbringen n; Kapern n (eines Schiffes) naut.
seizure (of a ship)
aufbringen, setzen (Geldbetrag)
100 Dollar setzen
to ante up (amount of money)
to ante up 100 dollars
jdn. gegen sich aufbringen; sich jdn. zum Feind machen
to antagonise so. eBr.; to antagonize so.
aufbringen; setzen v (Geldbetrag)
100 Dollar setzen
to ante up (amount of money)
to ante up 100 dollars
jdn. gegen sich aufbringen; sich jdn. zum Feind machen v
to antagonise sb. eBr.; to antagonize sb.
Bonder m (GerÀt zum Aufbringen von Chips auf einen TrÀger)
die bonder
etw. draufklatschen ugs. (etw. hastig auf eine OberflÀche aufbringen)
to slap on sth.
etw. draufklatschen v ugs. (etw. hastig auf eine OberflÀche aufbringen)
to slap on sth.
aufbieten; aufbringen v
aufbietend; aufbringend
aufgeboten; aufgebracht
to muster
Aufbringen n; Abscheidung f (einer Beschichtung auf ein WerkstĂŒck) techn.
deposition (of a coating on a workpiece)
aufbieten, aufbringen v
aufbietend, aufbringend
aufgeboten, aufgebracht
to muster
Kautionssumme f; Kaution f (Strafrecht)
Ich kann die Kautionssumme nicht aufbringen.
bail money (criminal law)
I cannot pay the bail money.
reizen, aufbringen, Àrgern
reizend, aufbringend, Àrgernd
gereizt, aufgebracht, geÀrgert
to nettle, to devil
nettling, deviling
nettled, deviled
reizen; aufbringen; Àrgern v
reizend; aufbringend; Àrgernd
gereizt; aufgebracht; geÀrgert
to nettle; to devil
nettling; deviling
nettled; deviled
etw. galvanisieren v; auf etw. einen galvanischen Überzug aufbringen v techn.
to electroplate sth.
etw. aufbieten; aufbringen v
aufbietend; aufbringend
aufgeboten; aufgebracht
den Mut aufbringen, etw. zu tun
to muster sth.
to muster the courage to do sth.
(eine Beschichtung auf ein WerkstĂŒck) aufbringen; abscheiden v techn.
aufbringend; abscheidend
aufgebracht; abgeschieden
to deposit (a coating on a workpiece)
Aufbringen n eines (elektrochemischen) KontaktĂŒberzugs; Kontaktversilverung f; Kontaktvergolgung f (Galvanisieren) chem. techn.
contact plating (electroplating)
jdn. ermutigen; krÀftigen; stÀrken v
ermutigend; krÀftigend; stÀrkend
ermutigt; gekrÀftigt; gestÀrkt
den Mut aufbringen etw. zu tun
to nerve sb.
to nerve oneself (up) to do sth.
VerstÀndnis n
VerstÀndnisse pl
bei jdm. VerstÀndnis finden
fĂŒr etw. (kein) VerstĂ€ndnis haben, fĂŒr etw. (kein) VerstĂ€ndnis aufbringen
to find understanding from sb.
to show (no) understanding for sth., to show (no) sympathy for sth.
zusammenlegen (eine Summe gemeinsam aufbringen) v fin.
Wir haben zusammengelegt um ihr ein Geschenk zu kaufen.
to chip in; to club Br.; to club together Br.
chipping in; clubbing; clubbing together
chipped in; clubbed; clubbed together
We chipped in clubbed together to buy her a present.
Auftragen n; Auftrag m geh.; Aufbringen f; Aufbringung f selten; Applizieren n geh. (auf etw.) (Creme, Salbe, Farbe usw.)
das Aufbringen von DĂŒngemitteln
application (to sth.) (of cream ointment paint etc.)
the application of fertilizers
etw. anbringen; auflegen; auftragen v (auf etw.)
anbringend; auflegend; auftragend
angebracht; aufgelegt; aufgetragen
ein Pflaster auf die Wunde legen
Lack auftragen aufbringen
to apply sth. (to sth.)
to apply a plaster to the wound
to apply varnish
zusammenlegen v (eine Summe gemeinsam aufbringen) fin.
Wir haben zusammengelegt, um ihr ein Geschenk zu kaufen.
Wir legen zusammen und reisen gemeinsam.
to pool your money; to chip in; to club Br.; to club together Br.
pooling your money; chipping in; clubbing; clubbing together
pooled your money; chipped in; clubbed; clubbed together
We chipped in clubbed together to buy her a present.
We'll pool expenses and travel together.
jdn. aufbringen; in Rage versetzen; auf die Palme bringen v
aufbringend; in Rage versetzend; auf die Palme bringend
aufgebracht; in Rage versetzt; auf die Palme gebracht
Sein Sarkasmus hat mich auf die Palme gebracht.
to get sb.'s dander up
getting sb.'s dander up
got sb.'s dander up
His sarcasm really got my dander up.
