
doppelte Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

doppelte Dichte
double density
doppelte Sicherheit
collateral securities
doppelte Verglasung
double glazing
doppelte Verglasung
doppelte Buchführung
double entry bookkeeping
doppelte Genauigkeit
long precision
doppelte Stellenzahl
doppelte Stellenzahl f
um das Zweifache; um das Doppelte adv
Gegenprüfung f; doppelte Überprüfung f
double-check; double check (doublecheck)
Überprüfung f
doppelte Überprüfung f
doppelte Wimpernreihe f (Lidanomalie) med.
distichia; distichiasis
Ringgurtung f (Sattel)
doppelte Ringgurtung
double Dee rigging
'Das doppelte Lottchen' (von Kästner Werktitel) lit.
'Lottie and Lisa'; 'The Parent Trap' (by Kästner work title)
Diphallie f; doppelte Ausbildung f des Penis med.
'Das doppelte Lottchen' (von Kästner Werktitel) lit.
'Lottie and Lisa', 'The Parent Trap' (by Kästner work title)
doppelt adj
doppelte Dichte
in doppelter Hinsicht
double density
in two respects
Buchführung f
einfache Buchführung
doppelte Buchführung
single-entry bookkeeping
double-entry bookkeeping
doppelte Leistung f bei Unfalltod (Versicherungswesen) fin.
double accident benefit Br.; double accident indemnity Am. (insurance business)
Doppelkreuzungsweiche f; (doppelte) Kreuzungsweiche f (Bahn)
double slip (railway)
Schlitzsäge f techn.
Schlitzsägen pl
doppelte Schlitzsäge
slash saw
slash saws
parallel saw
Unfalltod m; Tod durch Unfall
doppelte Leistung bei Unfalltod f fin.
accidental death
double accident benefit
Unfalltod m, Tod durch Unfall
doppelte Leistung bei Unfalltod f fin.
accidental death
double accident benefit
Laufhakenverriegelung f (Schusswaffe) mil.
doppelte Laufhakenverriegelung
barrel lug locking (gun)
double barrel lug locking
Weichenverbindung f (Bahn)
Weichenverbindungen pl
doppelte Weichenverbindung
double crossover (railway)
double crossovers
double crossover
Fachwerkswand f; Riegelwand f constr.
Fachwerkswände pl; Riegelwände pl
doppelte Fachwerkswand
frame wall; stud wall; stud work
frame walls; stud walls; stud works
double-framed wall
etw. verdoppeln v (auf das Doppelte erhöhen)
Er verdoppelte seinen Einsatz auf …
to double sth.
He doubled his stake to …
etw. verdoppeln v (auf das Doppelte erhöhen)
Er verdoppelte seinen Einsatz auf ...
to double sth.
He doubled his stake to ...
Staatsangehörigkeit f, Staatsbürgerschaft f
doppelte Staatsangehörigkeit f, doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft f
dual citizenship
Strafbarkeit f (einer Handlung) jur.
doppelte Strafbarkeit (in zwei Ländern)
Nichtvorliegen der doppelten Strafbarkeit
criminality (of an action)
dual criminality; double criminality (in two countries)
lack of dual criminality
Genauigkeit f, Exaktheit f
einfache Genauigkeit f
doppelte Genauigkeit f
mehrfache Genauigkeit f
übergroße Genauigkeit f
short precision
long precision
multiple precision
Verneinung f; Negation f ling. phil.
doppelte Verneinung ling.
die Verneinung einer Aussage ling.
die Verneinung einer Aussage phil.
negation; negative
double negative
the negation of an assertion
the negation of a statement
Genauigkeit f; Exaktheit f; Präzision f
einfache Genauigkeit f
doppelte Genauigkeit f
mehrfache Genauigkeit f
übergroße Genauigkeit f
mit äußerster Präzision
etw. auf 15 nm genau messen
short precision
long precision
multiple precision
with rigorous precision
to measure sth. with a precision of 15 nm
Staatsangehörigkeit f; Staatsbürgerschaft f adm.
doppelte Staatsangehörigkeit f; doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft f adm.
Entzug der Staatsangehörigkeit
jdm. die Staatsangehörigkeit entziehen
2012 wurde ihm die Schweizer Staatsbürgerschaft verliehen.
nationality; citizenship
dual citizenship nationality Br.; double citizenship nationality Am.
deprivation of citizenship
to deprive sb. of his citizenship
He was granted Swiss nationality citizenship in 2012.
(von) über; (von) mehr als (+ Zahlenwert)
Kosten von über 50.000 USD
Geschwindigkeiten von mehr als 160 km h
eine mehr als 15-jährige Mitgliedschaft
Wer mehr als das Doppelte des Durchschnittslohns verdient, …
Der Anstieg wird nicht mehr als zwei Prozent ausmachen.
in excess of (+ numerical value)
cost in excess of USD 50,000
speeds in excess of 100 mph
a membership in excess of 15 years
Those earning in excess of twice the average wage…
The increase will not be in excess of two per cent.
(von) über; (von) mehr als (+ Zahlenwert)
Kosten von über 50.000 USD
Geschwindigkeiten von mehr als 160 km h
eine mehr als 15-jährige Mitgliedschaft
Wer mehr als das Doppelte des Durchschnittslohns verdient ...
