
rechtsstaatlich Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

rechtsstaatlich adj jur.
constitutional; governed by based on the rule of law (only after noun)
rechtsstaatlich adj jur.
constitutional; governed by based on the rule of law (only after noun)
Rechtsstaat m
Rechtsstaaten pl
state under the rule of law
states under the rule of law
Rechtsstaat m (mit Verfassung)
Rechtsstaaten pl
constitutional state
constitutional states
constitutional state
Rechtsstaat m jur.
Rechtsstaaten pl
constitutional state; state governed by the rule of law
constitutional states; states governed by the rule of law
undenkbar; unvorstellbar adj
Ein Rechtsstaat ohne unabhängige Justiz ist undenkbar.
unthinkable; inconceivable
A constitutional state is unthinkable without an independent judicial system.
rechtsstaatlich adj jur.
constitutional; governed by based on the rule of law (only after noun)
rechtliches Verfahren n; gerichtliche Verfolgung f jur.
ordentliches Verfahren; rechtsstaatliches Verfahren
Immunität vor gerichtlicher Verfolgung
vor gerichtlicher Verfolgung geschützt sein
gegen jdn. gerichtlich vorgehen
Der Vorsitzende kann informelle Debatten zulassen solange die eigentliche Entscheidung in einem ordentlichen Verfahren zustandekommt.
In einem rechtsstaatlichen Verfahren dürfen Beweise nicht zugelassen werden wenn sie illegal beschafft wurden.
process of law; legal process
due process of law due legal process; due process Am.
immunity from legal process
to be immune from legal process
to proceed against sb. by legal process
The chairman may allow some informal discussion so long as the actual decision is reached by due legal process.
Due process of law requires that evidence not be admitted when it is obtained through illegal methods.
rechtliches Verfahren n; gerichtliche Verfolgung f jur.
ordentliches Verfahren; rechtsstaatliches Verfahren
Schutz vor gerichtlicher Verfolgung
vor gerichtlicher Verfolgung geschützt sein
gegen jdn. gerichtlich vorgehen
Der Vorsitzende kann informelle Debatten zulassen solange die eigentliche Entscheidung in einem ordentlichen Verfahren zustandekommt.
In einem rechtsstaatlichen Verfahren dürfen Beweise nicht zugelassen werden, wenn sie illegal beschafft wurden.
process of law; legal process
due process of law, due legal process; due process Am.
immunity from legal process
to be immune from legal process
to proceed against sb. by legal process
The chairman may allow some informal discussion so long as the actual decision is reached by due legal process.
Due process of law requires that evidence not be admitted when it is obtained through illegal methods.
Rechtsstaatlichkeit f
rule of law
Rechtsstaatlichkeit f; Rechtsstaatsprinzip n; Rechtsgesellschaft f jur.
rule of law; due process (of law)
Rechtsstandpunkt m jur.
Rechtsstandpunkte pl
in eigener Sache jur.
Wir haben das Recht auf unserer Seite gute Erfolgsaussichten. jur.
seine Rechtssache vortragen; seinen Fall unterbreiten
seine Rechtssache schlüssig vorbringen
gegen jdn. nichts in der Hand haben
Jemanden als Zeugen in eigener Sache zu hören ist problematisch.
Kein Betreiber darf Richter in eigener Sache sein.
in support of one's own case
We have a (good) case.
to state one's case
to make out one's case
to have no case against sb.
Hearing a person as a witness in support of his own case is problematic.
No operator may be both judge and interested party.
Rechtsstandpunkt m jur.
Rechtsstandpunkte pl
das Anklagevorbringen; die Anklage
in eigener Sache jur.
Wir haben das Recht auf unserer Seite gute Erfolgsaussichten. jur.
seinen Rechtsstandpunkt vorbringen; eine Rechtssache vortragen
gegen jdn. nichts in der Hand haben
Jemanden als Zeugen in eigener Sache zu hören, ist problematisch.
Kein Betreiber darf Richter in eigener Sache sein.
the prosecution's case
in support of your own case
We have a (good) case.
to state your case
to have no case against sb.
Hearing a person as a witness in support of his own case is problematic.
No operator may be both judge and interested party.
Rechtsstatus m; rechtlicher Status m (einer Sache) jur.
