
negatives Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

negatives Element
negative element
Stimmgewicht n adm.
negatives Stimmgewicht
voting weight
negative voting weight
Ãœberantwortung f geh. (von etw. an etw. Negatives)
subjection (of sth. to sth. negative)
Biegemoment n (Mechanik) phys.
negatives Biegemoment
bending moment; flexural moment (mechanics)
negative bending moment; hogging bending moment
(physiologisches) Nachbild n; optische Nachwirkung med.
positives negatives Nachbild
(physiological) afterimage (after-image) (after image)
positive negative afterimage
(in etw. Negatives) verstrickt sein; verfangen sein v übtr.
in einen Konflikt verstrickt sein
to be tangled up entangled snarled up ensnared mired (in sth. negative) fig.
to be mired in a conflict
in etw. (Negatives) hineingezogen verwickelt verstrickt werden v
in einen Krieg verstrickt werden
to be get involved implicated mixed up in sth.; to become get entangled in sth. fig.
to get entangled in a war
sich ereignen v; zu etw. kommen (negatives Ereignis)
Wir sind auf unangenehme Ereignisse vorbereitet.
to befall {befell; befallen} (used only in the third person for something negative)
We are prepared for anything that may befall.
etw. (Negatives) ankündigen; etw. verheißen v (Sache)
ankündigend; verheißend
angekündigt; verheißen
to presage sth. (of a thing)
etw. (Negatives) schüren; anfachen v (Sache)
schürend; anfachend
geschürt; angefacht
Unruhen schüren
to foment sth. (matter)
to foment unrest
etw. (Negatives ) schüren; anfachen v (Sache)
schürend; anfachend
geschürt; angefacht
Unruhen schüren
to foment sth. (matter)
to foment unrest
jdm. etw. zuteil werden lassen; zumessen; etw. (Negatives) auferlegen v poet.
Belohnungen und Bestrafungen zumessen
to mete out () sth. to sb. formal
to mete out rewards and punishments
jdm. etw. zuteil werden lassen; zumessen; etw. (Negatives) auferlegen v poet.
Belohnungen und Bestrafungen zumessen
to mete out () sth. to sb. (formal)
to mete out rewards and punishments
(ein negatives Phänomen) verringern; vermindern; reduzieren v
verringernd; vermindernd; reduzierend
verringert; vermindert; reduziert
to abate (a negative phenomenon)
etw. (Negatives) hinauszögern; hinausschieben v
hinauszögernd; hinausschiebend
hinausgezögert; hinausgeschoben
den Hunger hinauszögern
den Bankrott hinausschieben
to stave off () sth. {staved stove; staved stove} (delay sth. negative)
staving off
staved stove off
to stave off hunger
to stave off bankruptcy
beherrschend; dominant; allgegenwärtig adj (negatives Phänomen)
alles beherrschend
um sich greifend
dominanter Geruch
Dieses Thema zieht sich durch alle ihre Romane.
pervasive; pervading (of a negative phenomenon)
all-pervasive; all-pervading
increasingly pervasive
pervasive smell
This theme is pervasive in her novels.
etw. (Negatives) ausblenden; verdrängen v
ausblendend; verdrängend
ausgeblendet; verdrängt
das Bild ihres traurigen Gesichts ausblenden
die schrecklichen Ereignisse verdrängen
to blot out () sth.; to obliterate sth. (disregard sth. negative)
blotting out; obliterating
blotted out; obliterated
to blot out the image of her sad face
to blot out the terrible events
jdm. etw. unterstellen; jdm. etw. (Negatives) zuschreiben; zurechnen v
unterstellend; zuschreibend; zurechnend
unterstellt; zugeschrieben; zugerechnet
Sie unterstellen ihm egoistische Beweggründe.
to impute sth. (negative) to sb.
