
kriminaltechnisch Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

kriminaltechnisch adj
kriminaltechnische Untersuchung f
das Auto kriminaltechnisch untersuchen lassen
forensic examination
to subject the car to a forensic examination; to conduct a forensic examination of the car
kriminaltechnisch adj
kriminaltechnische Untersuchung f
das Auto kriminaltechnisch untersuchen lassen
forensic examination
to subject the car to a forensic examination; to conduct a forensic examination of the car
Kriminalitätsanalyse f; Kriminalanalyse f
geografische Kriminalitätsanalyse
operative Kriminalitätsanalyse
räumliche Kriminalitätsanalyse
raumzeitliche Kriminalitätsanalyse
strategische Kriminalitätsanalyse
analysis of crime; crime analysis
geographical crime analysis
operational crime analysis
spatial analysis of crime; spatial crime analysis
spatial-temporal crime analysis; space-time crime analysis
strategical crime analysis
Kriminalbeamte m, Kriminalbeamtin f, Kriminalbeamter, Kriminalpolizist m
detective, CID officer Br.
Kriminalbeamter m; Kripo-Beamter m; Kriminalpolizist m ugs. adm.
Kriminalbeamten pl; Kripo-Beamten pl; Kriminalpolizisten pl
Beamter der Mordkommission
police detective; detective on the police force; detective; CID officer Br.
police detectives; detectives on the police force; detectives; CID officers
homicide detective Am.
die Jungs vom Trachtenverein Dt.; die Herrn in Grün Dt. veraltet; die Spinatwachter pl Ös. veraltend (die uniformierte Polizei) ugs.
die uniformierten Polizisten und die Kriminalbeamten in Zivil
Dann kamen zwei Dutzend Ordnungshüter in voller Montur.
the boys in blue; the brass buttons; the plod Br. slang (the uniformed police)
the boys in blue and the plainclothes detectives
Two dozen boys in blue arrived in full gear.
Berufslaufbahn f; Laufbahn f; Berufsbild n; Beruf m
berufliche Laufbahn f
Entscheidung für eine Laufbahn
jdn. auf eine Laufbahn vorbereiten
das Berufsbild "Kriminalbeamter"
sein Hobby zum Beruf machen
career path; carreer
career structure
career decision
to groom sb. for a career
the career of police detective
to turn one's hobby into a career
Berufslaufbahn f; Laufbahn f; Berufsbild n; Beruf m
berufliche Laufbahn f
künstlerische Laufbahn; Künstlerlaufbahn
Entscheidung für eine Laufbahn
jdn. auf eine Laufbahn vorbereiten
das Berufsbild „Kriminalbeamter“
sein Hobby zum Beruf machen
career path; career
career structure
artistic career; career as an artist
career decision
to groom sb. for a career
the career of police detective
to turn one's hobby into a career
Biologe m; Biologin f
Biologen pl; Biologinnen pl
Baubiologe m
Bestäubungsbiologe m
Evolutionsbiologe m
Kriminalbiologe m
Regenerationsbiologe m
building biologist
pollination biologist
evolutionary biologist
forensic biologist
regeneration biologist
Biologie f; Lebenskunde f veraltet biol.
medizinische Biologie
technische Biologie; industrielle Biologie
Bestäubungsbiologie f
Evolutionsbiologie f
Invasionsbiologie f
Kriminalbiologie f
Mikrobiologie f
Molekularbiologie f
Regenerationsbiologie f
medical biologyw
industrial biology(F3)
pollination biology
evolutionary biology
invasion biology
biology of criminality
molecular biology
regeneration biology
operativer Fallanalytiker m (Kriminaldienst)
operative Fallanalytiker pl
criminal profiler; profiler (detective service)
criminal profilers; profilers
Kriminaldienst m (Polizei) adm.
