
index gebundene Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

index-gebundene Aktie
index-linked stock
an einen Index gebundene Anleihe
index loan
an einen Index gebundene Anleihe
index loan
angelegtes Geld, gebundene Mittel
tied-up money
gewichteter Index
weighted index
im Index aufgeführter Großhandelspreis
indexed wholesale price
index-gebundene Aktie
index-linked stock
Register, Sachregister, Index
Bewegung f
Bewegungen pl
ebene Bewegung
gebundene Bewegung
krummlinige Bewegung
räumliche Bewegung
plane motion
constrained motion
curvilinear motion
space motion
Exponent m, hochgestellte Zahl f, oberer Index
Fliege f (zur Schleife gebundene Krawatte), Halsbinde f
bow tie
Hardcover n, gebundene Ausgabe f
hardcover edition
Index m
Indexe pl, Indizes pl, Indices pl
bereinigter Index
gewichteter Index
zusammengesetzter Index
indexes, indices
adjusted index
weighted index
composite index
Index m, Verbotsliste f
Index-Register n (indirekte Adressierung) comp.
index register
Mahlbarkeit f
Mahlbarkeit gemäß Hardgrove-Index
grindability according to Hardgrove index (HGI)
Stichwortverzeichnis n, Index m
classified index, index
Tabelle f, Zeiger m, Index m, Hinweis m
indizieren, auf den Index setzen v
indizierend, auf den Index setzend
indiziert, auf den Index gesetzt
to place on the Index
placing on the Index
placed on the Index
verbieten, sperren, auf den Index setzen v
verbietend, sperrend, auf den Index setzend
verboten, gesperrt, auf den Index gesetzt
to ban
Index der Verbraucherpreise
CPI : Consumer Price Index
bereinigter Index
adjusted index
Tabelle, Verzeichnis, Zeiger, Index, Hinweis
Index-Register (indirekte Adressierung)
index register
Bewegung f
Bewegungen pl
ebene Bewegung
gebundene Bewegung
krummlinige Bewegung
räumliche Bewegung
schaukelnde Bewegung; Pendelbewegung f
schnelle Bewegung zwischen zwei Punkten
translatorische Bewegung
plane motion
constrained motion
curvilinear motion
space motion
rocking motion; seesaw motion
coarse motion between two points
translatory motion
Exponent m; hochgestellte Zahl f; oberer Index
Hardcover n; gebundene Ausgabe f
hardcover edition
Index m
Indexe pl; Indizes pl; Indices pl
bereinigter Index
gewichteter Index
zusammengesetzter Index
Laspeyrescher Index
indexes; indices
adjusted index
weighted index
composite index
Laspeyre index
Index m; Verbotsliste f
Index der menschlichen Entwicklung
Human Development Index HDI
Jogastellung f; Jogahaltung f (Asana) phil.