Der Anstieg wird nicht mehr als zwei Prozent ausmachen.
in excess of (+ numerical value)
cost in excess of USD 50 000
speeds in excess of 100 mph
a membership in excess of 15 years
Those earning in excess of twice the average wage...
The increase will not be in excess of two per cent.
etw. (grundsätzlich) ablehnen vt; gegen etw. eingestellt sein; gegen etw. sein v
ablehnend; gegen eingestellt seiend; gegen seiend
abgelehnt; gegen eingestellt gewesen; gegen gewesen
Die meisten Religionen lehnen Gewalt strikt ab.
Die Partei ist ganz klar gegen die doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft eingestellt.
Die Gemeinde ist dagegen.
to be opposed to sth.; to be anti sth.; to be set against sth.; to deprecate sth.
being opposed to; being anti to; being set against; deprecating
been opposed to; been anti to; been set against; deprecated
Most religions are strongly opposed to violence.
The party is dead set against dual citizenship.
The local government is anti.
Kreuzungsweiche f (Bahn)
Kreuzungsweichen pl
einfache Kreuzungsweiche EKW
einfache Kreuzungsweiche mit innenliegenden Zungen
einfache Kreuzungsweiche mit außenliegender Zungenvorrichtung
doppelte Kreuzungsweiche; Doppelkreuzungsweiche f DKW
doppelte Kreuzungsweiche mit innenliegenden Zungen
doppelte Kreuzungsweiche mit außenliegenden Zungen
diamond crossing with slips (railway)
diamond crossing with slipses
diamond crossing with single slip; single slip
diamond crossing with inside single slip; inside single slip
diamond crossing with outside single slip; outside single slip
diamond crossing with double slip; double slip
diamond crossing with inside double slip; inside double slip; double slip on straight tracks
diamond crossing with outside double slip; outside double slip
Gleisverbindung f; Ãœberleitstelle f (Doppelspurstrecke) (Bahn)
Gleisverbindungen pl; Ãœberleitstellen pl
Bogengleisverbindung f; Bogengeleiseverbindung f Schw.
einfache Gleisverbindung; Weichenverbindung
doppelte Gleisverbindung; doppelte gekreuzte Weichenverbindung f
halbe doppelte Gleisverbindung
symmetrische doppelte Gleisverbindung; Weichenkreuz n
track connection; track junction; cross-over (double-track line) (railway)
track connections; track junctions; cross-overs
cross-over between curved tracks
single cross-over
double cross-over
half-scissors cross-over
scissors cross-over; scissors crossi
Genauigkeit f; Exaktheit f; Präzision f; Schärfe f
mit peinlicher Genauigkeit
geforderte Genauigkeit; erforderliche Genauigkeit
Acht-Bit-Genauigkeit comp.
Genauigkeit der Grundriss- und Höhendarstellung
einfache Genauigkeit f
doppelte Genauigkeit f
mehrfache Genauigkeit f
übergroße Genauigkeit f
mit doppelter Genauigkeit comp.
mit einfacher Genauigkeit comp.
mit äußerster Präzision
etw. auf 15 nm genau messen
accuracy; exactness; exactitude; precision; preciseness
with rigorous accuracy
required accuracy
eight-bit accuracy
accuracy of ground and height representation
short precision
long precision
multiple precision
with rigorous precision
to measure sth. with a precision of 15 nm
Staatsangehörigkeit f; Staatsbürgerschaft f; Nationalität f adm.
doppelte Staatsangehörigkeit f; doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft f adm.
mehrfache Staatsangehörigkeit
Erwerb der Staatsbürgerschaft
Entzug der Staatsangehörigkeit
Verlust der Staatsbürgerschaft
das Land, dessen Staatsangehörigkeit jd. besitzt
jdm. die Staatsangehörigkeit entziehen
eine doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft annehmen
2012 wurde ihm die Schweizer Staatsbürgerschaft verliehen.
nationality; citizenship
dual citizenship Br.; dual nationality Br.; double citizenship Am.; double nationality Am.
multiple citizenship; multiple nationality
acquisition of citizenship
deprivation of citizenship
loss of citizenship
sb.'s country of nationality
to deprive sb. of his citizenship
to take out dual citizenship
He was granted Swiss nationality citizenship in 2012.
Eisenbahnweiche f; Weiche f (Bahn)
Eisenbahnweichen pl; Weichen pl
Entgleisungsweiche f
spitzbefahrene Weiche f
stumpfbefahrene Weiche f
Weiche ohne Kreuzung
Weiche auf Ablenkung
Weiche in Halblage
Weiche mit federnder Zunge
die Weichen stellen
die Weichen umlegen
die Weichen auffahren aufschneiden
die Weichen spitz stumpf befahren
doppelte Weichenverbindung f
gekreuzte Weichenverbindung f
Fühlschiene einer spitz befahrenen Weiche
railway points Br.; points Br.; railroad switch Am.; track switch Am.; switch Am.
railway points; points; railroad switches; track switches; switches
derailing points Br.; catch points Br.; derailing switch Am.; safety switch Am.
facing points
trailing points
points and crossings Br.; switch gear Am.
points in reverse position
half-closed points
flexible points Br. switch Am.
to make the road to throw the points Br.
to reverse the points
to split the points
to pass the point facing trailing
double crossover
scissors crossover
facing point (lock) bar
Pausenbrot n; Jausenbrot n Ös.; Vesperbrot n; Klappbrot n; Klappstulle f Nordostdt. (zwei Hälften derselben Brotscheibe); Schnitte f Norddt. Mitteldt. Schw. ugs.; Vaterstulle f Nordostdt.; Stulle f Nordostdt. ugs.; doppelte Kniffte f Mittelwestdt. ugs.; Dubbel m Mittelwestdt. ugs.; Bemme f Ostdt. ugs.; Fieze f Ostdt. ugs. cook.