Rechtsstatus der Gewässer über dem Festlandsockel
Rechtsstatus des Luftraums
legal status (of a thing)
legal status of the waters superjacent to the continental shelf
legal status of the air space
Privateigentum n; Privatbesitz m (abstrakter Rechtsstatus) jur.
Kunstobjekte aus Privatbesitz
im Privateigentum stehendes Unternehmen; Firma im Privatbesitz
Privateigentum n an den Produktionsmitteln
Abschaffung des Privateigentums
in Privatbesitz sein; sich in Privateigentum befinden
in Privatbesitz übergehen
private ownership
privately owned art objects
privately held company
private ownership of the means of production
abolition of private ownership
to be privately owned
to pass into private hands
rechtsgerichtet, rechtsstehend adj pol.
rechtsstehend adj pol.
rechtsgerichtet; rechtsstehend adj pol.
rechtsgerichtet; rechtsstehend; rechtsorientiert; Rechts… adj pol.
Rechtsstellung f
legal status, legal position
legal status
Abkommen n über die Rechtsstellung der Flüchtlinge; Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention f GFK pol.
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees CRSR
Rechtsstellung f (einer Person) jur.
legal status; legal position (of a person)
Abkommen n über die Rechtsstellung der Flüchtlinge; Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention f GFK pol.
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees CRSR ; Geneva refugee convention
rechtsstetig math.
right-contin, c. from above, the right
rechtsstetig adj math.
right-contin; c. from above; the right
Rechtsstreit m
Rechtsstreite pl
Rechtsstreit m, Streitsache f jur.
law suit
Rechtsstreit, Streitsache
Partei f jur.
beklagte Partei
klagende Partei
die streitenden Parteien
vertragsschließende Parteien
die (im Rechtsstreit) obsiegende Partei
die (im Rechtsstreit) unterliegende Partei
ein Dritter
defending party
complaining party; prosecuting party
the parties to a dispute
contracting parties
the winning prevailing party
the losing party
a third party
Rechtsstreit m; Zivilprozess m; Zivilgerichtsverfahren n jur.
Rechtsstreite pl; Zivilprozesse pl; Zivilgerichtsverfahren pl
lawsuit; suit at law; suit
lawsuits; suits at law; suits
Rechtsstreit m; Streitsache f jur.
Zivilprozess m; bürgerlicher Rechtsstreit jur.
Zivilprozesse pl; bürgerliche Rechtsstreite
civil action; civil litigation; civil suit Am.
civil actions; civil litigations; civil suits
Partei f; Seite f jur.
beklagte Partei
klagende Partei
die streitenden Parteien
vertragsschließende Parteien
die (im Rechtsstreit) obsiegende Partei
die (im Rechtsstreit) unterliegende Partei
ein Dritter
Beide Seiten sind zuversichtlich, dass eine Vereinbarung möglich ist.
defending party
complaining party; prosecuting party
the parties to a dispute
contracting parties
the winning prevailing party
the losing party
a third party
Both parties are confident an agreement can be reached.'
anhängig Dt. Ös.; hängig Schw.; pendent Schw. adj (bei einer Behörde) adm. jur.
gerichtsanhängig sein
Gesetzesentwürfe, die im Parlament anhängig sind im Parlament liegen ugs.
eine gleichzeitig anhängige Patentanmeldung
anhängiger Rechtsstreit (lis pendens)
solange ein Gerichtsverfahren anhängig ist
einen Streitfall bei Gericht anhängig machen
pending (with an authority)
to be pending before a court; to be pending in court
draft bills pending in Parliament
a co-pending patent application
pending lawsuit; pending litigation
while court proceedings are pending; while litigation is pending; pendente lite
to refer a dispute to the court(s)
Rechtsstreitigkeit f jur.
legal dispute
Schiedsabkommen n; Schiedsvertrag m
Schiedsabkommen pl; Schiedsverträge pl
Schiedsvertrag über künftige Rechtsstreitigkeiten
arbitration agreement; agreement to arbitrate
arbitration agreements; agreement to arbitrates
arbitration agreement on future legal disputes
Nachlassverwalter m, Nachlassverwalterin f jur.
