
nachgehen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

keep track
der Sache nachgehen
to go into the matter
den Kosten nachgehen
keep track of costs
seiner Arbeit nachgehen
to ply one's trade geh.
einer Spur nachgehen, ausfindig machen
die Spur verfolgen, einer Spur nachgehen
keep track
jdm. nachgehen v
to go after sb.; to go behind sb.; to walk after sb.; to walk behind sb.
going after; going behind; walking after; walking behind
gone after; gone behind; walked after; walked behind
Beruf m
Berufe pl
von Beruf
einem Beruf nachgehen
by profession
to practise a profession
nachgehen; verfolgen
nachgehend; verfolgend
nachgegangen; verfolgt
to follow up
following up
followed up
nachgehen, verfolgen
nachgehend, verfolgend
nachgegangen, verfolgt
to follow up
following up
followed up
etw. verfolgen; nachverfolgen v
verfolgend; nachverfolgend
verfolgt; nachverfolgt
den Kosten nachgehen
to keep track of sth.
keeping track of
kept track of
to keep track of costs
eine Aktivität ausüben; betreiben; einer Aktivität nachgehen v
eine Aktivität ausübend; betreibend; einer Aktivität nachgehend
eine Aktivität ausgeübt; betrieben; einer Aktivität nachgegangen
to carry on an activity; to prosecute an activity (dated)
carrying on an activity; prosecuting an activity
carried on an activity; prosecuted an activity
an etw. herangehen; bei etw. zu Werke gehen geh. v
herangehend; zu Werke gehend
hergegangen; zu Werke gegangen
einer Aktivität nachgehen
Das ist eine Möglichkeit (an die Sache heranzugehen).
to go about sth.
going about
gone about
to go about an activity
That's one way to go about it.
eine Aktivität ausüben; betreiben; einer Aktivität nachgehen v soc.
eine Aktivität ausübend; betreibend; einer Aktivität nachgehend
eine Aktivität ausgeübt; betrieben; einer Aktivität nachgegangen
to carry on an activity; to partake in an activity formal; to prosecute an activity dated
carrying on an activity; partaking in an activity; prosecuting an activity
carried on an activity; partaken in an activity; prosecuted an activity
Gewerbe n econ.
Handel und Gewerbe
Gewerbe und Handwerk
ein Gewerbe anmelden
ein Gewerbe betreiben ausüben
einem Gewerbe nachgehen
seinem Gewerbe nachgehen
Drogendealer gehen an den Straßenecken ganz offen ihrem Gewerbe nach.
trade; business; small-scale industry
trade and industry
trade and skilled labour
to register a trade business
to carry on follow a trade
to pursue a trade
to ply one's trade
Drug dealers openly ply their trade on street corners.
Gewerbe n econ.
Handel und Gewerbe
Gewerbe und Handwerk
ein Gewerbe anmelden
ein Gewerbe betreiben ausüben
einem Gewerbe nachgehen
seinem Gewerbe nachgehen
Drogendealer gehen an den Straßenecken ganz offen ihrem Gewerbe nach.
trade; business; small-scale industry
trade and industry
trade and skilled labour
to register a trade business
to carry on follow ply a trade
to pursue a trade
to ply one's trade
Drug dealers openly ply their trade on street corners.
jdn. anstellen; jdn. beschäftigen v
anstellend; beschäftigend
angestellt; beschäftigt
stellt an; beschäftigt
stellte an; beschäftigte
fest angestellt sein; fix angestellt sein Ös. ugs.
einer Beschäftigung nachgehen; eine Erwerbstätigkeit ausüben
to employ sb.
to be employed on a permanent regular basis
to be gainfully employed
sich betätigen v; etw. betreiben v
sich betätigend; betreibend
sich betätigt; betrieben
einer Tätigkeit nachgehen; eine Tätigkeit ausüben
Forschung betreiben
Politik machen
sich politisch betätigen
sich kriminell betätigen
Nur 15% der Erwachsenen betreiben regelmäßig Sport.