Adlerstellung f (Joga)
Baumstellung f (Joga)
Bogenstellung f (Joga)
Drehsitz f (Joga)
Dreieckstellung f (Joga)
Fischstellung f (Joga)
gebundene Winkelstellung f (Joga)
gedrehte seitliche Winkelstellung f (Joga)
Girlandenstellung f; tiefe Hockstellung f (Joga)
Halbmondstellung f (Joga)
Heldenstellung f (Joga)
Heuschreckenstellung f (Joga)
Kobrastellung f (Joga)
Kopf-Fuß-Stellung f (Joga)
Kuhmaulstellung f (Joga)
Lotussitz m (Joga)
Nach-unten-schauender-Hund-Stellung f; Dachstellung f (Joga)
Pflugstellung f (Joga)
Schulterstand m; Kerze f (Joga)
Seitstützstellung f; seitliche Brettstellung f (Joga)
sitzende stehende Vorwärtsbeuge f (Joga)
Stocksitz m (Joga)
Stockstellung f; Stabstellung f; Plankenstellung f (Joga)
Tänzerstellung f (Joga)
Totenstellung f; Entspannungslage f (Joga)
volle Bootsstellung f (Joga)
yoga pose; yoga posture; yoga position (asana)
eagle pose (yoga)
tree pose (yoga)
bow pose (yoga)
spinal twist (yoga)
triangle pose (yoga)
fish pose (yoga)
bound angle pose (yoga)
revolved side angle pose (yoga)
garland pose (yoga)
crescent moon pose (yoga)
hero pose; warrior pose (yoga)
locust pose (yoga)
cobra pose (yoga)
standing forward bend (yoga)
cow face pose (yoga)
lotus pose (yoga)
downward facing dog pose (yoga)
plough pose Br.; plow pose Am. (yoga)
shoulder stand (yoga)
side plank pose (yoga)
seated standing forward bend (yoga)
staff pose (yoga)
four limbed staff pose (yoga)
lord of dance pose (yoga)
corpse pose; relaxation pose (yoga)
full boat pose (yoga)
Körpermassenzahl f; Body-Mass-Index m BMI
body mass index
Mahlbarkeit f
Mahlbarkeit gemäß Hardgrove-Index
grindability according to Hardgrove index HGI
Multi-Index-Modell n fin.
multi-index model
Stichwortverzeichnis n; Index m
classified index; index
Tabelle f; Zeiger m; Index m; Hinweis m
Verbraucherpreisindex m; Index m der Verbraucherpreise
consumer price index CPI
indizieren; auf den Index setzen v
indizierend; auf den Index setzend
indiziert; auf den Index gesetzt
to place on the Index
placing on the Index
placed on the Index
verbieten; sperren; auf den Index setzen v
verbietend; sperrend; auf den Index setzend
verboten; gesperrt; auf den Index gesetzt
to ban
Footsie m (britischer Aktienindex; FTSE 100 Index)
Aktienindex m; Börsenindex m; Börseindex m Ös. fin.
kursgewichteter Börsenindex
britischer Aktienindex m
Deutscher Aktienindex DAX
NASDAQ-Index m
Dow-Jones-Index m
stock price average; share index Br.; stock exchange index; stock index; stock market index; stock index
value-weighted market index
Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Share Index; FT-SE 100 index; Footsie Br.
German stock index
NASDAQ Composite
Dow Jones Industrial Average; the Dow DJIA
Bewegung f
Bewegungen pl
ebene Bewegung
gebundene Bewegung
krummlinige Bewegung
räumliche Bewegung
schaukelnde Bewegung; Pendelbewegung f
schnelle Bewegung zwischen zwei Punkten
translatorische Bewegung
eine Bewegung ausführen
plane motion
constrained motion
curvilinear motion
space motion
rocking motion; seesaw motion
fast motion between two points
translatory motion
to perform a movement
Carli-Index m statist.
Carli index; Carli's index
Exponent m; Hochzahl f; Index m math.
Exponenten pl; Hochzahlen pl; Indexe pl; Indizes pl
Potenzexponent m; Potenzindex m
Wurzelexponent m; Wurzelindex m
exponent of the power
exponent of the root
Index der menschlichen Entwicklung
Human Development Index HDI
Indexzahl f; Indexziffer f; Index m (Verhältnis zweier Messgrößen) statist.
Indexzahlen pl; Indexziffern pl; Indexe pl; Indizes pl
Betaindex m
Generalindex m
Mengenindex m
Pareto-Index m
gewichtete Indexzahl
verkettete Indexzahl; Kettenindexziffer f; Verkettungsgliedzahl f
zusammengesetztee Indexzahl
index number; index
index numbers; indexes; indices
beta index
aggregative index
quantum index
alpha index; ?-index; index of Pareto
weighted index number
chain index number; chain index
composite index number
Körpermassenzahl f; Body-Mass-Index m BMI
body mass index
Mahlbarkeit f
Mahlbarkeit gemäß Hardgrove-Index
grindability according to Hardgrove index HGI
Marshall-Edgeworth-Bowley'scher Index m statist.
