
programmspezifisch Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

programmspezifisch; programmeigen; nativ adj comp.
programmeigenes Dateiformat
nativer Kode
program-specific; native
native file format
native code
programmspezifisch; programmeigen; nativ adj comp.
programmeigenes Dateiformat
nativer Kode
program-specific; native
native file format
native code
ehrgeiziges Programm
ambitious programme
Programm (Br.)
Programm (US), Plan
Programm, Maßnahme, System
Abschneiden n (von Zahlen), Abbruch (Programm) m
Anti-Viren-Programm m comp.
Applet n, Minianwendung f, kleine Anwendung, kleines Programm comp.
Binärprogramm n, ausführbares Programm (in Maschinenkode) comp.
Binärprogramme pl, ausführbare Programme
Diagnose-Programm n comp.
diagnostic routines
ERASMUS-Programm m
ERASMUS programme
Entwurf m, Plan m, Schema n, Programm n, Projekt n
Entwürfe pl, Pläne pl, Schemata pl, Programme pl, Projekte pl
Programm n
Programme pl
absolutes Programm
ausführbares Programm comp.
diagnostisches Programm
Programm aus einer Zeile Anweisungen
program, programme Br.
absolute program
object program, executable
diagnostic program
Programm n (von Ereignissen)
schedule (of events)
Programm-Modifikation f
program modification
Programm beginnen (beenden) (Radio, TV)
to sign on (off)
automatisches WWW-Abrufprogramm n, Programm, welches automatisch (meist rekursiv) WWW-Dokumente abruft comp.
automatisches (meist massenweises) Abrufen von WWW-Dokumenten
(web) robot, crawler, spider
to spider
ablaufinvariant, eintrittsinvariant adj
ablaufinvariantes Unterprogramm
ein ablaufinvariantes Programm gemeinsam nutzen
reentrant subroutine
code sharing
aktuelles Programm
active program
kompilieren, compilieren, (Programm) übersetzen comp.
kompilierend, compilierend, übersetzend
compiliert, übersetzt
to compile
selbst entwickeltes Programm
in-house development
verdrahtetes Programm
wired program
verschachteltes Programm
nested program
Das steht für diese Woche nicht auf dem Programm.
This is not scheduled for this week.
Im Programm sind mehrere Pausen vorgesehen.
The program will include several breaks.
Was steht für heute auf dem Programm?
What's on the schedule for today?
Was steht für heute Abend auf dem Programm?
What's on tonight?
Weiter im Programm!
On with the show!
UNDCP : Programm der Vereinten Nationen für die Internationale Drogenbekämpfung
UNDCP : United Nations International Drug Control Programme
Lies die Programm-Hilfe!
RTOH : Read the online-help!
absolutes Programm
absolute program
ein ablaufinvariantes Programm gemeinsam nutzen
code sharing
diagnostic routines
floor show
audfuehrbares Programm
object program
Weiter im Programm
on with the show
program modification
Abschneiden (von Zahlen), Abbruch (Programm)
Programm (US)
Applet n; Minianwendung f; kleine Anwendung; kleines Programm comp.
Binärprogramm n; ausführbares Programm (in Maschinenkode) comp.
Binärprogramme pl; ausführbare Programme
Datenpaket-Schnüffler m; Paketschnüffler m (Programm zum Abgreifen von Netzdaten) comp.
packet sniffer
Desktop-Programm n comp.
Desktop-Programme pl
desktop program
desktop programs
Drehscheibe f übtr.; Hochburg f; Anlaufstelle f; Zentrum n (für etw.)
Zwei Tage lang wurde der botanische Garten in Sheffield zur Anlaufstelle für Künstler und Kunstliebhaber.
Sobald es aktiviert ist macht das Programm aus dem Handy eine Zentrale für sämtliche angeschlossenen Geräte.
hotspot; hot spot (for sth.)
For two days Sheffield's Botanical Gardens became a hotspot for artists and art lovers.
When activated the program turns that handset into a hotspot for any and all connected devices.
ERASMUS-Programm m stud.
ERASMUS programme
Name m
Namen pl
Namen in eine Liste eintragen
ein Name der Wunder wirkt
eingetragener Name
eine Interessenvertretung die diesen Namen verdient
Darf ich nach Ihrem Namen fragen?
Der Name ist Programm.
Nach ihrer Scheidung führte sie weiterhin den Familiennamen ihres Ex-Mannes.
Wir haben zwei Karten auf den Namen Viktor reserviert.
Das Kfz ist auf meinen Namen zugelassen.
Ich nehme Sie im Namen des Gesetzes fest.
Es gab immer schon Verbrechen die im Namen der Religion verübt wurden.
Das Land ist nur dem Namen nach eine Demokratie.
Diese Anhaltezentren sind eigentlich verkappte Gefängnisse.
Ihre Ehe war de facto schon vor fünf Jahren am Ende.
Diese Kugel war für mich bestimmt.
Wir haben da etwas gekocht das genau das Richtige für Euch ist.
to enter names on a list
