
blind Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

blind adv
unseeingly {adv}
blind, blenden
blind ergeben
ist von Geburt blind
was born blind
rueckwirkend, Blind..
blind adj (gegen, vor)
blind (to, with)
rückwirkend adj; Blind…
Liebe macht blind. Sprw.
The eyes of love are blind.; Love is blind.
Liebe macht blind. Sprw.
The eyes of love are blind.
Liebe macht blind. Sprw.
Love is blind.
rückwirkend adj; Blind...
rückwirkend adj, Blind...
augenlos adj
blind adj
blind adv; blindlings adv
blind adj
mit leerem Blick
unseeing {adj}
with unseeing eyes
halb blind, kurzsichtig adj
mit verbundenen Augen; blind adv
etw. blind tun können
blindfold; blindfolded
to be able to do sth. blindfold blindfolded
sich (blind) auf jdn. etw. stürzen v pej. soc. übtr.
to glom onto sb. sth. Am. rare
blind adj (ohne Überlegung) übtr.
blinder Gehorsam
blinde Wut
blind (without thinking) fig.
blind obedience
blind rage
bedingungslos; uneingeschränkt; blind adj
blinder Gehorsam
bedingungslose Treue
unquestioning obedience
unquestioning loyalty
von Geburt an; von Natur aus adv med.
blind geborene Menschen
von Geburt an fehlen
congenitally blind people
to be congentially missing
blenden, blind machen
blendend, blind machend
geblendet, blind gemacht
to blind
blind adj (gegen; vor)
auf einem Auge blind
auf beiden Augen blind
halb blind; kurzsichtig adj
blind (to; with); unsighted
blind in one eye
blind in both eyes
purblind; near-blind; dim-sighted
blind tippen; blind schreiben v comp.
blind tippend; blind schreibend
blind getippt; blind geschrieben
to touch-type
verblendet; blind adj (gegenüber einer Sache)
blind gegenüber den Bedürfnissen anderer
den Fehlern seiner Kinder gegenüber blind sein
blind (to sth.) fig.
blind to the needs of others
to be blind to the faults of your children
Zapfen m (Holz)
Zapfen pl
Zapfen mit Nutzapfen
verkeilte Zapfen
blind verkeilte Zapfen
quer verkeilte Zapfen
eingelegter Hartholzzapfen
haunched tenon
wedged tenons
fox wedged tenon
tusk tenons
false tenon; inserted tenon
Skorpiongeborener m; Skorpion m astrol.
Bei einem Skorpiongeborenen kannst du blind darauf vertrauen, dass er deine Geheimnisse für sich behält.
You can always trust a Scorpio to keep your secrets.
jdn. etw. blenden; blind machen v
blendend; blind machend
geblendet; blind gemacht
einen Satelliten blenden mil.
verblendet sein
to blind sb. sth.
to blind a satellite
to be blinded
blind; ohne Sehkraft; ohne Sehvermögen adj med.
auf einem Auge blind sein
auf beiden Augen blind sein
stockblind sein ugs.
Ohne Brille bin ich blind wie ein Maulwurf.
blind; sightless; unsighted
to be blind in one eye
to be blind in both eyes
half-blind; starblind; purblind poet.; hemiamautrotic med.
to be totally blind
Without glasses I'm blind as a bat.
jdn. blenden; blind machen; verblenden v
blendend; blind machend; verblendend
geblendet; blind gemacht; verblendet
einen Satelliten blenden mil.
verblendet sein
to blind sb.
to blind a satellite
to be blinded
erblinden; blind werden v
erblindend; blind werdend
erblindet; blind geworden
er sie erblindet; er sie wird blind
ich er sie erblindete; ich er sie wurde blind
er sie ist war erblindet; er sie ist war blind geworden
to go blind
going blind
gone blind
he she goes blind
I he she went blind
he she has had gone blind
erblinden, blind werden v
erblindend, blind werdend
erblindet, blind geworden
sie erblindet, er
sie wird blind
sie erblindete, ich
sie wurde blind
sie ist
war erblindet, er
sie ist
war blind geworden
to go blind
going blind
gone blind
she goes blind
she went blind
she has
had gone blind
von … an; ab prp; +Dat. (Beginn einer Zeitspanne)
von jetzt an
von Kindheit an
von Geburt an blind sein
vom Anfang bis zum Ende
von A bis Z
von morgens bis abends; vom Morgen bis zum Abend
heute in einer Woche; in einer Woche von heute an gerechnet
from; from … on; from … onward (beginning of a time span)
from now on
from childhood (onward); since childhood; from a child
to be blind from birth
from start to finish
from A to Z
from morning to night; from morning till night
a week from today.
eigentlich adv (Frage nach Grundsätzlichem)
Kannst du eigentlich blind tippen?
