
man Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Quastenflosser pl (Coelacanthiformes) (zoologische Ordnung) zool.
Komoren-Quastenflosser m (Latimeria chalumnae)
Manado-Quastenflosser m (Latimeria menadoensis)
coelacanths (zoological order)
West Indian Ocean coelacanth
Indonesian coelacanth
Manadoeule f ornith.
Sulawesi Scops Owl
Manadotaube f ornith.
White-faced Pigeon
Beziehung zw. Management und Gewerkschaft
industrial relations
Management durch Motivierung
management by motivation
Management durch Zielvorgaben
management by objectives
Aufkauf m
Aufkauf einer Kapitalgesellschaft durch eigenes Management durch externe Finanzierung econ.
buying up, byout
leveraged buyout
Informationsfluss m
ungefilterter vertikaler Informationsfluss direkt zum Management
flow of information, information flow
Inhaltsverwaltungssystem n, Content Management System n comp.
content management system (CMS)
Lebenszyklus-Management n econ.
life cycle management
Management n, Leitung f
mittleres Management
strategisches Management
middle management
strategic management
Management-Buy-Out n econ.
management buyout, MBO
Management-Schulung f
management training
Netzwerk-Verwaltung f, Netzwerk-Management n
network management
Versorgungskettenmanagement n, Lieferkettenmanagement n, Supply Chain Management n econ.
supply chain management (SCM)
geschäftlich, leitend adj, Management ...
Geschäftsführung, Management
Management, Geschäftsführung
Aufkauf m
Aufkauf einer Kapitalgesellschaft durch eigenes Management durch externe Finanzierung econ.
buying up; buyout
leveraged buyout
Biotop-Management n biol. envir.
habitat management
Führung f; Lenkung f; Beherrschung f (von etw.)
Risikobeherrschung f
verantwortungsvolle Regierungsführung Unternehmensführung
Stadtmanagement n; städtisches Management
governance (of sth.)
risk governance
good governance
urban governance
Führungsebene f
mittlere Führungsebene; die mittleren Führungskräfte; mittleres Management
auf der mittleren Führungsebene
auf der Führungsebene
management level; managerial level
middle management
at middle management level
at the managerial level
Geschäftsleitung f; Geschäftsführung f; Management n econ.
Dezentralisierung der Geschäftsleitung
strategisches Management
(company) management mangt ; managerial staff; management board; executive officers Am.
decentralization of the management
strategic management
Hauptperson f; Hauptakteur m
Hauptpersonen pl; Hauptakteure pl
Sie hält die Familie Firma Mannschaft zusammen.
Planung ist das A und O beim Management.
She is the kingpin of the family company team.
Planning is the kingpin of management.
Informationsfluss m
ungefilterter vertikaler Informationsfluss direkt zum Management
flow of information; information flow
Management-Buy-Out n econ.
management buyout; MBO
Netz-Verwaltung f; Netz-Management n
network management
Qualitätsmanagement n QM
umfassendes Qualitätsmanagement; Total Quality Management
quality management QM
total quality management TQM
Versorgungskettenmanagement n; Lieferkettenmanagement n; Supply Chain Management n econ.
supply chain management SCM
geschäftlich; leitend adj; Management ...
schlank; effizient adj (Organisation)
schlankes Management
lean management
teilweise; zum Teil adv
Blinde und Sehbehinderte
ganz oder teilweise
teils wegen ... teils wegen
nur zum Teil erfolgreich sein
Das liegt zum Teil daran dass ...
Das Ergebnis ist teils belustigend teils ärgerlich.
Die Straße ist durch umgestürzte Bäume teilweise blockiert.
Die Probleme sind teilweise auf schlechtes Management zurückzuführen.
Die Krankheit ist zumindest teilweise psychologisch bedingt.
Das stimmt nur zum Teil.
in part; partly; partially (formal)
the blind and partially sighted
in whole or in part; wholly or partly
partly because of ... and partly because of ...
to be only partially successful
This is partly because ...
The result is partly amusing and partly annoying.
The road is partly partially blocked by fallen trees.
The problems are partly due to bad management.
The cause of the illness is at least in part psychological.; The cause of the illness is in part at least psychological.