a name to conjure with
registered name
an interest representation worthy of the name
May I have your name?
The name captures the spirit of our vision programme.
After her divorce she continued to bear her ex-husband's family name.
We reserved two tickets in the name of Viktor.
The motor vehicle is registered in my name.
I arrest you in the name of the law.
There have always been crimes that were committed in the name of religion.
The country is a democracy in name only alone.
These detention centres are actually prisons in all but name.
Their marriage was over in everything but name five years ago.
That bullet had my name on it.
We have a dish with your name on it!
Navigation f (in einem Programm) comp.
Navigation im Browser
Mausnavigation f
Tastaturnavigation f
navigation (within through around a program)
browser navigation
mouse navigation
keyboard navigation; caret navigation
Programm n
Programme pl
ein neues Programm fahren
program; programme Br.
programs; programmes
to start launch a new program
Programm n comp.
Programme pl
absolutes Programm
ausführbares Programm comp.
diagnostisches Programm
Computerprogramm mit einer einzigen Befehlszeile
Blaues-Band-Programm n (auf Anhieb fehlerfrei)
program; programme Br.
absolute program
object program; executable
diagnostic program
blue-ribbon program (works properly on first try)
das volle Programm durchziehen ugs.
to go all the way
mit der Programmausstrahlung beginnen v (Radio; TV)
Sendebeginn ist um 6 Uhr.
das Programm beenden
to sign on
We sign on at 6 o'clock.
to sign off
Refactoring n; Umgestaltung f; Strukturverbesserung von Programm-Quelltexten comp.
Routine f (Programm für immer wiederkehrende Aufgaben) comp.
Routinen pl
Eingaberoutine f
Ausgaberoutine f
Druckroutine f
Koroutine f
routine (program for recurrent tasks)
input routine
output routine
print routine
Speiseplan m; Speisekarte f cook.
Speisepläne pl; Speisekarten pl
Es stehen zwei Sinfonien auf dem Programm.
menu; bill of fare Am.
menus; bills of fare
There are two symphonies on the bill of fare. Am.
die Vereinten Nationen UNO pol.
Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen UNICEF
Büro des Hochkommissars der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte OHCHR
Internationale Atomenergieorganisation IAEO
UNO-Ausschuss zur Terrorismusbekämpfung
UNO-Hochkommissar der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte UNHCHR
UNO-Flüchtlingskommissar m; Hoher Flüchtlingskommissar der Vereinten Nationen
UNO-Büro für Drogenbekämpfung und Verbrechensvorbeugung
UNESCO-Institut für Pädagogik UIE
Entschädigungskommission der Vereinten Nationen UNCC
Sekretariat der Konvention zur Bekämpfung der Wüstenbildung UNCCD
Kapitalentwicklungsfonds der Vereinten Nationen UNCDF
Zentrum der Vereinten Nationen für Wohn- und Siedlungswesen
Kommission der Vereinten Nationen für internationales Handelsrecht UNCITRAL
Zentrum der Vereinten Nationen für Regionalentwicklung UNCRD
Handels- und Entwicklungskonferenz der Vereinten Nationen UNCTAD
Programm der Vereinten Nationen für die Internationale Drogenbekämpfung UNDCP
UNO-Entwicklungsprogramm UNDP
Umweltprogramm der Vereinten Nationen UNEP
UNO-Sekretariat der Klimarahmenkonvention UNFCCC
Bevölkerungsfond der Vereinten Nationen UNFPA
Internationales Forschungsinstitut der Vereinten Nationen für Kriminalität und Rechtspflege UNICRI
Institut der Vereinten Nationen für Abrüstungsforschung UNIDIR
Ãœberwachungs- Verifikations- und Inspektionskommission der Vereinten Nationen
Büro der Vereinten Nationen für Projektdienste UNOPS
Büro der Vereinten Nationen in Wien
Forschungsinstitut der Vereinten Nationen für soziale Entwicklung UNRISD
Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen für Palästinaflüchtlinge im Nahen Osten UNRWA
Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuß der Vereinten Nationen zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen atomarer Strahlung UNSCEAR
Universität der Vereinten Nationen UNU
Freiwilligenprogramm der Vereinten Nationen UNV
Konferenz der Verei
the United Nations UN
United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights OHCHR
International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA
UN Counter Terrorism Committee
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights UNHCHR
UN Refugee Commissioner; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR
UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention UNODCCP