detective service (police)
Kriminalpolizei f; Kripo f; Kriminaldienst m
criminal investigation department CID
Sachbearbeiter m (Kriminaldienst)
Sachbearbeiter pl
investigating officer; case officer; officer handling the case; officer in charge of the case; OIC of the this case (CID)
investigating officers; case officers; officers handling the case; officers in charge of the case; OICs of the this case
Kriminalpolizei f; Kripo f; Kriminaldienst m
criminal investigation department CID
Kriminalfall m; Ermittlungsfall m
Kriminalfälle pl
ungeklärter Kriminalfall
ungelöster Ermittlungsfall; ungelöster Fall
einen ungelösten Kriminalfall aufklären
criminal case; case
criminal cases
cold case
undetected case
to clear up solve an undetected offence crime
Kriminalfall m; Ermittlungsfall m
Kriminalfälle pl
alter, ungelöster Kriminalfall
ungeklärter Ermittlungsfall; ungelöster Fall
einen ungelösten Kriminalfall aufklären
criminal case; case
criminal cases
cold case
undetected case
to clear up solve an undetected offence crime
Pitaval m (Sammlung historischer Kriminalfälle) lit. jur.
Aktenzeichen XY … ungelöst (Fernsehsendung mit ungelösten Kriminalfällen und Öffentlichkeitsfahndungen)
Crimewatch Br.; Fugitive Watch Am. (TV programme which presents unsolved crimes and search for fugitives to gain information from the public)
sich etw. nochmals ansehen; nochmals vornehmen; noch einmal hernehmen Ös.; etw. noch einmal durchgehen v; sich mit etw. nochmals befassen beschäftigen v; etw. überdenken; neu evaluieren adm. vt
sich mit einer Fragestellung nochmals befassen
sich mit einem Forschungsthema neuerlich beschäftigen auseinandersetzen
das Ganze noch einmal durchgehen; nochmals durchkauen pej.
einen Kriminalfall ein Gerichtsverfahren neu aufrollen
Ich hab mir ihr Rezept nochmals angesehen hergenommen.
Die Waffengesetze müssen überdacht werden.
to revisit sth. fig.
to revisit an issue
to revisit a subject of research
to revisit the situation
to revisit a criminal case judicial proceedings
I revisited her recipe.
Gun laws need to be revisited.
Beweis m; Beweise pl (für etw.)
In einem Kriminalfall braucht man stichhaltige Beweise.
proof (of sth.)
In a criminal case you need to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
sich etw. nochmals ansehen; nochmals vornehmen; noch einmal hernehmen Ös.; etw. noch einmal durchgehen v; sich mit etw. nochmals befassen beschäftigen v; etw. überdenken; neu evaluieren adm. v
sich mit einer Fragestellung nochmals befassen
sich mit einem Forschungsthema neuerlich beschäftigen auseinandersetzen
das Ganze noch einmal durchgehen; nochmals durchkauen pej.
einen Kriminalfall ein Gerichtsverfahren neu aufrollen
Ich hab mir ihr Rezept nochmals angesehen hergenommen.
Die Waffengesetze müssen überdacht werden.
to revisit sth. fig.
to revisit an issue
to revisit a subject of research
to revisit the situation
to revisit a criminal case judicial proceedings
I revisited her recipe.
Gun laws need to be revisited.
Krimi m, Kriminalroman m, Kriminalfilm m, Kriminalhörspiel n
Krimis pl
whodunit, murder mystery
Kriminalfilm m
crime thriller, crime movie Am., crime film
detective film
Krimi m; Kriminalroman m; Kriminalfilm m; Kriminalhörspiel n
Krimis pl
whodunit; murder mystery
Kriminalfilm m
Kriminalfilme pl
crime thriller; crime movie Am.; crime film
crime thrillers; crime movies; crime films
Kriminalgeografie f; Kriminalgeographie f
criminal geography
Krimi m, Kriminalgeschichte f
Krimis pl, Kriminalgeschichten pl
mystery story, mystery novel, detective story
mystery stories, mystery novels
Krimi m; Kriminalgeschichte f
Krimis pl; Kriminalgeschichten pl
mystery story; mystery novel; detective story
mystery stories; mystery novels
Räubergeschichte f; Raubersgeschichte f Bayr. Ös.; Räuberpistole f Dt. ugs. (wilde Kriminalgeschichte)
wild story
Kriminalhauptkommissar m
detective chief superintendent Br.
