
chemisch technischer Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

chemisch-technischer Assistent m
chemistry technician; chemical technician
technischer Ausschuss, Fachausschuss
technical committee
technischer Berater
technical consultant
technischer Berater, Berater im Maschinenbau
engineering consultant
technischer Fortschritt
engineering progress
technischer Fortschritt
technical progress
technischer Fortschritt
technological progress
technischer Fortschritt
technological advance
technischer Leiter
technical director
technischer Verlust
technical loss
Automatisierung f
Automatisierung f technischer Prozesse
dezentrale Automatisierung f
automation of technical processes
decentral automation
Technischer Berater (in den Streitkräften) mil.
Tech Rep Am.
Fortschritt m, Fortgang m
Fortschritte pl
technischer Fortschritt
Fortschritte machen
gute Fortschritte machen
weitere Fortschritte
progress of the art, technical progress
to progress
to make good progress
onward progress
Technischer Hilfsdienst
disaster-relief team
technischer Kommissar
Kundendienst m, Kundenservice m econ.
technischer Kundendienst
customer service, service, after-sales service
after installation service
Leiter m, Leiterin f, Direktor m, Direktorin f, Manager m, Managerin f
Leiter pl, Direktoren pl, Manager pl
technischer Direktor, technische Direktorin
engineering manager
Offizier m, Offizierin f mil.
Offizier pl, Offizierinnen pl
Offizier werden
Offizier vom Dienst (OvD)
leitender Offizier
technischer Offizier
to become an (army) officer
orderly officer, duty officer
Officer Commanding (OC)
engineer officer
Prozess m, Vorgang m, Verfahren n, Arbeitsverfahren n
Prozesse pl, Vorgänge pl, Verfahren pl, Arbeitsverfahren pl
technischer Prozess, technisches Verfahren
freiwilliger Prozess
im Gange
im Verlauf (+Genitiv)
im Laufe der Zeit
technical process
spontaneous process
in process
in the process of
in process of time
Sachverständige m f , Sachverständiger
technischer Sachverständiger
expert, judge
Technikvorausschau f, technischer Weitblick
technology foresight
Technischer Vertrieb
technical sales and distribution
technische Vorrichtung f, technische Ergänzung f, technischer Schnickschnack
Zeichner m, Konstruktionszeichner m, Bauzeichner m
Zeichner pl
technischer Zeichner
draftsman, draughtsman Br.
engineering draughtsman, engineering draftsman, drafter, tracer
chemisch adj
chemisch adv
chemisch reinigen
chemisch reinigend
chemisch gereinigt
to dry clean
dry cleaning
dry cleaned
technisch adj
am technischsten
nicht technisch
in technischer Hinsicht
more technical
most technical
on a technical scale
TÃœV : Technischer Ãœberwachungsverein
Association for Technical Inspection, Technical Control Board
Technischer Direktor
CTO : Chief Technology Officer
technischer Kundendienst
after installation service
chemisch reinigen
chemisch reinigen
dry clean
technischer Fortschritt
progress of the art
Landvermesser, technischer Sachverstaendiger
technischer Zeichner
Assistent m Ass. ; Assistentin f; Mitarbeiter m; Assi m ugs.
Assistenten pl; Mitarbeiter pl
medizinisch-technische Assistentin MTA
Assistent im Gesundheitswesen
medizinisch-technischer Radiologieassistent m; medizinisch-technische Radiologieassistentin f
medizinisch-technischer Assistent m Assistentin f für Funktionsdiagnostik
veterinärmedizinisch-technischer Assistent m
assistant asst.
medical-laboratory assistant
health care assistant
medical X-ray technician
medical functional diagnostics technician
veterinary technician
Direktor m; Direktorin f Dir.
Direktoren pl; Direktorinnen pl
Technischer Direktor
director Dir.; dir.
Chief Technology Officer CTO
Erfahrung f; Vorkenntnisse pl
Erfahrung in etw. haben; eine Ausbildung in etw. haben
jds. Vorbildung
musikalisch vorbelastet sein
Welche Ausbildung haben Sie?
Vorkenntnisse in technischer Informatik haben
Bewerber mit Vorkenntnissen in Sozialpsychologie
Bewerber mit Erfahrung in Altenpflege
to have a background in sth.
sb.'s educational background
to have a musical background
What's your educational background?
to have a background in computer engineering
candidates with a background in social psychology
candidates with a background in geriatric nursing
Fortschritt m; Fortgang m
Fortschritte pl
technischer Fortschritt
Fortschritte machen
gute Fortschritte machen
weitere Fortschritte
beschleunigter Fortschritt
progress of the art; technical progress
to progress
to make good progress
onward progress
accelerated progress
Funktionsstörung f; Mangel m; Defekt m techn.