Kraft f, Körperkraft f, StÀrke f
KrÀfte pl, KörperkrÀfte pl, StÀrken pl
mit aller Kraft
nach besten KrÀften
mit letzter Kraft
aus eigener Kraft
die Kraft aufbringen (fĂŒr etw.)
wieder zu KrÀften kommen
with all one's strength
to the best of one's ability
with one's last ounce of strength
by oneself, by own means, by my own
to find the strength (for sth.)
to regain one's strength
VerstĂ€ndnis n (fĂŒr jdn. etw.)
fĂŒr etw. (kein) VerstĂ€ndnis haben; fĂŒr etw. (kein) VerstĂ€ndnis aufbringen
Sie verstehen ihn.
Ich habe absolut kein VerstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr SchĂŒler, die bei PrĂŒfungen beim Schwindeln erwischt werden.
Bei allem VerstÀndnis, aber das kann ich nicht tun.
sympathy (for sb. sth.)
to show (no) sympathy for sth.
They sympathize with him.
I have absolutely no sympathy for students who get caught cheating in exams.
Much as I sympathize, I can't do that.
Geld n
Geld auf der Bank haben
Geld aufbringen
Geld ausgeben
Geld ausleihen
Geld sparen
Geld verdienen
Geld wie Heu ĂŒbtr.
Geld wie Heu haben ĂŒbtr.
kein Geld bei sich haben
unehrlich erworbenes Geld
Geld bringen (fĂŒr ein Projekt)
Mit Geld lÀsst sich alles regeln.
to keep money in the bank
to raise money
to spend money
to make advances to
to save money
to make money
pots of money
to have money to burn
to have no money on oneself
dirty money
to be a moneymaker (for a project)
With money you can arrange anything.
Besitzergreifung f; (gewaltsame) Inbesitznahme f (von etw.)
Landnahme f
die Machtergreifung durch die Rebellen
Besetzung des ParlamentsgebÀudes
Beschlagnahmung von Eigentum
Einnahme einer Stadt
Aufbringen eines Schiffs; Kapern eines Schiffes
widerrechtliche Inbesitznahme von Luftfahrzeugen
seizure (of sth.)
land seizure
the seizure of power by the rebels
seizure of the parliamentary building
seizure of property
seizure of a town
seizure of a ship
unlawful seizure of aircraft
sich mit jdm. etw. beschĂ€ftigen; fĂŒr jdn. etw. Zeit aufwenden; bei etw. engagiert sein; sich bei etw. engagieren soc.
fĂŒr jdn. etw. viel Zeit aufbringen
mehr Zeit mit der Familie verbringen
sich aktiv in der Kirche engagieren
bei einem Projekt engagiert sein
Er beschÀftigt sich viel mit seinen Kindern.
to be involved with sb. sth.
to be deeply heavily involved with sb. sth.
to be more involved with your family
to be get actively involved with the church
to have been involved with a project
He's a very involved father.
sich mit jdm. etw. beschĂ€ftigen; fĂŒr jdn. etw. Zeit aufwenden; bei etw. engagiert sein; sich bei etw. engagieren v soc.
fĂŒr jdn. etw. viel Zeit aufbringen
mehr Zeit mit der Familie verbringen
sich aktiv in der Kirche engagieren
bei einem Projekt engagiert sein
Er beschÀftigt sich viel mit seinen Kindern.
to be involved with sb. sth.
to be deeply heavily involved with sb. sth.
to be more involved with your family
to be get actively involved with the church
to have been involved with a project
He's a very involved father.
VerstĂ€ndnis n (fĂŒr etw.) (Einsehen)
bei jdm. VerstÀndnis finden
fĂŒr etw. (kein) VerstĂ€ndnis haben; fĂŒr etw. (kein) VerstĂ€ndnis aufbringen
Wir bitten um (Ihr) VerstÀndnis.
Wir bitten um VerstÀndnis dass das nicht immer möglich ist.
Ich habe dafĂŒr volles VerstĂ€ndnis.
Du könntest etwas mehr VerstÀndnis zeigen.
understanding (for sth.)
to find understanding from sb.
to show (no) understanding for sth.
We kindly ask for your understanding.; Thank you for your understanding!
Please understand that this is not always possible.
I can fully understand that.
You could be a bit more understanding.
VerstĂ€ndnis n (fĂŒr etw.) (Einsehen)
BibelverstÀndnis n
bei jdm. VerstÀndnis finden
fĂŒr etw. (kein) VerstĂ€ndnis haben; fĂŒr etw. (kein) VerstĂ€ndnis aufbringen
Wir bitten um (Ihr) VerstÀndnis.
Wir bitten um VerstÀndnis, dass das nicht immer möglich ist.
Ich habe dafĂŒr volles VerstĂ€ndnis.
Du könntest etwas mehr VerstÀndnis zeigen.
understanding (for sth.)
understanding of the Bible
to find understanding from sb.
to show (no) understanding for sth.
We kindly ask for your understanding.; Thank you for your understanding!
Please understand that this is not always possible.
I can fully understand that.
You could be a bit more understanding.
etw. (auf etw.) auftragen; auflegen; aufbringen; applizieren geh. v (Creme, Salbe, Farbe usw.)
auftragend; auflegend; aufbringend; applizierend
aufgetragen; aufgelegt; aufgebracht; appliziert
ein Pflaster auf die Wunde legen
Lack auftragen aufbringen
Ich habe die Creme mit meinem Finger aufgetragen.