Kriminalhörspiel n
radio thriller
Kriminalhörspiel n
Kriminalhörspiele pl
radio thriller
radio thrillers
Krimi m; Thriller m; spannender Film m; spannender Roman m art lit.
Krimis pl; Thriller pl; spannende Filme pl; spannende Romane pl
Justizkrimi m
Kriminalhörspiel n
Politkrimi m
legal thriller; courtroom thriller
radio thriller
political thriller
Kriminalinspektor Kl KrimI m
detective inspector Det Insp Br.
Kriminalinspektor Kl KrimI m
detective inspector Det Insp Br.
kriminalisieren v
to criminalize Am., to criminalise Br.
criminalizing, criminalising
criminalized, criminalised
kriminalisieren v
to criminalize eAm.; to criminalise Br.
criminalizing; criminalising
criminalized; criminalised
Kriminalist m, Kriminalistin f
Kriminalist m; Kriminalistin f
Kriminalisten pl; Kriminalistinnen pl
Kriminalist m; Kriminalistin f
Kriminalisten pl; Kriminalistinnen pl
ein erfahrener Kriminalist
crime solver
crime solvers
an experienced crime solver
Kriminalistik f
Kriminalistik f
Arbeitstechniken in der Kriminalistik
crime solving
techniques in crime solving
detektivisch; kriminalistisch; Ermittlungs...; Untersuchungs... adj
detektivischer kriminalistischer Spürsinn
Untersuchungsgremium n
investigative; investigatory; fact-finding
investigative skills
fact-finding body
kriminalistisch adj
criminological {adj}
detektivisch; kriminalistisch; Ermittlungs…; Untersuchungs… adj
detektivischer kriminalistischer Spürsinn
Ermittlungsziel n
Untersuchungsgremium n
investigative; investigatory; fact-finding
investigative skills
investigative objective
fact-finding body
kriminalistisch adj
kriminalistisches Geschick
kriminalistischer Spürsinn; kriminalistisches Gespür
skills in crime solving
crime-solving instinct
kriminalistische Tatortbearbeitung f; polizeiliche Tatortarbeit f
crime scene investigation CSI ; investigation of the crime scene
Kriminalität f
organisierte Kriminalität f
Welle der Kriminalität, Welle von Verbrechen
organized crime
crime wave
Kriminalität f
Kriminalitätsrate f, Kriminalität f
mit einer hohen Kriminalitätsrate
crime rate
crime-ridden {adj}
UNICRI : Internationales Forschungsinstitut der Vereinten Nationen für Kriminalität und Rechtspflege
UNICRI : United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
Fluchthelfer m; Fluchthelferin f (Kriminalität)
Fluchthelfer pl; Fluchthelferinnen pl
aider and abettor of a prison escape break
aiders and abettors of a prison escape break
Fluchthilfe f (Kriminalität)
escape aiding; escape aiding or abetting
Form f von Kriminalität; Deliktform f jur.
Sollte man Terrorismus als Form von Kriminalität oder als Form von Krieg sehen?
Should terrorism be regarded as a criminality or as a form of warfare?
Kriminalität f
allgemeine Kriminalität
organisierte Kriminalität f; organisiertes Verbrechen n
general crime; common crime
organized crime
Kriminalitätsrate f; Kriminalität f
mit einer hohen Kriminalitätsrate
crime rate
crime-ridden {adj}
Straffälligkeit f; Delinquenz f jur.
Straffälligkeit bei Jugendlichen
Straffälligkeit und Kriminalität bei Frauen
juvenile delinquency
female delinquency and crime
die Vereinten Nationen UNO pol.
Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen UNICEF
Büro des Hochkommissars der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte OHCHR
Internationale Atomenergieorganisation IAEO
UNO-Ausschuss zur Terrorismusbekämpfung
UNO-Hochkommissar der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte UNHCHR
UNO-Flüchtlingskommissar m; Hoher Flüchtlingskommissar der Vereinten Nationen
UNO-Büro für Drogenbekämpfung und Verbrechensvorbeugung
UNESCO-Institut für Pädagogik UIE
Entschädigungskommission der Vereinten Nationen UNCC
Sekretariat der Konvention zur Bekämpfung der Wüstenbildung UNCCD
Kapitalentwicklungsfonds der Vereinten Nationen UNCDF
Zentrum der Vereinten Nationen für Wohn- und Siedlungswesen
Kommission der Vereinten Nationen für internationales Handelsrecht UNCITRAL
Zentrum der Vereinten Nationen für Regionalentwicklung UNCRD
Handels- und Entwicklungskonferenz der Vereinten Nationen UNCTAD
Programm der Vereinten Nationen für die Internationale Drogenbekämpfung UNDCP
UNO-Entwicklungsprogramm UNDP
Umweltprogramm der Vereinten Nationen UNEP
UNO-Sekretariat der Klimarahmenkonvention UNFCCC
Bevölkerungsfond der Vereinten Nationen UNFPA
Internationales Forschungsinstitut der Vereinten Nationen für Kriminalität und Rechtspflege UNICRI
Institut der Vereinten Nationen für Abrüstungsforschung UNIDIR
Ãœberwachungs- Verifikations- und Inspektionskommission der Vereinten Nationen
Büro der Vereinten Nationen für Projektdienste UNOPS
Büro der Vereinten Nationen in Wien
Forschungsinstitut der Vereinten Nationen für soziale Entwicklung UNRISD
Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen für Palästinaflüchtlinge im Nahen Osten UNRWA
Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuß der Vereinten Nationen zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen atomarer Strahlung UNSCEAR
Universität der Vereinten Nationen UNU
Freiwilligenprogramm der Vereinten Nationen UNV
Konferenz der Verei
the United Nations UN
United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights OHCHR
International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA
UN Counter Terrorism Committee
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights UNHCHR
UN Refugee Commissioner; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR
UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention UNODCCP
UNESCO Institute for Education UIE
United Nations Compensation Commission UNCC
Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification UNCCD
United Nations Capital Development Fund UNCDF
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements UNCHS
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law UNCITRAL
United Nations Centre for Regional Development UNCRD
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD
United Nations International Drug Control Programme UNDCP
United Nations Development Programme UNDP
United Nations Environment Programme UNEP
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC
United Nations Population Fund UNFPA
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute UNICRI
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research UNIDIR
United Nations Monitoring Verification and Inspection Commission UNMOVIC
United Nations Office for Project Services UNOPS
United Nations Office at Vienna UNOV
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development UNRISD
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East UNRWA
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation UNSCEAR
United Nations University UNU
United Nations Volunteers UNV
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development UNCED
United Nations Seabed Committee; UN Seabed Committee
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child CRC CROC UNCRC ; Rights of the Child Conv
Waffe f mil.
Waffen pl
absolute relative Waffen
biologische Waffen
eine Waffe tragen
Waffen tragen
Waffen abgeben
in Waffen stehen; unter Waffen stehen
zu den Waffen rufen
die Waffen strecken
jdn. mit den eigenen Waffen schlagen übtr.
etw. als Waffe benutzen
eine neue Waffe im Kampf gegen die Kriminalität
weapon (individually and collectively); arm (category and fig. typically in plural)
weapons; arms
absolute relative weapons
biological weapons
to carry a weapon
to bear arms
to decommission weapons
to be under arms
to call to arms
to lay down one's arms
to defeat sb. with his own arguments
to use sth. as a weapon
a new crime weapon; a new weapon against crime
etw. bekämpfen v
die Kriminalität die Schwarzarbeit bekämpfen
Zur Inflationsbekämpfung hat die Zentralbank die Zinsen erhöht.
