
rohstoffarm Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

rohstoffarm adj
lacking of raw material
rohstoffarm adj
lacking of raw material
Rohstoff m
Rohstoffe pl
nachwachsende Rohstoffe
raw material
raw materials, crude materials
renewable raw material
raw material
Ausgangsmaterial n; Rohstoff m; Edukt n chem.
Ausgangsmaterialien pl; Rohstoffe pl; Edukte pl
starting material
starting materials
Chemierohstoff m; chemischer Rohstoff m chem.
chemical feedstock
Gewinnung f
Gewinnung einer Substanz aus einem natürlichen Rohstoff
zur Gewinnung von Trinkwasser Öl Gas Rauschgift
production of a substance from a natural resource
for the production of drinking water oil gas drugs
Rohstoff m; Rohmaterial n
Rohstoffe pl; Rohmaterialien pl
nachwachsende Rohstoffe; erneuerbare Ressourcen
nicht erneuerbare Ressourcen
raw material
raw materials; crude materials
renewable raw material; renewable resources
non-renewable resources
Rohstoff m
metallischer Rohstoff
Lebensmittelrohstoff m
Wasser ist ein lebenswichtiger Rohstoff der im Westen stillschweigend vorausgesetzt wird.
hard commodity
soft commodity
Water is a vital commodity that is taken for granted in the West.
Ausgangsmaterial n; Einsatzmaterial n; industrielles Rohmaterial n; Rohstoff m (für industrielle Anlagen) chem. techn.
biogene Rohstoffe; Biomasse-Rohstoffe
chemische Rohstoffe; Chemierohstoffe
biomass feedstock
chemical feedstock
energy feedstock
Endprodukt n; Enderzeugnis n
Endprodukte pl; Enderzeugnisse pl
Der Rohstoff hat nur einen geringen Anteil am Wert des Enderzeugnisses.
end product; final product
end products; final products
The share of the raw material in the value of the final product is small.
Grundstoff m; Rohstoff m (als Handelsware) econ.
metallischer Rohstoff
Lebensmittelrohstoff m
Rohstoffpreise pl
primary commodity; commodity
hard commodity
soft commodity
commodity prices
Rohstoff m
(natural) resource
Energielieferant m (Rohstoff)
source of energy
rohstoffarm adj
lacking of raw material
Rohstoffbörse f
Rohstoffbörsen pl
commodity exchange
commodity exchanges
basic materials
crude materials
Rohstoffe, Rohmaterialien
raw materials
Mineralressource f
Mineralressourcen pl; mineralische Rohstoffe
mineral resource
mineral resources
biogene Rohstoffe pl; Biomasse-Rohstoffe pl
biomass feedstock(s)
(Rohstoffe) raffinieren v techn.
nicht raffiniert
to refine (raw materials)
einen Stoff aufbereiten v (vor der Verwendung behandeln) chem. techn.
Wasser aufbereiten
feste Rohstoffe (Erze usw.) mechanisch aufbereiten
Brennstäbe wiederaufbereiten
Die Software macht es einfach, die gesammelten Daten aussagekräftig aufzubereiten.
to process sth.
to process water; to treat water
to dress; to beneficiate; to concentrate solid raw materials (ores etc.)
to reprocess fuel rods
The software makes it easier to process the collected data into a meaningful form.
mineralisch adj
mineralischer Dünger
mineralische Rohstoffe pl
mineral fertilizer
mineral raw materials; mineral resources; mineral commodities
Mangel an Rohstoffen
want of raw material
Zugang zu den Rohstoffen
accession to the raw materials
der Mangel an Rohstoffen
the shortage of raw material
Abbau m; Gewinnung f; Förderung f; Ausbeutung f (von etw.) min.
Großraumförderung f
die Förderung von Kohle
die Gewinnung von Mineralien
Abbau von Rohstoffen
Abbau des Flözes in voller Mächtigkeit
Abbau im Ausbiss einer Lagerstätte
Abbau in regelmäßigen Abständen
Abbau von Uran
Abbau mit Bergversatz
Abbau mit Druckwasser
Abbau mit Schappe
Abbau mit Versatz
Abbau unter Tage
stufenweiser Abbau
völliger Abbau
vollständiger Abbau
vom Ausstrich ansetzender Abbau
mining; winning extraction; winning; extracting; extraction; recovery; exploitation (of sth.)
large-volume extraction
the extraction of coal
the recovery of minerals
exploitation of resources
full-seam extraction
level free workings
open stope with pillar
uranium mining
mining with filling
hydraulic mining
auger mining
stowing exploitation
underground stoping
benching work(ing)
complete extraction
Chemiefaser f; Chemiefaserstoff m textil. (aus natürlichen und künstlichen Rohstoffen)
hochfeste Chemiefasern
Chemiefaser auf Viskosebasis; Viskosefilament n
chemical fibre Br. fiber Am.; man-made fibre fiber
high-performance chemical fibres
viscose fibre; rayon filament; rayon
Produktionsaufteilung f (bei Rohstoffen) econ.
production sharing (of resources)
Rückgewinnung f von Rohstoffen aus Siedlungsabfall envir.
urban mining
Synthesefaser f; Chemiefaser f (aus vollsynthetischen Rohstoffen) textil.
synthetic fibre Br. fiber Am.