Pausenbrote pl; Jausenbrote pl; Vesperbrote pl; Klappbrote pl; Klappstullen pl; Schnitten pl; Vaterstullen pl; Stullen pl; doppelte Knifften pl; Dubbel pl; Bemmen pl; Fiezen pl
Schulbrot n
Sandwich m; gefülltes Brötchen Norddt. Mitteldt.; gefülltes Weckerl n Bayr. Ös.
dick gefüllter Sandwich mit Gemüse bzw. Fleisch
breaktime sandwich; sandwich; sarnie Br. coll.; buttie Northern English coll.; butty Northern English coll.
breaktime sandwiches; sandwiches; sarnies; butties; butties
school sandwich
sandwich; sanger Austr. NZ coll.; sanga Austr. NZ coll.
combination sandwich Am.
Anführungszeichen n; Anführungsstrich m; Gänsefüßchen n ugs.; Tüttelchen n Norddt. ugs. comp. print
Anführungszeichen pl; Anführungsstriche pl; Gänsefüßchen pl; Tüttelchen pl
einfache halbe Anführungszeichen
doppelte Anführungszeichen
französische Anführungszeichen
Anführungszeichen unten
Anführungszeichen oben
ein Wort in Anführungsstrichen
etw. in Anführungszeichen setzen; mit Anführungszeichen versehen
mit den Fingern Anführungszeichen andeuten
Die Phrase steht in Anführungszeichen.
Setzen Sie die Phrase, nach der Sie suchen wollen, in doppelte Anführungszeichen
Seine Freunde – unter Anführungszeichen ich sage das in Anführungszeichen – waren auf einmal alle weg, als er in Schwierigkeiten war.
quotation mark; quote; inverted comma Br.
quotation marks; quotes; inverted commas
single quotation marks; single quotes
double quotation marks; double quotes
French quotation marks; angle quotes; duck-foot quotes
left quote
right quote
a word in between quotation marks
to put place enclose sth. in quotation marks; to put place quotation marks around sth.; to use quotation marks around sth.
to use your fingers to suggest inverted commas
The phrase is in quotation marks.; There are quotations marks around the phrase.
Use double quotes around the phrase you wish to search for.
His friends – in inverted commas, and I put friends in quotes – all disappeared when he was in trouble.
Anführungszeichen n; Anführungsstrich m; Gänsefüßchen n ugs.; Tüttelchen n Norddtd. ugs. comp. print
Anführungszeichen pl; Anführungsstriche pl; Gänsefüßchen pl; Tüttelchen pl
einfache halbe Anführungszeichen
doppelte Anführungszeichen
französische Anführungszeichen
Anführungszeichen unten
Anführungszeichen oben
ein Wort in Anführungsstrichen
etw. in Anführungszeichen setzen; mit Anführungszeichen versehen
mit den Fingern Anführungszeichen andeuten
Die Phrase steht in Anführungszeichen.
Setzen Sie die Phrase nach der Sie suchen wollen in doppelte Anführungszeichen
Seine Freunde - unter Anführungszeichen ich sage das in Anführungszeichen - waren auf einmal alle weg als er in Schwierigkeiten war.
quotation mark; quote; inverted comma Br.
quotation marks; quotes; inverted commas
single quotation marks; single quotes
double quotation marks; double quotes
French quotation marks; angle quotes; duck-foot quotes
left quote
right quote
a word in between quotation marks
to put place enclose sth. in quotation marks; to put place quotation marks around sth.; to use quotation marks around sth.
to use your fingers to suggest inverted commas
The phrase is in quotation marks.; There are quotations marks around the phrase.
Use double quotes around the phrase you wish to search for.
His friends - in inverted commas and I put friends in quotes - all disappeared when he was in trouble.
Buchhaltung f; Buchführung f; Rechnungsführung f econ. adm.
Betriebsbuchhaltung f BEBU ; Betriebsbuchführung f; kalkulatorische Buchführung; Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung f KLR ; Kosten- und Erlösrechnung f KER ; Kostenrechnung f; Betriebsergebnisrechnung f; Betriebsabrechnung f; internes Rechnungswesen n
Finanzbuchhaltung f FIBU ; Geschäftsbuchhaltung f; kaufmännische Buchhaltung; pagatorische Buchführung; externes Rechnungswesen
einfache Buchhaltung; einfache Buchführung
doppelte Buchhaltung; doppelte Buchführung
elektronische Buchhaltung; elektronische Buchführung
Gemeinkostenrechnung f
handschriftliche Buchhaltung; handschriftliche Buchführung
Kostenstellenrechnung f
Lagerkostenrechnung f
Lohnbuchhaltung Dt. Schw.; Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung Dt. Schw.; Lohn- und Gehaltsverrechnung Ös.; Lohnverrechnung Ös.; Personalverrechnung Ös.
