
chemischer Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

chemischer Indikator m
chemical indicator
chemischer Arbeitsstoff m
chemical substance
chemischer Kampfstoff mil.
chemical agent
Chemischer Reaktor m chem.
chemical reactor
chemischer Bodenparameter m chem.
chemical soil parameter
chemischer Bodenparameter m biochem.
chemical soil parameter
Chemiepulpe f; chemischer Holzstoff f
chemical (wood) pulp; chemiground (wood) pulp
Chemiepulpe f; chemischer Holzstoff m
chemical (wood) pulp; chemiground (wood) pulp
chemischer Weichmacher m für Fleisch chem.
meat tenderizer
Fornax m; Chemischer Ofen (Sternbild) astron.
Fornax; furnace
Chemierohstoff m; chemischer Rohstoff m chem.
chemical feedstock
Sarin n; Saringas n (chemischer Kampfstoff) mil.
sarin; sarin gas (chemical warfare agent)
sesshaft adj mil.
sesshafter chemischer Kampfstoff
persistent chemical warfare agent
Geräte- und Apparatebau m; Apparatebau m techn.
chemischer Apparatebau
manufacture of equipment; equipment manufacturing
manufacture of chemical equipment
Ames-Test m (zur Bestimmung der Mutagenität chemischer Verbindungen anhand von Bakterien) biochem.
Ames test (for determining the mutagenic activity of chemicals, using bacteria)
Speziation f; Verteilung chemischer Elemente auf mögliche Verbindungen; experimentelle Bestimmung dieser Verteilung chem.
Speziation f, Verteilung chemischer Elemente auf mögliche Verbindungen, experimentelle Bestimmung dieser Verteilung chem.
beständig; widerstandsfähig; …fest adj (gegenüber chemischer, mechanischer, thermischer Einwirkung)
beständig gegen Säuren und Lösungsmittel
resistant (to chemical, mechanical, thermical action)
resistant against acids and solvents
beständig; widerstandsfähig; ...fest adj (gegenüber chemischer mechanischer thermischer Einwirkung)
beständig gegen Säuren und Lösungsmittel
resistant (to chemical mechanical thermical action)
resistant against acids and solvents
Wirkstoff m; Agens n chem. pharm.
Wirkstoffe pl; Agenzien pl
chemischer Wirkstoff; chemisches Agens
nukleophiles Agens
active agent; agent; active principle
active agents; agents; active principles
chemical agent
nucleophilic agent
Abbau m; Zersetzung f; Degradierung f (von etw.) chem. biol.
bakterieller Abbau
biologischer Abbau
chemischer Abbau
photochemischer Abbau; Abbau durch Licht
metabolischer Abbau
thermischer Abbau
Abbau durch Bakterien
breakdown; decomposition; degradation (of sth.)
bacterial degradation
biological breakdown degradation; biodegradation
chemical breakdown degradation
photochemical breakdown degradation; photodegradation
metabolic breakdown
thermal degradation
bacterial decomposition
Abbau m; Zersetzung f; Degradierung f (von etw.) chem. biol.
bakterieller Abbau
biologischer Abbau
chemischer Abbau
photochemischer Abbau; Abbau durch Licht
metabolischer Abbau
thermischer Abbau
Abbau durch Bakterien
breakdown; decomposition; degradation (of sth.)
bacterial degradation
biological breakdown degradation; biodegradation
chemical breakdown diegradation
photochemical breakdown degradation; photodegradation
metabolic breakdown
thermal degradation
bacterial decomposition
Kampfstoff m mil.
Kampfstoffe pl
biologischer Kampfstoff
blasenziehender Kampfstoff; Hautkampfstoff m
chemischer Kampfstoff
ernteschädigender Kampfstoff
materialschädigender Kampfstoff
microbischer Kampfstoff
sofort wirkender Kampfstoff
warfare substance; warfare agent
warfare substances; warfare agents
biological warfare substance
blister agent; vesicant
chemical warfare substance
anti-crop warfare agent
anti-materiel warfare agent
microbial agent
instant agent
V-nerve agent; V agent
Sauerstoffbedarf m; Sauerstoffbedarfswert m biol.
