
polizeiliche Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

polizeiliche Abmeldung
notice of departure
polizeiliche Abmeldung f
notice of departure
polizeiliche Gegenüberstellung f
identity parade
polizeiliche Verhandlungsgruppe f
crisis negotiation team
Abmeldung f
polizeiliche Abmeldung f
notice of departure; notice of withdrawal
notice of departure
polizeiliche Anhaltung f und Durchsuchung
stop and search operation; stop and search
Drogenfahndung f (polizeiliche Abteilung)
drug squad
Meldepflicht f
polizeiliche Meldepflicht
obligation to register (with the authorities)
obligation to register with the police
(polizeiliche) Alkoholkontrolle f
Alkoholkontrollen pl
(police) alcohol check; roadside alcohol check; sobriety checkpoint Am.
alcohol checks; roadside alcohol checks; sobriety checkpoints
kriminalistische Tatortbearbeitung f; polizeiliche Tatortarbeit f
crime scene investigation CSI ; investigation of the crime scene
Meldepflicht f (in eigener Sache) adm.
polizeiliche Meldepflicht
obligation to register (with the authorities)
obligation to register with the police
das polizeiliche Anhalterecht n; das Recht, Personen anzuhalten und zu durchsuchen
the right to stop and search
Gefährderansprache f (polizeiliche Belehrung gewaltbereiter Fans)
Gefährderansprachen pl
warning to troublemakers
warnings to troublemakers
Abteilung Spurensicherung f; Spurensicherung f SpuSi Dt. ugs. (polizeiliche Abteilung)
evidence recovery unit ERU (police unit)
Tatprovokation f (Verleitung zu einer Straftat) jur.
polizeiliche staatliche Tatprovokation
entrapment (inducing sb. to commit an offence)
police government entrapment
Überprüfung f (einer Person Sache hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung oder Unbedenklichkeit)
(polizeiliche) Sicherheitsüberprüfung von Bewerbern
vetting of a person matter
police vetting of candidates
Wahlgegenüberstellung f; Wahlkonfrontation f; (polizeiliche) Gegenüberstellung f; Konfrontation f (eines Zeugen mit einem Tatverdächtigen)
identification parade Br.; identity parade Br.; police line-up Am.
(polizeiliche) Hafteinrichtung f; Haftzentrum n Dt.; (polizeiliches) Anhaltezentrum n Ös. adm.
Hafteinrichtungen pl; Haftzentren pl; Anhaltezentren pl
(police) detention facility; detention centre Br.; detention center Am.; police lock-up
detention facilities; detention centres; detention centers; police lock-ups
Zusammenarbeit f, Zusammenspiel n, Mitwirkung f
interinstitutionelle Zusammenarbeit
politische Kooperation, politische Zusammenarbeit
polizeiliche Zusammenarbeit
Zusammenarbeit von Bibliotheken
cooperation, co-operation
interinstitutional cooperation
political cooperation
police cooperation
co-operation of libraries, interlibrary co-operation
Nacheile f (polizeiliche Verfolgung einer Person über den Zuständigkeitsbereich hinaus) adm.
grenzüberschreitende Nacheile
Nacheile durch ein Luftfahrzeug
die Nacheile nach einem fremden Schiff vornehmen
hot pursuit; fresh pursuit (police action)
cross-border hot pursuit
hot pursuit effected by an aircraft
to effect the hot pursuit of a foreign ship
Zusammenarbeit f; Kooperation f adm.
internationale Kooperation
interinstitutionelle Zusammenarbeit
politische Kooperation; politische Zusammenarbeit
polizeiliche Zusammenarbeit
Zusammenarbeit von Bibliotheken
cooperation; co-operation
international cooperation
interinstitutional cooperation
political cooperation
police cooperation
co-operation of libraries; interlibrary co-operation
Befragung f; Interview n; Gespräch n
Befragungen pl; Interviews pl; Gespräche pl
gelenktes Interview
polizeiliche Befragung
Befragung eines Zeugen
ein Interview mit dem Präsidenten
ein Interview führen
einem Journalisten ein Interview geben
guided interview
police interview
interview of a witness
an interview with the President
to conduct an interview
to give an interview to a journalist
mit etw. rechnen müssen; jdm. drohen (Person) v
Wer das Gelände unbefugt betritt muss mit einer polizeiliche Anzeige rechnen.
Fahrern ohne Versicherung drohen Strafpunkte oder der Führerscheinentzug.
Zuwiderhandeln wird mit Geldstrafen bis zu 100 EUR geahndet.
to be liable to sth. (person)
Anyone found trespassing is liable to be reported to the police.
Drivers driving without insurance are liable to penalty points or a ban.
Offenders are liable to fines of up to EUR 100.
Befragung f; Interview n; Gespräch n
Befragungen pl; Interviews pl; Gespräche pl
Fernsehinterview n
gelenktes Interview
polizeiliche Befragung
Befragung eines Zeugen
ein Interview mit dem Präsidenten
ein Interview führen
einem Journalisten ein Interview geben
TV interview; television interview
guided interview
police interview
interview of a witness
an interview with the President
to conduct an interview
to give an interview to a journalist
Kfz-Kennzeichen n; amtliches behördliches polizeiliches Kennzeichen n; Autokennzeichen n ugs.; Fahrzeugkennzeichen n; Kfz-Nummer f ugs.; Autonummer f ugs. auto adm.
Kfz-Kennzeichen pl; amtliche behördliche polizeiliche Kennzeichen pl; Autokennzeichen pl; Fahrzeugkennzeichen pl; Kfz-Nummern pl; Autonummern pl
ein Auto mit Kennzeichen Kz. A-123-Z
vehicle registration number VRN Br.; vehicle license number Am.; vehicle tag number Am.; vehicle tag Am.; car tag Am.
