
automatischer Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

automatischer Suchlauf
automatic library lookup
automatischer Vorschub
automatic feed
automatischer Sendeabruf
auto polling
automatischer Bankschalter
automated teller machine
automatischer Abrufbetrieb
automatic polling
automatischer Wählvorgang
automatic calling
automatischer Stabilisator
automatic stabilizer
automatischer Seitenumbruch
automatic pagination
automatischer Zeilenumbruch
automatic word wrap
automatischer Kennungsgeber
auto answerback unit
automatischer Antwortbetrieb
auto answer mode
automatischer Betriebszustand
automatic operation
automatischer Verbindungsaufbau
auto calling
automatischer Zeilenumbruch comp.
automatic line break; word wrap; word wrapping; wraparound (to the next line)
Vorschub m
automatischer Vorschub
feed rate
automatic feed
Abrufbetrieb m
automatischer Abrufbetrieb
automatic polling
mit automatischer Bereichswahl (Messgerät) techn.
auto-ranging (measuring device)
Kabeleinzug m techn.
automatischer Kabeleinzug
cord rewind
automatic cord rewind
Wählvorgang m telco.
automatischer Wählvorgang
automatic calling
Weißabgleich m photo.
automatischer Weißabgleich
white balance
automatic white balanc
Suchlauf m
Suchläufe pl
automatischer Suchlauf
automatic library lookup
Verbindungsaufbau m
automatischer Verbindungsaufbau
dial-up, calling
auto calling
Duplexdruck m
automatischer Duplexdruck m techn.
automatic duplexing
(automatischer) Probengeber m chem.
Probengeber pl
Stopp m, Stop m alt
ohne Stopp
automatischer Stopp
without stopping
Verbindungsaufbau m telco.
automatischer Verbindungsaufbau
dial-up; calling; connection establishment; call setup
auto calling
Stabilisator m
Stabilisatoren pl
automatischer Stabilisator
automatic stabilizer
Seitenumbruch m
Seitenumbrüche pl
automatischer Seitenumbruch
pagebreak; pagination
automatic pagination
Seitenumbruch m
Seitenumbrüche pl
automatischer Seitenumbruch
pagebreak, pagination
automatic pagination
Halt m; Stopp m; Stop m alt
ohne Stopp
automatischer Stopp
without stopping
Betriebszustand m
Betriebszustände pl
automatischer Betriebszustand
operating state, operating condition
operating states, operating conditions
automatic operation
Kennungsgeber m telco.
Kennungsgeber pl
automatischer Kennungsgeber
answer identifier generator; answer-back device unit
answer identifier generators; answer-back device units
auto answerback unit
Propeller m aviat.
Propeller pl
Propeller mit automatischer Drehzahlregelung
propeller, propellor, prop
propellers, propellors, props
constant speed propeller
Zeilenumbruch m (von Wörtern in Textverarbeitung) comp.
automatischer Zeilenumbruch
word wrap
automatic word wrap
Stabilisator m
Stabilisatoren pl
automatischer Stabilisator
eingebauter Stabilisator
automatic stabilizer
built-in stabilizer
automatischer maschineller Textauszug m comp.
automatisch maschinell einen Textauszug erstellen
to create an auto-abstract
Betriebszustand m
Betriebszustände pl
automatischer Betriebszustand
instationärer Betriebszustand
operating state; operating condition
operating states; operating conditions
automatic operation
transient operating condition
Anhalten n; Halt m; Stopp m
automatischer Stopp
Geschwindigkeitsverringerung ohne Halt (Auto, Bahn)
slowing down without stopping (car, railway)
geschlossenes Regelungssystem n; Regelkreis m (Steuerungstechnik) techn.
automatisches Regelungssystem; automatischer Regelkreis
closed-loop control system (control engineering)
closed-loop automatic control system
Propeller m; Luftschraube f aviat.
Propeller pl; Luftschrauben pl
zweiflügeliger Propeller
Propeller mit automatischer Drehzahlregelung
screw propeller; propeller; prop coll.; airscrew
screw propellers; propellers; props; airscrews
two-bladed air-screw
constant speed propeller
Papierzuführung f; Papierzufuhr f; Papiertransport m; Papiervorschub m (Drucker; Schreibmaschine) comp.
automatische Zufuhr; automatischer Vorschub
paper feed; form feed (printer; typewriter)
automatic feed
Seitenumbruch m; Seitenwechsel m comp.
Seitenumbrüche pl; Seitenwechsel pl
automatischer Seitenumbruch
Seitenumbruch im Hintergrund
einen Seitenumbruch einfügen
page-break; pagination
automatic pagination
background pagination
to insert a page-break
Papierzuführung f; Papierzufuhr f; Papiertransport m; Papiervorschub m; Formularvorschub m (Drucker; Schreibmaschine) comp.
automatische Zufuhr; automatischer Vorschub
paper feed; form feed (printer; typewriter)
automatic feed
Propeller m; Luftschraube f aviat.
Propeller pl; Luftschrauben pl
zweiflügeliger Propeller
Propeller mit automatischer Drehzahlregelung
Arbeitswinkel der Luftschraube
screw propeller; propeller; prop coll.; airscrew
screw propellers; propellers; props; airscrews
two-bladed air-screw
constant speed propeller
slip angle of the propeller
Alarm m
Alarme pl
automatischer Alarm
Alarm schlagen wenn es nach Gas riecht
Alarm auslösen; Alarm geben (Person)
blinder Alarm übtr.
falschen Alarm geben
Es wurde Alarm ausgelöst.; Der Alarm ging los.
automatic alarm
to raise sound the alarm when there is smell of gas Br.
to give the alarm; to alarm (person)
to cry wolf
The alarm was sounded triggered.