Diese Materialien sind sehr einfach aufzutragen.
to apply sth. (to sth.) (cream ointment paint etc.)
to apply a plaster to the wound
to apply varnish
I applied the cream with my finger.
These materials are very easy to apply.
Sympathie f; VerstĂ€ndnis n (fĂŒr jdn. etw.); (sachliche) Übereinstimmung f (mit jdm. etw.) pol.
fĂŒr etw. (kein) VerstĂ€ndnis haben; fĂŒr etw. (kein) VerstĂ€ndnis aufbringen
Er stimmt mit vielen Ansichten der GrĂŒnen ĂŒberein.
Ich habe absolut kein VerstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr SchĂŒler die bei PrĂŒfungen beim Schwindeln erwischt werden.
Bei allem VerstÀndnis aber das kann ich nicht tun.
sympathy (for sb. sth.)
to show (no) sympathy for sth.
He is in sympathy with many views of the Greens.
I have absolutely no sympathy for students who get caught cheating in exams.
Much as I sympathize I can't do that.
Kraft f; Körperkraft f; StĂ€rke f med. ĂŒbtr.
KrÀfte pl; KörperkrÀfte pl; StÀrken pl
mit aller Kraft
nach besten KrÀften
mit letzter Kraft
aus eigener Kraft
die Kraft aufbringen (fĂŒr etw.)
alle seine KrÀfte aufbieten
wieder zu KrÀften kommen
seine letzte Kraft zusammennehmen
(durch spĂ€tes Schlafengehen und frĂŒhes Aufstehen) Raubbau an seinen KrĂ€ften treiben
with all one's strength
to the best of one's ability
using the last of your strength; using your last ounce of strength
by oneself; by own means; by my own
to find the strength (for sth.)
to summon all your strength; use every once of strength
to regain one's strength
to gather summon the last of your strength
to burn the candle at both ends (by going to bed late and getting up early)
Verputz m; Putz m constr.
Dickschichtputz m
DĂŒnnschichtputz m; DĂŒnnputz m
Oberputz m; Feinputz m; Deckputz m; Edelputz m (oberste Putzlage)
Unterputz m; Grobputz m; Rohputz m; Rauputz m; Anwurf m (unterste Putzlage)
Verputz der Fensterbank
auf Putz
unter Putz
Putz aus drei Lagen; dreilagiger Putz
Putz aus mehreren Lagen; Mehrlagenputz m
Anstrich auf Verputz
etw. mit Putz bewerfen; verputzen
an einer Wand neuen Putz auftragen; eine Wand neu verputzen
an einer Wand Unterputz aufbringen; eine Wand berappen
den Putz glattstreichen
cast; plaster; plaster work
thick plaster cast
thin plaster
fining coat; final coat; finishing coat; setting coat; set; cover coat; skimming coat
rendering; rough-cast; roughcast; undercoat (of plaster)
finish of window sill cill Br.
flush-mounted; flush; buried; concealed
rendering floating and set RFS
multiple-skin work
paint on plaster
to sparge sth.
to resurface a wall
to render a wall
to face fair-face the plaster
sich schnell auf neue Situationen einstellen; schnell reagieren; schnell schalten ugs.; sich schnell spontan etwas einfallen lassen; spontane Lösungen finden; fix sein ugs. v
Bei dieser TĂ€tigkeit muss man sich schnell auf neue Situationen einstellen.
Sie musste viel Eigeninitiative aufbringen und spontane Entscheidungen treffen.
Er ist ein hervorragender Debattenredner, der blitzschnell reagiert.
Ich hatte von dieser Firma noch nie gehört, also musste ich mir schnell etwas einfallen lassen.
Ein Kabarettist muss improvisieren und schnell schalten können.
Da wird dann Hausverstand und schnelles Reagieren gefragt sein.
to think on your feet; to be quick on your feet
You have to think on your feet in this job.
She had to use a lot of initiative and think on her feet.
He's a brilliant debater, lightning quick on his feet.
I had never heard about that company before, so I had to think on my feet.
A satirical comedian needs to be able to improvise and think on his feet.
It's going to be a case of common sense and thinking on your feet.
Verputz m; Putz m constr.
Dickschichtputz m
DĂŒnnschichtputz m; DĂŒnnputz m
Oberputz m; Feinputz m; Deckputz m; Edelputz m (oberste Putzlage)
Unterputz m; Grobputz m; Rohputz m; Rauputz m; Anwurf m (unterste Putzlage)
gestrippter Putz; Besenputz m; Besenspritzbewurf m
Verputz der Fensterbank
auf Putz
unter Putz
Putz aus drei Lagen; dreilagiger Putz
Putz aus mehreren Lagen; Mehrlagenputz m
Anstrich auf Verputz
etw. mit Putz bewerfen; verputzen
an einer Wand neuen Putz auftragen; eine Wand neu verputzen
an einer Wand Unterputz aufbringen; eine Wand berappen
den Putz glattstreichen
cast; plaster; plaster work (plaster-work) (plasterwork)
thick plaster
thin plaster
fining coat; final coat; finishing coat; setting coat; set; cover coat; skimming coat
rough rendering; coarse rendering; rough-cast; roughcast; undercoat (of plaster)
regrating skin
finish of window sill cill Br.
flush-mounted; flush; buried; concealed
rendering, floating, and set RFS
multiple-skin work
paint on plaster
to sparge sth.
to resurface a wall
to render a wall
to face fair-face the plaster
Geld n fin.