Funktionsstörungen pl; Mängel pl; Defekte pl
technischer Mangel
technische Panne
malfunction; glitch
malfunctions; glitches
technical malfunction
technical glitch
Gutachter m; Gutachterin f; Sachverständige m f; Sachverständiger adm.
Gutachter pl; Gutachterinnen pl; Sachverständigen pl; Sachverständige pl
amtlich anerkannter Sachverständiger
öffentlich bestellter Sachverständiger
technischer Sachverständiger
einen Gutachter hinzuziehen beiziehen
officially recognized expert
officially appointed expert
to consult an expert
Technischer Ãœberwachungsverein TÃœV techn. adm.
etw. vom TÃœV abnehmen lassen
Technical Control Board; Techncial Certification and Inspection Association; Underwriters' Laboratories Am.
to have sth. approved by the safety standards authority
technischer Überwachungsverein für Schiffe m naut.
classification society
Kundendienst m; Kundenservice m econ.
technischer Kundendienst
customer service; service
after installation service
Laborassistent m; Laborant m
Laborassistenten pl; Laboranten pl
medizinisch-technischer Laborassistent
laboratory assistant; lab assistant; laboratory operator Am.
laboratory assistants; lab assistants; laboratory operators
medical laboratory technician
Leiter m; Leiterin f; Direktor m; Direktorin f; Manager m; Managerin f ~Abteilungsleiter
Leiter pl; Leiterinnen pl; Direktoren pl; Direktorinnen pl; Manager pl; Managerinnen pl
technischer Direktor; technische Direktorin
Er wurde zum Direktor ernannt.
manager; acting manager
manager; acting managers
engineering manager
He was appointed manager.
Offizier m; Offizierin f mil.
Offiziere pl; Offizierinnen pl
Offizier werden
Offizier vom Dienst OvD
Ordonnanzoffizier m; Ordonnanz f
leitender Offizier
Offizier mittleren Ranges
technischer Offizier
to become an (army) officer
duty officer
orderly officer; orderly
Officer Commanding OC
warrant officer
engineer officer
Prozess m; Vorgang m; Verfahren n; Arbeitsverfahren n
Prozesse pl; Vorgänge pl; Verfahren pl; Arbeitsverfahren pl
technischer Prozess; technisches Verfahren
freiwilliger Prozess
im Gange
im Verlauf +Gen.
im Laufe der Zeit
technical process
spontaneous process
in process
in the process of
in process of time
Technikvorausschau f; technischer Weitblick
technology foresight
technische Vorrichtung f; technische Ergänzung f; technischer Schnickschnack
technischer Zeichner m; Konstruktionszeichner m; Bauzeichner m; Musterzeichner m
technische Zeichner pl; Konstruktionszeichner pl; Bauzeichner pl; Musterzeichner pl
(engineering) draftsman draughtsman Br.; drafter Am.
draftsmen; draughtsmen; drafters
etw. chemisch abtragen v techn.
chemisch abtragend
chemisch abgetragen
to chem-mill sth.
ein Material angreifen; (chemisch) zerfressen; wegfressen; zersetzen v
angreifend; zerfressend; wegfressend; zersetzend
angegriffen; zerfressen; weggefressen; zersetzt
to corrode; to erode; to eat away a material (by chemical action)
corroding; eroding; eating away
corroded; eroded; eaten away
etw. chemisch reinigen v textil.
chemisch reinigend
chemisch gereinigt
etw. chemisch reinigen lassen; putzen lassen Ös.
to dry-clean sth.
to have sth. dry-cleaned
chemische Reinigung f; Chemisch-Reinigen n; Textilreinigung f textil.
dry cleaning
chemisch-technischer Assistent m
chemistry technician; chemical technician
korrodieren; (chemisch) zerfressen werden v (Material) techn.
korrodierend; zerfressen werdend
korrodiert; zerfressen worden
to corrode (material)
pharmazeutisch-technischer Assistent m PTA
pharmacy technician
technisch adj
am technischsten
nicht technisch
in technischer Hinsicht
technical (technic) (technique)
more technical
most technical
on a technical scale
verwittern; auswittern v geol.
verwitternd; auswitternd
verwittert; ausgewittert
verwittert; wittert aus
verwitterte; witterte aus
chemisch verwittern
mechanisch verwittern
to weather
to decompose; to effloresce
to disintegrate; to disaggregate
verwittert adj
chemisch verwittert
stark verwittert
weathered; weather beaten; detrial; rotten
deeply weathered; deeply desintegrated; finely broken up
technischer Vertrieb m
technical sales and distribution
Assistent m Ass. ; Assistentin f; Mitarbeiter m; Assi m ugs.