Nachlassverwalter anstelle eines Testamentsvollstreckers
Nachlassverwalter zur Einziehung von Auslandsvermögen
Nachlassverwalter zur Fortführung eines Rechtsstreits
executor, testamentary executor, ancillary executor
administrator cum testamento annexo
administrator ad colligendum
administrator ad litem
Nachlassverwalter m; Nachlassverwalterin f jur.
Nachlassverwalter anstelle eines Testamentsvollstreckers
Nachlassverwalter zur Einziehung von Auslandsvermögen
Nachlassverwalter zur Fortführung eines Rechtsstreits
executor; testamentary executor; ancillary executor
administrator cum testamento annexo
administrator ad colligendum
administrator ad litem
Unzulässigkeit eines rechtlichen Vorbringens aufgrund eines sachlichen Widerspruchs zu früheren Rechtshandlungen jur.
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu früherem Verhalten
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu urkundlich verkörperten Erklärungen
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einschlägigen Gerichtsakten
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu früher gemachten Angaben
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einem abgeschlossenen (völkerrechtlichen) Vertrag
Unzulässigkeit eines Rechtsstreits wenn er schon einmal rechtskräftig entschieden wurde wegen innerer Rechtskraft eines früheren Urteils
De-facto-Personengesellschaft Kaptialgesellschaft f; Personengesellschaft Kapitalgesellschaft f aufgrund Rechtsscheins schlüssigen Verhaltens
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einer früheren Zusage
Unzulässigkeit wegen einer falschen Aussage im Vorfeld
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einer früheren Garantiezusage
Unzulässigkeit wegen versäumter Rechtshandlungen im Vorfeld
Unzulässigkeit wegen stillschweigender Duldung im Vorfeld
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einem früheren Verzicht auf ein Rechtsmittel (Berufung im Strafverfahren)
Gesellschafter aufgrund Rechtsscheins schlüssigen Verhaltens
einen Widerspruch zu früheren Rechtshandlungen geltend machen
Vollmacht aufgrund Rechtsscheins schlüssigen Verhaltens; Duldungsvollmacht f
Hier liegt der Fall vor dass das Vorbringen unzulässig ist weil es zu früheren Rechtshandlungen in Widerspruch steht.
equitable estoppel; estoppel by conduct Br.; estoppel in pais Am.
estoppel by deed
estoppel by matter of record; estoppel by record; judicial estoppel
estoppel by representation
estoppel by treaty
estoppel by judgement: estoppel by verdict; collateral estoppel; issue estoppel
partnership corporation by estoppel
promissory estoppel
estoppel by misrepresentation
estoppel by warranty
estoppel by laches
estoppel by acquiescence; estoppel by silence
estoppel by election; estoppel by waiver
partner by estoppel
to raise an estoppel; to plead estoppel
agency by estoppel; authority by estoppel
The case is one of estoppel.
Unzulässigkeit f eines rechtlichen Vorbringens aufgrund eines sachlichen Widerspruchs zu früheren Rechtshandlungen jur.
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu früherem Verhalten
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu urkundlich verkörperten Erklärungen
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einschlägigen Gerichtsakten
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu früher gemachten Angaben
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einem abgeschlossenen (völkerrechtlichen) Vertrag
Unzulässigkeit eines Rechtsstreits, wenn er schon einmal rechtskräftig entschieden wurde wegen innerer Rechtskraft eines früheren Urteils
De-facto-Personengesellschaft Kapitalgesellschaft f; Personengesellschaft Kapitalgesellschaft f aufgrund Rechtsscheins schlüssigen Verhaltens
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einer früheren Zusage
Unzulässigkeit wegen einer falschen Aussage im Vorfeld
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einer früheren Garantiezusage
Unzulässigkeit wegen versäumter Rechtshandlungen im Vorfeld
Unzulässigkeit wegen stillschweigender Duldung im Vorfeld
Unzulässigkeit wegen Widerspruchs zu einem früheren Verzicht auf ein Rechtsmittel (Berufung im Strafverfahren)
Gesellschafter aufgrund Rechtsscheins schlüssigen Verhaltens
einen Widerspruch zu früheren Rechtshandlungen geltend machen
Vollmacht aufgrund Rechtsscheins schlüssigen Verhaltens; Duldungsvollmacht f
Hier liegt der Fall vor, dass das Vorbringen unzulässig ist, weil es zu früheren Rechtshandlungen in Widerspruch steht.
equitable estoppel; estoppel by conduct Br.; estoppel in pais Am.
estoppel by deed
estoppel by matter of record; estoppel by record; judicial estoppel
estoppel by representation
estoppel by treaty
estoppel by judgement: estoppel by verdict; collateral estoppel; issue estoppel
partnership corporation by estoppel
promissory estoppel
estoppel by misrepresentation
estoppel by warranty
estoppel by laches
estoppel by acquiescence; estoppel by silence
estoppel by election; estoppel by waiver
partner by estoppel
to raise an estoppel; to plead estoppel
agency by estoppel; authority by estoppel
The case is one of estoppel.