They impute selfish motives to him to his actions.
etw. (Negatives) andeuten; etw. unterstellen v
andeutend; unterstellend
angedeutet; unterstellt
deutet an
deutete an
jdm. schlechte Absichten unterstellen
Ich wollte damit nicht sagen dass du lügst.
to imply sth.; to insinuate sth.
implying; insinuating
implied; insinuated
implies; insinuates
implied; insinuated
to imply that sb.'s intentions are bad
I didn't mean to imply that you are lying.
etw. (Negatives) andeuten; etw. unterstellen v (Person)
andeutend; unterstellend
angedeutet; unterstellt
deutet an
deutete an
jdm. schlechte Absichten unterstellen
Was wollen Sie denn damit andeuten?
to imply sth.; to insinuate sth. (of a person)
implying; insinuating
implied; insinuated
implies; insinuates
implied; insinuated
to imply that sb.'s intentions are bad
Just what are you implying insinuating?
etw. (Negatives) abmildern; abschwächen; lindern v
abmildernd; abschwächend; lindernd
abgemildert; abgeschwächt; gelindert
den Schmerz lindern
jds. Leid mildern
die negativen Auswirkungen auf ältere Leute abmildern
to ameliorate sth.; to meliorate sth. (negative) formal
ameliorating; meliorating
ameliorated; meliorated
to ameliorate the pain
to amerliorate sb.'s suffering
to meliorate the adverse impacts on old people
in etw. (Negatives) verfallen; versinken; abgleiten v
verfallend; versinkend; abgleitend
verfallen; versunken; abgeglitten
in den Dialekt verfallen
ins Koma verfallen
ins Chaos versinken; im Chaos versinken
Sie verfiel wieder in Schweigen.
to lapse into sth. (negative)
lapsing into
lapsed into
to lapse into vernacular
to lapse into a coma
to lapse into chaos
She lapsed into silence again.
etw. (Negatives) abbekommen ugs.; etw. abkriegen ugs. v
abbekommend; abkriegend
abbekommen; abgekriegt
etwas von etw. abbekommen, von etw. in Mitleidenschaft gezogen worden sein
Habt Ihr vom Hochwasser etwas abbekommen?
Hast du etwas abbekommen?
to have your share of sth. (negative)
having your share of
had your share of
to have also been affected by sth.
Have you been affected by the floods flooding?
Are you hurt?
jdn. in etw. (Negatives) hineinziehen; verwickeln; verstricken; involvieren geh. v
hineinziehend; verwickelnd; verstrickend; involvierend
hineingezogen; verwickelt; verstrickt; involviert
in etw. verwickelt verhängt Schw. sein
Ich wollte dich nicht in dieses Schlamassel hineinziehen.
Er war in einen Verkehrsunfall verwickelt.
to implicate sb. in sth.; to involve sb. in sth. (negative)
implicating; involving
implicated; involved
to be involved in sth.
I didn't intend to involve you in this mess.
He was involved in a road accident.
jdn. für etw. besonders empfänglich anfällig machen; jdn. prädisponieren v med. psych.
für etw. (Positives) empfänglich aufnahmebereit aufgeschlossen sein
für etw. (Negatives) besonders anfällig sein
Diabetes macht die Patienten besonders anfällig für Infektionen.
Ich muss gestehen, dass ich gegen ihn irgendwie voreingenommen bin.
to predispose sb. to towards sth.
to be predisposed to towards sth. (positive)
to be predisposed to towards sth. (negative)
Diabetes predisposes patients to infections.
I must admit that I'm kind of predisposed towards disliking him.
jdn. für etw. besonders empfänglich anfällig machen; jdn. prädisponieren v med. psych.
für etw. (Positives) empfänglich aufnahmebereit aufgeschlossen sein
für etw. (Negatives) besonders anfällig sein
Diabetes macht die Patienten besonders anfällig für Infektionen.
Ich muss gestehen dass ich gegen ihn irgendwie voreingenommen bin.
to predispose sb. to towards sth.
to be predisposed to towards sth. (positive)
to be predisposed to towards sth. (negative)
Diabetes predisposes patients to infections.
I must admit that I'm kind of predisposed towards disliking him.
etw. (Negatives) verursachen; herbeiführen v
verursachend; herbeiführend
verursacht; herbeigeführt
verursacht; führt herbei
verursachte; führte herbei
verursacht durch
nicht verursacht
für eine Sensation einen Skandal sorgen
Schaden anrichten
durch etw. bedingt sein
Mit leichtsinnigen Ausgaben führte er den Zusammenbruch der Firma herbei.
to cause sth.; to bring about sth. (negative)
causing; bringing about
caused; brought about
causes; brings about
caused; brought about
caused by
to cause a sensation a scandal
to cause damage
to be caused by sth.
He brought about the company's collapse by his reckless spending.
plötzliches (negatives) Gefühl n; Stich m psych.
ein schmerzhaftes Gefühl der Liebe
ein plötzliches Hungergefühl; eine Hungerattacke
einen Anfall von Eifersucht verspüren
ein plötzliches Schuldgefühl verspüren
plötzlich von einem Gefühl des Bedauerns erfasst befallen werden
Wenn ich daran denke tut es immer noch weh.
