
kreuz Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Rotes Kreuz
Red Cross
Kreuz, durchkreuzen
querschreiben, Kreuz
Britisches Rotes Kreuz
BRCS : British Red Cross Society
Kreuz-Kontamination f
kreuz und quer verstreut
strewn at large
Kreuz n (als Anhänger)
Amerikanisches Rotes Kreuz
ARC : American Red Cross
IRK : Internationales Rotes Kreuz
IRC : International Red Cross
Kreuz-Kontamination f envir. med.
Kreuz n des Südens (Sternbild) astron.
Crux; Southern Cross
jdn. reinlegen aufs Kreuz legen ugs. v
to take sb. for a ride coll.
Eisernes Kreuz mil.
Ritterkreuz n mil.
Iron Cross
Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross
Eisernes Kreuz mil.
Ritterkreuz n mil.
Iron Cross
Knight´s Cross of the Iron Cross
Eisernes Kreuz mil.
Ritterkreuz n mil.
Iron Cross
Knight´s Cross of the Iron Cross
quadriert adj (Wappenkunde)
quadriertes Kreuz
quadrate (heraldry)
quadrate cross
Schwan m; Nördliches Kreuz (Sternbild) astron.
Cygnus; Swan; Northern Cross
'Kreuz an der Ostsee' (von Friedrich Werktitel) art
'The Cross beside the Baltic' (by Friedrich work title)
Kreuz n
Kreuze pl
Rotes Kreuz, das Rote Kreuz
Red Cross
Kreuz n; Erhöhungszeichen n mus.
Doppelkreuz n
double sharp
Kreuz n, Eichel (im deutschen Blatt) (Farbe im Kartenspiel)
jdn. reinlegen; aufs Kreuz legen v
verraten und verkauft sein
to sell sb. down the river; to take sb. for a ride
to be sold down the river fig.
(mit jdm.) zerstritten sein; über Kreuz sein; über Kreuz liegen v
to have fallen out (with sb.); to be disunited
kreuz und quer verlaufend; kreuzweise adj; Kreuz…
Kreuzmuster n
criss-cross; criss-crossed
criss-cross pattern
Anch n; Anch-Symbol n; Anch-Kreuz n (ägypt. Schleifenkreuzsymbol)
ankh; key of life (ancient Egyptian hieroglyph)
kreuz und quer verlaufend; kreuzweise adj; Kreuz...
Kreuzmuster n
criss-cross; criss-crossed
criss-cross pattern
Kreuz n (Zeichen dafür dass eine genannte Person verstorben ist) print
obelus; dagger (mark indicating that a person mentioned is desceased)
Kruzifix n (Kreuz mit dem gekreuzigten Christus) art relig.
Kruzifixe pl
crucifix (cross with the crucified Christ on it)
kreuz und quer verlaufen v
kreuz und quer verlaufend
kreuz und quer verlaufen
to criss-cross
kreuz und quer; kreuzweise; über Kreuz adv
Träger am Rücken über Kreuz textil.
straps criss-cross on the back
Kreuzchen n (Schriftzeichen)
sein Kreuzchen Kreuz machen (auf dem Stimmzettel) pol.
x mark; exmark; cross; x
to put your cross (on the ballot)
Treff n; Kreuz n (französisches Blatt); Eicheln pl; Eckern pl (deutsches Blatt) (Spielkartenfarbe)
clubs (playing card suit)
kreuz und quer durch ein Gebiet fahren reisen v
Wir sind mit dem Bus kreuz und quer durch Amerika gefahren.
to criss-cross an area
We criss-crossed America by bus.
kreuzweise; quer; überquer; verquer; quergerichtet adv
Befestigungsschrauben stufenweise und über Kreuz anziehen
tight the fixing screws in steps in a crosswise sequence
Kreuz-Anhänger m; Kreuz n; Kreuzerl-Anhänger m Ös.
Kreuz-Anhänger pl; Kreuze pl; Kreuzerl-Anhänger pl
crucifix pendant; crucifix
crucifix pendants; crucifixes
durchgekreuzt; (mit einem Kreuz) durchgestrichen adj
ein durchgekreuzter Mülleimer; ein durchgestrichener Mülleimer
a crossed-out wheelie bin Br.
durcheinander; kreuz und quer; in ungeordneter Reihenfolge adv
ein Musikalbum durcheinander kreuz und quer abspielen
out of order (not in the usual sequence)
to play a music album out of order
Schulter f
Schultern pl
breite Schultern; breites Kreuz ugs.
die Schultern hochziehen
breite Schultern haben
broad shoulders
to hunch one's shoulders
to be broad at the shoulders
Kreuzzeichen n; Kreuz n; Erhöhungszeichen n mus.