Wie war eigentlich das Konzert?
Von wem stammt eigentlich die Idee?
Hast du eigentlich noch das Original?
Du Papa was sind eigentlich Kriminelle?
Was willst du eigentlich?
Wem gehört eigentlich dieses Haus?
Was hat er eigentlich?
by the way; incidentally (prepositive); exactly; anyway (postpositive)
By the way can you touch-type?
Incidentally how was the concert?
Who originated the idea by the way?
Incidentally do you still have the original?
Dad what exactly are criminals?; Dad what are criminals anyway?
What exactly do you want?; What's bothering you anyway?
Whose house is this anyway?
What's the matter with him anyway?
eigentlich adv (Frage nach Grundsätzlichem)
Kannst du eigentlich blind tippen?
Wie war eigentlich das Konzert?
Von wem stammt eigentlich die Idee?
Hast du eigentlich noch das Original?
Du Papa, was sind eigentlich Kriminelle?
Was willst du eigentlich?
Wem gehört eigentlich dieses Haus?
Was hat er eigentlich?
by the way; incidentally (prepositive); exactly; anyway (postpositive)
By the way, can you touch-type?
Incidentally, how was the concert?
Who originated the idea, by the way?
Incidentally, do you still have the original?
Dad, what exactly are criminals?; Dad, what are criminals anyway?
What exactly do you want?; What's bothering you anyway?
Whose house is this anyway?
What's the matter with him anyway?
Wissenslücke f; Betriebsblindheit f
auf einem Auge blind sein übtr.
Das ist vielleicht eine Bildungslücke, mit der ich aber gut leben kann.
Bei Mathematik Wenn es um Computer geht, bin ich ein Analphabet.
Wenn es um das Benehmen ihrer verwöhnten Kinder geht, ist sie (auf einem Auge) blind.
Der Internetriese scheint auf dem Datenschutzauge blind zu sein.
blind spot fig.
to have a blind spot fig.
It's a blind spot of mine, perhaps, but one I'm happy to live with.
I have a blind spot concerning maths where computers are concerned.
She has a blind spot when it comes to her spoiled children's behaviour.
The Internet giant seems to have a blind spot when it comes to data protection.
Wissenslücke f; Betriebsblindheit f
auf einem Auge blind sein übtr.
Das ist vielleicht eine Bildungslücke mit der ich aber gut leben kann.
Bei Mathematik Wenn es um Computer geht bin ich ein Analphabet.
Wenn es um das Benehmen ihrer verwöhnten Kinder geht ist sie (auf einem Auge) blind.
Der Internetriese scheint auf dem Datenschutzauge blind zu sein.
blind spot fig.
to have a blind spot fig.
It's a blind spot of mine perhaps but one I'm happy to live with.
I have a blind spot concerning maths where computers are concerned.
She has a blind spot when it comes to her spoiled children's behaviour.
The Internet giant seems to have a blind spot when it comes to data protection.
Dummkopf m; Esel m; Dussel m Dt.; Dämlack m Dt.; Döskopp m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Dödel n Mitteldt. BW; Depp m Süddt. Ös. Schw.; Dodel m Ös.; Wappler m Ös.; Hiefler m Ös.; Tubel m Schw.; Dubel m Schw.; Tschumpel m Schw.; Lööli m Schw.; Narr m geh. (veraltend); Tor m poet. obs.
der größte Dummkopf von allen
Man sollte sich nicht blind in (so) eine Sache stürzen.
Das ist eine Hau-Ruck-Aktion Ho-Ruck-Aktion!
Sei doch nicht dumm!
Er ist von Natur aus dumm.
fool; jerk; clod; clodhopper; dolt; clot Br.; charlie Br.; plonker Br.; prat Br.; schnook Am.; schmuck Am.; tomfool (old-fashioned)
the biggest greatest fool of all
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. prov. (Alexander Pope)
Fools rush in!
Don't be a fool!
He is a born fool.