Wenn ich sie sehe gibt es mir einen Stich.
a pang of love
a pang of hunger
to feel a pang of jealousy
to feel a pang of guilt
to be touched hit by a pang of regret
Thinking of it still gives me a pang. coll.
To see her The sight of her gives me a pang in my heart.
plötzliches (negatives) Gefühl n; Stich m psych.
ein schmerzhaftes Gefühl der Liebe
ein plötzliches Hungergefühl; eine Hungerattacke
einen Anfall von Eifersucht verspüren
ein plötzliches Schuldgefühl verspüren
plötzlich von einem Gefühl des Bedauerns erfasst befallen werden
Wenn ich daran denke, tut es immer noch weh.
Wenn ich sie sehe, gibt es mir einen Stich.
a pang of love
a pang of hunger
to feel a pang of jealousy
to feel a pang of guilt
to be touched hit by a pang of regret
Thinking of it still gives me a pang. coll.
To see her The sight of her gives me a pang in my heart.
etw. (Negatives) abwenden; etw. fernhalten; etw. verhindern v
abwendend; fernhaltend; verhindernd
abgewendet; ferngehalten; verhindert
wendet ab; hält fern; verhindert
wendete ab; hielt fern; verhinderte
um … abzuwenden; um … zu verhindern
eine Gefahr abwenden
Die Tragödie hätte verhindert werden können, wenn …
Ein Katastrophe konnte gerade noch verhindert werden.
Er bemühte sich, keinen Verdacht zu erregen.
to avert sth.; to stave off () sth. (negative)
averting; staving off
averted; staved stove off
averts; staved off
averted; staved stove off
to avert …
to avert a risk threat; to stave off a risk threat
The tragedy could have been averted if …
A disaster was narrowly averted.
He did his best to avert suspicion.
jdn. in etw. (Negatives) hineinziehen; verwickeln; verstricken; involvieren geh. v
hineinziehend; verwickelnd; verstrickend; involvierend
hineingezogen; verwickelt; verstrickt; involviert
in etw. verwickelt verhängt Schw. sein
ein Land in einen Krieg hineinziehen
Zieh mich da nicht mit rein.
Ich wollte dich da nicht mit 'reinziehen.
Ich wollte dich nicht in dieses Schlamassel hineinziehen.
Er war in einen Verkehrsunfall verwickelt.
to implicate sb. in sth.; to involve sb. in sth.; to drag sb. into sth. (negative)
implicating; involving; dragging
implicated; involved; dragged
to be involved in sth.
to drag a country into a war
Don't you drag me into this.
I didn't mean to drag you into it into the situation.
I didn't intend to involve you in this mess.
He was involved in a road accident.
jdm. zustoßen; jdm. widerfahren geh.; jdn. heimsuchen; über jdn. hereinbrechen; über jdn. kommen poet. v (negatives Ereignis)
zustoßend; widerfahrend; heimsuchend; hereinbrechend; kommend
zugestoßen; widerfahren; heimgesucht; hereingebrochen; gekommen
stößt zu; widerfährt; sucht heim; bricht herein; kommt
stieß zu; widerfuhr; suchte heim; brach herein; kam
Sollte mir etwas zustoßen, …
Der Anrufer drohte, dass meinen Angehörigen etwas zustoßen würde, wenn ich nicht 20.000 Euro bezahle.
Im folgenden Sommer brach eine noch schlimmere Katastrophe über das Land herein.
to happen to sb.; to befall sb. {befell; befallen} poet. (used only in the third person for something negative)
happening to; befalling
happened to; befallen
happens; befalls
happened; befell
Should any harm befall me …
The caller threatened that my family would be harmed unless I paid 20,000 Euros.
An even worse disaster befell the country in the following summer.
etw. (Negatives über jdn.) behaupten; jdm. etw. vorwerfen; etw. (Negatives) geltend machen v
behauptend; vorwerfend; geltend machend
behauptet; vorgeworfen; geltend gemacht
er sie behauptet
ich er sie behauptete
er sie hat hatte behauptet
ich er sie behauptete
Sie behaupten, dass er seine Freundin mehrfach bedroht hat. Haben Sie dafür Beweise?
Dem Bürgermeister wird vorgeworfen, Bestechungsgelder angenommen zu haben.