Mit körperlicher Bewegung kann man die Auswirkungen von Stress bekämpfen.
to combat sth.
to combat crime illicit work
To combat inflation the Central Bank has raised interest rates.
Exercise can help combat the effects of stress.
etw. erzeugen übtr.; zur Folge haben v
erzeugend; zur Folge habend
erzeugt; zur Folge gehabt
Hunger erzeugt Kriminalität.
to beget sth. {begot begat obs.; begotten begot}
begotten; begot
Hunger begets crime.
Folgetat f (Kriminalität)
Folgetaten pl
follow-up offence (crime)
follow-up offences
Form f von Kriminalität; Kriminalitätsform f; Deliktform f jur.
Soll man Terrorismus als Form von Kriminalität oder als Form von Krieg betrachten?
criminality; offence type Br.; offense type Am.
Should terrorism be regarded as a criminality or as a form of warfare?
Gegend f, die von Kriminalität geprägt betroffen ist geogr. soc.
Gebiet mit niedriger Kriminalität
Gebiet mit hoher Kriminalität
crime area
low-crime area
high-crime area
Kriminalität f
Alterskriminalität f
Artenschutzkriminalität f
Arzneimittelkriminalität f
Begleitkriminalität f
Beschaffungskriminalität f
Beschaffungskriminalität f (für Drogenkonsum)
Computerkriminalität f
Drogenkriminalität f; Rauschgiftkriminalität f; Suchtmittelkriminalität f; Suchtgiftkriminalität f Ös.
Eigentumskriminalität f
Gesamtkriminalität f
Gewaltkriminalität f
Hasskriminalität f; Vorurteilskriminalität f
Internetkriminalität f
Jugendkriminalität f
Kleinkriminalität f
Schleuserkriminalität f; Schlepperkriminalität f Ös.; Schlepperunwesen n
Straßenkriminalität f
Umweltkriminalität f
Vermögenskriminalität f
Wirtschaftskriminalität f
allgemeine Kriminalität
organisierte Kriminalität f OK ; organisiertes Verbrechen n
elderly crime
wildlife crime
pharmaceutical crime; pharmacrime; crime involving medicines
accompanying crime
acquisitive crime
crime as a means of supporting your drug habits
computer crime
drug crime; drug-related crime; narcotics crime
crime against tangible property
overall crime; overall crime levels; overall crime numbers
violent crime
hate crime; bias-motivated crime
cyber-crime; cybercrime
juvenile crime; youth crime; juvenile delinquency
petty crime
organised immigration crime
street crime
environmental crime
crime against property
economic crime; white-collar crime; corporate crime
general crime; common crime
organized crime OC
Kriminalitätsrate f; Kriminalität f; Verbrechensrate f
mit einer hohen Kriminalitätsrate
crime rate
crime-ridden {adj}
(Neigung zur) Straffälligkeit f; Delinquenz f jur.
Straffälligkeit bei Jugendlichen
Straffälligkeit und Kriminalität bei Frauen
juvenile delinquency
female delinquency and crime
die Vereinten Nationen UNO pol.
Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen UNICEF
Büro des Hochkommissars der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte OHCHR
Internationale Atomenergieorganisation IAEO
UNO-Ausschuss zur Terrorismusbekämpfung
UNO-Hochkommissar der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte UNHCHR
UNO-Flüchtlingskommissar m; Hoher Flüchtlingskommissar der Vereinten Nationen
UNO-Büro für Drogenbekämpfung und Verbrechensvorbeugung
UNESCO-Institut für Pädagogik UIE
Entschädigungskommission der Vereinten Nationen UNCC
Sekretariat der Konvention zur Bekämpfung der Wüstenbildung UNCCD
Kapitalentwicklungsfonds der Vereinten Nationen UNCDF
Zentrum der Vereinten Nationen für Wohn- und Siedlungswesen
Kommission der Vereinten Nationen für internationales Handelsrecht UNCITRAL
Zentrum der Vereinten Nationen für Regionalentwicklung UNCRD
Handels- und Entwicklungskonferenz der Vereinten Nationen UNCTAD
Programm der Vereinten Nationen für die Internationale Drogenbekämpfung UNDCP
UNO-Entwicklungsprogramm UNDP
Umweltprogramm der Vereinten Nationen UNEP
UNO-Sekretariat der Klimarahmenkonvention UNFCCC
Bevölkerungsfond der Vereinten Nationen UNFPA
Internationales Forschungsinstitut der Vereinten Nationen für Kriminalität und Rechtspflege UNICRI
Institut der Vereinten Nationen für Abrüstungsforschung UNIDIR
Ãœberwachungs-, Verifikations- und Inspektionskommission der Vereinten Nationen
Büro der Vereinten Nationen für Projektdienste UNOPS
Büro der Vereinten Nationen in Wien
Forschungsinstitut der Vereinten Nationen für soziale Entwicklung UNRISD
Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen für Palästinaflüchtlinge im Nahen Osten UNRWA
Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat der Vereinten Nationen; Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat der UNO
Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuß der Vereinten Nationen zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen atomarer Strahlung UNSCEAR
Universität der Vereinten Nationen UNU
Freiwilligenprogramm der Vereinten Nationen UNV
Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen zu Umwelt und Entwicklung
Meeresbodenausschuss der Vereinten Nationen; UNO-Meeresbodenausschuss m
UNO-Übereinkommen über die Rechte des Kindes; Kinderrechtskonvention f
the United Nations UN
United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights OHCHR
International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA
UN Counter Terrorism Committee
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights UNHCHR
UN Refugee Commissioner; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR
UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention UNODCCP
UNESCO Institute for Education UIE
United Nations Compensation Commission UNCC
Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification UNCCD
United Nations Capital Development Fund UNCDF
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements UNCHS
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law UNCITRAL
United Nations Centre for Regional Development UNCRD
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD
United Nations International Drug Control Programme UNDCP
United Nations Development Programme UNDP
United Nations Environment Programme UNEP
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC
United Nations Population Fund UNFPA
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute UNICRI
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research UNIDIR
United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission UNMOVIC
United Nations Office for Project Services UNOPS
United Nations Office at Vienna UNOV
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development UNRISD
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East UNRWA
United Nations Economic and Social Council; UN Economic and Social Council ECOSOC
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation UNSCEAR
United Nations University UNU
United Nations Volunteers UNV
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development UNCED
United Nations Seabed Committee; UN Seabed Committee
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child CRC , CROC , UNCRC ; Rights of the Child Convention
Waffe f mil.
Waffen pl
absolute relative Waffen
biologische Waffen
Dienstwaffe f; Seitenwaffe f frühere Bezeichnung
Faustfeuerwaffen pl
Fernwaffe f; Waffe mit großer Reichweite
Handfeuerwaffen pl; Handwaffen pl
hochentwickelte Waffen
Jagdwaffe f
Kleinwaffen pl
konventionelle Waffen
leichte Waffen
Magazinwaffen pl
Nebenwaffen pl (Bewaffnung eines Landes)
präzisionsgelenkte Waffen
Präzisionswaffen pl
Seitenwaffe f
strategische Offensivwaffen
taktische Waffen
tragbare Waffen
U-Boot-Abwehrwaffen; U-Jagdwaffen; Waffen zur U-Boot-Bekämpfung
Waffe mit Brandwirkung; Brandwaffe f
Waffe mit Splitterwirkung
Waffen mit verzögerter Zündung
Waffen der zweiten Generation
eine Waffe tragen
eine Waffe unter dem Sakko tragen
Waffen ausmustern
in Waffen stehen; unter Waffen stehen
zu den Waffen rufen
die Waffen strecken
jdn. mit den eigenen Waffen schlagen übtr.