Maschinenbuchhaltung; Maschinenbuchführung
Steuerbuchhaltung f
die Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Buchführung GoB
allgemein anerkannte Buchführungsgrundsätze
Buchführung f und Fakturierung f
bookkeeping accounting; bookkeeping accountancy; bookkeeping
operational accounting; management accounting; managerial accounting; cost and performance accounting; cost accounting; shop accounting; internal accounting
financial bookkeeping; administrative accounting; external accounting
eingle-entry bookkeeping
double-entry bookkeeping
electronic bookkeeping
overhead accounting
manual bookkeeping
cost centre accounting Br.; cost center accounting Am.
inventory cost accounting
wage accounting; personnel accounting; payroll accounting Am.
machine bookkeeping
tax accounting
sound accounting practice
generally accepted accounting principles GAAP Am.
accounting and billing
Stichprobennahme f; Stichprobenziehung f; Stichprobenverfahren n; Auswahlverfahren n statist.
einfache Stichprobenentnahme; Einzelstichprobenverfahren; einstufige Auswahl; unmittelbare Stichprobenentnahme
zweiphasiges Stichprobenverfahren; doppelte Stichprobennahme
direkte indirekte Stichprobennahme
extensives intensives Stichprobenverfahren
erschöpfende Stichprobenziehung
gemischtes Stichprobenverfahren
inverses Stichprobenverfahren
inverses Stichprobenverfahren mit Zurücklegen
mehrfache multiple Stichprobenziehung
proportionale Stichprobenaufteilung; proportionale Auswahl
zufallsähnliches Stichprobenverfahren
bewusst gewählte Stichprobe; bewusstes Auswahlverfahren
fortschreitend zensierte Stichprobennahme
hierarchisch geschachtelte Stichprobennahme
Stichprobenentnahme vom Typ 1
Stichprobenentnahme im Gittermuster
Stichprobenentnahme zur Prüfung qualitativer Merkmale
Stichprobennahme mit Rotationsplan
Stichprobenentnahme vom Weg aus; Wegstichprobenverfahren
Stichprobenentnahme nach Wichtigkeit
Stichprobenverfahren bei dem Beobachtungswerte unregelmäßig anfallen
Auswahl mit Zurücklegen
Klumpenstichprobe nach der Auswahl
Auslosungsstichprobenverfahren; Lostrommelverfahren
Clusterverfahren des nächsten Nachbarn; nearest-neighbour clustering
Fang-Stichprobenverfahren; Capture-Recapture-Stichprobenverfahren
Raffstichprobe; Raffprobe
Schnellballstichprobenverfahren; Schneeballverfahren; Schneeballauswahl
single sampling; unit stage sampling; unitary sampling
two-phase sampling; double sampling
multi-phase sampling
direct indirect sampling
extensive intensive sampling
exhaustive sampling
mixed sampling
inverse sampling
inverse multinomial sampling
multiple sampling
proportional sampling
quasi-random sampling
purposive sample
progressively censored sampling
nested sampling
type 1 sampling
lattice sampling
sampling for attributes
rotation sampling
route sampling
importance sampling
jittered sampling
sampling with replacement
post cluster sampling
acceptance sampling
lottery sampling; ticket sampling
single-linkage clustering
capture release sampling; capture recapture sampling
area sampling
line sampling
matrix sampling
network sampling
point sampling
chunk sampling
zonal sampling
probability sampling
snowball sampling; chain sampling; chain-referral sampling; referral sampling
Stichprobenentnahme f; Stichprobennahme f; Stichprobenziehung f; Stichprobenverfahren n; Auswahlverfahren n statist.
einfache Stichprobenentnahme; Einzelstichprobenverfahren; einstufige Auswahl; unmittelbare Stichprobenentnahme
zweiphasiges Stichprobenverfahren; doppelte Stichprobennahme
Klumpensstichprobenahme f; Klumpenprobenahme f; Klumpenstichprobenverfahren n; Klumpenauswahlverfahren n; Nestprobenverfahren n
direkte indirekte Stichprobennahme
extensives intensives Stichprobenverfahren
erschöpfende Stichprobenziehung
gemischtes Stichprobenverfahren
inverses Stichprobenverfahren
inverses Stichprobenverfahren mit Zurücklegen
mehrfache multiple Stichprobenziehung
proportionale Stichprobenaufteilung; proportionale Auswahl
zufallsähnliches Stichprobenverfahren
bewusste Stichprobennahme; bewusstes Auswahlverfahren
fortschreitend zensierte Stichprobennahme
hierarchisch geschachtelte Stichprobennahme
Stichprobenentnahme vom Typ 1
Stichprobenentnahme im Gittermuster
Stichprobenziehung zur Merkmalbestimmung; Probennahme auf Merkmale
Stichprobennahme mit Rotationsplan
Stichprobenentnahme vom Weg aus; Wegstichprobenverfahren
Stichprobenentnahme nach Wichtigkeit
Stichprobenverfahren, bei dem Beobachtungswerte unregelmäßig anfallen
Auswahl mit Zurücklegen
Klumpenstichprobe nach der Auswahl
Auslosungsstichprobenverfahren; Lostrommelverfahren
Clusterverfahren des nächsten Nachbarn; nearest-neighbour clustering
Fang-Stichprobenverfahren; Capture-Recapture-Stichprobenverfahren
Gelegenheitsstichprobennahme f; planlose Stichprobenauswahl
Schnellballstichprobenverfahren; Schneeballverfahren; Schneeballauswahl
single sampling; unit stage sampling; unitary sampling
two-phase sampling; double sampling
cluster sampling
multi-phase sampling
direct indirect sampling
extensive intensive sampling
exhaustive sampling
mixed sampling
inverse sampling