biochemischer Sauerstoffbedarf; biologischer Sauerstoffbedarf BSB
chemischer Sauerstoffbedarf CSB
totaler Sauerstoffbedarf
biochemischer Sauerstoffbedarf in fünf Tagen; Sauerstoffbedarf für den fünftägigen mikrobiellen Abbau
demand for oxygen; oxygen demand; oxygen needs
biochemical oxygen demand BOD
chemical oxygen demand COD
total oxygen demand TOD
five-days biochemical oxygen demand; five-day BOD
Sauerstoffbedarf m; Sauerstoffbedarfswert m biol.
biochemischer Sauerstoffbedarf; biologischer Sauerstoffbedarf BSB
chemischer Sauerstoffbedarf CSB
totaler Sauerstoffbedarf
biochemischer Sauerstoffbedarf in fünf Tagen; Sauerstoffbedarf für den fünftägigen mikrobiellen Abbau
demand for oxygen; oxygen demand; oxygen needs
biochemical oxygen demand BOD
chemical oxygen demand COD
total oxygen demand TOD
five-days biochemical oxygen demand; five-day BOD
Kampfstoff m mil.
Kampfstoffe pl
biologischer Kampfstoff
blasenziehender Kampfstoff; Hautkampfstoff m
chemischer Kampfstoff
ernteschädigender Kampfstoff
materialschädigender Kampfstoff
mikrobischer Kampfstoff; mikrobieller Kampfstoff
sofort wirkender Kampfstoff
warfare substance; warfare agent
warfare substances; warfare agents
biological warfare substance
blister agent; vesicant
chemical warfare substance
anti-crop warfare agent
anti-materiel warfare agent
microbial warfare agent
instant agent
V-nerve agent; V agent
Reaktor m techn.
Reaktoren pl
Natururanreaktor m
Siedereaktor m
schneller Reaktor
einen Reaktor hochfahren
einen Reaktor herunterfahren
angereicherter Reaktor
berylliummoderierter Reaktor
chemischer Reaktor
gasgekühlter Reaktor
katalytischer Reaktor
kernchemischer Reaktor; Chemiereaktor m
stickstoffgekühlter Reaktor
Bestrahlungsversuch m im Reaktor
Reaktor mit geteiltem Kühlmittelfluss
natural-uranium-fuelled reactor
boiling reactor
fast neutron reactor; fast reactor
to start up a reactor
to shut down a reactor
enriched reactor
beryllium-moderated reactor
chemical reactor
gas-cooled reactor
catalytic reactor
chemonuclear reactor
nitrogen-cooled reactor
in-pile test
split flow reactor
Abfall m; Müll m envir.
Abfälle pl
chemischer Abfall
fester Abfall
flüssiger Abfall
gasförmiger Abfall
gefährlicher Abfall
gemischter Abfall
gewerblicher Abfall
giftiger Abfall; toxischer Abfall
hochaktiver Abfall (Kerntechnik)
industrieller Abfall
kommunaler Abfall
landwirtschaftlicher Abfall
mineralischer Abfall
organischer Abfall
pflanzlicher Abfall; vegetabilischer Abfall
städtischer Abfall
tierischer Abfall
ungefährlicher Abfall
Abfälle und Schrott
vom Menschen erzeugter Abfall
chemical waste
solid waste
liquid waste
gaseous waste
hazardous waste
mixed waste
commercial waste
toxic waste
high active waste HAW
industrial waste
municipal waste
agricultural waste
mineral waste
organic waste
vegetable waste
urban waste; town waste
animal waste
non-hazardous waste
waste and scrap
human waste
Terrorismus m
Terrorismus in städtischen Gebieten
Konvention gegen Terrorismus
Terror katastrophalen Ausmaßes
Terrorismus im eigenen Land
atomarer Terrorismus; A-Terror
biologischer Terrorismus; Bioterrorismus m; B-Terrorismus m
chemischer Terrorismus; C-Terrorismus m
Drogenterrorismus m
ethnisch-nationalistischer Terrorismus
politischer Terrorismus
separatistisch motivierter Terrorismus
staatlich geduldeter Terrorismus
staatlich geförderter Terrorismus
themenbezogener Terrorismus
europäisches Übereinkommen zur Bekämpfung des Terrorismus
Terrorismus auf niedriger Stufe