etw. als Waffe benutzen
eine neue Waffe im Kampf gegen die Kriminalität
weapon (individually and collectively); arm (category and fig., typically in plural)
weapons; arms
absolute relative weapons
biological weapons
service weapon; sidearm former name
handheld firearms; handheld guns; handguns; one-hand guns rare; small guns
longe-range weapon
small firearms; shoulder arms; shoulder weapons
sophisticated weapons
hunting weapon; sporting weapon
small arms
conventional weapons
light weapons
magazine weapons; magazine arms
minor weapons (Bewaffnung eines Landes)
precision-guided weapons
precision weapons
side arm
strategic offensive arms
tactical weapons
man-portable weapons
anti-submarine weapons ASW
incendiary weapon
fragmentation weapon
time-delay weapons
second generation weapons
to carry a weapon; to pack a weapon coll.; to be packing (heat) coll.
to be packing a weapon under your jacket coll.
to decommission weapons
to be under arms
to call to arms
to lay down one's arms
to defeat sb. with his own arguments
to use sth. as a weapon
a new crime weapon; a new weapon against crime

Deutsche kriminaltechnisch Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für kriminaltechnisch Synonym nachschlagen

Englische forensic Synonyme

forensics  debating  declamation  demagogism  elocution  eloquence  homiletics  lecturing  oratory  platform oratory  public speaking  pyrotechnics  rabble-rousing  rhetoric  speaking  speechcraft  speechification  speeching  speechmaking  stump speaking  wordcraft  

kriminaltechnisch Definition

(n.) The act or method of conducting
(n.) Skillful guidance or management
(n.) Convoy
(n.) That which carries or conveys anything
(n.) The manner of guiding or carrying one's self
(n.) Plot
(n.) To lead, or guide
(n.) To lead, as a commander
(n.) To behave
(n.) To serve as a medium for conveying
(n.) To direct, as the leader in the performance of a musical composition.
(v. i.) To act as a conductor (as of heat, electricity, etc.)
(v. i.) To conduct one's self
(n.) The interrogating or questioning of a witness by the party against whom he has been called and examined. See Examination.
(n.) The act of examining, or state of being examined
(n.) A process prescribed or assigned for testing qualification
(a.) Belonging to courts of judicature or to public discussion and debate
(n.) An exercise in debate
(n.) That which gives a safe passage
(n.) a convoy or guard to protect a person in an enemy's country or a foreign country
(n.) a writing, pass, or warrant of security, given to a person to enable him to travel with safety.
(v. t.) To conduct safely
(n.) An examination into one's own state, conduct, and motives, particularly in regard to religious feelings and duties.
(a.) Placed or situated under
(a.) Placed under the power of another
(a.) Exposed
(a.) Obedient
(a.) That which is placed under the authority, dominion, control, or influence of something else.
(a.) Specifically: One who is under the authority of a ruler and is governed by his laws
(a.) That which is subjected, or submitted to, any physical operation or process
(a.) That which is brought under thought or examination
(a.) The person who is treated of
(a.) That of which anything is affirmed or predicated
(a.) That in which any quality, attribute, or relation, whether spiritual or material, inheres, or to which any of these appertain
(a.) Hence, that substance or being which is conscious of its own operations
(n.) The principal theme, or leading thought or phrase, on which a composition or a movement is based.
(n.) The incident, scene, figure, group, etc., which it is the aim of the artist to represent.
(v. t.) To bring under control, power, or dominion
(v. t.) To expose
(v. t.) To submit
(v. t.) To make subservient.