UNESCO Institute for Education UIE
United Nations Compensation Commission UNCC
Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification UNCCD
United Nations Capital Development Fund UNCDF
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements UNCHS
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law UNCITRAL
United Nations Centre for Regional Development UNCRD
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD
United Nations International Drug Control Programme UNDCP
United Nations Development Programme UNDP
United Nations Environment Programme UNEP
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC
United Nations Population Fund UNFPA
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute UNICRI
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research UNIDIR
United Nations Monitoring Verification and Inspection Commission UNMOVIC
United Nations Office for Project Services UNOPS
United Nations Office at Vienna UNOV
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development UNRISD
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East UNRWA
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation UNSCEAR
United Nations University UNU
United Nations Volunteers UNV
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development UNCED
United Nations Seabed Committee; UN Seabed Committee
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child CRC CROC UNCRC ; Rights of the Child Conv
die Vorgänge pl; das Geschehen n; das Programm soc.
die Vorgänge auf der Straße beobachten
das Geschehen auf einer Riesenleinwand live übertragen
das Programm mit einer kurzen Rede eröffnen
the proceeding; the proceedings
to watch the proceedings in the street
to project the proceedings live on a huge screen
to open the proceedings with a short speech
Vorhaben n; Plan m; Projekt n; Programm n; Maßnahme f; Regelung f adm.
Vorhaben pl; Pläne pl; Projekte pl; Programme pl; Maßnahmen pl; Regelungen pl
ein Studentenaustauschprogramm
die derzeitige Beihilfenregelung
scheme Br.
a scheme for student exchanges
the current scheme of support
Witzfigur f; Zielscheibe f des Spotts; Gespött n soc.
zur Witzfigur werden
sich lächerlich machen
Die Klasse machte sich über ihn lustig.
Sie hat sich zum Gespött der ganzen Stadt gemacht.
Mit dem Programm hat sich das Land in der ganzen Welt lächerlich gemacht.
laughing stock Br.; laughingstock Am.
to become a laughing stock
to make yourself a laughing stock; to make a laughing stock of yourself
He was the laughing stock of his class.
She has made herself a laughing stock of the whole town.
The programme has made the country an international laughing stock.
automatisches WWW-Abrufprogramm n; Programm welches automatisch (meist rekursiv) WWW-Dokumente abruft comp.
automatisches (meist massenweises) Abrufen von WWW-Dokumenten
(web) robot; crawler; spider
to spider
ein Programm abbrechen v comp.
to truncate a program
ablaufinvariant; eintrittsinvariant adj
ablaufinvariantes Unterprogramm
ein ablaufinvariantes Programm gemeinsam nutzen
reentrant subroutine
code sharing
jdn. auffordern etw. zu tun comp.
Du wirst vom Programm aufgefordert wo nötig Daten einzugeben.
Es erscheint dann eine Meldung die den Benutzer zur Eingabe des Kennworts auffordert.
to prompt sb. to do sth.
You are prompted by the program to enter data where required
A message will appear which will prompt the user for the password.
etw. aufrufen v (Programm; Hilfefunktion; Internetseite etc.) comp.
to call up () sth. (program; help function; website etc.)
calling up
called up
etw. durchgehen v
Gehen wir die erste Szene noch einmal durch.
Ich geht nur noch das Programm für morgen durch.
to run through sth.
running through
run through
Let's run through the first scene again.
I'll just run through the schedule for tomorrow.
ehrgeizig; ambitioniert adj
am ehrgeizigsten
ein ehrgeiziges Programm
darauf angelegt sein etw. zu bewirken (Sache)
ambitious; aspirational Br.
more ambitious
most ambitious
an ambitious programme
to be aspirational in achieving sth. (matter)
Raum einnehmen; Raum belegen v (Dinge)
Raum einnehmend; Raum belegend
Raum eingenommen; Raum belegt
Das Plakat nimmt die ganze Wand ein.
Wie viel Speicherplatz belegt das Programm?
to take up space; to occupy space (things)
taking up space; occupying space
taken up space; occupied space
The poster takes up occupies the entire wall.
How much memory does the program occupy?

