
ideale Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

ideale Verteilung
ideal distribution
hoch; hochgesteckt; hochfliegend; hehr poet. adj
hohe Ideale
hochgesteckte Ziele; hehre Ziele
hochfliegende Pläne
lofty fig. (of an elevated nature)
lofty ideals
lofty goals
lofty plans
Lösung f chem.
Chlorkalklösung f
Elektrolytlösung f
Kaliumpolyiodid-Lösung f; Iod-Kaliumiodid-Lösung f; Iod-Iod-Kaliumlösung f
äquimolare Lösung
ideale Lösung
wässrige Lösung
solution soltn
solution of chlorinated lime
solution of electrolytes
solution of iodine and potassium iodide
equimolecular solution
ideal solution
aqueous solution
wenn auch; wiewohl geh. conj
Er nahm diese Arbeit wenn auch zögernd an.
Es war eine ansprechende wenn auch nicht unbedingt ideale Aufführung.
Der Abend verlief sehr angenehm wenn auch etwas ruhig.
Er verfolgte eine Sozialpolitik wenn auch ohne großen Erfolg.
albeit; if
He accepted the job albeit with some hesitation.
It was an enjoyable performance if less than ideal.
The evening was very pleasant albeit a little quiet.
He sought if without much success a social policy.
wenn auch; wiewohl geh. conj
Er nahm diese Arbeit, wenn auch zögernd, an.
Es war eine ansprechende, wenn auch nicht unbedingt ideale Aufführung.
Der Abend verlief sehr angenehm, wenn auch etwas ruhig.
Er verfolgte eine Sozialpolitik, wenn auch ohne großen Erfolg.
albeit; if
He accepted the job, albeit with some hesitation.
It was an enjoyable performance, if less than ideal.
The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet.
He sought, if without much success, a social policy.
auf etw. kommen; auf etw. stoßen v; etw. finden; etw. entdecken übtr.
auf kommend; auf stoßend; findend; entdeckend
auf gekommen; auf gestoßen; gefunden; entdeckt
auf die Idee verfallen, etw. zu tun
als er auf die Originalfassung stieß
wenn man einmal die ideale Form gefunden hat
to hit on upon sth. fig.
hitting on upon
hit on upon
to hit upon the idea of doing sth.
when he hit upon the original version
once you hit upon the perfect design
sich festsetzen v; haften bleiben v; einen Platz finden übtr.
an einem Ort heimisch werden, einen festen Platz finden soc.
Dieser Gedanke hatte sich in meinem Kopf festgesetzt.
Es dauerte Jahrzehnte bis die demokratischen Ideale einen festen Platz in diesem Teil der Welt bekamen.
to take root fig.
to take root in a place
The idea had taken root in my mind.
It took decades for democratic ideals to take root in that part of the world.
Lösung f chem.
Anfärbelösung f
Arzneimittellösung f
Ätzlösung f
Chlorkalklösung f
Elektrolytlösung f
Kaliumpolyiodid-Lösung f; Iod-Kaliumiodid-Lösung f; Iod-Iod-Kaliumlösung f
Prüflösung f; Analysenlösung f
Zuckerlösung f
äquimolare Lösung
ideale Lösung
Lösung im Gleichgewicht
solution soltn
staining solution
drug solution
etching solution
solution of chlorinated lime
solution of electrolytes
solution of iodine and potassium iodide
test solution; analytical solution
sugar solution
equimolecular solution
ideal solution
balanced solution
Rahmen m (äußeres Gepräge)
in kleinem Rahmen; im kleinen Rahmen
eine Aufführung in kleinem Rahmen
in kleinem Rahmen im kleinen Rahmen stattfinden
Es war der ideale Rahmen für diese Ausstellung.
Die Insel bot einen idyllischen Rahmen für das Konzert.
Meine Hochzeit fand im kleinen Rahmen nur im engsten Familienkreis statt.
on a small smaller scale; in a small smaller setting
a performance on a smaller scale in a smaller setting
to be a small-scale affair
It was the perfect setting for this exhibition.
The island provided an idyllic setting for the concert.
My wedding was a small-scale affair, attended only by close family.
Rahmen m (äußeres Gepräge)
in kleinem Rahmen; im kleinen Rahmen
eine Aufführung in kleinem Rahmen
in kleinem Rahmen im kleinen Rahmen stattfinden
Es war der ideale Rahmen für diese Ausstellung.