inverse multinomial sampling
multiple sampling
proportional sampling
quasi-random sampling
purposive sampling; judgment sampling; purposive selection
progressively censored sampling
nested sampling
type 1 sampling
lattice sampling
attribute sampling; attributes sampling; sampling for attributes
rotation sampling
route sampling
importance sampling
jittered sampling
sampling with replacement
post cluster sampling
acceptance sampling
lottery sampling; ticket sampling
single-linkage clustering
capture release sampling; capture recapture sampling
area sampling
line sampling
matrix sampling
network sampling
point sampling
chunk sampling
zonal sampling
probability sampling
snowball sampling; chain sampling; chain-referral sampling; referral sampling

Deutsche doppelte Synonyme

Doppelkreuzungsweiche  Âdoppelte  Kreuzungsweiche  
doppelte  Buchführung  ÂDoppik  Âkaufmännische  Buchführung  
doppelte Buchführung  Doppik  kaufmännische Buchführung  
Weitere Ergebnisse für doppelte Synonym nachschlagen

Englische double density Synonyme

double  Doppelganger  Janus-like  Machiavellian  Photostat  Xerox  aberrancy  aberration  accelerate  act for  actual thing  agent  aggravate  alternate  alternative  ambidextrous  ambiguous  amplify  analogy  artful  at full speed  at once  augment  average  avoid  backup  beef up  beg  bend  bias  bifacial  bifold  biform  bifurcated  bilateral  bilk  binary  binate  biparous  bipartisan  bipartite  bisect  bivalent  blow up  branching off  briskly  carbon copy  change  change places with  changeling  circuitousness  circumvent  clone  co-walker  come again  come back  come home  companion  comparison  complicate  concentrate  condense  conduplicate  consolidate  coordinate  copy  corner  counterfeit  counterpart  coupled  crafty  crease  creasing  crimp  crisp  crook  crooked  crowd out  cunning  curve  cut out  dead ringer  deceitful  declination  deepen  deflection  departure  deputy  detour  deviance  deviancy  deviation  deviousness  dichotomous  digression  discursion  dishonest  disomatous  displace  ditch  ditto  divagation  divarication  divergence  diversion  do a repeat  do again  do over  dog-ear  dogleg  double back  double for  double over  double-dealing  double-faced  double-minded  double-tongued  doubled  doubleganger  doublehearted  doubling  drift  drifting  duadic  dual  dualistic  dub  duck  dummy  dupe  duple  duplex  duplicate  duplicated  duplication  duplicature  duplicitous  dyadic  echo  effigy  elude  enfold  enhance  enlarge  equal  equivalent  errantry  ersatz  escape  eschew  etheric double  evade  exacerbate  exact counterpart  exact likeness  exaggerate  exchange  excursion  excursus  exorbitation  facsimile  faithless  fake  false  false-principled  falsehearted  fellow  fetch  fill in for  fill-in  flection  flexure  flounce  flute  fold  fold over  frill  gather  geminate  geminated  get around  get away from  get out of  ghost  ghostwrite  ghostwriter  go back  go home  hairpin  heat up  hectograph  heighten  homograph  homony  
double agent  Benedict Arnold  Brutus  CIA man  Judas  Judas Iscariot  Quisling  archtraitor  betrayer  cloak-and-dagger operative  cockatrice  conniver  conspirator  conspirer  counterintelligence agent  counterspy  double-crosser  double-dealer  espionage agent  informer  inside man  intelligence agent  intrigant  intriguer  machinator  military-intelligence man  naval-intelligence man  operative  plotter  quisling  rat  reconnoiterer  schemer  scout  secret agent  serpent  snake  spotter  spy  spy-catcher  timeserver  traitor  treasonist  trimmer  turncoat  undercover man  
double check  audit  balance  balance the books  check  check and doublecheck  check out  check over  collate  confirm  cross-check  demonstrate  inventory  overhaul  prove  recheck  take stock  test  triple-check  validate  verify  
double cross  Judas kiss  bamboozle  beguile  betray  betrayal  bluff  cajole  cheat on  circumvent  conjure  deceive  delude  diddle  dupe  forestall  gammon  get around  gull  hoax  hocus-pocus  hornswaggle  humbug  inform on  juggle  let down  mock  outmaneuver  outreach  outsmart  outwit  overreach  pigeon  play one false  put something over  sell out  sellout  snow  string along  take in  trick  turn in  two-time  
double dealer  Artful Dodger  Benedict Arnold  Brutus  Casanova  Don Juan  Judas  Judas Iscariot  Machiavel  Machiavelli  Machiavellian  Quisling  actor  archtraitor  bamboozler  befuddler  beguiler  betrayer  charmer  cockatrice  conniver  conspirator  conspirer  convict  counterfeiter  criminal  crook  deceiver  deluder  desperado  desperate criminal  dissembler  dissimulator  dodger  double agent  double-crosser  duper  enchanter  entrancer  faker  felon  fooler  forger  fugitive  gallows bird  gangster  gaolbird  gay deceiver  hoaxer  hypnotizer  informer  intrigant  intriguer  jailbird  jilt  jilter  joker  jokester  kidder  lawbreaker  leg-puller  machinator  mesmerizer  misleader  mobster  outlaw  plagiarist  plagiarizer  playactor  plotter  practical joker  public enemy  quisling  racketeer  ragger  rat  role-player  schemer  scofflaw  seducer  serpent  snake  spoofer  swindler  tease  teaser  thief  thug  timeserver  traitor  treasonist  trimmer  turncoat  two-timer  