Kreuzzeichen pl; Kreuze pl; Erhöhungszeichen pl
Doppelkreuz n
sharp sign; sharp
sharp signs
double sharp
Kreuzsymbol n; Kreuz n (Fußnotensymbol oder Kennzeichnung des Todesjahres einer Person) print
Kreuzsymbole pl; Kreuze pl
dagger symbol; dagger; obelus; obelisk (footnote symbol or marking of a person's year of death)
dagger symbols; daggers; obeluses; obeli; obelisks
etw. kreuz und quer überziehen v
kreuz und quer mit Narben übersät sein
Eisenbahnlinien überziehen die Landschaft kreuz und quer.
to criss-cross sth.
to be criss-crossed with scars
Railway lines criss-cross the countryside.
Straßenkreuzung f; Verkehrskreuzung f; Kreuzungsbauwerk n; Kreuz n (in Zusammensetzungen) auto
Autobahnkreuz n
Autobahndreieck n
road intersection; traffic intersection; vehicular intersection
motorway intersection Br.; freeway interchange Am.
three way motorway intersection Br.; three way freeway interchange Am.
Dame f (Spielkarte - französisches Blatt)
Herzdame; Herz-Dame
Karodame; Karo-Dame
Treffdame; Treff-Dame; Kreuzdame; Kreuz-Dame
Pikdame; Pik-Dame
queen (playing card)
queen of hearts
queen of diamonds
queen of clubs
queen of spades
Schulter f
Schultern pl
breite Schultern; breites Kreuz ugs.
die Schultern hochziehen
jdm. die kalte Schulter zeigen
breite Schultern haben
broad shoulders
to hunch one's shoulders
to give sb. the cold shoulder
to be broad at the shoulders
König m (Spielkarte - französisches Blatt)
Herzkönig; Herz-König
Karokönig; Karo-König
Treffkönig; Treff-König; Kreuzkönig; Kreuz-König
Pikkönig; Pik-König
king (playing card)
king of hearts
king of diamonds
king of clubs
king of spades
Bube m; Bub m Ös. (Spielkarte - französisches Blatt)
Buben pl
Herzbube; Herz-Bube
Karobube; Karo-Bube
Treffbube; Treff-Bube; Kreuzbube; Kreuz-Bube
Pikbube; Pik-Bube
jack; knave Br. obs. (playing card)
jacks; knave
jack of hearts
jack of diamonds
jack of clubs
jack of spades
Rücken m
glatter Rücken
Kreuz n ugs.
steifer Rücken
einen steifen Rücken bekommen
Rücken an Rücken
mit dem Rücken aneinander stehen
jdm. in den Rücken fallen übtr.
flat back
small of the back
a crick in one's back
to crick one's back
back to back
to stand back to back
to stab sb. in the back fig.
jdn. hintergehen; jdn. hinters Licht führen; jdn. aufs Kreuz legen v
hintergehend; hinters Licht führend; aufs Kreuz legend
hintergangen; hinters Licht geführt; aufs Kreuz gelegt
verraten und verkauft sein
to sell sb. down the river
selling down the river
sold down the river
to be sold down the river fig.
Rotes Kreuz; das Rote Kreuz
Internationales Rotes Kreuz IRK
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK)
Amerikanisches Rotes Kreuz
Britisches Rotes Kreuz
Internationaler Verband der Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmond-Gesellschaften
Red Cross
International Red Cross IRC
German Red Cross
American Red Cross ARC
British Red Cross Society BRCS
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Übel n; Fluch m; Albtraum m; ständiges Ärgernis n
Fluch und Segen
der Albtraum für etw.; ein ständiges Ärgernis bei etw.; ein Kreuz mit etw. ugs. sein
Elektroautos sind für die Automobilindustrie Hoffnung und Albtraum zugleich.
boon and bane
to be the bane of sth.
Electric cars are both the hope and the bane of the automobile industry.