This is only partially partly true.; This is only true in part.
Management-Buy-in (Abk.: MBI) (Ãœbernahme eines Unternehmesn durch ein extrernes Management) econ.
management buy-in (abbr.: MBI)
Chefetage f; Führungsriege f; Management n
Chefetagen pl; Führungsriegen pl
front office Am.
front offices
Führungsebene f; Leitungsebene f
mittlere Führungsebene; die mittleren Führungskräfte; mittleres Management
oberste Leitungsebene; oberste Führungsschicht
auf der mittleren Führungsebene
auf der Führungsebene
management level; managerial level; executive level
middle management
top-level management; top executive level
at middle management level
at the managerial level
Geldgeber m; Kapitalgeber m; Finanzier m; Financier m Ös. Schw. fin.
Geldgeber pl; Kapitalgeber pl; Finanziere pl; Financiere pl
die internationalen Geldgeber
das Verhältnis zwischen Management und Kapitalgebern
Geberland n; Gebernation f
donor; funder; provider of funds; lender of capital; lender
donors; funders; providers of funds; lenders of capital; lenders
the international donors
the relationship between management and capital investors
donor country; donor nation
Geschäftsleitung f; Geschäftsführung f; Management n econ.
Dezentralisierung der Geschäftsleitung
strategisches Management
(company) management mangt ; managerial staff; management board; executive officers Am.
decentralization of the management
strategic management
Management-Buy-in n MBI (Ãœbernahme eines Unternehmesn durch ein externes Management) econ.
management buy-in MBI
Management-Buy-out n econ.
management buyout MBO
Qualitätsmanagement n QM
umfassendes Qualitätsmanagement; Total Quality Management
quality management QM
total quality management TQM
Versorgungskettenmanagement n; Lieferkettenmanagement n; Supply Chain Management n econ.
supply chain management SCM
geschäftlich; leitend adj; Management …
teilweise; zum Teil adv
Blinde und Sehbehinderte
ganz oder teilweise
teils wegen … teils wegen
nur zum Teil erfolgreich sein
Das liegt zum Teil daran, dass …
Das Ergebnis ist teils belustigend, teils ärgerlich.
Die Straße ist durch umgestürzte Bäume teilweise blockiert.
Die Probleme sind teilweise auf schlechtes Management zurückzuführen.
Die Krankheit ist zumindest teilweise psychologisch bedingt.
Das stimmt nur zum Teil.
in part; part; partly; partially formal
the blind and partially sighted
in whole or in part; wholly or partly
partly because of … and partly because of …
to be only partially successful
This is partly because …
The result is partly part amusing and partly part annoying.
The road is partly partially blocked by fallen trees.
The problems are partly due to bad management.
The cause of the illness is at least in part psychological.; The cause of the illness is, in part at least, psychological.
This is only partially partly part true.; This is only true in part.
Management-Buy-in n MBI (Ãœbernahme eines Unternehmesn durch ein extrernes Management) econ.
management buy-in MBI
leitend; geschäftsleitend adj; Management-; Manager-
managerial {adj}
Rang m; Ebene f; Lage f
Ränge pl; Ebenen pl; Lagen pl
Managementebene f
zweite Führungsebene f
tier of management
second tier
Führungserfahrung f; Managementerfahrung f
leadership experience; management experience; executive experience
Managementfähigkeiten pl adm.
managerial skills; management skills
Leitungsfunktion f; Führungsfunktion f; Managementfunktion f
Leitungsfunktionen pl; Führungsfunktionen pl; Managementfunktionen pl
management function; leadership function
management functions; leadership functions
etw. lesen v stud.
Zur Zeit liest er strategisches Marketing am Managementinstitut.
to lecture sth.
At pretent he is lecturing strategic marketing at the Institute of Management.