Gelder pl
öffentliche Gelder
leichtverdientes leicht verdientes Geld
Geld auf der Bank haben
Geld Gelder auftreiben
Geld ausgeben
etw. auf den Kopf hauen ĂŒbtr.
Geld ausleihen
Geld sparen
Geld verdienen
Geld vorschießen
Geld waschen ĂŒbtr.
Geld zur Seite legen
Geld zurĂŒckbehalten
Geld zurĂŒckerstatten
Geld auf Abruf
Geld wie Heu ĂŒbtr.
Geld wie Heu haben ĂŒbtr.
kein Geld bei sich haben
Geld auf die hohe Kante legen
unehrlich erworbenes Geld
Geld bringen (fĂŒr ein Projekt)
Geld oder Leben!
Mit Geld lÀsst sich alles regeln.
Er kann den Betrag nicht aufbringen.
Das Geld rinnt ihm nur so durch die Finger.
Er hat Geld wie Heu.
Ich habe kein Geld.
Er hatte kein Geld bei sich.
Er warf das Geld zum Fenster hinaus.
monie; moneys
public monies
easy money
to keep money in the bank
to raise money funds
to spend money
to spend money wildly
to make advances to
to save money
to make money
to advance money
to launder money
to put money aside
to retain money
to refund money
money at call and short notice
pots of money
to have money to burn
to have no money on oneself
to save money for a rainy day
dirty money
to be a moneymaker (for a project)
Your money or your life!
With money you can arrange anything.
He is not in a position to meet the expenditure.
Money just runs through his fingers.
He's rolling in money.
I haven't any money.
He had no money on him.
He poured the money down the drain (down a rat hole).
Geld n fin.
Naturalgeld n; Warengeld n
WĂ€gegeld n; Hackgeld n hist.
öffentliche Gelder
leichtverdientes leicht verdientes Geld
vormĂŒnzliches Geld
Geld auf der Bank haben
Geld Gelder auftreiben
mehr Geld Gelder auftreiben als jdn.
Geld ausgeben
etw. auf den Kopf hauen ĂŒbtr.
Geld ausleihen
Geld verdienen
Geld vorschießen
Geld waschen ĂŒbtr.
Geld zur Seite legen (ansparen)
Geld zurĂŒckbehalten
Geld zurĂŒckerstatten
Geld auf Abruf
Geld wie Heu ĂŒbtr.
Geld wie Heu haben ĂŒbtr.
kein Geld bei sich haben
Geld auf die hohe Kante legen
schmutziges Geld ĂŒbtr. (Geld aus Straftaten)
Geld bringen (fĂŒr ein Projekt)
Mit Geld lÀsst sich alles regeln.
Er kann den Betrag nicht aufbringen.
Das Geld rinnt ihm nur so durch die Finger.
Er hat Geld wie Heu.
Ich habe kein Geld.
Er hatte kein Geld bei sich.
Er warf das Geld zum Fenster hinaus.
commodity money
public money; public monies; public moneys
easy money
pre-coinage money
to keep money in the bank
to raise money funds
to outraise sb. (outraised)
to spend money
to spend money wildly
to make advances to
to make money
to advance money
to launder money
to put lay money aside; to lay up money (save money)
to retain money
to refund money
money at call and short notice
pots of money
to have money to burn
to have no money on oneself
to save money for a rainy day
dirty money fig. (money from crimes)
to be a moneymaker (for a project)
With money you can arrange anything.
He is not in a position to meet the expenditure.
Money just runs through his fingers.
He's rolling in money.
I haven't any money.
He had no money on him.
He poured the money down the drain (down a rat hole).

