
dotiert {adj} (Arbeitsstelle) Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

dotiert adj (Arbeitsstelle)
eine hoch gut dotierte Stelle
Die Stelle ist mit 3.000 EUR pro Monat dotiert.
paid (post)
a highly-paid well-paid job
The monthly salary for the position is EUR 3 000.
dotiert adj (Arbeitsstelle)
eine hoch gut dotierte Stelle
Die Stelle ist mit 3.000 EUR pro Monat dotiert.
paid (post)
a highly-paid well-paid job
The monthly salary for the position is EUR 3,000.
Arbeit, Arbeitsplatz, Arbeitsstelle
Arbeitsplatz, Arbeitsstelle, Stelle
Arbeitsplatz, Stelle, Arbeitsstelle, Position
Stelle, Anstellung, Arbeitsstelle, Situation
Stellungswechsel, Wechsel der Arbeitsstelle
change of employment
Arbeitsstelle f
freie Arbeitsstelle f, offene Stelle f
job, place of work
dotieren, stiften
dotierend, stiftend
dotiert, gestiftet
to endow
dotieren v
to dope, to contaminate
doping, contaminating
doped, contaminated
eine Arbeitsstelle kündigen (der Arbeitnehmer selbst)
to chuck a job Am. slang
wechseln, umschalten, ändern, abändern, verändern v
wechselnd, umschaltend, ändernd, abändernd, verändernd
gewechselt, umgeschaltet, geändert, abgeändert, verändert
sie wechselt
sie wechselte
sie hat
hatte gewechselt
den Besitzer wechseln
seine Arbeitsstelle wechseln
to change
she changes
she changed
she has
had changed
to change hands
to change one's job
Arbeitsstelle f; Posten m; Arbeitsplatz m
Arbeitsstellen pl; Posten pl; Arbeitsplätze pl
offene Stellen
Stelle ohne Berufschancen Aufstiegschancen
(neue) Arbeitsplätze schaffen
Arbeitsplätze erhalten
Er hat mir eine Stelle besorgt.
Der neue Gewerbepark wird hunderte Arbeitsplätze schaffen.
Sie versucht in der Stadt eine Arbeit zu finden.
Er hat einen hochbezahlten Posten in der Wirtschaft.
Wenn bei uns automatisiert wird verliere ich meine Stelle.
Wenn das Lokal schließt steht sie ohne Arbeit da.
jobs available
blind alley job
to create (new) jobs; to add (new) jobs
to preserve jobs
He has found me a job.
The new business park will create hundreds of jobs.
She's trying to get land find a job in the city.
He has a high-paying job in the industry.
If we automate I'll lose my job.
If the restaurant closes she'll be out of a job.
Arbeitsstelle f
Arbeitsstellen pl
Er sucht eine Arbeitsstelle wo er bestimmen kann was geschieht.
job; place of work
jobs; places of work
He seeks a job where he is able to call the shots tune.
freie unbesetzte Arbeitsstelle f; offene freie Stelle f; freigewordener Posten m; Vakanz f adm.
eine freie Stelle ausschreiben
eine Stelle besetzen
Ist die Stelle schon vergeben?
job vacancy; vacancy; unoccupied position
to advertise a vacancy
to fill a vacancy
Has the vacancy been filled already?
etw. ändern; verändern; abändern; umändern; wechseln; tauschen v
ändernd; verändernd; abändernd; umändernd; wechselnd; tauschend
geändert; verändert; abgeändert; umgeändert; gewechselt; getauscht
er sie ändert
ich er sie änderte
er sie hat hatte geändert
andere Schuhe anziehen
mit jdm. den Platz tauschen; mit jdm. tauschen übtr.
den Besitzer wechseln
seine Arbeitsstelle wechseln
Das ändert alles.
automatisch mitgeändert
to change sth.
he she changes
I he she changed
he she has had changed
to change one's shoes
to change places with sb.
to change hands
to change one's job
That changes everything.
also changed automatically
jdn. für etw. entlohnen; jdm. etw. vergüten v
entlohnend; vergütend
entlohnt; vergütet
entlohnt; vergütet
entlohnte; vergütete
Die Stelle ist Teilzeit und mit 1.000 EUR dotiert.
to remunerate sb. for sth.
The appointment is part-time and remunerated with EUR 1 000.