Rückruf m telco.
Rückrufe pl
automatischer Rückruf
automatischer Rückruf bei Besetzt (ISDN-Funktion)
Rückruf bei Nichtmelden
automatische Rückruf bei Nichtmelden
Er bittet um Rückruf.
Danke für den Rückruf.
callback; ring back
callbacks; rings back
automatic callback
automatic call back on busy; completion of calls to busy subscriber CCBS
call back on no reply CCNR
automatic callback on no reply
He asked to be called back.
Thank you for calling back.
Rückruf m telco.
Rückrufe pl
automatischer Rückruf
automatischer Rückruf bei Besetzt (ISDN-Funktion)
Rückruf bei Nichtmelden
automatische Rückruf bei Nichtmelden
Er bittet um Rückruf.
Danke für den Rückruf.
callback; ring back
callbacks; rings back
automatic callback
automatic call back on busy; completion of calls to busy subscriber CCBS
call back on no reply CCNR
automatic callback on no reply
He asked to be called back.
Thank you for calling back.
Alarm m (akustische optische Gefahrenwarnung)
Alarme pl
Fehleralarm m telco.
automatischer Alarm
Alarm schlagen, wenn es nach Gas riecht
Alarm auslösen; Alarm geben (Person)
blinder Alarm übtr.
falschen Alarm geben
Es wurde Alarm ausgelöst.; Der Alarm ging los.
failure alarm
automatic alarm
to raise sound the alarm when there is smell of gas Br.
to give the alarm; to alarm (person)
to cry wolf
The alarm was sounded triggered.
Schraubendreher m; Schraubenzieher m; Schrauber m ugs.
Schraubendreher pl; Schraubenzieher pl; Schrauber pl
automatischer Schraubenzieher
kräftiger Schraubendreher
Schraubendreher mit Knarrenmechanismus; Knarrenschraubendreher m; Knarrenschraubenzieher m; Knarrenschrauber m ugs.; Ratschenschraubendreher m; Ratschenschraubenzieher m; Ratschenschrauber m ugs.; Ratsche f
Yankee screwdriver
ratchet screwdriver
Revolver m mil.
Revolver pl
automatischer Revolver
Bulldog-Revolver m
Bündelrevolver n
gasdichter Revolver
Hosenbundrevolver m
Kipplaufrevolver m
Ordonnanzrevolver m
Perkussionsrevolver m hist.
Revolver mit feststehender Trommelachse
Revolver mit herausnehmbarer Trommel
Revolver mit Scheibenvisierung; Scheibenrevolver m
Revolver mit Spannabzug; Abzugsspanner m
Schreckschussrevolver m
Schwenkrevolver m
sechsschüssiger Revolver
Stiftfeuerrevolver m
Trommelrevolver m
self-cocking revolver
snub-nose revolver
pepperbox revolver; pepperbox
gas-tight revolver; gas-seal revolver
belly gun
break-open revolver; break-frame revolver; hinged-frame revolver; hinge-frame revolver; tip-up revolver; top-break revolver
ordnance revolver
percussion revolver; caplock revolver
solid-frame revolver
snap-out revolver
target revolver; target-sighted revolver
double-action revolver
blank-firing revolver; blank revolver
side-swing revolver; swing-out revolver
pin-fire revolver
cylinder revolver
Lochkartenlocher m; Kartenlocher m; Tastaturlocher m; Tastenlocher m; Handlocher m; Lochkartenstanzer m; Kartenstanzer m comp. hist.
Lochkartenlocher pl; Kartenlocher pl; Tastaturlocher pl; Tastenlocher pl; Handlocher pl; Lochkartenstanzer pl; Kartenstanzer pl
Kartenlocher mit Tastatur
Kartenlocher mit automatischer Zuführung
Ausgabelocher m
Ausweislocher m
Klarschriftkartenleser und -stanzer m
Lesestanzer m; Kartenleser m
Rechenlocher m
elektronischer Rechenlocher
Schreiblocher m mit Lochschriftübersetzung
Summenstanzer m
Schnellstanzer m
Schreiblocher m
streifengesteuerter Kartenlocher
streifengesteuerter Schreiblocher
card puncher; card punch; punch card machine; keyboard punch; keypunch; keyboard perforator; handpunch
card punchers; card punches; punch card machines; keyboard punches; keypunches; keyboard perforators; handpunches
key puncher; key punch
automatic-feed punch
output puncher; output punch
badge puncher; badge punch
optical reader card punch
card read puncher; card read punch
calculating puncher; calculating punch
electronic calculating punch
interpreting card punch
gang summary punch
automatic-gang punch
printing card puncher
printing summary puncher
tape-to-card puncher
tape-to-card printing punch
Blockabschnitt m; Blockstrecke f; Streckenblock m; Block m (Streckenabschnitt, in dem nur ein Zug unterwegs ist) (Bahn)
Bahnhofsblock m
Block mit unbedingten Haltsignalen; absoluter Block
unbedingter Block mit Nachfahrmöglichkeit; absoluter permissiver Block; absoluter Permissivblock
Block mit bedingten Haltsignalen; bedingter Block; permissiver Block; Permissivblock
automatischer Streckenblock; Selbstblock
automatischer Streckenblock mit Lichtsignal(en); Selbstblock mit Lichtsignal(en)
beweglicher Block; mobiler Block
fester Block
handbedienter Block; Handblock
Selbstblock mit begrenzter Nachfahrmöglichkeit; permissiver Selbstblock
Beginn des Blockabschnitts
Ende eines Blockabschnitts
Einfahren Einfahrt in einen besetzten Blockabschnitt
Länge eines Blockabschnitts; Blockabstand
block section; block (route section with no more than one train) (railway)
station block
absolute block
absolute permissive block
permissive block
automatic block
automatic colour-light block Br.; automatic color-light block Am.
moving block
fixed block
manual block
partly permissive automatic block
entry to a block section
end of a block section
entry into an occupied block section
length of a block section; block interval

