
materialgerecht Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

materialgerecht; werkstoffgerecht adj techn.
appropriate for the material involved
materialgerecht; werkstoffgerecht adj techn.
appropriate for the material involved
ausreichend Material
sufficient material
bestelltes Material
material on order
direktes Material (für die Produktion)
direct material
einer Ware zugeordnetes Material
direct materials
Material sammeln
amass material
nutzloses Material
useless material
überschüssiges Material
surplus material
Umgang mit Material
materials handling
veraltetes Material
obsolete material
verworfenes Material
rejected material
vorrätiges Material
material on hand
Abtragen n von Material
material removal
Aufschießen n (von feuerfestem Material) mach.
Bombe f, Abwurfwaffe f mil.
Bomben n
schmutzige Bombe, radiologische Waffe, Sprengsatz, der bei seiner Explosion radioaktives Material verteilt
(versteckte) Sprengbombe am Straßenrand
bomb, bombshell
dirty bomb, radiological dispersal device (RDD)
roadside bomb
Einsparung f (an)
Einsparungen pl
umfangreiche Einsparungen
Einsparungen an Kosten
Einsparungen an Energie
Einsparungen an Material
durch Einsparungen an
saving (in)
extensive economies
savings in costs, economies in costs
savings in energy, economies in energy
savings in materials, economies in materials
by economizing on, by saving
Gegenstand m, Material n
Material n, Werkstoff m, Stoff m
Materialien pl, Werkstoffe pl, Stoffe pl
eingeleitetes Material
fehlerhaftes Material
leitfähiges Material
nachvernetztes Material
dumped material
defective material
conductive material
post-cured material
Material n, Informationen pl
Schweiß transportierend, Schweiß transportierendes Material textil.
Volant m
Volants pl
Material für Volants
mit Volants besetzt
flounce, frill, valance
Wiederaufarbeitung f, Herstellung aus recyceltem Material
Zerfall m (von radioaktivem Material)
decay (of radioactive material)
auftragsgebundenes Material
allocated material
bauen, aufbauen v
bauend, aufbauend
gebaut, aufgebaut
sie baut
sie baute
sie hat
hatte gebaut
schäbig bauen, mit billigem Material bauen, pfuschen
to build {built, built}, to build up
building, building up
built, built up
she builds
she built
she has
had built
to jerry-build {jerry-built, jerry-built}
halbsteif adj
halbsteifes Material
semi-rigid material
n-leitend adj electr.
n-leitendes Material
n type
n material
p-leitendes Material (Halbleiter) electr.
unbrauchbares Material
wiederaufarbeiten, aus recyceltem Material herstellen
to remanufacture
Material, Informationen
Material, Werkstoff
Gegenstand, Material, Sache, Angelegenheit
n leitendes Material
n material
p-leitendes Material (Halbl.)
Material, Stoff
das Material ist echt
the material is genuine
diese Art von Material
this kind of material
Ware vom besten Material
goods of the best material
Abrieb m; Abgeriebenes n; abgeriebenes Material n
abraded material; abraded particles; rubbed-off particles
Anschüttung f; Hinterfüllung f (stabilisierendes Material) constr.
Baggergut-Hinterfüllung f
backing; backfill
backfill with excavated material
Arbeitsleistung f; Arbeit f econ.
harte körperliche Arbeit
Der Preis beinhaltet Arbeit und Material.
labour Br.; labor Am.
hard manual labour
The price includes the labour and materials
Aufschießen n (von feuerfestem Material) techn.
Bombe f; Abwurfwaffe f mil.
Bomben pl; Abwurfwaffen pl
Atombombe f; Nuklearbombe f; A-Bombe f
Blitzlichtbombe f
Brandbombe f
Leuchtbombe f
Napalmbombe f
Neutronenbombe f
Plutoniumbombe f
Rohrbombe f
Splitterbombe f
Sprengbombe f
Streubombe f; Schüttbombe f; Kassettenbombe f
Wasserstoffbombe f; H-Bombe f; thermonukleare Bombe f
Bombe mit Detonationsdruckzündung
Bombe mit verzögerter Zündung
gelenkte Bombe
ungelenkte Bombe f; Freifallbombe f
nicht detonierte Bombe
schmutzige Bombe; radiologische Dispersionsvorrichtung (konventioneller Sprengsatz der radioaktives Material verstreut)
eine Bombe scharfmachen
eine Bombe auf ein Ziel abwerfen
eine Brandbombe auf ein Ziel abwerfen v
(an einem Ort) eine Bombe legen deponieren
eine Bombe zünden
die Bombe explodiert
Das Zimmer sah aus als hätte eine Bombe eingeschlagen.
nuclear bomb; A-bomb; atomic bomb
photoflash bomb
firebomb; incendiary bomb
flare bomb; illuminating bomb
napalm bomb
neutron bomb
plutonium bomb
pipe bomb
scatter bomb; fragmentation bomb
high-explosive bomb
cluster bomb
hydrogen bomb; H-bomb; fusion bomb; thermonuclear bomb
concussion bomb
delayed-action bomb
blind smart bomb; blind bomb
unguided bomb; free-fall bomb; gravity bomb
unexploded bomb
dirty bomb; radiological dispersal device RDD
to arm a bomb
