
fahren Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

drive (irr.)
to drive
Bob fahren
to bob; to bobsled
Ski fahren
Bob fahren
to bob, to bobsled
Fahren n
rasch fahren
to speed (sped,sped)
gehen, fahren
gehen, fahren
go (ir.)
platt fahren
running flat
Bob fahren v
to bob; to bobsled
Slalom fahren
to drive a zigzag course
fahren; reiten
reiten, fahren
ride (irr.)
Fahrrad fahren
to ride by bicycle
Fahrrad fahren
to ride a bicycle
langsam fahren
drive slowly
langsam fahren
drive slow
Schlitten fahren
Langsam fahren!
Drive slowly!
mit dem Bus fahren
go by bus
mit dem Zug fahren
go by train
Wohin fahren Sie ?
where are you bound for ?
mit dem Zug fahren
to go by train
mit dem Bus fahren
to go by bus
Langsamer fahren!
Slow down!
Wohin fahren Sie?
Where are you bound for?
mit dem Auto fahren
travel ba car
mit dem Auto fahren
to travel by car
mit der Bahn fahren
to go by train
aus der Haut fahren
to fly off the handle
mit dem Auto fahren
go by car
mit dem Wagen fahren
go by car
(mit dem Rad) fahren
fahren, reiten, Ritt
mit der U-Bahn fahren
go by tube
Fahren Sie nach links
make a left turn
Fahren n ohne Luft
running flat
rücksichtsloses Fahren
reckless driving
Fahren Sie langsamer!
Slow down!
untertourig fahren v
to drive with low revs; to drive at low revs
Fahren Sie nach links!
Make a left turn!
über den Bordstein fahren
to mount the kerb Br.; to mount the curb Am.
Dampfer fahren regelmäßig
steamers ply
(ein Auto) kaputt fahren
to pile (a car)
mit Bleifuß fahren ugs.
to drive with one's foot down to the floor
Taxi fahren v transp.
to hack Am. coll.
anhalten; zur Seite fahren
to pull over
Tandem n
Tandem fahren
tandem; tandem bicycle
to ride tandem
mit der Kutsche fahren v
to ride in a horse-drawn carriage; to ride in a horse-drawn coach
mit dem Auto (vorbei)fahren
to motor (by) Br. obs.
staken; im Stechkahn fahren
to punt
Fahrgeld, Fahrpreis, fahren
Fahren n auf Sicht auto
drive on sight
Tandem n
Tandem fahren
tandem, tandem bicycle
to ride tandem
anhalten, zur Seite fahren
to pull over
(mit dem Zug) schwarz fahren
to dodge (train) fares
staken, im Stechkahn fahren
to punt
Fahren Sie etwas rückwärts!
Back up a little!
mit Bleifuß fahren v ugs.
to drive with one's foot down to the floor
Vollgas n
Vollgas fahren
full throttle
to drive flat out
fahren v (Kessel) mach.
to operate
zweispuriges Fahren n (Bahn)
double-tracked running; mixed-gauge running (railway)
auf Reserve fahren v auto
to run on fumes
Bahn f
mit der Bahn fahren
to travel by rail
langsamer fahren, verlangsamen
slow down
mit dem Schneemobil fahren v
to snowmobile
anhalten; zur Seite fahren v
to pull over
in Urlaub fahren, Ferien machen
go on holiday
staken; im Stechkahn fahren v
to punt
Kutsche fahren; kutschieren v
to drive a horse-drawn carriage; to drive a horse-drawn coach
(mit dem Zug) schwarz fahren v
to dodge (train) fares
in Spitzkehren fahren v (Bahn)
to switch back (railway)
platt fahren v
platt fahrend
to run flat
running flat
in Spitzkehren fahren (Bahn) v
to switch back (railway)
Snowboarden n; Snowboard fahren
Schiffe fahren von Bremerhaven ab
ships sail from Bremerhaven
fahren Sie etwas nach rueckwaerts
back up a little
Snowboarden n, Snowboard fahren
Er hätte schneller fahren müssen.
He should have driven faster.
mit jdm. um die Wette laufen fahren
to race with sb.; to have a race with sb.