(einen Fonds Preis) dotieren; ausstatten; äufnen Schw. v (mit einer Summe) fin.
dotierend; ausstattend; äufnend
dotiert; ausgestattet; geäufnet
ein gut hoch dotiertes Rennen
eine Einrichtung mit 50.000 Pfund dotieren
Das Turnier ist mit 90.000 Euro dotiert.
Der Preis war mit 10.000 Euro dotiert.
to endow (a fund prize) (with a sum)
a race endowed with a good purse prize money
to endow an institution with 50 000 pounds
The prize money for the tournament is 90 000 euros.
The prize was 10 000 euros.
dotieren v
to dope; to contaminate
doping; contaminating
doped; contaminated
dotiert adj (Arbeitsstelle)
eine hoch gut dotierte Stelle
Die Stelle ist mit 3.000 EUR pro Monat dotiert.
paid (post)
a highly-paid well-paid job
The monthly salary for the position is EUR 3 000.
königlich adv
fürstlich belohnt; fürstlich dotiert
royally paid
realistisch; zumutbar adj
eine realistische Aussicht auf Erfolg
eine zumutbare Arbeitsstelle
reasonable; not unreasonable
a reasonable prospect of success
a job which can reasonably be expected to be accepted
die Anstellung f bei jdm.; das Beschäftigungsverhältnis n bei jdm.
als Marineangehöriger
bei jdm. beschäftigt sein; für jdn. arbeiten
nicht mehr für jdn. arbeiten
Meine erste Arbeitsstelle war bei einem Autohändler.
the employ of sb.
in the employ of the Navy
to be in the employ of sb.; to be in sb.'s employ
to leave the employ of sb.
I started work in the employ of a car dealer.
Arbeitsstelle f; Arbeit f; Stelle f; Arbeitsplatz m; Posten m; Stellung f veraltend
Arbeitsstellen pl; Stellen pl; Arbeitsplätze pl; Posten pl; Stellungen pl
offene Stellen
Dauerarbeitsplätze pl
Stelle ohne Berufschancen Aufstiegschancen
(neue) Arbeitsplätze schaffen
Arbeitsplätze erhalten
Er hat mir eine Stelle besorgt.
Der neue Gewerbepark wird hunderte Arbeitsplätze schaffen.
Sie versucht, in der Stadt (eine) Arbeit zu finden.
Er hat einen hochbezahlten Posten in der Wirtschaft.
Wenn bei uns automatisiert wird, verliere ich meine Stelle.
Wenn das Lokal schließt, steht sie ohne Arbeit da.
position of employment; position; post; job; situation formal
positions of employment; positions; posts; jobs; situations
jobs available
permanent jobs
blind alley job
to create (new) jobs; to add (new) jobs
to preserve jobs
He has found me a job.
The new business park will create hundreds of jobs.
She's trying to get land find a job in the city.
He has a high-paying job in the industry.
If we automate, I'll lose my job.
If the restaurant closes, she'll be out of a job.
Schwangerschaftsvertretung f; Schwangerenvertretung f Dt. selten; Mutterschaftsvertretung f Dt. Schw.; Karenzvertretung f Ös. (Arbeitsstelle)
maternity cover (job)
Straßenbaustelle f; Baustelle f; Arbeitsstelle f Dt. (an Straßen) auto constr.
Straßenbaustellen pl; Baustellen pl; Arbeitsstellen pl
an bei der Baustelle
Achtung Baustelle! (Warnschild)
roadworks site Br.; roadwork site Am.; construction work site Am.
roadworks sites; roadwork sites; construction work sites
at the roadworks site; at the construction work site
Road work ahead!; Street work ahead!; Men at Work! Br.; Construction Work! Am. (warning sign)
etw. ändern; verändern; abändern; umändern; wechseln; tauschen v
ändernd; verändernd; abändernd; umändernd; wechselnd; tauschend
geändert; verändert; abgeändert; umgeändert; gewechselt; getauscht
er sie ändert
ich er sie änderte
er sie hat hatte geändert
andere Schuhe anziehen
mit jdm. den Platz tauschen; mit jdm. tauschen übtr.
den Besitzer wechseln
seine Arbeitsstelle wechseln
Das ändert alles.
automatisch mitgeändert
Würdest du an dem Text etwas ändern?