to engage in sth. in doing sth.
engaging in
engaged in
to engage in an activity
to engage in research
to engage in policy-making
to engage in politics
to engage in criminal activities
Only 15% of adults regularly engage in sports (activities).
etw. (voll) ausleben v; sich ganz einer Sache widmen v; einer Sache freien Lauf lassen v (Wunsch, Interesse usw.)
seinen Patriotismus ausleben
seiner ironischen Ader freien Lauf lassen
seiner Kunstleidenschaft frönen
seinen Interessen nachgehen; sich ganz seinen Interessen widmen
dafür sorgen, dass Kinder ihre natürliche Neugierde ausleben können
to indulge sth. (desire, interest etc.)
to indulge your patriotism
to indulge your sense of irony
to indulge your passion for art
to indulge your interests
to let children indulge their natural curiosity
der Prostitution nachgehen adm.; sich prostituieren v; anschaffen gehen ugs.; auf (die) Anschaffe gehen Dt. ugs. v
der Prostitution nachgehend; sich prostituierend; anschaffen gehend; auf Anschaffe gehend
der Prostitution nachgegangen; sich prostituiert; anschaffen gegangen; auf Anschaffe gegangen
sich auf der Straße prostituieren; auf den Strich gehen
to engage in prostitution adm.; to prostitute yourself; to hustle Am.
engaging in prostitution; prostituting yourself; hustling
engaged in prostitution; prostituted yourself; hustled
to engage in street prostitution; to walk the streets
Arbeit f; Tätigkeit f
Arbeiten pl
bei der Arbeit
in Arbeit; in Arbeit begriffen
zur Arbeit gehen; an die Arbeit gehen
seiner Arbeit nachgehen
niedere Arbeit; schmutzige Arbeit
illegale Arbeit
sich an die Arbeit machen
die Arbeit niederlegen; mit der Arbeit aufhören
in der Arbeit erstickt übtr.
unproduktive Tätigkeit; Beschäftigungstherapie f ugs.
Er hat viel Arbeit.
at work
in the works; work in progress
to go to work
to ply your work
dirty work
illegal work
to set to work
to down tools
to be snowed under with work; to be up to one's neck in work; to be swamped with work fig.
make-work; busywork
He has a lot of work.
Vorwurf m; Vorhaltung f jur. (gegen jdn.)
Vorwürfe pl; Vorhaltungen pl
Betrugsvorwürfe pl
Tatvorwurf m
der Vorwurf der schweren Pflichtverletzung
einen Vorwurf erheben bestreiten
dem Vorwurf nachgehen, er habe Geld unterschlagen
Es wird ihm ihr ihnen vorgeworfen zur Last gelegt, …
Ihr wird unter anderem vorgeworfen zur Last gelegt, dass …
Sie erhob schwere Vorwürfe gegen ihre Kollegen.
Er wies die Betrugsvorwürfe scharf zurück.
allegation (against sb.)
allegations of fraud
criminal allegation
the allegation of serious misconduct
to make deny an allegation
to investigate an allegation that he embezzled money
The allegation against him her them is that …
One of the allegations made against her is that …
She made serious allegations against her colleagues.
He strongly denied the allegations of fraud.
Vorwurf m; Vorhaltung f; Vorhalt m jur. (gegen jdn)
Vorwürfe pl; Vorhaltungen pl; Vorhalte pl
der Vorwurf der schweren Pflichtverletzung
einen Vorwurf erheben bestreiten
dem Vorwurf nachgehen er habe Geld unterschlagen
Es wird ihm ihr ihnen vorgeworfen zur Last gelegt ...
Ihr wird unter anderem vorgeworfen zur Last gelegt dass ...
Auf Vorhalt erklärte er ...
Sie erhob schwere Vorwürfe gegen ihre Kollegen.