Rechtslagetyp m RLT ; Rechtstyp m (EKG-Befund) med.
überdrehter Rechtslagetyp üRLT ; überdrehter Rechtsstyp
right axis deviation shift; right axis deviation RAD ; right dominance (ECG summary)
marked right axis deviation

Deutsche rechtsstaatlich Synonyme

Englische constitutional; governed by based on the rule of law Synonyme

constitutional  absolute  actionable  affective  airing  amble  ambulation  applicable  aristocratic  atavistic  athletics  authoritarian  authorized  autocratic  autonomous  beneficial  benign  bodily  born  bracing  breather  bureaucratic  calisthenics  characteristic  civic  civil  coeval  competent  congenital  connatal  connate  connatural  daily dozen  deep-seated  democratic  despotic  dictatorial  dispositional  drill  emotional  essential  exercise  exercising  fascist  federal  federalist  federalistic  footwork  forced march  genetic  good  good for  governmental  gubernatorial  gymnastic exercises  gymnastics  health-enhancing  health-preserving  healthful  healthy  hereditary  heteronomous  hike  hygeian  hygienic  in the blood  inborn  inbred  incarnate  indigenous  ingrained  inherited  innate  instinctive  instinctual  intellectual  intrinsic  invigorating  isometrics  jaunt  judicial  juridical  just  justiciable  kosher  lawful  lawmaking  legal  legislative  legit  legitimate  legwork  licit  march  matriarchal  matriarchic  mental  monarchal  monarchial  monarchic  monocratic  mush  native  native to  natural  natural to  official  oligarchal  oligarchic  organic  parade  parliamentarian  parliamentary  patriarchal  patriarchic  perambulation  peripatetic journey  peripateticism  physical  physical education  physical jerks  pluralistic  political  practice  primal  promenade  ramble  refreshing  republican  rightful  salubrious  salutary  sanctioned  sanitary  saunter  schlep  self-governing  setting-up exercises  spiritual  statutory  stretch  stroll  temperamental  theocratic  tonic  totalitarian  traipse  tramp  trudge  turn  valid  walk  walking tour  wholesome  within the law  workout  yoga  

rechtsstaatlich Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Base
(a.) Having a base, or having as a base
(n.) Wearing, or protected by, bases.
(a.) Belonging to, or inherent in, the constitution, or in the structure of body or mind
(a.) In accordance with, or authorized by, the constitution of a state or a society
(a.) Regulated by, dependent on, or secured by, a constitution
(a.) Relating to a constitution, or establishment form of government
(a.) For the benefit or one's constitution or health
(n.) A walk or other exercise taken for one's health or constitution.
(imp. & p. p.) of Govern
(n.) A word used as the designation or appellation of a creature or thing, existing in fact or in thought
(a.) That which is prescribed or laid down as a guide for conduct or action
(a.) Uniform or established course of things.
(a.) Systematic method or practice
(a.) Ordibary course of procedure
(a.) Conduct in general
(a.) The act of ruling
(a.) An order regulating the practice of the courts, or an order made between parties to an action or a suit.
(a.) A determinate method prescribed for performing any operation and producing a certain result
(a.) A general principle concerning the formation or use of words, or a concise statement thereof
(a.) A straight strip of wood, metal, or the like, which serves as a guide in drawing a straight line
(a.) A measuring instrument consisting of a graduated bar of wood, ivory, metal, or the like, which is usually marked so as to show inches and fractions of an inch, and jointed so that it may be folded compactly.
(a.) A thin plate of metal (usually brass) of the same height as the type, and used for printing lines, as between columns on the same page, or in tabular work.
(a.) A composing rule. See under Conposing.