Skateboarden n; Skateboard fahren
Skateboarden n, Skateboard fahren
Fahren n mit hoher Geschwindigkeit
high speed driving
in Schlangenlinien fahren v auto
to weave (from side to side on the roadway)
Es ist zum Aus-der-Haut-Fahren, dass …
It's enough to drive you up the wall that …
mit jdm. um die Wette laufen fahren v
to race with sb.; to have a race with sb.
im Zickzack laufen, im Zickzack fahren
to zigzag
Es ist zum Aus-der-Haut-Fahren dass ...
It's enough to drive you up the wall that ...
Es ist zum Aus-der-Haut-Fahren, dass ...
It's enough to drive you up the wall that ...
Snowboarden n; Snowboard fahren sport
Fahren n
Fahren n auf der Autobahn
motorway driving
Wakeboard n sport
Wakeboard fahren
schwarzfahren; ohne Fahrschein fahren v
to dodge the fare; to dodge paying one's fare; to travel without buying a ticket
Boot fahren
Boot fahrend
Boot gefahren
to boat
etw. fahren gelassen; fahrengelassen alt
to let sth. go
Bus m
Busse pl
mit dem Bus fahren
to go by bus
etw. fahren gelassen, fahrengelassen alt
to let sth. go
Knarrende Wagen fahren am längsten. Sprw.
A creaking door hangs longest. prov.
Vollgas n
Vollgas fahren
Vollgas geben
full throttle
to drive flat out
to accellerate fully; to put the pedal to the metal
(gezogener) Schlitten m
Schlitten fahren
sleigh; sled Am.
to sleigh; to sled
schwarzfahren; ohne Führerschein fahren v
to drive without a licence license
Kanu n
Kanus pl
Kanu fahren; paddeln
to canoe
Kanu n
Kanus pl
Kanu fahren, paddeln
to canoe
(Auto) zu Schrott fahren, schrottreif fahren
to write off, to total Am.
Standlicht n auto
mit Standlicht fahren
sidelights; parking light
to drive on sidelights
Standlicht n auto
mit Standlicht fahren
sidelights Br.; parking lights (sidelight)
to drive on sidelights
Ballon m
Ballone pl
im Ballon fahren
to balloon
Kajak fahren
Kajak fahrend
Kajak gefahren
to kayak
Boot fahren v
Boot fahrend
Boot gefahren
to boat
Standlicht n auto
mit Standlicht fahren
sidelights, parking light
to drive on sidelights
Antrieb, fahren, Steuerung, Aussteuerung, steuern
Kajak fahren f
Kajak fahrend
Kajak gefahren
to kayak
Abblendlicht n auto
mit Abblendlicht fahren
dimmed headlights Am., dipped headlights Br.
to drive on dipped headlights, to drive on dimmed headlights
Karussell n
Karussells pl
Karussell fahren
merry-go-round, whirligig, roundabout Br., carousel Am.
merry-go-rounds, whirligigs, roundabouts, carousels
to have a ride on the merry-go-round
zu schnell laufen mach.; zu schnell fahren auto
to overspeed
Schuss m; Schussfahrt f (Ski)
Schuss fahren (Ski)
to schuss
Snowboard n (Schneebrett) sport
Snowboard fahren
to snowboard
Schuss m, Schussfahrt f (Ski)
Schuss fahren (Ski)
to schuss
zu schnell laufen mach.; zu schnell fahren auto v
to overspeed
Picknick n
ein Picknick machen
zum Picknick fahren
to have a picnic
to go for a picnic
ab prp; +Dat. (räumlich)
ab Werk
ab Dresden fahren
ex; from
ex works
to go from Dresden
Programm n
Programme pl
ein neues Programm fahren
program; programme Br.
programs; programmes
to start launch a new program
ab prp, +Dativ (räumlich)
ab Werk
ab Dresden fahren
ex, from
ex works
to go from Dresden
Bahn f
mit der Bahn fahren
mit der Bahn verschicken
to travel by rail
to rail
Schlitten fahren
Schlitten fahrend
Schlitten gefahren
to sled, to sledge, to sleigh
Er hat einen Strafzettel für zu schnelles Fahren bekommen.