Terrorismus über das Internet; Internetterrorismus m
urban terrorism
convention on against terrorism
catastrophic terrorism
domestic terrorism
nuclear terrorism
biological terrorism; bioterrorism
chemical terrorism
ethnic-nationalistic terrorism
political terrorism
separatist terrorism
state-tolerated terrorism
state-sponsored terrorism
single-issue terrorism
European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism
low-level terrorism
Terrorismus m; Terror m
Terrorismus in städtischen Gebieten
Konvention gegen Terrorismus
Terror katastrophalen Ausmaßes
Terrorismus im eigenen Land
atomarer Terrorismus; A-Terror
biologischer Terrorismus; Bioterrorismus m; B-Terrorismus m
chemischer Terrorismus; C-Terrorismus m
Drogenterrorismus m
ethnisch-nationalistischer Terrorismus
politischer Terrorismus
separatistisch motivierter Terrorismus
staatlich geduldeter Terrorismus
staatlich geförderter Terrorismus
themenbezogener Terrorismus
europäisches Übereinkommen zur Bekämpfung des Terrorismus
Terrorismus auf niedriger Stufe
Terrorismus über das Internet; Internetterrorismus m
terrorism; terror
urban terrorism
convention on against terrorism
catastrophic terrorism
domestic terrorism
nuclear terrorism
biological terrorism; bioterrorism
chemical terrorism
ethnic-nationalistic terrorism
political terrorism
separatist terrorism
state-tolerated terrorism
state-sponsored terrorism
single-issue terrorism
European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism
low-level terrorism
Abfall m; Müll m envir.
Abfälle pl
chemischer Abfall
fester Abfall
flüssiger Abfall
gasförmiger Abfall
Gebrauchsabfall m; Gebrauchsabfälle pl
gefährlicher Abfall
gemischter Abfall
gewerblicher Abfall
giftiger Abfall; toxischer Abfall
hochaktiver Abfall (Kerntechnik)
industrieller Abfall
kommunaler Abfall
landwirtschaftlicher Abfall
metallischer Abfall
mineralischer Abfall
organischer Abfall
Plastikmüll n
pflanzlicher Abfall; vegetabilischer Abfall
Produktionsabfälle pl; Fertigungsabfall m
städtischer Abfall
tierischer Abfall
ungefährlicher Abfall
Abfall aus maschineller Produktion
Abfälle und Schrott
vom Menschen erzeugter Abfall
chemical waste
solid waste
liquid waste
gaseous waste
postconsumer waste
hazardous waste
mixed waste
commercial waste
toxic waste
high active waste HAW (nuclear engineering)
industrial waste
municipal waste
agricultural waste
metal waste
mineral waste
organic waste
plastic waste
vegetable waste
production waste; manufacturing waste; preconsumer waste
urban waste; town waste
animal waste
non-hazardous waste
machinery waste
waste and scrap
human waste
Beständigkeit f; Echtheit f (von Materialien gegenüber oberflächlicher Einwirkung von Licht, Flüssigkeit, Reibung)
Beständigkeit gegen chemische Reinigung gegenüber chemischer Reinigung
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Sonnenlicht
Beuchechtheit f textil.
Blutechtheit f (Farbe)
Bügelechtheit f textil.
Bügelechtheit f (Färbung)
Dämpfechtheit f textil.
Entbastungsechtheit f textil.
Farbbeständigkeit f gegen Licht
Farbechtheit f
Karbonisierechtheit f textil.
Lichtechtheit f; Lichtbeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen Lichteinwirkung
Lösungsmittelechtheit f
Merzerisierechtheit f textil.
Pottingechtheit f textil.
Reibechtheit f textil.
Salzwasserechtheit f; Meerwasserechtheit f (Färbung)
Schweißechtheit f textil.
Trockenhitzeechtheit f textil.
Trockenlichtechtheit f textil.
Überfärbeechtheit f textil.
Walkechtheit f textil.
Waschechtheit f textil.