Ass n; As n alt (Spielkarte - französisches Blatt)
Asse pl
Herzass; Herz-Ass
Karoass; Karo-Ass
Treffass; Treff-As; Kreuzass; Kreuz-Ass
Pikass; Pik-Ass
ein Ass spielen
ein Ass im Ärmel haben übtr.
alle Trümpfe in der Hand haben
ace (playing card)
ace of hearts
ace of diamonds
ace of clubs
ace of spades
to serve an ace
to have an ace up one's sleeve
to hold have all the aces
Rotes Kreuz; das Rote Kreuz
Internationales Komitee vom Roten Kreuz IKRK ; Internationales Rotes Kreuz IRK
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK)
Amerikanisches Rotes Kreuz
Britisches Rotes Kreuz
Internationaler Verband der Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmond-Gesellschaften
Red Cross
International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC ; International Red Cross IRC
German Red Cross
American Red Cross ARC
British Red Cross Society BRCS
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
etw. auf etw. verstreuen; ausbringen v
auf verstreuend; ausbringend
auf verstreut; ausgebracht
er sie verstreut; er sie bringt aus
ich er sie verstreute; ich er sie brachte aus
er sie hat hatte verstreut; er sie hat hatte ausgebracht
Heu auf dem Stallboden ausbringen
kreuz und quer verstreut sein
to strew sth. on sth.; to strew sth. with sth. {strewed; strewn, strewed}
strewing on; strewing with
strewed strewn on; strewed with
he she strews
I he she strewed
he she has had strewn
to strew hay on the floor of the stable; to strew the floor of the stable with hay
to be strewn all over the place
Kreuz n
Kreuze pl
Andreaskreuz n
Altarkreuz n relig.
Grabkreuz n relig.
Hochkreuz n; Keltenkreuz n; irisches Kreuz
Holzkreuz n
Kleeblattkreuz n; Lazaruskreuz n; Brabanterkreuz n
Malteserkreuz m; Johanniterkreuz m
Patriarchenkreuz n; Patriarchenhochkreuz n; Erzbischofskreuz n; spanisches Kreuz n; Doppelkreuz n relig.
Sonnenkreuz n
Wegkreuz n relig.
baskisches Kreuz; Lauburu
etw. mit einem Kreuz kennzeichnen markieren
St. Andrew's cross; diagonal cross
altar cross
grave cross
high cross; Celtic cross
wooden cross; wood cross
cross bottony; botonny
Maltese cross; Amalfi cross
patriarchal cross
solar cross; sunwheel Bolgar cross Woden's cross
(commemorative) wayside cross
Basque cross; lauburu
to mark sth. with a cross
Kreuz n
Kreuze pl
Andreaskreuz n
Altarkreuz n relig.
Gedenkkreuz n
Grabkreuz n relig.
Hochkreuz n; Keltenkreuz n; irisches Kreuz
Holzkreuz n
Kleeblattkreuz n; Lazaruskreuz n; Brabanterkreuz n
Lothringerkreuz n
Malteserkreuz m; Johanniterkreuz m
Patriarchenkreuz n; Patriarchenhochkreuz n; Erzbischofskreuz n; spanisches Kreuz n; Doppelkreuz n relig.
Sonnenkreuz n
Wegkreuz n relig.
baskisches Kreuz; Lauburu
etw. mit einem Kreuz kennzeichnen markieren
St. Andrew's cross; diagonal cross
altar cross
memorial cross
grave cross
high cross; Celtic cross
wooden cross; wood cross
cross bottony; botonny
cross of Lorraine
Maltese cross; Amalfi cross
patriarchal cross
solar cross; sunwheel, Bolgar cross, Woden's cross
(commemorative) wayside cross
Basque cross; lauburu
to mark sth. with a cross
Kreuzwegstationen pl relig.