Deutsche automatischer Synonyme

automatischer  Hinweis  ÂHinweis  ÂTipp  ÂTooltip  ÂWink  
automatischer Hinweis  Hinweis  Tipp  Tooltip  Wink  
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Englische automatic library lookup Synonyme

automatic  accordant  accustomed  alike  automated  automatic device  automaton  automatous  balanced  beaten  blind  blowgun  blowpipe  casual  compulsive  conditioned  confirmed  consistent  consonant  constant  continuous  correspondent  cybernated  cyborg  equable  equal  even  firearm  flamethrower  flat  forced  frequent  gat  gun  gut  habitual  habituated  hackneyed  handgun  heater  homogeneous  ill-advised  ill-considered  ill-devised  immutable  impulsive  inadvertent  indeliberate  ineluctable  inescapable  inevitable  inherent  innate  instinctive  instinctual  invariable  involuntary  level  libidinal  measured  mechanical  mechanical man  methodic  monolithic  musket  natural  of a piece  ordered  orderly  peashooter  persistent  piece  pistol  prompt  quick  ready  recurrent  recurring  reflex  reflexive  regular  repeater  repetitive  revolver  rifle  robot  robotlike  rod  routine  sawed-off shotgun  self-acting  self-active  self-adjusting  self-closing  self-controlled  self-cooking  self-directed  self-directing  self-dumping  self-governed  self-governing  self-lighting  self-mover  self-operative  self-regulating  self-regulative  self-starting  self-winding  self-working  semiautomatic  shooting iron  shotgun  six-gun  six-shooter  smooth  snap  spontaneous  stable  steadfast  steady  stereotyped  subliminal  systematic  trite  unadvised  unavoidable  unbroken  uncalculated  unchangeable  unchanged  unchanging  unconscious  unconsidered  undeliberate  undeliberated  undesigned  undeviating  undifferentiated  undiversified  uniform  unintended  unintentional  unlearned  unmeditated  unpremeditated  unprompted  unruffled  unstudied  unthinking  unvaried  unvarying  unwilled  unwilling  unwitting  well-trodden  well-worn  
automatic writing  Ouija  artistry  authorcraft  authorship  automatism  blind impulse  cacoethes scribendi  composition  compulsiveness  conditioning  creative writing  drama-writing  echolalia  echopraxia  editorial-writing  essay-writing  expository writing  facility in writing  feature-writing  graphomania  graphorrhea  graphospasm  impulse  inditement  instinct  instinctiveness  involuntariness  journalism  levitation  libretto-writing  literary artistry  literary composition  literary power  literary production  literary talent  materialization  novel-writing  pen  pencraft  planchette  playwriting  poltergeist  poltergeistism  psychography  psychorrhagy  ready pen  reflex action  rewriting  sheer chemistry  short-story writing  skill with words  spirit manifestation  spirit rapping  table tipping  technical writing  telekinesis  teleportation  telesthesia  trance speaking  unwilledness  verse-writing  writing  