Die Insel bot einen idyllischen Rahmen für das Konzert.
Meine Hochzeit fand im kleinen Rahmen nur im engsten Familienkreis statt.
on a small smaller scale; in a small smaller setting
a performance on a smaller scale in a smaller setting
to be a small-scale affair
It was the perfect setting for this exhibition.
The island provided an idyllic setting for the concert.
My wedding was a small-scale affair attended only by close family.
jdn. an jdn. verraten; eine Sache verraten; an etw. Verrat begehen
verratend; an Verrat begehend
verraten; Verrat begangen
er sie verrät
ich er sie verriet
er sie hat hatte verraten
Staatsgeheimnisse verraten
sein Land verraten
seine Überzeugungen Grundsätze Ideale verraten
die Sache der Arbeiterbewegung verraten
ein Doppelagent der dutzende französische Geheimdienstler an die Nazis verriet
to betray sb. to sb.; to betray sth.; to give away sth.
betraying; giving away
betrayed; given away
he she betrays
I he she betrayed
he she has had betrayed
to betray give away state secrets
to betray your country
to betray your beliefs principles ideals
to betray the cause of labour
a double agent who betrayed dozens of French agents to the Nazis
jdn. an jdn. verraten; eine Sache verraten; an etw. Verrat begehen v
verratend; an Verrat begehend
verraten; Verrat begangen
er sie verrät
ich er sie verriet
er sie hat hatte verraten
Staatsgeheimnisse verraten
sein Land verraten
seine Überzeugungen Grundsätze Ideale verraten
die Sache der Arbeiterbewegung verraten
ein Doppelagent, der dutzende französische Geheimdienstler an die Nazis verriet
to betray sb. to sb.; to betray sth.; to give away sth.
betraying; giving away
betrayed; given away
he she betrays
I he she betrayed
he she has had betrayed
to betray give away state secrets
to betray your country
to betray your beliefs principles ideals
to betray the cause of labour
a double agent who betrayed dozens of French agents to the Nazis
jdn. mit einer Rolle besetzen, jdn. für eine Rolle engagieren v art
die männliche weibliche Hauptrolle mit jdm. besetzen
die Hauptrollen mit Laiendarstellern besetzen
jdn. als jugendlichen Liebhaber besetzen
einen Schauspieler gegen sein Rollenklischee besetzen
jdn. als Partner eines Stars engagieren
für die Actionszenen Stuntmen engagieren
Sie war die ideale Besetzung Idealbesetzung für die Rolle der skupellosen Chefin eines Skandalblatts.
to cast sb. in a role part; to cast sb. for a role part
to cast sb. in the male female lead
to cast non-professional actors in the leads
to cast sb. as juvenile lover
to cast an actor against type
to cast sb. alongside opposite a star actor
to cast stuntmen for the action scenes
She was perfectly cast as the unscrupulous head of a scandal sheet.
Wurzel f bot. übtr.
Wurzeln pl
Wurzeln ausbilden bot.
Wurzeln schlagen bot. übtr.
zurück zu den Wurzeln
an einem Ort heimisch werden einen festen Platz finden übtr.
Unkraut mit den Wurzeln ausreißen
Ulmen haben flache Wurzeln.
Kakteen haben tiefe und ausladende Wurzeln.
Dieser Gedanke hatte sich in meinem Kopf festgesetzt.
Es dauerte Jahrzehnte bis die demokratischen Ideale einen festen Platz in diesem Teil der Welt bekamen.
to grow develop produce roots
to take strike root roots
back to the roots
to take root in a place
to pull weeds up by the roots
Elm trees have shallow roots.
Cacti have deep and spreading roots.
The idea had taken root in my mind.
It took decades for democratic ideals to take root in that part of the world.
lange Hose f; Hose f textil.
Hosen pl
Baumwollhose f
Bundfaltenhose f
Caprihose f
Cargohose f; Kampfhose f
Dreiviertelhose f
Freizeithose f; Chinohose f; Chino f
Hochwasserhose f humor.
Hüfthose f; tiefgeschnittene Hose f
Keilhose f
(enganliegende) Kniebundhose f; Kniehose f
(lockere) Kniebundhose f; Kniehose f; Knickerbocker pl
Kordhose f; Cordhose f; Manchester-Hose f Nordwestdt.; Schnürlsamthose f Ös.
kurze Trachtenlederhose f; kurze Lederhose f; Lederne f Bayr. Ös. ugs.; Seppelhose f Norddt. ugs. (mit H-Trägern)
(modische) Lederhose f
Pantalons pl hist.