Dummkopf m; Schwachkopf m; Schwachmat m; Hohlkopf m; Hohlbirne f; Blödian m; Esel m; Hornochse m; Dussel m Dt.; Dämlack m Dt.; Doofmann m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Döskopp m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Dösbattel m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Dämel m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Dämlack m Norddt. Mittelostdt.; Dummerjan m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Spacken m; Dödel n Mitteldt. BW; Depp m Süddt. Ös. Schw.; Dummian m Bayr. Ös.; Dodel m Ös.; Dulle m Südostös.; Wappler m Ös.; Hiefler m Ös.; Tubel m Schw.; Dubel m Schw.; Tschumpel m Schw.; Lööli m Schw.; Narr m geh. veraltend; Tor m poet. obs. pej.
Dummköpfe pl; Schwachköpfe pl; Schwachmaten pl; Hohlköpfe pl; Hohlbirnen pl; Blödiane pl; Esel pl; Hornochsen pl; Dussel pl; Dämlacke pl; Doofmänner pl; Dösköppe pl; Dösbattel pl; Dämel pl; Dämlacke pl; Dummerjane pl; Spacken pl; Dödel pl; Deppen pl; Dummiane pl; Dodel pl; Dullen pl; Wappler pl; Hiefler pl; Tubel pl; Dubel pl; Tschumpel pl; Lööli pl; Narren pl; Tore pl
der größte Dummkopf von allen
Man sollte sich nicht blind in (so) eine Sache stürzen.
Das ist eine Hau-Ruck-Aktion Ho-Ruck-Aktion!
Sei doch nicht dumm!
Er ist von Natur aus dumm.
fool; jerk; airhead; clod; clodhopper; dimwit; nitwit; halfwit; loon; dolt; clot Br.; charlie Br.; plonker Br.; prat Br.; boob Am.; poop Am.; schnook Am.; schmuck Am.; gump Am. ninny dated; tomfool dated
fools; jerks; airheads; clods; clodhoppers; dimwits; nitwits; halfwits; loons; dolts; clots; charlies; plonkers; prats; boobs; poops; schnooks; schmucks; gumps; ninnies; tomfools
the biggest greatest fool of all
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. prov. (Alexander Pope)
Fools rush in!
Don't be a fool!
He is a born fool.

Deutsche blind Synonyme

blind alley  Autobahn  US highway  alley  alleyway  arterial  arterial highway  arterial street  artery  autoroute  
blind faith  credulity  credulousness  disposition to believe  dotage  ease of belief  fondness  gross credulity  infatuation  overcredulity  
blind impulse  archetypal pattern  archetype  automatic response  automatic writing  automatism  brain wave  brainstorm  collective unconscious  compulsiveness  
blind spot  ablepsia  amaurosis  atmospheric attenuation  atmospherics  authoritarianism  benightedness  bigotry  blaring  blasting  
blind to  a stranger to  asleep  caught napping  dead to  deaf to  impercipient  in ignorance of  incognizant  insensible  
blind  ableptical  abstruse  alibi  amaurotic  ambuscade  ambush  ambushment  amorphous  apology  
color blind  ableptical  amaurotic  benighted  bereft of light  blind  dark  dim-sighted  eyeless  hemeralopic  

Englische blind Synonyme

blind  ableptical  abstruse  alibi  amaurotic  ambuscade  ambush  ambushment  amorphous  apology  art  artful dodge  artifice  automatic  awning  back band  backstrap  bag of tricks  bamboozle  bandage  bat  be bright  beach umbrella  beacon  beam  bearing rein  becloud  beclouded  bedazzle  befog  bellyband  benight  benighted  bereft of light  bit  blank  blanket  blaze  blind drunk  blind man  blind the eyes  blind to  blind-alley  blinders  blindfold  blindfolded  blinds  blinker  blinkers  blotto  bluff  booby trap  boozy  bosey  breeching  bridle  buried  burn  camouflage  canned  caparison  catch  cavesson  cecal  checkrein  cheekpiece  chicanery  chinband  choked  choked off  chouse  cinch  clear as mud  cloak  close  closed  cloud  clouded  cloudy  collar  color  color-blind  compulsive  conceal  concealed  conditioned  conspiracy  constricted  contracted  contrivance  coup  cover  cover story  cover up  cover-up  covered  covert  craft  crownband  crupper  curb  curtain  curve  curve-ball  cute trick  dark  darken  daze  dazzle  dead  dead-end  deaf  deceit  deceive  deception  delusional  dense  deprive of sight  design  device  diffuse light  dim  dim-sighted  dim-witted  dirty deal  dirty trick  disguise  disguised  dissemble  distract attention from  dodge  dogmatic  drape  drapery  drunk  dull-witted  eclipse  eclipsed  ensconce  enshroud  envelop  excecate  excuse  expedient  eye patch  eyeless  facade  fakement  fast deal  feint  fetch  ficelle  flame  flare  flash  flat  foggy  fool  forced  front  fulgurate  fuzzy  gag swivel  gambit  game  gimmick  girth  give light  glance  glare  gleam  glint  gloss  gloss over  glow  googly  gouge  grift  guise  hackamore  halter  hames  hametugs  handle  harness  hazy  headgear  headstall  heedless  helpless  hemeralopic  hid  hidden  hide  hip straps  hocus-pocus  hoodwink  imperceptive  impercipient  impervious to  impetuous  impulsive  in a cloud  in a fog  in darkness  in eclipse  in purdah  in the wings  