vehicle registration numbers; vehicle license numbers; vehicle tag numbers; vehicle tags; car tags
a car with registration reg. (no.) A-123-Z Br.; a car with license no. A-123-Z Am.
Unterbinden n verbotener Warensendungen Personenbewegungen durch Abfangen Anhalten
das Unterbinden Abfangen von Waffenlieferungen
das Unterbinden von Schlepperfahrten; das Abfangen von Schleusertransporten
das Anhalten die Anhaltung von Personen beim illegalen Grenzübertritt
Aktion zum Abfangen von Rauschgiftsendungen
(polizeiliche militärische) Straßensperre und Fahrzeugkontrolle
interdiction (interception of prohibited commodities people)
the interdiction of arms shipments
the interdiction of migrant smuggling operations
the interdiction of people illegally crossing the border
narcotics interdiction operation
vehicle interdiction operation
Zusammenarbeit f; Kooperation f geh. (mit jdm. bei etw.) adm.
internationale Kooperation
interinstitutionelle Zusammenarbeit
politische Kooperation; politische Zusammenarbeit
polizeiliche Zusammenarbeit
Verwaltungszusammenarbeit f
Zusammenarbeit von Bibliotheken
die Zusammenarbeit mit den Mitgliedsstaaten of the Europäischen Union in Strafsachen
Auf gute Zusammenarbeit! (Trinkspruch)
Ich freue mich auf eine gute Zusammenarbeit!
co-operation; cooperation (with sb. in on sth.)
international cooperation
interinstitutional cooperation
political cooperation
police cooperation
administrative cooperation
co-operation of libraries; interlibrary co-operation
co-operation with the EU member states in criminal matters
(Here's) to a bright future of cooperation!; (Here's) to a successful time working together!; (Here's) to successful partnership! (toast)
I am looking forward to working with you!
(behördliche) Ermittlungen pl; Ermittlung f; (amtliche) Untersuchung f (wegen etw.) adm.
Untersuchung an Ort und Stelle
amtliche Ermittlungen
polizeiliche Ermittlungen
strafrechtliche Ermittlungen
umfangreiche Ermittlungen
verdeckte Ermittlungen (Kriminalpolizei)
Ermittlungen wegen Brandstiftung
Ermittlungen im nachbarschaftlichen Umfeld im Tatortumfeld
Ermittlungen einleiten aufnehmen
die Ermittlungen einstellen
(kriminalpolizeiliche) Strukturermittlungen pl
Die Polizei hat die Ermittlungen wieder aufgenommen.
(law enforcement) investigation; inquiry; probe (into sth.)
on-the-spot investigation
official investigation(s)
police investigation; investigation by the police; police probe
criminal investigation; criminal probe; criminal inquiry
extensive investigations
an undercover investigation (CID)
an investigation inquiry into suspected arson; an arson investigation inquiry probe
neighbourhood investigation; neighborhood investigation Am.
to initiate institute launch an investigation; to open start an inquiry
to drop the investigation inquiry
investigations targeting criminal networks
Police have reopened the investigation.
(behördliche) Ermittlungen pl; Ermittlung f; (amtliche) Untersuchung f (wegen etw.) adm.
Untersuchung an Ort und Stelle
amtliche Ermittlungen
polizeiliche Ermittlungen
strafrechtliche Ermittlungen
umfangreiche Ermittlungen
verdeckte Ermittlungen (Kriminalpolizei)
Ermittlungen wegen Brandstiftung
Ermittlungen im nachbarschaftlichen Umfeld im Tatortumfeld
Ermittlungen einleiten aufnehmen
die Ermittlungen einstellen
bei einer Untersuchung grobe Fehler machen falsch vorgehen
(kriminalpolizeiliche) Strukturermittlungen pl
Die Polizei hat die Ermittlungen wieder aufgenommen.
(law enforcement) investigation; inquiry; probe (into sth.)
on-the-spot investigation
official investigation(s)
police investigation; investigation by the police; police probe
criminal investigation; criminal probe; criminal inquiry
extensive investigations
an undercover investigation (CID)
an investigation inquiry into suspected arson; an arson investigation inquiry probe
neighbourhood investigation; neighborhood investigation Am.
to initiate institute launch an investigation; to open start an inquiry
to drop the investigation inquiry
to mishandle an investigation
investigations targeting criminal networks
Police have reopened the investigation.
als etw. dienen; als etw. fungieren v
dienend; fungierend
gedienet; fungiert
von Nutzen sein; sinnvoll sein
dazu dienen, etw. zu tun; die Funktion haben, etw. zu tun
Er fungierte als Dolmetscher.
Das Sofa musste als Bett herhalten.
Sein Tod sollte anderen jungen Leuten als Warnung dienen.
Schweiß hat die Funktion, den Körper abzukühlen.
Der Angriff scheiterte und hatte nur zur Folge, dass der Feind gewarnt wurde.
Womit kann ich dienen?
Erzählungen über die Vergangenheit können dazu dienen, die Erinnerung wachzuhalten.
Polizeiliche Vernehmungen dienen dazu, Straftaten aufzuklären dienen zur Aufklärung von Straftaten.
to serve as sth.; to function as sth.
serving; functioning
served; functioned
to serve a useful purpose
to serve to do sth.; to function to do sth.
He served functioned as an interpreter.
The sofa had to serve function as a bed.
His death should serve as a warning to other young people.
Sweat serves functions to cool down the body.
The attack was unsuccessful and served only to alert the enemy.
Can I help you?
Narratives about the past may serve to maintain memories.
Police interrogations serve the purpose of solving crimes.