to drop a bomb on a target
to firebomb a target
to plant a bomb (in a place)
to detonate a bomb
the bomb explodes goes off
The room looked like a bomb had hit it.
Büßerhemd n; Büßergewand n; Kleidung aus rauem hautreizendem Material übtr.
grobe Textilie aus Pferde- Kamelhaar; Sacktuch n
hairshirt; hair-shirt; hair shirt fig.
haircloth; hair-cloth fig.
Einsparung f (an)
Einsparungen pl
umfangreiche Einsparungen
Einsparungen an Kosten
Einsparungen an Energie
Einsparungen an Material
Einsparung von Ressourcen
durch Einsparungen an von
saving (in)
extensive economies
savings in costs; economies in costs
savings in energy; economies in energy
savings in materials; economies in materials
saving of resources
by economizing on; by saving
Das Material wird nur für interne Ermittlungszwecke verwendet.
The material will be used for internal purposes only.
erkennungsdienstliches Material n (Lichtbild Fingerabdrücke DNS-Profil)
identifying material (set of photograph fingerprints DNA profile)
Garantie f; Gewährleistung f; Gewähr f geh.
ohne Gewähr
Garantie auf Material und Verarbeitung
jdm. die Gewähr bieten geben dass ...
Dafür übernehme ich keine Gewähr Garantie.
Alle Angaben (erfolgen) ohne Gewähr.
guaranty; guarantee Br.; warranty
without guaranty; not warranted
warranty against defective material and workmanship
to guarantee that
I cannot guarantee that.
No responsiblity is taken for the correctness of this information.
Gegenstand m; Material n
Handformstein m (feuerfestes Material)
dobie (refractories)
Hinterfüllung f; Anschüttung f (von Hohlräumen mit stabilisierendem Material) constr.
backing (process)
Kristall n (Material)
Gläser aus Kristall
crystal glasses
Lagerung f; Bettung f; Auflagerung f (von Material) techn.
die Lagerung des Motors auf Gummikissen Gummpolstern Ös.
bedding (of material)
the bedding of the engine inrubber cushions
Material n; Werkstoff m; Stoff m
Materialien pl; Werkstoffe pl; Stoffe pl
eingeleitetes Material
fehlerhaftes Material
leitfähiges Material
nachvernetztes Material
dumped material
defective material
conductive material
post-cured material
Ovonic n (Halbleiter aus amorphem Material) electr.
ovonic device; glass switch
Pappe f; Karton m (Material)
Pappe für Kartonagen
mehrlagige dreifach gegautsche Pappe
geharzte Pappe
paraffinierte Pappe
paperboard; cardboard; board (material)
box board
triplex board
moulding board
paraffined cardboard
Rolle f (von etw.) (aufgerolltes Material)
Rollen pl
eine Rolle Geschenkpapier (aufgerolltes Papier ohne innere Spule)
roll (of sth.)
a roll of wrapping paper
Rolle f (von etw.) (auf eine Spule aufgewickeltes Material)
Rollen pl
eine Rolle Garn
reel (of sth.)
a reel of cotton
Schweiß transportierend; Schweiß transportierendes Material textil.
Strahlenschutz m (Material)
radiation protection shielding; protection against radiation (material)
Ãœberbeanspruchung f; Ãœberlastung f (von Maschinen Material) techn.
overload (of machines materials)
Urheberrecht n (an etw.) (subjektives Recht) jur.
alleiniges Urheberrecht; Alleinurheberrecht
internationales Urheberrecht
Urheberrecht an Filmen
Urheberrecht an Werken der bildenden Künste
Urheberrecht an literarischen künstlerischen oder wissenschaftlichen Werken
Erwerb und Ausübung des Urheberrechts
Ãœbertragung des Urheberrechts
Material das gegen ein bestehendes Urheberrecht verstößt
Diese Fotografien sind urheberrechtlich geschützt.
copyright (to sth.)
exclusive copyright
international copyright
film copyright
artistic copyright
copyright of literary artistic or scientific works
acquisition and enjoyment of (the) copyright
assignment of copyright
copyright-infringing material; infringing material
These photographs are under copyright.
Volant m textil.
Volants pl
Material für Volants
mit Volants besetzt
flounce; frill; valance
Wärmeisolierung f; Wärmeisolation f; Wärmedämmung f; Wärmeschutz m (Tätigkeit und Material) techn.
heat insulation; thermal insulation; lagging Br.
Wiederaufarbeitung f; Herstellung aus recyceltem Material
Zerfall m (von radioaktivem Material)
radioaktiver Zerfall
spontaner Zerfall
decay (of radioactive material)
radioaktive decay; radioaktive disintegration
spontaneous decay; spontaneous disintegration
Zuführen n; Zuführung f; Zufuhr f; Beschicken n; Beschickung f; Speisung f; Aufgeben n (von mit Material) techn.
feeding; charging (of material)
ein Material angreifen; (chemisch) zerfressen; wegfressen; zersetzen v
angreifend; zerfressend; wegfressend; zersetzend
angegriffen; zerfressen; weggefressen; zersetzt
to corrode; to erode; to eat away a material (by chemical action)
corroding; eroding; eating away
corroded; eroded; eaten away