blind alley  Autobahn  US highway  alley  alleyway  arterial  arterial highway  arterial street  artery  autoroute  autostrada  avenue  bar  barrier  belt highway  blank wall  blind gut  block  blockade  blockage  bottleneck  boulevard  box  bypass  byway  camino real  carriageway  causeway  causey  cecum  chaussee  choking  choking off  circumferential  clog  close  congestion  constipation  corduroy road  corner  costiveness  county road  court  crescent  cul-de-sac  dead end  dead-end street  deadlock  dike  dirt road  drive  driveway  embolism  embolus  expressway  extremity  freeway  gorge  gravel road  halt  highroad  highway  highways and byways  hole  impasse  impediment  infarct  infarction  interstate highway  jam  lane  local road  main drag  main road  mews  motorway  obstacle  obstipation  obstruction  parkway  pave  paved road  pike  place  plank road  pocket  primary highway  private road  right-of-way  ring road  road  roadbed  roadway  route nationale  row  royal road  sealing off  secondary road  speedway  stalemate  stand  standstill  state highway  stop  stoppage  strangulation  street  superhighway  terrace  thoroughfare  through street  thruway  toll road  township road  turnpike  wynd  
blind faith  credulity  credulousness  disposition to believe  dotage  ease of belief  fondness  gross credulity  infatuation  overcredulity  overcredulousness  overopenness to conviction  overtrustfulness  rash conviction  trustfulness  uncritical acceptance  uncriticalness  unquestioning belief  unripe acceptation  unskepticalness  unsuspectingness  unsuspiciousness  will to believe  willingness to believe  wishful belief  wishful thinking  
blind impulse  archetypal pattern  archetype  automatic response  automatic writing  automatism  brain wave  brainstorm  collective unconscious  compulsiveness  conditioning  drive  echolalia  echopraxia  fancy  flash  fleeting impulse  gut response  id  impulse  inborn proclivity  inspiration  instinct  instinctiveness  involuntariness  involuntary impulse  libido  natural impulse  natural instinct  natural tendency  notion  primitive self  quick hunch  reflex  reflex action  sheer chemistry  subconscious urge  sudden thought  unlearned capacity  unreasoning impulse  unwilledness  urge  vital impulse  
blind spot  ablepsia  amaurosis  atmospheric attenuation  atmospherics  authoritarianism  benightedness  bigotry  blaring  blasting  blind side  blind spots  blinders  blindfolding  blinding  blindness  blurring the eyes  cataract  cecity  closed mind  clutter  cramped ideas  crawling  creeping  darkness  deflection  depriving of sight  dim-sightedness  drift  drop serene  economic blindness  ever-during dark  excecation  eyelessness  fade-out  fading  false echoes  fanaticism  glaucoma  ground clutter  gutta serena  hideboundness  hoodwinking  illiberality  insularism  insularity  interference  lack of vision  little-mindedness  littleness  making blind  mean mind  meanness  narrow sympathies  narrow views  narrow-mindedness  narrowness  nearsightedness  niphablepsia  noise  odium theologicum  parochialism  partial blindness  pettiness  petty mind  provincialism  psychic blindness  purblindness  reception  reduced sight  refraction  sea clutter  shortsightedness  shut mind  sightless eyes  sightlessness  smallness  snow blindness  soul-blindness  spiritual blindness  static  stone-blindness  straitlacedness  stuffiness  superrefraction  total blindness  trachoma  uncatholicity  unenlightenment  unseeingness  
blind to  a stranger to  asleep  caught napping  dead to  deaf to  impercipient  in ignorance of  incognizant  insensible  insensible to  lost to  mindless  napping  nonconceiving  not with it  oblivious  out of it  unaware  unaware of  unconscious  unconscious of  unhearing  uninsightful  unknowing  unmindful  unmindful of  unperceiving  unprehensive  unrealizing  unseeing  unsuspecting  unwitting  witless  