Pluderhose f; Pumphose f; Flatterhose f
Pluderhose f für Damen
Radlerhose f
Regenhose f; Matschhose f (bei Kindern)
Reithose f; Stiefelhose f
lange Reithose f; Jodhpur-Reithose f
Satinhose f
Schlabberhose f; schlotternde Hose f
Schlaghose f; Glockenhose f Ös.; ausgestellte Hose f
Skihose f
Skihose Schihose mit Hosenträgern; Schneehose mit Hosenträgern
Steghose f sport
Trainingshose f; Trainerhose f Schw.; Jogginghose f
wetterfeste Hose
Hose für jede Jahreszeit
eine Hose finden, die wie angegossen sitzt
die ideale Hose für Golfer
(pair of) trousers Br.; (pair of) pants Am.; trews Br. coll.; strides Br. coll.; kecks Br. coll.; daks Austr. coll.; rammies Austr. coll.; reach-me-downs dated; britches Am. coll. dated
trousers; pants
cotton trousers Br.; cotton pants Am.
pleat-front trousers Br.; pleated trousers Br. pants Am.; trousers Br. pants Am. with front pleats
Capri trousers Br.; Capri pants Am.
cargo trousers Br.; cargo pants Am.; cargoes coll.; combat trousers Br.; combat pants Am.; combats coll.
3 4 length trousers Br.; 3 4 length pants Am.
slacks; chinos; chino trousers Br.; chino pants Am.
high-water trousers Br.; high-water pants Am.; floods Am.
low-rise trousers Br.; low-rise pants Am.; hip-huggers; hipsters Br.
wedge-shaped trousers Br.; wedge pants Am.
knee breeches; breeches; britches Am. coll.
knickerbockers; knickers
corduroy trousers Br.; corduroy pants Am.
leather shorts (with H-shaped braces); lederhosen
leather trousers Br.; leather pants Am.
harem pants; yoga pants; pantaloons
cycling shorts; cycle shorts
splash trousers Br.; splash pants Am.
horse riding breeches; riding breeches; riding britches Am. coll.
jodhpur trousers Br.; jodhpur pants Am.; jodhpurs
satin trousers; satin pants
baggy trousers Br.; baggy pants Am.
bell-bottom trousers Br.; bell-bottomed trousers Br.; bell-bottomed plants Am.; bell-bottoms; flares
ski trousers Br.; ski pants Am.
ski salopettes
stirrup trousers Br.; stirrup pants Am.
tracksuit bottoms Br.; jogging bottoms Br.; sweatpants Am.; tracksuit pants Am.; jogging pants Am.
all-weather trousers; all-weather pants
all-season trousers; all-season pants
to find a pair of trousers that fit perfectly Br.
the ideal pair of pants for golfers Am.

Deutsche ideale Synonyme


Englische ideal distribution Synonyme

ideal  Arcadian  Edenic  Geistesgeschichte  Hegelian idea  Kantian idea  Platonic form  Platonic idea  Utopian  absolute  abstract  academic  acme  ambition  apotheosis  apprehension  archetypal  archetype  archetypical  armchair  aspiration  assumption  autism  autistic thinking  basis  beau ideal  belief  best type  beyond all praise  brainstorm  calling  caprice  cause  celestial  chaste  chimerical  classic  classical  complete  complex idea  conceit  concept  conception  conceptual  conclusion  conjectural  conjecture  consideration  consummate  conviction  criterion  cynosure  defectless  dereism  dereistic thinking  dream  dreamery  ego ideal  epitome  estimation  eternal object  eternal universal  example  excellent  exemplar  exemplary  fancied  fanciful  fancy  fantasy  faultless  feeling  fictitious  flawless  flight of fancy  formal cause  goal  good example  ground  guess  guiding light  guiding star  heavenly  hero  high goal  highest category  history of ideas  hypothesis  hypothetic  hypothetical  idealism  idealistic  ideality  idealization  idealized  ideals  ideate  ideational  ideatum  idee-force  ideological  idyllic  illusory  image  imaginary  imaginative exercise  imagined  immaculate  impeccable  impractical  impracticality  impression  inclination  indefectible  indefective  infallible  innate idea  inspiration  intellection  intention  irreproachable  jewel  judgment  just right  lodestar  mainspring  man of men  masterpiece  masterwork  matter  millennial  mirror  model  moot  morals  motive  mythic  mythical  nonesuch  nonpareil  noosphere  notion  notional  noumenon  opinion  paradigm  paradigmatic  paradisal  paragon  pattern  pattern of perfection  peerless  percept  perception  perfect  persuasion  phoenix  play of fancy  postulatory  precedential  presumption  principle  principles  prototypal  prototype  pure  quintessence  quintessential  quixotism  quixotry  reaching high  reaction  reason  reflection  regulative first principle  