Deutsche materialgerecht Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für materialgerecht Synonym nachschlagen

Englische appropriate for the material involved Synonyme

appropriate  a propos  absorb  abstract  acceptable  according to Hoyle  accroach  ad rem  adapted  admissible  adopt  advantageous  advisable  agreeable  allocate  allot  and  annex  appertaining  applicable  applying  appoint  apportion  apposite  appropriate  appropriate to  apropos  apt  arrogate  assign  assign to  assimilate  assume  auspicious  bag  banausic  becoming  befitting  belonging  beneficial  boost  borrow  characteristic  civil  claim  colonize  comely  commandeer  commodious  condign  confiscate  congruous  conquer  conscript  convenient  cop  copy  correct  crib  decent  decorous  defraud  derive from  deserved  desirable  desired  despoil  destine  detail  devote  digest  distinctive  distinguished  dovetailing  draft  due  earmark  eligible  embezzle  employable  encroach  enjoyable  enslave  entitled  exact  expedient  expropriate  extort  fair  fate  favorable  feasible  felicitous  filch  fit  fitted  fitten  fitting  forage  fortunate  fructuous  functional  geared  genteel  germane  good  good for  grab  grasp  happy  helpful  hog  hook  idiocratic  idiosyncratic  imitate  impound  in character  in point  indent  infringe  infringe a copyright  inspired  intrinsic  invade  involving  jump a claim  just  just right  kosher  lay hold of  lift  likely  lot  lucky  make assignments  make free with  make off with  make use of  mark off  mark out for  marked  material  meet  merited  meshing  metabolize  mock  monopolize  nice  nick  nip  normal  normative  occupy  of general utility  of help  of service  of use  on the button  opportune  ordain  overrun  palm  pat  peculiar  pertaining  pertinent  pilfer  pinch  pirate  plagiarize  play God  pleasant  poach  politic  portion off  practical  pragmatical  predigest  preempt  preoccupy  prepossess  press  pretend to  profitable  proper  propitious  providential  purloin  qualified  quintessential  raid  recommendable  relevant  requisite  requisition  reserve  restrict  restrict to  right  right a  
appropriateness  account  advantage  aid  allotment  allowance  applicability  appositeness  appropriation  aptness  assistance  expediency  fitness  grant  grant-in-aid  help  meetness  order  propriety  relevance  rightness  service  serviceability  stipend  subsidy  subvention  suitability  suitableness  use  usefulness  utility  