blinded  bedazzled  blind  blindfold  blindfolded  darkened  dazed  dazzled  dim-sighted  excecate  hoodwinked  imperceptive  impercipient  insensible  mind-blind  myopic  nearsighted  nonunderstanding  obscured  purblind  shortsighted  snow-blind  snow-blinded  unapprehending  uncomprehending  undiscerning  unperceptive  
blinders  authoritarianism  back band  backstrap  bearing rein  bellyband  bigotry  bit  blind side  blind spot  blindfold  blinds  blinkers  breeching  bridle  caparison  cavesson  checkrein  cheekpiece  chinband  cinch  closed mind  collar  cramped ideas  crownband  crupper  curb  eye patch  fanaticism  gag swivel  girth  hackamore  halter  hames  hametugs  harness  headgear  headstall  hideboundness  hip straps  illiberality  insularism  insularity  jaquima  jerk line  lines  little-mindedness  littleness  martingale  mean mind  meanness  narrow sympathies  narrow views  narrow-mindedness  narrowness  nearsightedness  noseband  odium theologicum  parochialism  pettiness  petty mind  pole strap  provincialism  purblindness  reins  ribbons  saddle  shaft tug  shortsightedness  shut mind  side check  smallness  snaffle  straitlacedness  stuffiness  surcingle  tack  tackle  trappings  tug  uncatholicity  winker braces  yoke  
blindfold  bandage  bedazzle  benight  blind  blind the eyes  blinders  blinds  blinkers  darken  daze  dazzle  deprive of sight  dim  eclipse  excecate  eye patch  glare  gouge  hoodwink  make blind  obscure  snow-blind  strike blind  
blindfolded  bedazzled  blind  blindfold  darkened  dazed  dazzled  dim-sighted  excecate  hoodwinked  imperceptive  impercipient  insensible  mind-blind  myopic  nearsighted  nonunderstanding  obscured  purblind  shortsighted  snow-blind  snow-blinded  unapprehending  uncomprehending  undiscerning  unperceptive  
blinding  ablepsia  absolute  amaurosis  bedazzling  benightedness  bleeding  blessed  blind side  blind spot  blindfolding  blindness  blinking  blooming  blurring the eyes  bright  bright and shining  brilliant  cat-and-doggish  cataract  cecity  confounded  crude  darkness  dazzling  depriving of sight  dim-sightedness  doggone  downright  drippy  driving  drizzling  drizzly  drop serene  drumming  economic blindness  effulgent  ever-during dark  excecation  execrable  eyelessness  flamboyant  flaming  flaring  flashy  flaunting  fulgent  fulgid  garish  gaudy  glaring  glary  glaucoma  gross  gutta serena  hoodwinking  infernal  lack of vision  loud  lurid  making blind  misty  misty-moisty  mizzly  niphablepsia  obscuring  outright  overbright  partial blindness  pelting  pluvial  pluviose  pluvious  pouring  psychic blindness  rainy  rank  raw  reduced sight  refulgent  resplendent  screaming  showery  shrieking  sightless eyes  sightlessness  snow blindness  soul-blindness  spiritual blindness  splendent  splendid  splendorous  stone-blindness  streaming  total blindness  trachoma  unenlightenment  unmitigated  unseeingness  vivid  
blindness  albinism  astigmatism  astigmia  bad eyesight  blurred vision  deafness  defect of vision  dim-sightedness  dogmatism  double sight  double vision  faulty eyesight  imperceptiveness  impercipience  imperfect vision  incognizance  incomprehension  insensibility  mindlessness  nearsightedness  nonrealization  nonrecognition  nonunderstanding  nystagmus  partial blindness  positiveness  purblindness  reduced sight  shortsightedness  tunnel vision  unapprehendingness  unawareness  unconsciousness  undiscerningness  unmindfulness  unperceptiveness  unpersuadableness  unwittingness  

blind Definition

(a.) Destitute of the sense of seeing, either by natural defect or by deprivation
(a.) Not having the faculty of discernment
(a.) Undiscerning
(a.) Having such a state or condition as a thing would have to a person who is blind
(a.) Involved
(a.) Having no openings for light or passage
(a.) Unintelligible, or not easily intelligible
(a.) Abortive
(v. t.) To make blind
(v. t.) To deprive partially of vision
(v. t.) To darken
(v. t.) To cover with a thin coating of sand and fine gravel
(n.) Something to hinder sight or keep out light
(n.) Something to mislead the eye or the understanding, or to conceal some covert deed or design
(n.) A blindage. See Blindage.