Deutsche polizeiliche Synonyme


Englische notice of departure Synonyme

notice  account  acknowledge  acquaintance  admonish  admonishment  admonition  advert  advertence  advertency  advice  advise  alarm  alertness  allude  analysis  animadvert  announce  announcement  annunciation  apperception  appreciation  appreciativeness  apprehension  approval  assiduity  assiduousness  attend  attend to  attention  attention span  attentiveness  awareness  behold  bench warrant  blackmail  blue book  book review  briefing  bulletin  bulletin board  call  call for  capias  care  catch sight of  caution  caveat  censure  circular  claim  clap eyes on  cognition  cognizance  comment  commentary  commentation  communication  communique  concentration  concern  consciousness  consideration  contribution  critical bibliography  critical journal  critical notice  critical review  criticism  critique  data  datum  death warrant  declaration  demand  demand for  descry  detect  deterrent example  diligence  directive  directory  discern  discover  dispatch  distinguish  draft  drain  duty  ear  earnestness  edict  editorial  encyclical  enlightenment  enunciation  espial  espionage  espy  evidence  exaction  example  extortion  extortionate demand  facts  factual information  familiarization  fieri facias  final notice  final warning  gen  general information  give heed to  give notice  glimpse  gloss  grasp  guidebook  habere facias possessionem  handout  hard information  have in sight  heavy demand  heed  heedfulness  hint  identify  imposition  impost  incidental information  indent  info  inform  information  injunction  insight  insistent demand  instruction  intelligence  intentiveness  intentness  interdict  intimation  ken  knowledge  lay eyes on  leader  leading article  lesson  levy  light  literary criticism  look  look on  look upon  looking  lookout  make out  mandamus  mandate  mandatory injunction  manifesto  mark  memo  mention  message  mind  mindfulness  mittimus  monition  moral  nisi prius  noesis  nonnegotiable demand  note  notif  
noticeable  acquaint  advise  appalling  apparent  appraisable  appreciable  apprise  arrant  arresting  assessable  astonishing  beholdable  blatant  bold  calculable  clear  clear as crystal  clear-cut  clue  computable  considerable  conspicuous  crystal-clear  detectable  determinable  discernible  disclosed  distinct  distinguishable  egregious  especial  estimable  evident  exceptional  explicit  exposed  exposed to view  express  extraordinary  eye-catching  fabulous  fantastic  fathomable  flagrant  formidable  gaugeable  glaring  hanging out  important  in evidence  in full view  in plain sight  in relief  in the foreground  in view  incredible  indisputable  indubitable  insight  major  manifest  marked  marvelous  measurable  mensurable  meterable  naked  notable  noteworthy  notify  notorious  numerable  observable  obtrusive  obvious  of mark  open  open to view  open-and-shut  ostensible  outcropping  outstanding  palpable  patent  perceivable  perceptible  perspicuous  plain  plain as day  pointed  prominent  pronounced  quantifiable  quantizable  recognizable  remarkable  reveal  revealed  salient  seeable  self-evident  self-explaining  self-explanatory  sensational  showing  signal  significant  singular  spectacular  staring  stark-staring  sticking out  striking  superior  tangible  to be seen  unclouded  uncommon  unconcealed  undisguised  unhidden  unmistakable  viewable  visible  visual  witnessable  wonderful  
noticeably  actually  apparently  appreciably  arrantly  assuredly  blatantly  boldly  certainly  clearly  conspicuously  decidedly  definitely  demonstrably  discernibly  distinctly  evidently  explicitly  expressly  flagrantly  for a certainty  for real  glaringly  in all conscience  indeed  indubitably  manifestly  markedly  measurably  notably  notoriously  observably  obtrusively  obviously  ostensibly  outstandingly  palpably  patently  perceivably  perceptibly  plainly  positively  prominently  pronouncedly  quite  really  recognizably  saliently  seeably  sensibly  seriously  staringly  starkly  strikingly  truly  unambiguously  unconcealedly  undeniably  undisguisedly  unmistakably  verily  visibly  with clarity  without doubt  