Würdest du bei diesem Bildbericht etwas ändern?
to change sth.
he she changes
I he she changed
he she has had changed
to change one's shoes
to change places with sb.
to change hands
to change job
That changes everything.
also changed automatically
Would you change anything in the text?
Would you change anything about this pictorial report?
jdn. für etw. entlohnen; jdm. etw. vergüten v
entlohnend; vergütend
entlohnt; vergütet
entlohnt; vergütet
entlohnte; vergütete
Die Stelle ist Teilzeit und mit 1.000 EUR dotiert.
to remunerate sb. for sth.
The appointment is part-time and remunerated with EUR 1,000.
jdn. für etw. disqualifizieren; untauglich machen v (Sache)
disqualifizierend; untauglich machend
disqualifiziert; untauglich gemacht
eine Person mit verminderter Arbeitsfähigkeit
arbeitsunfähig sein; erwerbsunfähig sein
Die Verletzungen disqualifizierten ihn für seine frühere Arbeitsstelle.
to disable; to incapacitate sb. for sth. (matter)
disabling; incapacitating
disabled; incapacitated
a partly disabled incapacitated person
to be disabled incapacitated for work; to be disabled; to be incapacitated; to be incapable of working
The injuries incapacitated him for his former job.
(einen Fonds, Preis) dotieren; ausstatten; äufnen Schw. v (mit einer Summe) fin.
dotierend; ausstattend; äufnend
dotiert; ausgestattet; geäufnet
ein gut hoch dotiertes Rennen
eine Einrichtung mit 50.000 Pfund dotieren
Das Turnier ist mit 90.000 Euro dotiert.
Der Preis war mit 10.000 Euro dotiert.
to endow (a fund, prize) (with a sum)
a race endowed with a good purse prize money
to endow an institution with 50,000 pounds
The prize money for the tournament is 90,000 euros.
The prize was 10,000 euros.
etw. dotieren v (Fremdatome einbringen) electr. phys.
to dope sth.
dotiert adj (Arbeitsstelle)
eine hoch gut dotierte Stelle
Die Stelle ist mit 3.000 EUR pro Monat dotiert.
paid (post)
a highly-paid well-paid job
The monthly salary for the position is EUR 3,000.
sich (an einem Ort an einer Arbeitsstelle) einrichten v
Wir hatten uns an der Südküste schön eingerichtet.
Ich machte es mir in meinem Zimmer bequem.
to ensconce yourself; to be ensconsed (in a place position)
We were happily ensconced on the south coast.
I ensconced myself in my room.
(mit jdm.) um etw. wetteifern; konkurrieren; konkurrenzieren Süddt. Ös. Schw.; sich konkurrenzieren Schw.; rangeln v
wetteifernd; konkurrierend; konkurrenzierend; sich konkurrenzierend; rangelnd
gewetteifert; konkurriert; konkurrenziert; sich konkurrenziert; gerangelt
wetteifert; konkurriert; konkurrenziert; rangelt
wetteiferte; konkurrierte; konkurrenzierte; rangelte
sich um einen Preis bewerben
um eine Arbeitsstelle konkurrieren
um die besten Plätze rangeln
Drei Parteien konkurrieren um die Macht.
Beide Unternehmen wetteifern darum, eine bessere Einstufung zu erreichen.
to compete; to contend; to vie; to jockey (with sb.) for sth. to achieve sth.
competing; contending; vying; jockeying
competed; contended; vied; jockeyed
competes; contends; vies; jockeys
competed; contended; vied; jockeyed
to compete for a prize
to vie for a job
to jockey for position
Three parties are contending for power.
Both enterprises are vying to improve their rankings.
in zumutbarer Weise; realistischerweise; im üblichen Rahmen; unter normalen Umständen adv jur.
typische Schäden, die vorauszusehen waren
eine zumutbare Arbeitsstelle
Eine Veräußerung war innerhalb der vorgegebenen Frist nicht zumutbar.
typical damage that was reasonably foreseeable
a job which can reasonably be expected to be accepted
A sale was not reasonably possible within the period set.