Der Staatsanwalt machte grobes Fehlverhalten geltend.
In der Klageschrift wird geltend gemacht, dass das Vorhandensein der Aufzeichnungen bewusst verheimlicht wurde.
Herr Schmidt war angeblich …
to allege sth.
he she alleges
I he she alleged
he she has had alleged
I he she would allege
You allege that he has threatened his girl-friend several times. Do you have any proof?
The mayor is alleged to have accepted bribes.
The public prosecutor alleged gross misconduct.; The public prosecutor alleged that there had been gross misconduct.
The statement of claim alleges that the existence of the records was deliberately concealed.
Mr. Schmidt is alleged to have been …

Deutsche negatives Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für negatives Synonym nachschlagen

Englische negative element Synonyme

negative  Cassandra-like  Cassandran  Cassandrian  Ditto copy  Photostat  Xerox  Xerox copy  abjuratory  abnegate  abnegation  abnegative  abolish  abrogate  absolute veto  adversary  adversative  adverse  algorismic  algorithmic  alien  aliquot  annihilate  annul  annulling  antagonistic  anti  antipathetic  antithetic  aquatint  argumentative  at cross-purposes  at loggerheads  at odds  at variance  at war  au contraire  autolithograph  aye  backing  be unmoved  be unwilling  beg off  belie  bibliofilm  bipack  black-and-white film  block  block print  blow sky-high  blow up  bring to naught  bring to nothing  buffer  cancel  cancel out  cancelling  cardinal  cartridge  cast  certainly not  chromolithograph  clashing  cold  color film  color negative film  color print  come to nothing  competitive  con  conflicting  contact print  contradict  contradicting  contradiction  contradictory  contrary  contravene  cool  copperplate  copperplate print  counter  counteract  counterbalance  countercheck  cranky  crayon engraving  cross  cut  cynical  deaf to  decimal  declension  declination  declinatory  declinature  decline  decline to accept  declining  defeatist  deflate  denial  denying  deprivation  detrimental  devoid  die  differential  differing  digital  disaccordant  disaffirm  disaffirming  disagree  disagreeable  disagreeing  disagreement  disallow  disallowance  disallowing  disavowing  disclaim  disclaimer  disclaiming  disclamation  disconfirm  discordant  discredit  discrepant  disharmonious  dismal  disobedience  disobedient  disowning  disproportionate  disprove  disputatious  disputing  dissent  dissentient  dissenting  dissentious  dissident  dissonant  divergent  dope  downbeat  dry plate  emulsion  enemy  engravement  engraving  enlargement  etching  even  existless  explode  exponential  expose  far from it  figural  figurate  figurative  film  finite  form  fractional  fractious  frame  frustrate  gainsay  gainsaying  gloomy  graphotype  grating  h  

negatives Definition

(a.) Having the property of being attracted by an electro-positive body, or a tendency to pass to the positive pole in electrolysis, by the law that opposite electricities attract each other.
(a.) Negative
(n.) A body which passes to the positive pole in electrolysis.
(n.) One of the simplest or essential parts or principles of which anything consists, or upon which the constitution or fundamental powers of anything are based.
(n.) One of the ultimate, undecomposable constituents of any kind of matter. Specifically: (Chem.) A substance which cannot be decomposed into different kinds of matter by any means at present employed
(n.) One of the ultimate parts which are variously combined in anything
(n.) One out of several parts combined in a system of aggregation, when each is of the nature of the whole
(n.) One of the smallest natural divisions of the organism, as a blood corpuscle, a muscular fiber.
(n.) One of the simplest essential parts, more commonly called cells, of which animal and vegetable organisms, or their tissues and organs, are composed.
(n.) An infinitesimal part of anything of the same nature as the entire magnitude considered
(n.) Sometimes a curve, or surface, or volume is considered as described by a moving point, or curve, or surface, the latter being at any instant called an element of the former.
(n.) One of the terms in an algebraic expression.
(n.) One of the necessary data or values upon which a system of calculations depends, or general conclusions are based
(n.) The simplest or fundamental principles of any system in philosophy, science, or art
(n.) Any outline or sketch, regarded as containing the fundamental ideas or features of the thing in question
(n.) One of the simple substances, as supposed by the ancient philosophers
(n.) The four elements were, air, earth, water, and fire
(n.) the conditions and movements of the air.