Deutsche aufbringen Synonyme

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Englische bring up Synonyme

bring  accompany  accomplish  achieve  advance  affect  afford  allure  amount to  assume  attend  attract  be sold  bear  breed  bring about  bring around  bring back  bring down  bring forth  bring in  bring off  bring on  bring out  bring round  bring to  bring up  bring upon  broach  call for  call forth  care for  carry  carry off  carry out  cause  chaperon  chase after  come to  come up to  companion  comprise  conduct  consort with  contain  contribute to  contrive  convey  convince  convoy  cost  create  cut back  cut down  decide  deliver  depose  determine  dethrone  develop  diminish  discuss  disgorge  display  dispose  do  do to  draw  draw down  draw on  earn  educate  effect  elevate  elicit  emphasize  engage  engender  enlist  entail  escort  evoke  feature  fetch  fetch and carry  focus on  get  get to do  give birth to  give rise to  go after  go and get  go fetch  go for  go get  go to get  illuminate  implicate  imply  incline  induce  inflict  influence  inspire  instigate  institute  interest in  introduce  invite  invoke  involve  issue  lead  lead to  lessen  look after  lure  make known  make public  mention  motivate  mount up to  move  nurture  obtain  occasion  offer  oust  overthrow  overturn  pen up  perform  persuade  pick up  present  presume  presuppose  procure  produce  prompt  provoke  publish  pull off  put on  put out  put over  raise  realize  rear  recall  reduce  regurgitate  release  report  require  restore  resuscitate  retrieve  return  revive  run after  run into  run to  secure  sell  sell for  set forth  set off  set one back  shag  stage  submit  subsume  succeed  succeed in  superinduce  sway  take  take in  talk about  teach  tempt  throw up  topple  total up to  touch on  train  tutor  unseat  visit upon  vomit  win over  wreak  yield  
bring about  about ship  accomplish  achieve  act  author  back and fill  be productive  bear  bear away  bear off  bear to starboard  beat  beat about  beget  box off  break  breed  bring forth  bring into being  bring off  bring round  bring to effect  bring to fruition  bring to pass  call forth  call up  cant  cant round  carry into execution  carry off  carry out  carry through  cast  cast about  cause  change course  change the heading  come about  come through with  commit  conceive  create  do  do to  double a point  effect  effectuate  elicit  engender  engineer  establish  evoke  execute  father  fetch about  found  generate  gestate  get through  give birth to  give occasion to  give origin to  give rise to  go about  go and do  gybe  heave round  implement  inaugurate  industrialize  inflict  inspire  institute  jibe  jibe all standing  make  mass-produce  miss stays  muster up  occasion  originate  overproduce  pay  perform  perpetrate  ply  produce  prompt  provoke  pull off  put about  put across  put back  put over  put through  realize  render  round a point  set afloat  set on foot  set up  sheer  shift  sire  slew  summon up  swerve  swing round  swing the stern  tack  take and do  throw about  turn  turn back  up and do  veer  volume-produce  wear  wear ship  wind  work  wreak  yaw  
bring back  bring  bring to  bring to mind  call back  call for  call to mind  call up  chase after  conjure up  evoke  extradite  fetch  fetch and carry  get  give back  go after  go and get  go back  go back over  go fetch  go for  go get  go to get  hark back  look back  mind  obtain  pick up  procure  put back  reanimate  recall  recall to life  recall to mind  recapture  recharge  recollect  recommit  recruit  reevoke  reflect  refresh  regenerate  reheat the ashes  reinspire  rejuvenate  rekindle  relight  remand  remember  remit  renew  repatriate  restore  resurrect  resuscitate  retrace  retrieve  retrospect  return  review  review in retrospect  revitalize  revive  revivify  rewarm  run after  secure  see in retrospect  send back  shag  stir the embers  summon up  take back  think back  think of  use hindsight  warm over  warm up  
bring before  advance  affront  brave  breast  bring forward  bring up  broach  challenge  commend to attention  confront  confront with  dare  defy  encounter  envisage  face  face with  front  introduce  launch  lay before  make a motion  meet  meet squarely  moot  move  offer a resolution  open up  place before  pose  postulate  prefer  present to  propose  proposition  propound  put forth  put forward  put it to  recommend  set before  set forth  start  stem  submit  suggest  
bring charges  accuse  allege  arraign  article  book  bring accusation  bring to book  charge  cite  complain  denounce  denunciate  fasten on  fasten upon  finger  hang something on  impeach  imply  impute  indict  inform against  inform on  insinuate  lay charges  lodge a complaint  lodge a plaint  pin on  prefer charges  press charges  put on report  report  reproach  take to task  task  taunt with  tax  twit  
bring down  abase  abash  acquire  be responsible for  beat down  belittle  blow down  blow over  blow to pieces  blow up  bowl down  bowl over  brain  break down  bring into discredit  bring low  bring on  bring upon  bulldog  bulldoze  burn down  burn to death  cast down  chop down  contract  crush  cry down  cut down  cut to pieces  dash down  deal a deathblow  debase  deck  decry  degrade  demean  depreciate  derogate from  detract from  diminish  disapprove of  discredit  disgrace  disintegrate  disparage  down  drop  dump  dump on  fall in with  fall into  fell  fetch down  flatten  floor  frag  gain  get  give the quietus  ground  gun down  hew down  hold in contempt  incinerate  incur  invite  jugulate  knock  knock down  knock over  lapidate  lay level  lay low  lay out  level  lower  make little of  minimize  mow down  pistol  poleax  precipitate  prostrate  pull down  put down  rase  raze  reduce  reflect discredit upon  riddle  run  run down  send headlong  set down  shoot  shoot down  shoot to death  shotgun  silence  slight  smash  speak ill of  spread-eagle  stab to death  steamroller  stone  stone to death  strike dead  submit to indignity  supinate  take down  tear down  throw  throw down  topple  trip  trip up  tumble  vaporize  welcome  whack down  