Assistenten pl; Mitarbeiter pl
medizinisch-technische Assistentin MTA
Versorgungsassistent m (im Gesundheitswesen)
medizinisch-technischer Radiologieassistent m; medizinisch-technische Radiologieassistentin f
medizinisch-technischer Assistent m Assistentin f für Funktionsdiagnostik
veterinärmedizinisch-technischer Assistent m
assistant asst.
medical-laboratory assistant
health care assistant
medical X-ray technician
medical functional diagnostics technician
veterinary technician
Automatisierung f
Automatisierung f technischer Prozesse
dezentrale Automatisierung f
automation of technical processes
decentralized automation; decentralised automation Br.
sich in Bewegung setzen; anlaufen; in Gang kommen übtr. v
Das Schiff ist vorige Woche ausgelaufen.
Der Startschuss für das Turnier war (am) Freitag.
Ihr Gesellschaftsleben muss erst richtig in Gang kommen.
Die breite Umsetzung technischer Innovationen kommt immer erst in Gang, wenn die Weltwirtschaft eine tiefe Krise durchlaufen hat.
to get under way
The ship got under way last week.
The tournament got under way on Friday.
Her social life has yet to get properly under way.
A concentrated implementation of technological innovations typically will not get under way before the global economy has gone through a deep crisis.
Direktor m; Direktorin f Dir.
Direktoren pl; Direktorinnen pl
Technischer Direktor
director Dir.; dir.
Chief Technology Officer CTO
Fortschritt m
Fortschritte pl
technischer Fortschritt
Fortschritt machen; Fortschritte machen
gute Fortschritte machen
weitere Fortschritte
beschleunigter Fortschritt
progress; headway
progress of the art; technical progress
to progress; to make progress; to make headway
to make good progress
onward progress
accelerated progress
Gebäudebewirtschafter m; technischer Gebäudeverwalter m
facility manager
Gutachter m; Gutachterin f; Sachverständige m,f; Sachverständiger adm.
Gutachter pl; Gutachterinnen pl; Sachverständigen pl; Sachverständige pl
Rechtssachverständiger m
amtlich anerkannter Sachverständiger
gerichtlich bestellter Gutachter; gerichtlich bestellter Sachverständiger
öffentlich bestellter Sachverständiger
technischer Sachverständiger
einen Gutachter hinzuziehen beiziehen
legal expert
officially recognized expert
court-appointed expert
officially appointed expert
to consult an expert
Technischer Ãœberwachungsverein TÃœV techn. adm.
etw. vom TÃœV abnehmen lassen
Technical Control Board; Techncial Certification and Inspection Association; Underwriters' Laboratories Am.
to have sth. approved by the safety standards authority
Technischer Konfektionär m (Berufsbezeichnung)
technician in heavy-duty fabric goods manufacturing
Kristallisationswasser n; Kristallwasser n; Hydratwasser n chem.
chemisch gebundenes Kristallwasser
water of constitution; water of hydration; constitutional water; hydration water
water of crystallization; water of crystallisation Br.
Kundendienst m; Kundenservice m,n econ.
technischer Kundendienst
Kundendienst (für Reklamationen und Ersatzteile); Kundennachbetreuung f
customer service; service
after-installation service
after-sales service
Leiter m; Leiterin f (eines Unternehmensbereichs) econ.
Leiter pl; Leiterinnen pl
geschäftsführender Leiter; stellvertretender Leiter
Abteilungsleiter m
Außendienstleiter m
Betriebsleiter m
Fuhrparkleiter m
Gebietsleiter m; Bezirksleiter m
Marketingchef m; Leiter der Marketingabteilung
Niederlassungsleiter m; Leiter einer Zweigstelle
Personalchef m; Leiter der Personalabteilung
Produktgruppenleiter m
Spartenleiter m
technischer Direktor
Verkaufsleiter m; Vertriebsleiter m
Werbeleiter m; Leiter der Werbeabteilung
manager (of a corporate division)
acting manager; deputy manager
departmental manager
agency manager
operations manager
fleet manager
area manager; district manager
marketing manager
manager of a the branch office
personnel manager; staff manager; human resources manager
brand manager
line manager
technical manager
sales manager
advertising manager; publicity manager
Offizier m; Offizierin f mil.