Wasserechtheit f
Wassertropfenechtheit f (Färbung)
Wetterechtheit f textil.
fastness (of materials to the action of light, liquids, friction on their surface)
fastness to dry-cleaning
fastness to sunlight; sunlight fastness
fastness to bucking; fastness to kier-boiling
fastness to bleeding (paint)
fastness to ironing; fastness to pressing
colour Br. color Am. fastness to hot pressing (dye)
fastness to steaming
fastness to degumming; degumming fastness
colour Br. color Am. fastness to light
colour Br. color Am. fastness
fastness to carbonizing
fastness to light; light-fastness
fastness to solvents
fastness to mercerizing
fastness to potting
fastness to rubbing
fastness to saltwater (dye)
fastness to perspiration
fastness to dry heat
fastness to light in dry state
fastness to cross-dyeing
fastness to fulling
fastness to washing
fastness to water
fastness to water drops; fastness to water spotting (dye)
fastness to weathering
Beständigkeit f; Echtheit f (von Materialen gegenüber oberflächlicher Einwirkung von Licht Flüssigkeit Reibung)
Beständigkeit gegen chemische Reinigung gegenüber chemischer Reinigung
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Sonnenlicht
Beuchechtheit f textil.
Blutechtheit f (Farbe)
Bügelechtheit f textil.
Bügelechtheit f (Färbung)
Dämpfechtheit f textil.
Entbastungsechtheit f textil.
Farbbeständigkeit f gegen Licht
Farbechtheit f
Karbonisierechtheit f textil.
Lichtechtheit f; Lichtbeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen Lichteinwirkung
Lösungsmittelechtheit f
Merzerisierechtheit f textil.
Pottingechtheit f textil.
Reibechtheit f textil.
Salzwasserechtheit f; Meerwasserechtheit f (Färbung)
Schweißechtheit f textil.
Trockenhitzeechtheit f textil.
Trockenlichtechtheit f textil.
Überfärbeechtheit f textil.
Walkechtheit f textil.
Waschechtheit f textil.
Wasserechtheit f
Wassertropfenechtheit f (Färbung)
Wetterechtheit f textil.
fastness (of materials to the action of light liquids friction on their surface)
fastness to dry-cleaning
fastness to sunlight; sunlight fastness
fastness to bucking; fastness to kier-boiling
fastness to bleeding (paint)
fastness to ironing; fastness to pressing
colour Br. color Am. fastness to hot pressing (dye)
fastness to steaming
fastness to degumming; degumming fastness
colour Br. color Am. fastness to light
colour Br. color Am. fastness
fastness to carbonizing
fastness to light; light-fastness
fastness to solvents
fastness to mercerizing
fastness to potting
fastness to rubbing
fastness to saltwater (dye)
fastness to perspiration
fastness to dry heat
fastness to light in dry state
fastness to cross-dyeing
fastness to fulling
fastness to washing
fastness to water
fastness to water drops; fastness to water spotting (dye)
fastness to weathering
Festigkeit f; Beständigkeit f; Widerstandsfähigkeit f; Resistenz f (von Werkstoffen gegenüber chemischer mechanischer thermischer Einwirkung)
Abriebfestigkeit f; Abriebbeständigkeit f
Abriebfestigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen raue Behandlung
Abziehfestigkeit f; Haftvermögen n (bei gedruckten Schaltungen) electr.
Alterungsfestigkeit f; Alterungsbeständigkeit f
Berstfestigkeit f
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Salzsprühnebel
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Pilzbefall
Biegefestigkeit f
Biegeschwingfestigkeit f; Biegeschwingungsfestigkeit f
Bruchfestigkeit f
Chemikalienbeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen Chemikalieneinwirkung; Chemikalienresistenz f; chemische Widerstandfähigkeit f; chemische Beständigkeit f
Druckfestigkeit f
Druckfestigkeit gegen inneren Ãœberdruck
Durchstoßfestigkeit f
Formaldehydbeständigkeit f
Formfestigkeit f; Formbeständigkeit f; Verformungswiderstand m
Frostfestigkeit f; Frostbeständigkeit f
Glutfestigkeit f; Glutbeständigkeit f
Hitzebeständigkeit f; Wärmebeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen(über) Hitze Wärme
Kältefestigkeit f; Kältebeständigkeit f
Knickfestigkeit f
Knitterarmut f; Knitterwiderstand m textil.