He was fined for speeding.
fahren v (mit etw.) (als Mitfahrer)
to go (by sth.)
umfahren; herum fahren
to drive round
driving round
driven round
drives round
drove round
umfahren, herum fahren
to drive round
driving round
driven round
drives round
drove round
durchgehend; durchgängig adj; Nonstop…
ohne Aufenthalt fahren
non-stop; nonstop
to go non-stop
Taxi n, Taxe f
Taxis pl, Taxen pl
mit dem Taxi fahren
taxi, taxicab, cab
taxicabs, cabs
to go by taxi, to taxi
Kurzschwünge fahren; kurzschwingen; wedeln v (Skifahren) sport
to short-swing; to wedel (skiing)
Wasserski m; Wasserschi m
Wasserskier pl
Wasserski fahren
to waterski
durchgehend; durchgängig adj; Nonstop...
ohne Aufenthalt fahren
non-stop; nonstop
to go non-stop
Wasserski m, Wasserschi m
Wasserskier pl
Wasserski fahren
to waterski
(durchgehend) auf den Kanten fahren; carven v (Skifahren) sport
to carve your skis on their edges; to carve (skiing)
sportlich adv
ein Auto sportlich fahren
Kritik sportlich nehmen
to drive a car sportively
to take criticism sportively
in Freilauf fahren v
in Freilauf fahrend
in Freilauf gefahren
to coast
einen Slalomkurs fahren fliegen usw.; Slalom fahren fliegen usw. v
to slalom
Autobus m; Bus m
Autobusse pl; Busse pl
mit dem Bus fahren
buses; busses Am.
to go by bus
rückwärts fahren v auto
rückwärts fahrend
rückwärts gefahren
to reverse
Wildwasserboot fahren
Wildwasserboot fahrend
Wildwasserboot gefahren
to raft
Reisegeschwindigkeit f
mit Reisegeschwindigkeit fliegen oder fahren
cruising speed
to cruise
Auto fahren v
mit dem Auto vorbeifahren
to motor
to motor along
to motor on Br.
to motor by Br. obs.
Geleit n, Konvoi m
unter Geleitschutz
im Konvoi
im Konvoi fahren
under convoy
in convoy
to drive in convoy
Wildwasserboot fahren v
Wildwasserboot fahrend
Wildwasserboot gefahren
to raft

Deutsche fahren Synonyme

Fahrrad  fahren  Âin  die  Pedale  treten  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂRad  fahren  Âradeln  ÂVelo  fahren  (schweiz.)  
Bahn  fahren  ÂZug  fahren  ÂZug  reisen  
im  Stechkahn  fahren  Âstaken  
Schi  fahren  ÂSchi  laufen  ÂSki  fahren  ÂSki  laufen  
Ferien  machen  Âin  Urlaub  fahren  
aufbrechen  Âfahren  Âgehen  Âreisen  Âsich  auf  den  Weg  machen  
den  Daumen  heraushalten  Âmitfahren  Âper  Anhalter  fahren  Âtrampen  
drumherum  fahren  Âeinen  Bogen  machen  (um)  (umgangssprachlich)  Âumfahren  
Inline-skaten  Âinlinen  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂInlineskaten  ÂRollschuh  fahren  
brausen  Âbrettern  (umgangssprachlich)  Âfegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Ârasen  Âschnell  fahren  
fahren  Âgondeln  (umgangssprachlich)  Âkutschieren  (umgangssprachlich)  Âpendeln  (zwischen)  Âverkehren  
dazwischen  fahren  Âdazwischen  gehen  Âdazwischen  hauen  Âdazwischen  kommen  
Bahn fahren  Zug fahren  Zug reisen  
Fahrrad fahren  Rad fahren  radeln  Velo fahren (schweiz.)  