bring forth  affect  arouse  author  bear  bear fruit  beget  betoken  birth  born  brandish  breathe  breed  bring about  bring forward  bring into being  bring into view  bring out  bring to effect  bring to light  bring to notice  bring to pass  call forth  call into being  call out  call up  cause  coin  conceive  concoct  contrive  cook up  create  dangle  deduce  deliver  demonstrate  derive  design  develop  devise  disclose  discover  display  divulge  do  drag out  dramatize  draw forth  draw out  dream up  educe  effect  effectuate  elicit  embody  enact  engender  establish  evidence  evince  evoke  evolve  exhibit  expose to view  express  fabricate  father  flaunt  flourish  found  frame  fructify  fruit  furnish  generate  gestate  get from  get out of  give being to  give birth to  give occasion to  give origin to  give rise to  give sign  give token  hatch  highlight  illuminate  improvise  inaugurate  incarnate  indicate  induce  institute  invent  make  make clear  make do with  make plain  make up  manifest  materialize  mature  mean  mint  obtain  occasion  originate  parade  perform  plan  present  procreate  procure  produce  realize  represent  reveal  roll out  rouse  secure  set afloat  set forth  set on foot  set up  show  show forth  sire  spawn  spotlight  stimulate  strike out  summon forth  summon up  think out  think up  token  trot out  unfold  wangle  wangle out of  wave  winkle out  work  worm out  worm out of  yield  
bring forward  acculturate  adduce  advance  affect  affront  allege  ameliorate  amend  array  betoken  better  boost  brandish  brave  breast  breathe  bring before  bring forth  bring into view  bring on  bring out  bring to bear  bring to notice  bring up  broach  call to witness  challenge  civilize  commend to attention  confront  confront with  dangle  dare  defy  demonstrate  deploy  develop  disclose  display  divulge  dramatize  edify  educate  elevate  embody  emend  enact  encounter  enhance  enlighten  enrich  envisage  evidence  evince  exhibit  expose to view  express  face  face with  fatten  favor  flaunt  flourish  forward  foster  front  give sign  give token  go straight  highlight  illuminate  improve  improve upon  incarnate  indicate  introduce  lard  launch  lay before  lift  make a motion  make an improvement  make clear  make plain  manifest  marshal  materialize  mean  meet  meet squarely  meliorate  mend  moot  move  nurture  offer  offer a resolution  open up  parade  perform  place before  plead  pose  postulate  prefer  present  present to  produce  promote  propose  proposition  propound  put forth  put forward  put it to  raise  rally  recommend  refine upon  reform  represent  reveal  roll out  set before  set forth  show  show forth  socialize  spotlight  start  stem  straighten out  submit  suggest  swear in  take oath  testify  token  transfigure  transform  trot out  unfold  upgrade  uplift  wave  
bring home to  account for  accredit with  accrete to  accuse of  acknowledge  afford proof of  anathematize  apply to  ascertain  ascribe to  assign to  assure  attach to  attaint  attribute to  be convincing  blacklist  blame  blame for  blame on  bring over  bring round  bring to reason  carry conviction  censure  charge on  charge to  charge with  cinch  clinch  condemn  confess  connect with  convert  convict  convince  credit with  damn  demonstrate  denounce  denunciate  determine  doom  drive home to  engrave  engrave on  establish  etch  excommunicate  fasten upon  father upon  find guilty  fix  fix on  fix upon  follow  follow from  hang on  have a case  hold good  hold water  impress upon  impute to  inspire belief  lay to  lead to believe  make good  make it felt  make out  nail down  pass sentence on  penalize  persuade  pin on  pinpoint  place upon  point to  pronounce judgment  pronounce sentence  proscribe  prove  prove to be  prove true  refer to  remove all doubt  saddle on  saddle with  satisfy  sell  sell one on  sentence  set at rest  set down to  settle  settle the matter  settle upon  show  stamp  stamp on  talk over  task with  win over  
bring in  acquire  afford  amount to  bring  come to  come up to  cost  crop  crop herbs  cut  dig  drag down  draw down  fetch  gain  gather  gather in  get  glean  grabble  gross  harvest  hay  import  introduce  knock down  make  mount up to  mow  net  nut  pay  pay off  pick  pluck  reap  reap and carry  return  run into  run to  sell for  set one back  total up to  win  yield  
bring off  accomplish  achieve  bring about  bring through  bring to effect  bring to pass  carry into effect  carry into execution  carry off  carry out  carry through  come through  come through with  commit  compass  crown with success  do  do the trick  do to  effect  effectuate  fulfill  get by  get through  go and do  go through  implement  inflict  make  pay  perpetrate  produce  pull off  put across  put in practice  put into effect  put into practice  put over  put through  realize  render  take and do  translate into action  turn the trick  up and do  work out  wreak  
bring on  acquire  adduce  advance  allege  array  be responsible for  bring  bring down  bring forward  bring to bear  bring upon  call forth  contract  contrive  deploy  draw down  draw on  effect  elicit  evoke  fall in with  fall into  gain  get  incur  induce  inspire  instigate  invite  lead  marshal  motivate  obtain  offer  plead  present  procure  produce  provoke  rally  run  superinduce  welcome  