(n.) To control the will and actions of
(n.) To control or direct by influence, counsel, or persuasion
(n.) To establish or settle by, or as by, a rule
(n.) To require or command by rule
(n.) To mark with lines made with a pen, pencil, etc., guided by a rule or ruler
(v. i.) To have power or command
(v. i.) To lay down and settle a rule or order of court
(v. i.) To keep within a (certain) range for a time
(n.) A stickler for rules

constitutional; governed by based on the rule of law (only after noun) Bedeutung

constitutional a regular walk taken as a form of exercise
work to rule a job action in which workers cause a slowdown by doing only the minimum amount required by the rules of the workplace
board rule a measure used in computing board feet
carpenter's rule a rule used by a carpenter
foot rule a ruler one foot long
plumb rule a plumb line attached to a narrow board
measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths
slide rule
analog computer consisting of a handheld instrument used for rapid calculations, have been replaced by pocket calculators
pattern rule formula
something regarded as a normative example, the convention of not naming the main character, violence is the rule not the exception, his formula for impressing visitors
a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior, it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast, short haircuts were the regulation
rule formula (mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems, he determined the upper bound with Descartes' rule of signs, he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials
algorithmic rule
algorithmic program
a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem
heuristic rule
heuristic program
a commonsense rule (or set of rules) intended to increase the probability of solving some problem
rule of thumb
a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior
cy pres
rule of cy pres
cy pres doctrine
a rule that when literal compliance is impossible the intention of a donor or testator should be carried out as nearly as possible
working principle
working rule
a rule that is adequate to permit work to be done
principle rule a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system, the principle of the conservation of mass, the principle of jet propulsion, the right-hand rule for inductive fields
Naegele's rule rule for calculating an expected delivery date, subtract three months from the first day of the last menstrual period and add seven days to that date
principle rule a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct, their principles of composition characterized all their works
Golden Rule a command based on Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount, Whatsoever ye would that men do unto you, do you even so unto them (Matthew :)
majority rule
the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group
noun phrase
nominal phrase
a phrase that can function as the subject or object of a verb
noun the word class that can serve as the subject or object of a verb, the object of a preposition, or in apposition
noun a content word that can be used to refer to a person, place, thing, quality, or action
collective noun a noun that is singular in form but refers to a group of people or things
mass noun a noun that does not form plurals
count noun a noun that forms plurals
generic noun a noun that does not specify either masculine or feminine gender
proper noun
proper name
a noun that denotes a particular thing, usually capitalized
common noun a noun that denotes any or all members of a class
verbal noun
deverbal noun
a noun that is derived from a verb
rule any one of a systematic body of regulations defining the way of life of members of a religious order, the rule of St. Dominic
prescribed guide for conduct or action
rule of evidence (law) a rule of law whereby any alleged matter of fact that is submitted for investigation at a judicial trial is established or disproved
best evidence rule a rule of evidence requiring that to prove the content of a writing or recording or photograph the original is required
exclusionary rule a rule that provides that otherwise admissible evidence cannot be used in a criminal trial if it was the result of illegal police conduct
hearsay rule a rule that declares not admissible as evidence any statement other than that by a witness
parol evidence rule a rule that oral evidence cannot be used to contradict the terms of a written contract
Miranda rule the rule that police (when interrogating you after an arrest) are obliged to warn you that anything you say may be used as evidence and to read you your constitutional rights (the right to a lawyer and the right to remain silent until advised by a lawyer)
golden rule any important rule, the golden rule of teaching is to be clear
gag rule
gag law
a rule for limiting or ending debate in a deliberative body
rule directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted, he knew the rules of chess
rule linguistic rule (linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice
grammatical rule
rule of grammar
a linguistic rule for the syntax of grammatical utterances
morphological rule
rule of morphology
a linguistic rule for the formation of words
procrustean standard
procrustean rule
procrustean bed
a standard that is enforced uniformly without regard to individuality
ground rule (baseball) a special rule (as in baseball) dealing with situations that arise due to the nature of the playing grounds
rule book
a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made, they run things by the book around here
governed the body of people who are citizens of a particular government, governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed--Declaration of Independence
Constitutional Union Party a former political party in the United States, formed in by former Whigs who hoped to preserve the Union
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