Schi fahren  Schi laufen  Ski fahren  Ski laufen  
dazwischen fahren  dazwischen gehen  dazwischen hauen  dazwischen kommen  
drumherum fahren  einen Bogen machen (um) (umgangssprachlich)  umfahren  
fahren  gondeln (umgangssprachlich)  kutschieren (umgangssprachlich)  pendeln (zwischen)  verkehren  
im Stechkahn fahren  staken  
Weitere Ergebnisse für fahren Synonym nachschlagen

Englische drive Synonyme

drive  Autobahn  Sunday drive  US highway  acceleration  activity  actuate  advance  advance against  advance upon  adventuresomeness  adventurousness  aggravated assault  aggression  aggressiveness  airing  alley  alleyway  allude to  ambition  ambitiousness  amperage  amphibious attack  angle  animate  appeal  appliance  approach  ardor  armed assault  armipotence  army  arterial  arterial highway  arterial street  artery  assailing  assailment  assault  attack  authority  auto  automatic response  autoroute  autostrada  avenue  bait the hook  bang  banzai attack  barnstorm  be responsible for  bear  bear down upon  bear off  bear upon  beat  beef  belt highway  beset  bicycle  bike  bind  bite  bitingness  black power  blind alley  blind impulse  blitz  blitzkrieg  bob  boost  bore  boulevard  bowl  brain wave  brainstorm  breakthrough  brute force  buck  bull  bulldoze  bump  bump against  bunch  bunt  burden  burrow  burst  bus  bustle  busy  butt  butt against  bypass  byway  cage  camino real  campaign  carriageway  carry on  carry out  carry through  catch a train  cause  cause to  causeway  causey  charge  charioteer  charisma  chase  chauffeur  chaussee  circumferential  clam  close  clout  coerce  cogence  cogency  colony  commitment  compel  compulsion  concupiscence  conduct  constrain  constraint  control  convenience  copilot  corduroy road  corral  counterattack  counteroffensive  county road  coup de main  course  court  cram  crescent  crippling attack  crowd  crusade  cul-de-sac  curiosity  cuttingness  cycle  dap  dash  dead set at  dead-end street  deal with  delve  demand  descent on  desideration  desire  determination  dib  dibble  dig  dig out  dike  dint  direct  dirt road  dive  diversion  diversionary attack  dog  dredge  drift  drift off course  drill  drive at  drive on  driveway  driving force  drove  duress  dynamism  eagerness  effect  effectiveness  effectuality  effort  egg  elbow  energy  enforce  engine  enginery  enterprise  ent  
drive away  attenuate  beat back  blow off  brush off  cast forth  chase  chase away  chase off  clear away  cut  dilute  dismiss  dispel  dissipate  dissolve  drive back  evaporate  fend off  hold off  keep off  pack off  push back  put back  rebuff  refuse  repel  repulse  send away  send off  send packing  snub  spurn  thin  thin out  thrust back  turn back  volatilize  ward off  
drive back  beat back  beat off  block  brush off  chase  chase away  chase off  check  counter  cut  dismiss  drive away  fend  fend off  hinder  hold at bay  hold off  keep at bay  keep off  obstruct  pack off  parry  push back  put back  rebuff  refuse  repel  repulse  send away  send off  send packing  snub  spurn  stave off  stop  thrust back  turn aside  turn back  ward off  
drive in  automat  beanery  bistro  buffet  buvette  cafe  cafeteria  canteen  cantina  chophouse  chuck wagon  cinema  cinematograph  coffee shop  coffeehouse  coffeeroom  cookhouse  cookshack  cookshop  cram in  crowd in  diner  dining hall  dining room  dog wagon  drive-in restaurant  eatery  eating house  fast-food chain  force in  grill  grillroom  hamburger stand  hash house  hashery  hot-dog stand  impact  jam in  kinematograph  kitchen  knock in  lunch counter  lunch wagon  luncheonette  lunchroom  mess hall  movie theater  moving-picture theater  nickelodeon  pack in  picture house  picture palace  pizzeria  plunge in  poke in  pound in  press in  push in  quick-lunch counter  ram in  restaurant  run in  smorgasbord  snack bar  squeeze in  stuff in  tamp in  tavern  tearoom  thrust in  trattoria  wedge in  