Korrosionsbeständigkeit f; Korrosionssicherheit f
Kratzfestigkeit f
Kriechfestigkeit f techn.
Laugenrissbeständigkeit f (Metallurgie) techn.
Leimfestigkeit f (Papier)
Lösungsmittelfestigkeit f; Lösungsmittelbeständigkeit f
Quellfestigkeit f; Quellbeständigkeit f (Gummi Textilien)
Reibefestigkeit f textil.
Reißfestigkeit f
Righeit f (Formbeständigkeit fester Körper)
Saugfestigkeit f; Saugwiderstand
Schlagfestigkeit f
schmutzabweisendes Verhalten
Schwingfestigkeit f; Schwingungfestigkeit f
Stauchfestigkeit f (beim Walken) textil.
Störfestigkeit f telco.
Thermoschockfestigkeit f; Thermoschockbeständigkeit f
resistance (of materials to chemical mechanical thermical action)
resistance to abrasion; abrasion resistance
scuff resistance
resistance to peeling; peeling strength
resistance to ageing Br. aging Am.; ageing Br. aging Am. resistance
resistance to bursting; bursting strength
resistance to salt spray
fungus resistance
resistance to bending; bending strength; flexural strength; cross-rupture strength
resistance to bending under vibration; bending vibration strength
resistance to breaking; resistance to fracture; breaking strength
resistance to chemical attack; chemical resistance
resistance to pressure; pressure resistance
resistance to internal pressure
resistance to perforation; resistance to puncture
resistance to formaldehyde
resistance to deformation; deformation resistance
resistance to freezing; frost resistance
glow resistance; incandescence resistance; stability at read heat
resistance to heat; heat resistance; high-temperature strength; thermal endurance; high-temperature stability; heat stability; thermal stability
resistance to cold; low-temperature stability
resistance to buckling; buckling strength
resistance to creasing
resistance to corrosion; corrosion resistance; anticorrosion property
scratch resistance
resistance to creep; creep resistance
resistance to caustic cracking (metallurgy)
resistance of paper due to sizing; imperviousness of paper due to sizing
resistance to solvents; solvent resistance
resistance to swelling; swelling resistance (rubber textiles)
resistance to rubbing
resistance to tearing; resistance to breaking (on tearing); tear resistance; tearing resistance; treating strength
resistance to elastic deformations
resistance to suction; suction strength
resistance to impact; resistance to shock: impact strength
resistance to soiling
resistance to oscillations; resistance to vibrations
resistance to crushing
resistance to jamming
resistance to therm
Festigkeit f; Beständigkeit f; Widerstandsfähigkeit f; Resistenz f (von Werkstoffen gegenüber chemischer, mechanischer, thermischer Einwirkung)
Abriebfestigkeit f; Abriebbeständigkeit f
Abriebfestigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen raue Behandlung
Abziehfestigkeit f; Haftvermögen n (bei gedruckten Schaltungen) electr.
Alterungsfestigkeit f; Alterungsbeständigkeit f
Berstfestigkeit f
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Salzsprühnebel
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Pilzbefall
Biegefestigkeit f
Biegeschwingfestigkeit f; Biegeschwingungsfestigkeit f
Bruchfestigkeit f
Chemikalienbeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen Chemikalieneinwirkung; Chemikalienresistenz f; chemische Widerstandfähigkeit f; chemische Beständigkeit f
Druckfestigkeit f
Druckfestigkeit gegen inneren Ãœberdruck
Durchstoßfestigkeit f
Formaldehydbeständigkeit f
Formfestigkeit f; Formbeständigkeit f; Verformungswiderstand m
Frostfestigkeit f; Frostbeständigkeit f
Glutfestigkeit f; Glutbeständigkeit f
Hitzebeständigkeit f; Wärmebeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen(über) Hitze Wärme
Kältefestigkeit f; Kältebeständigkeit f
Knickfestigkeit f
Knitterarmut f; Knitterwiderstand m textil.
Korrosionsbeständigkeit f; Korrosionssicherheit f
Kratzfestigkeit f
Kriechfestigkeit f techn.