double dealing  Machiavellian  Machiavellianism  ambidexterity  ambidextrous  artful  artifice  bad faith  chicane  chicanery  crafty  crooked  cunning  deceitful  deceitfulness  dirty pool  dirty trick  dirty work  dishonest  dishonesty  double  double-faced  double-minded  double-tongued  doublehearted  doubleness  doubleness of heart  duplicitous  duplicity  faithless  faithlessness  false  false-principled  falsehearted  falseheartedness  falseness  foul play  fraud  hanky-panky  hypocritical  improbity  left-handed  low cunning  perfidious  perfidiousness  perfidy  sharp practice  shifty  slippery  treacherous  treacherousness  treachery  trickery  tricky  two-faced  two-facedness  wile  
double Dutch  Aesopian language  Babel  Greek  argot  babble  cant  cipher  code  cryptogram  garble  gibberish  gift of tongues  glossolalia  gobbledygook  jargon  jumble  noise  scramble  secret language  slang  
double edged  acid  acidulous  acrid  acrimonious  acute  astringent  biting  bitter  caustic  cutting  edged  escharotic  featheredged  fierce  fine  harsh  incisive  keen  keen-edged  knifelike  mordacious  mordant  penetrating  piercing  poignant  razor-edged  rigorous  rough  scathing  set  severe  sharp  stabbing  stinging  strident  stringent  tart  trenchant  two-edged  vehement  violent  virulent  vitriolic  
double entendre  ambiguity  ambiguousness  amphibology  belly laugh  blue story  complexity of meaning  counterword  dirty joke  dirty story  double meaning  double reference  equivocacy  equivocal  equivocality  equivocalness  equivocation  equivoque  ethnic joke  fun  funny story  gag  good one  good story  howler  irony  jape  jest  jestbook  joke  laugh  levels of meaning  multivocality  panic  paronomasia  play  point  polysemant  polysemousness  polysemy  portmanteau word  pun  punning  rib tickler  richness of meaning  riot  scream  sick joke  sidesplitter  sight gag  sport  squinting construction  story  tergiversation  uncertainty  visual joke  weasel word  wheeze  wow  yarn  
double header  bout  contest  decathlon  doubles  event  foursome  game  games of chance  go  match  meet  pentathlon  play  play-off  race  runoff  singles  sport  threesome  twosome  
double meaning  ambiguity  ambiguousness  amphibology  complexity of meaning  double entendre  double reference  equivocacy  equivocality  equivocalness  equivocation  equivoque  irony  levels of meaning  multivocality  paronomasia  polysemousness  polysemy  punning  richness of meaning  tergiversation  uncertainty  
double personality  alcoholic  alternating personality  antisocial personality  catatonia  catatonic schizophrenia  dementia praecox  depersonalization  disconnection  disordered personality  dissociation  dissociation of personality  disturbed personality  drug user  dual personality  emotional dissociation  emotionally unstable personality  escapist  hebephrenia  hebephrenic schizophrenia  hostile personality  hypochondriac  hypochondriast  idiot  imaginary invalid  immature personality  inadequate personality  inferior personality  malade imaginaire  maladjusted personality  mental dissociation  mentally defective personality  moral insanity  multiple personality  neuropath  neurotic  neurotic personality  paranoia  paranoid personality  paranoid psychosis  paraphrenia  personality disorganization  perverse personality  psychoneurotic  psychopath  psychopathic personality  psychotic  psychotic personality  schizoid  schizoid personality  schizoidism  schizophrenia  schizothymia  seclusive personality  sexual psychopath  shut-in personality  sociopath  split personality  valetudinarian  valetudinary  weak personality  
double quick  acceleration  agile  amain  apace  at flank speed  at the double  breakneck  crowded  dashing  double march  double time  double-quick time  double-time  eagle-winged  expeditious  expeditiously  express  fast  festination  fleet  flying  forced march  forwarding  galloping  goose step  hair-trigger  half step  hand over fist  hand over hand  hard-pressed  hard-pushed  hard-run  hastening  hastily  hasty  headlong  hell for leather  hell-bent  hell-bent for election  hurried  hurrying  hustling  in double time  in double-quick time  in high  in high gear  in seven-league boots  lickety-cut  lickety-split  light of heel  light-footed  lively  march  mercurial  nimble  nimble-footed  on the double  post  posthaste  precipitate  pressed  pressed for time  prompt  promptly  pushed  quick  quick as lightning  quick as thought  quick march  quick time  quickening  quickly  quickstep  quickstep march  rapid  rapidly  reckless  running  rushed  slow march  slow time  snappily  snappy  spanking  speedily  speeding  speedy  swift  swiftly  trippingly  under forced draft  whip and spur  winged  with all haste  with giant strides  with rapid strides  with speed  