Abbau m; Gewinnung f; Förderung f; Ausbeutung f (von etw.) min.
Kohleabbau m
Braunkohleabbau m
Großraumförderung f
die Förderung von Kohle
die Gewinnung von Mineralien
Abbau von Rohstoffen
Abbau des Flözes in voller Mächtigkeit
Abbau im Ausbiss einer Lagerstätte
Abbau in regelmäßigen Abständen
Abbau von Uran
Abbau mit Bergversatz
Abbau mit Druckwasser
Abbau mit Schappe
Abbau mit Versatz
Abbau unter Tage
stufenweiser Abbau
völliger Abbau
vollständiger Abbau
vom Ausstrich ansetzender Abbau
mining; winning extraction; winning; extracting; extraction; recovery; exploitation (of sth.)
coal mining
lignite mining
large-volume extraction
the extraction of coal
the recovery of minerals
exploitation of resources
full-seam extraction
level free workings
open stope with pillar
uranium mining
mining with filling
hydraulic mining
auger mining
stowing exploitation
underground stoping
benching work(ing)
complete extraction
Brennstoff m; Brennmaterial n (für Heizungen, Kraftwerke)
Brennstoffe pl
Abfallbrennstoff m
Biomassebrennstoff m; biogener Brennstoff m; Biobrennstoff m; Brennstoff aus Biomasse; Brennstoff aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen
Flüssigbrennstoff m
fossiler Brennstoff; konventioneller Brennstoff; Fossilbrennstoff m
fester Brennstoff; Festbrennstoff m
gasförmiger Brennstoff; Brenngas n
rückgeführter Brennstoff (Kerntechnik)
schwieriger Brennstoff
ohne Treibstoff
mit zwei verschiedenen Brennstoffen
Brennstoff aus Müll
fuel (for heatings, power stations)
hog fuel; waste fuel
biomass fuel; biological fuel; bio-based fuel; biofuel; agrofuel
liquid fuel
fossil fuel
solid fuel; combustible
gaseous fuel
thermal recycle fuel (nuclear engineering)
problem fuel
refuse-derived fuel
Chemiefaser f; Chemiefaserstoff m textil. (aus natürlichen und künstlichen Rohstoffen)
hochfeste Chemiefasern
Chemiefaser auf Viskosebasis; Viskosefilament n
chemical fibre Br. fiber Am.; man-made fibre fiber
high-performance chemical fibres
viscose fibre; rayon filament; rayon
Synthesefaser f; Chemiefaser f (aus vollsynthetischen Rohstoffen) textil.
synthetic fibre Br. fiber Am.
Rohstoffgewinnung f
Rohstoffgewinnung f
production of raw materials
raw materials production
Rohstoffhandel m econ.
commodity trading; commodity trade; raw materials trading
extractive industry
Rohstoffindustrie f
extractive industry
Rohstoffkosten pl econ.
raw material costs; commodity costs
Rohstofflagerstätte f
Rohstofflagerstätten pl
deposit of raw materials
deposits of raw materials
commodity markets
Rohstoffmarkt m
Rohstoffmärkte pl
commodities market; commodity market
commodities markets; commodity markets
Rohstoffmangel m
lack of raw materials, shortage of raw materials
Rohstoffmangel m
lack of raw materials; shortage of raw materials
Rohstoffmarkt m
commodities market
Rohstoffpreis m
Rohstoffpreise pl
raw marerial price, commodity price
raw marerial prices, commodity prices
Rohstoffpreis m
Rohstoffpreise pl
raw material price; commodity price
raw material prices; commodity prices
Rohstoffpreisverfall m; Rohstoffpreisbaisse f econ.
decline in raw material prices; fall in commodities prices; commodities slump
Rohstoffpreisindex m
commodities price index
hauptsächliche Rohstoffquelle
key resource
Rohstoffquelle f
Rohstoffquellen pl
source of raw materials
sources of raw materials
natural resources
erschließen v (Rohstoffquellen usw.)
to tap, to exploit
taping, exploiting
tapped, exploited
erschließen v (Rohstoffquellen usw.)
to tap; to exploit
taping; exploiting
tapped; exploited
Reststoff m; Residualstoff m envir.
Reststoffe pl; Residualstoffe pl
landwirtschaftliche Reststoffe
organische Reststoffe als biogene Rohstoffquellen nutzen
residual; residual materia; residue
residuals; residual materials; residues
agricultural residues
use of organic residual materials as biogenic sources of raw material
rohstoffreich adj
rich in raw materials; resource-rich
Rohstoffreserve f
Rohstoffreserven pl
reserve of raw materials
reserves of raw materials
Rohstoffrückgewinnung f
Energie- und Rohstoffrückgewinnung
recovery of raw materials; raw material recycling
recovery of energy and raw materials
Tageskurs m
Tageskurse pl
aktueller Tageskurs eines Wertpapiers oder Rohstoffs
current rate; today's rate
current rates
spot price
Rohstoffversorgung f
raw materials supply
Rohstoffvorkommen n
ungenutzte Rohstoffvorkommen
raw material deposit
unexploited raw material deposits
nach Rohstoffvorkommen bohren; Rohstoffvorkommen durch Bohrung erschließen v (Bergbau; Ölförderung) min.
to open up raw material deposits by drilling (mining; oil production)