Laugenrissbeständigkeit f (Metallurgie) techn.
Leimfestigkeit f (Papier)
Lösungsmittelfestigkeit f; Lösungsmittelbeständigkeit f
Quellfestigkeit f; Quellbeständigkeit f (Gummi, Textilien)
Reibefestigkeit f textil.
Reißfestigkeit f
Righeit f (Formbeständigkeit fester Körper)
Saugfestigkeit f; Saugwiderstand
Schlagfestigkeit f; Schlagbeständigkeit f
schmutzabweisendes Verhalten
Schwingfestigkeit f; Schwingungfestigkeit f
Stauchfestigkeit f (beim Walken) textil.
Störfestigkeit f telco.
Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit f; Unempfindlichkeit gegen schnellen Tempereaturwechsel
Thermoschockfestigkeit f; Thermoschockbeständigkeit f
Verschlackungsbeständigkeit f (Metallurgie) techn.
Verschleißfestigkeit f; Verschleißbeständigkeit f; Verschleißhärte f
Wärmeübergangswiderstand m
Weiterreißfestigkeit f; Weiterreißwiderstand m
Witterungsbeständigkeit f; Wetterbeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen(über) Wettereinwirkung
Zugfestigkeit f; Dehnungswiderstand m
resistance (of materials to chemical, mechanical, thermical action)
resistance to abrasion; abrasion resistance
scuff resistance
resistance to peeling; peeling strength
resistance to ageing Br. aging Am.; ageing Br. aging Am. resistance
resistance to bursting; bursting strength
resistance to salt spray
fungus resistance
resistance to bending; bending strength; flexural strength; cross-rupture strength
resistance to bending under vibration; bending vibration strength
resistance to breaking; resistance to fracture; breaking strength
resistance to chemical attack; chemical resistance
resistance to pressure; pressure resistance
resistance to internal pressure
resistance to perforation; resistance to puncture
resistance to formaldehyde
resistance to deformation; deformation resistance
resistance to freezing; frost resistance
glow resistance; incandescence resistance; stability at read heat
resistance to heat; heat resistance; high-temperature strength; thermal endurance; high-temperature stability; heat stability; thermal stability
resistance to cold; low-temperature stability
resistance to buckling; buckling strength
resistance to creasing
resistance to corrosion; corrosion resistance; anticorrosion property
scratch resistance
resistance to creep; creep resistance
resistance to caustic cracking (metallurgy)
resistance of paper due to sizing; imperviousness of paper due to sizing
resistance to solvents; solvent resistance
resistance to swelling; swelling resistance (rubber, textiles)
resistance to rubbing
resistance to tearing; resistance to breaking (on tearing); tear resistance; tearing resistance; treating strength
resistance to elastic deformations
resistance to suction; suction strength
resistance to impact; resistance to shock; impact strength
resistance to soiling
resistance to oscillations; resistance to vibrations
resistance to crushing
resistance to jamming
resistance to thermal shock; thermal-shock resistance
resistance to thermal shocks; thermal shock strength
resistance to slagging (metallurgy)
resistance to wear; wear resistance
resistance to heat transfer; heat transmission resistance
resistance to tear propagation; tear propagation resistance; tear growth resistance
weathering resistance; resistance to atmospheric corrosion; long outdoor life in all kinds of weather conditions
resistance to extension

Deutsche chemischer Synonyme

Chemiekalie  Âchemischer  Stoff  
Weitere Ergebnisse für chemischer Synonym nachschlagen

Englische chemical indicator Synonyme