Deutsche programmspezifisch Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für programmspezifisch Synonym nachschlagen

Englische program-specific; native Synonyme

programmspezifisch Definition

(n.) A body of law, sanctioned by legislation, in which the rules of law to be specifically applied by the courts are set forth in systematic form
(n.) Any system of rules or regulations relating to one subject
(n.) An orderly succession
(n.) A row of soldiers ranged one behind another
(n.) An orderly collection of papers, arranged in sequence or classified for preservation and reference
(n.) The line, wire, or other contrivance, by which papers are put and kept in order.
(n.) A roll or list.
(n.) Course of thought
(v. t.) To set in order
(v. t.) To bring before a court or legislative body by presenting proper papers in a regular way
(v. t.) To put upon the files or among the records of a court
(v. i.) To march in a file or line, as soldiers, not abreast, but one after another
(n.) A steel instrument, having cutting ridges or teeth, made by indentation with a chisel, used for abrading or smoothing other substances, as metals, wood, etc.
(n.) Anything employed to smooth, polish, or rasp, literally or figuratively.
(n.) A shrewd or artful person.
(v. t.) To rub, smooth, or cut away, with a file
(v. t.) To smooth or polish as with a file.
(v. t.) To make foul
(a.) Arising by birth
(a.) Of or pertaining to one's birth
(a.) Born in the region in which one lives
(a.) Original
(a.) Conferred by birth
(a.) Naturally related
(a.) Found in nature uncombined with other elements
(a.) Found in nature
(n.) One who, or that which, is born in a place or country referred to
(n.) Any of the live stock found in a region, as distinguished from such as belong to pure and distinct imported breeds.
(n.) Same as Programme.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a species
(a.) Specifying
(a.) Exerting a peculiar influence over any part of the body
(n.) A specific remedy. See Specific, a., 3.
(a.) Anything having peculiar adaption to the purpose to which it is applied.

program-specific; native / native file format / native code Bedeutung

native indigenous plants and animals
program trading a trading technique involving large blocks of stock with trades triggered by computer programs
specific performance the performance of a legal contract as specified by its terms
a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation, the program lasted more than two hours
pilot project
pilot program
activity planned as a test or trial, they funded a pilot project in six states
work-study program an educational plan in which students alternate between paid employment and formal study
water development
water project
water program
making an area of water more useful
koala bear
kangaroo bear
native bear
Phascolarctos cinereus
sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with grey furry ears and coat, feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark
native cat
Dasyurus viverrinus
carnivorous arboreal cat-like marsupials of Australia and Tasmania
blunt file a file with parallel edges
dedicated file server (computer science) a file server that can be used only as a file server
file a steel hand tool with small sharp teeth on some or all of its surfaces, used for smoothing wood or metal
file file cabinet
filing cabinet
office furniture consisting of a container for keeping papers in order
file folder folder that holds papers together in a filing cabinet
file server (computer science) a digital computer that provides workstations on a network with controlled access to shared resources
flat file a file with two flat surfaces
non-dedicated file server (computer science) a file server that can be used simultaneously as a workstation
wood file
a coarse file with sharp pointed projections
rat-tail file a thin round file shaped like the tail of a rat
round file a file with a circular cross section, used to file the inside of holes
specific a medicine that has a mitigating effect on a specific disease, quinine is a specific for malaria
taper file a file with converging edges
vertical file a file in which records are stored upright on one edge
wastepaper basket
waste-paper basket
waste basket
circular file
a container with an open top, for discarded paper and other rubbish
format the general appearance of a publication
specific gravity the density of a substance relative to the density of water
code of conduct
code of behavior
a set of conventional principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a member of a particular group
file system
filing system
a system of classifying into files (usually arranged alphabetically)
a fact about some part (as opposed to general), he always reasons from the particular to the general
algorithmic rule
algorithmic program
a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem
heuristic rule
heuristic program
a commonsense rule (or set of rules) intended to increase the probability of solving some problem
audit program
audit programme
a listing of audit procedures to be performed in completing an audit
a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished, they drew up a six-step plan, they discussed plans for a new bond issue
program programme a system of projects or services intended to meet a public need, he proposed an elaborate program of public works, working mothers rely on the day care program
Apollo program a program of space flights undertaken by US to land a man on the Moon, the first lunar landing was achieved by the Apollo program on July ,
Gemini program a program of space flights undertaken by US in and , under the Gemini program each crew had two astronauts
Mercury program a program of rocket-powered flights undertaken by US between and with the goal of putting a man in orbit around the earth, under the Mercury program each flight had one astronaut
defense program
defense policy
defence program
defence policy
a program for defending a country against its enemies
educational program a program for providing education
rehabilitation program a program for restoring someone to good health
space program a technological program intended to explore outer space
Superfund program
the federal government's program to locate and investigate and clean up the worst uncontrolled and abandoned toxic waste sites nationwide, administered by the Environmental Protection Agency, some have intimated that the Superfund's money may have turned into a political slush fund
vocational rehabilitation program a program of rehabilitation through job training with an eye to gainful employment
tax program
tax policy
a program for setting taxes
academic program (education) a program of education in liberal arts and sciences (usually in preparation for higher education)
training program a program designed for training in specific skills
preemployment training program a training program to prepare you for employment
vocational program a program of vocational education
works program a program to provide jobs on public works paid for by government funds
pension plan
pension account
retirement plan
retirement savings plan
retirement savings account
retirement account
retirement program
a plan for setting aside money to be spent after retirement
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