Deutsche rohstoffarm Synonyme

Englische lacking of raw material Synonyme

lacking  absconded  absent  adulterated  arrested  away  bankrupt in  bare of  bereaved  bereaved of  bereft  bereft of  blemished  callow  cut off  damaged  defective  deficient  deleted  denuded  denuded of  departed  deprived of  destitute of  devoid  devoid of  disappeared  divested  embryonic  empty of  erroneous  existless  failing  fallible  faulty  for want of  forlorn of  found wanting  gone  half-assed  hypoplastic  immature  impaired  imperfect  imprecise  impure  in arrear  in arrears  in default  in default of  in short supply  in want of  inaccurate  inadequate  incompetent  incomplete  inexact  infant  inferior  insufficient  makeshift  mediocre  minus  missing  mixed  needing  negative  no longer present  nonattendant  nonexistent  not enough  not found  not perfect  not present  null  off  omitted  out of  out of pocket  out of sight  part  parted from  partial  patchy  robbed of  sans  scant  scant of  scanty  scrappy  shorn of  short  short of  shy  shy of  sketchy  stripped of  subtracted  taken away  too little  unblessed with  underdeveloped  undeveloped  unequal to  uneven  unexisting  unfinished  unperfected  unpossessed of  unqualified  unreached  unsatisfactory  unsatisfying  unsound  unsufficing  unthorough  vacuous  vanished  void  void of  wanting  without being  