Jesus wird zum Tode verurteilt (1. Station)
Jesus nimmt das Kreuz auf seine Schultern (2. Station)
Jesus fällt zum ersten Mal unter dem Kreuz (3. Station)
Jesus begegnet seiner Mutter (4. Station)
Simon von Cyrene hilft Jesus das Kreuz tragen (5. Station)
Veronika reicht Jesus das Schweißtuch (6. Station)
Jesus fällt zum zweiten Mal unter dem Kreuz (7. Station)
Jesus begegnet den weinenden Frauen (8. Station)
Jesus fällt zum dritten Mal unter dem Kreuz (9. Station)
Jesus wird seiner Kleider beraubt (10. Station)
Jesus wird ans Kreuz geschlagen (11. Station)
Jesus stirbt am Kreuz (12. Station)
Jesus wird vom Kreuz genommen (13. Station)
Jesus wird ins Grab gelegt (14. Station)
stations of the cross
Jesus is condemned to death (1st station)
Jesus takes up the cross (2nd station)
Jesus falls the first time (3rd station)
Jesus meets his mother (4th station)
Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the cross (5th station)
Veronica wipes the face of Jesus (6th station)
Jesus falls the second time (7th station)
Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem (8th station)
Jesus falls the third time (9th station)
Jesus is stripped of his garments (10th station)
Jesus is nailed to the cross (11th station)
Jesus dies on the cross (12th station)
Jesus is taken down from the cross (13th station)
Jesus is laid in the tomb (14th station)

Deutsche kreuz Synonyme

International  Red  Cross  ÂInternationales  Rotes  Kreuz  ÂIRC  ÂIRK  
Bürde  ÂCrux  ÂFron  ÂJoch  ÂKnechtschaft  ÂKreuz  ÂKrux  ÂLast  ÂPlage  
Weitere Ergebnisse für kreuz Synonym nachschlagen

Englische cross Synonyme

cross  Agnus Dei  Calvary cross  Cape Colored  Christogram  Eurasian  Greek cross  Holy Grail  Host  Jerusalem cross  John Hancock  Latin cross  Malacca cane  Maltese cross  Russian cross  Sanctus bell  Sangraal  T  X  abjure  achievement  across  across the grain  adversary  adversative  adverse  adverse circumstances  adversity  affliction  against the grain  against the tide  against the wind  aggravation  alerion  alien  alpenstock  angered  angry  animal charge  ankh  annoyance  annoyed  annulet  antagonistic  antagonize  anti  antipathetic  antithetic  arch  argent  ark  armorial bearings  armory  arms  asperger  asperges  aspergillum  assert the contrary  at cross-purposes  at daggers  at daggers drawn  at issue  at loggerheads  at odds  at variance  at war  at war with  athwart  athwartships  autograph  avellan cross  ax  azure  badge  badge of office  badges  baffle  balk  bambino  bandeau  bar  bar sinister  barrow  bastard  baton  be antipathetic  be at cross-purposes  be contrary to  be inimical  beadroll  beads  bearings  bearish  beat against  belie  bend  bend sinister  bestride  bilk  billet  bitchy  bitter cup  bitter draft  bitter draught  bitter pill  blast  blazon  blazonry  blend  bless  blight  block  boat  bordure  boundary stone  brass  brassard  brave  broad arrow  browned-off  bummer  burden  burden of care  burthen  bust  button  bypass  cadency mark  cairn  call into question  calvary  cancel  candle  cane  cankered  cankerworm of care  canoe  cantankerous  canton  cap and gown  captious  care  cargo  carping  carry sail  cast down  cattalo  caviling  cenotaph  censer  chain  chain of office  challenge  chaplet  charge  checkmate  chevron  chi  chi-rho  chiasmal  chiasmic  chiastic  chief  choleric  christcross  churlish  ciborium  cipher  circumnavigate  circumvent  citrange  clash  clashing  class ring  coast  coat of arms  cockade  cockatrice  collar  collide  column  combination  competitive  con  conflict  conflict with  conflicting  
cross examination  assize  change of venue  court-martial  cross-interrogation  cross-questioning  direct examination  examination  grill  grilling  hearing  inquest  inquiry  inquisition  interrogation  jury trial  mistrial  police interrogation  questioning  redirect examination  the grill  third degree  third-degree  trial  trial by jury  
cross eye  amaurosis  blepharitis  cast  cataract  choroiditis  conjunctivitis  convergent strabismus  cross-eyedness  defective vision  detached retina  esotropia  exotropia  eye defect  glaucoma  gutta serena  heterotropia  iritis  keratitis  optic neuritis  pink eye  retinoblastoma  squinch  squint  strabismus  sty  trachoma  upward strabismus  uveitis  walleye  