materialgerecht Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Involve
(a.) Same as Involute.
(a.) Consisting of matter
(a.) Hence: Pertaining to, or affecting, the physical nature of man, as distinguished from the mental or moral nature
(a.) Of solid or weighty character
(a.) Pertaining to the matter, as opposed to the form, of a thing. See Matter.
(n.) The substance or matter of which anything is made or may be made.
(v. t.) To form from matter

appropriate for the material involved Bedeutung

material breach a breach serious enough to destroy the value of the contract and to give a basis for an action for breach of contract
waste of material a useless consumption of material
bedding material
bedding litter
material used to provide a bed for animals
artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers, the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent, woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around BC, she measured off enough material for a dress
material things needed for doing or making something, writing materials, useful teaching materials
photographic paper
photographic material
light-sensitive paper on which photograph can be printed
piece of cloth
piece of material
a separate part consisting of fabric
upholstery material the fabric used in upholstering
e human body
physical body
material body
frame form
alternative names for the body of a human being, Leonardo studied the human body, he has a strong physique, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
written material
piece of writing
the work of a writer, anything expressed in letters of the alphabet (especially when considered from the point of view of style and effect), the writing in her novels is excellent, that editorial was a fine piece of writing
reading material
written material intended to be read, the teacher assigned new readings, he bought some reading material at the airport
material information (data or ideas or observations) that can be used or reworked into a finished form, the archives provided rich material for a definitive biography
promotional material
a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution, the packaging of new ideas
material a person judged suitable for admission or employment, he was university material, she was vice-presidential material
material witness a witness whose testimony is both relevant to the matter at issue and required in order to resolve the matter
tangible possession
material possession
property or belongings that are tangible
material resource assets in the form of material possessions
the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object, coal is a hard black material, wheat is the stuff they use to make bread
raw material
material suitable for manufacture or use or finishing
sorbent material
a material that sorbs another substance, i.e. that has the capacity or tendency to take it up by either absorption or adsorption
absorbent material
a material having capacity or tendency to absorb another substance
adsorbent material
a material having capacity or tendency to adsorb another substance
adhesive material
adhesive agent
a substance that unites or bonds surfaces together
sealing material any substance used to seal joints or fill cracks in a porous surface
animal material material derived from animals
building material material used for constructing buildings
abrasive material
a substance that abrades or wears down
combustible material
a substance that can be burned to provide heat or power
composite material strong lightweight material developed in the laboratory, fibers of more than one kind are bonded together chemically
semiconducting material
a substance as germanium or silicon whose electrical conductivity is intermediate between that of a metal and an insulator, its conductivity increases with temperature and in the presence of impurities
covering material a material used by builders to cover surfaces
waste material
waste matter
waste product
any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted, they collect the waste once a week, much of the waste material is carried off in the sewers
fencing material
material for building fences
contrast medium
contrast material
a substance that is opaque to xays, when administered it allows a radiologist to examine the organ or tissue it fills
insulating material
a material that reduces or prevents the transmission of heat or sound or electricity
packing material
any material used especially to protect something
paving material
material used to pave an area
coloring material
colouring material
any material used for its color, she used a different color for the trim
plant material
plant substance
material derived from plants
radioactive material material that is radioactive
roofing material building material used in constructing roofs
create from raw material
create from raw stuff
make from scratch
absorbed in your own interests or thoughts etc
involved emotionally involved
real material
having substance or capable of being treated as fact, not imaginary, the substantial world, a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical, most ponderous and substantial things- Shakespeare
material derived from or composed of matter, the material universe
having material or physical form or substance, that which is created is of necessity corporeal and visible and tangible - Benjamin Jowett
entangled or hindered as if e.g. in mire, the difficulties in which the question is involved, brilliant leadership mired in details and confusion
material directly relevant to a matter especially a law case, his support made a material difference, evidence material to the issue at hand, facts likely to influence the judgment are called material facts, a material witness
involved connected by participation or association or use, we accomplished nothing, simply because of the large number of people involved, the problems involved, the involved muscles, I don't want to get involved, everyone involved in the bribery case has been identified
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