Deutsche dotiert {adj} (Arbeitsstelle) Synonyme

Arbeitsort  ÂArbeitsstätte  ÂArbeitsstelle  ÂBeschäftigungsstelle  ÂOrt  der  Beschäftigung  
Weitere Ergebnisse für dotiert Synonym nachschlagen

Englische paid Synonyme

paid  acquitted  chartered  discharged  employed  expended  hired  hireling  leased  let  liquidated  mercenary  paid in full  postpaid  prepaid  receipted  remitted  rented  salaried  settled  spent  subleased  sublet  waged  

dotiert {adj} (Arbeitsstelle) Definition

(n.) Same as King-post.
Ex post facto
() Alt. of Ex postfacto
(adv.) In a high manner, or to a high degree
(n.) A member of a common form of truss, as a roof truss. It is strictly a tie, intended to prevent the sagging of the tiebeam in the middle. If there are struts, supporting the main rafters, they often bear upon the foot of the king-post. Called also crown-post.
(n.) A post (generally a pillar of iron) supporting a lamp or lantern for lighting a street, park, etc.
(a.) Continued a month, or a performed in a month
(a.) Done, happening, payable, published, etc., once a month, or every month
(n.) A publication which appears regularly once a month.
(adv.) Once a month
(adv.) As if under the influence of the moon
(imp., p. p., & a.) Receiving pay
(imp., p. p., & a.) Satisfied
(imp. & p. p.) of Pay
(n.) The state of being posited, or placed
(n.) The spot where a person or thing is placed or takes a place
(n.) Hence: The ground which any one takes in an argument or controversy
(n.) Relative place or standing
(n.) A method of solving a problem by one or two suppositions
(v. t.) To indicate the position of
() A prefix signifying behind, back, after
(a.) Hired to do what is wrong
(n.) A piece of timber, metal, or other solid substance, fixed, or to be fixed, firmly in an upright position, especially when intended as a stay or support to something else
(n.) The doorpost of a victualer's shop or inn, on which were chalked the scores of customers
(n.) The place at which anything is stopped, placed, or fixed
(n.) A station, or one of a series of stations, established for the refreshment and accommodation of travelers on some recognized route
(n.) A military station
(n.) The piece of ground to which a sentinel's walk is limited.
(n.) A messenger who goes from station
(n.) An established conveyance for letters from one place or station to another
(n.) Haste or speed, like that of a messenger or mail carrier.
(n.) One who has charge of a station, especially of a postal station.
(n.) A station, office, or position of service, trust, or emolument
(n.) A size of printing and writing paper. See the Table under Paper.
(v. t.) To attach to a post, a wall, or other usual place of affixing public notices
(v. t.) To hold up to public blame or reproach
(v. t.) To enter (a name) on a list, as for service, promotion, or the like.
(v. t.) To assign to a station
(v. t.) To carry, as an account, from the journal to the ledger
(v. t.) To place in the care of the post
(v. t.) To inform
(v. i.) To travel with post horses
(v. i.) To rise and sink in the saddle, in accordance with the motion of the horse, esp. in trotting.
(adv.) With post horses
(n.) That part of a crustacean behind the cephalothorax
(n.) A captain of a war vessel whose name appeared, or was "posted," in the seniority list of the British navy, as distinguished from a commander whose name was not so posted. The term was also used in the United States navy
(n.) A subsequent disseizin committed by one of lands which the disseizee had before recovered of the same disseizor
(n.) A person who disseizes another of lands which the disseizee had before recovered of the same disseizor.
(n.) A duty paid to the king by the cognizee in a fine of lands, when the same was fully passed
(a.) After death
Post note
() A note issued by a bank, payable at some future specified time, as distinguished from a note payable on demand.