cross fire  alternation  antiaircraft fire  battledore and shuttlecock  commutation  cooperation  counterchange  curtain fire  direct fire  dry fire  exchange  file fire  fire  fire of demolition  firepower  fireworks  firing  flack  flak  give-and-take  ground fire  gunfight  gunfire  gunplay  high-angle fire  horizontal fire  interchange  interdiction fire  intermutation  interplay  lex talionis  machine-gun fire  measure for measure  mortar fire  musketry  mutual admiration  mutual support  mutual transfer  mutuality  percussion fire  permutation  pistol fire  quid pro quo  raking fire  rapid fire  reciprocality  reciprocation  reciprocity  retaliation  ricochet fire  rifle fire  shellfire  shoot-out  shooting  something for something  time fire  tit for tat  transposal  transposition  vertical fire  zone fire  
cross grained  across  across the grain  against the grain  athwart  athwartships  bearish  bitchy  broken  bumpy  cankered  cantankerous  choppy  churlish  coarse  coarse-grained  contrariwise  contrary  contrawise  corrugated  crabbed  cranky  crisscross  cross  crossway  crossways  crosswise  crusty  cussed  difficult  disagreeable  excitable  feisty  fractious  froward  grained  grainy  granular  granulated  gritty  gross  homespun  horripilant  huffish  huffy  inequal  irascible  irregular  irritable  jolty  linsey-woolsey  mean  obliquely  ornery  overthwart  perverse  pimply  pitted  pocky  potholed  rank  ripply  rough  rough-cast  rough-grained  rough-hewn  ruffled  rutted  rutty  shagged  shaggy  sideways  sidewise  snappish  spiteful  spleeny  splenetic  stuffy  sulky  sullen  testy  textured  thwart  thwartly  thwartways  transverse  transversely  traverse  ugly  uneven  unkempt  unlevel  unpolished  unrefined  unsmooth  ununiform  waspish  wayward  wimpled  wrongheaded  
cross hatching  arabesque  band  bar  basketry  basketwork  burr  cancellation  chiseling  crossing-out  dash  delineation  demitint  diagonal  dotted line  engravement  engraving  etch  etching  filigree  fret  fretwork  gem-engraving  glass-cutting  glyptic  grate  grating  graving  grid  gridiron  grille  grillwork  hachure  hairline  half tint  hatching  incision  inscript  inscription  interlacement  intertexture  intertwinement  lace  lacery  lacework  lacing  lattice  latticework  line  lineation  lining  marking  mesh  meshes  meshwork  net  netting  network  plexure  plexus  raddle  reticle  reticulation  reticule  reticulum  riddle  score  scoring  scratch  scratching  screen  screening  sieve  slash  slashing  stipple  stippling  streak  streaking  striation  strip  stripe  striping  stroke  sublineation  texture  tint  tissue  tooling  tracery  trellis  trelliswork  type-cutting  underline  underlining  underscore  underscoring  virgule  wattle  weave  weaving  web  webbing  webwork  weft  wicker  wickerwork  
cross out  abbreviate  abridge  blot  blot out  blue-pencil  bowdlerize  cancel  censor  cut  dele  delete  edit  edit out  efface  erase  expunge  expurgate  kill  obliterate  omit  raze  rescind  rub out  rule out  scratch  scratch out  sponge  sponge out  strike  strike off  strike out  void  wipe out  
cross purposes  agreement to disagree  antagonism  antipathy  antithesis  bad blood  clashing  collision  competition  conflict  confrontation  contradiction  contradistinction  contraindication  contraposition  contrariety  contrariness  contrast  counterposition  difference  difference of opinion  difficulty  disaccord  disagreement  discrepancy  disparity  dissension  dividedness  division  enmity  fractiousness  friction  hostility  inconsistency  inimicalness  misunderstanding  negativeness  noncooperation  obstinacy  odds  oppositeness  opposition  opposure  oppugnance  oppugnancy  perverseness  perversity  polarity  polarization  recalcitrance  refractoriness  repugnance  rivalry  showdown  uncooperativeness  variance  vying  
cross question  bone of contention  catechism  cross-examine  cross-interrogate  cross-interrogatory  debating point  demand  extract information  feeler  go over  grill  inquiry  inquisition  interrogation  interrogative  interrogatory  issue  leader  leading question  make inquisition  moot point  point at issue  point in question  problem  pry out  query  question  question at issue  question mark  quodlibet  roast  third-degree  topic  trial balloon  vexed question  