(n.) The elements of the alchemists were salt, sulphur, and mercury.
(n.) The whole material composing the world.
(n.) The bread and wine used in the eucharist or Lord's supper.
(v. t.) To compound of elements or first principles.
(v. t.) To constitute
(a.) Denying
(a.) Not positive
(a.) Asserting absence of connection between a subject and a predicate
(a.) Of or pertaining to a picture upon glass or other material, in which the lights and shades of the original, and the relations of right and left, are reversed.
(a.) Metalloidal
(n.) A proposition by which something is denied or forbidden
(n.) A word used in denial or refusal
(n.) The refusal or withholding of assents
(n.) That side of a question which denies or refuses, or which is taken by an opposing or denying party
(n.) A picture upon glass or other material, in which the light portions of the original are represented in some opaque material (usually reduced silver), and the dark portions by the uncovered and transparent or semitransparent ground of the picture.
(n.) The negative plate of a voltaic or electrolytic cell.
(v. t.) To prove unreal or intrue
(v. t.) To reject by vote
(v. t.) To neutralize the force of

negative element Bedeutung

negative chemotaxis movement away from a chemical stimulus
an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up, especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system, spare components for cars, a component or constituent element of a system
control circuit
negative feedback circuit
a feedback circuit that subtracts from the input
sensing element
any device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner
heating element the component of a heater or range that transforms fuel or electricity into heat
logic element an electronic device that performs an elementary logic operation
negative a piece of photographic film showing an image with light and shade or colors reversed
negative magnetic pole
negative pole
south-seeking pole
the pole of a magnet that points toward the south when the magnet is suspended freely
negative pole the terminal of a battery that is connected to the negative plate
picture element
(computer science) the smallest discrete component of an image or picture on a CRT screen (usually a colored dot), the greater the number of pixels per inch the greater the resolution
threshold element
threshold gate
a logic element that performs a threshold operation
Rh-negative blood type
Rh-negative blood
Rh negative
the blood group whose red cells lack the Rh factor (Rh antigen)
negative stimulation
something causing antagonism or loss of interest
negative reinforcing stimulus
negative reinforcer
a reinforcing stimulus whose removal serves to decrease the likelihood of the response that produced it
negative stimulus a stimulus with undesirable consequences
plot element a component or element of the plot of a story
an abstract part of something, jealousy was a component of his character, two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony, the grammatical elements of a sentence, a key factor in her success, humor: an effective ingredient of a speech
negative correlation
indirect correlation
a correlation in which large values of one variable are associated with small values of the other, the correlation coefficient is between
and -
negative identification evidence proving that you are not who you say you are not, evidence establishing that you are not among a group of people already known to the system, recognition by the system leads to rejection, a system for negative identification can prevent the use of multiple identities by a single person
negative a reply of denial, he answered in the negative
double negative a grammatically substandard but emphatic negative, I don't never go
double negative an affirmative constructed from two negatives, A not unwelcome outcome
element the most favorable environment for a plant or animal, water is the element of fishes
negative muon
an elementary particle with a negative charge and a half-life of microsecond, decays to electron and neutrino and antineutrino
negative charge having a surplus of electrons, having a lower electric potential
negative feedback feedback in opposite phase with (decreasing) the input
identity identity element
identity operator
an operator that leaves unchanged the element on which it operates, the identity under numerical multiplication is
element a straight line that generates a cylinder or cone
element of a cone a straight line joining the apex and a point on the base
element of a cylinder a straight line running the length of the cylinder
element the situation in which you are happiest and most effective, in your element
chemical element
any of the more than known substances (of which occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter
transuranic element any element having an atomic number greater than (which is the atomic number of uranium), all are radioactive
rare earth
rare-earth element
any element of the lanthanide series (atomic numbers through )
metallic element
any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.
atomic number
a transuranic element
atomic number
a radioactive transuranic element
atomic number
a transuranic element
atomic number
a radioactive transuranic element
atomic number
a radioactive transuranic element
atomic number
a radioactive transuranic element
atomic number
a radioactive transuranic element which has been synthesized
atomic number
a transuranic element
atomic number
a radioactive transuranic element
atomic number
a radioactive transuranic element
atomic number
a radioactive transuranic element
atomic number
a radioactive transuranic element
atomic number
a radioactive transuranic element
element one of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe, the alchemists believed that there were four elements
trace element an element that occurs at very small quantities in the body but is nonetheless important for many biological processes
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