drive on  accelerate  actuate  animate  bundle  bustle  cheer on  compel  crowd  dispatch  drive  egg on  expedite  forge ahead  forward  give an impetus  give momentum  go ahead  go all out  go slow  goad  goad on  haste  hasten  hasten on  hie on  hound on  hurry  hurry along  hurry on  hurry up  hustle  hustle up  impel  inch forward  incite  make things hum  motivate  move  muddle through  power  precipitate  press  press forward  press on  propel  push  push forward  push on  push through  put in motion  quicken  railroad through  root on  rush  rush along  scramble  set agoing  set going  set in motion  shoot ahead  speed  speed along  speed on  speed up  spur  spur on  stampede  step lively  thrust  urge  urge on  whip  whip along  whip on  
drive up the wall  aggravate  annoy  badger  bait  be at  bedevil  beset  bother  bristle  brown off  bug  bullyrag  burn up  chivy  devil  discompose  distemper  disturb  dog  exasperate  exercise  fash  get  gripe  harass  harry  heckle  hector  hound  irk  miff  molest  nag  needle  nettle  nudzh  peeve  persecute  pester  pick on  pique  plague  pluck the beard  pother  provoke  ride  rile  roil  ruffle  tease  torment  try the patience  tweak the nose  vex  worry  
drivel  Greek  absurdity  amphigory  babble  babblement  balderdash  balls  baloney  be insane  be stupid  bibble-babble  blabber  blather  blatherskite  blither  blow  blunder away  bombast  bosh  bull  bullshit  burble  cast away  chatter  claptrap  consume  crap  dither  dote  double-talk  dribble  drool  expectorate  expectoration  eyewash  fiddle-faddle  fiddledeedee  flapdoodle  flummery  foam  folderol  fritter  froth  fudge  fustian  gab  gabble  galimatias  gammon  garbage  gas  gibber  gibberish  gibble-gabble  gobbledygook  have a demon  hawk  hocus-pocus  hogwash  hooey  hot air  humbug  jabber  jabberwocky  jargon  malarkey  maunder  mouth-watering  mumbo jumbo  narrishkeit  niaiserie  nonsense  pack of nonsense  palaver  piffle  prate  prattle  ptyalism  rage  ramble  rant  rattle  rave  rigamarole  rigmarole  rodomontade  rubbish  run amok  run mad  saliva  salivate  salivation  sialagogue  skimble-skamble  slabber  slaver  slobber  spew  spit  spittle  sputum  squander  stuff and nonsense  stultiloquence  talk nonsense  throw away  trash  trifle away  tripe  trumpery  twaddle  twattle  twiddle-twaddle  vapor  vaporing  waffle  waffling  wander  
driver  Jehu  Simon Legree  Sunday driver  absolute monarch  absolute ruler  agent  airscrew  all-powerful ruler  arrogator  autarch  autocrat  backseat driver  boy  bullwhacker  bus driver  busman  butler  cabby  cabdriver  cabman  caesar  cameleer  carter  cartman  charioteer  chauffeur  coachman  coachy  cocher  cochero  commissar  conductor  czar  despot  dictator  disciplinarian  drayman  duce  elephant driver  engineer  equerry  fan  functionary  gardener  gentleman  gharry-wallah  gillie  hack  hackdriver  hackman  hacky  handler  hard master  harness racer  hit-and-run driver  houseboy  houseman  impeller  jitney driver  joyrider  lord-in-waiting  mahout  man  manipulator  manservant  martinet  motorist  mule skinner  muleteer  oligarch  operant  operative  operator  oppressor  paddle wheel  pharaoh  pilot  piston  prop  propellant  propeller  propulsor  reinsman  road hog  rotor  runner  screw  screw propeller  skinner  slave driver  speeder  stage coachman  steersman  stickler  taxidriver  teamster  truck driver  trucker  truckman  turbine  twin screws  tyrant  usurper  valet  valet de chambre  vetturino  voiturier  wagoner  wagonman  warlord  wheel  whip  
driveway  Autobahn  US highway  alley  alleyway  arterial  arterial highway  arterial street  artery  autoroute  autostrada  avenue  belt highway  blind alley  boulevard  bypass  byway  camino real  carriageway  causeway  causey  chaussee  circumferential  close  corduroy road  county road  court  crescent  cul-de-sac  dead-end street  dike  dirt road  drive  expressway  freeway  gravel road  highroad  highway  highways and byways  interstate highway  lane  local road  main drag  main road  mews  motorway  parkway  pave  paved road  pike  place  plank road  primary highway  private road  right-of-way  ring road  road  roadbed  roadway  route nationale  row  royal road  secondary road  speedway  state highway  street  superhighway  terrace  thoroughfare  through street  thruway  toll road  township road  turnpike  wynd  

fahren Definition

(v. t.) To impel or urge onward by force in a direction away from one, or along before one
(v. t.) To urge on and direct the motions of, as the beasts which draw a vehicle, or the vehicle borne by them
(v. t.) To urge, impel, or hurry forward
(v. t.) To carry or
(v. t.) To clear, by forcing away what is contained.