Er wies die Betrugsvorwürfe scharf zurück.
allegation (against sb.)
criminal allegation
the allegation of serious misconduct
to make deny an allegation
to investigate an allegation that he embezzled money
The allegation against him her them is that ...
One of the allegations made against her is that ...
When confronted with the allegation the facts (of the case) he stated ...
She made serious allegations against her colleagues.
He strongly denied the allegations of fraud.
Sache f, Angelegenheit f, Ding n
die Sache ist die
die Sache an sich
Kern der Sache übtr.
nach dem Stand der Dinge, wie die Dinge liegen
Angelegenheit von gemeinsamem Interesse
eine reelle Sache, ein faires Geschäft
eine klare Sache
einer Sache gewachsen sein
mit jdm. gemeinsame Sache machen
der Sache nachgehen
gleich zur Sache kommen
seine Sache gut machen
seine Sache gut machen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
Sachen umherwerfen
the point is
the matter itself, the thing itself, the situation itself
root of the matter
as matters stand, as it is
matter of mutual interest
a square deal
a plain sailing
to be equal to sth.
to make common cause with sb.
to go into the matter
to come straight to the point
to do a good job
to acquit oneself well
to come to business
to come to the point
to get down to brass tacks
to get down to the nitty-gritty
to send things flying
jdn. einstellen; anstellen; aufnehmen Ös.; beschäftigen v (als Angestellten)
einstellend; anstellend; aufnehmend; beschäftigend
eingestellt; angestellt; aufgenommen; beschäftigt
fest angestellt sein; fix angestellt sein Ös. ugs.
Personal einstellen aufnehmen Ös.
jdn. probeweise auf Probe einstellen
jdn. erneut anstellen
bei einer Firma angestellt beschäftigt sein; im Arbeitsverhältnis stehen Dt.
einer Beschäftigung nachgehen; eine Erwerbstätigkeit ausüben
Viele Beamte kommen aus der Privatwirtschaft.
to employ; to engage; to hire; to recruit sb.; to take on () sb.; to take sb. into employment; to put sb. on the payroll
employing; engaging; hiring; recruiting; taking on; taking into employment; putting on the payroll
employed; engaged; hired; recruited; taken on; taken into employment; put on the payroll
to be employed on a permanent regular basis
to recruit staff
to employ sb. on probation on trial
to rehire sb.
to be employed by with a company
to be gainfully employed
Many government officials were recruited from private industry.
Sache f; Angelegenheit f; Ding n
die Sache ist die
die Sache an sich
Kern der Sache übtr.
nach dem Stand der Dinge; wie die Dinge liegen
Angelegenheit von gemeinsamem Interesse
eine Angelegenheit von ziemlicher Bedeutung
eine reelle Sache; ein faires Geschäft
eine brenzlige Angelegenheit ugs.
die Angelegenheiten regeln
seine Angelegenheiten in Ordnung bringen
mit jdm. gemeinsame Sache machen
der Sache nachgehen
seine Sache gut machen
seine Sache gut machen; sich gut halten
zur Sache kommen
gleich zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
Sachen umherwerfen
Es ist Sache des Gerichts, die Bedingungen festzulegen.
the point is
the matter itself; the thing itself; the situation itself
root of the matter
as matters stand; as it is
matter of mutual interest
a matter of relative importance
a square deal
a delicate matter
to arrange matters
to put one's affairs in order; to settle one's business
to make common cause with sb.; to connive with sb.
to go into the matter
to do a good job
to acquit yourself well
to come to the point; to get to the point; to cut to the chase Am.
to come straight to the point; to cut right to the chase Am.
to get down to brass tacks; to get down to the nitty-gritty coll.
to send things flying
It is for the Court to fix the terms.; The terms are a matter for the Court to fix.