idealism  Berkeleianism  Geistesgeschichte  Hegelian idea  Hegelianism  Kantian idea  Kantianism  Neoplatonism  Platonic form  Platonic idea  Platonism  absolute idealism  animatism  animism  archetype  aspiration  autism  autistic thinking  bigheartedness  bigness  chivalrousness  chivalry  complex idea  dereism  dereistic thinking  dream  dreamery  elevation  errantry  eternal object  eternal universal  exaltation  exemplar  flight of fancy  form  formal cause  generosity  generousness  great heart  greatheartedness  greatness  greatness of heart  heroism  high goal  high-mindedness  highest category  history of ideas  hylozoism  ideal  ideality  idealization  ideals  ideate  ideatum  idee-force  imaginative exercise  immaterialism  impracticality  innate idea  knight-errantry  knightliness  largeheartedness  liberality  liberalness  loftiness  magnanimity  magnanimousness  materialism  metaphysical idealism  model  monistic idealism  nobility  noble-mindedness  nobleness  noosphere  noumenon  openhandedness  panpsychism  pattern  percept  personalism  play of fancy  princeliness  prototype  psychism  quixotism  quixotry  reaching high  regulative first principle  romance  romanticism  simple idea  solipsism  spiritualism  subjectivism  sublimity  subsistent form  the Absolute  the Absolute Idea  the Self-determined  the realized ideal  transcendent idea  transcendent nonempirical concept  transcendent universal  transcendental  universal  universal concept  universal essence  unpracticalness  unrealism  unreality  upward looking  utopianism  visionariness  wish fulfillment  wish-fulfillment fantasy  wishful thinking  
idealist  Berkeleian  Don Quixote  Hegelian  Kantian  Neoplatonic  Neoplatonist  Neoplatonistic  Platonic  Platonist  Platonistic  Quixote  animist  animistic  daydreamer  dreamer  dreamer of dreams  enthusiast  escapist  idealistic  immaterialist  lotus-eater  panpsychist  panpsychistic  prophet  psychist  rhapsodist  romancer  romantic  romanticist  seer  solipsistic  spiritualist  spiritualistic  unrealistic  utopian  utopianist  utopianizer  visionary  wishful thinker  
idealistic  Berkeleian  Cyrenaic  Eleatic  Epicurean  Hegelian  Kantian  Megarian  Neoplatonic  Neoplatonistic  Platonic  Platonistic  Stoic  airy  animist  animistic  atomistic  autistic  big  bighearted  chivalrous  cosmotheistic  dereistic  eclectic  elevated  empirical  eudaemonistic  exalted  existential  generous  great  great of heart  greathearted  handsome  hedonic  hedonist  hedonistic  heroic  high  high-minded  humanist  humanistic  idealist  immaterialist  impractical  in the clouds  instrumentalist  knightly  largehearted  liberal  lofty  magnanimous  materialistic  mechanistic  metaphysical  monistic  naturalistic  noble  noble-minded  nominalist  openhanded  optimistic  otherworldly  panlogistical  panpsychist  panpsychistic  pantheistic  poetic  positivist  positivistic  pragmatic  pragmatist  princely  quixotic  rationalistic  realist  realistic  romancing  romantic  romanticized  scholastic  sensationalistic  solipsistic  spiritualist  spiritualistic  starry-eyed  storybook  sublime  syncretistic  theistic  transcendental  transcendentalist  transcendentalistic  transmundane  unpractical  unrealistic  utilitarian  visionary  vitalistic  voluntarist  voluntaristic  wish-fulfilling  
idealization  Prospero  airiness  appearance  autism  autistic thinking  delusiveness  dematerialization  dereism  dereistic thinking  disembodiment  dreamery  etherealization  fallaciousness  false appearance  false light  false show  falseness  flight of fancy  ideal  idealism  ideality  illusionism  illusionist  illusiveness  imaginative exercise  immateriality  immaterialization  impracticality  magic  magic act  magic show  magician  play of fancy  prestidigitation  quixotism  quixotry  romance  romanticism  seeming  semblance  show  simulacrum  sleight of hand  sorcerer  sorcery  specious appearance  spiritualization  unactuality  unpracticalness  unrealism  unreality  unsubstantiality  unsubstantialization  utopianism  visionariness  wish fulfillment  wish-fulfillment fantasy  wishful thinking  
idealize  apotheosize  deify  dematerialize  disembody  disincarnate  elevate  ennoble  etherealize  exaggerate  exalt  glorify  immaterialize  overappraise  overassess  overcalculate  overcount  overesteem  overestimate  overmeasure  overprize  overrate  overreact to  overreckon  overstate  overvalue  quixotize  rhapsodize  romance  romanticize  spiritize  spiritualize  unsubstantialize  utopianize  worship  
ideally  absolutely  at best  completely  entirely  faultlessly  flawlessly  fully  hypothetically  immaculately  impeccably  in idea  in the abstract  in theory  infallibly  just right  on paper  perfectly  purely  spotlessly  theoretically  thoroughly  totally  wholly  