Managementkapazitäten pl; Managementressourcen pl econ.
management resources
Managementmethoden pl
management methods
Managementprozess m; Managementverfahren n
Managementprozesse pl; Managementverfahren pl
management process
management processes
Managementprüfung f
management review
Managementsystem n
Managementsysteme pl
integriertes Managementsystem
Managementsystem für die Informationssicherheit
management system
management systems
integrated management system IMS
information security management system ISMS
Managementsystem n; Verwaltungssystem n
Managementsysteme pl; Verwaltungssysteme pl
integriertes Managementsystem
Auftrags-Verwaltungssystem n
Managementsystem für die Informationssicherheit
management system; administrative system
management systems; administrative systems
integrated management system IMS
order management system
information security management system ISMS
Managementzugriff m
management access
managen, ein Unternehmen leiten
etw. geschickt abwickeln; über die Bühne bringen; (gut) über die Runden bringen; schaukeln ugs.; schmeißen ugs. v
geschickt abwickelnd; über die Bühne bringend; über die Runden bringend; schaukelnd; schmeißend
geschickt abgewickelt; über die Bühne gebracht; über die Runden gebracht; geschaukelt; geschmissen
etw. geschickt in etw. umwandeln umsetzen
die Finanzen geschickt managen
ein Geschäft über die Bühne bringen
to finesse sth. Am.
to finesse sth. into sth.
to finesse the financing
to finesse a deal
managen; betreuen v
managend; betreuend
gemanagt; betreut
to manage
etw. verwalten; führen; administrieren geh.; managen ugs. v
verwaltend; führend; administrierend; managend
verwaltet; geführt; administriert; gemanagt
er sie verwaltet
ich er sie verwaltete
er sie hat hatte verwaltet
to manage; to administer; to administrate sth.
managing; administering; administrating
managed; administered; administrated
I he she manages; he she administers; he she administrates
I he she managed; I he she administered; I he she administrated
he she has had managed; he she has had administered; he she has had administrated
Karriere f, Werdegang m
Karrieren pl
Berufskarriere f, beruflicher Werdegang
Karriere als Manager
professional career
managerial career
Leiter m, Leiterin f, Direktor m, Direktorin f, Manager m, Managerin f
Leiter pl, Direktoren pl, Manager pl
technischer Direktor, technische Direktorin
engineering manager
Manager m, Managerin f
Manager pl
Manager m
Manager pl
Privatjet m für Manager
executive jet
Qualitätsmanagement-Manager m (QMM)
quality management manager (QMM)
IT-Leiter m, IT-Leiterin f, IT-Manager m
CIO : Chief Information Officer
Leiter, Direktor, Manager

Deutsche man Synonyme

Englische coelacanths Synonyme

man Definition

(a.) Having hollow spines, as some ganoid fishes.
East Indian
() Belonging to, or relating to, the East Indies.
East Indian
(n.) A native of, or a dweller in, the East Indies.
(a.) Of or pertaining to India proper
(a.) Of or pertaining to the aborigines, or Indians, of America
(a.) Made of maize or Indian corn
(n.) A native or inhabitant of India.
(n.) One of the aboriginal inhabitants of America
(n.) The whole body of salt water which covers more than three fifths of the surface of the globe
(n.) One of the large bodies of water into which the great ocean is regarded as divided, as the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Antarctic oceans.
(n.) An immense expanse
(a.) Of or pertaining to the main or great sea
(n.) Regular arrangement
(n.) Of material things, like the books in a library.
(n.) Of intellectual notions or ideas, like the topics of a discource.
(n.) Of periods of time or occurrences, and the like.
(n.) Right arrangement
(n.) The customary mode of procedure
(n.) Conformity with law or decorum
(n.) That which prescribes a method of procedure
(n.) A command
(n.) Hence: A commission to purchase, sell, or supply goods
(n.) A number of things or persons arranged in a fixed or suitable place, or relative position
(n.) A body of persons having some common honorary distinction or rule of obligation
(n.) An ecclesiastical grade or rank, as of deacon, priest, or bishop
(n.) The disposition of a column and its component parts, and of the entablature resting upon it, in classical architecture
(n.) An assemblage of genera having certain important characters in common
(n.) The placing of words and members in a sentence in such a manner as to contribute to force and beauty or clearness of expression.
(n.) Rank
(n.) To put in order
(n.) To give an order to
(n.) To give an order for
(n.) To admit to holy orders
(v. i.) To give orders
(n.) The point in the heavens where the sun is seen to set at the equinox
(n.) A country, or region of country, which, with regard to some other country or region, is situated in the direction toward the west.