Marshall-Edgeworth-Bowley index
gebundene Rotation f astron.
gebunden rotiert; gebunden rotierend
tidal locking; gravitational locking; captured rotation
tidally locked
Rücklagenfonds m; Rücklage f; Reserve f (vorgeschriebener Eigenkapitalanteil für unvorhergesehene Verbindlichkeiten) econ.
Ersatzbeschaffungsrücklage f
gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Rücklagen; gesetzliche Rücklagen
Investitionsrücklage f
Reinvestitionsrücklage f
offene Rücklagen; in der Jahresbilanz ausgewiesene Rücklagen
satzungsgemäße Rücklagen; statutarischer Rücklagenfonds
Sonderrücklage f; Gewinnrücklage f
stille Rücklagen; stille Reserven
stille Rücklagen im Grundbesitz
umwandlungsfähige Rücklagen
zweckgebundene Rücklagen; gebundene Rücklagen
Rücklage für dringende Fälle
Rücklage für Verbindlichkeiten
Rücklage für Lagerwertminderungen
Rücklage für unvorhergesehene Ausgaben
als Rücklage ausgewiesene Beträge
seine Rücklagen auflösen
eine Rücklage bilden; einen Rücklagenfond einrichten
die Bildung von Rücklagen
Rücklagenfonds zur Tilgung von Vorzugsaktien
reserve fund; reserve (prescribed share of equity capital set aside for unforeseen liabilities)
replacement reserve
statutory reserves
investment reserve
reinvestment reserve
open reserves; disclosed reserves
reserve fund provided for by the articles of association
surplus reserve
hidden reserves; secret reserves, undisclosed reserves
hidden property reserves
convertible reserves
appropriated reserves
emergency reserve
liability reserve
inventory reserve
contingency reserve
amounts shown as reserves
to dissolve your reserves
to create a reserve; to set up a reserve fund
the creation of reserves
capital redemption reserve fund
Verbraucherpreisindex m; Index m der Verbraucherpreise
consumer price index CPI
Yogastellung f; Yogahaltung f (Asana) phil.
Adlerstellung f (Yoga)
Baumstellung f (Yoga)
Bogenstellung f (Yoga)
Drehsitz f (Yoga)
Dreieckstellung f (Yoga)
Fischstellung f (Yoga)
gebundene Winkelstellung f (Yoga)
gedrehte, seitliche Winkelstellung f (Yoga)
Girlandenstellung f; tiefe Hockstellung f (Yoga)
Halbmondstellung f (Yoga)
Heldenstellung f (Yoga)
Heuschreckenstellung f (Yoga)
Kobrastellung f (Yoga)
Kopf-Fuß-Stellung f (Yoga)
Kuhmaulstellung f (Yoga)
Lotussitz m (Yoga)
Nach-unten-schauender-Hund-Stellung f; Dachstellung f (Yoga)
Pflugstellung f (Yoga)
Schulterstand m; Kerze f (Yoga)
Seitstützstellung f; seitliche Brettstellung f (Yoga)
sitzende stehende Vorwärtsbeuge f (Yoga)
Stocksitz m (Yoga)
Stockstellung f; Stabstellung f; Plankenstellung f (Yoga)
Tänzerstellung f (Yoga)
Totenstellung f; Entspannungslage f (Yoga)
volle Bootsstellung f (Yoga)
yoga pose; yoga posture; yoga position (asana)
eagle pose (yoga)
tree pose (yoga)
bow pose (yoga)
spinal twist (yoga)
triangle pose (yoga)
fish pose (yoga)
bound angle pose (yoga)
revolved side angle pose (yoga)
garland pose (yoga)
crescent moon pose (yoga)
hero pose; warrior pose (yoga)
locust pose (yoga)
cobra pose (yoga)
standing forward bend (yoga)
cow face pose (yoga)
lotus pose (yoga)
downward facing dog pose (yoga)
plough pose Br.; plow pose Am. (yoga)
shoulder stand (yoga)
side plank pose (yoga)
seated standing forward bend (yoga)
staff pose (yoga)
four limbed staff pose (yoga)
lord of dance pose (yoga)
corpse pose; relaxation pose (yoga)
full boat pose (yoga)
etw. in einem Verzeichnis Register Index erfassen v adm.