cross section  adjunct  chiasma  component  contingent  crossing  cruciation  decussation  detachment  detail  division  dole  embodiment  example  exponent  fraction  installment  intercrossing  intersecting  intersection  item  parcel  part  particular  percentage  portion  quadrant  quarter  quota  random sample  remainder  representation  representative  sample  sampling  section  sector  segment  share  specimen  subdivision  subgroup  subspecies  transection  transversion  traversal  type  typification  
crossbones  Azrael  Black Death  Calvary cross  Christogram  Death  Greek cross  Grim Reaper  Jerusalem cross  Latin cross  Maltese cross  Pale Death  Reaper  Russian cross  T  X  angel of death  ankh  avellan cross  chi  chi-rho  christcross  crisscross  cross  cross ancre  cross botonee  cross bourdonee  cross fitche  cross fleury  cross formee  cross fourchee  cross grignolee  cross moline  cross of Cleves  cross of Lorraine  cross patee  cross recercelee  cross-crosslet  crosslet  crucifix  cruciform  crux  crux ansata  crux capitata  crux decussata  crux gammata  crux immissa  crux ordinaria  dagger  ex  exing  fork cross  gammadion  inverted cross  long cross  memento mori  pale horse  pale rider  papal cross  pectoral cross  potent cross  rood  saltire  sickle of Death  skull  skull and crossbones  swastika  tau  that fell sergeant  that grim ferryman  trefled cross  voided cross  white cross  
crossbreed  Cape Colored  Eurasian  bastard  beget  breed  breed true  cattalo  citrange  copulate  cross  crossbred  engender  father  generate  get  griffe  half blood  half-bred  half-breed  half-caste  high yellow  hinny  hybrid  hybridize  inbreed  interbreed  intercross  ladino  liger  make love  mestee  mestiza  mestizo  metis  metisse  miscegenate  mixblood  mixed-blood  mongrel  mongrelize  mother  mulatto  mule  multiply  mustee  octoroon  outbreed  plumcot  procreate  proliferate  propagate  quadroon  quintroon  reproduce in kind  sambo  sire  tangelo  tigon  zebrass  zebrule  
crosscurrent  affluence  afflux  affluxion  air current  bucking  challenge  concourse  confluence  conflux  contention  contradiction  contraposition  contravention  contraversion  counteraction  counterbalance  counterblast  countercurrent  counterforce  counterinfluence  counterpoise  counterpressure  counterweight  counterworking  course  crossing  current  current of air  defluxion  denial  downdraft  downflow  downpour  draft  drift  driftage  fall wind  flow  flow of air  flowing  fluency  flux  following wind  foul wind  gush  head wind  impugnation  impugnment  indraft  inflow  inhalation  inrush  inspiration  jetstream  katabatic wind  mill run  millrace  monsoon  movement of air  negation  onrush  onward course  opposing  opposition  opposure  oppugnation  outflow  race  rebutment  rebuttal  refusal  rejection  resistance  run  rush  set  spate  standing against  stream  stream of air  surge  tail wind  tide  traversal  trend  undercurrent  undertow  updraft  water flow  wind  
crosshatch  autolithograph  be a printmaker  cartoon  carve  chalk  character  charcoal  chisel  color  copy  crayon  crease  cribble  cut  dash off  daub  delineate  depict  design  diagram  doodle  draft  draw  enchase  engrave  furrow  grave  groove  hatch  incise  inscribe  limn  line  lithograph  make prints  mark  paint  paint a picture  pencil  picture  picturize  portray  print  score  scrape  scratch  sculpture  scumble  shade  sketch  stencil  stipple  tint  tool  trace  
crossing  abjuration  abjurement  abrogation  absolute contradiction  annulment  approach  asymptote  bottleneck  bucking  carrefour  challenge  cloverleaf  collision course  commutation  concentralization  concentration  concourse  concurrence  confluence  conflux  congress  contention  contradiction  contraposition  contrary assertion  contravention  contraversion  controversion  convergence  converging  counteraction  countering  counterworking  course  crossbreeding  crosscurrent  crosspoint  crossroad  crosswalk  crossway  crosswise  cruise  denial  disaffirmation  disallowance  disavowal  disclaimer  disclamation  disownment  disproof  flyover  focalization  focus  forswearing  funnel  gainsaying  globe-trotting  going  grade crossing  head wind  hub  hybridism  hybridization  impugnation  impugnment  interbreeding  intercrossing  intersection  journeying  leg  level crossing  locomotion  meeting  miscegenation  mongrelism  motion  movement  moving  mutual approach  narrowing gap  negation  nullification  ocean trip  opposing  opposition  opposure  oppugnation  overcrossing  overpass  passage  progress  radius  rebutment  rebuttal  recantation  refusal  refutation  rejection  renunciation  repudiation  resistance  retractation  retraction  revocation  rotary  run  sail  sea trip  shakedown cruise  spokes  standing against  tangent  thwart  tourism  touristry  traffic circle  traject  trajet  transit  transversal  travel  traveling  traversal  traverse  undercrossing  undercurrent  viaduct  voyage  