chemical  Chile saltpeter  absolute alcohol  acetate  acetone  acid  acidity  agent  alcohol  aldehyde  alkali  alkalinity  alloisomer  amine  ammonia  amyl alcohol  anhydride  anion  antacid  arsenate  arsenite  atom  base  basic  basic anhydride  benzoate  bicarbonate  bicarbonate of soda  bichloride of mercury  biochemical  bisulfate  borate  borax  bromide  calcium carbonate  calcium hydroxide  carbide  carbohydrate  carbon dioxide  carbon monoxide  carbonate  cation  chemical element  chemicals  chemicobiological  chemicoengineering  chemicomineralogical  chemicophysical  chemurgic  chlorate  chlorite  chromate  chromoisomer  citrate  compound  copolymer  copolymeric  copolymerous  copperas  cyanide  dehydrated alcohol  dichromate  dimer  dimeric  dimerous  dioxide  disulfide  electrochemical  element  elemental  elementary  ester  ethanol  ether  ethyl  ethyl alcohol  fluoride  formaldehyde  fulminate  halide  halogen  heavy chemicals  heteromerous  high polymer  homopolymer  hydracid  hydrate  hydride  hydrocarbon  hydroxide  hypochlorite  inorganic chemical  inorganic chemistry  iodide  ion  isomer  isomerous  isopropyl alcohol  ketone  lactate  macrochemical  macromolecule  metamer  metameric  methane  methanol  methyl  methyl alcohol  molecule  monomer  monomerous  monoxide  neutralizer  niter  nitrate  nitride  nitrite  nonacid  organic chemical  oxalate  oxide  oxyacid  permanganate  peroxide  petrochemical  phosphate  phosphide  photochemical  physicochemical  phytochemical  polymer  polymeric  potash  potassium nitrate  pseudoisomer  radical  radiochemical  reagent  sal ammoniac  salt  saltpeter  silicate  sodium bicarbonate  sodium bromide  sodium chloride  sodium hypochlorite  sulfacid  sulfate  sulfide  sulfite  tartrate  thermochemical  trimer  
chemical apparatus  Bunsen burner  Erlenmeyer flask  Kipp generator  alembic  aspirator  beaker  blowpipe  burette  capillary tube  condenser  crucible  deflagrating spoon  desiccator  distiller  etna  matrass  pestle and mortar  pipette  precision balance  reagent bottle  receiver  retort  still  test tube  
chemical element  acid  acidity  agent  air  alkali  alkalinity  alloisomer  anion  antacid  atom  atomic particles  base  biochemical  brute matter  building block  cation  chemical  chromoisomer  component  compound  constituent  copolymer  dimer  earth  element  elementary particle  elementary unit  fire  fundamental particle  heavy chemicals  high polymer  homopolymer  hydracid  hyle  hypostasis  inorganic chemical  ion  isomer  macromolecule  material  material world  materiality  matter  metamer  molecule  monad  monomer  natural world  nature  neutralizer  nonacid  organic chemical  oxyacid  physical world  plenum  polymer  pseudoisomer  radical  reagent  stuff  substance  substratum  sulfacid  the four elements  trimer  unit of being  water  

chemischer Definition

(a.) Pertaining to chemistry
(n.) A substance used for producing a chemical effect
(a.) Of or pertaining to electro-chemistry.
(n.) One who, or that which, shows or points out
(n.) A pressure gauge
(n.) An instrument which draws a diagram showing the varying pressure in the cylinder of an engine or pump at every point of the stroke. It consists of a small cylinder communicating with the engine cylinder and fitted with a piston which the varying pressure drives upward more or less against the resistance of a spring. A lever imparts motion to a pencil which traces the diagram on a card wrapped around a vertical drum which is turned back and forth by a string connected with the piston rod of the engine. See Indicator card (below).
(n.) A telltale connected with a hoisting machine, to show, at the surface, the position of the cage in the shaft of a mine, etc.
(n.) The part of an instrument by which an effect is indicated, as an index or pointer.
(n.) Any bird of the genus Indicator and allied genera. See Honey guide, under Honey.
(n.) That which indicates the condition of acidity, alkalinity, or the deficiency, excess, or sufficiency of a standard reagent, by causing an appearance, disappearance, or change of color, as in titration or volumetric analysis.