(v. t.) To dig Horizontally
(v. t.) To pass away
(v. i.) To rush and press with violence
(v. i.) To be forced along
(v. i.) To go by carriage
(v. i.) To press forward
(v. i.) To distrain for rent.
(p. p.) Driven.
(n.) The act of driving
(n.) A place suitable or agreeable for driving
(n.) Violent or rapid motion
(n.) In type founding and forging, an impression or matrix, formed by a punch drift.
(n.) A collection of objects that are driven
(adv.) With full speed.

drive Bedeutung

drive thrust
driving force
the act of applying force to propel something, after reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off
line drive
(baseball) a hit that flies straight out from the batter, the batter hit a liner to the shortstop
line-drive single
line single
a single resulting from a line drive
line-drive double
line double
a double resulting from a line drive
line-drive triple
line triple
a triple resulting from a line drive
drive-by killing homicide committed by shooting from a moving automobile
drive-by shooting shooting someone from a car as it is driven past the victim
a journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile), he took the family for a drive in his new car
cattle drive driving a bovine herd (as cows or bulls or steers)
drive the act of driving a herd of animals overland
drive (sports) a hard straight return (as in tennis or squash)
forehand drive (sports) hard straight return made on the forehand side (as in tennis or badminton or squash)
backhand drive a hard straight return made on the backhand side
drive driving hitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver, he sliced his drive out of bounds
campaign cause crusade
drive movement effort
a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end, he supported populist campaigns, they worked in the cause of world peace, the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant, the movement to end slavery, contributed to the war effort
fundaising campaign
fundaising drive
fundaising effort
a campaign to raise money for some cause
automatic transmission
automatic drive
a transmission that automatically changes the gears according to the speed of the car
CD drive a drive that reads a compact disc and that is connected to an audio system
CD-ROM drive a drive that is connected to a computer and on which a CD-ROM can be `played'
disk drive
disc drive
hard drive
Winchester drive
computer hardware that holds and spins a magnetic or optical disk and reads and writes information on it
a wide scenic road planted with trees, the riverside drive offers many exciting scenic views
drive a mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machine, a variable speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds
drive (computer science) a device that writes data onto or reads data from a storage medium
drive-in any installation designed to accommodate patrons in their automobiles
drive line
drive line system
mechanism that transmits power from the engine to the driving wheels of a motor vehicle
drive private road
a road leading up to a private house, they parked in the driveway
external drive a drive with its own power supply and fan mounted outside the computer system enclosure and connected to the computer by a cable
fluid drive an automotive power coupling
four-wheel drive
a transmission that provides power directly to all four wheels of a motor vehicle
four-wheel drive WD a motor vehicle with a four-wheel drive transmission system
fusee drive
a spirally grooved spindle in a clock that counteracts the diminishing power of the uncoiling mainspring
internal drive a drive mounted inside of a computer
tape drive
tape transport
a mechanism that transports magnetic tape across the read
heads of a tape playback
drive the trait of being highly motivated, his drive and energy exhausted his co-workers
test drive test of the roadworthiness of a vehicle one is considering buying
whist drive a progressive whist party
car rental
hire car
a rented car, she picked up a hire car at the airport and drove to her hotel
drive a physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire
sex drive a physiological need for sexual activity, testosterone is responsible for the male sex drive
expectorate clear out drive out clear out the chest and lungs, This drug expectorates quickly
drive home
ram home
press home
make clear by special emphasis and try to convince somebody of something, drive home a point or an argument, I'm trying to drive home these basic ideas
get aim
move into a desired direction of discourse, What are you driving at?
drive in cause a run or runner to be scored, His line double drove in Jim Lemon with the winning run
fight off
drive back
force or drive back, repel the attacker, fight off the onslaught, rebuff the attack
loose off
let fly
let drive
fire as from a gun, The soldiers let drive their bullets
drive hunting: chase from cover into more open ground, drive the game
drive hunting: search for game, drive the forest
drive cause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controlling, The amplifier drives the tube, steam drives the engines, this device drives the disks for the computer
drive excavate horizontally, drive a tunnel
screw drive in cause to penetrate, as with a circular motion, drive in screws or bolts
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