paid (post) / a highly-paid well-paid job / The monthly salary for the position is EUR 3 000. Bedeutung

position the act of positing, an assumption taken as a postulate or axiom
postmortem examination
post-mortem examination
an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease
post the delivery and collection of letters and packages, it came by the first post, if you hurry you'll catch the post
pay cut
salary cut
the act of reducing a salary
post office a children's game in which kisses are exchanged for pretended letters
position post
office spot billet
a job in an organization, he occupied a post in the treasury
position place lieu
the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another, can you go in my stead?, took his place, in lieu of
position (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player, what position does he play?
location locating
the act of putting something in a certain place
powder-post termite
Cryptotermes brevis
extremely destructive dry-wood termite of warm regions
post horse
a horse kept at an inn or post house for use by mail carriers or for rent to travelers
command post
general headquarters
military headquarters from which a military commander controls and organizes the forces
corner post a square post supporting a structural member at the corner of a building
country store
general store
trading post
a retail store serving a sparsely populated region, usually stocked with a wide variety of merchandise
drug cocktail
highly active antiretroviral therapy
a combination of protease inhibitors taken with reverse transcriptase inhibitors, used in treating AIDS and HIV
hinging post
swinging post
the gatepost on which the gate is hung
hitching post a fixed post with a ring to which a horse can be hitched to prevent it from straying
king post post connecting the crossbeam to the apex of a triangular truss
military post
military installation at which a body of troops is stationed, this military post provides an important source of income for the town nearby, there is an officer's club on the post
newel post
the post at the top or bottom of a flight of stairs, it supports the handrail
post an upright consisting of a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position, he set a row of posts in the ground and strung barbwire between them
post and lintel a structure consisting of vertical beams (posts) supporting a horizontal beam (lintel)
post chaise closed horse-drawn carriage with four wheels, formerly used to transport passengers and mail
post exchange
a commissary on a United States Army post
post hole
a hole dug in the ground to hold a fence post
posthole digger
post-hole digger
a shovel used to sink postholes
post horn wind instrument used by postilions of the th and th centuries
post house
an inn for exchanging post horses and accommodating riders
Post-Office box
PO Box
call box letter box
a numbered compartment in a post office where mail is put to be called for
post road a road over which mail is carried
queen post vertical tie post in a roof truss
shutting post the gatepost against which the gate closes
telephone pole
telegraph pole
telegraph post
tall pole supporting telephone wires
whipping post post formerly used in public to which offenders are tied to be whipped
spatial relation
the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated, the position of the hands on the clock, he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage
position posture
the arrangement of the body and its limbs, he assumed an attitude of surrender
ballet position classical position of the body and especially the feet in ballet
lithotomy position a position lying on your back with knees bent and thighs apart, assumed for vaginal or rectal examination
lotus position a sitting position with the legs crossed, used in yoga
missionary position a position for sexual intercourse, a man and woman lie facing each other with the man on top, soalled because missionaries thought it the proper position for primitive peoples
rise wage hike
wage increase
salary increase
the amount a salary is increased, he got a % raise, he got a wage hike
superiority favorable position
favourable position
the quality of being at a competitive advantage
inferiority unfavorable position the quality of being a competitive disadvantage
post hoc
post hoc ergo propter hoc
the logical fallacy of believing that temporal succession implies a causal relation
position stance
a rationalized mental attitude
view perspective
a way of regarding situations or topics etc., consider what follows from the positivist view
Post-It brand name for a slip of notepaper that has an adhesive that allows it to stick to a surface and be removed without damaging the surface
mail service
postal service
the system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office, the mail handles billions of items every day, he works for the United States mail service, in England they call mail `the post'
parcel post postal service that handles packages
place position an item on a list or in a sequence, in the second place, moved from third to fifth position
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