die Bahnhöfe in einem Verzeichnis erfassen
to index sth.
to index the railway stations
glykämischer Index n GI med.
glycaemic index Br.; glycemic index Am. GI
hochgestellter Buchstabe m; hochgestellte Zahl f; hochgestellter Index m print

index gebundene Definition

(n.) That which points out
(n.) That which guides, points out, informs, or directs
(n.) A table for facilitating reference to topics, names, and the like, in a book
(n.) A prologue indicating what follows.
(n.) The second digit, that next pollex, in the manus, or hand
(n.) The figure or letter which shows the power or root of a quantity
(v. t.) To provide with an index or table of references
(imp. & p. p.) of Link
Mahon stock
() An annual cruciferous plant with reddish purple or white flowers (Malcolmia maritima). It is called in England Virginia stock, but the plant comes from the Mediterranean.
(n.) The stem, or main body, of a tree or plant
(n.) The stem or branch in which a graft is inserted.
(n.) A block of wood
(n.) Hence, a person who is as dull and lifeless as a stock or post
(n.) The principal supporting part
(n.) The wood to which the barrel, lock, etc., of a musket or like firearm are secured
(n.) The handle or contrivance by which bits are held in boring
(n.) The block of wood or metal frame which constitutes the body of a plane, and in which the plane iron is fitted
(n.) The wooden or iron crosspiece to which the shank of an anchor is attached. See Illust. of Anchor.
(n.) The support of the block in which an anvil is fixed, or of the anvil itself.
(n.) A handle or wrench forming a holder for the dies for cutting screws
(n.) The part of a tally formerly struck in the exchequer, which was delivered to the person who had lent the king money on account, as the evidence of indebtedness. See Counterfoil.
(n.) The original progenitor
(n.) Money or capital which an individual or a firm employs in business
(n.) Same as Stock account, below.
(n.) Supply provided
(n.) Domestic animals or beasts collectively, used or raised on a farm
(n.) That portion of a pack of cards not distributed to the players at the beginning of certain games, as gleek, etc., but which might be drawn from afterward as occasion required
(n.) A thrust with a rapier
(n.) A covering for the leg, or leg and foot
(n.) A kind of stiff, wide band or cravat for the neck
(n.) A frame of timber, with holes in which the feet, or the feet and hands, of criminals were formerly confined by way of punishment.
(n.) The frame or timbers on which a ship rests while building.
(n.) Red and gray bricks, used for the exterior of walls and the front of buildings.
(n.) Any cruciferous plant of the genus Matthiola
(n.) An irregular metalliferous mass filling a large cavity in a rock formation, as a stock of lead ore deposited in limestone.
(n.) A race or variety in a species.
(n.) In tectology, an aggregate or colony of persons (see Person), as trees, chains of salpae, etc.
(n.) The beater of a fulling mill.
(n.) A liquid or jelly containing the juices and soluble parts of meat, and certain vegetables, etc., extracted by cooking
(v. t.) To lay up
(v. t.) To provide with material requisites
(v. t.) To suffer to retain milk for twenty-four hours or more previous to sale, as cows.
(v. t.) To put in the stocks.
(a.) Used or employed for constant service or application, as if constituting a portion of a stock or supply
(a.) Blind as a stock
(a.) Still as a stock, or fixed post
(n.) The part of a tool-rest in which a cutting tool is clamped.