automatischer Definition

(a.) Alt. of Automatical
(n.) A considerable collection of books kept for use, and not as merchandise
(n.) A building or apartment appropriated for holding such a collection of books.

automatic library lookup Bedeutung

automatic choke a choke that automatically controls the flow of air to the carburetor
automatic firearm
automatic gun
automatic weapon
a firearm that reloads itself and keeps firing until the trigger is released
automatic pistol
a pistol that will keep firing until the ammunition is gone or the trigger is released
automatic rifle
automatic machine rifle
light machine gun
automatic transmission
automatic drive
a transmission that automatically changes the gears according to the speed of the car
automatic pilot
robot pilot
a navigational device that automatically keeps ships or planes or spacecraft on a steady course
Browning automatic rifle
a portable . caliber automatic rifle operated by gas pressure and fed by cartridges from a magazine, used by United States troops in World War I and in World War II and in the Korean War
cash machine
cash dispenser
automated teller machine
automatic teller machine
automated teller
automatic teller
an unattended machine (outside some banks) that dispenses money when a personal coded card is used
computer system
computing system
automatic data processing system
ADP system
a system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage
lending library
circulating library
library that provides books for use outside the building
depository library
a depository built to contain books and other materials for reading and study
library a room where books are kept, they had brandy in the library
library a building that houses a collection of books and other materials
National Library of Medicine
United States National Library of Medicine
U.S. National Library of Medicine
the world's largest medical library
automatic washer
washing machine
a home appliance for washing clothes and linens automatically
automatic pilot
a cognitive state in which you act without self-awareness, she went about her chores on automatic pilot, too much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot, she talked and he dozed and my mind went on autopilot
library science the study of the principles and practices of library administration
library card
borrower's card
a card certifying the bearer's right to use the library
library catalog
library catalogue
an enumeration of all the resources of a library
library program a program in a program library
library routine a debugged routine that is maintained in a program library
face recognition
facial recognition
automatic face recognition
biometric identification by scanning a person's face and matching it against a library of known faces, they used face recognition to spot known terrorists
Bachelor of Arts in Library Science
a bachelor's degree in library science
Master of Arts in Library Science
a master's degree in library science
Master of Library Science
a master's degree in library science
library program library
subroutine library
(computing) a collection of standard programs and subroutines that are stored and available for immediate use
library a collection of literary documents or records kept for reference or borrowing
public library a nonprofit library maintained for public use
Nag Hammadi
Nag Hammadi Library
a collection of ancient papyrus codices translated from Greek into Coptic that were discovered by farmers near the town of Nag Hammadi in , the codices contain distinct works including the chief sources of firsthand knowledge of Gnosticism
library fine fine imposed by a library on books that overdue when returned
automatic data processing
data processing by a computer
an operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property, they wrote a program to do a table lookup
library paste
an adhesive made from water and flour or starch, used on paper and paperboard
automatic operating with minimal human intervention, independent of external control, automatic transmission, a budget deficit that caused automatic spending cuts
operated by hand
resembling the unthinking functioning of a machine, an automatic `thank you', machinelike efficiency
without volition or conscious control, the automatic shrinking of the pupils of the eye in strong light, a reflex knee jerk, sneezing is reflexive
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