Sache f; Angelegenheit f; Ding n
die Sache ist die
die Sache an sich
Kern der Sache übtr.
nach dem Stand der Dinge; wie die Dinge liegen
Angelegenheit von gemeinsamem Interesse
eine Angelegenheit von ziemlicher Bedeutung
eine reelle Sache; ein faires Geschäft
eine brenzlige Angelegenheit ugs.
die Angelegenheiten regeln
seine Angelegenheiten in Ordnung bringen
einer Sache gewachsen sein
mit jdm. gemeinsame Sache machen
der Sache nachgehen
seine Sache gut machen
seine Sache gut machen
zur Sache kommen
gleich zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
Sachen umherwerfen
Es ist Sache des Gerichts die Bedingungen festzulegen.
the point is
the matter itself; the thing itself; the situation itself
root of the matter
as matters stand; as it is
matter of mutual interest
a matter of relative importance
a square deal
a delicate matter
to arrange matters
to put one's affairs in order; to settle one's business
to be equal to sth.
to make common cause with sb.; to connive with sb.
to go into the matter
to do a good job
to acquit oneself well
to come to the point; to get to the point
to come straight to the point
to get down to brass tacks; to get down to the nitty-gritty coll.
to send things flying
It is for the Court to fix the terms.; The terms are a matter for the Court to fix.
Frage f
Fragen pl
einfache Frage; Frage, die leicht zu beantworten ist
eine berechtigte Frage
eine Frage der Zeit
eine Frage zu etw.
genau diese Frage
an jdn. eine Frage haben
jdm. eine Frage stellen
eine Frage an jdn. richten
die Frage aufwerfen, ob …
die Frage aufwerfen, ob warum usw. (Sache)
Fragen aufwerfen
einer Frage ausweichen
der Frage nachgehen, wie warum …
eine Frage auf jdn. loslassen
jdn. mit Fragen bombardieren
jdn. mit Fragen überschütten
in Frage kommen; infrage kommen
mit jeweils 50 Fragen
Frage Anfrage zur mündlichen Beantwortung
Frage Anfrage zur schriftlichen Beantwortung
Fragen wie aus der Pistole geschossen
die deutsche Frage hist.
Ich habe eine Frage.
Das ist eine andere Frage.
Das ist nicht die Antwort auf meine Frage.
Gestatten Sie mir eine Frage?
Darf ich eine Frage stellen?
Gibt es noch weitere Fragen?
die Zypernfrage Kosovofrage lösen pol.
Es steht außer Frage, dass sie Talent hat.
Keine Frage, das ist die beste Lösung.
Die Frage wurde wieder aufgeworfen.; Die Sache kam wieder zur Sprache.
Die Frage stellt sich nicht.
Die große Frage ist: kann er bis Weihnachten das Ruder noch herumreißen?
no brainer question
a fair question
a question of time; a matter of time
a question on sth.
this very question
to have a question for sb.
to ask sb. a question
to put a question to sb.
to pose the question as to whether …
to raise prompt beg the question of whether why etc. (matter)
to throw up questions
to sidestep fend off a question fig.; to duck an issue
to investigate the question as to how as to why …
to fire a question at sb.
to fire questions at sb.
to pelt sb. with questions
to be possible; to be worth considering
with fifty questions each
question for oral answer reply
question for written answer reply
quick-fire questions
the German question; the German issue
I have a question.
That is a separate question.
This That is not what I was asking (about).
Might I ask a question?
Can I ask a question?
Are there any further questions?
to settle the Cyprus Kosovo question
There's no question that she is talented.
Without question this is the best solution.
The question came up again.
The question doesn't arise.
The big question is: can he turn things around by Christmas?