index-linked stock Bedeutung

incentive option
incentive stock option
an option granted to corporate executives if the company achieves certain financial goals
split stock split
split up
an increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity, they announced a two-for-one split of the common stock
reverse split
reverse stock split
split down
a decrease in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity
technical analysis
technical analysis of stock trends
(stock exchange) analysis of past price changes in the hope of forecasting future price changes
enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay
an assay that relies on an enzymatic conversion reaction and is used to detect the presence of specific substances (such as enzymes or viruses or antibodies or bacteria)
making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand, an inventory may be necessary to see if anything is missing, they held an inventory every month
an instance of stocktaking, the auditor did not attend the stocktake or check the valuations
stock issue (corporation law) the authorization and delivery of shares of stock for sale to the public or the shares thus offered at a particular time
farm animal
any animals kept for use or profit
American Stock Exchange
a stock exchange in New York
card index
card catalog
card catalogue
an alphabetical listing of items (e.g., books in a library) with a separate card for each item
index register (computer science) a register used to determine the address of an operand
an ornamental white cravat
New York Stock Exchange
N. Y. Stock Exchange
big board
a stock exchange in New York
rolling stock collection of wheeled vehicles owned by a railroad or motor carrier
the merchandise that a shop has on hand, they carried a vast inventory of hardware, they stopped selling in exact sizes in order to reduce inventory
stock the handle end of some implements or tools, he grabbed the cue by the stock
stock gunstock the handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun, the rifle had been fitted with a special stock
stock lumber used in the construction of something, they will cut round stock to -inch diameter
stock car a racing car with the basic chassis of a commercially available car
stock car a car kept in dealers' stock for regular sales
stock exchange
stock market
securities market
an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers
stock-in-trade any equipment constantly used as part of a profession or occupation, friendliness is the salesman's stock in trade
stock room
storeroom for storing goods and supplies used in a business
stock saddle
Western saddle
an ornamented saddle used by cowboys, has a high horn to hold the lariat
thumb index one of a series of rounded notches in the fore edge of a book to indicate sections
stock ticker
a character printer that automatically prints stock quotations on ticker tape
X-linked dominant inheritance hereditary pattern in which a dominant gene on the X chromosome causes a characteristic to be manifested in the offspring
X-linked recessive inheritance hereditary pattern in which a recessive gene on the X chromosome results in the manifestation of characteristics in male offspring and a carrier state in female offspring
linkage group
linked genes
any pair of genes that tend to be transmitted together, the genes of Drosophila fall into four linkage groups
X-linked gene a gene located on an X chromosome
Y-linked gene
holandric gene
a gene located on a Y chromosome
index finger
the finger next to the thumb
reappraisal of a situation or position or outlook
stock purchase plan an organized plan for employees of a company to buy shares of its stock
employee stock ownership plan
a program under which employees regularly accumulate shares and may ultimately assume control of the company
stock-index futures a futures contract based on a stock index, a bet on the future price of the indexed group of stocks
index an alphabetical listing of names and topics along with page numbers where they are discussed
stock list
a detailed list of all the items in stock
Combined DNA Index System the DNA file maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
stock power a power of attorney document to transfer ownership of a registered security from the owner to another party
stock symbol the letters used to identify listed companies on the securities exchanges where they are traded
index index number
a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts, can reveal relative changes as a function of time
body mass index
a measure of someone's weight in relation to height, to calculate one's BMI, multiply one's weight in pounds and divide that by the square of one's height in inches, overweight is a BMI greater than , obese is a BMI greater than
business index a statistical compilation that provides a context for economic or financial conditions, this business index is computed relative to the base year of
Standard and Poor's
Standard and Poor's Index
a broadly based stock market index
price index
price level
an index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time
retail price index an index of changes in retail prices
producer price index
wholesale price index
an index of changes in wholesale prices
consumer price index
cost-of-living index
an index of the cost of all goods and services to a typical consumer
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