Offiziere pl; Offizierinnen pl
Offizier werden
Offizier vom Dienst OvD
Ordonnanzoffizier m; Ordonnanz f
leitender Offizier
Offizier mittleren Ranges
technischer Offizier
to become an (army) officer
duty officer
orderly officer; orderly
Officer Commanding OC
warrant officer
engineer officer
Plan m; Entwurf m
Pläne pl; Entwürfe pl
Montageplan m
technischer Plan
Die Markthalle wurde 1861-62 nach den Plänen von William Downe errichtet.
assembly plan
engineering plan
The market building was erected in 1861-62 (according) to the plans of William Downe.
Prozess m; Vorgang m; Verfahren n; Arbeitsverfahren n
Prozesse pl; Vorgänge pl; Verfahren pl; Arbeitsverfahren pl
technischer Prozess; technisches Verfahren
freiwilliger Prozess
im Gange; in Arbeit
im Verlauf +Gen.
im Laufe der Zeit
technical process
spontaneous process
in process
in the process of
in process of time
Redakteur m; Redakteurin f
Redakteure pl; Redakteurinnen pl
leitender Redakteur
technischer Redakteur
Redakteur vom Dienst
Redakteur für Politik und Wirtschaft
senior editor
technical writer
editor in duty
political and economics editor
Weitblick m; Voraussicht f; Vorausschau f Dt.
fehlender Weitblick
langfristiges Denken
technischer Weitblick
in weiser Voraussicht; in kluger Vorausschau Dt.; mit großem Weitblick
genau wissen, was kommen wird
Er war so vorausschauend, im Voraus zu reservieren.
foresight; forethought
lack of foresight; lack of forethought
foresight for the future
technology foresight
with great foresight; with wise foresight
to have perfect foresight
He had the foresight forethought to book in advance.
ein Material angreifen; (chemisch) zerfressen; wegfressen; zersetzen v chem.
angreifend; zerfressend; wegfressend; zersetzend
angegriffen; zerfressen; weggefressen; zersetzt
to corrode; to erode; to eat away; to etch (away) a material (by chemical action)
corroding; eroding; eating away; etching away
corroded; eroded; eaten away; etched away
chemisch rein; purum pur. adj (Reinheitsgrad) chem.
chemically pure CP ; purum pur. (purity grade)
chemisch reinst; von höchster Reinheit; purissimum puriss. adj (Reinheitsgrad) chem.
ultrapure; purissimum puriss. (purity grade)
pharmazeutisch-technischer Assistent m PTA
pharmacy technician
verwittert adj
chemisch verwittert
stark verwittert
weathered; weather beaten; detrial; rotten
deeply weathered; deeply disintegrated; finely broken up
physikalisch-chemisch adj chem. phys.
physico-chemical {adj}
technischer Zeichner m (geschlechtlich neutral) techn.
draughtsperson Br.; draftsperson Am.
chemisch gebunden
chemically bound

chemisch technischer Definition

(n.) Chemistry in its relations to actinism.
(a.) Pertaining to chemistry
(n.) A substance used for producing a chemical effect
(n.) That branch of science which treats of the composition of substances, and of the changes which they undergo in consequence of alterations in the constitution of the molecules, which depend upon variations of the number, kind, or mode of arrangement, of the constituent atoms. These atoms are not assumed to be indivisible, but merely the finest grade of subdivision hitherto attained. Chemistry deals with the changes in the composition and constitution of molecules. See Atom, Molecule.
(n.) An application of chemical theory and method to the consideration of some particular subject
(n.) A treatise on chemistry.
(a.) Of or pertaining to electro-chemistry.
(n.) That branch of science which treats of the relation of electricity to chemical changes.
(n.) The science which treats of the chemical properties, actions or relations of substances in quantity
(a.) Pertaining to, connected with, or dependent upon, both mechanics and chemistry
(a.) Of or pertaining to micro-chemistry
(n.) The application of chemical tests to minute objects or portions of matter, magnified by the use of the microscopy
(a.) Pertaining to, or illustrating, the hypothetical space relations of atoms in the molecule
(n.) Chemistry considered with reference to the space relations of atoms.