rohstoffarm Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Lack
(a.) Consisting of matter
(a.) Hence: Pertaining to, or affecting, the physical nature of man, as distinguished from the mental or moral nature
(a.) Of solid or weighty character
(a.) Pertaining to the matter, as opposed to the form, of a thing. See Matter.
(n.) The substance or matter of which anything is made or may be made.
(v. t.) To form from matter

lacking of raw material Bedeutung

material breach a breach serious enough to destroy the value of the contract and to give a basis for an action for breach of contract
waste of material a useless consumption of material
bedding material
bedding litter
material used to provide a bed for animals
artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers, the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent, woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around BC, she measured off enough material for a dress
material things needed for doing or making something, writing materials, useful teaching materials
photographic paper
photographic material
light-sensitive paper on which photograph can be printed
piece of cloth
piece of material
a separate part consisting of fabric
upholstery material the fabric used in upholstering
e human body
physical body
material body
frame form
alternative names for the body of a human being, Leonardo studied the human body, he has a strong physique, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
written material
piece of writing
the work of a writer, anything expressed in letters of the alphabet (especially when considered from the point of view of style and effect), the writing in her novels is excellent, that editorial was a fine piece of writing
reading material
written material intended to be read, the teacher assigned new readings, he bought some reading material at the airport
material information (data or ideas or observations) that can be used or reworked into a finished form, the archives provided rich material for a definitive biography
promotional material
a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution, the packaging of new ideas
material a person judged suitable for admission or employment, he was university material, she was vice-presidential material
material witness a witness whose testimony is both relevant to the matter at issue and required in order to resolve the matter
tangible possession
material possession
property or belongings that are tangible
material resource assets in the form of material possessions
the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object, coal is a hard black material, wheat is the stuff they use to make bread
raw material
material suitable for manufacture or use or finishing
sorbent material
a material that sorbs another substance, i.e. that has the capacity or tendency to take it up by either absorption or adsorption
absorbent material
a material having capacity or tendency to absorb another substance
adsorbent material
a material having capacity or tendency to adsorb another substance
adhesive material
adhesive agent
a substance that unites or bonds surfaces together
sealing material any substance used to seal joints or fill cracks in a porous surface
animal material material derived from animals
building material material used for constructing buildings
abrasive material
a substance that abrades or wears down
combustible material
a substance that can be burned to provide heat or power
composite material strong lightweight material developed in the laboratory, fibers of more than one kind are bonded together chemically
semiconducting material
a substance as germanium or silicon whose electrical conductivity is intermediate between that of a metal and an insulator, its conductivity increases with temperature and in the presence of impurities
covering material a material used by builders to cover surfaces
waste material
waste matter
waste product
any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted, they collect the waste once a week, much of the waste material is carried off in the sewers
fencing material
material for building fences
contrast medium
contrast material
a substance that is opaque to xays, when administered it allows a radiologist to examine the organ or tissue it fills
insulating material
a material that reduces or prevents the transmission of heat or sound or electricity
packing material
any material used especially to protect something
paving material
material used to pave an area
coloring material
colouring material
any material used for its color, she used a different color for the trim
plant material
plant substance
material derived from plants
radioactive material material that is radioactive
roofing material building material used in constructing roofs
create from raw material
create from raw stuff
make from scratch
inadequate in amount or degree, a deficient education, deficient in common sense, lacking in stamina, tested and found wanting
real material
having substance or capable of being treated as fact, not imaginary, the substantial world, a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical, most ponderous and substantial things- Shakespeare
material derived from or composed of matter, the material universe
having material or physical form or substance, that which is created is of necessity corporeal and visible and tangible - Benjamin Jowett
nonexistent, the thumb is absent, her appetite was lacking
material directly relevant to a matter especially a law case, his support made a material difference, evidence material to the issue at hand, facts likely to influence the judgment are called material facts, a material witness
material concerned with or affecting physical as distinct from intellectual or psychological well-being, material needs, the moral and material welfare of all good citizens- T.Roosevelt
material concerned with worldly rather than spiritual interests, material possessions, material wealth, material comforts
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