Deutsche nachgehen Synonyme

(einer  Neigung)  nachgehen  Âfrönen  
ausüben  (Gewerbe)  Âbetreiben  Ânachgehen  
folgen  Âhinterher  gehen  Ânachgehen  Âverfolgen  
(einer Neigung) nachgehen  frönen  
Weitere Ergebnisse für nachgehen Synonym nachschlagen

Englische keep track Synonyme

keep  POW camp  TLC  abide  abide by  abstain  accede to  accommodate  accommodation  accommodations  accumulate  acknowledge  acropolis  act up to  adhere to  administer Communion  afford  afford support  agree to  aliment  alimentation  alimony  amass  arm  armor  arrest  attend Communion  attend Mass  attend to  attend to orders  backlog  balance  ballast  bastille  bastion  be faithful to  beachhead  bear  bear in mind  bear out  bear up  beat the drum  bed  bed and board  bide  bit  black hole  bless  block  blockhouse  blow the trumpet  board  board and room  bolster  bolster up  borstal  borstal institution  bosom  bottle up  box up  bread  bread and butter  breed  bridewell  bridgehead  bridle  brig  brood over  bunker  buttress  cage  camouflage  can  care  care for  carry  carry on  castle  celebrate  celebrate Mass  cell  champion  charge  check  cherish  citadel  cling to  clink  clip  cloak  cloister  clothe  collect  commemorate  communicate  compass about  comply  comply with  conceal  concentration camp  condemned cell  conduct  confine  conform  conform to  consecrate  conserve  constrain  contain  continue  continue to be  control  cool  cool off  cooler  coop  coop in  coop up  copyright  cork up  counterbalance  cover  crib  crutch  culture  cumulate  curb  curtail  cushion  custodianship  custody  daily bread  death cell  death house  death row  decelerate  defeat time  defend  defer to  defy time  deny  detain  detention camp  deter  direct  disallow  discourage  do justice to  dompt  donate  donjon  dress ship  dungeon  dwell  dwell on  dwell upon  economic support  embosom  embrace  encage  enclose  endow  endowment  endure  enjoin  enjoy  ensure  entertain  exist  extend  facilities  fan the embers  farm  fasthold  fastness  fatten  federal prison  feed  fence  fence in  fend  fill  fill up  finance  find  fire a salute  firm  firm up  follow  follow the book  fondle  food  forbear  forbid  forced-labor camp  fort  fortress  foster  freeze    
keep alive  be spared  cheat death  conserve  copyright  embalm  endure  eternalize  eternize  extend  freeze  guard  hang on  hold  immortalize  keep  keep fresh  keep going  keep intact  keep inviolate  keep safe  keep up  last  lengthen  maintain  monumentalize  not destroy  not endanger  not expend  not use up  not waste  patent  perennialize  perpetuate  persist  preserve  preserve from oblivion  prolong  protect  protract  register  retain  save  spare  support  support life  survive  sustain  uphold  
keep an eye on  attend to  au courant  baby-sit  be vigilant  be watchful  boss  care for  chaperon  cherish  conserve  eye  eyeball  follow  foster  gaze at  have a looksee  hold in view  keep account of  keep count of  keep in order  keep in sight  keep in view  keep informed  keep posted  keep track of  keep under observation  keep up on  keep watch over  look after  look at  look on  look out for  look to  look upon  matronize  mind  minister to  mother  nurse  nurture  observe  overlook  oversee  preserve  protege  provide for  reconnoiter  regard  ride herd on  scout  see after  see to  shepherd  spy upon  stand over  stay briefed  superintend  supervise  support  take care of  take charge of  tend  view  watch  watch out for  watch over  
keep at it  carry on  continue  endure  get along  get on  go on  go on with  hang in  hang tough  keep at  keep busy  keep driving  keep going  keep moving  keep on  keep trying  keep up  last  make out  manage  never say die  not accept compromise  peg away  persevere  persist  plug away  see it through  stick it out  stick to it  survive  