double take  PS  Parthian shot  addendum  afterthought  appendix  back matter  bind  block  blockage  bureaucratic delay  chorus  coda  codicil  colophon  conclusion  consequence  continuance  continuation  delay  delayage  delayed reaction  detention  dragging  dying words  envoi  epilogue  follow-through  follow-up  halt  hang-up  hindrance  holdup  interim  jam  lag  lagging  last words  logjam  moratorium  obstruction  paperasserie  parting shot  pause  peroration  postface  postfix  postlude  postscript  red tape  red-tapeism  red-tapery  refrain  reprieve  respite  retardance  retardation  second thought  sequel  sequela  sequelae  sequelant  sequent  sequitur  slow-up  slowdown  slowness  stay  stay of execution  stop  stoppage  subscript  suffix  supplement  suspension  swan song  tag  tie-up  time lag  wait  
double talk  absurdity  amphigory  babble  babblement  balderdash  bibble-babble  blabber  blather  bombast  claptrap  drivel  drool  fiddle-faddle  fiddledeedee  flummery  folderol  fudge  fustian  gabble  galimatias  gammon  gibber  gibberish  gibble-gabble  gobbledygook  hocus-pocus  humbug  jabber  jargon  mumbo jumbo  narrishkeit  niaiserie  nonsense  pack of nonsense  palaver  prate  prattle  rant  rigamarole  rigmarole  rodomontade  rubbish  skimble-skamble  stuff and nonsense  stultiloquence  trash  trumpery  twaddle  twattle  twiddle-twaddle  vaporing  waffling  
double time  Trinkgeld  acceleration  at the double  bonus  bounty  bribe  bundle  bustle  chase  consideration  crowd  crowded  dash  dash off  dash on  donative  double march  double-quick  double-quick time  fee  festinate  festination  forced march  forwarding  get going  get moving  goose step  gratuity  gravy  grease  half step  hard-pressed  hard-pushed  hard-run  hasten  hastening  honorarium  hurried  hurry  hurry on  hurry through  hurry up  hurry-scurry  hurrying  hustle  incentive pay  inducement  lagniappe  largess  leap  liberality  lose no time  make haste  march  move quickly  on the double  palm oil  perks  perquisite  plunge  post  pourboire  premium  press on  pressed  pressed for time  push on  pushed  quick march  quick time  quickening  quickstep  quickstep march  race  run  rush  rush through  rushed  salve  scamper  scramble  scurry  scuttle  slow march  slow time  something extra  speeding  sportula  spurt  sweetener  tear  tip  
doubled  creased  crimped  dog-eared  duplicated  echoed  flexible  flounced  fluted  foldable  folded  folding  gathered  plagiarized  plaited  pleated  pliable  plicate  plicated  plicatile  quilled  quoted  rechauffe  redoubled  reduplicated  reechoed  regurgitated  reiterate  reiterated  repeated  reproduced  retold  ruffled  tucked  twice-told  twilled  warmed up  
doubles  bout  contest  decathlon  double-header  event  foursome  game  games of chance  go  match  meet  pentathlon  play  play-off  race  runoff  singles  sport  threesome  twosome  
doublet  both  brace  cognate  couple  couplet  derivation  derivative  distich  double harness  duad  duet  duo  dyad  eponym  etymon  match  mates  pair  primitive  root  set of two  span  team  the two  twain  two  twosome  yoke  
doublethink  Janus  ambiguity  ambivalence  biformity  bifurcation  conjugation  dichotomy  doubleness  doubling  dualism  duality  duplexity  duplication  duplicity  equivocality  halving  irony  pairing  polarity  twinning  two-facedness  twoness  

doppelte Definition

(n.) The quality of being dense, close, or thick
(n.) The ratio of mass, or quantity of matter, to bulk or volume, esp. as compared with the mass and volume of a portion of some substance used as a standard.
(n.) Depth of shade.
(a.) Twofold
(a.) Being in pairs
(a.) Divided into two
(a.) Having the petals in a flower considerably increased beyond the natural number, usually as the result of cultivation and the expense of the stamens, or stamens and pistils. The white water lily and some other plants have their blossoms naturally double.
(adv.) Twice
(a.) To increase by adding an equal number, quantity, length, value, or the like
(a.) To make of two thicknesses or folds by turning or bending together in the middle
(a.) To be the double of
(a.) To pass around or by
(a.) To unite, as ranks or files, so as to form one from each two.
(v. i.) To be increased to twice the sum, number, quantity, length, or value
(v. i.) To return upon one's track
(v. i.) To play tricks
(v. i.) To set up a word or words a second time by mistake
(n.) Twice as much
(n.) Among compositors, a doublet (see Doublet, 2.)
(n.) That which is doubled over or together
(n.) A turn or circuit in running to escape pursues
(n.) Something precisely equal or counterpart to another
(n.) A player or singer who prepares to take the part of another player in his absence
(n.) Double beer
(n.) A feast in which the antiphon is doubled, hat is, said twice, before and after the Psalms, instead of only half being said, as in simple feasts.
(n.) A game between two pairs of players
(n.) An old term for a variation, as in Bach's Suites.