bring out  affect  arouse  betoken  brandish  breathe  bring forth  bring forward  bring into view  bring to light  bring to notice  call forth  call out  call up  chime in  come out with  dangle  declare  deduce  deliver  demonstrate  derive  develop  disclose  display  divulge  drag out  dramatize  draw forth  draw out  educe  elicit  embody  emit  enact  engrave  evidence  evince  evoke  exhibit  expose to view  express  flaunt  flourish  get from  get off  get out  get out of  give forth  give sign  give token  hectograph  highlight  illuminate  impress  imprint  incarnate  indicate  induce  issue  make clear  make plain  manifest  materialize  mean  mimeograph  multigraph  obtain  overprint  parade  perform  present  print  procure  produce  proof  prove  publish  pull  pull a proof  put forth  put out  put to bed  put to press  reissue  represent  reprint  reveal  roll out  rouse  run  run off  secure  send forth  set forth  show  show forth  spotlight  stamp  state  stimulate  strike  summon forth  summon up  tell  throw out  token  trot out  unfold  utter  wangle  wangle out of  wave  winkle out  worm out  worm out of  
bring round  about ship  argue into  assure  back and fill  be convincing  bear away  bear off  bear to starboard  beat  beat about  box off  break  bring about  bring around  bring home to  bring over  bring to reason  cant  cant round  captivate  carry conviction  cast  cast about  change course  change the heading  charm  come about  con  convert  convict  convince  cure  double a point  draw over  drive home to  fetch about  gain  gain over  go about  gybe  heal  heave round  hook  hook in  inspire belief  jibe  jibe all standing  lead to believe  miss stays  outtalk  persuade  ply  prevail on  prevail upon  prevail with  pull round  put about  put back  recure  remedy  restore to health  round a point  satisfy  sell  sell one on  sheer  shift  slew  sway  swerve  swing round  swing the stern  tack  talk into  talk over  throw about  turn  turn back  veer  wangle  wangle into  wear  wear down  wear ship  win  win over  wind  work a cure  yaw  
bring to  arrest  assimilate to  become  block  brake  bring back  bring up short  call back  change  change into  change over  check  checkmate  convert  cut short  dam  deadlock  do over  draw rein  freeze  halt  haul  haul off  haul the wind  haul to  haul up  head to windward  heave to  make  make over  naturalize  pull up  put paid to  reanimate  recall to life  recharge  reconvert  recruit  reduce to  refresh  regenerate  reheat the ashes  reinspire  rejuvenate  rekindle  relight  render  renew  resolve into  resurrect  resuscitate  reverse  revitalize  revive  revivify  rewarm  sail to windward  shift  stalemate  stall  stay  stem  stem the tide  stir the embers  stop  stop cold  stop dead  stop short  switch  switch over  transform  turn back  turn into  uphelm  warm over  warm up  weather  
bring to light  arouse  bare  break the seal  bring forth  bring out  call forth  call out  call up  deduce  derive  develop  dig up  disclose  discover  disinter  dismask  drag out  draw forth  draw out  draw the veil  educe  elicit  evoke  excavate  exhume  expose  ferret out  fish up  get from  get out of  impart  induce  lay bare  lay open  let daylight in  let out  manifest  obtain  open  open up  procure  raise the curtain  reveal  root up  rouse  secure  show  show up  stimulate  strip bare  summon forth  summon up  turn up  uncloak  uncover  undrape  unearth  unfold  unfurl  unkennel  unmask  unpack  unroll  unscreen  unsheathe  unshroud  unveil  unwrap  wangle  wangle out of  winkle out  worm out  worm out of  
bring to mind  allegorize  allude to  ape  appear like  approach  approximate  assume  be like  be redolent of  bear resemblance  bring back  call back  call to mind  call up  come close  come near  compare with  conjure up  connote  copy  correspond  counterfeit  entail  evoke  favor  follow  go back  go back over  hark back  hint  imitate  implicate  imply  import  infer  insinuate  intimate  involve  look back  look like  match  mean  mean to say  mimic  mind  mirror  near  nearly reproduce  not tell apart  parallel  partake of  point indirectly to  presume  presuppose  recall  recall to mind  recapture  recollect  reevoke  reflect  remember  remind one of  resemble  retrace  retrospect  review  review in retrospect  revive  savor of  see in retrospect  seem like  simulate  smack of  sound like  stack up with  suggest  summon up  suppose  take after  take for granted  think back  think of  use hindsight  
bring to pass  accomplish  achieve  author  bear  beget  breed  bring about  bring forth  bring off  bring to effect  carry into execution  carry off  carry out  carry through  cause  come through with  commit  conceive  create  do  do to  effect  effectuate  engender  establish  father  found  generate  gestate  get through  give birth to  give occasion to  give origin to  give rise to  go and do  implement  inaugurate  inflict  institute  make  occasion  originate  pay  perpetrate  produce  pull off  put across  put over  put through  realize  render  set afloat  set on foot  set up  sire  take and do  up and do  work  wreak  
bring up  advance  advert  affront  allude  apprentice  barf  be seasick  be sick  brave  break  break in  breast  breed  bring before  bring forward  bring up short  broach  cast  cease fire  challenge  christen  chuck up  come up short  commend to attention  condition  confront  confront with  cultivate  dare  defy  develop  discipline  disgorge  draw up  drill  educate  egest  encounter  envisage  establish  exercise  face  face with  feed  feed the fish  fetch up  fit  float  form  foster  found  front  gag  groom  halt  hang fire  haul up  heave  heave the gorge  house-train  housebreak  improve  inaugurate  induct  initiate  install  institute  introduce  keck  launch  lay before  lick into shape  lift up  make a motion  meet  meet squarely  moot  move  nourish  nurse  nurture  offer a resolution  open up  place before  point out  pose  postulate  practice  prefer  prepare  present to  propose  proposition  propound  provide for  puke  pull up  put forth  put forward  put in tune  put it to  put to school  raise  ready  rear  recommend  regurgitate  rehearse  reject  retch  ring in  send to school  set agoing  set before  set forth  set on foot  set up  sick up  spew  stall  start  start going  start up  stem  stick  stop  stop dead  stop short  submit  suggest  take in hand  throw up  train  turn on  upchuck  usher in  ventilate  vomit  