keep back  abstain  arrest  backpedal  backwater  block  bosom  bottle up  brake  bridle  check  classify  clip the wings  conceal  confine  conserve  constrain  contain  control  cool  cool off  countercheck  curb  curtail  dam up  damp  dampen  decelerate  delay  detain  disallow  dispense with  do without  dompt  drag  draw rein  ease off  ease up  enjoin  file and forget  forbear  forgo  govern  guard  hinder  hold  hold at bay  hold back  hold fast  hold in  hold in check  hold in leash  hold off  hold out on  hold up  husband  impede  in petto  inhibit  intercept  interfere  intermeddle  interrupt  intervene  keep  keep between us  keep buttoned up  keep by one  keep close  keep dark  keep from  keep in  keep in check  keep in hand  keep in ignorance  keep in reserve  keep in store  keep mum  keep on hand  keep out  keep secret  keep snug  keep under control  keep under wraps  lag  lay by  lay under restraint  let alone  let down  let up  lose ground  lose momentum  lose speed  make late  make no sign  meddle  moderate  never let on  not give away  not tell  not touch  not use  obstruct  oppose  play dumb  preserve  prohibit  pull  pull in  put apart  put aside  put by  reef  refrain  refuse  rein  rein in  relax  repress  reserve  resist  restrain  retain  retard  retrench  save  save up  scotch  secrete  set apart  set aside  set back  set by  slack off  slack up  slacken  slow  slow down  slow up  snub  spare  stay  stop  straiten  suppress  take in sail  throttle down  veil  waive  withhold  
keep books  balance  balance the books  book  capitalize  carry  carry over  cast up accounts  charge off  close out  close the books  credit  debit  docket  enter  journalize  log  make an entry  minute  note  post  post up  strike a balance  
keep down  asphyxiate  beat down  bottle up  break  browbeat  bulldoze  bully  castrate  censor  choke off  clamp down on  coerce  compel  cork  cork up  cow  crack down on  crush  damp down  daunt  deprive of freedom  despotize  disenfranchise  disfranchise  dominate  domineer  domineer over  drown  enslave  enthrall  extinguish  gag  grind  grind down  henpeck  hold captive  hold down  hold in bondage  hold in captivity  hold in leash  hold in subjection  intimidate  jump on  keep under  kill  lead captive  lord it over  make dependent  muzzle  oppress  overawe  overbear  overmaster  override  peonize  pour water on  press heavy on  put down  quash  quell  quench  repress  ride over  ride roughshod over  shut down on  silence  sit down on  sit on  smash  smother  squash  squelch  stanch  stifle  strangle  stultify  subdue  subject  subjugate  subordinate  suffocate  suppress  take captive  terrorize  throttle  trample down  trample upon  tread down  tread upon  tyrannize  tyrannize over  unman  vassalize  walk all over  walk over  weigh heavy on  
keep faith  abide by  act up to  adhere to  attend to  be faithful to  comply with  conform to  do justice to  fill  follow  fulfill  heed  hold by  keep  keep faith with  keep troth  live up to  make good  meet  not fail  observe  regard  respect  satisfy  
keep from  abstain  abstain from  anticipate  arrest  avert  avoid  bar  bosom  bridle  check  classify  conceal  constrain  contain  control  cool  cool off  curb  curtail  debar  decelerate  deflect  deter  discourage  dishearten  do without  dompt  enjoin  eschew  estop  exclude  fend  fend off  fight shy of  file and forget  forbear  forbid  foreclose  forestall  forgo  give place to  govern  guard  help  hinder  hold  hold aloof  hold aloof from  hold at bay  hold back  hold fast  hold in  hold in check  hold in leash  hold out on  hold up  in petto  inhibit  keep  keep aloof  keep away from  keep back  keep between us  keep buttoned up  keep clear of  keep close  keep dark  keep hands off  keep in  keep in check  keep in ignorance  keep mum  keep off  keep remote from  keep secret  keep snug  keep under control  keep under wraps  lay under restraint  let alone  let go by  make no sign  make way for  never let on  never touch  not give away  not meddle with  not tell  not touch  obviate  pass up  play dumb  preclude  prevent  prohibit  pull  pull in  refrain  refrain from  rein  rein in  repel  restrain  retard  retrench  rule out  save  secrete  set back  shun  slow down  snub  spare  stand aloof  stand aloof from  stave off  stay detached from  steer clear of  straiten  turn aside  turn away from  veil  ward off  withhold  
keep going  abide  bide  carry on  cease not  continue  drag on  endure  extend  go along  go on  hold  hold on  hold steady  jog on  keep  keep alive  keep at  keep at it  keep busy  keep driving  keep moving  keep on  keep trying  keep up  last  lengthen  linger  maintain  never cease  not accept compromise  peg away  perpetuate  persevere  persist  plug away  preserve  prolong  protract  remain  retain  run on  slog on  stagger on  stay  stay on  sustain  tarry  