crosspatch  Tartar  anomaly  bear  complainer  crab  crank  dragon  feist  fire-eater  freak  fury  grizzly bear  grouch  grouser  growler  grumbler  hothead  hotspur  individualist  inner-directed person  misfit  naysayer  nonconformist  oddball  sorehead  sourpuss  sport  ugly customer  zero hour  
crossroads  climacteric  clutch  convergence of events  country town  crisis  critical juncture  critical point  crucial period  crunch  emergency  exigency  extremity  ham  hamlet  hinge  pass  pinch  push  rub  strait  thorp  turn  turning point  village  wick  
crosswise  across  across the grain  athwart  athwartships  awkward  bendwise  bias  biased  biaswise  bulky  catercorner  catercornered  choking  clumsy  constrictive  contrariwise  contrary  contrawise  counterproductive  crisscross  cross  cross-grained  crossing  crossway  crossways  cumbersome  diagonal  hindering  hindersome  hulking  hulky  impractical  in the way  inconvenient  inhibiting  inhibitive  interrupting  interruptive  kittycorner  oblique  obliquely  obstructing  obstructive  obstruent  occlusive  overthwart  perverse  ponderous  repressive  restrictive  sideways  sidewise  slant  stifling  strangling  suppressive  thwart  thwartly  thwartways  transversal  transverse  transversely  traverse  troublesome  unhandy  unmanageable  unwieldy  

kreuz Definition

(n.) A gibbet, consisting of two pieces of timber placed transversely upon one another, in various forms, as a T, or +, with the horizontal piece below the upper end of the upright, or as an X. It was anciently used in the execution of criminals.
(n.) The sign or mark of the cross, made with the finger, or in ink, etc., or actually represented in some material
(n.) Affiction regarded as a test of patience or virtue
(n.) A piece of money stamped with the figure of a cross, also, that side of such a piece on which the cross is stamped
(n.) An appendage or ornament or anything in the form of a cross
(n.) A monument in the form of a cross, or surmounted by a cross, set up in a public place
(n.) A common heraldic bearing, of which there are many varieties. See the Illustration, above.
(n.) The crosslike mark or symbol used instead of a signature by those unable to write.
(n.) Church lands.
(n.) A line drawn across or through another line.
(n.) A mixing of breeds or stock, especially in cattle breeding
(n.) An instrument for laying of offsets perpendicular to the main course.
(n.) A pipe-fitting with four branches the axes of which usually form's right angle.
(a.) Not parallel
(a.) Not accordant with what is wished or expected
(a.) Characterized by, or in a state of, peevishness, fretfulness, or ill humor
(a.) Made in an opposite direction, or an inverse relation
(prep.) Athwart
(v. t.) To put across or athwart
(v. t.) To lay or draw something, as a line, across
(v. t.) To pass from one side to the other of
(v. t.) To pass, as objects going in an opposite direction at the same time.
(v. t.) To run counter to
(v. t.) To interfere and cut off
(v. t.) To make the sign of the cross upon
(v. t.) To cancel by marking crosses on or over, or drawing a line across
(v. t.) To cause to interbreed
(v. i.) To lie or be athwart.
(v. i.) To move or pass from one side to the other, or from place to place
(v. i.) To be inconsistent.
(v. i.) To interbreed, as races
(a.) With arms crossed.
(a.) A term used when a narrow ribbon of veneer is inserted into the surface of any piece of furniture, wainscoting, etc., so that the grain of it is contrary to the general surface.
(n.) A subdeacon who bears a cross before an archbishop or primate on solemn occasions.
(n.) Any preternatural labor, in which the body of the child lies across the pelvis of the mother, so that the shoulder, arm, or trunk is the part first presented at the mouth of the uterus.
(n.) A bun or cake marked with a cross, and intended to be eaten on Good Friday.
(n.) A cross having the three upper ends crossed, so as to from three small crosses.
(n. pl.) The three days preceding the Feast of the Ascension.
(n.) The interrogating or questioning of a witness by the party against whom he has been called and examined. See Examination.