(v. t.) To cause to undergo
(n.) The matter or thought presented for consideration in some statement or discussion

forensic / forensic examination / to subject the car to a forensic examination; to conduct a forensic examination of the car Bedeutung

postmortem examination
post-mortem examination
an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease
medical checkup
medical examination
medical exam
health check
a thorough physical examination, includes a variety of tests depending on the age and sex and health of the person
the act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)
examination testing the act of giving students or candidates a test (as by questions) to determine what they know or have learned
wrongful conduct
actus reus
activity that transgresses moral or civil law, he denied any wrongdoing
disorderly conduct
disorderly behavior
disturbance of the peace
breach of the peace
any act of molesting, interrupting, hindering, agitating, or arousing from a state of repose or otherwise depriving inhabitants of the peace and quiet to which they are entitled
manner of acting or controlling yourself
bank examination an examination of the affairs and records of a bank by a state or federal bank examiner
depicted object
something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation, a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject
(behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people
code of conduct
code of behavior
a set of conventional principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a member of a particular group
the contemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct
a detailed inspection of your conscience (as done daily by Jesuits)
subject issue
some situation or event that is thought about, he kept drifting off the topic, he had been thinking about the subject for several years, it is a matter for the police
subject area
subject field
field of study
study bailiwick
a branch of knowledge, in what discipline is his doctorate?, teachers should be well trained in their subject, anthropology is the study of human beings
forensic medicine
forensic pathology
the branch of medical science that uses medical knowledge for legal purposes, forensic pathology provided the evidence that convicted the murderer
subject (grammar) one of the two main constituents of a sentence, the grammatical constituent about which something is predicated
subject (logic) the first term of a proposition
nominative case
subject case
the category of nouns serving as the grammatical subject of a verb
subject matter
what a communication that is about something is about
the subject matter of a conversation or discussion, he didn't want to discuss that subject, it was a very sensitive topic, his letters were always on the theme of love
short subject a brief film, often shown prior to showing the feature
Distinguished Conduct Medal a British military decoration for distinguished conduct in the field
examination interrogatory
formal systematic questioning
cross-examination (law) close questioning of a hostile witness in a court of law to discredit or throw a new light on the testimony already provided in direct examination
direct examination (law) the initial questioning of a witness by the party that called the witness
redirect examination
(law) questioning of a witness by the party that called the witness after that witness has been subject to cross-examination
a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge, when the test was stolen the professor had to make a new set of questions
bar examination
bar exam
an examination conducted at regular intervals to determine whether a candidate is qualified to practice law in a given jurisdiction, applicants may qualify to take the New York bar examination by graduating from an approved law school, he passed the bar exam on his third try
comprehensive examination
an intensive examination testing a student's proficiency in some special field of knowledge, she took her comps in English literature
entrance examination
entrance exam
examination to determine a candidate's preparation for a course of studies
final examination
final exam
an examination administered at the end of an academic term
midterm examination
midterm exam
an examination administered in the middle of an academic term
oral exam
oral examination
viva voce
an examination conducted by spoken communication
preliminary examination
preliminary exam
an examination taken by graduate students to determine their fitness to continue
test paper
examination paper
exam paper
question sheet
a written examination
a person who owes allegiance to that nation, a monarch has a duty to his subjects
subject case guinea pig a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures, someone who is an object of investigation, the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly, the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities
liege subject
a person holding a fief, a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord
submit subject refer for judgment or consideration, The lawyers submitted the material to the court
subject make accountable for, He did not want to subject himself to the judgments of his superiors
lead, as in the performance of a composition, conduct an orchestra, Barenboim conducted the Chicago symphony for years
conduct lead musicians in the performance of, Bernstein conducted Mahler like no other conductor, she cannot conduct modern pieces
lead take direct
conduct guide
take somebody somewhere, We lead him to our chief, can you take me to the main entrance?, He conducted us to the palace
convey carry channel
transmit or serve as the medium for transmission, Sound carries well over water, The airwaves carry the sound, Many metals conduct heat
subject cause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable to, He subjected me to his awful poetry, The sergeant subjected the new recruits to many drills, People in Chernobyl were subjected to radiation
carry on
direct the course of, manage or control, You cannot conduct business like this
make subservient, force to submit or subdue
behave acquit
deport conduct comport carry
behave in a certain manner, She carried herself well, he bore himself with dignity, They conducted themselves well during these difficult times
subject likely to be affected by something, the bond is subject to taxation, he is subject to fits of depression
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