ideale Definition

Beau ideal
() A conception or image of consummate beauty, moral or physical, formed in the mind, free from all the deformities, defects, and blemishes seen in actual existence
(n.) The act of distributing or dispensing
(n.) Separation into parts or classes
(n.) That which is distributed.
(n.) A resolving a whole into its parts.
(n.) The sorting of types and placing them in their proper boxes in the cases.
(n.) The steps or operations by which steam is supplied to and withdrawn from the cylinder at each stroke of the piston
(a.) Existing in idea or thought
(a.) Reaching an imaginary standard of excellence
(a.) Existing in fancy or imagination only
(a.) Teaching the doctrine of idealism
(a.) Imaginary.
(n.) A mental conception regarded as a standard of perfection

ideal distribution Bedeutung

distribution the act of distributing or spreading or apportioning
distribution the commercial activity of transporting and selling goods from a producer to a consumer
distribution channel
a way of selling a company's product either directly or via distributors, possible distribution channels are wholesalers or small retailers or retail chains or direct mailers or your own stores
the spatial or geographic property of being scattered about over a range, area, or volume, worldwide in distribution, the distribution of nerve fibers, in complementary distribution
complementary distribution
(linguistics) a distribution of related speech sounds or forms in such a way that they only appear in different contexts
statistical distribution
(statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable showing their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence
distribution law (chemistry) the total energy in an assembly of molecules is not distributed equally but is distributed around an average value according to a statistical distribution
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law
Boltzmann distribution law
(physics) a law expressing the distribution of energy among the molecules of a gas in thermal equilibrium
ideal the idea of something that is perfect, something that one hopes to attain
beau ideal
an ideal instance, a perfect embodiment of a concept
ego ideal (psychoanalysis) the part of the ego that contains an ideal of personal excellence toward which a person strives
nonparametric statistic
distribution free statistic
a statistic computed without knowledge of the form or the parameters of the distribution from which observations are drawn
frequency distribution a distribution of observed frequencies of occurrence of the values of a variable
normal distribution
Gaussian distribution
a theoretical distribution with finite mean and variance
Poisson distribution a theoretical distribution that is a good approximation to the binomial distribution when the probability is small and the number of trials is large
sample distribution
sample sampling
items selected at random from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population
binomial distribution
Bernoulli distribution
a theoretical distribution of the number of successes in a finite set of independent trials with a constant probability of success
distribution list list of names to whom a communication should be sent
distribution agreement a contract governing the marketing of an item of merchandise
Carnot cycle
Carnot's ideal cycle
a cycle (of expansion and compression) of an idealized reversible heat engine that does work without loss of heat
saint apotheosis
model of excellence or perfection of a kind, one having no equal
distribution cost any cost incurred by a producer or wholesaler or retailer or distributor (as for advertising and shipping etc)
regular polyhedron
regular convex solid
regular convex polyhedron
Platonic body
Platonic solid
ideal solid
any one of five solids whose faces are congruent regular polygons and whose polyhedral angles are all congruent
ideal gas
perfect gas
a hypothetical gas with molecules of negligible size that exert no intermolecular forces
ideal constituting or existing only in the form of an idea or mental image or conception, a poem or essay may be typical of its period in idea or ideal content
ideal conforming to an ultimate standard of perfection or excellence, embodying an ideal
of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of the reality of ideas
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