(a.) Pertaining to, connected with, or dependent upon, both mechanics and chemistry
(a.) Of or pertaining to micro-chemistry
(a.) Pertaining to, or illustrating, the hypothetical space relations of atoms in the molecule

chemical indicator Bedeutung

chemical analysis
qualitative analysis
the act of decomposing a substance into its constituent elements
quantitative analysis
quantitative chemical analysis
chemical analysis to determine the amounts of each element in the substance
chemical terrorism terrorism using the chemical agents of chemical warfare, can undermine the personal security of citizens, a good agent for chemical terrorism should be colorless and odorless and inexpensive and readily available and not detectable until symptoms are experienced
chemical engineering the activity of applying chemistry to the solution of practical problems
chemical defense
chemical defence
procedures involved in taking defensive measures against attacks using chemical agents
chemical warfare
chemical operations
warfare using chemical agents to kill or injure or incapacitate the enemy
analytical balance
chemical balance
a beam balance of great precision used in quantitative chemical analysis
artificial horizon
gyro horizon
flight indicator
a navigational instrument based on a gyroscope, it artificially provides a simulated horizon for the pilot
chemical bomb
gas bomb
a bomb laden with chemical agents that are released when the bomb explodes
chemical plant an industrial plant where chemicals are produced
chemical reactor an apparatus for holding substances that are undergoing a chemical reaction
chemical weapon chemical substances that can be delivered using munitions and dispersal devices to cause death or severe harm to people and animals and plants
fuel gauge
fuel indicator
an indicator of the amount of fuel remaining in a vehicle
indicator a device for showing the operating condition of some system
pilot light
pilot lamp
indicator lamp
indicator consisting of a light to indicate whether power is on or a motor is in operation
speed indicator
a meter fixed to a vehicle that measures and displays its speed
chemical property a property used to characterize materials in reactions that change their identity
equilibrium law
law of chemical equilibrium
(chemistry) the principle that (at chemical equilibrium) in a reversible reaction the ratio of the rate of the forward reaction to the rate of the reverse reaction is a constant for that reaction
chemical science r
the science of matter, the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions
chemical engineering the branch of engineering that is concerned with the design and construction and operation of the plants and machinery used in industrial chemical processes
index index number
a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts, can reveal relative changes as a function of time
leading indicator one of indicators for different sections of the economy, used by the Department of Commerce to predict economic trends in the near future
Chemical Weapons Convention a global treaty banning the production or acquisition or stockpiling or transfer or use of chemical weapons
chemical notation a notation used by chemists to express technical facts in chemistry
formula chemical formula a representation of a substance using symbols for its constituent elements
indicator a signal for attracting attention
turn signal
turn indicator
a blinking light on a motor vehicle that indicates the direction in which the vehicle is about to turn
chemical industry the manufacturers of chemicals considered collectively
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
international organization for chemical disarmament, administers the Chemical Weapons Convention
chemical chain
(chemistry) a series of linked atoms (generally in an organic molecule)
chemical phenomenon any natural phenomenon involving chemistry (as changes to atoms or molecules)
affinity chemical attraction the force attracting atoms to each other and binding them together in a molecule, basic dyes have an affinity for wool and silk
chemical bond
an electrical force linking atoms
chemical energy that part of the energy in a substance that can be released by a chemical reaction
chemical equilibrium
a chemical reaction and its reverse proceed at equal rates
chemical process
chemical change
chemical action
(chemistry) any process determined by the atomic and molecular composition and structure of the substances involved
chemical reaction
(chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others, there was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water
decomposition decomposition reaction
chemical decomposition reaction
(chemistry) separation of a substance into two or more substances that may differ from each other and from the original substance
chemical mechanism
the atomic process that occurs during a chemical reaction, he determined unique mechanisms for the photochemical reactions
latent diabetes
chemical diabetes
a mild form of diabetes mellitus in which there are no overt symptoms but there are abnormal responses to some diagnostic procedures
absorption indicator an indicator used in reactions that involve precipitation
acid-base indicator an indicator that changes color on going from acidic to basic solutions
chemical group
(chemistry) two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule
chemical element
any of the more than known substances (of which occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter
chemical agent an agent that produces chemical reactions
chemical substance
material produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules
chemical compound
(chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight
indicator (chemistry) a substance that changes color to indicate the presence of some ion or substance, can be used to indicate the completion of a chemical reaction or (in medicine) to test for a particular reaction
Chemical Mace
(trademark) a liquid that temporarily disables a person, prepared as an aerosol and sprayed in the face, it irritates the eyes and causes dizziness and immobilization
oxidationeduction indicator an indicator that shows a reversible color change between oxidized and reduced forms
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