keep house  anchor  billet at  bivouac  burrow  camp  colonize  come to anchor  domesticate  drop anchor  ensconce  establish residence  hive  housekeep  inhabit  live at  locate  maintain a household  moor  move  nest  park  people  perch  populate  practice domesticity  relocate  reside  roost  set up housekeeping  set up shop  settle  settle down  sit down  squat  stand  stay at  strike root  take residence at  take root  take up residence  
keep in mind  bear in mind  brood over  cherish  consider  contemplate  dwell on  dwell upon  entertain thoughts of  fan the embers  harbor an idea  have in mind  have regard for  have thoughts about  hold an idea  hold in mind  hold the thought  keep  keep in memory  keep in sight  keep in view  reckon with  retain  take account of  take cognizance of  take heed of  take into account  take into consideration  take note of  take notice of  think of  treasure  
keep in sight  and listen  be vigilant  be watchful  bear in mind  eye  eyeball  follow  gaze at  have a looksee  have regard for  hold in mind  hold in view  keep alert  keep in mind  keep in view  keep under observation  keep vigil  keep watch  look  look about one  look after  look at  look lively  look on  look out  look sharp  look upon  never nod  observe  qui vive  reckon with  reconnoiter  regard  scout  spy upon  stop  take account of  take cognizance of  take heed of  take into account  take into consideration  take note of  take notice of  view  watch  watch out  
keep in touch  answer  approach  communicate with  contact  correspond  establish connection  get to  interrogate  maintain connection  make advances  make contact with  make overtures  make up to  question  raise  reach  relate to  reply to  respond to  
keep off  anticipate  avert  bar  beat back  beat off  block  brush off  chase  chase away  chase off  check  counter  cut  debar  deflect  deter  discourage  dishearten  dismiss  drive away  drive back  estop  exclude  fend  fend off  forbid  foreclose  forestall  help  hinder  hold at bay  hold off  keep at bay  keep from  obstruct  obviate  pack off  parry  preclude  prevent  prohibit  push back  put back  rebuff  rebut  refuse  repel  repulse  rule out  save  send away  send off  send packing  snub  spurn  stave off  stop  thrust back  turn aside  turn back  ward off  
keep on  abide  bide  carry on  cease not  continue  continue to be  defeat time  defy time  drag on  dwell  endure  exist  extend  go along  go on  hold  hold on  hold out  hold steady  jog on  keep  keep at  keep at it  keep busy  keep driving  keep going  keep moving  keep trying  keep up  last  last long  last out  linger  live  live on  live through  maintain  never cease  not accept compromise  peg away  perdure  perennate  persevere  persist  plug away  prevail  remain  run  run on  slog on  stagger on  stand  stay  stay on  subsist  survive  sustain  tarry  tide over  wear  wear well  
keep out  ban  bar  bar out  blockade  count out  cut off  debar  detain  embargo  exclude  freeze out  hold  hold back  ignore  keep  leave out  lock out  omit  ostracize  pass over  preclude  prohibit  reject  relegate  repudiate  send to Coventry  shut out  taboo  withhold  
keep quiet  abide  be mute  be silent  be still  coast  forswear speech  freeze  keep mum  keep silent  keep still  lie still  make no sign  mark time  not breathe  not stir  play dumb  remain  remain motionless  repose  rest  say nothing  shut up  stand  stand fast  stand firm  stand mute  stand still  stay  stay put  stick  stick fast  tarry  tread water  
keep score  book  calendar  catalog  enroll  enter  enumerate  file  impanel  index  inventory  itemize  list  pigeonhole  post  program  register  schedule  score  tabulate  tally  
keep the peace  be conservative  be moderate  be pacifistic  keep within bounds  keep within compass  live temperately  not make waves  not resist  practice nonviolence  practice self-control  relent  remain at peace  remit  settle down  sober down  strike a balance  take in sail  wage peace  

nachgehen Definition

(n.) A mark left by something that has passed along
(n.) A mark or impression left by the foot, either of man or beast
(n.) The entire lower surface of the foot
(n.) A road
(n.) Course
(n.) A path or course laid out for a race, for exercise, etc.