aufbringen Definition

(v. t.) To convey to the place where the speaker is or is to be
(v. t.) To cause the accession or obtaining of
(v. t.) To convey
(v. t.) To persuade
(v. t.) To produce in exchange

bring up Bedeutung

bring to
bring back
bring round
bring around
return to consciousness, These pictures bring back sad memories
get engender
bring forth
make children, Abraham begot Isaac, Men often father children but don't recognize them
bring around cure
provide a cure for, make healthy again, The treatment cured the boy's acne, The quack pretended to heal patients but never managed to
bring up
cause to load (an operating system) and start the initial processes, boot your computer
bring into a different state, this may land you in jail
cut down
cut back trim
trim down
trim back
cut bring down
cut down on, make a reduction in, reduce your daily fat intake, The employer wants to cut back health benefits
bring out
set off
direct attention to, as if by means of contrast, This dress accentuates your nice figure!, I set off these words by brackets
bring home make understandable and clear, This brings home my point
bring down
visit impose
impose something unpleasant, The principal visited his rage on the students
bring round
bring around
cause to adopt an opinion or course of action, His urgent letter finally brought me around to give money to the school
bring induce or persuade, The confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well
b unwrap
let on
bring out reveal
discover expose divulge
give away
let out
make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret, The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold, The actress won't reveal how old she is, bring out the truth, he broke the news to her, unwrap the evidence in the murder case
bring out
put out
prepare and issue for public distribution or sale, publish a magazine or newspaper
mention advert bring up
name refer
make reference to, His name was mentioned in connection with the invention
raise bring up put forward for consideration or discussion, raise the question of promotions, bring up an unpleasant topic
call up bring forward bring forward for consideration, The case was called up in court
introduce bring out bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.
bring out get out take out of a container or enclosed space, Get out your best dress--we are going to a party!
join bring together cause to become joined or linked, join these two parts so that they fit together
get convey
go or come after and bring or take back, Get me those books over there, please, Could you bring the wine?, The dog fetched the hat
bring be accompanied by, Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?
bring cause to come into a particular state or condition, Long hard years of on the job training had brought them to their competence, bring water to the boiling point
bring out
let out
bring out of a specific state
bond bring together draw together bring together in a common cause or emotion, The death of their child had drawn them together
advance or set forth in court, bring charges, institute proceedings
bring forth
bring into existence, The new manager generated a lot of problems, The computer bug generated chaos in the office, The computer generated this image, The earthquake generated a tsunami
work play d wreak
make for
cause to happen or to occur as a consequence, I cannot work a miracle, wreak havoc, bring comments, play a joke, The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area
b raise conjure
conjure up
evoke stir
call down
bring up
put forward
call forth
summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic, raise the specter of unemployment, he conjured wild birds in the air, call down the spirits from the mountain
bring on
cause to arise, induce a crisis
bring on cause to appear, bring on the birthday cake
produce bring forth bring forth or yield, The tree would not produce fruit
produce bring about give rise cause to happen, occur or exist, This procedure produces a curious effect, The new law gave rise to many complaints, These chemicals produce a noxious vapor, the new President must bring about a change in the health care system
bring attract the attention of, The noise and the screaming brought the curious
bring out encourage to be less reserved, The teacher tried to bring out the shy boy
bring down cause to be enthusiastic, Her playing brought down the house
bring up cause to come to a sudden stop, The noise brought her up in shock
take down
let down
get down
bring down
move something or somebody to a lower position, take down the vase from the shelf
get up
bring up
raise from a lower to a higher position, Raise your hands, Lift a load
land put down
bring down
cause to come to the ground, the pilot managed to land the airplane safely
advance bring forward cause to move forward, Can you move the car seat forward?
take something or somebody with oneself somewhere, Bring me the box from the other room, Take these letters to the boss, This brings me to the main point
return take back bring back bring back to the point of departure
bring in
bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment, He brought in a new judge, The new secretary introduced a nasty rumor
bring in transmit, The microphone brought in the sounds from the room next to mine
bring outside
bring outside the body for surgery, of organs
bring about cause to move into the opposite direction, they brought about the boat when they saw a storm approaching
produce bring forth bring out for display, The proud father produced many pictures of his baby, The accused brought forth a letter in court that he claims exonerates him
bring out
make visible, Summer brings out bright clothes, He brings out the best in her
bring on
bring out
bring onto the market or release, produce a movie, bring out a book, produce a new play
provide bring home the bacon supply means of subsistence, earn a living, He provides for his large family by working three jobs, Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon
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