(n.) A halting place.
(n.) Alt. of Blinde
(a.) Affected with color blindness. See Color blindness, under Color, n.
(n.) An old term for blindman's buff.
(a.) Having defective sight
(a.) Affected with blindness by the brilliancy of snow.
(a.) Half blind.
(a.) Blind as a stock
(a.) As blind as a stone

blind Bedeutung

blind alley (figurative) a course of action that is unproductive and offers no hope of improvement, all the clues led the police into blind alleys, so far every road that we've been down has turned out to be a blind alley
double-blind procedure
double-blind experiment
double-blind study
an experimental procedure in which neither the subjects of the experiment nor the persons administering the experiment know the critical aspects of the experiment, a double-blind procedure is used to guard against both experimenter bias and placebo effects
blind flying
blind landing
using only instruments for flying an aircraft because you cannot see through clouds or mists etc.
blind stitching stitching that is not easily seen or noticed
double blind a test procedure in which the identity of those receiving the intervention is concealed from both the administrators and the subjects until after the test is completed, designed to reduce or eliminate bias in the results
congo snake
congo eel
blind eel
aquatic eel-shaped salamander having two pairs of very small feet, of still muddy waters in the southern United States
blind snake
worm snake
wormlike burrowing snake of warm regions having vestigial eyes
western blind snake
Leptotyphlops humilis
burrows among roots of shrubs and beneath rocks in desert and rocky hillside areas and beach sand of western United States
a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight, they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet
blind a hiding place sometimes used by hunters (especially duck hunters), he waited impatiently in the blind
blind alley
cul de sac
dead-end street
a street with only one way in or out
blind corner a street corner that you cannot see around as you are driving
blind curve
blind bend
a curve or bend in the road that you cannot see around as you are driving
roller blind a window shade that rolls up out of the way
Venetian blind a window blind made of horizontal strips that overlap when closed
window blind a blind for privacy or to keep out light
blind spot
optic disc
optic disk
the point where the optic nerve enters the retina, not sensitive to light
blind gut
the cavity in which the large intestine begins and into which the ileum opens, the appendix is an offshoot of the cecum
blind spot a subject about which you are ignorant or prejudiced and fail to exercise good judgment, golf is one of his blind spots and he's proud of it
something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity, he wasn't sick--it was just a subterfuge, the holding company was just a blind
blind people who have severe visual impairments, considered as a group, he spent hours reading to the blind
blind date a date with a stranger, she never goes on blind dates
blind side the side on which your vision is limited or obstructed
color-blind person a person unable to distinguish differences in hue
blind date a participant in a blind date (someone you meet for the first time when you have a date with them)
blind person a person with a severe visual impairment
closed gentian blind gentian bottle gentian
Gentiana andrewsii
gentian of eastern North America having tubular blue or white flowers that open little if at all
closed gentian blind gentian Gentiana clausa similar to Gentiana andrewsii but with larger flowers
blind trust a trust that enables a person to avoid possible conflict of interest by transferring assets to a fiduciary, the person establishing the trust gives up the right to information about the assets
blind staggers
a disease of the central nervous system affecting especially horses and cattle, characterized by an unsteady swaying gait and frequent falling
blind dim make dim by comparison or conceal
turn a blind eye refuse to acknowledge, He turns a blind eye to the injustices in his office
fly blind fly an airplane solely by relying on instruments
blind make blind by putting the eyes out, The criminals were punished and blinded
blind render unable to see
snow-blind affect with snow blindness, the glare of the sun snow-blinded her
unprejudiced about race
s besotted
blind drunk blotto
very drunk
blind unable or unwilling to perceive or understand, blind to a lover's faults, blind to the consequences of their actions
not based on reason or evidence, blind hatred, blind faith, unreasoning panic
unable to see, a person is blind to the extent that he must devise alternative techniques to do efficiently those things he would do with sight if he had normal vision--Kenneth Jernigan
unable to distinguish one or more chromatic colors
inability to see the color green or to distinguish green and purplish-red
visually impaired
visually challenged
having greatly reduced vision
inability to see the color red or to distinguish red and bluish-green
temporarily blinded by exposure to light reflected from snow or ice
stone-blind completely blind
inability to see the color blue or to distinguish the colors blue and yellow
of or relating to or symptomatic of alexia
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