(imp. & p. p.) of Cross-examine
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Cross-examine
(v. t.) To examine or question, as a witness who has been called and examined by the opposite party.
(n.) One who cross-examines or conducts a crosse-examination.
(n.) See Strabismus.
(a.) Affected with strabismus
(n.) A hinge having one strap perpendicular and the other strap horizontal giving it the form of an Egyptian or T cross.
(n.) Same as Cross-spale.
(n.) A counter or opposing purpose
(n.) A conversational game, in which questions and answers are made so as to involve ludicrous combinations of ideas.
(imp. & p. p.) of Cross-question

cross Bedeutung

interchange between different cultures or different ways of thinking that is mutually productive and beneficial, the cross-fertilization of science and the creative arts
cross-pollination stimulating influence among diverse elements, the cross-pollination of the arts
double cross
an act of betrayal, he gave us the old double cross, I could no longer tolerate his impudent doublerossing
crossing cross
(genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids
dihybrid cross hybridization using two traits with two alleles each
monohybrid cross hybridization using a single trait with two alleles (as in Mendel's experiments with garden peas)
reciprocal cross
hybridization involving a pair of crosses that reverse the sexes associated with each genotype
cross dressing
the practice of adopting the clothes or the manner or the sexual role of the opposite sex
Stations of the Cross
(Roman Catholic Church) a devotion consisting of fourteen prayers said before a series of fourteen pictures or carvings representing successive incidents during Jesus' passage from Pilate's house to his crucifixion at Calvary
(genetics) an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock, especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species, a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey
Calvary cross
cross of Calvary
a Latin cross set on three steps
Celtic cross a Latin cross with a ring surrounding the intersection
Cross a representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified, used as an emblem of Christianity or in heraldry
cross a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece
cross bit a rock drill having cruciform cutting edges, used in mining
cross hair
cross wire
either of two fine mutually perpendicular lines that cross in the focus plane of an optical instrument and are use for sighting or calibration, he had the target in his cross hairs
cross-stitch embroidery done with pairs of stitches that cross each other
cross-stitch two stitches forming a cross or X
cross street a street intersecting a main street (usually at right angles) and continuing on both sides of it
Greek cross a cross with each of the four arms the same length
half cross stitch a single cross stitch at a diagonal
Jerusalem cross a cross with equal arms, each terminating in a small crossbar
Latin cross a cross with the lowest arm being longer than the others
Lorraine cross
cross of Lorraine
a cross with two crossbars, one above and one below the midpoint of the vertical, the lower longer than the upper
Maltese cross a cross with triangular or arrow-shaped arms and the points toward the center
papal cross a cross with three crossbars
patriarchal cross a cross with two crossbars
St. Andrew's cross
a cross resembling the letter x, with diagonal bars of equal length
Station of the Cross a representation of any of the stages in Christ's journey to Calvary
tau cross
St. Anthony's cross
cross resembling the Greek letter tau
cross thwart
a crosspiece spreading the gunnels of a boat, used as a seat in a rowboat
a marking that consists of lines that cross each other
cross section (physics) the probability that a particular interaction (as capture or ionization) will take place between particles, measured in barns
classification according to more than one attribute at the same time, the crosslassification of cases was done by age and sex
cross section a sample meant to be representative of a whole population
vector product
cross product
a vector that is the product of two other vectors
cross-purpose a contrary aim, at cross-purposes
Distinguished Service Cross a United States Army decoration for extraordinary heroism against an armed enemy
Navy Cross a United States Navy decoration for extraordinary heroism against an armed enemy
Distinguished Flying Cross a United States Air Force decoration for heroism while participating in an aerial flight
Victoria Cross a British military decoration for gallantry
a reference at one place in a work to information at another place in the same work
cross-examination (law) close questioning of a hostile witness in a court of law to discredit or throw a new light on the testimony already provided in direct examination
cross-question a question asked in cross-examination
sign of the cross a gesture with the right hand moving to form a cross, used by Catholics as a profession of faith
fertilization by the union of male and female gametes from different individual of the same species
cross-pollination fertilization by transfer of pollen from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of another
cross country a long race run over open country
cross bun
hot cross bun
moderately sweet raised roll containing spices and raisins and citron and decorated with a cross-shaped sugar glaze
Red Cross an international organization that cares for the sick or wounded or homeless in wartime
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