(n.) The Westen hemisphere, or the New World so called, it having been discovered by sailing westward from Europe
(n.) Formerly, that part of the United States west of the Alleghany mountains
(a.) Lying toward the west
(adv.) Westward.
(v. i.) To pass to the west
(v. i.) To turn or move toward the west
West India
() Alt. of West Indian
West Indian
() Belonging or relating to the West Indies.
West Indian
() A native of, or a dweller in, the West Indies.
(a.) Of or pertaining to zoology, or the science of animals.

coelacanths (zoological order) / West Indian Ocean coelacanth / Indonesian coelacanth Bedeutung

mail-order buying
catalog buying
buying goods to be shipped through the mail
ocean trip
an act of traveling by water
Wild West Show
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
a spectacular show organized in by William F. Cody that featured horseback riding and marksmanship on a large scale, toured the United States and Europe
tall order
large order
a formidable task or requirement, finishing in time was a tall order but we did it
order arms a position in the manual of arms, the rifle is held vertically on the right side with the butt on the ground, often used as a command
close-order drill (military) military drill of troops in standard marching (shoulder-to-shoulder)
the act of putting things in a sequential arrangement, there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list
rank order an arrangement according to rank
holy order the sacrament of ordination
telephone order receiving orders via telephone
Indian Mutiny
Sepoy Mutiny
discontent with British administration in India led to numerous mutinies in and , the revolt was put down after several battles and sieges (notably the siege at Lucknow)
French and Indian War a war in North America between France and Britain (both aided by American Indian tribes), -
West Nile virus
West Nile encephalitis virus
the flavivirus that causes West Nile encephalitis
animal order the order of animals
protoctist order the order of protoctists
bacteria order an order of bacteria
order Eubacteriales
one of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria, Gram-positive spherical or rod-shaped forms, some are motile, in some classifications considered an order of Schizomycetes
order Pseudomonadales
one of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria, Gram-negative spiral or spherical or rod-shaped bacteria usually motile by polar flagella, some contain photosynthetic pigments
order Rickettsiales
pleomorphic Gram-negative microorganisms
order Mycoplasmatales
coextensive with the family Mycoplasmataceae
order Actinomycetales
filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria
order Myxobacteria
order Myxobacterales
order Myxobacteriales
an order of higher bacteria
order Spirochaetales
higher bacteria, slender spiral rodlike forms
order Heliozoa
mostly freshwater protozoa
order Radiolaria
marine protozoa
order Amoebida
order Amoebina
the animal order including amoebas
order Foraminifera
order Testacea
testacean rhizopods
order Heterotrichales
yellow-green algae with simple or branching filaments, comprising the single family Tribonemaceae
order Laminariales
in some classifications coextensive with family Laminariaceae: marine brown algae of cold or polar seas
order Fucales
coextensive with the family Fucaceae
order Ulvales
an order of protoctist
order Volvocales
chiefly freshwater green algae, solitary or colonial
order Zygnematales
order Zygnemales
pond scums, desmids
order Chlorococcales
unicellular green algae that reproduce by spores
order oedogoniales
simple or branched filamentous freshwater green algae
order Charales
small order of macroscopic fresh and brackish water algae with a distinct axis: stoneworts
order Dinoflagellata
order Cilioflagellata
in some classifications considered a phylum of the kingdom Protista, in others included in the plant phylum Pyrrophyta
order Hypermastigina
cellulose-producing flagellates
order Polymastigina
small usually parasitic flagellates
order Coccidia
an order in the subclass Telosporidia
order Gregarinida
an order in the subclass Telosporidia
order Haemosporidia
an order in the subclass Telosporidia
order Sarcosporidia
imperfectly known parasites of the muscles of vertebrates
order Haplosporidia
an order in the subclass Acnidosporidia
order Actinomyxidia
parasites of worms
order Mycrosporidia
an order in the subclass Cnidosporidia
order Myxosporidia
an order in the subclass Cnidosporidia
order Ostariophysi
in some classifications considered a superorder comprising the Cypriniformes and the Siluriformes
order Cypriniformes
an order of animals including almost entirely freshwater fishes: characins, loaches, carp, suckers, sometimes classified as a suborder of Ostariophysi
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