chemistry technician; chemical technician Bedeutung

chemical analysis
qualitative analysis
the act of decomposing a substance into its constituent elements
quantitative analysis
quantitative chemical analysis
chemical analysis to determine the amounts of each element in the substance
chemical terrorism terrorism using the chemical agents of chemical warfare, can undermine the personal security of citizens, a good agent for chemical terrorism should be colorless and odorless and inexpensive and readily available and not detectable until symptoms are experienced
chemical engineering the activity of applying chemistry to the solution of practical problems
chemical defense
chemical defence
procedures involved in taking defensive measures against attacks using chemical agents
chemical warfare
chemical operations
warfare using chemical agents to kill or injure or incapacitate the enemy
analytical balance
chemical balance
a beam balance of great precision used in quantitative chemical analysis
chemical bomb
gas bomb
a bomb laden with chemical agents that are released when the bomb explodes
chemical plant an industrial plant where chemicals are produced
chemical reactor an apparatus for holding substances that are undergoing a chemical reaction
chemical weapon chemical substances that can be delivered using munitions and dispersal devices to cause death or severe harm to people and animals and plants
chemistry lab
chemistry laboratory
chem lab
a laboratory for research in chemistry
chemical property a property used to characterize materials in reactions that change their identity
equilibrium law
law of chemical equilibrium
(chemistry) the principle that (at chemical equilibrium) in a reversible reaction the ratio of the rate of the forward reaction to the rate of the reverse reaction is a constant for that reaction
chemical science r
the science of matter, the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions
organic chemistry the chemistry of compounds containing carbon (originally defined as the chemistry of substances produced by living organisms but now extended to substances synthesized artificially)
inorganic chemistry the chemistry of compounds that do not contain hydrocarbon radicals
physical chemistry the branch of chemistry dealing with the physical properties of chemical substances
nuclear chemistry
the chemistry of radioactive substances
surface chemistry the branch of chemistry that studies processes occurring at interfaces between phases (especially those between liquid and gas)
chemical engineering the branch of engineering that is concerned with the design and construction and operation of the plants and machinery used in industrial chemical processes
Chemical Weapons Convention a global treaty banning the production or acquisition or stockpiling or transfer or use of chemical weapons
chemical notation a notation used by chemists to express technical facts in chemistry
formula chemical formula a representation of a substance using symbols for its constituent elements
chemical industry the manufacturers of chemicals considered collectively
chemistry department
department of chemistry
the academic department responsible for teaching and research in chemistry
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
international organization for chemical disarmament, administers the Chemical Weapons Convention
chemical chain
(chemistry) a series of linked atoms (generally in an organic molecule)
dental technician
someone who makes dental appliances (bridges and dentures)
stage technician
an employee of a theater who performs work involved in putting on a theatrical production
technician someone whose occupation involves training in a specific technical process
technician someone known for high skill in some intellectual or artistic technique
chemical phenomenon any natural phenomenon involving chemistry (as changes to atoms or molecules)
affinity chemical attraction the force attracting atoms to each other and binding them together in a molecule, basic dyes have an affinity for wool and silk
chemical bond
an electrical force linking atoms
chemical energy that part of the energy in a substance that can be released by a chemical reaction
chemical equilibrium
a chemical reaction and its reverse proceed at equal rates
chemical process
chemical change
chemical action
(chemistry) any process determined by the atomic and molecular composition and structure of the substances involved
chemical reaction
(chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others, there was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water
decomposition decomposition reaction
chemical decomposition reaction
(chemistry) separation of a substance into two or more substances that may differ from each other and from the original substance
chemical mechanism
the atomic process that occurs during a chemical reaction, he determined unique mechanisms for the photochemical reactions
interpersonal chemistry
the way two individuals relate to each other, their chemistry was wrong from the beginning -- they hated each other, a mysterious alchemy brought them together
latent diabetes
chemical diabetes
a mild form of diabetes mellitus in which there are no overt symptoms but there are abnormal responses to some diagnostic procedures
chemistry the chemical composition and properties of a substance or object, the chemistry of soil
chemical group
(chemistry) two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule
chemical element
any of the more than known substances (of which occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter
chemical agent an agent that produces chemical reactions
chemical substance
material produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules
chemical compound
(chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight
Chemical Mace
(trademark) a liquid that temporarily disables a person, prepared as an aerosol and sprayed in the face, it irritates the eyes and causes dizziness and immobilization
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