(n.) The permanent way
(n.) A tract or area, as of land.
(v. t.) To follow the tracks or traces of
(v. t.) To draw along continuously, as a vessel, by a line, men or animals on shore being the motive power
(n.) A towing path.

keep track Bedeutung

record track record the sum of recognized accomplishments, the lawyer has a good record, the track record shows that he will be a good president
track record the fastest time ever recorded for a specific distance at a particular racetrack, the track record for the mile and a half at Belmont is minutes seconds held by Secretariat since
fast track a rapid means of achieving a goal, they saw independence as the fast track to democracy, he took a fast track to the top of the corporate ladder, the company went off the fast track when the stock market dropped
track and field participating in athletic sports performed on a running track or on the field associated with it
the act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track
branch line
spur track
a railway line connected to a trunk line
cinder track a racetrack paved with fine cinders
dirt track a racetrack that is not paved
half track a track that goes around only rear wheels
half track a motor vehicle propelled by half tracks, frequently used by the military
laugh track prerecorded laughter added to the soundtrack of a radio or television show
raceway track
a course over which races are run
railroad track
railroad railway
a line of track providing a runway for wheels, he walked along the railroad track
cart track
any road or path affording passage especially a rough one
track rail rails
a bar or pair of parallel bars of rolled steel making the railway along which railroad cars or other vehicles can roll
track a pair of parallel rails providing a runway for wheels
track a groove on a phonograph recording
track data track (computer science) one of the circular magnetic paths on a magnetic disk that serve as a guide for writing and reading data
track caterpillar track
caterpillar tread
an endless metal belt on which tracked vehicles move over the ground
streetcar track
the track on which trams or streetcars run
inside track a favorable position in a competition, the boss's son had the inside track for that job
evidence pointing to a possible solution, the police are following a promising lead, the trail led straight to the perpetrator
cut track a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc, he played the first cut on the cd, the title track of the album
track meet a track and field competition between two or more teams
track event a footrace performed on a track (indoor or outdoor)
inside track the inner side of a curved racecourse
a line or route along which something travels or moves, the hurricane demolished houses in its path, the track of an animal, the course of the river
track star a star runner
broad-leaved plantain common plantain
white-man's foot
whiteman's foot
cart-track plant
Plantago major
common European perennial naturalized worldwide, a troublesome weed
track-to-track seek time (computer science) the time it takes for a read
head to move to an adjacent data track
keep track keep informed of fully aware, I keep track of the stock market developments
lose track fail to keep informed or aware, She has so many books, she just lost track and cannot find this volume
run hunt down
track down
pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals), Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland, The dogs are running deer, The Duke hunted in these woods
track make tracks upon
track cover
pass over get over
get across
cut through
cut across
travel across or pass over, The caravan covered almostmiles each day
chase after
give chase
go after track
go after with the intent to catch, The policeman chased the mugger down the alley, the dog chased the rabbit
track carry on the feet and deposit, track mud into the house
track observe or plot the moving path of something, track a missile
off the beaten track(p)
remote from populous or much-traveled regions, they found a quiet out-of-the-way resort
having caterpillar treads on the rear and wheels in front, half-track armored vehicles
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