polizeiliche Definition

(n.) Division
(n.) Separation or removal from a place
(n.) Removal from the present life
(n.) Deviation or abandonment, as from or of a rule or course of action, a plan, or a purpose.
(n.) The desertion by a party to any pleading of the ground taken by him in his last antecedent pleading, and the adoption of another.
(n.) The distance due east or west which a person or ship passes over in going along an oblique line.
(n.) The act of noting, remarking, or observing
(n.) Intelligence, by whatever means communicated
(n.) An announcement, often accompanied by comments or remarks
(n.) A writing communicating information or warning.
(n.) Attention
(v. t.) To observe
(v. t.) To show that one has observed
(v. t.) To treat with attention and civility

notice of departure Bedeutung

going going away
the act of departing
jumping-off point
point of departure
a beginning from which an enterprise is launched, he uses other people's ideas as a springboard for his own, reality provides the jumping-off point for his illusions, the point of departure of international comparison cannot be an institution but must be the function it carries out
bulletin board
notice board
a board that hangs on a wall, displays announcements
departure gate gate where passengers embark
departure lounge lounge where passengers can await departure
the act of noticing or paying attention, he escaped the notice of the police
notice polite or favorable attention, his hard work soon attracted the teacher's notice
notice a short critical review, the play received good notices
notice an announcement containing information about an event, you didn't give me enough notice, an obituary notice, a notice of sale
a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement, a poster advertised the coming attractions
notification notice a request for payment, the notification stated the grace period and the penalties for defaulting
notice advance notification (usually written) of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement of contract, we received a notice to vacate the premises, he gave notice two months before he moved
wanted notice
wanted poster
a public announcement by a law enforcement agency that they desire to question or arrest some person
International Wanted Notice
Red Notice
an Interpol notice describing a wanted person and asking that he or she be arrested with a view to extradition, a wanted notice that is issued by Interpol at the request of an Interpol member country and distributed to all member countries, an Interpol Red Notice is the closest instrument to an international arrest warrant in use today
loss departure
euphemistic expressions for death, thousands mourned his passing
departure difference
a variation that deviates from the standard or norm, the deviation from the mean
jumping-off place
point of departure
a place from which an enterprise or expedition is launched, one day when I was at a suitable jumping-off place I decided to see if I could find him, my point of departure was San Francisco
departure tax a tax that is levied when you are departing a country by land or sea or air
departure time
time of departure
the time at which a public conveyance is scheduled to depart from a given point of origin
advise notify
give notice
send word
inform (somebody) of something, I advised him that the rent was due
remark point out
make or write a comment on, he commented the paper of his colleague
notice acknowledge express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with, He never acknowledges his colleagues when they run into him in the hallway, She acknowledged his complement with a smile, it is important to acknowledge the work of others in one's own writing
notice or perceive, She noted that someone was following her, mark my words
take notice observe with special attention, Take notice of the great architecture
observe find discover notice
discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of, She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water, We found traces of lead in the paint
b displace fire
give notice
give the axe
send away
force out
give the sack
terminate a
terminate the employment of, discharge from an office or position, The boss fired his secretary today, The company terminated % of its workers
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