(a.) Acting or operating in two directions or with both motions
(v. t.) To row by rowers sitting side by side in twos on a bank or thwart.
(a.) Applied to a kind of rowing in which the rowers sit side by side in twos, a pair of oars being worked from each bank or thwart.
(a.) Alt. of -barrelled
Double-beat valve
() See under Valve.
(a.) Folding or lapping over on the breast, with a row of buttons and buttonholes on each side
(v. t.) To load with a double charge, as of gunpowder.
(v. t.) To overcharge.
Double dealer
() One who practices double dealing
Double dealing
() False or deceitful dealing. See Double dealing, under Dealing.
(n.) A man-of-war having two gun decks.
(n.) A public conveyance, as a street car, with seats on the roof.
(v. t.) To dye again or twice over.
(a.) Dyed twice
(n.) A vessel capable of moving in either direction, having bow and rudder at each end.
(n.) A locomotive with pilot at each end.
(n.) A word or expression admitting of a double interpretation, one of which is often obscure or indelicate.
(a.) Having a deceitful look.
(a.) Having two faces designed for use
(a.) Deceitful
Double first
() A degree of the first class both in classics and mathematics.
Double first
() One who gains at examinations the highest honor both in the classics and the mathematics.
(a.) Having two hands.

double density Bedeutung

double fault (tennis) two successive faults in serving resulting in the loss of the point
double stopping stopping two strings and producing two notes at the same time
line-drive double
line double
a double resulting from a line drive
two-base hit
a base hit on which the batter stops safely at second base, he hit a double to deep centerfield
double-blind procedure
double-blind experiment
double-blind study
an experimental procedure in which neither the subjects of the experiment nor the persons administering the experiment know the critical aspects of the experiment, a double-blind procedure is used to guard against both experimenter bias and placebo effects
double leg circle a gymnastic exercise performed on the pommel horse when the gymnast (with legs together) swings his legs in a circle while alternating hands on the pommels
twin bill
double feature
two games instead of one (especially in baseball when the same two teams play two games on the same day)
double dribble an illegal dribble in basketball (the player uses both hands to dribble or the player starts to dribble a second time after coming to a stop)
double Dutch the difficult version of jump rope in which players jump over two ropes that are swung in a crisscross manner by two turners
daily double a single bet on two horse races in the same day
double reverse (American football) a running play in which a first reverse is followed by a second reverse
double play the act of getting two players out on one play
double entry
double-entry bookkeeping
bookkeeper debits the transaction to one account and credits it to another
double cross
an act of betrayal, he gave us the old double cross, I could no longer tolerate his impudent doublerossing
acting in bad faith, deception by pretending to entertain one set of intentions while acting under the influence of another
double blind a test procedure in which the identity of those receiving the intervention is concealed from both the administrators and the subjects until after the test is completed, designed to reduce or eliminate bias in the results
doubling double raising the stakes in a card game by a factor of , I decided his double was a bluff
double take a delayed reaction indicating surprise
double jeopardy the prosecution of a defendant for a criminal offense for which he has already been tried, prohibited in the fifth amendment to the United States Constitution
bass fiddle
bass viol bull fiddle
double bass
string bass
largest and lowest member of the violin family
a bus
coach charabanc
passenger vehicle
a vehicle carrying many passengers, used for public transport, he always rode the bus to work
double bassoon
the bassoon that is the largest instrument in the oboe family
double bed a bed wide enough to accommodate two sleepers
double-bitted ax
double-bitted axe
Western ax
Western axe
an ax that has cutting edges on both sides of the head
double boiler
double saucepan
two saucepans, one fitting inside the other
double-breasted jacket a jacket having fronts that overlap enough for two separate rows of buttons
double-breasted suit a suit with a double-breasted jacket
double clinch a clinch with two loops
double crochet
double stitch
a kind of crochet stitch
double door two vertical doors that meet in the middle of the door frame when closed
double glazing a window with two panes of glass and a space between them, reduces heat and noise transmission through the window
double-hung window a window having two sashes that slide up and down
double knit a knit fabric similar to jersey that is made with two sets of needles producing a double thickness joined by interlocking stitches
double-propeller plane
a propeller plane with an engine that drives two propellers in opposite directions (for stability)
double reed a pair of joined reeds that vibrate together to produce the sound in some woodwinds
doubleeed instrument
double reed
a woodwind that has a pair of joined reeds that vibrate together
a large wine bottle (holds
of a gallon)
the amount per unit size
vapor density
vapour density
the density of a gas relative to the density of hydrogen
concentration density denseness tightness compactness the spatial property of being crowded together
flux density
(physics) the number of changes in energy flow across a given surface per unit area
optical density
transmission density
photographic density
(physics) a measure of the extent to which a substance transmits light or other electromagnetic radiation
rarity tenuity low density a rarified quality, the tenuity of the upper atmosphere
relative density the ratio of the density of something to the density of a standard
magnetic field strength
magnetic intensity
magnetic induction
magnetic flux density
the amount of magnetic flux in a unit area perpendicular to the direction of magnetic flow
freedom from double jeopardy a civil right guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution
double chin
a fold of fatty tissue under the chin
double bind (psychology) an unresolvable dilemma, situation in which a person receives contradictory messages from a person who is very powerful
double check
something that checks the correctness of a previous check
double a quantity that is twice as great as another, is the double of
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